Tag Archives: upskilling

Kerjaya Madani: Peluang Latihan Jangka Pendek Berinsentif

Program Kerjaya Madani

Insentif Kerjaya Madani 2023 telah dilancarkan oleh Kementerian Sumber Manusia pada 11 April 2023, dengan peruntukan sebanyak 313 juta. 

Insentif ini merangkumi Program Daya Kerjaya, Program Bina Kerjaya dan Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional (TVET).

Insentif kewangan akan diberikan kepada majikan di bawah Program Daya Kerjaya untuk mengambil belia, Orang Asli, wanita, orang kurang upaya (OKU), miskin tegar, orang yang diparol, bekas banduan, graduan TVET atau lepasan sekolah yang menganggur bagi tempoh 2 bulan dan ke atas.

💰 Insentif kewangan adalah RM600 sebulan selama tiga bulan, bermula 1 April 2023, untuk pekerja baharu mulai 1 Januari 2023.

Kerjaya Madani - Daya Kerjaya - Inisiatif Penggajian

DAYA KERJAYA TVET - Program Latihan

Program Transisi Pekerjaan untuk Perantisan TVET & Lepasan Sekolah merupakan satu insentif latihan yang merupakan Program Latihan Peningkatan Kemahiran (Upskilling) menerusi tanggungan bayaran latihan sehingga RM4,000 mengikut kategori persijilan yang dikhaskan kepada graduan TVET atau lepasan sekolah yang mengganggur sekurang-kurangnya 2 bulan.

Objektif program adalah untuk;

i) Meningkatkan kebolehpasaran dan peningkatan kemahiran
ii) Mengurangkan ketidakpadanan (mismatch) dalam tawaran pekerjaan dan gaji yang tidak setimpal dengan kemahiran (underemployment)
iii) Merangsang permintaan pekerjaan dalam kalangan majikan bagi meningkatkan peluang pekerjaan serta mengurangkan kadar pengangguran

dalam kalangan graduan TVET serta lepasan sekolah.


  • 16 hingga 40 tahun pada tarikh permohonan
  • Graduan TVET atau lepasan sekolah yang menganggur sekurang-kurangnya bagi tempoh 2 bulan.
  • Kelayakan SPM dan ke bawah.
  • Individu hendaklah berdaftar dan melengkapkan profil di Portal MYFutureJobs (medan nama, nombor kad pengenalan, alamat, tahap pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja)
Kerjaya Madani - Daya Kerjaya - Program Latihan
Kerjaya Madani - Program Latihan Bina & Daya Kerjaya

BINA KERJAYA - Program Latihan

Program Bina Kerjaya untuk Sektor Tidak Formal adalah satu inisiatif kerajaan yang bertujuan membantu orang yang bekerja sendiri atau bekerja dalam pelbagai pekerjaan tidak rasmi. Matlamat utama adalah memberi pekerja-pekerja ini kemahiran yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan formal.

Pekerja tidak rasmi dalam program ini boleh termasuk pekerja sementara, individu yang bekerja sendiri, petani, nelayan, dan lain-lain yang bekerja dalam perniagaan kecil seperti peniaga pasar malam. Ia juga merangkumi orang seperti pemandu Grab, pekerja bebas atas talian (seperti mereka dalam e-dagang, pemasaran digital, dan reka bentuk grafik), penghantar makanan, dan profesional kreatif seperti pelukis, ahli muzik, dan jurugambar yang bekerja dalam projek tertentu.

Selain itu, terdapat jenis pekerja tidak rasmi lain dalam program ini, seperti tukang  paip dan juruelektrik, tutor bebas yang menyediakan perkhidmatan tuisyen atas talian atau secara peribadi, ejen hartanah bebas yang mendapat komisen, serta instruktur kecergasan bebas, jurulatih peribadi, dan instruktur yoga.

Matlamat program ini adalah memberikan semua individu ini kemahiran yang diperlukan untuk beralih ke pekerjaan yang lebih stabil dan formal.


