Tag Archives: technical and vocational education training (TVET)

Public universities reassess offerings to match job opportunities

Courses at universities must keep abreast with market developments and waves of change. -NSTP/Muhd Asyraf Sawal.By Rozana Sani – October 16, 2019 @ 5:17pm

A recent news article citing a list of programmes to be dropped at public universities has raised concern among many quarters.

Students currently pursuing courses involved and their parents were particularly anxious about the status of the said programmes that will no longer be offered by public universities in the country.

Higher Education director-general Datin Paduka Dr Siti Hamisah Tapsir was quoted as saying that the department has asked all universities to identify and reshape their academic programmes to enhance students’ job opportunities and be in line with industry needs.

The idea behind the move is essentially to revise strategically and systematically what are currently offered at universities to keep abreast with change and market developments or risk stagnation.

Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) chief executive officer Dr Nurmazilah Mahzan.

As one of the industry voices — Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) chief executive officer Dr Nurmazilah Mahzan ― puts it: “If universities offer courses that are not in demand by industry, there will be a mismatch between demand and supply of labour; this in turn could affect graduate employability and, ultimately, overall economic and social sustainability and wellbeing.”

She said courses offered at universities should be periodically reviewed, revised or improved where possible to produce marketable graduates who can contribute to business, economic and social development.

So how are public universities reacting to this directive and how are they going about the selection process?


Curriculum review and reassessing of programme offerings are the norm among public universities, said spokespersons approached by Higher ED.

Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) vice-chancellor Professor Dr Noor Azizi Ismail pointed out that the process started in 2017 when a team of professors were assigned to study the relevancy of programmes offered by local higher education institutions (HEIs).

“At universities, we have a Board of Studies which sits down before any programmes are offered and we are required to review all programmes every three to five years. But now because things change so fast, I would recommend a review be done every three years,” he said.

Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) vice-chancellor Professor Dr Noor Azizi Ismail.

At UMK, Noor Azizi said the engagement and involvement of the industry in the development and updating of programmes is key, apart from data from various analyses.

All decisions have to go through the Senate, Board of Directors, the Malaysia Qualification Agencies (MQA), Industry Advisory Panels (IAP) and the Education Ministry.

“Relevance in the context of past, current and future scenario, particularly in the context of IR4.0, are looked at. Data such as demand for the programmes, graduate employability (GE), future demands, national interest and so forth, as well as input from various agencies/industries are also taken into consideration,” he said.

As a result of the discussions carried out by UMK, for example, low value programmes that are important for nation-building such as history and heritage were suggested to be combined with other programmes such as history with law, and heritage with information technology (IT).

“Programmes with low GE such as very specialised science programmes like maths can be combined with economics and physics with computer science to make them more applied and relevant.

“Even Islamic programmes are embedded with science and technology such as biotech to make graduates ready for the halal industry. Based on the findings, we are taking the necessary action,” he said.

Engagement with industry leaders is crucial for the development of university programmes. Seen here is Tony Fernandes, chief executive officer of Air Asia Group at an executive talk held in Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin. – NSTP/Ghazali Kori

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) deputy vice-chancellor (Academic & International) Professor Dr Noor Azuan Abu Osman said when any curriculum review is done, apart from benchmarking with similar top programmes, market survey, report from industry as external reviewer, needs of stakeholders and the current requirements in the related field are the compulsory parameters set by the Department of Higher Education (JPT).

“From the analyses, we will decide either to change the programme to industry mode as regulated by JPT, to fully overhaul the curriculum, or to hold its offer for the next intake of students. The decision is made by the Senate of UMT, upon thorough evaluation by MQA before it is endorsed by JPT,” he said.

Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), meanwhile, stated that it takes a number of factors into consideration in addressing or identifying whether a course (or a set of courses) is irrelevant to current industry needs.

“The decision to cease the offering of a programme is not taken lightly and various factors are considered. One example of this exercise is with the development of the Academic Program Competitive Index (IDSPA), a mechanism to measure the relevance and sustainability of an academic programme,” said UiTM deputy vice-chancellor (Academic and International) Professor Dr Mohamad Kamal Harun.

