Category Archives: TVET/Skills courses

Empowering Women Through Skills: Malaysia Top 10 TVET Program for Women

TVET program for women

This International Women’s Day, we celebrate the achievements of women across the globe and their continuous pursuit of growth and empowerment. In Malaysia, education plays a crucial role in equipping women with the skills and knowledge to thrive in various fields. Among the educational pathways available, Malaysia TVET program for women offer exciting opportunities to gain practical skills and enter high-demand careers.

The National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) is a framework that categorizes and defines skills required for various occupations in Malaysia. Based on the NOSS framework, here are the top 10 TVET programs currently popular among Malaysian women:

TVET Program for Women (Top 10 in Malaysia)

1. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE): This program equips you the necessary skills to care for and educate young children. It is a rewarding career path if you are passionate about nurturing the development of future generations.

Kursus Pendidikan Awal Kanak-kanak

2. Cosmetology and Beauty Therapy: These group of programs caters to the ever-growing cosmetology industry, equipping you with the skills for various roles, including hairdressing, skincare, makeup & nail artistry.

TVET program - for women (beauty)

3. Office Administration: Mastering administrative skills is valuable in any industry. This course teaches essential skills like communication, document management, and office software.

4. Executive Secretaryship: Become a highly-organized and reliable support system for executives. This program hones secretarial skills, communication, and office management.

TVET program - for women (office admin/secretaryship)

5. Accounting: Gain a strong foundation in financial management. This course prepares you for bookkeeping, payroll, and other accounting roles.

6. Ladies Garment Making: This program fosters creativity and allows you to develop expertise in garment construction and design, potentially leading to entrepreneurship (same goes to most other TVET programs)

7. Food Preparation and Culinary Arts: Fuel your passion for food with this course! Learn professional cooking techniques, food presentation, and kitchen management.

TVET program

8. Tour Guide: Explore Malaysia’s rich culture and heritage! This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to become professional tour guides.

9. Computer System & Networking: It equips you with the skills to:

  • Understand computer hardware components and their functions.
  • Install, configure, and troubleshoot computer systems.
  • Work with various software applications.
  • Manage and maintain computer networks.

This program prepares you for careers in IT support, network administration, and other technical roles within the ever-growing tech industry.

10. Massage Therapy: This course teaches various massage techniques to help clients achieve relaxation and well-being. It’s a rewarding career path for those interested in alternative healthcare.

These are just a few of the many Malaysia TVET program for women. International Women’s Day is a great time to consider how you can invest in yourself and your future. By enrolling in a TVET program, you can gain valuable skills, increase your earning potential, and achieve your career goals.

Empower yourself and embrace equity. Explore Malaysia TVET program for women today!

PS: If you already have Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM), interested to be an assessor (PP)/verifier(PPL) and has >10 years of experience in the field, there are some freelancing opportunities for you.

Of if you’re interested to be a trainer, you may read more about the various trainer certificates available.

Kerjaya Madani: Peluang Latihan Jangka Pendek Berinsentif

Program Kerjaya Madani

Insentif Kerjaya Madani 2023 telah dilancarkan oleh Kementerian Sumber Manusia pada 11 April 2023, dengan peruntukan sebanyak 313 juta. 

Insentif ini merangkumi Program Daya Kerjaya, Program Bina Kerjaya dan Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional (TVET).

Insentif kewangan akan diberikan kepada majikan di bawah Program Daya Kerjaya untuk mengambil belia, Orang Asli, wanita, orang kurang upaya (OKU), miskin tegar, orang yang diparol, bekas banduan, graduan TVET atau lepasan sekolah yang menganggur bagi tempoh 2 bulan dan ke atas.

💰 Insentif kewangan adalah RM600 sebulan selama tiga bulan, bermula 1 April 2023, untuk pekerja baharu mulai 1 Januari 2023.

Kerjaya Madani - Daya Kerjaya - Inisiatif Penggajian

DAYA KERJAYA TVET - Program Latihan

Program Transisi Pekerjaan untuk Perantisan TVET & Lepasan Sekolah merupakan satu insentif latihan yang merupakan Program Latihan Peningkatan Kemahiran (Upskilling) menerusi tanggungan bayaran latihan sehingga RM4,000 mengikut kategori persijilan yang dikhaskan kepada graduan TVET atau lepasan sekolah yang mengganggur sekurang-kurangnya 2 bulan.

Objektif program adalah untuk;

i) Meningkatkan kebolehpasaran dan peningkatan kemahiran
ii) Mengurangkan ketidakpadanan (mismatch) dalam tawaran pekerjaan dan gaji yang tidak setimpal dengan kemahiran (underemployment)
iii) Merangsang permintaan pekerjaan dalam kalangan majikan bagi meningkatkan peluang pekerjaan serta mengurangkan kadar pengangguran

dalam kalangan graduan TVET serta lepasan sekolah.


  • 16 hingga 40 tahun pada tarikh permohonan
  • Graduan TVET atau lepasan sekolah yang menganggur sekurang-kurangnya bagi tempoh 2 bulan.
  • Kelayakan SPM dan ke bawah.
  • Individu hendaklah berdaftar dan melengkapkan profil di Portal MYFutureJobs (medan nama, nombor kad pengenalan, alamat, tahap pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja)
Kerjaya Madani - Daya Kerjaya - Program Latihan
Kerjaya Madani - Program Latihan Bina & Daya Kerjaya

BINA KERJAYA - Program Latihan

Program Bina Kerjaya untuk Sektor Tidak Formal adalah satu inisiatif kerajaan yang bertujuan membantu orang yang bekerja sendiri atau bekerja dalam pelbagai pekerjaan tidak rasmi. Matlamat utama adalah memberi pekerja-pekerja ini kemahiran yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan formal.

