FAQ / Contact

ISE Education @ ISE


Q: What qualifications to be a skills trainer?
A: Trainer, in most context of a Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) Accredited Centre (Pusat Bertauliah/PB), is also usually the Assessor (Pegawai Penilai/PP). Therefore you always hear Tenaga Pengajar in BM. But you really need to understand and be clear of the difference between a Tenaga Pengajar & Pegawai Penilai, which is very important in the context of Malaysian Skills Certfication System@Sistem Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia.
Similarly, corporate trainers also need a TTT-Train The Trainer certification to be a certified trainer.

So, to be a PP, one needs to have:
1) PP-PPD-PPB induction course cert AND
2) Vocational Training Operation (VTO) cert AND
3) SKM cert in the respective program (ie automotive, food preparation, F&B etc)
*These 3 qualifications applies to a Diploma, Degree, Masters or even PhD holder of academic or skill background. However, if you are just going to be the PP for Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) or Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM), then Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) is not compulsory.

Q: I have working experience but no SKM, how can I apply to obtain SKM?
A: If you have working experience in related trade of the SKM, then you may apply for it via Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT) method. Most of the time, you need to have at least SKM 3, that means a minimum working experience that you need to have is at least 3 years in that trade.

Q: I have many years of working experience (>10 years) in certain trade & would like to be appointed as Pegawai Penilaian Verifikasi (PPV), formerly known as an industry expert (Pakar Industri Negara/PIN)
A: You may get yourself registered in the Directory (DPIN) and with other qualifications such as SKM in your trade AND;
1) PP-PPD-PPB & PPL Induction course cert AND/OR
2) PP-PPT Induction course cert
You can be appointed as External Verifier (Pegawai Pengesah Luaran/PPL) and Assessor for PPT (Pegawai Penilai-PPT) respectively.
The government would pay you an expert allowance fee for your service rendered.

Q: I would like to be a JPK Accredited Centre (PB) to tap/ride on government’s focus & push on TVET (technical & vocational education training). How do I go about it?
A: There’s a list of documents & stringent criteria set by JPK to be an Accredited Centre (PB) for you to comply. You may read up here.

Nevertheless, the 3 key areas are (besides the local council/health
department/bomba approval for the premise):

1) Personnel’s qualifications, each of these requirements:
a) Firstly, Assessor (Pegawai Penilai/PP) – PP-PPD-PPB induction course, VTO & SKM
b) Secondly, Internal Verifier (Pegawai Pengesah Dalaman/PPD) -PP-PPD-PPB induction course & SKM
c) Finally, Centre Manager (Pengurus Pusat Bertauliah/PPB) – Only PP-PPD-PPB induction course cert

2) Teaching materials, generally regarded as Written Instructional Material (WIM)
It is not provided by JPK and has its own set of formats. Therefore, it has to be developed by the centre’s trainers based on the respective National Occupational Skill Standard (NOSS). In other words, the trainer would need to know how to develop the WIM by attending the Vocational Training Operation course over a period of 3-6 months on part-time/weekend basis or Kursus Pembangunan WIM over a 5 days workshop.

3) Tools, Equipments & Materials (TEM)
These are the necessary items in place before accreditation is given so that students would have sufficient hands-on lab/practical training. However, need to refer to respective NOSS for the list of items, as well as their ratio to the number of students intake.

In short, personnel’s qualifications is usually the most challenging requirements for many aspiring JPK centres.

Q: How many personnel do I need to have to set up a PB?
A: Depending on the number of programs & levels, it varies accordingly.
Eg 1: If only applying for one (1) program & one (1) level, just need the following:
1 PPB, 1 PPD & 1 PP
Eg 2: If only applying for one (1) program with two (2) levels, then need the following:
1 PPB, 1 PPD & 2 PP
So, the number of personnel required would change as the number of programs & levels varies (would be explained during the PP-PPD-PPB induction course)

Contact ISE Education

ISE Education (PB: I Smart Educare)
Address: 8-1, 1st Floor, Block A, Jalan Prima 5, Vista Magna, Metro Prima Kepong, 52100 KL
Google Map
Location Map

Tel: 03-27819937 / 38 or 016-3066096 (Nora) (BM)
HP: 012-3123430 (Melvin) (English & Mandarin)
JPK induction coures / VTO / SKM: ismarteducare @ gmail.com
Professional Diploma/Executive Bachelor enquiry: melvinlim @ urise.edu.my
DKM/Degree/Masters enquiry: tvetuni @ gmail.com
TVET Job: tvetmyjob @ gmail.com

