Tag Archives: IKBN

Unit Pengambilan TVET

Unit Pengambilan TVET: Portal Rasmi Permohonan Ke Institusi TVET Malaysia

PUTRAJAYA, 30 Oktober – Permohonan kemasukan ke 1,334 institusi Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional (TVET) di seluruh negara akan mengalami perubahan besar dengan pelancaran portal Unit Pengambilan TVET (UP_TVET). Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Majlis TVET Negara, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, mengumumkan bahawa langkah ini bertujuan untuk menyelaraskan permohonan, menghindari pertindihan, dan meningkatkan keberkesanan proses penerimaan peserta.

Unit Pengambilan TVET
Sumber imej: www.myspike.my

Menurut Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, “Permohonan menggunakan portal Unit Pengambilan TVET ini akan memungkinkan peserta memilih institusi TVET dan kursus yang mereka minati dengan lebih teratur. Ini akan mengurangkan masalah pertindihan permohonan dan memastikan bahawa peserta mendapatkan kursus yang sesuai dengan minat dan keperluan mereka.”


Anda boleh cari mengikut bidang yang anda minati.

Selain dari penyelarasan permohonan, Jawatankuasa Kabinet Majlis TVET Negara juga telah menetapkan beberapa arahan penting untuk institusi TVET. Salah satunya adalah untuk menawarkan kursus berasaskan teknologi tinggi dan tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui. Ini bertujuan untuk memastikan peserta TVET dilatih dengan kemahiran yang relevan dengan pasaran tenaga kerja yang semakin berkembang, termasuk keperluan pelabur-pelabur asing.

Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi menekankan, “Dengan menawarkan kursus yang sesuai dengan permintaan pasaran, kita akan membantu pelabur-pelabur asing mendapatkan pekerja-pekerja yang mahir dan berkelayakan, yang akan memberi manfaat kepada syarikat-syarikat mereka.”

Beliau juga merujuk kepada hasrat Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, untuk mengembangkan industri berdasarkan teknologi tinggi dan bidang tenaga boleh diperbaharui. Ini dijangka akan mencipta lebih dari 3.5 juta peluang pekerjaan baharu menjelang tahun 2030.

Dalam usaha untuk menyelaraskan Dasar TVET Negara, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi juga telah memberikan arahan kepada Sekretariat TVET Negara untuk menyusun pelan ‘road map’ yang akan menerjemahkan Dasar TVET Negara 1.0 hingga tahun 2030. Ini akan menjadi panduan penting bagi memastikan perkembangan dan pertumbuhan TVET di Malaysia.

Beliau menyimpulkan, “Kami percaya bahawa TVET adalah pilihan utama untuk pendidikan dan latihan bagi ramai individu. Kebolehpasaran dalam kalangan graduan TVET telah meningkat melebihi 92 peratus, menunjukkan keberkesanan pendidikan dan latihan yang diberikan. Kami akan terus mengukuhkan TVET sebagai pilihan utama bagi pelajar Malaysia, sambil terus memajukan pendidikan akademik.”

Alternatif: Institut/Kolej TVET swasta serta bidang yang mungkin tidak ditawarkan dalam portal UP_TVET

Sekiranya anda masih tak dapat cari bidang yang diminati, tidak suka dengan lokasi ataupun tidak memenuhi syarat kelayakan yang ditetapkan oleh institusi dalam portal yang disenarai dalam portal UP_TVET, anda boleh cuba cari institusi/olej kemahiran TVET swasta.

Kursus kemahiran:5 faktor utama pelajar pilih pusat latihan kemahiran swasta

Kursus Kemahiran/TVET

Sebelum bincang kursus kemahiran/TVET, baik anda tahu apa definisi kemahiran dan TVET.

Mengikut Kamus Bahasa Melayu Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, kemahiran bermakna kecekapan dan kepandaian melakukan sesuatu.

TVET (technical and vocational education and training) merupakan singkatan bagi Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional. TVET adalah proses pendidikan dan latihan yang mempunyai hala tuju pekerjaan dengan penekanan utama terhadap amalan industri.

kursus kemahiran kulinari
Kursus Kemahiran - Automotif

Dalam konteks artikel ini, kursus kemahiran/TVET dipersijilkan dengan Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) ataupun sijil teknikal yang dianugerahkan oleh institusi latihan tersebut.

kursus kemahiran - pusat kemahiran swasta berbanding awam
Mengikut kaji selidik ringkas yang dilakukan di 3 kumpulan Facebook yang bertemakan TVET, didapati berikut adalah 5 faktor utama mengapa pelajar pilih pusat latihan kemahiran swasta berbanding awam.

