NDTS (National Dual Training System) / SLDN (Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional)

NEW! FAQ 2024 NDTS Incentives

NDTS program under Budget 2024 provides provision for the implementation of National Dual Training System incentive program to develop skilled human resources through a structured apprenticeship scheme involving industry collaboration in the implementation of TVET program.

The 2024 Budget allocation provides allowances and incentives to NDTS program participants, namely apprentices, Training Centers and Companies to ease the burden and as encouragement.

2. Who benefits from the NDTS program under Budget 2024? What incentives does the Government provide?

i. Different from 2023, where existing workers are also entitled, 2024 incentives are only for employment seekers who wish to improve their skills/career by participating in reskilling and upskilling programs under the NDTS program. Individuals who participate in the program will become apprentices of the program. Apprentices are eligible for an allowance of RM500 per month.

ii. NDTS Training Center, which is a training provider that is either a Public or Private Training Institution that provides theoretical/basic training for the NDTS training program. The Training Center is eligible for an incentive of RM300/month for each trained apprentice.

iii. NDTS Company, which comprises of industrial players that provides training for the practical component of the training program. These companies are eligible for an incentive of RM200/month for each apprentice who participate.

3. What are the criteria to become a NDTS Program apprentice and how do I apply to join this program?

a. Prospective or currently employed workers who meet the following criterias:

i. Malaysian.
ii. Age 16 and above at the time of registration to DSD as apprentice (calculation based on year of birth).
iii. At least can write and speak in either Bahasa Melayu or English.
iv. Must not be a personnel of the NDTS training centre/company (whether as co-ordinator, centre manager, trainer or coach)
v. Must attend the training program on a full time basis.

b. To participate, candidates must contact any Training Center that offers a NDTS incentive program. The list of participating Training Centers will be displayed at myspike.my 

4. Training Provider - Application requirements and how to apply?

a. Training Provider must be a NDTS Training Centre. 

The most basic course that every personnel needs to follow is NDTS induction (One day f2f or elearning – given 5 days period). 

b. If the training provider has yet to be accredited as NDTS Training Centre, an application can be submitted online at myspike.my (after fulfilling all the requirements – will be briefed during the NDTS Induction course)

c. To participate in the NDTS incentive program, applications must be submitted by the Training Center or In-House Company, online, via myspike.my.

5. What types of programs and training duration can be offered / allowed under the 2024 NDTS incentive program

The types of programs that can be offered are full certification programs or modular programs@micro-credential programs and are subject to the training centre’s planning. The permitted training duration is between two (2) months to twenty four (24) months and the training hours duration has to adhere to the latest Panduan Pelaksanaan SLDN that is being enforced.

6. How to check the application status of this incentive program?

DSD will notify the application result online through myspike.my. Applicants should check the notification on the portal from time to time.

7. How to register apprentice for the 2024 incentive?

Apprentice registration must be done by the training center through myspike.my. 

8. Are there any registration fees for apprentices?

Yes, DSD impose a RM100 registration fees on each apprentice.

9. What certification would the apprentice receive upon completion of training?

Apprentice that completes training and fulfill certification requirements would be awarded Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) 1-3, Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM), Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM) or Statement of Achievement (PC).

The type of certification awarded depends on the program category taken by the apprentice.

10.Is there any guide that NDTS training centre can refer to to apply for this program?

Other Relevant Documents

Source: Official Department of Skills Development (DSD) website (Adapted from 2022 & 2023 information)

National Dual Training System (NDTS) Logo

NDTS is an industry-oriented training program that combines workplace and institutional training.

School leavers or existing workers who meet the criteria can be offered as apprentices by a sponsoring company to undergo training.

A contract is signed between the company and the apprentices prior to the training. Apprentices are given a certain amount of allowance throughout the training by the company and are obliged to work with the company upon completion if they are offered employment.

The hands-on training is conducted continuously and the apprentice is expected to get through the assessment as well as the final test which will be conducted at the end of the training programme. Successful apprentices will be awarded the national skills qualification by the Department of Skills Development (DSD).