Among the parameters measured by IDSPA are graduate employability, the popularity of the programmes, student enrolment, trends and needs of the programme(s) and the demand of the programmes based on data of the national and global workforce.

UiTM deputy vice-chancellor (Academic and International) Professor Dr Mohamad Kamal Harun.

Mohamad Kamal said the index indicates the possibility of whether a programme needs to be rebranded or cease to be offered. The justification for a programme to be deemed irrelevant is carefully negotiated and reviewed.

The deleted programmes at UiTM may be rebranded, replaced or combined with new relevant programmes, said Mohamad Kamal.

“The need to enhance the programmes is a priority in ensuring that the programme and its graduates remain relevant to the industry and society. The university is also moving towards the re-designing of academic programmes by creating programmes that are transdisciplinary or hybrid in nature. This is a strategy that is most relevant to current industrial trends and global needs.

Meanwhile, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) deputy vice-chancellor (Academic and International) Professor Dr M. Iqbal Saripan said that having a couple of programmes dropped from a university is not “a big thing”.

“Universities, especially public universities, must be dynamic and we are responding to the needs of the industry and global shift. The decision to drop any programme is based on the study of the current market needs and indicators such as the popularity of the programmes and the graduate employability, as well as the sustainability of the programmes,” he said.

In the case of UPM dropping two programmes ― Bachelor of Education (Primary School Education and Master in Water Management ― the decision was made last year due to the low number of enrolment for Primary School Education studies. There are no students currently enrolled.

For water management, the decision is to phase it out totally.

The right programmes need to be offered to ensure graduate employability. -NSTP/Danial Saad

“The bachelor’s degree was a one-off programme and not sustainable to keep. We offer the Master of Water Engineering to cater to students interested to study water-related courses,” he said.

He assured that students currently enrolled in programmes that are being phased out will not have their qualifications affected as the qualifications are accredited by MQA.

“The degree will still be recognised,” he said.

The same goes for students of Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), as in other public universities, said its vice-chancellor Professor Dr R. Badlishah Ahmad.

“The decision to drop a programme is not an easy one. Once a programme is dropped, current students still have to complete the whole programme and will graduate. The university will not force students to change their programmes,” he said.


According to Universiti Malaya (UM) deputy vice-chancellor (Academic and International) Professor Dr Kamila Ghazali, rather than discussing which programmes will cease to be offered, it would be more productive to talk about the effective new programmes in the revamp.

“We are currently in the process of ensuring that every UM graduate will be technologically-savvy and equipped with various life skills from personal financial literacy to analytics and even artificial intelligence. We call this new initiative Student Holistic Empowerment.

“In this initiative, students will choose courses, as part of their electives, from four subject clusters ― Thinking Matters: Mind & Intellect; Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Intelligence: Heart, Body & Soul; Technology/Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics: i-Techie; and Global Issues and Community Sustainability: Making the World a Better Place.

“This change is timely and will ensure that every graduate of UM is the best that any employer can find. This is our responsibility to our students,” she said.

She emphasised that the Student Holistic Empowerment subject clusters offered with every undergraduate programme will make every programme offered starting in 2020 essentially a new and improved one.

At UMT, programmes are being consolidated into lesser number of new programmes with more generic names according to the National Education Code (NEC), but with higher number of specialisation of study area that give students more options to choose from.

“The new programmes that we have in the pipeline are Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Technology (Naval Architecture), Bachelor of Maritime Operation Management, Bachelor of Nanophysics, Bachelor of Data Analytics, Master in Tropical Biodiversity and Master in Tropical Marine Environment,” said Noor Azuan.

At UiTM, there are a number of new programmes in the pipeline ― Bachelor of Science (Hons) Eco-Technology and Bachelor of Creative Motion Design (Hons), and Diploma in Digital Audio Production, to name a few.