5 faktor utama mengapa pelajar belajar kursus kemahiran di pusat latihan kemahiran swasta berbanding awam

1. Pelajar rata-ratanya tidak tahu kewujudan PB Awam tersebut (Berita baik, anda boleh rujuk di laman ni – SILA HUBUNGI Institutsi Kerajaan tersebut sendiri untuk tanya program yang anda minat nak ambil, JANGAN tanya min ya kerana min telah beri senarai tu di bawah. Sila Google/hubungi institusi awam tersebut untuk dapatkan lebih maklumat)
2. PB Awam yang diingini/dipilih tidak menawarkan program yang diminati oleh pelajar
3. PB memilih pelajar tertentu sahaja walaupun pemohon memenuhi kriteria yang telah ditetapkan (ni min sendiri pun tak faham kenapa??)
Mungkin ke pasal syarat lulus SPM BM/Sejarah?
4. Pelajar tak tahu beza PB awam dan swasta??
5. PB swasta di lokasi yang strategik serta mengeluarkan graduan yang lebih berdaya saing

* Untuk 2,3 & 4, jika anda ada bajet/mampu untuk bayar yuran kursus ataupun sanggup ambil pinjaman PTPK (kalau ada kuota), sila isi Borang Permohonan Kursus Kemahiran – Berbayar  atau emel kepada admin butiran anda seperti berikut:
a. Nama
b. Emel & Tel
c. Bajet
d. Nama program yg diminati (maksimum 3)
e. Lokasi kursus yang diingini
f.  Kelayakan akademik/kemahiran
g. Perlu Pinjaman PTPK tak

Berminat untuk menyambung pengajian dalam bidang kemahiran di ILKA melalui permohonan UPU 2020 online? Berikut dikongsikan Senarai ILKA iaitu nama Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Awam Di Malaysia buat panduan pelajar. Empat (4) institusi kemahiran yang digolongkan dalam ILKA adaah Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Belia dan Sukan (ILKBS), Institusi Latihan Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (ILJTM), Bahagian Latihan Kemahiran Pertanian (BLKP) dan Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA).

Permohonan kemasukan ke ILKA dibuat dalam 2 kali setahun iaitu sesi Januari dan Jun/ Julai. Kursus pengajian yang ditawarkan adalah untuk Program bertaraf Sijil dan Diploma yang berbentuk kemahiran mengikut bidang tertentu.

Senarai ILKA

Kursus Kemahiran di Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Awam (ILKA)

Berikut dikongsikan senarai ILKA yang terdapat di Malaysia. Klik link yang diberi untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut seperti nama dan alamat institusi, kursus yang ditawarkan serta panduan memohon.

Senarai ILKA Di Malaysia

Berikut adalah senarai Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Awam (ILKA) yang terdapat di Malaysia untuk mereka yang berhajat menyambung pengajian kemahiran peringkat Sijil dan Diploma.

i) Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Belia dan Sukan (ILKBS)

Bahagian Pembangunan Kemahiran Belia (BPKB) melalui Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Belia dan Sukan (ILKBS) menawarkan latihan amali serta praktikal bagi menyediakan golongan belia dengan kemahiran-kemahiran yang diperlukan untuk terus menyertai kerjaya terpilih setelah tamat pengajian.

ILKBS dibahagiakan kepada IKBN, IKTBN dan AKBG

  • Kursus kemahiran sepenuh masa di Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara (IKTBN/IKBN)
  • Kursus Bina Insan (kepimpinan, keusahawanan, disiplin) kepada belia
  • Kemahiran Jangka Pendek khas yang disesuaikan kepada belia
  • Kursus Kemahiran di institusi swasta (program tajaan pelatih)

Senarai ILKBS

ii) Institusi Latihan Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (ILJTM) : Senarai ILKA

JTM diwujudkan untuk melahirkan tenaga mahir negara dari peringkat sijil latihan hinggalah Diploma Lanjutan dalam pelbagai bidang kursus kemahiran. Oleh kerana dengan perubahan teknologi yang begitu pesat dan keperluan tenaga kerja mahir yang mendesak, maka JTM telah menubuhkan beberapa institusi latihan diseluruh negara.

