Tag Archives: Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia

Mohon SKM Secara PPT (Pembangunan Portfolio) – Jimat Sehingga 95% Kos & Masa Anda!

TVETi - Bengkel Pembangunan Portfolio

Bengkel Pembangunan Portfolio SKM/DKM/TVET-i

Bengkel Pembangunan Portfolio SKM/DKM/TVET-i bagi tujuan Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia secara Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT) boleh dibahagikan kepada 3 jenis:

a) Program SKM – Pembangunan portfolio sahaja

b) Program DKM/DLKM – Pembangunan portfolio & Laporan Projek Ketrampilan Terdahulu (LPKT)

c) TVET-i – Pembangunan portfolio & kursus intensif TVET-i (5 hari)

Adakah anda layak mohon SKM/DKM/TVET-i secara PPT?

Jika anda minat untuk mendapat pengiktirafan kemahiran anda berdasarkan pengalaman kerja dan pencapaian terdahulu, persijilan secara Pencapaian Pengiktirafan Terdahulu (PPT) adalah kaedah yang paling sesuai. PersijilanKemahiran Malaysia merupakan sistem persijilan bagi bidang kemahiran yang diterajui oleh Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran Malaysia (JPK).

Bengkel Pembangunan Portfolio SKM/DKM/VTO Jimat wang dan masa - sehingga 95%!

Mari kita buat perbandingan kos antara belajar secara sepenuh masa/separa masa di pusat latihan kemahiran awam/swasta yang ditauliahkan oleh Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran Malaysia (JPK) dengan pentauliahan PPT.

Yuran pembelajaran program SKM setahap di pusat latihan kemahiran awam/swasta (purata) – RM 6,000
Yuran pendaftaran program SKM setahap secara PPT – RM300
Penjimatan: 95% RM anda!

Masa pembelajaran program DKM (purata) – 15 bulan termasuk OJT
Masa pembangunan portfolio & LPKT (purata) – 3 bulan* (tak termasuk masa tunggu penilaian dan pengesahan PP-PPT & PPL-PPT)
Penjimatan: 80% masa anda!

SKM-PPT - Ciri-ciri Umum

Bidang kemahiran apakah yang boleh anda mohon SKM/DKM secara PPT?

Anda boleh mohon apa sahaja bidang (tidak terhad kepada satu sahaja), asalkan anda ada cukup pengalaman kerja serta bukti-bukti ketrampilan yang dapat memenuhi NOSS bidang kemahiran tersebut.

Contohnya, anda mungkin ada pengalaman dan bukti dalam bidang yang berkaitan rapat seperti kecantikan, spa, aromaterapi, make-up & terapi urut. Jadi kalau layak, mohonlah untuk semua bidang.

Berapa tahun pengalaman kerja yang perlu saya ada untuk layak mohon SKM/DKM/TVET-i secara PPT?

SKM-PPT - Syarat Umum Calon
SKM-PPT - Tempoh Min Pengalaman Kerja (Ikut Tahap)
SKM-PPT - Tempoh Min Pengalaman Kerja (Gabungan Tahap)
SKM-PPT - Tempoh Min Pengalaman Kerja (Gabungan Tahap) Pg2

Bagaimanakah Cara Untuk Memohon SKM/DKM/DLKM-PPT?

1. Pertama sekali, kenalpasti bidang kemahiran/kod NOSS kemahiran yang sesuai dengan pengalaman kerja anda dari Daftar NOSS yang boleh dimuat turun dari laman ini.

2. Lepas tu, beli NOSS melalui:
a) www.myspike.my (cuma sah setahun sahaja)
b) JPK Putrajaya/Cyberjaya/pejabat Wilayah – Cara terbaik jika anda berdekatan ataupun perlu pergi ke sana.
c) Hubungi kami – Jika anda masih tak dapat nak beli dari myspike & perlukannya cepat ataupun tinggal jauh dari pejabat-pejabat JPK. 

3. Kaji NOSS & buat Penilaian Kendiri – pastikan anda betul-betul terampil (dah tahu lakukan aktiviti tersebut dan ada BUKTI kukuh).

4. Jika semua Work Activities pun terampil/ada bukti, bolehlah mohon kat www.myspike.my

5. Dokumen yang perlu dimuatnaik:
• Surat pengesahan majikan beserta tempoh pengalaman bekerja dalam bidang kemahiran berkenaan (Jika mempunyai majikan)/ Surat Akuan Sumpah (Tiada Majikan/ bekerja sendiri) ATAU
• Salinan pendaftaran syarikat (Jika pemilik syarikat)
• Salinan SKM tertinggi yang dimiliki (jika rekod dalam profil pengguna tidak dipaparkan)
• Borang cadangan tajuk ringkasan LPKT bagi permohonan DKM/DLKM

Mengapa Sertai Bengkel Pembangunan Portfolio SKM/DKM/TVET-i?

