TVET courses (Kursus Kemahiran) – SKM/DKM/DLKM

TVET Courses Application in Private TVET Colleges/Institutions / Permohonan Kursus Kemahiran di Institut/Kolej Swasta (SKM/DKM/DLKM/Sijil Kemahiran)

技能课程 – 付费 (SKM 国际证书)

Apply TVET Courses

Why TVET Courses?

TVET Courses? Many parents have a negative perception of TVET courses. For instance, you would always hear parents asking you to study hard and go for the traditionally favourite academic courses like medicine, law, accounting & engineering. 

However, do you know that TVET qualifications play a vital role in the country’s economy by equipping the workforce with knowledge and skills from basic to advanced levels in various economic sectors?

Here are some more reasons why TVET qualifications could be an option for you: 

High demand by industry

The growing economy in the country and within the region requires workers who are skilled at various levels. Although you may start as a low-medium skilled worker, you can gradually build on your experience and with further training, become a highly-skilled worker in an industry that has high employability rates.

Build on what you are good at with TVET Courses

You may already know what area or field interests you and would rather avoid an academic pathway. As a student, pursuing TVET courses enables you to acquire real skills that you will be able to build on with further training or take with you into a job. Perhaps you’d like a career in hospitality or could early childhood educator be your dream job?

By getting a TVET qualification with Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) qualification, you can go right into the field you’re interested in. Also, the qualification shows employers that you have been certified to do the job.

For whatever reason that you may not be interested with public TVET/skill training centres, there is always a choice at the private TVET/skill training centres.

Why private TVET/skill training centres over public ones?

According to a survey in 3 Facebook TVET groups, it was found that there are 4 main factors why students chose private or public TVET/skill training centres.

1. Firstly, students are generally unaware of the public TVET/vocational training institutions’ existence, hence you don’t know what you don’t know 😛
2. Secondly, many public TVET/skill training centres do not offer courses that students wanted to study.
3. Furthermore, public TVET/skill training centres have tight entrance requirement, generally needs a pass in BM & Sejarah for SPM. Therefore, you may not qualify.
4. Last but not least, private TVET/skill training centres are located in strategic locations.

In short, if you agree that reasons *2, 3 & 4 is what you do face as well and if you have the budget/able to self-fund (though some do offer PTPK loans), kindly fill up the TVET Courses Application Form, we will help to find the nearest one with good/reasonable quality for you. 

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Mengapa pusat latihan kemahiran/TVET swasta berbanding awam?

Mengikut kaji selidik ringkas yang dilakukan di 3 kumpulan Facebook berkaitan TVET, didapati berikut adalah 4 faktor utama mengapa pelajar pilih institut /kolej kemahiran swasta berbanding awam.

1. Pelajar rata-ratanya tidak tahu kewujudan institut /kolej kemahiran Awam tersebut.
2. Institut /kolej kemahiran Awam yang diingini/dipilih tidak menawarkan program yang diminati oleh pelajar
3. Institut /kolej kemahiran Awam mengenakan syarat kemasukan yang lebih ketat berbanding swasta – rata-ratanya perlu SPM dengan LULUS BM & Sejarah
4. Institut /kolej kemahiran swasta di lokasi yang strategik serta mengeluarkan graduan yang lebih berdaya saing terutamanya untuk kursus tertentu seperti kulinari, kecantikan & dandanan rambut, automotif dsbgnya

* Untuk 2, 3 & 4, jika anda ada bajet/mampu untuk bayar yuran kursus, sila isi Borang Permohonan Kursus Kemahiran  di atas atau emel kepada admin butiran anda seperti berikut:
a. Nama
b. Emel & Tel
c. Bajet
d. Nama program yg diminati (maksimum 3)
e. Lokasi kursus yang diingini
f.  Kelayakan akademik/kemahiran

Mohon Kursus TVET - Berbayar
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