Pekerja tidak rasmi dalam program ini boleh termasuk pekerja sementara, individu yang bekerja sendiri, petani, nelayan, dan lain-lain yang bekerja dalam perniagaan kecil seperti peniaga pasar malam. Ia juga merangkumi orang seperti pemandu Grab, pekerja bebas atas talian (seperti mereka dalam e-dagang, pemasaran digital, dan reka bentuk grafik), penghantar makanan, dan profesional kreatif seperti pelukis, ahli muzik, dan jurugambar yang bekerja dalam projek tertentu.

Selain itu, terdapat jenis pekerja tidak rasmi lain dalam program ini, seperti tukang  paip dan juruelektrik, tutor bebas yang menyediakan perkhidmatan tuisyen atas talian atau secara peribadi, ejen hartanah bebas yang mendapat komisen, serta instruktur kecergasan bebas, jurulatih peribadi, dan instruktur yoga.

Matlamat program ini adalah memberikan semua individu ini kemahiran yang diperlukan untuk beralih ke pekerjaan yang lebih stabil dan formal.


  • 16 hingga 40 tahun pada tarikh permohonan
  •  Kelayakan SPM dan ke bawah.
  • Tidak mempunyai caruman PERKESO di bawah Akta Keselamatan Sosial Pekerja 1969 (Akta 4) dan Akta Sistem Insurans Pekerjaan 2017 (Akta 800) untuk tempoh 6 bulan daripada tarikh permohonan.
  • Individu hendaklah berdaftar dan melengkapkan profil di Portal MYFutureJobs (medan nama, nombor kad pengenalan, alamat, tahap pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja)
Kerjaya Madani - Bina Kerjaya
Daftar Kursus TVET

Breaking Barriers: Special Needs Education in Malaysia is Changing Lives!

Special Needs Education in Malaysia - World Autism Day

Special needs education in Malaysia has come a long way in recent years, with a greater emphasis being placed on inclusive education for all students, including those with special needs. One area of focus has been on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) courses, which are designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in a variety of vocational fields. In this article, we will explore some of the institutions in Malaysia that provide TVET courses for those above 16 years old, with a particular focus on those that cater to students with special needs.

Ministry of Education (MoE), via Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas provides TVET courses in a variety of fields, including hospitality programs like food & beverage, housekeeping, culinary, bakery & pastry, ladies dressmaking, creative sewing, information technology, electrical, aquaculture, ruminant & poultry farming, landscaping, electrical, air cond etc. The MoE is committed to providing a supportive and inclusive learning environment for all students, including those with special needs, and offers a range of facilities and services to ensure that all students can access the education they need to succeed.

Another institution that provides TVET courses for students with special needs is the Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB)’s Gurney Training Centre. They offer a range of courses in fields such as massage therapy, computer skills, office administration and Braille, and is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for students with visual impairments. The Gurney Training Centre also works closely with employers to ensure that its graduates are able to find employment in their chosen fields.

Special Need Education Centre in Malaysia for the blind - GTC

Other institutions in Malaysia that provide vocational program for students with special needs include the National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM), which offers courses mainly in cooking and baking.

Special Needs Education in Malaysia - Nasom

In conclusion, special needs education in Malaysia is evolving rapidly, with a greater emphasis being placed on inclusive education and TVET courses that provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in a variety of vocational fields. Institutions such as the various Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas, Gurney Training Centre, NASOM centres are leading the way in providing supportive and inclusive learning environments for students with special needs and are helping to ensure that all students in Malaysia have access to the education they need to succeed.

Note: We are visiting a new TVET college that offers cruise service for special needs students, will update later.

If you’re aware of any other institutions that also offer TVET courses specially for students,  with special needs, do reach out to us so that we can share with others in order for the parents & kids involved to have a broader choice.

Tukang gunting rambut rayu tarik balik larangan ambilan pekerja asing untuk mengisi kekosongan industri

Tukang Gunting Rambut
Kredit Imej:

Pemilik kedai gunting rambut di Malaysia sedang menghadapi kesukaran untuk mencari pekerja mahir kerana pembekuan ambilan sementara pekerja asing oleh kerajaan. Persatuan Pemilik Gaya Rambut Salun India Malaysia (Mindas) menganggap keputusan ini menjejaskan perniagaan mereka dan memohon agar mereka dibenarkan mengambil pekerja asing seperti perniagaan lain.

Namun, kerajaan masih belum memberikan keputusan yang memuaskan kepada Mindas. Mereka mengusulkan untuk membawa masuk tukang gunting rambut tempatan melalui persatuan dan usaha sama dengan pihak lain, tetapi sambutan daripada warga tempatan tidak begitu baik.

Menurut Meenaq Kumar, penolong Setiausaha Mindas, warga tempatan kurang minat dengan bidang gunting rambut, dan mereka yang menamatkan kursus tukang gunting rambut cenderung membuka kedai sendiri daripada bekerja dengan orang lain. Kekurangan pekerja mahir ini menyebabkan sekurang-kurangnya 1,600 kekosongan dalam kalangan ahli Mindas.

Kumaran Gunasegaran, pemilik 10 kedai gunting rambut di Lembah Klang, menyatakan bahawa banyak perniagaannya terjejas kerana tidak dapat mencari pekerja mahir. Walaupun telah banyak mencuba untuk menggaji warga tempatan, kebanyakan dari mereka tidak muncul selepas sehari bekerja tanpa memberi notis.

Mindas dan pemilik kedai gunting rambut lain merayu kepada kerajaan agar diberikan pengecualian dalam pembekuan ambilan pekerja asing bagi memastikan kelangsungan perniagaan mereka. Mereka juga menggesa kerajaan untuk membantu membina kemahiran pekerja tempatan dalam bidang gunting rambut untuk mengisi kekosongan pekerja mahir.

