LUMPUR: The setting up of a special commission on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) will rationalise and optimise funding and resources to minimise duplication of programmes among TVET institutions.
Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) President Datuk Soh Thian Lai said the federation supported the formation of a single agency to coordinate the implementation of TVET in country and the TVET Empowerment Committee’s recommendation was an appropriate decision.
He said the government should expedite the establishment of the special commission to address fragmentation of TVET implementation, which currently cuts across seven ministries.
“The single champion agency should ensure standardisation of training and qualifications, quality assurance, qualification portability, recognition of prior learning, and greater cost effectiveness in the use of resources
“The funding of TVET institutions must be based on performance and aligned to market demand to mandate collaboration with the industry,” Soh said in a statement today.
The FMM president said it was also necessary to upskill and reskill the current workforce, and reinforce lifelong learning to continually acquire new and emerging skills required by new technologies such as the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
“TVET training institutions need to be able to offer upskilling and reskilling programmes in order to produce highly-skilled and digital-proficient workers to support the industrial transformation of the economy,” he said.
Loh said the commission should also uplift the status of TVET graduates as skilled craftsmen and promote TVET as a viable education and career of choice to students and parents.
“TVET should be introduced into the school curriculum as early as the primary level to nurture interest and uplift the status of technical and vocational qualifications as vital in strengthening the supply of skills and ensuring a competent workforce,” he added.
Source: Bernama