Category Archives: TVETjob

‘Young people unprepared for digital transformation’

digital transformation
(From left) Ooi, Salika, Tan, Amran and Wong at the panel discussion held at INTI’s Subang campus. — AZHAR MAHFOF/The StarTHE local talent pool may be unprepared to be part of the digitally evolving workforce although the country is heading towards the fourth industrial revolution (IR4.0).

Digital Transformation

A recent International Data Corporation (IDC) whitepaper suggests that existing and future talents are unable to appreciate the significance of digital transformation and its impact on future jobs and competencies in a digitally-enabled workforce.

The study, a collaboration with INTI International University and Colleges, is based on a survey of more than 560 respondents, including students, graduates and parents.

INTI acting chief executive Tan Lin Nah said the study was unique in that it spoke about talents’ perceptions of IR4.0, rather than government and industry experts.

“The findings are a wake-up call that while technological change is taking shape in the country, young people are yet to keep up with its impact on their future.

“It shows that both education and industry still have much to do in building our talent pipelines to be globally competitive in an IR4.0 world,” she said.

While IR4.0 has been a buzzword over the past three years, more than half (63%) of student and graduate respondents were unable to articulate what it entailed.

A total of 54% of parents surveyed admitted they lack a clear definition and ability to discuss IR4.0 and its relevance to organisational transformation.

A panel discussion on the study, however, agreed that the issue was not about whether talents could precisely define IR4.0, but stressed the importance of inculcating the emerging workforce with a combination of skills, critical and design thinking abilities as well as technological skill sets built for the future.

The panel, held at INTI’s Subang campus, was titled “Graduate Readiness vs Industry Advancement Towards IR4.0: Can Graduates Hack it in Tomorrow’s Digital Future?”

It comprised Tan, IDC Asia Pacific research manager Jensen Ooi, PwC Malaysia human capital executive director Salika Suksuwan, Maybank innovation head Amran Hassan and Human Resources Development Fund Malaysia research and development department research unit head Wong Chan Wai.

“There is a gap in skill sets between universities and employers’ needs, but universities can’t equip graduates with all the skills they need.

“The industry does play a role in upskilling and reskilling talents as there are skills that can only be acquired when in an organisation,” said Wong.

Tan concurred that IR4.0 as a term has been “bandied around” but the truth of the matter was whether “you know or don’t, you’re already living it.”

A question that came up was, how do we teach for jobs that aren’t here yet, for tech that hasn’t been introduced yet?

“There’s space for technical skills, but the focus should be on the ability to think through problems and solve them using whatever tools we have – such as ICT – and use it in the most practical way.”

Salika also elaborated on the need for talents to be equipped with soft skills, including adaptability, a growth mindset and agility to embrace change and learning.

“It has to be a combination of human and digital skills. The hard or technical skills are not as vital, although still necessary,” she said.

Meanwhile, Amran offered a different opinion as he stressed the need for technical specialisation.

“It is impossible for universities to produce ‘ready-made’ graduates.

“To prepare students for today’s workplace, they need to understand that being a generalist is no longer possible and that they need focus on technical skills.

“For example, deep skills in technology, finance or accounting and really understanding it will allow them to later disrupt the industry with technology.”


Comment: Much has always been said about graduates not ready for the industry, due to various reasons like out of date syllabus, equipments, insufficient hands-on time etc. Models like training institutions collaborating with industry where students are trained theoretically at institutions & remaining hours at the industry’s workplace (SLDN) is a great way to train students which are industry ready. One of the successful example implementing SLDN is 7-Eleven.

Another model that’s under explored is teaching factory, where even the theoretical portion is conducted at workplace/factory. Of course, this would need major commitment from the industry and someone has to enlightened them the cost benefits of investing in such a model, where they do not need to spend time & resources to re-train graduates if they are from the conventional model (graduate 100% from training institutions/universities)

Another example of a successful model (100% employability as claimed by the College) is Peninsula College’s Jom! Bekerja Sambil Belajar (JBSB) Programme, which gives students the opportunity to work part-time at PKT Logistics Group’s warehouse, finance and human resources departments.