“The programmes are very much designed to be hybrid in nature, industry-based and relevant to the demands of IR4.0 and beyond,” said Mohamad Kamal.

UMK is set to offer two new programmes ― Bachelor of Accounting and a Bachelor of IT.

Noor Azizi said while there are similar courses, UMK’s differentiation this time is the designing and content of the courses are done together with close industry input and involvement and are meant to cater to real industry needs.

As part of the Malaysia Technical University Network (MTUN) which carries the Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) agenda, UniMAP is increasing the number of Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) programmes.

The programmes in the pipeline are Bachelor of Technology in Automotive with Honours; Bachelor of Technology in Welding with Honours; Bachelor of Technology in Industrial Machining with Honours; and Bachelor of Technology in Building Construction with Honours.

“These programmes are crucial to facilitate students from vocational certification as opposed to Matriculation and STPM qualifications. As MoE has highlighted that UniMAP should offer programmes to cater for vocational and skilled qualification students, therefore, sufficient B.Tech programmes are crucial to be offered by all MTUN universities,” said R. Badlishah.

Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) ― another MTUN university ― in a statement to Higher ED said new programmes that are in the pipeline include Bachelor of Technology in the Internet of Things (IOT), Telecommunication (focusing on 5G technology), Cloud Computing and E-Sports. The new programmes are jointly developed with industry leaders in the respective field.


To get insights into what the industry needs and demands, Nurmazilah said it is vital for universities to engage with industry and also professional and regulatory bodies for inputs, updates and direction.

As technology is a key disruptive force, it is vital that academics and universities embrace technology via engagement and advocacy.

“For example, in the context of accounting, while the basics of accounting such as manual double entries form the initial technical foundation, it is equally important that graduates be exposed to critical thinking and analysis as well as IT-related skills such as data analytics.

“Graduates would then be able to use these skills in the workplace to corroborate data and derive conclusions based on their organisation’s financial data and results.

“In addition, graduates must also be trained to understand and interpret accounting standards as they are principle based in nature.

“This requires good command of language as accountants have to be versatile on the application of accounting standards and not merely memorise the standards without proper understanding and thought processes,” she said.

Another example she gave relates to an organisation’s financial ratios.

“In the past, students were tasked with computing or crunching the numbers, rather than the interpretation of financial results which is a higher value-added skill.

“For graduates to be relevant in a world inundated with data which can be crunched by machines, they have to be trained to understand and interpret the results using tools such as analytics.

“This will enable them to provide the necessary value-added analysis and advisory in their organisations, making them relevant and indispensable,” she said.

Ganesh Kumar Bangah, chairman of the National Tech Association of Malaysia, said the main challenge that the IT industry often faces is not being able to find a candidate who fits into the technical roles they look for.

National Tech Association of Malaysia chairman Ganesh Kumar Bangah.

“There is often a mismatch between what we need and what the public university produces in their graduates. Their learning syllabus does not fit the requirements of today or tomorrow. This leads to the industry having to source for talents from private universities that have adopted a more current or up-to-date programmes for students,” he said.

One of the immediate areas that can be addressed is for public universities to take part in industry projects, and include representatives of the industry to co-teach the students. Universities can also opt to partner MNCs or any of the tech companies like some private colleges are already doing.

“While we understand the constraints of universities on policies etc, these policies need to change to accommodate the needs of today’s demands. Even the government is now moving into Industry Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0), the graduates will need to prepare themselves well.

“They can only do this if they get the right programmes, skills and training from the universities to become employable. Not only should students be academically ready but their social skills should also be improved, which covers their ability to speak and converse with people, be socially-inclined and can converse confidentially on various topics, too,” he concluded.

Source: https://www2.nst.com.my/education

Human Resources Ministry defends TVET fee exemption for Indians

The technical and vocational education training (TVET) for Indian participants at a Johor training centre is being funded by a trust for Indian Malaysians that has been in existence since 2013, says the Human Resources Ministry.

The ministry was responding to criticism that alleged only Indian participants received fee exemptions.

