Tag Archives: Carsome Academy

Power Up Your Automotive Career: SLDN + Soft Skills Training (Malaysia)

SLDN program for automotive career in Malaysia

SLDN program for automotive career in Malaysia - Chery Malaysia and CARSOME Academy Join Forces to Bolster Soft Skills of Representatives

In a move that underscores its commitment to customer satisfaction and employee development, Chery Malaysia has announced a strategic partnership with CARSOME Academy. The partnership’s second MoU focuses on enhancing the soft skills of Chery’s representatives through a series of specialized training programs.

Why Soft Skills Matter in the Automotive Industry

In today’s competitive automotive industry, providing excellent customer service is no longer enough. Customers increasingly value personalized interactions, emotional intelligence, and the ability to build trust. These are all soft skills that can be learned and honed through effective training.

The CARSOME Academy Advantage

Carsome Academy - TVET

CARSOME Academy is a recognized leader in providing industry-specific training programs. Their experienced instructors and practical approach will equip Chery’s representatives with the necessary skills to excel in their roles.

Key Features of the MoU

  • Upskilling Workforce: Chery’s existing and new workforce will undergo specialized training programs designed to enhance their communication, problem-solving, and negotiation skills.
  • Peneraju Skil Motor Vehicle Inspection Programme: This program will extend to Chery’s workforce, providing them with the skills and knowledge to conduct thorough vehicle inspections.
  • Training & Placements: CARSOME Academy students will have the opportunity to participate in on-the-job training and work placements at Chery under the Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN) model. This will provide them with valuable hands-on experience and prepare them for successful careers in the automotive industry.
  • Marketing Initiatives: Chery and CARSOME Academy will collaborate on marketing initiatives to promote the partnership and raise awareness of the importance of soft skills in the automotive industry.

Benefits for Chery Representatives

SLDN program for automotive career in Malaysia - Cherry Auto Technician
  • Enhanced communication skills, leading to better customer interactions and satisfaction.
  • Improved problem-solving abilities, enabling them to effectively address customer concerns.
  • Stronger negotiation skills, allowing them to close deals more effectively.
  • Increased job satisfaction and career development opportunities.

Benefits for CARSOME Academy Students

  • Gain valuable hands-on experience through on-the-job training and work placements at Chery.
  • Develop essential soft skills that are in high demand in the automotive industry.
  • Increase their chances of securing employment after graduation.

Investing in Soft Skills: A Win-Win for All

The partnership between Chery Malaysia and CARSOME Academy is a win-win for both parties. Chery will benefit from a more skilled and customer-centric workforce, while CARSOME Academy students will gain valuable experience and prepare for successful careers. Ultimately, this partnership will contribute to a more professional and customer-oriented automotive industry in Malaysia.

Are you interested in learning more about SLDN program for automotive career in Malaysia?

If you are a Chery representative or a student interested in a career in the automotive industry, we encourage you to visit the CARSOME Academy website or contact them directly to learn more about their training programs.

Or if you are a company that wish to be part of the SLDN (NDTS in English) system to upskill your workforce & enhance productivity, you may read up more about National Dual Training System (NDTS) first before enquiring further at 012-3123430.

National Dual Training System (NDTS) Logo

Carsome Academy Supports Malaysia’s Tech and Human Capital Ecosystem

Carsome Academy - TVET

Carsome, a leading CAR e-commerce platform, is strengthening Malaysia’s tech and human capital ecosystem through its Carsome Academy’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) offerings. Jiun Ee Teoh, the CEO of Carsome Academy, expressed excitement in contributing the company’s knowledge and experience towards creating high-quality jobs and opportunities that will make Malaysia more attractive to world-class talents.

Carsome Academy was established to meet the industry’s demand for skilled automotive talents and create positive social impact in local communities. The CEO believes that the government’s efforts to elevate TVET institutions, like Carsome Academy, is a solid opportunity for Malaysian youths to upskill and build a brighter future.

V. Sivakumar, the Human Resources Minister, praised Carsome’s achievements as Malaysia’s first ‘tech unicorn’ and credited their effort to digitalize the vehicle purchasing process for creating new job and business opportunities. He also lauded Carsome Academy for providing opportunities for the country’s youth to acquire skills in the automotive sector and complimented the academy’s efforts in line with the government’s effort to elevate TVET institutions in the country.

Carsome Academy, a National Dual Training System (Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional — SLDN) training center accredited by the Department of Skills Development under the Human Resources Ministry, was established in January 2021 to offer Malaysian youths technical education and increase their employability. The academy has since expanded to Thailand and Indonesia, and it is an accredited center in both countries.

Carsome Academy - NDTS Induction Course
Carsome Academy's trainers & coaches attended NDTS Induction course, organised by ISE Education Sdn Bhd

Want to be a National Dual Training System (Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional — SLDN) training center accredited by the Department of Skills Development under the Human Resources Ministry like Carsome Academy?

And to potentially tap into the RM1,000/apprentice NDTS incentives under Belanjawan 2023?

Read up more at National Dual Training System Page before you whatsapp or call the number below for more info.