Category Archives: TVETuni

UMP to lead in TVET education

KUANTAN: The sky is the limit for Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). Ranked among the top 800 best universities in the world based on the QS World University Rankings (WUR) 2020, UMP is aiming to become a leader in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the country.

Last year, it emerged as the first local technical and non-research university to receive the prestigious QS 5-star overall rating award.

UMP Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr Wan Azhar Wan Yusoff said the university had become a platform to produce a well-trained technical workforce with skills that catered to the future.

This was attributed to the varsity being part of the Malaysian Technical University Network (MTUN) alongside Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka and Universiti Malaysia Perlis.

“UMP is strengthening its high-end TVET and moving forward to emerge as the pinnacle for TVET education. We are moving towards producing a home-grown workforce that caters to the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” he said.

“One is not required to be smart, but skilful and multitalented. It is about learning specific skills through repetitive practice on different equipment, machines or systems.

“We want the public, especially parents, to give importance to TVET as some view it as a back-up option for their children. MTUN helps graduates to become more capable at sophisticated tasks, which will be required for the future job market.”

Wan Azhar said UMP would be offering a Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Railway Maintenance) programme to cater to the burgeoning sector.

“As long as there are trains in the country, we will require railway maintenance technologists. We cannot remove these railway infrastructures, so we have to produce a skilled workforce for this sector.”

Dr Wan Azhar Wan Yusoff

In a move to bring out the best of TVET, UMP will carry out a minor restructuring exercise in its campuses in Gambang and Pekan next year.

Wan Azhar said the Gambang campus would be renamed the UMP College of Engineering and College of Management and Humanities, while the Pekan campus would be renamed the College of Engineering Technology and College of Computing and Science.

“We have equipment and facilities in Pekan, and this allows our students to be hands-on when it comes to TVET. UMP Pekan will serve as a technology campus and this is part of our efforts to achieve our goals in TVET.”

Wan Azhar said UMP’s Graduate Employability was ranked at 96 per cent, which was well above the 80 per cent benchmark set by the Education Ministry.

UMP graduates are able to secure employment with companies that have business links with Germany following an academic collaboration for a postgraduate degree in mechanical engineering and automotive engineering with the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (HsKA).

UMP Chancellor Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah will be presenting the scrolls to graduates at the 14th UMP convocation today.

A total of 3,778 graduates will receive their scrolls during the two-day ceremony.

The event will be historic as Tan Sri Dr Abi Musa Asaari Mohamed Nor will be proclaimed as UMP’s pro-chancellor, while HeiTech Padu Bhd executive chairman Datuk Seri Mohd Hilmey Mohd Taib will receive an Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy in Information Technology.


Comment: You may read here on what other Bachelor of Technology that other MTUN has to offer.

Sarawakians looking down on TVET, laments Sarawak minister

TVET training and qualifications are looked down upon by many Sarawak parents as being inferior to academic qualifications. (Bernama pic)

KUCHING: Sarawakians do not have high regard for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) qualifications, a state minister said today.

State Education, Science and Technological Research Minister Michael Manyin said TVET training and qualifications were looked down upon by parents as being inferior to academic qualifications.

School leavers also did not place much value on TVET training, he said during the closing ceremony of Worldskill Malaysia Sarawak 2019.

“Every year, Sarawak has between 35,000 and 38,000 school leavers with SPM qualifications and of these only about 20,000 to 25,000 further their studies in tertiary institutions or do skills training in TVET institutions.

Michael Manyin.

“Between 10,000 and 15,000 of these SPM school leavers do not undertake any further studies or training and enter directly into the job market often doing jobs that pay low wages and have little prospect for advancement,” he said.

Manyin said even though there was a huge demand for skilled workers and there were institutions offering courses in these trades, most of them were either under enrolled or had no takers.

Therefore, he said, it was the state education, science and technological research ministry’s main agenda to promote TVET and skills training as an equally attractive career development pathway.