Anda telah baca panduan persijilan kemahiran Malaysia secara PPT dan manual permohonan secara online dan langkah-langkah permohonan tetapi masih keliru atau tidak yakin dan memerlukan bimbingan dari A-Z.

Mungkin keliru dari segi permohonan secara online, tak pasti cara pengumpulan serta jenis bukti ketrampilan yang kukuh untuk pembangunan portfolio yang dapat diterampilkan oleh Pegawai-Penilai Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PP-PPT) tanpa banyak masa terbuang, tak tahu cara penulisan Laporan Projek Ketrampilan Terdahulu (LPKT) untuk DKM/DLKM atau pembangunan WIM untuk TVET-i.

Bengkel Pembangunan Portfolio SKM

Mohon Sini (Klik gambar di atas)

Panduan Gaji Permulaan 2020 – 200 Pekerjaan Terpilih Berasaskan Kemahiran

Panduan Gaji Permulaan 2020

Penerbitan buku Panduan Gaji Permulaan 200 Pekerjaan Terpilih Berasaskan Kemahiran, Edisi Kedua (Tahun 2020) merupakan langkah berterusan Kementerian bagi menyokong strategi memperkukuh penjenamaan dan profil TVET seiring dengan Revolusi Industri 4.0.

Pengenalan semula kadar gaji pokok permulaan yang setimpal dengan kemahiran yang dimiliki oleh lulusan Sijil dan Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia kini dimurnikan kandungannya. Panduan ini sebagai satu pengiktirafan kepada graduan TVET yang memaparkan kemahiran bertaraf
antarabangsa dan gaji pokok permulaan berdasarkan kadar gaji minimum RM1,200.00 sebulan di wilayah bandar-bandar utama mulai 1 Februari 2020.

Ketua Setiausaha,
Kementerian Sumber Manusia


  • Berdasarkan pekerjaan yang popular dalam pasaran buruh semasa
  • Disertakan deskripsi tugas am
  • Disertakan pekerjaan dengan kelayakan yang dipersijilkan oleh Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan

Perbezaan Panduan Gaji Permulaan 2016 Vs 2020

Panduan Gaji Permulaan 2020

Sekiranya anda buat perbandingan, adalah sedikit pertambahan dari segi gaji permulaan 2016 & 2020.
Pertambahannya meningkat dari 8.4% (DLKM T5) sehingga 17.7% (SKM T1)

Ingat, faktor lain@kompetensi lain seperti kejujuran, disiplin, kelayakan akademik (jika ada) serta soft skills seperti kemahiran komunikasi, penguasaan bahasa lain (terutamanya English) juga amat penting dalam menentukan permulaan gaji anda serta kenaikan pangkat & gaji seterusnya.

Pensijilan Kemahiran Malaysia adalah berdasarkan kepada Standard Kemahiran Pekerjaan Kebangsaan (National Occupational Skills Standard, NOSS). Setiap pelajar akan dinilai dan dikehendaki untuk memenuhi syarat-syarat NOSS sebelum dianugerahkan dengan Pensijilan
Kemahiran Malaysia.

Melalui Pensijilan Kemahiran Malaysia, lulusan sijil dan diploma kemahiran dapat meningkatkan tahap kemahiran mereka daripada separuh mahir kepada mahir seterusnya ke peringkat Penyeliaan dan Pengurusan dan Reka Bentuk.

Kumpulan Sasar

  • Pencari Kerja
  • Agensi Kerajaan
  • Majikan
  • Kesatuan Sekerja
  • Pelajar
  • Penyedia Latihan
  • Graduan
  • Kaunselor Kerjaya
  • Pengajar
  • Ibu Bapa

Sekiranya anda tidak dapat masuk ke Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Awam yang tersenarai dalam panduan ini, anda boleh cuba mohon di Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Swasta.

Sekiranya anda dah ada pengalaman kerja tetapi tiada Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM), bolehlah mohon SKM secara Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT). Kiranya dah baca Panduan permohonan yang diberikan pun masih tidak faham atau yakin untuk mohon sendiri, boleh pertimbangkan untuk ikuti bengkel SKM-PPT (3-5 hari)

Jangan Terlepas Peluang

Masuk Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda di Universiti Awam (UA) Tak Perlu SPM lagi!!!

Komen: Berita baik buat semua lepasan Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM), Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM) atau Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM) yang diiktiraf setara dengannya oleh Kerajaan Malaysia.

Sepintas lihat, nampak seperti semua pemegang DKM, DLKM dan DVM tanpa SPM pun dah boleh masuk UA untuk sambung program Ijazah Sarjana Muda. Namun, lebih baik anda semak dengan setiap UA berkenaan kerana ia memerlukan kelulusan Senat Universiti.