Participating in NDTS is an appropriate decision for every enterprise to make, in order to ensure that apprentices are trained to become k-workers for the development of human capital to steer Malaysia to become a developed nation by the year 2020.

With NDTS in place, Malaysia’s growth is well on its way towards an industry-driven skilled workforce development approach. The opportunity to be a part of NDTS not only enhances corporate performance but also represents a commitment to investment in human resources.

All companies and business enterprises are welcomed to participate and implement the NDTS. The system is established for company interest and benefit.

Department of Skills Development as the coordinating body will provide assistance and guidance to ensure that the company can participate in the system.

Time FrameThe duration is based on the scope and level of certification
Practical-theory ratio70 – 80 % Practical training in real work situations
30 – 20 % Related theory classes at training centers
Delivery MethodDay Release System
-For example for a four-day practical training in companies, followed by one day class theory at training center.
Block Release System ( if necessary)
-For example 3-4 months, followed by practical training1-4 weeks of class-related theories.
TrainerSPM and / or employees working and selected by the company. The Company is not obligated to offer employment after completion of training
Training Allowance (Proposed only)
(If training is carried out in 2 years)
Semester 1 – RM 350.00 Monthly
Semester 2 – RM 400.00 Monthly
Semester 3 – RM 450.00 Monthly
Semester 4 – RM 500.00 Monthly
Awarding QualificationsCertificate K-workers, equivalent to SKM Level 3 qualification or DKM (Level 4) or DLKM (Level 5) or Statement of Achievement (PC) approved by the DSD and related employer organizations.

The NDTS is adopted from Germany with its industry-oriented training concept is deemed superior to institutional-based training because:

i.        Minimize mismatch (quality and quantity) between the companies’ requirement and skilled workforce development through demand-driven orientation.

ii.        Training is based on the work process approach under actual work conditions

iii.        The need for continuous technological advancement.

iv.        Minimize dependence on foreign workers.

v.        Increase the speed of transferring technology by providing training in the actual working environment

vi.        Inculcates positive training culture in companies, especially in SMEs.

Source: www.dsd.gov.my

If you are searching for TVET/skills courses to learn formally, especially school leavers/early leavers, in an institution, please visit here.

If you need information or consultation to set up:
1. NDTS centre:  whatsapp us at 012-3123430 
2. TVET/JPK accredited centre: whatsapp us at 012-3123430 

NDTS Induction Course

Register NOW

Advantages of Obtaining NDTS Induction Cert

Qualified to:

Apply for NDTS Accredited Centre
Place trainees in your company

Appointment as NDTS:

Centre Manager (training centre)
Trainer  (training centre)
Industrial Coach (workplace)
External Verifier @ Pegawai Pengesah Luaran PPL-SLDN

Successful candidates would obtain NDTS Induction Course cert and can apply for recognition certification as accredited personnel (PPKSPP). PPKSPP is a certification given to Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) Accredited Centre (AC) personnel that is responsible in the management, guidance, supervision and assessment of trainees at NDTS Accredited Centre (AC).

NDTS Induction course cert - sample

                                           Time /  时间 : Anytime, anywhere
                                           Mode / 模式 : Elearning (Self pace at a predetermined duration of 5 days)
                                           Fees / 费用 : RM250/pax


Wish to be NDTS Trainer or Coach?

NDTS Induction Course is COMPULSORY for all personnels to be appointed as manager, co-ordinator, coach or trainer.
It is to be attended before you can conduct NDTS training.
You would be given a comprehensive explanation on the concepts and execution of the program. 

Other courses needed to be attended by the personnels appointed after NDTS Induction Course are NDTS Coach Training Programme for NDTS coaches (workplace) and NDTS Trainer Training Programme for (training centre).

NDTS - Concept & Personnel Requirements

NDTS Coach Training Program

NDTS Trainer Training Programme

NDTS - Trainer