Senarai ILJTM

iii) Bahagian Latihan Kemahiran Pertanian (BLKP)

iv) Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA)

Objektif institusi kemahiran di bawah MARA adalah :-

  • Membangun dan melaksanakan Program Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional yang berkualiti serta diiktiraf ke arah menyediakan kerjaya berpendapatan tinggi
  • Menambah bilangan penglibatan bumiputera dalam pelbagai bidang teknikal di industri
  • Menyediakan kemudahan latihan dan infrastruktur yang selari dengan perkembangan teknologi dan keperluan semasa
  • Meningkatkan kompetensi pengajar bagi memenuhi keperluan i-pengajar
  • Melahirkan potential technopreneur yang berdaya saing dan berdaya tahan
  • Menyediakan peluang pembelajaran sepanjang hayat

Senarai IPMa

Senarai ILKA Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Awam Di Malaysia

Cara Membuat Permohonan Kemasukan Ke ILKA

  • Permohonan kemasukan ke ILKA dibuat dalam 2 sesi iaitu sesi Jun/ Julai melalui permohonan UPU online dan sesi Januari melalui Laman web ILKA yang berkenaan.

Semoga perkongsian Senarai ILKA Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Awam Di Malaysia (dan juga TVET) boleh dijadikan panduan buat pelajar yang ingin menyambung pengajian di sini. Selamat membuat permohonan kemasukan melalui UPU online dan secara terus ke ILKA yang berkaitan mengikut tarik yang diumumkan.

Sumber: https://www.infoupu.com/senarai-ilka-institusi-latihan-kemahiran

Maszlee to head TVET empowerment committee

Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik

JASIN: Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik will head the national-level Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Empowerment Committee to develop a new policy that is more relevant to industrial needs.

Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran said the decision was reached at a special meeting among ministers and ministries related to TVET last Wednesday.

“The new TVET Empowerment Committee has been merged with the previous one led by Permatang Pauh MP Nurul Izzah Anwar and it will be headed by Dr Maszlee Malik.

“Our aim is to review related issues thoroughly and devise a new strategy in order to strengthen TVET,” he told reporters after visiting the Selandar Industrial Training Institute (ILP) here yesterday.

Kulasegaran also said that specific focus would be given to the implementation of TVET in training institutions across the country including ILPs and vocational colleges.

He said the special focus involved various aspects including better allocation and infrastructure to produce skilled manpower.

This was in line with the current needs of the country’s job market that emphasised on the recruitment of skilled manpower as opposed to academic qualifications to face the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4.0), he added.

Kulasegaran said the special focus was also to create more local skilled manpower at 35% next year compared to just 28% now.

Source: www.thestar.com.my

Comment: Hope that decisions to be made by the new TVET Empowerment Committee headed by the Dr Maszlee would not favour TVET institutions under the Education Ministry over TVET institutions under Human Resources Ministry, like how the Vocational Colleges (KV) has ‘cannibalised’ the ILP & IKBN/IKTBN in terms of students enrollment & ‘special’ approvals given to them in the past, despite them not fully ready to implement TVET programs.

TVET courses to be recognised by single body, says Maszlee

SHAH ALAM: Education Minister Maszlee Malik says the Cabinet has approved a proposal for a single qualifying body for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) courses.

“This is so that every TVET institution will produce graduates who are recognised, instead of them being lumped together in the labour market without recognition from the industry,” he said in his speech at the Rise of the Asian Tiger Convention at UiTM Shah Alam today.

He added that the process of integration has begun for vocational colleges, polytechnics, community colleges, and technical universities in the country.

Previously, he said, these institutions were separate and played different functions.

“Today they are all under one roof, under the education ministry. But what we want is for them to be standardised, so there is alignment and communication between these institutions.

“We want to increase material sharing, sharing of expertise, and sharing of industry connections.”

He referred to programmes at vocational colleges which are often criticised for being unrecognised or unaccepted. These, he said, would now abide by the standards of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency and the Department of Skills Development under the human resources ministry.