Semua Universiti dan Kolej Universiti tertakluk di bawah Akta Universiti & Kolej Universiti (AUKU).

Semak Bahagian IV, Seksyen 25, Seksyen 26 dan Seksyen 27.

Kalau nak ubah, kena ubah atau buat pindaan Akta Universiti tu baru boleh digunapakai secara keseluruhannya.

Jika betul anda bersijilkan DKM/DLKM/DVM dan masih tak diterima UA sebab tiada SPM dan masih ingin mendapatkan ijazah (bidang pengurusan industri) dari IPTS (Universiti Swasta di KL), sila isi borang tunjuk minat ini.

Peluang graduan TVET di Offshore – Gaji Lumayan?

Graduan TVET di offshore

Kehidupan dan cabaran di offshore

Bekerja di offshore (pelantar minyak) tak sama dengan bekerja di tempat-tempat biasa. Berjauhan dengan keluarga, anak bini serta girlfriend, kerja 12 jam sehari start jam 6.30 pagi sampai le jam 6.30 petang. Pergerakkan pun terbatas, banyak regulation yang kena patuhi.

Tentang safety pulak, number one. Sesetengah platform Petronas langsung tidak benarkan personnel keluar dari living quarters kalau tak pakai coverall, sebab safety. Mercury hazard Dan Hidrogen sulfida. Platform Supervisor ada hak untuk hantar balik pada sesiapa yang langgar safety regulation. Kena pakai PPE atau personnel protective equipment setiap masa sewaktu bekerja, kalau after working hour sekalipun kena pakai kalau keluar dari living quarters. Living quarters – tempat makan minum, tengok tv, mandi, rehat dan tidur.

Nak ke offshore pun perlu jalan urine test terlebih dulu, mana-mana personnel yang positive, minta maaf sila balik rumah, offshore bukan tempat untuk penagih. Sekarang Petronas dah kuat kuasakan peraturan ni di sebelah east coast ni. Mana-mana personnel yang nak ke Petronas platform mesti urine test dulu sebelum naik chopper. ExxonMobil, Talisman dan lain-lain buat masa ni belum start lagi.

Risiko pun tinggi, ombak besar, angin kencang, kerja-kerja yang dijalankan semuanya kerja yang robust. Takde kerja yang takde risiko. Life di offshore perlu alert 24 jam. Masih berminat nak bekerja di offshore ke?

Kelayakkan untuk bekerja di offshore

Bukan semua orang boleh atau layak untuk bekerja di offshore. Hanya mereka yang betul-betul fit dibenarkan berada di atas platform, mat fit tidak digalakkan sama sekali.

Turun dari platform to boat
Basic requirement untuk bekerja di pelantar minyak.

Berusia at least 18 tahun ke atas – biasanya lepasan SPM lah. Sementara nak tunggu result tu ok juga cari pengalaman. Masalahnya sukar juga nak dapatkan company yang nak recruit worker yang tidak pernah ada pengalaman bekerja ni. Paling mudah gi register kat INSTEP – Institut Teknologi Petronas. Lawat web dia kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut. Tak jauh pun, area Batu Rakit Kuala Terengganu jer.
Institut Teknologi PETRONAS (INSTEP – Batu Rakit Campus)
Lot 9764, Mukim Batu Rakit,
21020, Kuala Terengganu,
Terengganu Darul Iman,
Tel: 609 – 669 6141
Fax: 609 – 669 6702
Email: instep@petronas.com.my

Kalau dah grad dari INSTEP, ada rezeki boleh bekerja dengan di Petronas ataupun ExxonMobil platform. Tapi kalau kena hantar kat onshore macam di Onshore Gas Terminal, Paka ka.. nasib lah.

Safety Passport – Conpulsory, wajib. Bagaimana nak dapatkan safety passport ni. … kalau di sebelah pantai timur ni, TSTC menawarkan berbagai course untuk workers. Ada berpuluh-puluh courses di sini tetapi yang wajib untuk bekerja di offshore :

Basic sea survival course
HUET – Helicopter underwater escape training
Fire fighting
Untuk bekerja di sebelah platform Petronas, anda perlu ada 4 courses. ExxonMobil setakat ini mewajibkan 3 courses. So tanpa course ini anda tidak akan dapat passport, takde passport maaf anda tidak dibenarkan

Walau bagaimanapun kalau anda seorang VIP, kalau takde anda maka kerja tak boleh buat, masih ada peluang untuk anda terlepas untuk sekali namun bergantung kepada keadaan.

Berapa ribu ringgit Malaysia? Untuk 4 courses ini ada perlu ada RMX,XXX.XX. Anda boleh contact TSTC atau layari website dia orang.