Sekiranya kekosongan ini tidak segera diisi, industri gunting rambut akan terjejas dan lebih ramai pekerja akan kehilangan pekerjaan. Kerajaan perlu mengambil tindakan yang bijak dan adil bagi mempertahankan industri ini dan menjamin kestabilan ekonomi dalam jangka masa panjang.

Komen: Isunya adalah warga tempatan tidak minat kerja sebagai tukang gunting rambut ke gaji tidak setimpal dengan beban kerja?

Sebab menurut penolong setiausaha Mindas, pelatih yang menamat kursus gunting rambut cenderung membuka kedai sendiri (ataupun kerja secara freelance).

Adakah ini bermaksud ada ruang lagi untuk pusat latihan kemahiran menawarkan kursus tukang gunting rambut, sebaiknya berdasarkan pada Standard Kemahiran Pekerjaan Kebangsaa@NOSS? 


Dengan itu, Pusat Latihan Kemahiran boleh dapat pentauliahan program  daripada Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) dan pelatih bukan sahaja dapat latihan kemahiran sebagai tukang gunting rambut tetapi juga pensijilan yang diiktiraf oleh negara dan juga banyak lagi negara lain, iaitu Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia.

Enhance Your Skills & Qualifications on the Weekend

Weekend training courses have become increasingly popular in recent years as individuals like you may seek to enhance your skills and knowledge in your chosen field without sacrificing your workweek. This trend has also caught on in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector, where institutions such as:

1. Youth and Sports Skills Training Institute (ILKBS) offer weekend training courses to empower youths like you/your children with additional skills.

This programme is held on weekends using a “Do It Yourself” approach and tailored specifically for B40 & M40 groups, as well as at-risk and minority youths and those who are already working aged 40 and below.

2. ISE Education offer weekend induction courses for you to be qualified as centre managers, skills trainers/assessors (PP)/internal verifiers (PPD) & external verifiers (PPL)*.

* Other qualifications maybe required for the various positions stated above (appointed by respective Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran‘s Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB, regardless of government or private)

Kursus induksi PP-PPD-PPB
Click the image for the schedule
Kursus Induksi PPL
Click the image for the schedule

TVET programs are designed to provide practical training and education for a variety of trades, professions, and vocations. They aim to you with the knowledge, skills, and attitude needed to succeed in your chosen career paths. However, not everyone can commit to full-time training due to work or personal obligations, especially if you have already started working. This is where weekend training courses come in handy.

Weekend training courses offer you the opportunity to pursue your education and training goals outside of regular working hours. These courses are designed to be flexible, convenient, and accessible as you may have commitments during the week. They provide a perfect balance between work, life, and learning.

To sum up, weekend training courses linked to TVET and JPK’s induction courses are an excellent option for you/your children/your employees who are looking to enhance your/their skills, knowledge or qualifications while balancing work and personal commitments. These courses provide you with the practical experience and knowledge or qualifications needed to succeed in your chosen field. Additionally, they offer a flexible, convenient, and accessible learning experience that can help you to achieve your career goals.

Salt Bae Malaysia – 10 Fun Facts for Aspiring Chefs

Salt Bae Malaysia - Profile Pic

Salt Bae Malaysia

Salt Bae Malaysia? Is there really a Salt Bae restaurant in Malaysia? Or you may be wondering, who’s this Salt Bae?

Let’s get to know the 10 fun facts about Salt Bae.

10 Fun Facts About Salt Bae

1. Salt Bae’s real name is Nusret Gökçe

2. Yes, he’s not a Malaysian but a Turkish butcher, celebrity chef, food entertainer and restaurateur

3. Salt Bae owns Nusr-Et, a chain of luxury steak houses. Unfortunately, not in Malaysia yet. Hence there’s NO Salt Bae Malaysia ya 🙂 

As of 2021, he has Nusr-Et branches in Turkey, Greece, the United States, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia . The name of his restaurant chain comes from his own name and “Et”, which means “meat” in Turkish.

Salt Bae Malaysia - restaurant in London

4. He is a son of a miner, without much formal education. He was forced to leave school in the sixth grade (aged 11–12) to work as a butcher’s apprentice in the Kadıköy district of Istanbul.

5. Between 2007 and 2010, Gökçe visited several countries including US &  Argentina. He worked in local restaurants for free, in order to gain experience as a cook and a restaurateur. 

Gökçe finally opened his first restaurant in Istanbul in 2010 at the age of 27, after years of seeking experience  overseas.

6. In January 2017 he shot to fame overnight when a video of him flamboyantly seasoning a piece of steak went viral online. He was dubbed “Salt Bae” due to his peculiar way of sprinkling salt: dropping it from his fingertips to his forearm, and then onto the dish. 

Source: (with adaptation)

7. Salt Bae now owns a chain of 22 steakhouses around the world  (no Salt Bae Malaysia yeah, in case you’re wondering again) called Nusr-Et, where you can purchase a 24 karat gold–wrapped tomahawk for about RM5,140!

24 karat gold–wrapped tomahawk

8. From a early school dropout due to family’s financial woes to a whopping total net worth of around $75 Million, Salt Bae is another great rags to riches story. Learn more from the video below.

9.  Salt Bae maybe very rich but ….

his famous London steakhouse, Nusr-Et, is looking for Chef de Partie, offering the station chef role just $16 to $18 (RM71to RM80) an hour, plus tips, for their service. That wage is equivalent to a side of mashed potatoes or sweet corn at the trendy eatery, according to the Daily Mail.

10. Last but not least, the latest sensational controversy he created was the World Cup 2022.

Salt Bae was shown holding, kissing and pretending to sprinkle salt on the World Cup trophy, and interrupting Argentina players’ celebrations after their penalty shootout victory over France. And Lionel Messi and team definitely not happy about it!

Do You Think You can Open the next 'Salt Bae Malaysia'?

Next Salt Bae Malaysia? Nah, forget about it. Be creative, am sure we Malaysians can be better. Why need to be another Gordon Ramsay or Salt Bae?