This would also enable industry players to connect with the ministry with more ease, which would in turn provide a wider employment market for graduates, he said.

He said the ministry would ensure that TVET courses are seen as a primary choice instead of an alternative.

On a recent Bank Negara report highlighting low entry-level salaries, he said the issue is being addressed, with changes underway.

Besides widening industry participation in education, he said, the ministry will review the courses and tertiary education streams that are presently available.

This includes looking into the potential cancellation of certain courses, or the addition of new ones which are more needs-driven or based on current market needs.

“What is for certain is that the ministry is committed to ensuring that universities and graduates are capable of preparing the best products in the industry network, to face the obstacles of the fourth industrial revolution,” he said.

Maszlee also spoke of an increased collaboration among public universities.

“They will collaborate between one public university and another based on their various fields, whereby we have categorised the public universities into clusters,” he said.

“We no longer want them moving in a silo, or conducting their roles without collaboration or synergy. (This way) we can ensure that the best is given to students and the academics working at the universities.”

He said the ministry has set up different clusters to help public universities reinforce their strengths, identities and marketability of their graduates.

“We also want to stress the concept of internationalising our universities.

“We are confident that we can become leaders in our fields, and in each speciality of these universities,” he said.

The categories in question are: Malaysian Focus University, Malaysian Research University, Malaysian Comprehensive University, Malaysian Technical University and Malaysian Islamic University.

On the matter of the zero-reject policy in schools, Maszlee said schools had received 83,039 disabled students since the policy was implemented earlier this year.

For undocumented children, 2,635 students have registered with schools so far.

Source: www.freemalaysiatoday.com

Wonder what took the Ministry so long.
So now “Integration has begun for vocational colleges, polytechnics, community colleges, and technical universities” – no details given on the integration.
And what about the ILP, IKBN, IKTBN and other Pusat Bertauliah JPK, especially the private ones?

Govt committed to having quality graduates with vocational education module

– Bernama

PETALING JAYA: The Youth and Sports Ministry is committed to create a new generation of quality graduates with its National Youth Skills Institute’s (IKBN) Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) module.

Its Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman (pic) said the blueprint, dubbed IR4.0 TVET-IKBN, would be adapted for IKBN undergraduates based on the Teaching Factory module from Germany.

He was commenting on media reports quoting Bank Negara’s 2018 annual report, which found that monthly salaries for diploma or degree holders had dipped since 2010. The study also found that fewer people were being hired for high-skilled jobs.

In a Facebook post on Thursday (March 28), Syed Saddiq outlined the scenario he hoped would materialise with the IR4.0 TVET-IKBN blueprint in place.

“Imagine, 94% of the IKBN graduates being offered job opportunities after graduating.

“Upskilling and reskilling are the recipe for graduates today. Through the TVET programme, graduates will be matched with Industry 4.0 needs,” he said.

Noting that there are 22 TVET institutes nationwide, Syed Saddiq said that the ministry would get more industries involved with TVET programmes.

“The ministry has managed to sign 41 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at the Federal level and 192 MOUs at Youth and Sports Skills Training Institute (ILKBS) level, which is part of the TVET module,” he said, adding that Petronas, Gamuda Berhad and Proton are among those involved.

Syed Saddiq also wrote that the ministry, through TVET, had carried out a ‘bootcamp’ programme for the graduates, where 465 job offers from over 15 companies were provided to these graduates.

“The issue is close to my heart, and the ministry is committed to creating quality graduates,” he added.

He also called on the various industry players to collaborate and help the youth be part of the high-impact industry.

Source: https://www.thestar.com.my

Comment: If you’re looking beyond government skills training institutes, willing to explore the private ones, express your interest here

Ministry identifying youth institutes that can be upgraded to offer diploma courses

PEKAN: The Youth and Sports Ministry is in the process of identifying National Youth Skills Institutes (IKBN) that can be upgraded to offer diploma courses to meet Industry Revolution 4.0 needs, said its minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman.

He said that there are 22 IKBN throughout the country and that some of them had been identified for the purpose so that the graduates’ entry-level pay would be higher.

“Currently, the entry-level pay for IKBN leavers is between RM1,400 to RM1,600 … if IKBN can be upgraded to National Youth Higher Skills Institutes (IKTBN), they (graduates) can secure starting pay of RM1,800 or RM1,900.