  • 16 hingga 40 tahun pada tarikh permohonan
  •  Kelayakan SPM dan ke bawah.
  • Tidak mempunyai caruman PERKESO di bawah Akta Keselamatan Sosial Pekerja 1969 (Akta 4) dan Akta Sistem Insurans Pekerjaan 2017 (Akta 800) untuk tempoh 6 bulan daripada tarikh permohonan.
  • Individu hendaklah berdaftar dan melengkapkan profil di Portal MYFutureJobs (medan nama, nombor kad pengenalan, alamat, tahap pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja)
Kerjaya Madani - Bina Kerjaya
Daftar Kursus TVET

Expect a recession in 4 to 6 months, says chief statistician

Recession 2020
Credit image: Forbes.com


A recession is a macroeconomic term that refers to a significant decline in general economic activity in a designated region. It had been typically recognized as two consecutive quarters of economic decline, as reflected by GDP in conjunction with monthly indicators such as a rise in unemployment.

SINGAPORE: The Malaysian economy is about to feel the full impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the country’s top statistician.

After posting its slowest growth since the global financial crisis, the economy is set to slip into a recession in the next four to six months, according to a report by Mohd Uzir Mahidin, the chief statistician.

With its borders shut to foreigners and a standstill in commerce around the world, industries including tourism and aviation have been crippled, adding uncertainty to a rebound in trade in the first quarter.

The expected decline comes as the country’s gross domestic product grew marginally at 0.7% in the first three months of the year, the lowest since the third quarter of 2009, he said.

That growth rate is significantly less than the 3.9% to 4.2% expansion expected, with losses of RM22.8 billion (US$5.3 billion) in economic output because of a countrywide lockdown, he said.

Countries across the world began the “Great Lockdown” in March.

“From the early indications in April and May 2020, the economic environment is foreseen to be unfavourable for Malaysian businesses,” according to the report, entitled the Malaysian Economic Statistics Review.

With the global lockdown, “this unprecedented situation has caused a sharp contraction to the economy like never before.”

Source: Bloomberg.com

Comment: Is your job secured in this coming recession? This time around, things are a bit different. Even traditionally recession-proof career like early childhood educator might be at risk, due to the lockdown. Otherwise, it is relatively recession-proof. You should consider either upskilling or reskilling if your current skills are going to be less relevant or totally obsolete post-MCO/CMCO.

Among the skills that I highly recommend is to brush up your digital marketing skills as digitalisation is a must in the new norm.
And if you really hate to deal with screen and IT-related kinds of stuff, here are some other options:

Accounting course if you love numbers
– Industrial automation if you like robotics & machinery (great prospect especially in the glove manufacturing industry during this pandemic)
Baking & Culinary if you like baking & cooking (Just like early childhood industry, F&B industry may look bleak in this year or until a vaccine for Covid-19 is found).

There are many other TVET courses that lead to jobs/careers that are not only recession-proof but also in high demand.

So, what is your interest?
What course would you like to study?
If you’re unsure or know what you want to study but don’t know where, just state your interest here.

Malaysia Budget 2020: HRDF’s plan-of-action to upskill the local workforce

Photo / StockUnlimited

After the recent announcement of Malaysia’s Budget 2020, Dato’ Noor Farida Mohd Ariffin, Chairman, Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) has thanked the Federal Government for the budget allocation of RM50 million to the Fund.

“This allocation will empower the Fund to continue its mandate to catalyse the development of a competent local workforce, contributing to the Government’s aspiration to drive growth and equitable outcomes towards shared prosperity,” she said.

She has provided details on how HRDF plans to fulfil this mandate. “With an allocated budget of RM30 million for TVET, the Fund aims to reduce the country’s unemployment rate which currently stands at 3.3%.”

As such, HRDF will continue to collaborate with the Ministry of Human Resources, industry players and employers to provide TVET training programmes catered to employ 3,000 youths from low-income households.

The targeted B40 youths will be trained in courses with fast employability rate such as escalator and elevator service and maintenance; housekeeping operation; retail operation; commercial driver training and certification programme; and professional certificate in logistics and supply chain operations.