Operation hours: Mon-Fri: 9-5.30pm
Call for an appointment if you need to meet up on other hours/days.
Lunch break: 1-2pm

FB Page:  TVET Malaysia

136 thoughts on “FAQ / Contact

  1. Assalamualaikum & slmt pgi..kursus induksi pentauliahan skm bg bulan 2 ada dibuat ke?..kalau negeri sabah dimana ya boleh di ikut kursus tersebut…sekian, terima kasih

    1. Sementara tu, nak tahu, bidang SKM anda apa ya? Dah ada berapa tahun pengalamnan:
      1) Kerja
      2) Mengajar

      Anda boleh emel saya di ismarteducare @ gmail.com

  2. Hello and salam 1 malaysia

    Minta WIM/CoCU/PA&KA bagi:

    IT-020-3/4:2013 (Computer System)
    IT-030-3/4:2013 (Computer Network)
    FB-024-2/3:2012 (Office Administration)
    IT-040-2 (Artis Multimedia – Animasi)
    IT-060-3 (Perekabentuk Multimedia – Animasi & Visual)

    thank you

    1. Pagi Imran, saya cuma dapat cari NOSS untuk

      IT-020-3/4:2013 (Computer System)
      IT-030-3/4:2013 (Computer Network)
      FB-024-2/3:2012 (Office Administration)

      Yg lain, anda kena beli kat JPK.

  3. Assalam, boleh guide/ sample penyediaan :-

    1) NOSS Matrix dan Training Pathway untuk program
    2) NOSS Matrix dan Training Pathway untuk NCS – Core Abilities

  4. Hi.. saya ingin hadir kursus i duksi tarikh terdekat untuk bulan mei ini.. untuk pp-ppl… baru tamat vto… tq

    1. Maaf Mohd Noor, kami tiada NOSS ni dalam simpanan. Anda boleh beli terus dari JPK. Kalau nak kami tolong belikan, tolong maklumkan.

  5. Salam 1 Malaysia dan Perak Aman Jaya,

    Saya berminat tuk memohon pegawai penilai , fasilitator pakar industri. Saya bertugas di sebuah workshop agensi kerajaan ( lori / trak / kenderaan berat) selama 17 tahun sebagai ketua workshop / penolong jurutera mekanikal dan mempunyai kelulusan sarjana kej.mekanikal.
    Saya ingin menceburi bidang Penilai Latihan Vokasional PPL atau VTO melalui PPT. Mohon bantuan nasihat dan pencerahan?

    1. Salam En Syahrunniza, untuk dilantik sebagai Pegawai Penilai, anda perlu ada 3 sijil.

      1) Sijil induksi PP-PPD-PPB (2 hari, RM350)
      2) Sijil kemahiran, SKM bidang kenderaan komersial (sila rujuk daftar NOSS untuk kenalpasti kod bidang anda).
      Dengan pengalaman & kelulusan sarjana anda, pasti dapat mohon SKM melalui PPT (tak perlu ikuti kelas, cuma mohon dgn JPK, bayar RM300/setahap & bangunkan portfolio/dapatkan bukti-bukti ketrampilan anda)
      3) Sijil VTO – Untuk yg ni, anda tidak boleh mohon secara PPT kerana untuk PPT-VTO, anda kena ada pengalaman mengajar bidang teknikal sekurang-kurangnya 4 tahun ke atas. Bergantung kepada tempat kerja anda, ia boleh diambil secara separa masa di KL/Penang

    1. Hi Liew, if you have the min teaching of technical subjects for >4 yrs, you may apply with CIAST directly. However, please buy the NOSS first to see if you have evidences to prove that you’re already competent.

    1. Khairul, ada 2 sesi:

      1) 6-7 Ogos di Kepong Metro Prima
      2) 13-14 Ogos di Gambang, Kuantan

      Mana satu tempat sesuai untuk anda?

