Tag Archives: Maszlee Malik

Nurul Izzah calls for TVET commission

PUTRAJAYA: The TVET task force headed by Nurul Izzah Anwar (pic) has suggested that a special commission to coordinate the Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) implementation be set up.

Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik said it was suggested that the implementation under the commission be overseen by two ministries, Education and Human Resources, during a recent Cabinet meeting.

“It was an idea by Nurul Izzah to table a motion in Parliament for the establishment of a TVET commission.

“It expresses our seriousness to enhance TVET and bring it to the next level.

“She’s in the process of lobbying all ministers and MPs to support this idea.

“I hope we will make it a reality,” Dr Maszlee told reporters after attending a national industry dialogue titled “Living Skills in the 21st Century: TVET Empowerment/Initiative” yesterday.

Nurul Izzah chairs a task force to strengthen and improve TVET.

Currently, seven ministries are overlooking TVET.

A coordination committee has been approved by the Cabinet, he said, to coordinate TVET activities between the ministries.

On the duties of the task force headed by Nurul Izzah, Dr Maszlee said it is tasked to conduct research across all ministries that provide TVET education and training.

“The role of (her) committee is to make recommendations on how our TVET system can be improved.

“This includes a review of our current laws in TVET education and training, as well as the idea for a TVET commission,” he added.

Dr Maszlee said TVET was given emphasis during the mid-term review of the 11th Malaysia Plan (11MP) 2016-2020 and the tabling of Budget 2019.

This is the way forward, he said, emphasising that collaboration between the Education Ministry and industry showed “we are on the right track”.

The government also plans to conduct a major mapping exercise to ensure TVET programmes meet industry standards set by professional accreditation bodies, he added.

Source: https://www.thestar.com.my

Mapping for TVET to meet industry, professional standards

TVET mapping - Dr Maszlee
PUTRAJAYA: The government plans to conduct a major TVET mapping exercise, that is  Malaysia’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes mapped to enable it to meet the industry standards and standards set by professional accreditation bodies.

Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik said the TVET mapping exercise would ensure that the graduates could “hit the workplace running”.

“TVET is the ministry’s key priority as it plays a major role in the development of a highly-skilled workforce and the government will continuously strive to provide education and training that is in line with global industry standards.

“All of this is to ensure that young Malaysians from all walks of life find employment in fulfilling jobs and that they are competitive in the global job market,” he said in his speech at the National Industry Dialogue 2018, Living Skills in the 21st Century: TVET Empowerment, here, today.

Maszlee also said that the government’s goal was to ensure that technical and vocational schools would be at par with other streams so that they were a primary choice amongst students.

He said the TVET committee led by Permatang Pauh Member of Parliament, Nurul Izzah Anwar would conduct research across all six ministries that provide TVET education and training and make recommendations on how to improve Malaysia’s TVET system.

“This includes a review of our current laws in TVET education and training as well as the idea of setting up a TVET Commission,” he added. — Bernama

Comment (2022): Almost 4 years down the road, there has not been much progress on the aspirations of the previous Education Minister, Dr Maszlee Malik as there has been a change of government and Minister of Education since 10 March 2020. Also, with the abrupt resignation of Nurul Izzah who headed the TVET committee not long after her appointment, things have not moved much since then. 

It is hoped that there would be truly someone capable that can push forward the TVET agenda again (perhaps after GE15? is it wishful thinking???)