The Fund will also match the Government’s allocation of RM20 million with an additional RM20 million towards upskilling a further 4,000 Malaysians through professional certification examinations related to IR4.0.

These certifications are aligned to the main pillars of IR4.0, such as internet of things; cybersecurity; big data; and cloud computing. For these, the Fund will collaborate with the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC).

Dato’ Noor Farida also cited other initiatives such Housewives Enhancement and Reactivate Talent Scheme (HEARTS); the Graduates Enhancement Programme For Employability 2.0 (GENERATE); and the Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional Apprenticeship.

She added: “With the 2020 budget allocation by the Government to the Fund, it will continue its role in supporting the nation’s human capital development towards reducing skills and economic gaps; promote the employability and mobility of Malaysian talent; and encourage job creation and inclusivity for prosperity.”

Source: https://www.humanresourcesonline.net

Govt committed to having quality graduates with vocational education module

– Bernama

PETALING JAYA: The Youth and Sports Ministry is committed to create a new generation of quality graduates with its National Youth Skills Institute’s (IKBN) Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) module.

Its Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman (pic) said the blueprint, dubbed IR4.0 TVET-IKBN, would be adapted for IKBN undergraduates based on the Teaching Factory module from Germany.

He was commenting on media reports quoting Bank Negara’s 2018 annual report, which found that monthly salaries for diploma or degree holders had dipped since 2010. The study also found that fewer people were being hired for high-skilled jobs.

In a Facebook post on Thursday (March 28), Syed Saddiq outlined the scenario he hoped would materialise with the IR4.0 TVET-IKBN blueprint in place.

“Imagine, 94% of the IKBN graduates being offered job opportunities after graduating.

“Upskilling and reskilling are the recipe for graduates today. Through the TVET programme, graduates will be matched with Industry 4.0 needs,” he said.

Noting that there are 22 TVET institutes nationwide, Syed Saddiq said that the ministry would get more industries involved with TVET programmes.

“The ministry has managed to sign 41 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at the Federal level and 192 MOUs at Youth and Sports Skills Training Institute (ILKBS) level, which is part of the TVET module,” he said, adding that Petronas, Gamuda Berhad and Proton are among those involved.

Syed Saddiq also wrote that the ministry, through TVET, had carried out a ‘bootcamp’ programme for the graduates, where 465 job offers from over 15 companies were provided to these graduates.

“The issue is close to my heart, and the ministry is committed to creating quality graduates,” he added.

He also called on the various industry players to collaborate and help the youth be part of the high-impact industry.

Source: https://www.thestar.com.my

Comment: If you’re looking beyond government skills training institutes, willing to explore the private ones, express your interest here

FMM supports establishment of TVET special commission

Datuk Soh Thian Lai

LUMPUR: The setting up of a special commission on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) will rationalise and optimise funding and resources to minimise duplication of programmes among TVET institutions.

Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) President Datuk Soh Thian Lai said the federation supported the formation of a single agency to coordinate the implementation of TVET in country and the TVET Empowerment Committee’s recommendation was an appropriate decision.

He said the government should expedite the establishment of the special commission to address fragmentation of TVET implementation, which currently cuts across seven ministries.

“The single champion agency should ensure standardisation of training and qualifications, quality assurance, qualification portability, recognition of prior learning, and greater cost effectiveness in the use of resources

“The funding of TVET institutions must be based on performance and aligned to market demand to mandate collaboration with the industry,” Soh said in a statement today.

The FMM president said it was also necessary to upskill and reskill the current workforce, and reinforce lifelong learning to continually acquire new and emerging skills required by new technologies such as the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

“TVET training institutions need to be able to offer upskilling and reskilling programmes in order to produce highly-skilled and digital-proficient workers to support the industrial transformation of the economy,” he said.

Loh said the commission should also uplift the status of TVET graduates as skilled craftsmen and promote TVET as a viable education and career of choice to students and parents.

“TVET should be introduced into the school curriculum as early as the primary level to nurture interest and uplift the status of technical and vocational qualifications as vital in strengthening the supply of skills and ensuring a competent workforce,” he added.

Source: Bernama