“That is why my ministry is making this effort … before upgrading, we have to make sure the IKBN in question has the equipment and facilities necessary.

“… all these are part of the ministry’s efforts to prepare the youth to face the challenges of IR4.0.” he told reporters after opening IKBN Pekan’s Aircraft Structure Improvement Workshop here today.

Pekan IKBN is among those being considered for upgrading into IKTBN.

The minister said the course (Aircraft Structure Improvement) was very significant because Malaysia aims to be a key aerospace industry player.

He stressed that in the new world (IR4.0), expertise in automation, robotics, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and Internet of Things would be vital

Source: https://www.thesundaily.my


For whatever reason that you may not be interested with public TVET/vocational training institutions, there is always a choice at the private TVET/vocational training institutions, better known as Pusat Bertauliah JPK.

According to a survey in 3 Facebook groups recently, it was found that there are 4 main factors why students chose private TVET/vocational training institutions over public.

1. Students generally unaware of the public TVET/vocational training institutions’ existence.
2. Public TVET/vocational training institutions does not offer courses that students wanted to study.
3. Public TVET/vocational training institutions has tight entrance requirement, generally needs a pass in BM & Sejarah for SPM.
4. Private TVET/vocational training institutions are located in strategic locations & produces more competent graduates, more so for certain courses like culinary, aesthethic & hairdressing, automotive technology etc.

Apply for TVET courses in private skills institutions here

Senarai Institusi Kemahiran Awam Dalam Permohonan UPU 2019

Mengikut kaji selidik ringkas yang dilakukan di 3 kumpulan Facebook yang bertemakan TVET, didapati berikut adalah 4 faktor utama mengapa pelajar pilih pusat latihan kemahiran swasta berbanding awam.

1. Pelajar rata-ratanya tidak tahu kewujudan PB Awam tersebut (Berita baik, anda boleh rujuk di laman ni – SILA HUBUNGI Institutsi Kerajaan tersebut sendiri untuk tanya program yang anda minat nak ambil, JANGAN tanya min ya kerana min telah beri senarai tu di bawah. Kalau takda link/no diberi, sila Google untuk dapatkan lebih maklumat)
2. PB Awam yang diingini/dipilih tidak menawarkan program yang diminati oleh pelajar
3. PB swasta di lokasi yang strategik serta mengeluarkan graduan yang lebih berdaya saing
4. Syarat kemasukan PB Awam yang ketat seperti SPM…..

* Untuk 2,3 & 4, jika anda ada bajet/mampu untuk bayar yuran kursus ataupun sanggup ambil pinjaman PTPK (kalau ada kuota), sila isi Borang Permohonan Kursus Kemahiran – Berbayar  atau emel kepada admin butiran anda seperti berikut:
a. Nama
b. Emel & Tel
c. Bajet
d. Nama program yg diminati (maksimum 3)
e. Lokasi kursus yang diingini
f.  Kelayakan akademik/kemahiran
g. Perlu Pinjaman PTPK tak

Berminat untuk menyambung pengajian dalam bidang kemahiran di ILKA melalui permohonan UPU 2019 online? Berikut dikongsikan Senarai ILKA iaitu nama Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Awam Di Malaysia buat panduan pelajar. Empat (4) institusi kemahiran yang digolongkan dalam ILKA adaah Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Belia dan Sukan (ILKBS), Institusi Latihan Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (ILJTM), Bahagian Latihan Kemahiran Pertanian (BLKP) dan Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA).

Permohonan kemasukan ke ILKA dibuat dalam 2 kali setahun iaitu sesi Januari dan Jun/ Julai. Kursus pengajian yang ditawarkan adalah untuk Program bertaraf Sijil dan Diploma yang berbentuk kemahiran mengikut bidang tertentu.

Senarai ILKA

Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Awam (ILKA)

Berikut dikongsikan senarai ILKA yang terdapat di Malaysia. Klik link yang berwarna merah untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut seperti nama dan alamat institusi, kursus yang ditawarkan serta panduan memohon.