Terengganu Safety Training Center Sdn Bhd
3572, Jalan Panchur,
Kawasan Perindustrian Teluk Kalong,
24000 Kemaman
Terengganu Darul Iman
Tell : 09-8623300
Fax : 09-8623302

Physically fit – Macam aku terangkan di atas, hanya personnel yang fit sahaja yang boleh bekerja di sana, yang jenis lemah lembik dinasihatkan tak perlu memohon lah. Alasan aku, kita akan bekerja di sebuah tempat yang kotor, bahaya, cuaca yang tak menentu atau ringkasnya kerja-kerja yang memerlukan kekuatan fizikal dan mental.
Everything nak cepat, kalau lambat panas lah telinga. Begitu juga dengan crew-crew otai yang dah lama bekerja di sana, ada yang hampir 30 tahun! So puak-puak otai ni ada yang kasar ada yang sebaliknya. Kalau dapat bekerja dengan satu team yang baik tu ok lah, kalau puak yang satu lagi tu, alamat nak kena demob je lah.

Demob – balik ke onshore, atau back to town.

Mentallity Fit – Kalau cepat terasa hati, suka menangis, cepat tersentuh atau apa saja peel yang sewaktu dengan kaum hawa tu sekali lagi dinasihatkan tak perlu apply lah. Sebab, sendiri mau ingat kita nak bekerja di pelantar minyak nun di tengah laut, bukannya di kedai salun rambut.
Medical check-up – Anda perlu jalani medical check-up terlebih dahulu, x-ray apa-apa yang patut. Jantung OK, paru-paru OK, mata OK dan semuanya OK. Kalau semua OK boleh jalan terus.
So ini lah serba sedikit BASIC requirement untuk bekerja di offshore.

Jawatan Yang Ditawarkan

List di sini mungkin tidak lengkap, tetapi ini adalah antara regular position yang ada di offshore.

Helper – kalau bahasa kasarnya kuli, macam aku lah. Helper task dia membantu sesiapa sahaja yang perlukan bantuan, tak kira apa task sekalipun. Kerja biasanya lebih kepada nak memudahkan kerja-kerja orang lain, termasuklah tukang angkat spannar, bersihkan working area dan housekeeping. Ramai adik-adik lepasan SPM yang apply kerja ni.
Estimated Salary : RM40.00-RM50.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Rigger – Atas sikit dari helper, nak jadi rigger pun kena join rigging course, bukan boleh pakai redah jer. Tasknya lebih kepada ringging job, lasak, seperti menarik dan menolak bebanan yang berat yang biasanya crane tak boleh operate. Kelebihan untuk mereka yang bertubuh sasa, mat fit tak sesuai.
Estimated Salary : RM80.00-RM100.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Rigger Scaffolder – Rigger juga tetapi specialize dalam erect scaffolding, bahasa baku panggil perancah, tapi jangan ler sesekali sebut perencah kat offshore, nanti kena gelak dik. Tugasnya erect scaffolding untuk jadikan access platform dan panjat tempat tinggi menggunakan safety hardness.
Estimated Salary : RM80.00-RM120.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Fitter – Fitter kerjanya fit up weld steel pipe atau structure, biasanya satu team dengan welder.
Estimated Salary : RM90.00-RM130.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Welder -Welder, tugasnya menyambung pipe atau structure yang telah di fit up oleh fitter. Post ni boleh tahan, kalau banyak “lesen” boleh buat duit banyak. Lesen ni datangnya dari Welder Qualification Test (WQT) .. haaa translate la sendiri, memang dah gitu term nya. Kalau banyak lesen dipanggil multi skill, boleh weld material carbon steel, stainless steel, duplex, cuni etc ler. Orang kampung aku cakap juruteri.. wahaha.
Estimated Salary : RM100.00-RM300.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Blaster – Blaster kerjanya blasts metal surface dengan menggunakan blasting equipment sebelum painter paints sesuatu surface, pipe ke structure ke.. mana-mana lah. Pakaian macam orang nak kebulan, rimas la sikit. Perlu ada IMM courses.
Estimated Salary : RM70.00-RM90.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Painter – Painter pulak sambung kerja yang blaster dah buat, dia apply paint pada surface tu. Sama la kena pakai pakaian ke bulan jugak. Perlu ada IMM courses.
Estimated Salary : RM70.00-RM90.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Electrician – Nama pun electrician, kerja-kerja berkenaan dengan electric di platform.
Estimated Salary : RM100.00-RM120.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Instrument Fitter – Instrument fitter tasksnya berkenaan dengan bahagian instrument, process, tubing etc. Rilex jer kerja ni, tak berat langsung.
Estimated Salary : RM90.00-RM100.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Crane Operator – Operate platform crane.. huii kena ada course ni, kalau boleh bawak crane di onshore belum tentu boleh bawak crane di offshore.
Estimated Salary : RMxx.00-RMxx.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Roustabout –
Driller/Assistant Driller
Toolpusher –
Storeman –
Mud Logger –
Production Operator –
Maintenance personnel –
Catering staff –

