Tag Archives: TVET Malaysia

Manpower Department aims to produce more skilled workers

produce more skilled workers
Picture for representation only

SHAH ALAM: The Manpower Department (Jabatan Tenaga Manusia) aims to produce more skilled workers than its present 28%.

“We need to reach the target of 35% by 2020,“ said its director-general, Datuk Muhd Khair Razman Mohamed Annuar.

He believes they will be able to meet the target through their Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes.

Muhd Khair said, currently they were in smart partnerships with private entities which conducts TVET programmes.

“Presently, there are 565 TVET public institutions under six ministries, while the private entities have over 600 institutions,“ he told theSun today after attending the Monfort Boys Town’s graduation ceremony.

“This is why the partnership with private TVET institutions is important. In order to produce a bigger percentage of skilled workers, it is vital for both private and public TVET institutions to work closely with us.

“Though TVET focuses on the technical, electronic, electrical, civil engineering, ICT, but we will diversify to hospitality courses soon, because it is a platform that nurtures the interest of the youth.

“In the long term, we want graduates to become entrepreneurs, where they can apply for funding from the skilled development corporate fund when they have undergone the programmes and obtained a certificate,“ he said.

He added that even after the graduates are working, they can upgrade their skills through the institutions recognised by the department.

“We have 32 institutions under the Manpower Department – the industrial training institutes, the Japan Technical Institute in Penang, and advanced technologies centres, which besides running full-time courses, also organise short courses to cater for working adults. Our institutions are open to 11pm.”

Muhd Khair said TVET graduates are equally competent as compared with other graduates from various colleges and universities.

Source: https://www.thesundaily.my

For whatever reasons that you can’t find the courses offered at TVET public institutions or you just prefer private entities that may be in a more strategic location or offer up to date courses, you may want to submit your interest here.

Cari formula supaya pekerja tidak ‘lari’ selepas ikuti latihan kemahiran – Kula Segaran

Cari formula supaya pekerja tidak 'lari' selepas ikuti latihan kemahiran - Kula Segaran
Kula Segaran mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Majlis Penasihat Buruh Kebangsaan, di Putrajaya, pada Isnin. Astro AWANI

Majikan disaran mewujudkan perjanjian bagi memastikan pekerja tidak meninggalkan syarikat selepas menjalani latihan bagi meningkatkan kemahiran diri.

Menteri Sumber Manusia M Kula Segaran berkata perlu ada formula bagi ‘mengikat’ pekerja untuk jangka masa tertentu supaya prestasi sesebuah syarikat tidak terjejas selepas menghantar pekerja mengikuti latihan kemahiran.

“Setengah majikan beritahu saya, mereka tidak mahu menghantar pekerja mendapatkan latihan kerana apabila mereka pulang, gaji perlu dinaikkan dan ada juga yang akan berhenti kerja selepas dihantar menjalani latihan kemahiran industri.

“Saya beri cadangan supaya majikan perlu menandatangani perjanjian dengan pekerja. Jika pekerja dihantar menjalani latihan, mereka perlu datang semula kepada syarikat untuk berkhidmat, umpama ‘mengikat’ pekerja selepas diberi latihan.

“Amat menyedihkan buat majikan jika pekerja meninggalkan syarikat selepas dihantar mendapatkan latihan, kerana ia akan menjejaskan perniagaan dan sebagainya,” katanya pada sidang media selepas mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Majlis Penasihat Buruh Kebangsaan, di sini, hari ini.

Menurutnya, formula kerajaan yang menaja pelajar mendapat pengajian luar negara boleh digunapakai pihak majikan untuk memastikan pekerja mereka ‘setia’ untuk terus berkhidmat

Dalam pada itu, Kula Segaran turut menekankan mengenai kepentingan memacu dasar Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional (TVET) negara bagi meningkatkan kemahiran (up-skilling dan re-skilling) pelajar serta tenaga kerja sedia ada.

Ia katanya, selaras dengan hasrat kerajaan untuk meningkatkan tenaga mahir kepada 35 peratus menjelang 2020, berbanding hanya pada kadar 28 peratus sekarang.

Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, beliau memaklumkan telah mencadangkan kepada Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (JTM) supaya membuka pusat latihan kemahiran di institusi TVET dari jam 5.30 petang hingga 11 malam, bukan pada waktu kerja biasa dari 8 pagi hingga 5 petang.