  6. Salam,saya aishah,boleh dptkan training pathway utk teknologi penyejukbekuan dan penyamanan udara serta Jpc dan Cpc utk ppu Level 2- level 4

  7. hi Malaysia Vocational Training.

    ada tak JPC/CPC untuk kod
    MC- 024-4:2012 Pengurusan Teknologi Kimpalan

    Tq Respion

  8. Hi, I’m from KV Seberang Perai Penang
    Could you be kind enough to share CPC for these parts :

    1- FB-021-2 ( commercial & retail banking clerk)
    2- FB 021-3 (commercial & retail banking officer)

    1. Sorry Faizal, unfortunately we don’t have the NOSS for this, therefore unable to email to you. You may buy the NOSS from JPK Wilayah Utara (Google for their no)

  9. Saya mempunyai seorang rakan yang bekerja sebagai Chef di sebuah hotel. Dia berminat untuk membuat SKM melalui PPT. boleh bantu saya menerangkan cara membuat PPT serta NOSS/WIM yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan beliau. Terima Kasih.

    1. Salam Ahmad Zarith, samada rakan anda boleh baca dari Panduan Permohonan SKM melallui PPT ataupun ambil kursus induksi PP-PPT pada 17-18 Disember nanti di Kepong Metro Prima, yurannya RM350 shj.

      Kalau berminat, sila hubungi 03-62429999 atau muat turun borang induksi dari laman web ni & emel terus kepada kita bersama slip bayaran.

  10. sekiranya saya mempunyai pengalaman bekerja lbih dari 15 yers, adakah sya layak untuk memohon VTO…
    hanya ada kelulusan SPMV

    1. Nas, anda perlu mohon SKM secara PPT serentak jika nak mohon VTO. Juga, perlu ambil kursus induksi PP-PPD pada 5-6 Nov supaya anda layak dilantik sebagai Pegawai Penilai di Pusat Bertauliah JPK, swasta mahupun awam.

      Tarikh: 5-6 Nov
      Masa: 8.30-5pm
      Tempat: Kepong Metro Prima, KL
      Yuran: RM350
      Bank: Maybank 514589203020, I Smart Educare

      Kalau berminat, sila muat turun Borang Permohonan KIP, isi & emel ke ismarteducare@gmail.com bersama slip bayaran.

  11. Hi, Im have been working in Makeup Industry for 8 years and teaching makeup for about 4 years. But I’m still not even get SKM or VTO certificate. May I know how can I get the any certification for my servicing industry to move forward in the future? I’m now based in Miri Sarawak. Can you call me for further explaination about PPT to apply SKM? Thank you. 0168514088

  12. Hai admin,

    Saya berasal dari penang.
    Saya mempunyai ijazah dan diploma dalam bidank elektrik.
    Saya mempunyai pengalaman selama 3 tahun sebagai jurutera elektrik kawalan dan automasi di industri.
    Dalam masa yang sama saya juga minat mengajar kepada anak muda tentang teknologi elektrik terutama bahgian automasi industri.
    Adakah dengan menyertai kursus VTO ni dapat membantu saya untuk menjadi tenaga pengajar? dan di mana pusat untuk saya ambil kursus ini di pulau pinang?

    1. Salam Hafiz, anda boleh jadi tenaga pengajar untuk Tahap 4 atau 5 program kemahiran bidang elektrik jika ada VTO & sijil induksi PP-PPD.

      Jika ada SKM pula (boleh mohon secara PPT untuk automasi industri berdasarkan pengalaman anda), boleh dilantik sebagai Pegawai Penilai untuk Tahap 2 atau 3. Saya akan emel anda butiran kursus kat Pulau Pinang nanti.

  13. Hello and salam 1 malaysia

    Minta WIM/CoCU/PA&KA bagi:

    IT-020-3/4:2013 (Computer System)
    IT-030-3/4:2013 (Computer Network)
    terima kasih

  14. Saya ada skm level 3 exec secretary. Saya berminat nak buat DKM. Ada tak kolej di neg sembilan atau melaka yg buat DKM?

  15. hai…selamat pagi…
    saya Aizat…
    berkenaan VTO , mcm mana ye kalau my staff nak sertai…
    mengenai induksi next session tahun hadapan kan… dan dari segi pembayaran boleh ke kalau pembayaran di buat melalui cheque?
    dan boleh ke emailkan saya mengenai syllabus yang kami akan belajar di dalam induksi itu?

  16. Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.saya ingin maklumat tentang skm tahap 4.saya merupakan lepasan ikm automotif tahap 3 dan berkerja dalam industri automotif terutama bengkel biasa.saya ingin menyambung pelajaran ke tahap 4.boleh tuan cadangkan kepada saya bagaimana cara terbaik untuk menyambung pelajaran kerana jika saya sambung belajar di bawah MARA saya harus menghabiskan masa 3 tahun untuk diploma.jika demikian baik saya sambung ke tahap 4 terus

    Terima kasih
    Kerjamsama anda amat dihargai

  17. Salam sejahtera,

    Saya berminat untuk menyertai kursus PP-PPD-PPB, bilak kursus berikut akan diadakan?