Among the initiatives taken were through the Sarawak career and training fair, TVET symposium and TVET camps.

Another key programme by his ministry to raise the status of TVET was through the Worldskill Malaysia Sarawak competition, which is organised once in two years, he said.

The Worldskill Malaysia Sarawak was held to recognise and acknowledge the skills and competencies of Sarawak’s youths and to raise awareness about the value of vocational education and training as well as careers for those with skills training.


Well, not only Sarawakians look down on TVET, it’s the society in general, not limited to Malaysia but other developing countries as well.
Not easy to change the social stigma of the public as it’s been drilled in most parents mind that TVET is only for dropouts & those who are academically poor. And perhaps some jobs are deemed to be 3D (dangerous, dirty & difficult) (eg motor mechanics, underwater welding, electrician, construction worker etc).

But with so many academic graduates coming out jobless & statistics showing that
TVET graduates are highly employable (>90%), don’t you think that you as either parents or students should give TVET courses & jobs a second look or maybe even the 1st choice, if your interest is, in baking, sewing, woodworking, repairing cars etc?

And now TVET graduates are given the opportunity to even
further study to university level with the offering of Bachelor of Technology programs by members of Malaysian Technical University Network (MTUN) or management related degrees to enable TVET/skill graduates to graduate into management level. Don’t you agree that if you have hard (technical) & soft (management, communication, entrepreneurship) skills, you would be even better that those academic graduates who are mainly only good in non-technical skills?

Feel free to give your input 😀

Technical degree program for TVET diploma holders

(From left) Siemens German senior director of foreign sales automation factory Sascha Maenni and Siemens senior vice president and head of digital industries Adam Yee at the Letter of Intent signing ceremony with UniMAP deputy vice-chancellor (Academic and International) Professor Dr Rezuwan Kamaruddin (second from right) and UniMAP dean, Faculty of Engineering Technology Associate Professor Dr Abu Hassan Abdullah (right).

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) diploma holders can now pursue their studies in a new bachelor’s degree program at four universities under the Malaysian Technical University Network (MTUN).

The Bachelor of Technology (Hons) Degree in Industrial Electronic Automation was introduced at the Letter of Intent (LoI) signing ceremony between Siemens Malaysia and MTUN — Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) and Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) recently.

The LoI is a precursor to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will be signed later in October.

UniMAP deputy vice-chancellor (Academic and International) Professor Dr Rezuwan Kamaruddin said that the degree program will provide a path for TVET diploma holders to gain higher academic recognition.

“This is also a platform to produce a highly competent workforce and enhance the students’ skill sets in the future,” he said.ADVERTISING

Siemens Malaysia senior vice president and head of digital industries Adam Yee said that the new degree aims to produce fresh graduates specialised in the roles of system integration.

“It is a truly one-of-a-kind industry-academia collaboration in which the graduates will not only receive their Honours degree certificates but also a professional training qualification from Siemens, which will greatly aid in employment opportunities and careers within different organisations and the industry.

“We will ensure that the resources and training provided are fully sufficient and sustainable so that the universities can do their best in the course delivery,” he said.

According to Yee, in order for the industry to support education, the cooperation with partners in the education sector is highly essential.

“The road to Industry 4.0 is only possible with digitalisation and for that, this requires quality education that is industry-adaptive and skilled human resource.

“In fact, this Bachelor’s degree course is an extension of yet another initiative from our original SITRAIN – Digital Industry Academy program, which was first launched in 2012 when we realise the need to customise training in order to address existing skills gap between the system integrator and end users.

“Being a strong supporter of TVET as a mandatory criterion in the industry infrastructure, we have also established our Siemens Innovative and Resources Training Centre (SIRTC) which encompasses several labs that have been developed for the Industrial Revolution 4.0,” he added.

