Tag Archives: TVET program

Empowering Women Through Skills: Malaysia Top 10 TVET Program for Women

TVET program for women

This International Women’s Day, we celebrate the achievements of women across the globe and their continuous pursuit of growth and empowerment. In Malaysia, education plays a crucial role in equipping women with the skills and knowledge to thrive in various fields. Among the educational pathways available, Malaysia TVET program for women offer exciting opportunities to gain practical skills and enter high-demand careers.

The National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) is a framework that categorizes and defines skills required for various occupations in Malaysia. Based on the NOSS framework, here are the top 10 TVET programs currently popular among Malaysian women:

TVET Program for Women (Top 10 in Malaysia)

1. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE): This program equips you the necessary skills to care for and educate young children. It is a rewarding career path if you are passionate about nurturing the development of future generations.

Kursus Pendidikan Awal Kanak-kanak

2. Cosmetology and Beauty Therapy: These group of programs caters to the ever-growing cosmetology industry, equipping you with the skills for various roles, including hairdressing, skincare, makeup & nail artistry.

TVET program - for women (beauty)

3. Office Administration: Mastering administrative skills is valuable in any industry. This course teaches essential skills like communication, document management, and office software.

4. Executive Secretaryship: Become a highly-organized and reliable support system for executives. This program hones secretarial skills, communication, and office management.

TVET program - for women (office admin/secretaryship)

5. Accounting: Gain a strong foundation in financial management. This course prepares you for bookkeeping, payroll, and other accounting roles.

6. Ladies Garment Making: This program fosters creativity and allows you to develop expertise in garment construction and design, potentially leading to entrepreneurship (same goes to most other TVET programs)

7. Food Preparation and Culinary Arts: Fuel your passion for food with this course! Learn professional cooking techniques, food presentation, and kitchen management.

TVET program

8. Tour Guide: Explore Malaysia’s rich culture and heritage! This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to become professional tour guides.

9. Computer System & Networking: It equips you with the skills to:

  • Understand computer hardware components and their functions.
  • Install, configure, and troubleshoot computer systems.
  • Work with various software applications.
  • Manage and maintain computer networks.

This program prepares you for careers in IT support, network administration, and other technical roles within the ever-growing tech industry.

10. Massage Therapy: This course teaches various massage techniques to help clients achieve relaxation and well-being. It’s a rewarding career path for those interested in alternative healthcare.

These are just a few of the many Malaysia TVET program for women. International Women’s Day is a great time to consider how you can invest in yourself and your future. By enrolling in a TVET program, you can gain valuable skills, increase your earning potential, and achieve your career goals.

Empower yourself and embrace equity. Explore Malaysia TVET program for women today!

PS: If you already have Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM), interested to be an assessor (PP)/verifier(PPL) and has >10 years of experience in the field, there are some freelancing opportunities for you.

Of if you’re interested to be a trainer, you may read more about the various trainer certificates available.

TVET in Malaysia – 5 essential things you must know

TVET in Malaysia

Thinking about pursuing Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Malaysia? You’ve come to the right place! Here, we’ll break down 5 key things you need to know about TVET in Malaysia, helping you decide if it’s the right path for your future.

What is TVET?

TVET program, TVET Malaysia, TVET Mara, TVET centre …. these are the common terms that we hear & see in the media. So before we go further, let’s understand TVET meaning.

Jika anda ingin baca dalam Bahasa Malaysia, sila rujuk sini

TVET stands for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. According to UNESCO’s definition, technical and vocational education is used as a comprehensive term referring to those aspects of the educational process involving, in addition to general education, the study of technologies and related sciences, and the acquisition of practical skills, attitudes, understanding and knowledge relating to occupations in various sectors of economic and social life.

It includes formal and informal learning that prepare young people with the knowledge and skills required in the working world, with major emphasis on industry practices.

The scope of TVET should be based on the Occupational Standards such as the National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS), with an emphasis on practical components, psychomotor skills and exposure to training in industry.

TVET is not something new in Malaysia. Only that TVET is often misunderstood as a second option and is only eligible for individuals who are less outstanding in terms of academic achievement. In fact, the stigma has become obsolete because now TVET graduates are getting more and more attention from employers.

TVET in Malaysia was given a new lease of life on 27 Sept 2017 with the launch (and branding) of TVET Malaysia by the former Prime Minister, YAB Dato’s Sri Mohd Najib b Abdul Razak to change the parents’ negative perception on TVET skills. This stigma is common given that many of us has been placing more emphasis on academics all this while.

TVET in Malaysia

1. TVET in Malaysia - pathway to further education

Contrary to misconceptions, TVET doesn’t limit your educational journey. Many graduates use their qualifications as stepping stones to pursue higher education, enrolling in universities or specialized programs to further refine their skills and expertise.

Generally, there are two streams that offer certificates/diplomas accredited by Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA)

1. If you are a SPM graduate, you also  have the opportunity to further your study, either  Certificate or Diploma, in a highly skilled TVET program. Institutions that offer TVET in Malaysia are such as Polytechnics, Community Colleges and Vocational Colleges and Technical Institutes (pre SPM).

