Firstly, let’s see what’s the purpose of WIM.
1. WIM serves as the main learning material in the teaching & learning process
2. Ensure learning outcome in each Competency Unit – CU has been achieved
3. Assist lecturer to build self-confidence and prepared to conduct teaching session.
You may have a look at the WIM documents samples here (Version 2017):
You can self develop (recommended) based on the standards specified under the NOSS and refer to the LATEST WIM Development Guidelines (2020) but it takes quite some time.
In addition to that, you need the knowledge and skills to develop WIM. You can either acquire it via a 5 days WIM Development course or learn it as part of your VTO certification, one of the pre-requisite to be appointed as an assessor (PP).
Tujuan WIM
1.Menjadi bahan pembelajaran utama dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran
2.Memastikan learning outcome di dalam unit kompetensi (Competency Unit – CU) yang ditetapkan tercapai
3.Membantu pengajar membina keyakinan diri dan bersedia untuk melaksanakan sesi pengajaran
Anda boleh baca Panduan Pembangunan WIM terkini (2020), belajar cara membangunkan WIM dalam masa 5 hari ataupun belajarnya dalam kursus VTO, salah satu pra-syarat lantikan sebagai pegawai penilai (PP).