Peluang graduan TVET di Offshore – Gaji Lumayan?

Graduan TVET di offshore

Kehidupan dan cabaran di offshore

Bekerja di offshore (pelantar minyak) tak sama dengan bekerja di tempat-tempat biasa. Berjauhan dengan keluarga, anak bini serta girlfriend, kerja 12 jam sehari start jam 6.30 pagi sampai le jam 6.30 petang. Pergerakkan pun terbatas, banyak regulation yang kena patuhi.

Tentang safety pulak, number one. Sesetengah platform Petronas langsung tidak benarkan personnel keluar dari living quarters kalau tak pakai coverall, sebab safety. Mercury hazard Dan Hidrogen sulfida. Platform Supervisor ada hak untuk hantar balik pada sesiapa yang langgar safety regulation. Kena pakai PPE atau personnel protective equipment setiap masa sewaktu bekerja, kalau after working hour sekalipun kena pakai kalau keluar dari living quarters. Living quarters – tempat makan minum, tengok tv, mandi, rehat dan tidur.

Nak ke offshore pun perlu jalan urine test terlebih dulu, mana-mana personnel yang positive, minta maaf sila balik rumah, offshore bukan tempat untuk penagih. Sekarang Petronas dah kuat kuasakan peraturan ni di sebelah east coast ni. Mana-mana personnel yang nak ke Petronas platform mesti urine test dulu sebelum naik chopper. ExxonMobil, Talisman dan lain-lain buat masa ni belum start lagi.

Risiko pun tinggi, ombak besar, angin kencang, kerja-kerja yang dijalankan semuanya kerja yang robust. Takde kerja yang takde risiko. Life di offshore perlu alert 24 jam. Masih berminat nak bekerja di offshore ke?

Kelayakkan untuk bekerja di offshore

Bukan semua orang boleh atau layak untuk bekerja di offshore. Hanya mereka yang betul-betul fit dibenarkan berada di atas platform, mat fit tidak digalakkan sama sekali.

Turun dari platform to boat
Basic requirement untuk bekerja di pelantar minyak.

Berusia at least 18 tahun ke atas – biasanya lepasan SPM lah. Sementara nak tunggu result tu ok juga cari pengalaman. Masalahnya sukar juga nak dapatkan company yang nak recruit worker yang tidak pernah ada pengalaman bekerja ni. Paling mudah gi register kat INSTEP – Institut Teknologi Petronas. Lawat web dia kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut. Tak jauh pun, area Batu Rakit Kuala Terengganu jer.
Institut Teknologi PETRONAS (INSTEP – Batu Rakit Campus)
Lot 9764, Mukim Batu Rakit,
21020, Kuala Terengganu,
Terengganu Darul Iman,
Tel: 609 – 669 6141
Fax: 609 – 669 6702

Kalau dah grad dari INSTEP, ada rezeki boleh bekerja dengan di Petronas ataupun ExxonMobil platform. Tapi kalau kena hantar kat onshore macam di Onshore Gas Terminal, Paka ka.. nasib lah.

Safety Passport – Conpulsory, wajib. Bagaimana nak dapatkan safety passport ni. … kalau di sebelah pantai timur ni, TSTC menawarkan berbagai course untuk workers. Ada berpuluh-puluh courses di sini tetapi yang wajib untuk bekerja di offshore :

Basic sea survival course
HUET – Helicopter underwater escape training
Fire fighting
Untuk bekerja di sebelah platform Petronas, anda perlu ada 4 courses. ExxonMobil setakat ini mewajibkan 3 courses. So tanpa course ini anda tidak akan dapat passport, takde passport maaf anda tidak dibenarkan

Walau bagaimanapun kalau anda seorang VIP, kalau takde anda maka kerja tak boleh buat, masih ada peluang untuk anda terlepas untuk sekali namun bergantung kepada keadaan.

Berapa ribu ringgit Malaysia? Untuk 4 courses ini ada perlu ada RMX,XXX.XX. Anda boleh contact TSTC atau layari website dia orang.