2. If you are not so academically inclined but loves to do things hands-on, it does not matter whether you’re a PT3 or non-SPM leaver. 

You can also learn TVET program / TVET courses at:   
a) Government OR
b) Private
TVET institutions OR
c) SLDN/NDTS training centres & companies (apprenticeship scheme)

All these offers Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia, Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia or Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia. 

SKM setaraf SPM atau lebih tinggi - MQF

School leavers, with or without SPM, can acquire a TVET qualification from various providers or institutions in all the three sectors. The qualifications offered range from certificate, diploma, advanced diploma Bachelor’s & Masters degree up to Doctorate levels.

Qualifications from the skills sector are awarded by the Department for Skills Development (Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran), Ministry of Human Resources. This pathway is available for you whether you have or don’t have SPM qualification.

If you have completed Form 3 (PT3), you have the option of pursuing the skills training pathway (at either public or private skills training institutes) that leads to 5 levels of skills qualifications within the skills sector. 

  • Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) Level 1
  • Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) Level 2
  • Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) Level 3
  • Malaysian Skills Diploma (DKM) Level 4
  • Malaysian Advanced Skills Diploma (DLKM) Level 5

Qualifications from the Technical & Vocational sector (Vocational Colleges, Technical Secondary Schools) is mainly awarded by the Ministry of Education.

Upon completion of primary school education, UPSR (Standard 6), you can opt to pursue Junior Vocation Education or Pendidikan Asas Vokasional (PAV) at government schools.

After completing  Form 3, you may also pursue a 4-year vocational education program at MOE’s Kolej Vokasional that leads to the award of Diploma Vokasional Malaysia, DVM. The DVM program at Kolej Vokasional is also open to PAV graduates.

Last but not least, the Higher Education Sector (Polytechnics, Community Colleges & Technical Universities@MTUN is overseen by Ministry of Higher Education.

2. TVET Program/Courses - General Entrance Requirements

You are interested to pursue a TVET program? Let’s see what are the general entrance requirements:

Skills Sector

  • Above 16 years old.
  • Malaysian. If you’re a foreigner, you can still register for a TVET program at a JPK International Accredited Centre (however, it’s very limited)
  • Must be healthy, no physical defects or injuries or historical illness or any illness that limits, restricts or cause difficulty in carrying out practical work during the course.
  • Must not be colour blind.
  • Has basic reading, writing  and counting skills.
  • Free from any mental problem.
  • Passionate in the chosen TVET program 

Technical & Vocational Sector

  • Malaysian
  • Student of Government Secondary Schools or  Government Aided Secondary Schools under Ministry of Education.
  • Must be healthy, no physical defects or injuries or historical illness or any illness that limits, restricts or cause difficulty in carrying out practical work during the course.
  • Must not be colour blind.

Visit here for  additional/specific requirements for Vocational Colleges or Technical Secondary Schools’s entrance requirements.

Higher Education Sector

  • Malaysian
  • Have SPM or it’s equivalent
  • Pass Bahasa Melayu
  • Pass history (SPM 2013 and beyond)
  • Min three (3) credits in any subjects (Additional requirement for Diploma)
  • Not color blind or has any physical disabilities that can  cause difficulty in carrying out practical work.

3. Strong Employability Prospects

Many of us who are not aware that the TVET field provides many job opportunities with some providing relatively lucrative salaries.
Based on the tracer study of Malaysian TVET graduates, the marketability of skills graduates is higher compared to university graduates (academic diploma/degree/masters/PhD)

As a developing country, TVET graduates have lucrative opportunity as the country needs many skilled manpower in the industry. Most TVET institutions, on the other hand, offer skills that are indeed in demand by many companies today.

These skills not enable you to get a job easier, it can also open up opportunities for yourself to create new job opportunities with existing skills. TVET graduates also have the opportunity to become entrepreneurs with additional existing skills.

4. Advantages of TVET Program

Among the advantages if you are a graduate of TVET program are that you are able to master practical knowledge and skills better than graduates of academic program.

It is definitely the  BEST choice for you especially if you are a very hands-on person. Job opportunities are plenty compared to academic based program. Not only that, certain vocation like underwater welding pays very well too.

Unlike the traditional academic route, TVET offers a diverse spectrum of programs. From engineering and healthcare to hospitality and multimedia, you can find a program that aligns with your interests and talents. There are certificate, diploma, and even degree-level programs available, catering to various educational goals.

If you can’t decide which one you like most, perhaps you may use the following list as a guide too. Here are the top 10* most popular TVET programs (in random order) being offered by both government and private TVET institutions.

  1. Automotive – repair & diagnostic service
  2. Electrical Installation & Maintenence – Single/Three phase 
  3. Office Administration
  4. Beauty Therapy
  5. Computer System
  6. Industrial Automation/Mechatronics
  7. Early Childhood Care & Education
  8. Food Preparation/Culinary
  9. Graphic Design
  10. TVET Instruction / Train-The-Trainer

5. Affordable Education

Compared to traditional universities, TVET programs are generally more affordable. With government scholarships and financial aid readily available, pursuing TVET can be a cost-effective way to gain valuable qualifications and launch your career.