The degree program will see Siemens’ Total Integrated Automation modules being taught across different disciplines as the syllabus has been co-developed between Siemens Malaysia and the universities.

UTHM deputy vice-chancellor (Academic and International) Professor Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman said that there will also be a two-way Training of Trainers to further reinforce the curriculum.

“Siemens will help to train our lecturer in terms of practical knowledge. At the same time, our lecturers will also provide trainings for Siemens in pedagogical area to ease the process of teaching and learning,” he continued.

UniMAP Faculty of Engineering Technology (Electronic Department) lecturer Ahmad Nasir Che Rosli who has been involved in jointly devising and curating this new program said this collaboration will open up opportunities for the MTUN students to undergo Industrial Attachment with Siemens partners and customers.

“The involvement of industries in developing the curriculum has been very encouraging. We will have a series of workshop and meeting be it at MTUN level or the university level itself,” he said.

Also present at the LoI signing ceremony were representatives from MTUN.

UniMAP and UTHM will be welcoming their new intake of students for this program on September 1 while UTeM and UMP will follow thereafter.


Comments: It’s not just Bachelor of Technology (Hons), TVET or SKM graduates can soon be able to further their qualifications & enable them to rise beyond just a technician, to be in the management level (manager, senior manager, director etc) with management related diploma & degree.
You may explore your options here with Unirazak & express your interest by filling up the form if you’re interested to know further.

Report: Nearly one-third of manufacturing workers have a bachelor’s

Photo for illustration purpose only

Dive Brief:

  • About one-third of manufacturing workers holds a bachelor’s degree in 2016, up from only 8% in 1970, according to a new report from Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce. Meanwhile, the share of workers with a high school degree or less shrunk from 79% to 43% over the same time period. 
  • Manufacturing employs about 12.6 million workers, down from a high of nearly 20 million in 1979. Automation has displaced millions of workers and taken over many routine tasks, causing more manufacturing positions to require or degree or credential. 
  • The center projects that the sector will shed 2% of its workers with a high school diploma or less by 2027. There will be 200,000 fewer “good jobs” — or those that make at least $35,000 — for those with bachelor’s degrees, but 300,000 more good jobs for workers with middle skills.  

When it comes to evaluating mass notification solutions, where should you start? First, it is important to understand the technology, what it can do for your organization and how it works.

Dive Insight:

The research further supports two well-documented trends: the dramatic narrowing of the job market in manufacturing and the growing need for postsecondary training for industry jobs – particularly through associate degrees and credentials.

However, even the number of good manufacturing jobs available to workers without a bachelor’s degree has been dwindling, from 7.2 million in 1991 to 4.8 million in 2016. Meanwhile, middle-skill jobs, or those where workers have more than a high school education but less than a bachelor’s degree, account for some of the biggest growth in the sector. For example, the number of associate degree-holders with good manufacturing jobs grew to 1 million in 2016.

The center notes that nondegree credentials also boost the chances that manufacturing workers will get a good job, regardless of their level of education. Having a certification or license, for example, improves the chances that workers with a high school diploma will find a good manufacturing job by 18 percentage points.

Many have lauded credentials a way to quickly upskill workers for the ever-changing needs of the job market. And indeed, research from the Lumina Foundation and the Strada Education Network found that those with nondegree credentials are more likely to report having a full-time job than those without credentials.  

As such, the credential marketplace have been growing, with even soft skills on offer at some universities. There’s also been a growing call for universities to embed certifications within their degree programs. That way, the thinking goes, colleges can keep their curriculum current and give students proof of in-demand skills before they graduate. 

The Lumina Foundation has found value in the approach but notes that such efforts haven’t been closely monitored for their effect on labor market outcomes. It may, however, prove to be one way for colleges to better meet the needs of U.S. employers, who often voice their difficulty with finding skilled workers.