Terengganu Safety Training Center Sdn Bhd
3572, Jalan Panchur,
Kawasan Perindustrian Teluk Kalong,
24000 Kemaman
Terengganu Darul Iman
Tell : 09-8623300
Fax : 09-8623302

Physically fit – Macam aku terangkan di atas, hanya personnel yang fit sahaja yang boleh bekerja di sana, yang jenis lemah lembik dinasihatkan tak perlu memohon lah. Alasan aku, kita akan bekerja di sebuah tempat yang kotor, bahaya, cuaca yang tak menentu atau ringkasnya kerja-kerja yang memerlukan kekuatan fizikal dan mental.
Everything nak cepat, kalau lambat panas lah telinga. Begitu juga dengan crew-crew otai yang dah lama bekerja di sana, ada yang hampir 30 tahun! So puak-puak otai ni ada yang kasar ada yang sebaliknya. Kalau dapat bekerja dengan satu team yang baik tu ok lah, kalau puak yang satu lagi tu, alamat nak kena demob je lah.

Demob – balik ke onshore, atau back to town.

Mentallity Fit – Kalau cepat terasa hati, suka menangis, cepat tersentuh atau apa saja peel yang sewaktu dengan kaum hawa tu sekali lagi dinasihatkan tak perlu apply lah. Sebab, sendiri mau ingat kita nak bekerja di pelantar minyak nun di tengah laut, bukannya di kedai salun rambut.
Medical check-up – Anda perlu jalani medical check-up terlebih dahulu, x-ray apa-apa yang patut. Jantung OK, paru-paru OK, mata OK dan semuanya OK. Kalau semua OK boleh jalan terus.
So ini lah serba sedikit BASIC requirement untuk bekerja di offshore.

Jawatan Yang Ditawarkan

List di sini mungkin tidak lengkap, tetapi ini adalah antara regular position yang ada di offshore.

Helper – kalau bahasa kasarnya kuli, macam aku lah. Helper task dia membantu sesiapa sahaja yang perlukan bantuan, tak kira apa task sekalipun. Kerja biasanya lebih kepada nak memudahkan kerja-kerja orang lain, termasuklah tukang angkat spannar, bersihkan working area dan housekeeping. Ramai adik-adik lepasan SPM yang apply kerja ni.
Estimated Salary : RM40.00-RM50.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Rigger – Atas sikit dari helper, nak jadi rigger pun kena join rigging course, bukan boleh pakai redah jer. Tasknya lebih kepada ringging job, lasak, seperti menarik dan menolak bebanan yang berat yang biasanya crane tak boleh operate. Kelebihan untuk mereka yang bertubuh sasa, mat fit tak sesuai.
Estimated Salary : RM80.00-RM100.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Rigger Scaffolder – Rigger juga tetapi specialize dalam erect scaffolding, bahasa baku panggil perancah, tapi jangan ler sesekali sebut perencah kat offshore, nanti kena gelak dik. Tugasnya erect scaffolding untuk jadikan access platform dan panjat tempat tinggi menggunakan safety hardness.
Estimated Salary : RM80.00-RM120.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Fitter – Fitter kerjanya fit up weld steel pipe atau structure, biasanya satu team dengan welder.
Estimated Salary : RM90.00-RM130.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Welder -Welder, tugasnya menyambung pipe atau structure yang telah di fit up oleh fitter. Post ni boleh tahan, kalau banyak “lesen” boleh buat duit banyak. Lesen ni datangnya dari Welder Qualification Test (WQT) .. haaa translate la sendiri, memang dah gitu term nya. Kalau banyak lesen dipanggil multi skill, boleh weld material carbon steel, stainless steel, duplex, cuni etc ler. Orang kampung aku cakap juruteri.. wahaha.
Estimated Salary : RM100.00-RM300.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Blaster – Blaster kerjanya blasts metal surface dengan menggunakan blasting equipment sebelum painter paints sesuatu surface, pipe ke structure ke.. mana-mana lah. Pakaian macam orang nak kebulan, rimas la sikit. Perlu ada IMM courses.
Estimated Salary : RM70.00-RM90.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Painter – Painter pulak sambung kerja yang blaster dah buat, dia apply paint pada surface tu. Sama la kena pakai pakaian ke bulan jugak. Perlu ada IMM courses.
Estimated Salary : RM70.00-RM90.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Electrician – Nama pun electrician, kerja-kerja berkenaan dengan electric di platform.
Estimated Salary : RM100.00-RM120.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Instrument Fitter – Instrument fitter tasksnya berkenaan dengan bahagian instrument, process, tubing etc. Rilex jer kerja ni, tak berat langsung.
Estimated Salary : RM90.00-RM100.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Crane Operator – Operate platform crane.. huii kena ada course ni, kalau boleh bawak crane di onshore belum tentu boleh bawak crane di offshore.
Estimated Salary : RMxx.00-RMxx.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Roustabout –
Driller/Assistant Driller
Toolpusher –
Storeman –
Mud Logger –
Production Operator –
Maintenance personnel –
Catering staff –