  18. Hi,

    If I’m interested to join as a vocational school teacher, can i know where and how do i apply for it?


    1. Morning Mr Lim, it’s tentatively scheduled to be on 19-20 Jan 2019 at Kepong, KL.
      Btw, do you have the PP-PPD induction course cert already?

  19. Aslmkm , nk tye kalau sye dri politeknik sem 1 nak berhenti sbb x minat kos ni and rse nk tukar bidang lain masuk ke ILP , boleh ke?

  20. Diploma kejuruteraan mekanikal serta pedidikan UTHM 1999-2001
    adakah setara dengan VTO untuk permohonan PPT?

  21. Salam,saya ada sijil skm tahap 1,2,3untuk Kecantikan. Bolehkah kedai saya mohon jadi pusat bertauliah? Apakah yg perlu saya selesaikan?

    1. Pagi cik Tan, banyak yang perlu cerita. Sila hubungi admin di talian 012-3123430 ataupun tinggalkan no untuk admin hubungi anda.
      Anda di negeri mana ya?

  22. Hi, saya nak tanya macam mana nk jadi Pegawai Penilai.kursus apa yang saya kena ambil.saya menetap di semenyih.

    1. Hi Khairul, anda kena ikuti kursus induksi PP-PPD pada 27-28 Julai nanti di Kepong Metro Prima & kursus VTO (separa masa).
      Dah whatsapp anda butirannya.

    1. Maaf Wan, kami tiada NOSS ni dalam simpanan dan tidak akan pergi ke JPK dalam masa terdekat. Jadi, anda perlu beli sendiri di sana.

  23. Hi
    Interest to know more on how to be JPK acrcredited centre providing beauty courses. Looking forward to your advice.

    1. Hi Foo Yew, your intention is to be a PP-PPT right?
      Do you have more than 10 years experience in your field?
      Already got SKM?

    1. Maaf Dr Satheesh, tiada PB lagi yang ditauliahkan untuk program ni.
      PP anda kena bangunkan sendiri ataupun kami boleh sediakan khidmat runding untuk bangunkannya.
      Sila whatsapp/hubungi 012-3123430 jika berminat, tq.

  24. Dear Sir / Madam,

    I am Alvin from dnata Singapore. We are hiring Automotive Technicians and would like to partner your school to see if we can hire your graduating students to work in Singapore.

    I hope to have a meeting with you to see if we have a chance to collaborate. I can be contacted at yiqunalvin.goh@dnata.sg .

    Look forward to hear from you.

    Thank you and best regards,
    Alvin Goh

    1. Sorry Quah, nursing qualifications are not part of SKM. It’s regulated by Ministry of Health & if not mistaken, only qualifications by College/Uni College/Uni that’s MQA accredited is recognised.

  25. sy nak bertanya pasal cert Bgas level 2 painting inpector. cert sy dah exp pada thn 2018 .pengalaman sy dah hampir 13 thn.sy dah ambil exm kat Twi sungai buluh 2 kali ,tetapi gagal jugak.cos tinggi ambil exm under Twi .sy harap tuan dpt berbicara dgn sy psl sy nak ambil under jkp .utk buat sambungan lesen Bgas sy level 2

  26. Slmt sejahtera,tuan/puan,
    Sy tak berapa faham link² yg perlu sy click utk PPT,blh bantu sy utk sy dapatkan info selanjutnya bagaimana sy blh mendapatkan maklumat lengkap cara² memohon melalui PPT?ada no yg blh sy hubungi?

  27. Good day, i have SKM and VTO, and i also have 5-7 year experience in my skill major course, any chance that i can upgrade my SKM to DKM, may i have some guidance? Please give some advices and please do not hestitate to reply me.
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Eric, you should be able to apply for DKM with your experience since you already have SKM (whether it’s 2 or 3).

      You may reach out to us at 012-3123430 if you need consultation to guide you on how to go about it.

  28. My nephew stopped schooling after Standard 6. Studied briefly for American Program & IGCSE before stopping altogether due to family financial crisis. Now he’s 18 & unemployed. Has interest in digital art & baking. What are the options available for him?

    1. This question I can assist. Can enrol into those 2 programmes that he’s interested with.

      Question: Where does he stay? Which is his no 1 interest?

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