We have our own De.Wan 1958 by Chef Wan, Suka Sucre Bistro by Chef Dato’ Fazley Yaakob and few more.

So, how do you start with that? Work for free in some restaurants?

Unlike those days, you now have a proper pathway towards becoming a culinary chef (or even celebrity chef later if you’re creative enough and have great personality).

1. Apprentice @ National Dual Training System (NDTS)

Just like Salt Bae where he started being an apprentice, you too can take this pathway. You are luckier as our Malaysian government has been generously dishing out special incentives for all parties involved (apprentice, training provider and workplace/industry), at least for the past 2 years with a RM1,000/mth allowance.

You will also be awarded with Malaysian Skills Certificate @ SKM that is nationally & internationally recognised.

Will there be a continuity to that in 2023? Very likely as it’s been budgeted by the previous government and TVET agenda is one of the priority of our country towards a skilled workforce. A skilled workforce is an asset and helps in ensuring enhanced productivity, adoption of new technology, global competitiveness, increased income and reduction of poverty.

So how does NDTS works? Perhaps have a quick look at the chart below (focus on the green column). If you want a lengthy explanation of it, you may read more here about NDTS (or more well known as SLDN in BM)

3 ways to Obtain Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia
Youths Graduated from MCDONALD'S VOCATIONAL ACADEMY Apprenticeship Programme @ NDTS in Food Preparation

2. Accredited Programme Training System @ Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB

Again, kindly refer to the chart below (red column) to have an idea of the system. In short, it’s like a college but unlike the conventional academic programmes, TVET accredited programs by Department of Skills Development focuses much more on the theoretical side and does not require an SPM to enrol for the programme.

3 ways to Obtain Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia

Want to get your skills program accredited by Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran?

Before you contact us for more questions, good that you read more about the system itself first.

  1. National Dual Training System (NDTS) 
  2. Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB @JPK

3 Digital Training Skills for Effective TVET Instruction

Digital Training Implementation

The digital world has changed how we live our lives. It’s also changing how we train people in TVET. This article will give you an overview of the 3 main digital training skills and the different types of digital tools available for use by trainers and learners, and provide practical advice on how to implement these into your training programs.

1. Develop e-training material

There are lots of ways to develop e-training materials. However, there are some crucial factors that should not be ignored when undertaking e-training content development for e-training course materials. The 5 tips required to create successful e-training material are elaborated below:

1. Employ Highly Qualified And Experienced Facult

There are many TVET institutions in Malaysia which lack highly qualified and experienced teachers who can teach students using a variety of teaching methodologies and real-life examples. Thus, this is the most crucial factor in developing e-training material for a successful digital training implementation.

If your TVET trainers are not well versed in this area, it’s time to upskill them with the necessary knowledge and skills. Perhaps can consider attending a basic & compressed* one (1) day course on Digital Training Implementation conducted by an experience trainer that has a Degree majoring in this area. 

* Basic knowledge and experience of using Gmail products and going online is a pre-requisite. 

2. Integrate 3D Animation, Simulations, Games, And Quizzes For Enhanced Comprehension

Making e-training content development informative and relevant with text is not enough. Unless the content is made attractive, lively, fun, and engaging, the e-training material may fail to attract students, especially those in the TVET sector. To make content engaging, integrate 3D animation, simulations, games, and quizzes into the e-training material, therefore, enriching TVET learner comprehension on different concepts.

3. Create Relevant e-training Content

Learners prefer learn from content which they find simple, relevant, and informative. Therefore, e-training content development should not be monotonous or passive, but encourage the learners to pay attention.

4. Structure Your Training Journey

E-training content should be designed to offer a logical and structured journey for the learners in the form of learning paths when it comes to training content. Logically, subdividing the main course into several courses depending upon available learning time for course completion is of significant importance. This structured and organized-learning path gives learners clarity on which course to complete first and helps define a learning path for a certification program. 

5. Assess Learner Performance

An assessment of a student’s performance should be provided periodically. In order to develop high-quality e-training material, you should follow the above tips to create an effective one.

2. Deliver Online Training

For successful digital training to be implemented, you need to deliver your online training effectively after developing the right & effective e-training material.

Here are the top five (5) tips for delivering effective online training.

1. Using the Right Technology

Providing access to the right technology is important to allow your TVET trainers to get their training done effectively. No one wants technical hiccups to get in the way of their training time. Besides the internet facility readiness, you will also need to provide access to laptops or desktops that is compatible for the digital training, microphones as well as the appropriate software and licences to use it. Your trainees will need login details and support to navigate the programmes they need to use.

2. Create a Content Library

If your e-learning material is to be used for every batch of students, there’s no point reinventing the wheel every year and creating a new course. Organise and store reusable content, such as training materials, assessments, poll questions and session guidance notes for carrying out the digital training.

3. Keep your Learners Engaged

Not everyone will be enthusiastic on digital learning, particularly TVET students who may have a shorter attention lifespan. But it doesn’t mean the courses can’t be interactive and surprisingly fun and informative. Try using tests to evaluate knowledge retention during the session and get immediate feedback with polls. Encourage small-group interaction with breakout sessions. Or you could broadcast an image of your whiteboard to trainees and share your updates in real time.

4. Assess What Your Trainees Have Learned

Once your trainees have completed their learning, you also need to assess how they got on by finding out, for example, what the pass rate is, what questions proved tricky or if there are any outstanding trainees who need to complete their learning. Look into whether your platform or web application allows you to get detailed reports on session attendance, test results and assessments.

5. Reward Your Trainees

Just because the learning schedule you set is online, it doesn’t mean you can’t reward your trainees in other ways to congratulate them on completing the digital training. For example, perhaps you could reward the highest scorer.