“Ini bagi memenuhi keperluan melatih tenaga kerja sedia ada. Dan jika ia berjaya dilaksanakan, ia mampu meningkatkan gaji sedia ada sebanyak 10 hingga 20 peratus,” jelasnya.

Terdahulu, Kula Segaran ditanya berhubung isu gaji minimum, sama ada kerajaan Pakatan Harapan (PH) dapat memberi jaminan ia akan ditingkatkan kepada RM1,500 seperti yang dijanjikan manifesto PH semasa Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14 (PRU14) lalu.

Mengulas perkara itu, Kula Segaran berkata, isu peningkatan gaji minimum perlu diperhalusi supaya majikan dan pekerja mendapat situasi menang-menang.

Sumber: http://www.astroawani.com

Komen: Betul ke formula penajaan pelajar mendapat pengajian luar negara boleh digunapakai pihak majikan untuk mengikat pekerja mereka? Pada pendapat min, pelajar kerja dengan kerajaan sebab anggap ia pekerjaan yang stabil tapi di pihak swasta, pekerja masih cenderung berkhidmat di syarikat lain bila dapat tawaran yang lebih baik setelah mereka dilatih/dipersijilkan.
Min berpendapat formula pakej penggajian yang lebih baik adalah strategi yang paling baik supaya pekerja tak tinggalkan syarikat sedia ada & kerja di syarikat lain setelah mendapat latihan/persijilan baru. Tapi, ini pula menyebabkan majikan berfikir, mengapa pula nak belanja dua kali?
Pertama, kos yuran latihan, kedua, kena tambah gaji pula lepas tu. Sekiranya produktiviti pekerja meningkat jauh melebihi kedua-dua kos ni, berbaloilah tapi min rasa kebiasaannya tidak.
Apa pendapat anda pula?

Workers can demand higher pay for better skills through TVET

Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran addresses the media after the National Labour Advisory Council Meeting in Putrajaya May 27, 2019. — Picture by Terence Tang
Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran addresses the media after the National Labour Advisory Council Meeting in Putrajaya May 27, 2019. — Picture by Terence Tang

PUTRAJAYA, May 27 — Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran today urged workers to take up technical and vocational training so they can push for higher salaries.

He said this was why the ministry proposed that technical vocational education and training (TVET) centres be opened from 5.30pm to 11pm, so that employees who are working full-time can attend the training after office hours.

“So if every worker in the country is skilled, even the janitors, those who are working (as cleaners) in the toilets, if they are properly skilled, you can command a good income,” Kulasegaran told reporters after the National Labour Advisory Council meeting here. 

He cited Singapore as an example where he claimed that various personnel there have earned certifications and can be highly trained.

“If Singapore can do it, there’s no reason why we cannot do it,” the minister asserted.

When asked if Pakatan Harapan could achieve its 2018 election promise of raising the minimum wage to RM1,500 monthly within its first term of office, Kulasegaran simply restated the coalition’s manifesto pledge of doing so “within this period”.

He also indicated that with increased skills, an employee’s income can rise from the minimum wage of RM1,100, for instance, to a higher pay.

Kulasegaran said that he has presented these initiatives to the government.

TVET Malaysia was launched by former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in September 2017 after a rebranding process. It provides a variety of vocational courses.

Source: https://www.malaymail.com

2018 Budget: TVET Malaysia Master Plan unveiled, RM4.9bil allocated

All Technical and Vocational Education Training institutions previously under seven ministries will be rebranded as TVET Malaysia and placed under the Human Resources Ministry.

KUALA LUMPUR: All Technical and Vocational Education Training institutions previously under seven ministries will be rebranded as TVET Malaysia and placed under the Human Resources Ministry.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said today that RM4.9 billion will also be allocated to implement the TVET Malaysia Master Plan.

“To encourage TVET graduates to continue their studies, the government has prepared 100 TVET Excellent Students Scholarships worth RM4.5 million,” he added.

The government will also create the National Rail Centre of Excellence in a bid to support skilled workers in the rail industry.

The centre, he said, will supervise and coordinate quality assurance, as well as national rail education and training accreditation.

Najib also said Malaysia Rail Link Sdn Bhd, in cooperation with higher education institutions, will train 3,000 professionals in the industry.

Source: NST Online

Comment: It’s good that finally efforts can be streamlined. Hopefully the Ministry of Human Resources, especially the Department of Skills Development, has the extra capacity in terms of manpower & budget to execute policies well.