Comment: Likewise, technical and vocational graduates or commonly known as TVET in Malaysia, should pursue a Bachelor or Masters degree in order to be able to scale higher in their career or business. It’s no more a dream for TVET graduates, despite not having SPM or poor SPM results, to further their studies beyond Diploma (whether it’s Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) or Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM)).

There are now 5 public technical universities that’s officially accepting TVET diploma holders.
Many may not be aware that some private universities have also been accepting these TVET diploma holders (without or with poor SPM results) but soon (perhaps another month or so), an official announcement would be made to provide a second chance to these group of technically inclined graduates who may not excel academically.

If you want to know more about the opportunity available for you to pursue a Bachelor or Masters Degree as a TVET graduate, you may APPLY HERE

Lepasan TVET digalak sambung pengajian

Lepasan TVET digalak sambung pengajian
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) menjadi universiti kelima yang menerima lepasan pelajar Diploma Institusi Latihan Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (ILJTM).

KOTA BHARU: Lepasan diploma program Pendidikan Teknikal dan Latihan Vokasional (TVET) digalakkan menyambung pengajian kemahiran ke peringkat sarjana muda yang ditawarkan universiti tempatan.

Timbalan Menteri Sumber Manusia Datuk Mahfuz Omar berkata pelbagai universiti tempatan kini menawarkan pengajian ijazah yang bersesuaian melalui kerjasama dengan Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (JTM) dalam usaha memperkasa TVET.

“Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) menjadi universiti kelima yang menerima lepasan pelajar Diploma Institusi Latihan Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (ILJTM).

“Sebelum ini, tawaran pengajian Ijazah ini dijalankan di bawah rangkaian Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan gabungan empat universiti iaitu Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) dan Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP),” katanya ketika ditemui pada majlis menandatangani Perjanjian Persefahaman (MoU) antara UMK dan JTM di UMK Kampus Bachok di sini hari ini.

Mahfuz menyaksikan pemeteraian MoU itu yang ditandatangani Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Tenaga Manusia, Datuk Muhd Khair Razman Mohamed Annuar dan Naib Canselor UMK, Prof Dr Noor Azizi Ismail.

MoU selama tiga tahun itu bermatlamat untuk membolehkan graduan diploma melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat lebih tinggi.

Katanya, penawaran itu antara lain memberi peluang kepada pelajar kemahiran mendapat pekerjaan yang lebih baik dengan pendapatan yang lebih tinggi.

“Kerjasama sebegini membentuk semula keyakinan ibu bapa terhadap bidang TVET, kalau dulu tidak berapa yakin dengan pendidikan bidang kemahiran, kini pelajar boleh sambung pengajian hingga ke peringkat ijazah sarjana muda.

“Cuma kita mahu graduan TVET ini mencipta peluang pekerjaan baru atau mencipta produk,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, kerjasama bagi tempoh tiga tahun itu juga merangkumi kerjasama kedua-dua pihak dalam perkongsian teoritikal, teknikal dan praktikal dalam bidang teknik dan vokasional.

“Antara bidang pengajian yang jadi tumpuan kita pula di bidang pemasaran internet, sebab mahu memenuhi keperluan industri dalam menghadapi arus Gelombang Revolusi Perindustrian Keempat (IR 4.0).

“TVET bukan hanya kemahiran teknikal tapi kita juga seiringkan kemahiran lain seperti sektor pertanian yang kita pertingkatkan menggunakan teknologi semasa sebab itu kita juga mahu kementerian lain seperti Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri (MITI) untuk bawa pelaburan yang boleh mengguna pakai kemahiran yang dimilik pelajar TVET,” katanya.



Sekarang dah ada  5 Universiti tempatan (IPTA) yang menerima graduan diploma TVET secara rasmi.
Namun, ramai lagi yang tidak tahu bahawa sesetengah Universiti Swasta (IPTS) juga menerima lepasan sijil/diploma TVET (tanpa atau dengan keputusan SPM yang lemah).

