Tag Archives: TVET

Banglasia atau Malaysia?

Banglasia adalah sebuah filem mengenai pekerja asing dari Bangladesh yang datang bekerja di Malaysia. Ceritanya adalah mengenai perjuangannya mencari rezeki yang mencukupi sambil mengharungi pelbagai isu-isu kontroversi yang berlaku di Malaysia.

Dah tonton Dirty Harris yang asalnya seorang pegawai polis, datang ke Malaysia boleh pula jadi pekerja binaan, tukang masak, mekanik kenderaan motor, juru elektrik dsbgnya??

KEMENTERIAN Sumber Manusia bercadang menetapkan syarat kepada rakyat tempatan termasuk warga asing yang ingin bekerja dalam bidang kemahiran di negara ini perlu memiliki Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) terlebih dahulu.

Timbalan Menterinya, Datuk Mahfuz Omar berkata, cadangan berkenaan dibuat selepas mencapai kata sepakat dalam mesyuarat Pembangunan Kemahiran yang diadakan, baru-baru ini, dan akan dilaksanakan menerusi Rancangan Malaysia Ke-12 (RMK12) sebagai persediaan untuk lima tahun akan datang.

Katanya, warga asing khususnya yang mahu bekerja perlu mempunyai SKM dari negara ini, bukannya menggunakan sijil kemahiran dari negara lain.

“Kita mahu semua industri di negara ini mempunyai persediaan dan persiapan lebih awal bagi melahirkan tenaga kerja mahir.

“Dengan cara ini, barulah anak tempatan mendapat pasaran kerja lebih besar memandangkan majoriti yang memiliki SKM sudah tentunya rakyat Malaysia.

“Saya yakin industri yang ada dalam negara kita memerlukan pekerja yang mahir dan boleh memberikan hasil keluaran terbaik kepada industri di tempat mereka bekerja,” katanya dalam sidang media selepas mengadakan lawatan kerja di Institut Latihan Perindustrian (ILP) Kota Bharu, hari ini.

Sumber: https://www.hmetro.com.my

Rasanya tak lama lagi pelajar kemahiran tempatan akan ada rakan sekelas dari Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Indonesia dll

Tunggu apa lagi, dapatkan Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia anda SEKARANG

Funding essential for B40 group to benefit from TVET training

Bernama pic)

There has been a lot of talk of the new Malaysian Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Roadmap.

However, there are plenty of unanswered questions in relation to the direction of TVET, although these programmes benefit the B40 the most.

Firstly, there is no single body in charge and TVET courses are provided by a couple of ministries.

This has resulted in different standards set by each of these ministries, although the human resources minister is supposed to head this.

Secondly, what skills are expected of a TVET graduate? Currently, students enrolled in the Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) programme largely comprise of very low achievers at school. Some are hardly able to read and write.

With the development of technology and the coming of Industry 4.0, the industry expects graduates with innovative and higher-order thinking skills.

But school-leavers with these skills do not consider TVET as a study option and go on to take up degree courses.

These conflicting issues need to be addressed before students are counselled to take up TVET courses, so they are clear on their expectations.

Next, it is getting very difficult to promote TVET courses to school-leavers because they perceive TVET courses lead to low-level and lowly-paid jobs — those equated with cheap foreign labour.

The government needs to address this perception. Teachers also need to be educated on these possible high-paying jobs.

Having addressed the above, the next biggest issue is the demand for skilled workers. We understand that there are more than two million foreign workers who are either semi-skilled or unskilled working in this country.

So, what is the policy on the dependence on foreign workers and the subsequent replacement with a more locally-skilled workforce?

Assuming these two million foreign labourers are to be replaced with local TVET graduates over the next 10 years, wouldn’t that mean about 200,000 TVET students have to be trained annually? How are we going to do this?

Currently, skills training is provided by both the public and private institutions. It is very important that the government makes clear the role of the private sector in meeting the demand for training.

The survival, sustainability and investments by private skills training institutions greatly depends on a clear policy by the government.

Due to neglected funding, quite a number of private training institutions have ceased operations. Surely the human resources minister must realise that without proper funding, it is virtually impossible for the B40 lower-income populace to afford education.

The private training institutions have the capacity to meet the training needs of half the above demand. But the question is the funding.

It is a known fact that the majority of students who enrol in these skills programmes belong to the B40 group and would be heavily dependent on the funding.

The government needs to allocate the required funds or loans to cater for the underprivileged.

In conclusion, the TVET curriculum needs to be relooked to meet emerging technological changes.

Developing local human capital should take precedence in meeting the industry demands rather than being overly dependent on foreign labour.

To make this happen, the quota system of funding must cease, thus enabling all qualified students to pursue skills courses. This should be taken as a national agenda.

If this is not addressed, we will have to face the consequences of national socio-economic problems, thus affecting the future growth of the country.

Assoc Prof Elajsolan Mohan is the president of the National Association of Private Educational Institutions (Napei).

Source: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com

Comment: Yes, I agree that the private institutions be given more, if not equal funding vs government institutions. However, things are not moving that way, thus far.
Perhaps, it’s also time that private institutions be more creative in packaging their education but must be careful in not going against the Act 652 (National Skills Development Act).