Professional posts – Graduates from Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, Geology, Geophysics and Petroleum Engineering courses are all of interest to offshore companies in exploration and production activities such as:

Geologists and Geophysicists
Reservoir engineers
Drilling engineers
Petroleum engineers

Kredit artikel penulisan:

Komen: Jika anda dah dalam bidang O&G dan nak dipersijilkan (Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia, Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia atau Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia), anda boleh rujuk DAFTAR NOSS JPK untuk lihat samada standard pekerjaan telah dibangunkan ke belum. Kalau dah ada, mohon SKM/DKM/DLKM anda melalui PPT.

Dan jika anda ada pengalaman kerja melebihi 10 tahun dalam bidang kemahiran anda, bolehlah pertimbangkan untuk dilantik sebagai Personal Penilai & Verifikasi.

Kursus induksi seperti PP-PPT & PPL selama 2 hari boleh melayakkan anda untuk dilantik, selain SKM & pengalaman kerja (>>10 tahun).

Jika anda ingin menjadi underwater welder pula, ini adalah maklumat kursus untuk pertimbagngan anda.

Kursus underwater welding

🔸 Harga Yuran Kursus :
1) Commercial Diving Level 1 = RM12,000.00
2) Commercial Diving Level 2 = RM12,000.00
3) Underwater Welding & Underwater Cutting = RM24,000.00
Jumlah penuh ialah RM48,000.00.

HARGA ROMOSI 2020 RM42,000.00

Kursus mengambil masa 3 bulan atau lebih (Full Time/Sepenuh Masa)

Pembayaran yuran penuh boleh dilakukan secara berperingkat (sepanjang 3 bulan dalam tempoh latihan)

🔹Kos yuran termasuk pakej :
1) Penginapan homestay
2) Makan & minum
3) Nota Pelajaran
4) Pensijilan
5) Logbook Official
6) Pakaian untuk latihan disediakan (Coverall & TShirt Weldzone Official).

Kursus Aqua Jet Underwater Blasting & Underwater Painting akan diberikan secara PERCUMA didalama silibus pelajaran dan praktikal. Kursus percuma ini diberikan jika pelajar mengambil kursus penuh sahaja (Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3) – (Selagi promosi masih sah sahaja)

Deposit RM5000 untuk :
1) Diving Medical Check Up (1 Hari di Ipoh, Perak)
2) First Aid Class
3) Scuba Diving

📌 Syarat Kelayakan untuk menyertai :
1) Warganegara perlu menyediakan salinan kad pengenalan depan / belakang.
2) Warga luar (Foreigner) salinan passport.
3) Berumur 18 tahun ke atas.
4) Sihat tubuh badan (tiada penyakit kronik asma, semput dll)
5) Mampu membaca, menulis, membuat kiraan matematik asas.
6) Keadaan kewangan yang mencukupi untuk memasuki latihan, untuk mengelakkan penangguhan bayaran yuran kursus serta penerimaan lesen dan sijil.