Sabar, akan ada pengumuman rasmi dalam masa terdekat (mungkin dalam masa sebulan dua ni), untuk memberi peluang kedua untuk anda yang berkecenderungan teknikal dan tidak menyerlah secara akademik. 

Jika anda ingin tahu tentang peluang yang ada untuk anda sambung ke Ijazah Bachelor atau Masters sebagai seorang graduan TVET, anda boleh MOHON SINI

Look at bigger picture, says Maszlee

Photo for representation only

KUALA LUMPUR: MORE than 5,000 technical and vocational education and training (TVET) courses and science courses offered by universities, polytechnics and technical universities have not been taken up.

Although those courses have greater job prospects, students are not enrolling in those classes.

They include sustainability science, applied plant science, forest resource technology, product development technology, natural resources science, agribusiness, applied physics, industrial chemical technology and business engineering.

Since 2017, 1,251 courses in public universities have been suspended or cancelled. This number is almost 30 per cent of the total courses offered in public universities.

“Maybe it’s not ‘sexy’ enough, but students don’t understand that those courses allow them to be employed even before they graduate,” said Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik in an interview with the New Straits Times Press.

He cited the cybersecurity course offered by Politeknik Mersing, where students could gain employment even before graduating.

“But when it comes to TVET courses, people do not understand as it is a term that explains everything under the sun, and it may be too vast.

Kolej Vokasional Setapak fashion students staging a show in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, recently. FILE PIC

“What I like to emphasise is that there are jobs available in those courses.”

He also said the number of non-Bumiputera students enrolling in polytechnics and technical institutions was very low, and many were focused on entering matriculation and public universities.

“It’s (matriculation) not the only path. We have Form Six, polytechnics, diploma studies and the Teachers’ Education Institute, which do not have any quota. So now, we want others to look at the bigger picture.”

However, Maszlee said there were weaknesses in the ministry’s steps to disseminate information and guide people through the options. In April, he had said the ministry was looking into rebranding TVET programmes, and this included the possibility of changing its name to a more appealing one.

He said the ministry would make TVET a mainstream education choice for students because they viewed it only as a second option and believed it might not help them much in the future.


Comment: Poor public perception aside, I think following are few other issues:
1. The Education Ministry & Human Resource Ministry has not been promoting enough about TVET courses & it’s future & more importantly, effectively.
2. If I’m not mistaken, entrance requirements to these universities, polytechnics and technical universities still requires a pass in SPM BM & History or 3 credits. This actually deprives many SKM or DKM holders who may not qualify academically but yet they are the ones that are inclined to further their study in these technical courses.

UPSI is first public university to offer TVET graduates to further studies

Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) has emerged as the first public university to offer the opportunity to technical and vocational education and training (TVET) graduates to continue their studies.By Basir Zahrom – 
February 20, 2018 @ 9:39pm

KUALA LUMPUR: Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) has emerged as the first public university to offer the opportunity to technical and vocational education and training (TVET) graduates to continue their studies.

UPSI vice-chancellor Prof Datuk Dr Mohammad Shatar Sabran, said the first cohort have already registered early this month, involving 20 vocational college and skills training public institutes.

He said, in order to create more flexibility with regards to entrance opportunities while still meeting quality standards set by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA), UPSI is opening the door to TVET students who obtain a Malaysia Vocational Diploma (DVM) and Malaysian Skills Diploma (DKM) with an overall minimum GPA of 3.66 at Malaysian Vocational Certificate (SVM) level.

“Those who fail to meet the minimum requirements such as the History subject, can sit for the paper on their own or take the subject, equivalent to the SPM.

“TVET graduates who wish to continue their studies in UPSI have to pass the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) at Band 2 and pass Band 3 to graduate, as well as pass the Malaysian Educators Selection Inventory (MedSi) test, as well as an interview,” he said.

Previously, vocational college students had to have a two-year working experience in order to obtain the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) certificate from MQA to enable them to continue their studies to Bachelor’s Degree.