Professional posts – Graduates from Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, Geology, Geophysics and Petroleum Engineering courses are all of interest to offshore companies in exploration and production activities such as:

Geologists and Geophysicists
Reservoir engineers
Drilling engineers
Petroleum engineers

Kredit artikel penulisan: www.offshoreman.net

Komen: Jika anda dah dalam bidang O&G dan nak dipersijilkan (Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia, Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia atau Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia), anda boleh rujuk DAFTAR NOSS JPK untuk lihat samada standard pekerjaan telah dibangunkan ke belum. Kalau dah ada, mohon SKM/DKM/DLKM anda melalui PPT.

Dan jika anda ada pengalaman kerja melebihi 10 tahun dalam bidang kemahiran anda, bolehlah pertimbangkan untuk dilantik sebagai Personal Penilai & Verifikasi.

Kursus induksi seperti PP-PPT & PPL selama 2 hari boleh melayakkan anda untuk dilantik, selain SKM & pengalaman kerja (>>10 tahun).

Jika anda ingin menjadi underwater welder pula, ini adalah maklumat kursus untuk pertimbagngan anda.

Kursus underwater welding

🔸 Harga Yuran Kursus :
1) Commercial Diving Level 1 = RM12,000.00
2) Commercial Diving Level 2 = RM12,000.00
3) Underwater Welding & Underwater Cutting = RM24,000.00
Jumlah penuh ialah RM48,000.00.

HARGA ROMOSI 2020 RM42,000.00

Kursus mengambil masa 3 bulan atau lebih (Full Time/Sepenuh Masa)

Pembayaran yuran penuh boleh dilakukan secara berperingkat (sepanjang 3 bulan dalam tempoh latihan)

🔹Kos yuran termasuk pakej :
1) Penginapan homestay
2) Makan & minum
3) Nota Pelajaran
4) Pensijilan
5) Logbook Official
6) Pakaian untuk latihan disediakan (Coverall & TShirt Weldzone Official).

Kursus Aqua Jet Underwater Blasting & Underwater Painting akan diberikan secara PERCUMA didalama silibus pelajaran dan praktikal. Kursus percuma ini diberikan jika pelajar mengambil kursus penuh sahaja (Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3) – (Selagi promosi masih sah sahaja)

Deposit RM5000 untuk :
1) Diving Medical Check Up (1 Hari di Ipoh, Perak)
2) First Aid Class
3) Scuba Diving

📌 Syarat Kelayakan untuk menyertai :
1) Warganegara perlu menyediakan salinan kad pengenalan depan / belakang.
2) Warga luar (Foreigner) salinan passport.
3) Berumur 18 tahun ke atas.
4) Sihat tubuh badan (tiada penyakit kronik asma, semput dll)
5) Mampu membaca, menulis, membuat kiraan matematik asas.
6) Keadaan kewangan yang mencukupi untuk memasuki latihan, untuk mengelakkan penangguhan bayaran yuran kursus serta penerimaan lesen dan sijil.

Pengiktirafan sijil dan lesen :

Pusat Latihan

  • diiktiraf oleh International Technical Diving Agency (Europe) bagi ASIA
  • ahli PETRONAS yang berdaftar dan sah
  • memiliki sijil keahlian IMCA 2017-2018
  • diiktiraf oleh AWS & Bureau Veritas
  • Sijil bertaraf ‘Worldwide’ dan ‘International”

What lies ahead in 2019 for higher education?

(File pix) Diversity and education for all.

WITH Pakatan Harapan’s victory in the May 9 general election last year, the education landscape saw the merging of the Education Ministry, once the caretaker of school-level matters, with the Higher Education Ministry under the leadership of Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik.

The merger is the platform for the planning, implementation and management of strategies and operations, from pre-school to higher education and lifelong learning in a continuum.

Diversity and education for all is the ministry’s mission as evidenced by the June 2018 intake at public universities, polytechnics, community colleges and public skills training institutions.

Out of the intake of 182,409 post-sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) candidates, 17,338 places were offered to those from the B40 group, 299 to the disabled, 348 to Orang Asli and 1,225 to sports athletes. The trend of offering education opportunities at the tertiary level is expected to continue.

The education Ministry also pledged to make technical and vocational education and training (TVET) as students’ first choice of studies in the next five years.

Maszlee said TVET empowers every level of society towards equitable development, poverty reduction and economic prosperity.

However, several issues must be addressed, including strengthening the governance of TVET for better management, harmonising rating systems across both private and public TVET institutions, and enhancing the quality and delivery of TVET programmes to improve graduates’ employability.