Senarai ILKA Di Malaysia

Berikut adalah senarai Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Awam (ILKA) yang terdapat di Malaysia untuk mereka yang berhajat menyambung pengajian kemahiran peringkat Sijil dan Diploma.

i) Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Belia dan Sukan (ILKBS)

Bahagian Pembangunan Kemahiran Belia (BPKB) melalui Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Belia dan Sukan (ILKBS) menawarkan latihan amali serta praktikal bagi menyediakan golongan belia dengan kemahiran-kemahiran yang diperlukan untuk terus menyertai kerjaya terpilih setelah tamat pengajian.

ILKBS dibahagiakan kepada IKBN, IKTBN dan AKBG

  • Kursus kemahiran sepenuh masa di Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara (IKTBN/IKBN)
  • Kursus Bina Insan (kepimpinan, keusahawanan, disiplin) kepada belia
  • Kemahiran Jangka Pendek khas yang disesuaikan kepada belia
  • Kursus Kemahiran di institusi swasta (program tajaan pelatih)

Senarai ILKBS

ii) Institusi Latihan Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (ILJTM) : Senarai ILKA

JTM diwujudkan untuk melahirkan tenaga mahir negara dari peringkat sijil latihan hinggalah Diploma Lanjutan dalam pelbagai bidang kursus kemahiran. Oleh kerana dengan perubahan teknologi yang begitu pesat dan keperluan tenaga kerja mahir yang mendesak, maka JTM telah menubuhkan beberapa institusi latihan diseluruh negara.

Senarai ILJTM

iii) Bahagian Latihan Kemahiran Pertanian (BLKP)

iv) Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA)

Objektif institusi kemahiran di bawah MARA adalah :-

  • Membangun dan melaksanakan Program Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional yang berkualiti serta diiktiraf ke arah menyediakan kerjaya berpendapatan tinggi
  • Menambah bilangan penglibatan bumiputera dalam pelbagai bidang teknikal di industri
  • Menyediakan kemudahan latihan dan infrastruktur yang selari dengan perkembangan teknologi dan keperluan semasa
  • Meningkatkan kompetensi pengajar bagi memenuhi keperluan i-pengajar
  • Melahirkan potential technopreneur yang berdaya saing dan berdaya tahan
  • Menyediakan peluang pembelajaran sepanjang hayat

Senarai IPMa

Senarai ILKA Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Awam Di Malaysia

Cara Membuat Permohonan Kemasukan Ke ILKA

  • Permohonan kemasukan ke ILKA dibuat dalam 2 sesi iaitu sesi Jun/ Julai melalui permohonan UPU online dan sesi Januari melalui Laman web ILKA yang berkenaan.

Semoga perkongsian Senarai ILKA Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Awam Di Malaysia boleh dijadikan panduan buat pelajar yang ingin menyambung pengajian di sini. Selamat membuat permohonan kemasukan melalui UPU online dan secara terus ke ILKA yang berkaitan mengikut tarik yang diumumkan.

Sumber: https://www.infoupu.com/senarai-ilka-institusi-latihan-kemahiran/

900,000 new jobs require TVET under 11th Plan

Haslina (centre) presents a certificate to a graduand, as Mohd Nizam looks on.

MIRI: About 1.5 million new jobs are expected under the 11th Malaysia Plan (11MP) and 60 per cent of these jobs will require qualifications in technical and vocational training.

Ministry of Youth and Sports Deputy Secretary General (Strategic), Haslina Abdul Hamid said this shows that Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is instrumental in providing the skilled manpower required for Malaysia to become a developed country by 2020.

Haslina said this when officiating at Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara (IKBN) Miri 10th Convocation Ceremony in Meritz Hotel yesterday. Also present at the function was IKBN Miri director Mohd Nizam Ismail.

“To fulfil the demands of industries, ‘Programme 20:50’ which aims to have 50 per cent skill courses by the year 2020, especially for those serving in the frontline in ILKBS (Ministry of Youths and Sports Training Institutes), will use English as a medium of instruction.

“As communication is among the soft-skills required in the job market, English has become an important element to equip and prepare these ILKBS students,” she said.

The ministry is hoping to attract and encourage youths to take up skill courses with ILKBS especially at IKBN Miri.

At the convocation ceremony 292 graduates received certificates in Automotive (178), Mechanical (18) and Hospitality (96).

“The ministry is also proud that there are some ILKBS alumni members who are serving in various industries within and outside the country, becoming successful entrepreneurs and earning high incomes,” she said.