In a statement today, the ministry said the exemptions are for diploma and certificate courses, and added that it is also working to expand the exemption to the B40 group and Orang Asli participants.

Earlier today, Parti Bumiputera Perkasa Malaysia (Putra) highlighted that some parents who sent their children to the Industrial Training Institution in Johor had vented their frustration over Indian students being purportedly exempted from paying fees.

In a statement, the party accused the Human Resources Ministry of abusing its power and misusing public funds for race-based purposes.

The Human Resources Ministry said, meanwhile, that RM5 million was allocated in Budget 2019 to encourage up to 2,000 Indian youths to choose TVET courses.

As of July 1, some 356 Indian youths had enrolled in short-term courses, and the ministry is expecting 218 more to enrol in diploma and certificate courses for the July 2019 session.

The ministry pointed out that this is not the first time an initiative for Indian youths has been implemented.

It said the Youth and Sports Ministry allocated RM11.6 million from 2013 to 2015 for a TVET initiative which involved 671 Indian students.

Source: www.malaysiakini.com

Comment: All communities should not be left out in the opportunity for education in Malaysia, especially the B40 group. There are certain extremist group in social media & NGO that’s trying to create hatred among the Malays towards other races in Malaysia, as well as portraying that the current PH government is incapable by specifically targeting some Ministers.
DO NOT MIX education with race & politics!

Make TVET first choice #TVETjob

Kulasegaran (centre) witnessing the exchange of documents between Lim (in dark jacket) and Muhd Khair at the Ann Joo company plant in Prai, Penang.

Kulasegaran (centre) witnessing the exchange of documents between Lim (in dark jacket) and Muhd Khair at the Ann Joo company plant in Prai, Penang.

THE technical and vocational education training (TVET) should be the first choice among the students to further their studies as the days of the academic studies are over, said Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran.

“Let us take the worst scenario. Ten years ago, parents sent their children to study medicine and now, quite a number are found to be jobless for nearly two years.

“Whereas, students who graduated with TVET are met with jobs waiting for them at the door step.

“These students will be easily absorbed anyway, as the job opportunities and wages are better after completing their studies,” he said.

Kulasegaran said parents were starting to realise that studies in skills fields had more potential unlike academic studies, as the demand for skilled jobs were high and jobs were available instantly upon competition of the courses.

“You would be surprised that many of the TVET students are working in the Middle-East and Singapore, earning lucrative salaries of between RM30,000 and RM50,000 per month based on their skills.

“We are also in the process of discussion with Japan to have tie-ups between their TVET universities and Malaysian colleges.”

Kulasegaran was speaking to reporters after witnessing the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Manpower Department (JTM) and Yayasan Jasa Ann Joo.

JTM was represented by its director-general Datuk Muhd Khair Razman Mohamed Annuar while Yayasan Jasa Ann Joo was represented by Ann Joo Group executive director Datuk Lawrence Lim Aun Chuan.

The signing ceremony was held at the Ann Joo Steel Berhad, Prai last Thursday.

Kulasegaran said among the key areas of cooperation in the MoU were apprenticeship opportunities and scholarships for TVET students at 32 TVET institutions under JTM, including temporary placements or industry attachment.

He said forging partnerships between public TVET institutions and the industries were pivotal for the development of TVET in the country to enable graduates to meet the needs and demand of the industry and to have first-hand working experiences.

Lim said through Yayasan Jasa Ann Joo, scholarships would be offered to qualified students of the Manpower Department Training Institution (ILJTM), and job opportunities would be offered to them upon completing their studies.

“We have not finalised how many students will be offered the scholarships, as we are in the midst of identifying them,” he added.

Meanwhile, Kulasegaran urged more local companies to emulate the efforts by Ann Joo Steel Berhad and Yayasan Jasa Ann Joo in establishing partnerships with TVET training providers, especially among the local small-and-medium enterprises.

He also praised Ann Joo for employing 85% local workers and had given priority to hire local talents.