The Budget 2019 speech revealed that the Education Ministry received the lion’s share with an allocation of RM60.2 billion, emphasising the critical importance of education for the nation’s progress.

The 2019 budget made substantial allocations for scholarships including a RM2.1 billion boost to the MARA education scholarships Programme and RM17.5 million over the next five years to the Malaysia Professional Accountancy centre (MyPAC) to produce more qualified bumiputera accountants.

Yayasan Peneraju Pendidikan Bumiputera received RM210 million for three of its programmes — Program Peneraju Tunas, Program Peneraju Skil (technical and vocational skills programmes) and Program Peneraju Professional (professional certifications in finance and accounting).

To ensure there are funds for those seeking to pursue tertiary studies, the national Higher Education Fund Corporation is reviewing its repayment mechanism.

Its chairman Wan Saiful Wan Jan said the review is expected to take six months before it is presented to the Cabinet for approval. The entity is actively holding meetings with various parties including community leaders, non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders to obtain relevant information and input before the draft is prepared.

With the abolishment of section 15(2)(c) of the universities and university colleges Act 1971 last month, students have the freedom to take part in politics on campus. This will further expose undergraduates to the democratic system and foster active participation in the governance of the country. Starting this year, student unions will be set up to develop students’ ability to manage their affairs on campus and empower them to lead the nation.

Rahmah Mohamed, MQA chief executive officer

Enhancing the quality of education

As an education hub, Malaysia is a popular destination for local and international students because of the quality of academic programmes provided by higher education institutions in the country which are accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).

MQA chief executive officer Datuk Dr Rahmah Mohamed said its accreditation is widely accepted in Asia, New Zealand, Japan, Australia, United Kingdom and Europe.

“We are recognised as a global brand. If a student graduates from a MQA-accredited programme in Malaysia or a Malaysian institution, they can work in any of these countries,” she added.

For this year, MQA plans to train qualifications officers from countries which require accreditation of programmes such as the Pacific Islands and those emerging from war as well as nations which do not have such agencies.

It will also introduce standards for micro-credentials. Micro-credentialing is the process of earning a micro-credential, which is like a mini degree or certification in a specific topic. To earn a microcredential, you need to complete a certain number of activities, assessments or projects related to the topic “We are looking at enabling individuals to earn credits from short courses organised by higher education institutions, accumulating those credits and ending up with a diploma or degree,” added Rahmah.

“In today’s environment, universities cannot work on their own but need to collaborate. If they subscribe to the same set of standards, a course offered by X University for example can be recognised by University Y.

“And University Y can then offer another set of courses to help students accumulate more credits.

“MQA is always looking for academic products that can contribute to the adult environment. Micro-credentials help students learn and earn on they go.”

Micro-cedentials can be offered by both public and private institutions as long as they subscribe to MQA standards.

“We are targeting to have the standards in place within the first quarter of this year followed by a roadshow. I foresee the implementation of micro-credentials will be rolled out six months later.”

The Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning – Qualification (APEL Q) is in the pipeline.

“APEL Q is still at the study stage. A person who has 20 years of work experience will sit a test and his portfolio will be assessed to determine an award of up to a master’s degree, without having to attend classes.”

MQA will conduct a pilot project after carrying out a feasibility study.

“When we roll it out, we will be the most advanced in Asia in terms of such qualifications.”

MQA believes there is a need to enhance the qualification of working adults without the need to be physically at university.

“We need to contribute to the advancement of the country and, to do this, we need to evolve and improve our stature in academics and education.

So, this is what MQA is striving for.”

Focus on skills

More often than not, SPM school-leavers who are not academically inclined are at a loss after getting their exam results.

Their results may not be up to mark to enable them to continue their studies at conventional higher education institutions and they may not even have an interest in academic pursuit. Without training and education, they may not have the skills for a bright future in the working world.

The Education Ministry’s Technical and Vocational Education Division encourages those who are not academically-inclined to pursue TVET as early as 16 years of age.

Division director Zainuren Mohd Nor sees 2019 as the year to strengthen and empower TVET.

The division runs three programmes: Kolej Vokasional (KV), Program Vokasional Menengah Atas (PVMA) and Perantisan Industri Menengah Atas (PIMA).

“The aim of KVs is to produce skilled workers who meet industry need or become entrepreneurs,” he said.

The aim is to get 70 per cent of its graduates employed, 20 per cent to continue studies and the remaining to become entrepreneurs.

“We have signed 775 memoranda of understanding for on-the-job training with the industry. We collaborate with the industry to produce students with skills required by the Industry Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0). We also partner with TVET colleges from, for example, Korea, China and Italy to gain exposure,” he added.

“Diploma Vokasional Malaysia graduates with a 3.5 CGPA can opt for higher studies. Or they can gain work experience and then opt for APEL Q.