Suggested digital tools & e-training platforms for the above two (but not limited to):  Google Classroom, Google MeetZoom, Youtube, Canva 

3. Conduct Online Assessment

Online Assessments are the new normal, as learning has transcended to be disseminated using technology. E-learning is the current mantra, beyond pen and paper. Online Assessments are challenging because they are difficult to construct using the tools available. Nevertheless, their benefits are farfetched. Online Assessments are easier to explore and data collection on the performance of the learner becomes easily accessible, easily adaptable, less time-consuming, and leverage new data collection. 

The Online Assessment should be achievable by the learner, unambiguous in approach, should include a baseline criterion for the learner, easily understood by all learners; and feedback must be provided preferably in a written format which is accessible to all learners. The quality of the online assessment determines its efficacy, universal approach, genuine scores and real-time calibre of the learner

In the context of Malaysian Skills Certification System (SPKM), assessment is the process of assessing the level of competence that includes the skills, knowledge and attitude of a trainee while performing the assigned tasks. 

It is implemented to determine whether a trainee has reached the skill level set in NOSS, for the purpose of awarding the Malaysian Skills Certificate / Malaysian Skills Diploma / Malaysian Advanced Diploma of Skills / Statement of Achievement.

Online Assessment Tools

Google Forms is a popular Online Assessment Tool used by trainers/tutors. It is easy to create small quizzes or multiple-choice questions.

Other tools which have gained usage in current times are Skoolbeep, The Answer Pad, Edulastic, EasyLMS, Examsoft, CodeSignal and others.

Online Assessment tools can facilitate real-time grading, help take online examinations using assessment software, and help the teachers who logged in to keep pace with the learning.

The software chosen should have inherent features such as timely updating from time to time for a smooth LMS, 24/7 chat support, an auto-save option in case of internet or electricity disruption, and be highly user-friendly.

Designing An Effective Online Assessment

The internet is an ocean of opportunities. Assessments may be conducted as holding polls, conducting webinars, educative videos, Learning Management portals and others.

Create Clear Rubrics – which should be conveyed transparently to the learners before the assignment. The Assessment format, grading system and roadmap to take the assignment should be crystal clear to make a fair judgement of scores.

Purpose of the Assessment – should be established before the design of the Assessment. The objective, assessment length, test conditions will make the purpose clear and assessment goals effective in output.

All-Inclusive Approach – The assessment design should be all-inclusive with Multiple Assessments to effectively test learners according to their level (eg SKM1, SKM2, SKM3, DKM or DLKM). Accessibility, clarity, technology facilitation, and a step-by-step approach will enable holistic learner data.

Digital Training Implementation Course

Digital Training - For VTO holders

If you are interested to deliver your TVET courses more effectively via digital means, we’ve designed a compact 1 day course just for you.

This course is part of a 2 days programme specifically designed for you, VTO (Level 3) cert holders that intend to upgrade your cert to TVET-i (Level 4).

NOTE: You may be also interested with other online courses/workshops that is related to skills certification to enable you to obtain Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia or becoming an Assessor/Verifier within the Malaysian Skills Certification System.

PTPK – Perbadanan Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran

Pengenalan PTPK

PTPK – Perbadanan Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran adalah badan berkanun di bawah Kementerian Sumber Manusia yang mana fungsi utamanya adalah untuk memberikan pinjaman latihan kemahiran kepada individu yang mengikuti latihan kemahiran di Penyedia Latihan Awam (PLA) dan Swasta (PLS) yang ditauliahkan oleh Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) dan berdaftar dengan PTPK.

Belanjawan 2024 - Rahsia Permohonan Pusat Bertauliah JPK
Pusat Latihan anda ditauliahkan oleh Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK)?

Latihan ini dibuka kepada pelatih yang mengikuti program latihan Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM), Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) dan Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM).

PTPK - Dana Pinjaman TVET Lepasan Sekolah
Kredit imej: Perbadanan Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran

Syarat Pinjaman PTPK - Lepasan Sekolah

Syarat-syarat Pemohon

i) Warganegara Malaysia;

ii) Berumur 15 hingga 45 tahun pada tarikh kelulusan pinjaman;

iii) Bukan seorang yang diisytiharkan muflis dan tidak disenarai hitam oleh mana-mana institusi kewangan;

iv) Sihat tubuh badan;

v) Pemohon dalam kategori Orang Kelainan Upaya (OKU) yang mampu menjalankan latihan kemahiran mengikut kemahiran yang bersesuaian dan mampu bekerja selepas tamat latihan (mampu membayar balik pinjaman);

vi) Tidak mendapat mana-mana pembiayaan atau tajaan daripada agensi Kerajaan atau institusi kewangan yang lain dalam tempoh latihan yang diikuti; dan

vii) Bukan terdiri daripada pelajar sekolah atau penuntut yang sedang mengikuti pengajian di mana-mana institusi pengajian

Syarat-syarat Permohonan

i) Mengemukakan sekurang-kurangnya seorang penjamin;

ii) Jumlah pinjaman yang melebihi daripada RM 24,000.00 hendaklah mengemukakan dua (2) orang penjamin yang terdiri daripada seorang ibu / bapa / penjaga dan seorang yang bukan ibu / bapa / penjaga. Manakala jumlah pinjaman yang kurang daripada RM 24,000.00 adalah memadai dengan satu (1) orang penjamin yang terdiri daripada ibu / bapa / penjaga;

iii) Pendapatan keluarga tidak melebihi RM5,000.00 sebulan;

iv) Tidak mempunyai sebarang tunggakan dalam pinjaman PTPK terdahulu kecuali mendapat kelulusan penangguhan bayaran balik;

v) Mengemukakan permohonan melalui Penyedia Latihan (PL) yang berdaftar dengan PTPK;

vi) Program yang diikuti hendaklah ditauliahkan oleh Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) dan dibiayai oleh PTPK;

vii) Mengikuti latihan sepenuh masa; dan

viii) Peminjam perlu mengemukakan salinan akaun bank

Syarat-syarat penjamin

i) Warganegara Malaysia;

ii) Berumur 21 tahun ke atas dan tidak melebihi 50 tahun pada tarikh permohonan;

iii) Berpendapatan tidak kurang daripada RM700 kecuali ibu/bapa/penjaga yang sah;

iv) Bukan seorang yang muflis;

v) Penjamin hendaklah sihat tubuh badan dan mengikut kategori Orang
Kelainan Upaya (OKU) yang bersesuaian;

vi) Peminjam tidak boleh menjadi penjamin dalam tempoh latihan; dan

vii) Sekiranya penjamin bekerja sendiri atau tidak mempunyai slip gaji/penyata gaji. Sila rujuk tatacara permohonan pinjaman seperti
dilampiran .