Source: www.thestar.com.my

Comment: Besides the steel industry, there are currently 2 big chains that are looking for TVET graduates in the respective fields:

1. Retail
2. Service industry – restaurants (Stewarding Operations, F&B etc)

If you think you qualify, kindly email your resume to tvetjob@gmail.com

Adding value to vocational education

EDUCATION reform in Malaysia has been long overdue and it is undeniable that to be a developed nation, major changes have to be made. Ensuring access to education for all gives us a powerful weapon to reduce and even eliminate poverty.

We must provide marginalised individuals especially those who do not pursue a university degree, access to an alternative means of education that would allow them to work in a theoretically considered and practically competent way.

To achieve this, the government aims to overhaul Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET).

TVET is a dual vocational training system that promotes competency-based education and training linked to industry needs. TVET students undergo classroom learning and informal learning at workplaces. Graduates are accepted into companies as they are better equipped to cope with the challenges.

As we prepare to face the challenges of Industrial Revolution 4.0, it is especially important for those in the B40 group to uplift themselves through vocational learning. Many are struggling to find jobs within key industries because they lack the required skills and technical expertise.

The government spends RM4.5 billion on TVET courses annually, and programmes are run across seven different ministries.

However, there are some massive challenges that must first be addressed. There is little coordination between these ministries on how the programmes are run and in some cases their functions overlap. For example, the Education Ministry is responsible for community colleges and polytechnics, while the Youth and Sports and the Rural and Rural Development ministries also oversee public training institutions.

TVET has been seen as an unpopular alternative for many students and it has failed to attract the numbers. A report published by the Khazanah Research Institute last month on the “School-to-Work Transition of Young Malaysians” states that only 13% of all upper secondary students are pursuing TVET courses while at the higher education level, less than 9% are in polytechnics. This is in contrast to Germany, Switzerland and even Singapore where more than half of their students end up in TVET instead of universities.

The report also highlighted the negative perception towards TVET with both students and parents regarding it as an “inferior educational pathway, deadend and for the academically challenged”.

The often-cited model for reform is the German dual vocational training system where companies and government vocational schools work in cooperation to produce skilled workers. Vocational training is coordinated and regulated by policies and the qualifications produced are recognised by the state, the economy and society. The German model has resulted in low unemployment rate and it upgrades its continuous training of skilled workers to meet the demands of their economy as it changes over time.

The close social partnership between TVET institutes, the government, private individual industries, employer associations and the relevant chambers of commerce and unions plays a vital role to develop the standards for vocational training in Germany.

Adapting the German model to Malaysia however is easier said than done. One of the biggest differences is the longstanding tradition of vocational training in Germany that has received wide public support. Companies are willing to take part in training students and TVET is generally seen as a recognised qualification.

If we aim to emulate the success of the German model, we must work towards changing the perception of the public towards TVET, and make the system more appealing

TVET graduates in Malaysia are not being recognised as professionals and there is a significant wage problem that needs to be solved to ensure that graduates are not marginalised and continuously left behind. The average maximum salary reported by public sector employers for workers with TVET qualifications is around RM3,000 lower compared to university graduates and only about RM500 more than for school leavers.

There is genuine concern about the ability of the system to address the employability of young Malaysians and their marketability and adaptability to meet the demands of a rapidly changing labour market, especially with the onset of Industrial Revolution 4.0. The point about outdated TVET syllabus was recently highlighted by the National Union of the Teaching Profession and the National Parent-Teacher Associations’ Vocational and Technical Consultative Council.

To tackle this issue, reforms must concentrate on institutionalising vocational training to include setting strategic plans and mechanisms that would allow for continuous research and changes to make the system constantly relevant to meet the demands of industry. The government must work with key industry players to institutionalise their role within the framework of an evolving TVET system.

Among the suggested reforms by former TVET special taskforce head Nurul Izzah Anwar includes establishing an Industry Skills Education and Training Commission to facilitate data sharing between all TVET institutes, coordinate TVET programmes with industry needs, and oversee job security and more meaningful wages for TVET graduates.