Remember, TVET is not a “second choice” but a strategic pathway to a fulfilling career. With its focus on practical skills, industry relevance, and strong job prospects, TVET in Malaysia offers an appealing option for individuals seeking a rewarding and future-proof career path.

Do your research, explore the diverse program options, and consider TVET as a gateway to your success!

TVET program/course - Apply NOW

Empowering TVET among priorities of HR Ministry

Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran gives a speech at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre November 19, 2019. — Picture by Miera Zulyana
Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran gives a speech at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre November 19, 2019. — Picture by Miera Zulyana

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18 — Empowering Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) by developing a more relevant new policy in implementing TVET’s agenda in line with industry needs was part of the Ministry of Human Resources’s plan throughout 2019.

This was outlined in the Ministry of Human Resource’s 2019 achievement report to strengthen the various sectors under the ministry led by M. Kulasegaran, while also committed to championing the rights of workers in the country.

Touching on issues related to workers including skills upgrading, TVET education, security, law and others in the 32-page report card, the Ministry of Human Resources is committed towards improving every aspect in line with fulfilling the promises contained in the Pakatan Harapan’s manifesto.

With a RM5.9 billion allocation via the 2020 Budget to place TVET in the main stream in the country, the ministry has begun to take step by establishing the TVET Single Quality Assurance System to be used by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and the Department of Skills Development (JPK) for the purpose of coordinating, monitoring and strengthening the TVET sector.

According to Kulasegaran, the new system is responsible for accrediting TVET programmes offered by public and private TVET institutions based on the Second Edition Of The Malaysia Qualification Framework (MQF 2.0) which was approved at the MQA Council Meeting in December 2017.

“The implementation of TVET quality assurance programme by MQA and JPK will be made based on the TVET Programme Accreditation Code of Practice approved by the Cabinet Meeting on Jan 31, 2019,” he said.

In line with the latest trend of Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0 education or 4.0 era education, Kulasegaran said 35 National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) related to IR 4.0 were developed in 2018.

“To date, there are 42 NOSS related to IR 4.0 as a result of TVET’s National Master Plan Development Study towards a developed nation and the direction until 2030 will be used by policy makers in the process of reforming TVET implementation in Malaysia,” he said.
The efforts to empower the TVET field did not stop there when the ministry took the initiative to expand its field of study by signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Private Secondary School (SUWA) on May 23, 2019 at Kolej Universiti New Era in Kajang.

“The collaboration between the two entities led to the ministry’s involvement in allowing SUWA students to attend training programmes at 32 Department of Human Resource Training Institutes (ILJTM) and enabling the ministry to consider loan applications or scholarships to eligible students for further study in TVET programmes, Vocational Training Officers (VTO) and so on,” he said. — Bernama

Occupations With The Highest Hiring Demand In Malaysia 2018/2019

If you are undecided on what skills/TVET program to study, you may want to consider jobs that employers are desperate to fill.
This also apply if you’re planning planning a change in your profession or simply starting out in your career.
Check out the Critical Occupations List 2018/2019 before you make your decision on which course to pursue or next career decision.

The Critical Occupations List (COL) shows occupations that are skilled, sought-after, and strategic across 18 sectors in Malaysia. The COL identifies shortages in occupations that are sought-after by employers. As a job seeker, this means that with the right skills, education and experience, you can increase your chances of getting hired by focusing on jobs on the COL list.

In the 2018/2019 list, a total of 59 skilled occupations were identified (Some of those in the list has a NOSS – National Occupational Skills Standard)

The COL was first put together in 2015/2016 and some occupations have been in demand since. Here are the jobs which have been on the list for three consecutive years.

  1. Finance Manager
  2. Policy and Planning Manager
  3. Business Services Manager
  4. Research and Development Manager
  5. Information and Communications Technology Manager
  6. Geologist and Geophysicist
  7. Mathematician, Actuary and Statistician
  8. Industrial and Production Engineer
  9. Mechanical Engineer
  10. Mining Engineer, Metallurgist and Related Professional
  11. Engineering Professional (Excluding Electrotechnology) Not Elsewhere Classified
  12. Electrical Engineer
  13. Electronic Engineer
  14. Telecommunications Engineer
  15. Manufacturing Professional
  16. Accountant
  17. Financial Analyst
  18. Systems Analyst
  19. Software Developer
  20. Applications Programmer
  21. Software and Applications Developer and Analyst Not Elsewhere Classified
  22. Database Designer and Administrator
  23. Systems Administrator
  24. Computer Network Professional
  25. Electronics Engineering Technician
  26. Mechanical Engineering Technician
  27. Insurance Agent

Source: Adapted from Critical Skills Monitoring Committee

If you want the FULL report, kindly email to tvetjob [at] gmail.com with your details as below:

1. Name
2. Age (To recommend courses suitable for you, if applicable)
3. HP no (in case there’s any job opening/business opportunity for you)
4. Highest Skills Qualification: Eg SKM3, DKM or DLKM
5. Highest Academic Qualification: Eg SRP, SPM, Bac of Electrical Engineering, MBA etc
6. Working experience (or resume – in case there’s any job opening)