As such, UPSI’s offer opens the door to more opportunities to vocational college students to continue their studies at degree level without having to possess an APEL certificate, but only meet SVM requirements.

The move is in line with the establishment of UPSI’s Technical and Vocational Faculty campus in Teluk Intan in 2019.

He said, for the first cohort, the learning opportunity covers Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Science, Home Economics, Design and Technology, as well as Human Resources Management.

For diploma level, there is a minimum 2.5 CGPA requirement, which is on par with Level 4 of the Malaysian qualifications framework, as well as meet other requirements such as a pass in Bahasa Melayu, as well as a pass or credit in History at SPM level.

Source: (February 20, 2018 )

Comment: Believe that many TVET/SKM holders are still unaware of the opportunities to further their study to Universities, IPTA or IPTS.
Some critics may say tertiary (Degree, Masters, PhD) paper qualification does not guarantee you success in your career, actual fact is that it does really help to build and enhance your critical thinking skills. And with just a technical skills qualifications, how far can you go?
But it’s different if you have technical skills and then combined with management skills (and paper qualification), you will rise@URISE up in your career. And along with it a better quality of life for your family and maybe higher social status (as opposed to just a technician).
You are well aware that there are just too many fresh graduates out there who can’t get a job or decent job because they don’t have the right skills to match the industry.

BUT YOU CAN BE DIFFERENT! Skills professional with competency & management skills, the WORLD is YOURS!


More choices for SPM holders at fair

(From second left) Wong and Dr Ramasamy holding up a banner on the upcoming Education Fair 2019 with representatives from participating organisations at the press conference in Komtar.
(From second left) Wong and Dr Ramasamy holding up a banner on the upcoming Education Fair 2019 with representatives from participating organisations at the press conference in Komtar.

SPM certificate holders will find plenty of courses and career options at the Education Fair 2019 at Mydin Mall in Bukit Mertajam, Penang, on Saturday and Sunday.

The fair will feature 32 colleges, universities, technical vocational education and training (TVET) institutions in over 50 booths from 11am to 6pm.

SME Association of Seberang Prai president Francis Wong said the timing would be just right for SPM holders to look for suitable courses and career options.

“This is perfect time for students to explore their options in further studies.

“The location is also strategic as there are plenty of car parking lots. It is convenient for the public,” he said during a press conference at Komtar recently.

Deputy Chief Minister II Dr P. Ramasamy said the fair organised by the state government is aimed at helping school leavers and SPM candidates in deciding on the most suitable study course to pursue after completing secondary education.

“It is also the first time we are introducing TVET in this expo held for the third time since 2017.

“Students and parents may see TVET as ‘inferior education’ but TVET actually has a wide scope in the market and is packed with potential,” he added.

For more details, visit www.


Comment: If you are interested to pursue TVET education but do not know where to find these institutions, fill up your details here

Kumpulan pertama lulusan diploma kemahiran lanjut pengajian di MTUN September ini

PUTRAJAYA, 30 Jan (Bernama) — Kumpulan pertama pelajar lulusan diploma kemahiran bakal melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat ijazah sarjana muda di Rangkaian Universiti Teknikal Malaysia (MTUN) pada sesi pengajian September ini, kata Timbalan Menteri Sumber Manusia Datuk Mahfuz Omar.Beliau berkata Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) dalam mesyuarat Majlis Pembangunan Kemahiran Kebangsaan (MPKK) secara prinsipnya bersetuju supaya keputusan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) tidak diambil kira untuk kemasukan ke peringkat ijazah sarjana muda sekiranya pemohon sudah mempunyai diploma atau diploma lanjutan dalam bidang kemahiran.

“Sebelum ini, dia (lulusan diploma kemahiran) tidak boleh masuk universiti sebab perlu tengok SPM, tetapi kalau dia dah ada diploma yang lebih tinggi daripada SPM, kita mahu supaya mereka diberi pengiktirafan,” katanya pada sidang media selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat MPKK, di sini hari ini.


