Tag Archives: IR4.0 TVET-IKBN

Govt committed to having quality graduates with vocational education module

– Bernama

PETALING JAYA: The Youth and Sports Ministry is committed to create a new generation of quality graduates with its National Youth Skills Institute’s (IKBN) Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) module.

Its Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman (pic) said the blueprint, dubbed IR4.0 TVET-IKBN, would be adapted for IKBN undergraduates based on the Teaching Factory module from Germany.

He was commenting on media reports quoting Bank Negara’s 2018 annual report, which found that monthly salaries for diploma or degree holders had dipped since 2010. The study also found that fewer people were being hired for high-skilled jobs.

In a Facebook post on Thursday (March 28), Syed Saddiq outlined the scenario he hoped would materialise with the IR4.0 TVET-IKBN blueprint in place.

“Imagine, 94% of the IKBN graduates being offered job opportunities after graduating.

“Upskilling and reskilling are the recipe for graduates today. Through the TVET programme, graduates will be matched with Industry 4.0 needs,” he said.

Noting that there are 22 TVET institutes nationwide, Syed Saddiq said that the ministry would get more industries involved with TVET programmes.

“The ministry has managed to sign 41 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at the Federal level and 192 MOUs at Youth and Sports Skills Training Institute (ILKBS) level, which is part of the TVET module,” he said, adding that Petronas, Gamuda Berhad and Proton are among those involved.

Syed Saddiq also wrote that the ministry, through TVET, had carried out a ‘bootcamp’ programme for the graduates, where 465 job offers from over 15 companies were provided to these graduates.

“The issue is close to my heart, and the ministry is committed to creating quality graduates,” he added.

He also called on the various industry players to collaborate and help the youth be part of the high-impact industry.

Source: https://www.thestar.com.my

Comment: If you’re looking beyond government skills training institutes, willing to explore the private ones, express your interest here