Haslina disclosed that based on a research, the average monthly income for ILKBS graduates is between RM3,000 to RM60,000.

Comments: Unfortunately, in the race to achieve the numbers, the Ministry overlooked on the quality side. There’s some loopholes & weaknesses where so called experienced candidates who are not that expert in their field are able to obtain their SKM (Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia) via the RPEL  (PPT) method.

Source: The Borneo Post

Khairy: Public perception of vocational education has improved

Khairy with Malaysian Youth Council- 1Belia 1Kemahiran graduates at their convocation ceremony in Putrajaya. - Bernama

Khairy with Malaysian Youth Council- 1Belia 1Kemahiran graduates at their convocation ceremony in Putrajaya. – Bernama

PUTRAJAYA: The perception towards technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Malaysia has improved over the past few years, and is no longer seen as a “last option” in career choices, says Khairy Jamaluddin.

The Youth and Sports Minister said the public has grown to realise the potential of TVET due to its importance to a developing nation and its high employability level.

“In conjunction with the 2010 National Youth Day, the Malaysian Youth Council launched the 1Youth 1Skill (1B1K) programme to help youths get involved in skills training programmes and select TVET as a career choice.

“At that time, society’s perception was that TVET is only for those who didn’t complete Form Five, those who were expelled from school or those who have been sent for juvenile rehabilitation.

“But today, the public have changed their mindset towards TVET. They do not see it as a second or last option in one’s career choice.

“People acknowledge that products of technical and vocational education are highly employable and have an easier career path.

“The Government recognises TVET graduates as assets to the country that we can be proud of.

“Graduates of the National Youth Skills Institute today have a 90% employability rate, which means nine out of 10 graduates will definitely get a job.

“Compare this to degree holders, who cannot land a job after graduating. Why? It’s because their courses are not tailored to the demands of the industry.

“Those who pursue TVET in Malaysia are assured that their training is in line with what the industry wants,” said Khairy in his speech at the fourth 1B1K convocation on Tuesday.

He said Malaysia should emulate developed countries like Germany, Japan and South Korea where TVET is given top recognition.

“These are countries that are more developed than Malaysia and are well-advanced in technology, ahead of others. They make TVET a priority in their education system.

“In Germany, nearly 60% of the students are in the vocational and technical stream. The country’s economy and advances in automative technology are spearheaded by the successes of TVET graduates.

“Malaysia should emulate these countries. And that is why the Government has invested a lot in TVET. The last budget saw RM1bil allocated to enhance the quality of TVET,” said Khairy.

He said 4,967 youths have received skills training at public and private institutes since the 1B1K programme was launched.

About 500 youths received their certificates at the convocation ceremony.

Source: The Star Online, 10th May 2016

Pay vocational graduates proportionately: Khairy

Khairy defends Lim's RM175k salary | Daily Express Online - Sabah's Leading News Portal

Vocational and skills training institutes’ graduates shoud be paid salaries which commensurate with the qualification and skills they possess, said Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin.

According to him, the salaries offered so far were not up to expectations, despite the high amount spent by the government in improving the quality of education of vocational and skill training institutes’  graduates.

“Several countries with high technical competency such as Germany, Japan and South Korea have raised the standard of training skills that people in these countries have such high regards for those in these fields,” he said.

He was speaking to reporters after delivering a talk titled ‘Malaysia’s Human Capital Towards High Income Economy’ at the University of Technology Malaysia’s (UTM) Kuala Lumpur campus, here Thursday.

Khairy said, the public, especially parents too needed to change their perception that only students who do not excel academically go through vocational education and skill trainings.

“Most parents want their children to be doctors, engineers, lawyers without seeing the potential of their children in the technical field, a field which is just as important for the economic development of the country,” he said.

Khairy said, graduates of vocational and skill training institutes also have high employability value.

He cited the National Youth Training Institute (IKBN) as having graduate employability level of up to 83 percent and efforts were being made to increase it to 90 percent by 2016.

“IKBN work alongside with several big companies such as Petronas, Samsung and Tan Chong Motors and Automotive Institute of Malaysia to ensure courses available suit industries’ needs and these companies provide training for students,” he said.

Source: http://www.dailyexpress.com.my (5th December 2014)