Komen: Bukan setakat MTUN je yang boleh terima, ada juga IPTS pun mungkin boleh berbuat demikian.
Admin pun telah menerima panggilan baru-baru ni dari salah sebuah IPTS untuk membincangkan kerjasama.
Sekiranya IPTS anda berminat, boleh hubungi admin juga di atau 012-3123430 untuk bincangkan butirannya.


KV Melahirkan Pekerja Berkemahiran

Keputusan Peperiksaan PT3 baru sahaja berlalu. Saya yakin dan percaya, calon calon telah berpuas hati denganhasil pencapaian mereka setelah 3 tahun berhempas pulas dalam mencari dan menghasilkan kejayaan. Tidak ketinggalan terdapat juga air mata ibu bapa yang mengalir kerana kejayaan anak anak mereka.

Sebagai seorang guru, PT3 bagi saya merupakan satu cara menghalakan pelajar ke bidang yang di minati mereka. Pentaksiran PT3 adalah berdasarkan penilaian dalaman. Ini bermaksud guru guru sendiri yang menilai calon calon ini dan dalam masa yang sama bimbingan diberi sepenuh jiwa

Adik saya merupakan pelajar cemerlang PT3 2016 di SMK TALIB KARIM, Alor Gajah, Melaka. keputusannya untuk ke KV sangat memeranjatkan saya. Pada awalnya memang saya tidak setuju dia melanjutkan pelajarnnya di KV atas beberapa perkara.

Kini beliau sedang mengikuti Program KV dalam bidang KULINARI.

Antara perkara utama yang saya tidak setuju dia ke KV ialah, Pelajar lepasan Kolej Vokasional (KV) tidak layak melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat ijazah sarjana muda meskipun mempunyai Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM) kerana universiti awam (UA) tidak mengiktiraf diploma terbabit.

Rangkaian Universiti Teknikal Malaysia (MTUN), iaitu

1) Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP)
2) Universti Teknikal Malaysia (UTeM)
3) Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP)
4) Universiti Tun Hussein onn (UTHM)

menetapkan antara syarat kelayakan untuk memasuki program ijazah sarjana muda ialah mempunyai Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), namun graduan DVM tidak menduduki peperiksaan itu.

Ini kerana pelajar terbabit memasuki KV menggunakan keputusan Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3 (PT3) dan mengikuti kursus kemahiran itu selama empat tahun tanpa perlu menduduki SPM untuk memperoleh DVM.

Tetapi ini bukan masalah yang besar. saya percaya aliran KV ini merupakan aliran yang baru. Carta alirnya tidak sama seperti pelajar yang ambil akademik sepenuhnya seperti SPM.


Pelajar KV mempunyai perjalanan mereka tersendiri. Perjalanan mereka amat berbeza dengan pelajar akademik. Bagi saya mana mana pilihan mempunyai risiko. Jika ambil jalan SPM tapi malas belajar, apa gunanya. Betul tak ?

Persoalannya bagaimana pelajar KV ingin teruskan pengajian mereka ke peringkat seterusnya ?. Graduan Kolej Vokasional (KV) perlu memenuhi beberapa kriteria ditetapkan Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi (KPT) untuk membolehkan mereka melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda.

Antara kriteria itu ialah:

* Mempunyai pengalaman bekerja selama dua tahun untuk mendapat Sijil Program Akreditasi Pembelajaran Berasaskan Pengalaman Terdahulu (APEL), atau

* Memiliki kelayakan Sijil Vokasional Malaysia (SVM) yang sudah disetarakan oleh Lembaga Peperiksaan (LP) kepada Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 3 kredit, iaitu memperoleh Purata Nilai Gred Keseluruhan (PNGK) Akademik: 3.33; PNGK Vokasional: 3.67; kepujian dalam Bahasa Melayu dan kompeten semua Modul Vokasional.