Pengiktirafan sijil dan lesen :

Pusat Latihan

  • diiktiraf oleh International Technical Diving Agency (Europe) bagi ASIA
  • ahli PETRONAS yang berdaftar dan sah
  • memiliki sijil keahlian IMCA 2017-2018
  • diiktiraf oleh AWS & Bureau Veritas
  • Sijil bertaraf ‘Worldwide’ dan ‘International”

Occupations With The Highest Hiring Demand In Malaysia 2018/2019

If you are undecided on what skills/TVET program to study, you may want to consider jobs that employers are desperate to fill.
This also apply if you’re planning planning a change in your profession or simply starting out in your career.
Check out the Critical Occupations List 2018/2019 before you make your decision on which course to pursue or next career decision.

The Critical Occupations List (COL) shows occupations that are skilled, sought-after, and strategic across 18 sectors in Malaysia. The COL identifies shortages in occupations that are sought-after by employers. As a job seeker, this means that with the right skills, education and experience, you can increase your chances of getting hired by focusing on jobs on the COL list.

In the 2018/2019 list, a total of 59 skilled occupations were identified (Some of those in the list has a NOSS – National Occupational Skills Standard)

The COL was first put together in 2015/2016 and some occupations have been in demand since. Here are the jobs which have been on the list for three consecutive years.

  1. Finance Manager
  2. Policy and Planning Manager
  3. Business Services Manager
  4. Research and Development Manager
  5. Information and Communications Technology Manager
  6. Geologist and Geophysicist
  7. Mathematician, Actuary and Statistician
  8. Industrial and Production Engineer
  9. Mechanical Engineer
  10. Mining Engineer, Metallurgist and Related Professional
  11. Engineering Professional (Excluding Electrotechnology) Not Elsewhere Classified
  12. Electrical Engineer
  13. Electronic Engineer
  14. Telecommunications Engineer
  15. Manufacturing Professional
  16. Accountant
  17. Financial Analyst
  18. Systems Analyst
  19. Software Developer
  20. Applications Programmer
  21. Software and Applications Developer and Analyst Not Elsewhere Classified
  22. Database Designer and Administrator
  23. Systems Administrator
  24. Computer Network Professional
  25. Electronics Engineering Technician
  26. Mechanical Engineering Technician
  27. Insurance Agent

Source: Adapted from Critical Skills Monitoring Committee

If you want the FULL report, kindly email to tvetjob [at] with your details as below:

1. Name
2. Age (To recommend courses suitable for you, if applicable)
3. HP no (in case there’s any job opening/business opportunity for you)
4. Highest Skills Qualification: Eg SKM3, DKM or DLKM
5. Highest Academic Qualification: Eg SRP, SPM, Bac of Electrical Engineering, MBA etc
6. Working experience (or resume – in case there’s any job opening)

50,000 blue-collar jobs for Malaysians are up for grabs after Japan launched a new visa programme to allow more foreigners into the country #tvetjob

blue-collar job opportunities in Japan

Blue-collar job opportunities in Japan? Is this for real?

Japan previously issued working visas only to people with professional knowledge and high skills, such as doctors, lawyers and teachers. Reuters

Japan is struggling with a labour shortage, and they’re looking for Malaysians to fill the gaps. Hence, blue-collar job opportunities in Japan is created.

According to Kyodo News, Malaysia is planning to send blue-collared workers to Japan under a new visa programme that was launched by the latter on April 1 to let in more foreign workers into the country.

Both countries are aiming to strike a deal this July when Malaysia’s human resources minister M. Kulasegaran visits Tokyo for the signing of a memorandum of cooperation (MOC), Kyodo News reported.

A Malaysia government official familiar with the negotiations was quoted by Kyodo News as saying: “We are working with the Japanese government to formulate an MOC on sending workers to Japan as they have opened up 14 sectors to foreigners.”

The official added that the scheme could open up 50,000 jobs in Japan for Malaysians, but it has not yet been decided which sectors will be open to Malaysian workers, Kyodo News said.

Malaysia’s Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad will also be making a visit to Japan later this month to discuss the details of the MOC.

The official also told Kyodo news that Malaysia was interested in the scheme as its government believes the country should support those willing to go abroad to earn a better salary temporarily.

Citing a small study that was conducted, the official said that the findings showed that Malaysians were willing to upgrade their skills to join any sector open to them in the visa system.

