Najib today launched an initiative to rebrand all vocational training centres to spur a collaborative movement across several government ministries headed by the Human Resource Ministry. ― Bernama picSHAH ALAM, Sept 27 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak today mooted providing technical and vocational training for students of Islamic religious schools, or tahfiz schools in Malaysia.
Najib said that providing such trainings for tahfiz students would allow them to gain valuable technical experience while becoming well versed in the Quran.
“I suggest introducing Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to tahfiz students as an addition to their abilities. They would be well versed in Al-Quran and also have skills,” he said during the launch of a rebranding campaign for all vocational training centres in Malaysia.
Najib today launched an initiative to rebrand all vocational training centres under the same umbrella called TVET Malaysia, to spur a collaborative movement across several government ministries headed by the Human Resource Ministry.
Najib said that Malaysia must strive to produce a generation with skills to undertake new jobs, which are likely to be created in the future with the advent of technology.
“Back in the 1960s, we had only four TVETs, but now there are over 1,000 TVETs across Malaysia,” Najib pointed out.
The transformation and rebranding of TVETs are part of the National Blue Ocean Strategy (NBOS).
The aim, Najib said, is to enable TVETs to help 300,000 students from the B40 category by 2025.