Selepas memperoleh keputusan itu, graduan KV perlu mendapat kelulusan khas daripada KPT sehingga akreditasi penuh program diploma diperoleh.

Maka di sini, pelajar perlu tahu perjalanan mereka dan visualkan ke mana aku selepas ini dan apa yang aku nak capai ?

Bila anda visualkan perjalanan anda, barulah anda nampak jalan dan keyakinan akan menjelma bagi mendorong diri anda menuju kejayaan.


Kementerian Pendidikan dalam kenyataannya berkata, 83.1 peratus graduan KV mendapat pekerjaan mengikut bidang pilihan dalam tempoh tiga bulan selepas graduasi, sekali gus membuktikan mereka menerima pengiktirafan daripada industri.

Kementerian itu menekankan Transformasi Pendidikan Vokasional (TPV) bertujuan mengarusperdana pendidikan vokasional setanding dengan aliran pendidikan perdana.

Pengarah Bahagian Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional (BPTV), Zainuren Mohd Nor, berkata kira-kira 83 peratus daripada 2,273 pelajar lepasan KV berjaya memperoleh pekerjaan dalam bidang berkaitan sebaik tamat pengajian, Disember lalu.

Katanya, data yang direkodkan oleh KV itu adalah berdasarkan pelajar kohort pertama yang sudah memperoleh Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM) pada 2016.

Beliau berkata, jumlah tinggi pelajar KV yang diterima bekerja dalam tempoh dua bulan selepas tamat pengajian menunjukkan kursus ditawarkan KV memenuhi kehendak industri.

“Jumlah graduan DVM yang mendapat pekerjaan adalah lebih tinggi berbanding sasaran awal yang ditetapkan iaitu sebanyak 70 peratus bekerja, 20 peratus menyambung pengajian ke peringkat lebih tinggi dan 10 peratus lagi menjadi usahawan.

“Bagaimanapun, data yang diperoleh menunjukkan perkembangan memberangsangkan apabila 83 peratus pelajar ditawarkan bekerja oleh pihak industri dan ini membuktikan kursus kemahiran di KV menepati matlamat penubuhan KV iaitu melahirkan tenaga kerja mahir,” katanya

Dengan kata lain , saya dapat ringkaskan kelebihan KV ;

1. Lebih fokuskan pelajar ke arah apa yang diminati

2. Pertingkatkan kemahiran yang ada pada pelajar sehingga capai kepada berkemahiran tinggi (pakar)

3. Kemahiran yang ditawarkan di KV merupakan permintaan TINGGI dalam pelbagai industri di Malaysia

4. Pelajar KV mudah membawa diri kerana mereka lebih praktikal


Akhir kata sebagai seorang guru, saya dapati prog KV ini sangat bagus bagi pelajar yang ingin ke hadapan dalam dunia kemahiran dan praktikal.

Jika di zaman saya, Nilai dan kuantiti A dipandang tinggi. Tetapi bila di universiti plagiat dia lahh ‘hero’ nya. Suruh buat presentation terketar ketar. Akhirnya ilmu sebagai teori sahaja. Ijazah yang utama. janji grade.

Setelah tamat Ijazah ke hulur ke hilir bawa ijazah untuk mohon kerja. Online sana online sini mohon kerja. Bila tak dapat kerja barulah nak belajar jual burger, atau apa apa berkaitan kemahiran atau praktikal.

Tetapi tidak bidang atau program KV. program ini sangat menarik kerana menyediakan dari awal bagaimana nak teruskan kehidupan dalam dunia yang penuh pancaroba ini dan ekonomi tak menentu.

Yang pasti calon KV dan ibu ayah perlu hadam dan fahamkan perjalanan calon KV agar di pertengahan tiada penyesalan dan di akhir pengajian tiada kehampaan.