“They are excited as the higher starting salary is a major draw,” the official was quoted by Kyodo News as saying.

According to AP news, Japan previously issued working visas only to people with professional knowledge and high skills, such as doctors, lawyers and teachers.

Under the new visa system, foreign nationals with certain Japanese language and job skills will be able to apply for a resident status called Specified Skilled Worker No. 1, AP News reported.

The resident status grants foreigners working rights in 14 sectors, such as construction, farming and nursing care for up to five years.

Proficient labourers working in the construction and shipbuilding sectors can extend their stay in Japan by earning the Specified Skilled Worker No. 2 status, which will allow holders to bring in family members and renew their visa as many times as they want to.

In order to curb fears of work exploitation, the Japanese government has set up laws requiring employers to pay wages equivalent to or higher than those of Japanese nationals, and the payment should be made directly to workers’ bank accounts, AP News said.

According to Malay Mail, Malaysia will be the 10th nation that will provide foreign workers to Japan after the Philippines, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Nepal and Mongolia.


Comment: While awaiting full details on which sector that’s included in this new visa programme, perhaps it’s time to learn some basic Japanese language NOW or even pick-up some new technical skills on part time basis!

OR you prefer to take the easy way out? To work in Singapore where food, culture & language is not too alien to you?

Make TVET first choice #TVETjob

Kulasegaran (centre) witnessing the exchange of documents between Lim (in dark jacket) and Muhd Khair at the Ann Joo company plant in Prai, Penang.

Kulasegaran (centre) witnessing the exchange of documents between Lim (in dark jacket) and Muhd Khair at the Ann Joo company plant in Prai, Penang.

THE technical and vocational education training (TVET) should be the first choice among the students to further their studies as the days of the academic studies are over, said Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran.

“Let us take the worst scenario. Ten years ago, parents sent their children to study medicine and now, quite a number are found to be jobless for nearly two years.

“Whereas, students who graduated with TVET are met with jobs waiting for them at the door step.

“These students will be easily absorbed anyway, as the job opportunities and wages are better after completing their studies,” he said.

Kulasegaran said parents were starting to realise that studies in skills fields had more potential unlike academic studies, as the demand for skilled jobs were high and jobs were available instantly upon competition of the courses.

“You would be surprised that many of the TVET students are working in the Middle-East and Singapore, earning lucrative salaries of between RM30,000 and RM50,000 per month based on their skills.

“We are also in the process of discussion with Japan to have tie-ups between their TVET universities and Malaysian colleges.”

Kulasegaran was speaking to reporters after witnessing the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Manpower Department (JTM) and Yayasan Jasa Ann Joo.

JTM was represented by its director-general Datuk Muhd Khair Razman Mohamed Annuar while Yayasan Jasa Ann Joo was represented by Ann Joo Group executive director Datuk Lawrence Lim Aun Chuan.

The signing ceremony was held at the Ann Joo Steel Berhad, Prai last Thursday.

Kulasegaran said among the key areas of cooperation in the MoU were apprenticeship opportunities and scholarships for TVET students at 32 TVET institutions under JTM, including temporary placements or industry attachment.

He said forging partnerships between public TVET institutions and the industries were pivotal for the development of TVET in the country to enable graduates to meet the needs and demand of the industry and to have first-hand working experiences.

Lim said through Yayasan Jasa Ann Joo, scholarships would be offered to qualified students of the Manpower Department Training Institution (ILJTM), and job opportunities would be offered to them upon completing their studies.

“We have not finalised how many students will be offered the scholarships, as we are in the midst of identifying them,” he added.

Meanwhile, Kulasegaran urged more local companies to emulate the efforts by Ann Joo Steel Berhad and Yayasan Jasa Ann Joo in establishing partnerships with TVET training providers, especially among the local small-and-medium enterprises.

He also praised Ann Joo for employing 85% local workers and had given priority to hire local talents.


Comment: Besides the steel industry, there are currently 2 big chains that are looking for TVET graduates in the respective fields:

1. Retail
2. Service industry – restaurants (Stewarding Operations, F&B etc)

If you think you qualify, kindly email your resume to