Caj Pentadbiran

Bayaran balik yang dikenakan ke atas peminjam sebanyak 3% mengikut baki berkurangan dimana telah termaktub di dalam dokumen perjanjian yang telah ditandatangani oleh peminjam dan penjamin-penjamin, semak semula perjanjian pinjaman PTPK.

Caj pentadbiran akan didebitkan setiap awal bulan. Jumlah bayaran bulanan pinjaman peminjam sudah termasuk dengan caj tadbir. Setiap awal bulan jumlah caj tadbir akan di masukkan terlebih dahulu dalam lejer. Kemudian baru bayaran pokok di dalam penyata peminjam sekiranya peminjam ada membuat bayaran.


PTPK - Dana Pinjaman TVET Pekerja
Kredit imej: Perbadanan Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran

Skim Pembiayaan Pinjaman PTPK - Pekerja

Bayaran Pinjaman

a) Yuran akan dibayar kepada peminjam / penyedia latihan selepas perjanjian lengkap dan selepas pengesahan borang CIMB Direct Debit / akaun bank diterima daripada Cawangan Akaun, PTPK.

b) Jika tempoh latihan melebihi setahun PTPK akan membuat pecahan bayaran mengikut tempoh latihan.

c) Yuran akan dibayar selepas ditolak apa – apa potongan kena bayar kepada peminjam / penyedia latihan

Premium Insurans

a) Jumlah insurans yang dikenakan kepada peminjam termasuk dalam
kadar yuran. Kriteria bayaran premium insurans adalah seperti berikut:
 Jumlah pinjaman
 Umur peminjam

Elaun Sara Hidup (ESH)

a) ESH akan dibayar kepada peminjam selepas perjanjian dan selepas
pengesahan borang CIMB Direct Debit / akaun bank diterima daripada Cawangan Akaun, PTPK.

b) Susulan Elaun bulanan akan dibayar setiap 7hb; manakala program harian dibayar sebelum/selepas tamat latihan

c) Elaun akan dibayar selepas ditolak apa – apa potongan kena bayar kepada peminjam / penyedia latihan

Pautan Cepat Untuk Peminjam

Pautan Cepat Untuk Penyedia Latihan

TVET in Malaysia – 5 essential things you must know

TVET in Malaysia

Thinking about pursuing Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Malaysia? You’ve come to the right place! Here, we’ll break down 5 key things you need to know about TVET in Malaysia, helping you decide if it’s the right path for your future.

What is TVET?

TVET program, TVET Malaysia, TVET Mara, TVET centre …. these are the common terms that we hear & see in the media. So before we go further, let’s understand TVET meaning.

Jika anda ingin baca dalam Bahasa Malaysia, sila rujuk sini

TVET stands for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. According to UNESCO’s definition, technical and vocational education is used as a comprehensive term referring to those aspects of the educational process involving, in addition to general education, the study of technologies and related sciences, and the acquisition of practical skills, attitudes, understanding and knowledge relating to occupations in various sectors of economic and social life.

It includes formal and informal learning that prepare young people with the knowledge and skills required in the working world, with major emphasis on industry practices.

The scope of TVET should be based on the Occupational Standards such as the National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS), with an emphasis on practical components, psychomotor skills and exposure to training in industry.

TVET is not something new in Malaysia. Only that TVET is often misunderstood as a second option and is only eligible for individuals who are less outstanding in terms of academic achievement. In fact, the stigma has become obsolete because now TVET graduates are getting more and more attention from employers.

TVET in Malaysia was given a new lease of life on 27 Sept 2017 with the launch (and branding) of TVET Malaysia by the former Prime Minister, YAB Dato’s Sri Mohd Najib b Abdul Razak to change the parents’ negative perception on TVET skills. This stigma is common given that many of us has been placing more emphasis on academics all this while.

TVET in Malaysia

1. TVET in Malaysia - pathway to further education

Contrary to misconceptions, TVET doesn’t limit your educational journey. Many graduates use their qualifications as stepping stones to pursue higher education, enrolling in universities or specialized programs to further refine their skills and expertise.

Generally, there are two streams that offer certificates/diplomas accredited by Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA)

1. If you are a SPM graduate, you also  have the opportunity to further your study, either  Certificate or Diploma, in a highly skilled TVET program. Institutions that offer TVET in Malaysia are such as Polytechnics, Community Colleges and Vocational Colleges and Technical Institutes (pre SPM).

2. If you are not so academically inclined but loves to do things hands-on, it does not matter whether you’re a PT3 or non-SPM leaver. 

You can also learn TVET program / TVET courses at:   
a) Government OR
b) Private
TVET institutions OR
c) SLDN/NDTS training centres & companies (apprenticeship scheme)

All these offers Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia, Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia or Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia. 

SKM setaraf SPM atau lebih tinggi - MQF

School leavers, with or without SPM, can acquire a TVET qualification from various providers or institutions in all the three sectors. The qualifications offered range from certificate, diploma, advanced diploma Bachelor’s & Masters degree up to Doctorate levels.

Qualifications from the skills sector are awarded by the Department for Skills Development (Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran), Ministry of Human Resources. This pathway is available for you whether you have or don’t have SPM qualification.