“Budding entrepreneurs can enrol in the School Enterprise programme. They can set up their businesses during studies with the help of Companies Commission of Malaysia and relevant cooperatives.”

KV graduates are awarded the diploma as well as Malaysia Skills certificate. Some 96.7 per cent of the 2017 cohort are employed. As of Press time, the statistics for 2018 were unavailable.

As demand for places at vocational colleges is overwhelming, those who opt for TVET education can do so by joining the PVMA programme at day schools. They will be awarded two certificates — SPM and Malaysian Skills Certificate.

“They sit for only three SPM papers — Bahasa Malaysia, English and History — which qualify them to apply for places at vocational institutions.

They will also be awarded the Malaysia Skills Certificate Level 2 which certifies them as partially skilled and they can gain employment or become entrepreneurs.”

Last year, 269 schools ran PVMA programmes with an increase to 350 this year.“PIMA offers potential school dropouts a chance to learn and earn. They are in school for two days to learn SPM Bahasa Malaysia, English and History, and spend three days working in the industry. Some 116 schools were involved in 2018 while the number is increased to 200 this year.”

Students will be awarded a SPM certificate as well as a letter of testimony from employers.

The State Education Department and the District Education Office select the schools which carry out this programme subject to the availability of the industry in the vicinity of the school. Students, who are selected by school counsellors, get an allowance from the industry and will be monitored by it.

In the Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional programme, students learn at school for six months and attend industry training for another six months.

“I urge society to change its perception of TVET and encourage more industry players to partner with us to develop TVET.

“We want the industry to provide student placements, taking on a corporate social responsibility approach. The industry can provide facilities and equipment to ensure training is in line with IR4.0.

“Students too need to change their mindset from just being an employee to that of an entrepreneur.”

(File pix) Raja Azura Raja Mahayuddin


The allocation of RM17.5 million over the next five years to MyPAC will go towards its target to produce 600 Bumiputera professional accountants, said its chief executive officer Datuk Zaiton Mohd Hassan.

There are plans to boost Bumiputera education through sponsorship programmes, including collaborating with institutions which provide scholarships specifically for Bumiputeras, particularly students from B40 families, to pursue professional accountancy qualifications.

MyPAC was established in 2015, in collaboration with Yayasan Peneraju, to increase the number of certified Bumiputera accountants.

It aims to create the opportunity and provide the ecosystem for those with the capability and ambition to obtain a professional accountancy qualification.

Through the scholarship programmes, the number of graduates has risen from only two in 2015 to 141 last year, with 2,154 full-time scholars, and 2,654 current scholars.

Nor Dalina Abdullah, one of the earliest recipients of MyPAC scholarship, said she got to know of MyPAC in 2015, which allowed her to complete her ACCA examinations in the same year.

“The scholarship provided me with the means to continue my ACCA education. Its support was instrumental in my passing the examinations,” said Nor Dalina, who works as an analyst at Baker Hughes, a General Electric Company. Her role requires her to interact with her colleagues of different rank, including those in other countries.

“As a founding member of MyPAC Accountants Club, I hope to contribute back especially to MyPAC’s Outreach programme to inspire potential candidates in the fulfilling career as a professional accountant,” she added.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Shafiq Mohd Yusof, Muhammad Hakimie Mat Hat Hassan and Ahmad Fauzee Mohd Hassan attribute their success to Yayasan Peneraju’s three key thrusts—Peneraju Tunas, Peneraju Skil and Peneraju Profesional programmes.

Muhammad Shafiq, from a B40 family in Perak, pursued studies at a private university with aid from Yayasan Peneraju, and he works at a multinational corporation with an average salary of above RM5,000 a month. Muhammad Hakimie, from Terengganu, is trained and certified as a welder, with a salary of RM9,000 while Ahmad Fauzee, who is pursuing the ACCA qualification, ranked first in the world for a subject he took as part of the professional certification syllabus.

Yayasan Peneraju chief executive Raja Azura Raja Mahayuddin said a structured scholarship and development programme allows individuals to further studies without financial worries.

“Yayasan Peneraju is thankful for the government’s trust in its efforts in empowering the education of youth especially those from lower income households.

“We are committed to strengthening the Bumiputera community in response to the government’s call to sustain and empower education and human capital.”

As at December 2018, the foundation has helped 23,000 people benefit from education, TVET training (and employment) and professional certification funding and development programmes.

With an allocation of RM210 million under the 2019 Budget, the foundation will be offering more than 7,000 new opportunities this year, including focus of existing programmes on certifications in technology-related fields, professional accreditation programmes for accounting and finance, and a new initiative — Khaira Ummah — for those from religious and tahfiz schools.

