Carsome, a leading CAR e-commerce platform, is strengthening Malaysia’s tech and human capital ecosystem through its Carsome Academy’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) offerings. Jiun Ee Teoh, the CEO of Carsome Academy, expressed excitement in contributing the company’s knowledge and experience towards creating high-quality jobs and opportunities that will make Malaysia more attractive to world-class talents.
Carsome Academy was established to meet the industry’s demand for skilled automotive talents and create positive social impact in local communities. The CEO believes that the government’s efforts to elevate TVET institutions, like Carsome Academy, is a solid opportunity for Malaysian youths to upskill and build a brighter future.
V. Sivakumar, the Human Resources Minister, praised Carsome’s achievements as Malaysia’s first ‘tech unicorn’ and credited their effort to digitalize the vehicle purchasing process for creating new job and business opportunities. He also lauded Carsome Academy for providing opportunities for the country’s youth to acquire skills in the automotive sector and complimented the academy’s efforts in line with the government’s effort to elevate TVET institutions in the country.
Carsome Academy, a National Dual Training System (Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional — SLDN) training center accredited by the Department of Skills Development under the Human Resources Ministry, was established in January 2021 to offer Malaysian youths technical education and increase their employability. The academy has since expanded to Thailand and Indonesia, and it is an accredited center in both countries.
Want to be a National Dual Training System (Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional — SLDN) training center accredited by the Department of Skills Development under the Human Resources Ministry like Carsome Academy?
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