If you have completed Form 3 (PT3), you have the option of pursuing the skills training pathway (at either public or private skills training institutes) that leads to 5 levels of skills qualifications within the skills sector. 

  • Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) Level 1
  • Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) Level 2
  • Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) Level 3
  • Malaysian Skills Diploma (DKM) Level 4
  • Malaysian Advanced Skills Diploma (DLKM) Level 5

Qualifications from the Technical & Vocational sector (Vocational Colleges, Technical Secondary Schools) is mainly awarded by the Ministry of Education.

Upon completion of primary school education, UPSR (Standard 6), you can opt to pursue Junior Vocation Education or Pendidikan Asas Vokasional (PAV) at government schools.

After completing  Form 3, you may also pursue a 4-year vocational education program at MOE’s Kolej Vokasional that leads to the award of Diploma Vokasional Malaysia, DVM. The DVM program at Kolej Vokasional is also open to PAV graduates.

Last but not least, the Higher Education Sector (Polytechnics, Community Colleges & Technical Universities@MTUN is overseen by Ministry of Higher Education.

2. TVET Program/Courses - General Entrance Requirements

You are interested to pursue a TVET program? Let’s see what are the general entrance requirements:

Skills Sector

  • Above 16 years old.
  • Malaysian. If you’re a foreigner, you can still register for a TVET program at a JPK International Accredited Centre (however, it’s very limited)
  • Must be healthy, no physical defects or injuries or historical illness or any illness that limits, restricts or cause difficulty in carrying out practical work during the course.
  • Must not be colour blind.
  • Has basic reading, writing  and counting skills.
  • Free from any mental problem.
  • Passionate in the chosen TVET program 

Technical & Vocational Sector

  • Malaysian
  • Student of Government Secondary Schools or  Government Aided Secondary Schools under Ministry of Education.
  • Must be healthy, no physical defects or injuries or historical illness or any illness that limits, restricts or cause difficulty in carrying out practical work during the course.
  • Must not be colour blind.

Visit here for  additional/specific requirements for Vocational Colleges or Technical Secondary Schools’s entrance requirements.

Higher Education Sector

  • Malaysian
  • Have SPM or it’s equivalent
  • Pass Bahasa Melayu
  • Pass history (SPM 2013 and beyond)
  • Min three (3) credits in any subjects (Additional requirement for Diploma)
  • Not color blind or has any physical disabilities that can  cause difficulty in carrying out practical work.

3. Strong Employability Prospects

Many of us who are not aware that the TVET field provides many job opportunities with some providing relatively lucrative salaries.
Based on the tracer study of Malaysian TVET graduates, the marketability of skills graduates is higher compared to university graduates (academic diploma/degree/masters/PhD)

As a developing country, TVET graduates have lucrative opportunity as the country needs many skilled manpower in the industry. Most TVET institutions, on the other hand, offer skills that are indeed in demand by many companies today.

These skills not enable you to get a job easier, it can also open up opportunities for yourself to create new job opportunities with existing skills. TVET graduates also have the opportunity to become entrepreneurs with additional existing skills.

4. Advantages of TVET Program

Among the advantages if you are a graduate of TVET program are that you are able to master practical knowledge and skills better than graduates of academic program.

It is definitely the  BEST choice for you especially if you are a very hands-on person. Job opportunities are plenty compared to academic based program. Not only that, certain vocation like underwater welding pays very well too.

Unlike the traditional academic route, TVET offers a diverse spectrum of programs. From engineering and healthcare to hospitality and multimedia, you can find a program that aligns with your interests and talents. There are certificate, diploma, and even degree-level programs available, catering to various educational goals.

If you can’t decide which one you like most, perhaps you may use the following list as a guide too. Here are the top 10* most popular TVET programs (in random order) being offered by both government and private TVET institutions.

  1. Automotive – repair & diagnostic service
  2. Electrical Installation & Maintenence – Single/Three phase 
  3. Office Administration
  4. Beauty Therapy
  5. Computer System
  6. Industrial Automation/Mechatronics
  7. Early Childhood Care & Education
  8. Food Preparation/Culinary
  9. Graphic Design
  10. TVET Instruction / Train-The-Trainer

5. Affordable Education

Compared to traditional universities, TVET programs are generally more affordable. With government scholarships and financial aid readily available, pursuing TVET can be a cost-effective way to gain valuable qualifications and launch your career.

Remember, TVET is not a “second choice” but a strategic pathway to a fulfilling career. With its focus on practical skills, industry relevance, and strong job prospects, TVET in Malaysia offers an appealing option for individuals seeking a rewarding and future-proof career path.

Do your research, explore the diverse program options, and consider TVET as a gateway to your success!

TVET program/course - Apply NOW

Kursus Kemahiran Percuma 2022, Berelaun! Tempat Terhad!

Kursus Kemahiran Percuma 2022

Harap maklum - Permohonan Telah Tutup pada 31 Dis 2022

Kursus kemahiran percuma 2022 diteruskan lagi walaupun banyak program PENJANA HRDF ataupun PENJANA PERKESO telah/hampir tamat.

Sebelum kita senaraikan kursus kemahiran percuma ad-hoc (seperti Penjana), adakah anda tahu bahawan ada institusi kemahiran awam & swasta yang tertentu juga menawarkan  kursus kemahiran percuma sepanjang masa?

Dari 3 cara untuk mohon Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia, salah satu kaedahnya biasanya adalah percuma. Bukan itu sahaja, anda akan diberi insentif (bukan pinjaman) dari kerajaan.

Cara yang dimaksudkan tu adalah kaedah Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional. 

Apakah itu kaedah SLDN?

SLDN merupakan singkatan daripada Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional. ‘ Dual ‘ bermaksud latihan di dalam dua situasi pembelajaran iaitu tempat kerja yang sebenar dan institut latihan. Ianya dikendalikan melalui usahasama syarikat-syarikat dan institusi-institusi latihan.