There is also the Super High-Income Programme to increase the number of Bumiputeras who earn a monthly income of RM20,000 in specialised and niche fields.

The foundation will focus on target groups — 1,500 youths from challenging socio-economic background with average-to-excellent academic results (Peneraju Tunas); 4,000 dropouts, non-academically-inclined, unemployed youths and low skilled/semi-skilled workforce (Peneraju Skil); as well as 1,600 new and existing workforce including SPM and university graduates, who are aspiring to be specialists (Peneraju Profesional).

Out of the 1,600, it will groom 1,000 professional accountants, chartered financial analysts and financial risk managers annually.

A new programme, Peneraju Tunas Kendiri, which provides opportunities for the disabled, will be introduced this year.

Khaira Ummah will start with two programmes — Huffaz Pintar (SPM fast track) and Huffaz Skil.

“We want to open up career pathways to these group of students through academic courses and technical and vocational education or even to those who aspire to be professionals.”

The Health Ministry has an allocation of RM250 million worth of scholarships for medical doctors, paramedics (including medical assistants), nurses and medical students.

Some 40 per cent RM100 million) is allocated for 1,100 doctors per year (compared to 1,000 in the previous years) to pursue master’s degree in various disciplines.

The ministry spokesperson said about 12,000 medical college students will attend basic paramedic courses and 9,000 nurses will continue post-basic nursing programmes.

There are a variety of master’s degree programmes in medicine and health, including Science/Clinical, Research, Education and Public Health at local universities.

In Malaysia, a master’s degree in medicine and healthcare is a stepping stone to a career in medicine (as a doctor) or an alternative career in another aspect of the field.


Looking forward, Raja Azura applauded the government’s efforts in equipping the nation’s future generations with quality education.

The challenge is keeping up with technological advancements and embracing IR4.0 so as not to be left behind.

“Employers’ expectations of employees have moved towards technology-savvy communication skills, which in turn, require tertiary institutions to impart such abilities to students.

“I am hopeful that the higher education can prepare future generations to face IR4.0, which will impact all economies, industries and society at its core.

“It may very well challenge fundamental ideas about what it means to be human as it is slowly blurring the line between the physical, digital and biological, and changing the way we interact with emerging digital technology such as artificial intelligence, analytics and the Internet of Things.”

Raja Azura lauds the spirit of learnability and resilience.

“This is the desire and ability to quickly grow and adapt to remain relevant as people who are willing to learn will be agile and are versatile. They will also rank higher on the employability scale in today’s dynamic world.”

Zaiton of MyPAC hopes universities will encourage Bachelor in Accountancy graduates to pursue professional accountancy qualifications as they are only required to pass four ACCA papers, for example.

Source: www.nst.com.my 

1) What’s the point that the programs are accredited by MQA, recognised by many countries in the world but many of the local graduates are unemployed, mainly due to poor command of English language & the syllabus is so out of date and not relevant to the industry (same problem with TVET education system as well, most TVET institutions don’t produce graduates that matches the industry’s needs)

2) Introducing micro-credentials in the academic world is a great idea, it’s similar to TVET’s system where students/candidates can just go for certain Competency Units (CU) @ Modular certificate. Upon obtaining all CU in that particular program, they can be awarded a Malaysian Skill Certificate (MSC) or more well known as Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM)

3) Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning – Qualification (APEL Q) is another great system that allows experienced workers that didn’t go through formal education to obtain their Diploma, Degree, Masters or even PhD. However, devils is in the details. It maybe subject to manipulation by certain parties for quick & easy profit.
APEL Q is just like Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT) in our TVET context. Unfortunately, I’ve received feedbacks on how some of these candidates (with the help of CONnsultants created fake evidences & managed to obtain their SKM certificate via the PPT method.
Besides that, can you imagine someone that has >10 SKM qualifications under his/her belt which is so diverse from each other, eg having SKM in aesthetic, hairdressing, massage, aromatherapy, make-up (this group can be quite related to each other) AND culinary, office management and GOD knows what else!
Last heard the Department of Skill Development (DSD or better known as JPK) is checking on this & will take action. Haizz, always after nasi sudah jadi bubur.

4) With the increase of more & more PVMA, private TVET providers are advised not to run the same program as these PVMA’s, especially if you’re tartgeting the same group of students (mainly the B40). Many private TVET providers are already crying for help due to lower number of students registration from this group of students, coupled with the dwindling funding/financing by Perbadanan Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran (PTPK).

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Great news for TVET/SKM/SVM/DKM/DVM holders:

You now have an opportunity and option to fast track to a non-MQA executive degree, which is good enough for your career advancement in the private sector or if you’re already self employed/own a business, it’s an opportunity to elevate your social status as a University graduate, not just a technical cert holder from a centre or college.

Find out more here – URise Program for TVET/SKM/SVM/DKM/DVM holders