Budget focus of Human Resources Ministry on TVET

Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran.

IPOH: The focus of the Human Resources Ministry’s budget will be on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to meet the demands for future human capital.

“We need to empower institutions at this crucial stage to produce the future workforce,” its minister M. Kulasegaran said after attending a meeting with NGOs, Tamil School activitists, PTA and school representatives, here today.

“I am specifically pleased that the budget included the concern for developing future jobs as part of the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as the world moves towards automation and demands for a highly skilled work force.

“Without a doubt we need to embrace technology and automation if we want to remain competitive and the 2019 Budget will be address these issues.”

Kulasegaran also welcomed the double tax deduction for private sector companies that support the development of human capital, especially through TVET.

“The ministry will collaborate with the private sector to ensure senior citizens who want to work following the inclusion of new tax incentives to hire them,” he said.

“It is a relief to the B40 groups as the government will continue and improve the living assistance to them by providing more targeted assistance.

“Through the Human Resources Development Fund, the government will implement apprenticeship and graduate enhancement programme for employability.”

Kulasegaran said this is meant to provide skills to school-leavers and to increase the marketability of graduates.


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