 Jangka MasaBerdasaran kepada tahap kemahiran yang telah ditetapkan dalam Sistem Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia (SPKM)
 Nisbah Amali- Teori

70% hingga 80% latihan amali di industri dan 20% hingga 30% latihan teori di pusat latihan.

 KonsepPendekatan pembelajaran Kendiri (Self-reliant Learning)
 Kaedah PenyampaianDay Release System

Contohnya latihan amali selama 4 hari di dalam
syarikat dan diikuti oleh satu hari kelas teori yang
berkaitan di pusat latihan.

Block Release System ( jika perlu )
Contohnya 3-4 bulan latihan praktikal diikuti dengan
1-4 minggu kelas teori berkaitan.

 PelatihLepasan SPM, belia menganggur dan/atau pekerja yang sedang bekerja yang telah dipilih dan digaji oleh pihak syarikat. Syarikat tidak terikat untuk menawarkan pekerjaan selepas tamat latihan
Penganugerahan Kelayakan

Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (1,2,3), Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM)dan Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM)

Lazimnya, jika anda menyertai kursus kemahiran cara SLDN, anda bukan sahaja tidak perlu membayar yuran kursus malah dapat lagi elaun, samada dari syarikat latihan SLDN@tempat kerja dan/atau dari insentif kerajaan, seperti SLDN Berinsentif 2022

Untuk memudahkan anda, boleh cari senarai program yang ditawarkan oleh pusat & syarikat latihan SLDN di sini yang menawarkan pelbagai kursus kemahiran percuma.

Namun, harus diingatkan bahawa bukan semua pusat & syarikat latihan yang tawarkannya secara PERCUMA. 

Ada yang pakej bersama persijilan antarabangsa/profesional yang lain di mana mereka mengenakan yuran untuk pensijilan tersebut dan pada masa yang sama, daftar anda untuk program SLDN untuk pensijilan sampingan.

Pusat atau syarikat latihan SLDN yang menawarkan program SLDN berinsentif adalah TIDAK dibenarkan untuk mengenakan sebarang yuran kursus kepada calon/anda.

Kursus Kemahiran Percuma 2022 - Yayasan Peneraju

Kursus Kemahiran Percuma 2022 - Certified Production Technician

Syarat Kelayakan

  1. Bumiputera
  2. Warganegara Malaysia
  3. 19-35 tahun
  4. Lepasn diploma dalam bidang kejuruteraan atau bidang berkaitan
  • Latihan 3 bulan DAN WAJIB kerja 3 bulan di industri.
  • Elaun bulanan RM350/bulan X 3 bulan
  • Penginapan disediakan

Kursus Kemahiran Percuma 2022 - Skim Pembiayaan PERKASA TVET

Skim Pembiayaan Perkasa TVET 2022 adalah program latihan kemahiran jangka pendek (biasanya 6 bulan atau kurang) termasuk secara modular atau customized atau Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT) bergantung kepada permintaan majikan / industry di bawah Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia (PKM), Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK).

Pelatih diberikan penempatan pekerjaan/peningkatan kerjaya terlebih dahulu oleh majikan dan menjalani latihan di Penyedia Latihan Awam (PLA) . Penyedia Latihan Swasta (PLS) berdasarkan konsep “Place & Train”

Syarat Kelayakan Am

  1. Warganegara Malaysia;
  2. Berumur 15 hingga 30/45 tahun (bergantung kepada Pusat) pada tahun permohonan;
  3. Pelatih tidak menerima pembiayaan / geran latihan daripada mana-mana institusi kewangan lain bagi program yang sama semasa permohonan ini dibuat;
  4. Kriteria pelatih terdiri daripada kategori berikut:
  5. Keutamaan bagi peminjam PTPK yang terjejas dengan pendemik Covid 19; 
    Pelajar lepasan sekolah atau pelajar lepasan institut pengajian tinggi; atau 
    Individu yang mempunyai perniagaan sendiri / bekerja sendiri yang terjejas pendapatan;
    Pekerja yang terjejas pendapatan akibat pendamik Covid 19;
    Pekerja memerlukan kemahiran baru.

* Syarat-syarat adalah tertakluk kepada perubahan dari semasa ke semasa.

Kursus Kemahiran Percuma 2022 - Aircraft Ground Handling
Kursus 2 bulan di akademi (Kelana Jaya) & 4 bulan di lapangan terbang Subang. Tempat tinggal & pengangkutan sendiri. Peluang pekerjaan disediakan selepas kursus
Kursus sepenuh masa 3 bulan di Georgetown, Penang & 3 bulan praktikal di industri
Kursus Kemahiran Percuma 2022 - KTM
Kursus 6 bulan di Senai, Johor
Kursus Kemahiran Percuma 2022 - KSA
Kursus 3 bulan di Kampar, Perak diikuti dengan peluang pekerjaan disediakan selepas tamat kursus
Jadual mingguan - Kursus 1-2 hari di Kolej, Kemuning Utama, Shah Alam, 4-5 hari di bengel kereta
Kursus Kemahiran Percuma Kraftangan

Anda ingin jadi pusat latihan kemahiran yang dapat pembiayaan untuk tawarkan kursus kemahiran percuma?

1. Sekiranya anda menawarkan latihan kemahiran yang lebih cenderung ke arah masa praktikal di industri yang panjang, sila baca dulu Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional.

SLDN - Logo

2. Sekiranya anda menawarkan latihan kemahiran yang 100% dalam pusat latihan (termasuk praktikal di pusat latihan sendiri), anda lebih sesuai untuk mohon sebagai Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB
Anda juga boleh baca dulu carta alir untuk mohon sebagai pusat bertauliah SLaPB ataupun beli yang sedia ada (artikel dalam English)

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