She had suggested a ratings system for different TVET institutes, which would allow parents and students to assess which schools are best for them.

Hopefully these measures will push us closer towards achieving a sustainable vocational training system that will rival university-level education.

Source: www.thesundaily.com

Syllabus is outdated, say teachers

KUALA LUMPUR: Teachers have voiced their concern that technical and vocational graduates will end up unemployed unless the syllabus is made more relevant.

Feedback from Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) teachers was that the syllabus is outdated, said National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP) secretary-general Harry Tan.

He cited the case of a company, which is on the Forbes Global 2000 List, that had approached NUTP to help identify students they could train, and later hire.

As it turned out, the company could not hire existing TVET graduates because they would not have been able to operate the latest machines.

“This is a major player in the construction industry and their feedback is that our TVET syllabus is obsolete.

“They want students with the know-how and they’re willing to train them,” he said in an interview.

Tan also called for a “solid” TVET policy to be in place fast.

NUTP, he said, had identified 20 students to be trained by the China company but this had been hampered by red tape.

“It’s been almost six months since the company mooted its proposal,” he said.

“The government must get its act together. There are too many ministries involved.”

Currently, seven ministries are overseeing TVET.

(A coordination committee has been approved by the Cabinet to coordinate TVET activities between the ministries. Separately, a TVET task force formerly headed by Nurul Izzah Anwar has suggested that a special commission coordinate the TVET implementation be set up.)

National Parent-Teacher Associations’ Vocational and Technical Consultative Council vice-chairman Abul Nasir also spoke of “outdated” TVET syllabus.

Whatever changes that have been made, he said, were insignificant in the grander scheme of things.

“TVET should be 70% machine using and practical training, and 30% for theory, where the 30% must come from the industry.

“Students need the machines to train but at this point in time, it isn’t happening because there is no sync between the vocational colleges and training institutes with the industry,” he said.

He also stressed that incentives are vital for tie-ups between TVET institutes and the industry.

Echoing feedback from teachers on outdated syllabus, National TVET Movement secretary-general Nordin Abdul Malek attributed this to poor planning.

“Not only in terms of facilities and technology, but other factors like soft skills and employment trends are not planned out well,” he said.

On Nov 16, Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik said TVET was given emphasis during the Mid-Term review of the 11th Malaysia Plan 2016-2020 and Budget 2019.


Nurul Izzah calls for TVET commission

PUTRAJAYA: The TVET task force headed by Nurul Izzah Anwar (pic) has suggested that a special commission to coordinate the Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) implementation be set up.

Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik said it was suggested that the implementation under the commission be overseen by two ministries, Education and Human Resources, during a recent Cabinet meeting.

“It was an idea by Nurul Izzah to table a motion in Parliament for the establishment of a TVET commission.

“It expresses our seriousness to enhance TVET and bring it to the next level.

“She’s in the process of lobbying all ministers and MPs to support this idea.

“I hope we will make it a reality,” Dr Maszlee told reporters after attending a national industry dialogue titled “Living Skills in the 21st Century: TVET Empowerment/Initiative” yesterday.

Nurul Izzah chairs a task force to strengthen and improve TVET.

Currently, seven ministries are overlooking TVET.

A coordination committee has been approved by the Cabinet, he said, to coordinate TVET activities between the ministries.

On the duties of the task force headed by Nurul Izzah, Dr Maszlee said it is tasked to conduct research across all ministries that provide TVET education and training.

“The role of (her) committee is to make recommendations on how our TVET system can be improved.

“This includes a review of our current laws in TVET education and training, as well as the idea for a TVET commission,” he added.

Dr Maszlee said TVET was given emphasis during the mid-term review of the 11th Malaysia Plan (11MP) 2016-2020 and the tabling of Budget 2019.

This is the way forward, he said, emphasising that collaboration between the Education Ministry and industry showed “we are on the right track”.

The government also plans to conduct a major mapping exercise to ensure TVET programmes meet industry standards set by professional accreditation bodies, he added.

Source: https://www.thestar.com.my