Tag Archives: Industrial Lead Body

Pertemuan NGO-NGO TVET dengan Pengurus Besar PTPK


Pertemuan adalah mendapatkan penjelasan dan titik penyelesaian bagi isu arahan pekeliling bertarikh 31 Januari 2019 – Ruj: PTPK.P&P.100-3/1 Jld 17 (7) berkenaan Syarat-syarat Baru Permohonan Dana TVET Pinjaman Latihan Kemahiran Skim Pinjaman Lepasan Sekolah Tahun 2019 Bagi Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Tahap 1, 2 dan 3. Dapatan dari perbinncangan yang dapat saya kongsikan ialah:

01. Tiada lagi kaedah agihan kuota bantuan kepada Penyedia Latihan (PL) sebaliknya peruntukan yang sedia ada perlulah dibida dengan syarat-syarat tertentu.

02. Tahun 2019 adalah menggunapakai pendekatan Industry Driven Funding yang sifatnya menekankan kepada kebolehpekerjaan.

03. Bantuan pinjaman kepada pelatih perlulah akhinya menyediakan pekerjaan yang merubah kehidupan. Ini yang perlu difahami oleh PL.

04. Penilaian melalui pemarkahan yang berbeza-beza apabila PL mampu menyediakan MOA atau MOU atau LOI atau Conditional Letter dari industri berkaitan penempatan pekerjaan kepada pelatih apabila tamat latihan. Walaupun ianya diperdebatkan, namun PTPK menyakini PL mampu membina hubungan dengan industri dan akhirnya manfaat kepada pelatih yang juga merupakan peminjam.

05. Cuma PKPB kekal menolak syarat dokumen berkenaan tidak membenarkan di tandatangani oleh PENGURUS SUMBER MANUSIA. Dokumen perlu ditandatangi oleh Pemilik atau Pengurusan Tertinggi. PKPB melihat syarat ini sesuatu yang “bikin lawak”. Dalam persekitaran perniagaan semasa, telah berlaku perubahan amalan pengurusan sumber manusia yang dahulunya hanya berperanan sebagai pusat khidmat dan sokongan untuk organisasi. Kini, ia lebih daripada sekadar memproses gaji dan pengambilan pekerja baharu. Dalam dunia moden, seorang pengurus sumber manusia memegang beberapa portfolio: rakan niaga, agen perubahan; pentadbir dan pembela para pekerja. Merujuk kepada beberapa kenalan HR Manager, terdapat 3 tugas teras seorang HR iaitu
a. A Line Function,
b. A Coordinative Function
c. Staff Functions [Assist and Advise]

06. PKPB menyokong perlunya Nilai tambah (Added Value) atau Dual Certification di dalam latihan perijilan kemahiran sedia ada. Di dalam hal ini, PKPB mengesyorkan agar Industry Lead Body (ILB) yang dilantik Jabatan Pembangunan kemahiran (JPK) di beri kuasa mengeluarkan sijil tambahan kompetensi berdasarkan industri masing-masing. Menghakupayakan ILB melalui persijilan kepada pelatih akan senang di kawal kualitinya berbading persijilan antarabangsa yang lain.

07. Masih lagi dengan Nilai Tambah (Added Value), PTPK perlu melihat mana-mana PL yang ada program pembangunan belia melalui kemahiran insaniah/softskills hendaklah juga diberi pemarkahan yang baik.

08. PL yang melaksanakan single-tier DKM / DLKM tiada penetapan bilangan peruntukan.

09. Pembidaan bagi peruntukan pinjaman untuk SKM 1-3 tidak melihat kepada kapasiti JPK semata-mata sebaliknya kepada kemampuan PL memenuhi syarat yang ditetapkan.

Apa pun, PKPB melihat sudah sampai masanya semua pihak mengubah cara berfikir dan bekerja dalam menyantuni atau membantu membina anak muda hari ini untuk masa depan negara yang hebat. Isu ini masiih panas dan proses rundingan msih berjalan.

Turut hadir dalam pertemuan ini selain PKPB ialah Persekutuan Pusat-Pusat Bertauliah JPK Swasta Malaysia (FEMAC). Gabungan ILKS Bumiputera (GILKSB). Gabungan ILKS India Malaysia (GAPKIM). Gabungan Pusat-Pusat Kemahiran Swasta Terengganu (GAKENT) dan Tan Sri Zainal Rampak, Tokoh TVET.


TESDA strengthen ties with industry players in TVET education, training

Employers and workers in technical vocational education and training (TVET) will play a larger role in the country as the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) moves to strengthen its partnership with them for a more effective and efficient implementation of its training programs and other services.

This was after TESDA Director General, Secretary Isidro S. Lapeña, signed the “Implementing Guidelines on the Establishment of Institutional Arrangements with Industry Boards or Industry Associations”.

TESDA Director General, Secretary Isidro S. Lapeña (TESDA / MANILA BULLETIN)

TESDA Director General, Secretary Isidro S. Lapeña

The guidelines aim to “recognize Industry Boards (IBs) or Industry Associations (IAs) as partners in the delivery of TVET programs or services”.

These guidelines also aim to “engage the direct participation of employers and workers in the design and implementation of work related to technical education and skills development”.

“The establishment of institutional arrangements with IBs or IAs shall encourage active participation of various concerned industries in providing relevant technical education and skills development opportunities, being direct participants in and immediate beneficiaries of a trained and skilled workforce,” explained Lapeña.

The industry sectors primarily include those that are considered by the agency to be Key Employment Generators (KEGs) such as Construction, Tourism, Agri-business, Wholesale and Retail, Health and Wellness and Automotive/Transport.

The IBs and IAs that will be recognized to represent their respective sectors will serve as the “conduit” of the industry in the design and implementation of projects, programs, and activities in TVET of TESDA.

Part of their responsibilities will include giving TESDA recommendations in the conceptualization and execution of skills development schemes, skills standardization, and certification, as well as to entice industries and employers to participate in these activities.

The IBs and IAs will likewise assist in the development of competency standards, curriculum, sectoral skills plans, and assessment tools.

These groups will also take part in the promotion and implementation of various TVET activities towards quality skills development including the conduct of skills competitions.

Initially, a Secretariat will be established to give administrative and technical support to the IBs and IAs. The Secretariat will be composed of staff from TESDA’s Partnerships and Linkages Office (PLO), Qualifications Standards Office (QSO), National Institute for Technical Education and Skills Development (NITESD), Planning Office (PO) and Certification Office (CO).

The TESDA PLO will allocate a budget of P100,000 for each IB or IA for preliminary related activities such as the conduct of meetings, conferences and the production of promotional materials.

The recognition of IBs/IAs is covered in Republic Act 7796 (TESDA Law) and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) which allow for the establishment of institutional arrangements with bodies or associations such as industry boards that may support TESDA in the fulfillment of its objectives.

Source: https://news.mb.com.ph

Comment: Whether it’s Malaysia, Philippines, African countries or any other developed countries, the TVET institutions has to work closely with the IB/IA (in Malaysia it’s known as ILB – Industry Lead Body) so that graduates produced are able to meet the respective industry’s needs.