I’ve seen how some of these private institutions done in a way that benefit the students, industry & themselves!
So, students, if you have problem getting into public institutions or having financial constraints with your fees but yet interested with skills courses, fill up the form here.

Malaysia to host first WorldChef Battlefield competition

It will be another first for Malaysia this April when it hosts the inaugural international culinary championship known as WorldChef Battlefield – Battle of the Masters (WCB 2019). The culinary championship is the first of its kind not just in Malaysia but the whole of Asia and will take place from April 4 to 7.

Deputy Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Muhammad Bakhiar Wan Chik, at the recent official launch said, “The love of good food is a trait shared by all Malaysians, and as a well-known food paradise in the continent of Asia, Malaysia is well-positioned to host WCB 2019.”

The event will be chaired by professional chef and Masterchef Malaysia judge Chef Zubir Zain, while the judging panel will be headed by Otto Weibel from Switzerland, who is accredited by the World Association of Chefs Societies. Other members of the jury comprise industry professionals from Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and Malaysia.

“This championship brings a new perspective to the Masterchef culinary reality TV show which relies on amateur chefs as participants and Iron Chef where experienced guest chefs challenge the show’s resident ‘iron chef’ in a timed cooking battle built around a specific themed ingredient,” Zubir said.

“In WCB 2019, which is jointly organised by DRS Proevent and CZ Restaurant Group, culinary competitions are taken into an arena that reflects real life situations through a series of culinary battles among professional chefs from around the world,” he added.


Deputy Minister of Tourism, Culture and Arts Muhammad Bakhtiar Wan Chik launches the WorldChef Battlefield 2019 at Movenpick Hotel & Convention Centre KLIA, Sepang, Selangor. Photo: The Star/SS Kanesan

Professional chefs from Asia as well as the African nation of Mauritius will compete for the title “Champion of the Masters” in culinary challenges throughout the event.

WCB 2019 is supported by the Professional Culinaire Association and endorsed by the World Association of Chefs Societies.

The culinary championship will be recorded live and broadcast throughout Asia. There will be 16 teams of four chefs each, preparing culinary dishes to be judged by nine jury members. Another 10 judges will assess the chefs’ skills in the kitchen, and only the best four teams will compete in the final stage.

The champion team stands to win a cash prize of US$12,000 (RM49,570).

For more information, visit worldchefbattlefield.com

Source: https://www.star2.com

Comment: If you would like to know which TVET/skills institutions offers affordable culinary course yet enable you to be a world class chef, you may apply here

Oil and gas sector hires more local graduates, trims forex losses

Analysts said companies such as Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas), Sapura Energy Bhd, Alam Maritim Bhd, Barakah Offshore Bhd and others has hired local professionals and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) graduates to reduce costs, which is part of the companies’ cost cutting measures.

KUALA LUMPUR: Skilled local workforce has helped major oil and gas (O&G) cushion the global weak oil prices, ringgit fluctuations and foreign exchange (forex losses) over the past few years.

Analysts said companies such as Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas), Sapura Energy Bhd, Alam Maritim Bhd, Barakah Offshore Bhd and others has hired local professionals and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) graduates to reduce costs, which is part of the companies’ cost cutting measures.

Sunway University Business School Professor of Economics Dr Yeah Kim Leng said the O&G sector is a very specialised high technology sector which requires a lot of specialised skills to work at oil rigs and fabrication yards.

“In the early days, these niche areas required foreign expertise and was dominated by expatriates but now firms such as Petronas and Sapura no longer hire foreign professionals but source local engineers from the O&G field.

“This in turn has enabled the country to save a lot in terms of foreign exchange as it is very expensive to pay the foreign engineers.

“Now Malaysia is able to produce its own local oil and gas engineers, technicians and supervisors,” Yeah told NST Business recently.

Yeah added the sector is also a hotbed for hundreds of TVET graduates every year to fill in various positions across the entire oil and gas supply chain both in Malaysia and abroad.

“Petronas and other companies for example are growing globally and they are helping the country’s workforce by employing some of these TVET graduates to work on oil rigs and at fabrication yards,” he said.

Meanwhile, an O&G engineer at Jurunature Sdn Bhd said the sector is growing robustly all over the world and it will require TVET graduates fill up the various portfolios available all over the world.

“Petronas for example is a Forbes 100 company with oil and gas exploration activities all over the world and it will farm out all the contracts to O&G firms such as Jurunature, Barakah Offshore, Sapura and foreign players as well.

He added many O&G firms are also teaming up with foreign players to save cost as well as tap and leverage on each other’s strengths and synergies.

“It has been tough for some O&G companies, and some have even closed shop. But for others, they team up to prepare for the tough road ahead such as Petronas which is expanding in various countries as well as Sapura which recently teamed up with Sapura OMV,” said the engineer.

Meanwhile a source at Petronas said the national oil firm is committed in collaborating with TVET graduates via the Petronas Training Institute to produce quality O&G workforce.

However Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Associate Professor Dr Mohamad Sattar Rasul said more can be done to help TVET graduates as the contributions by the institute is minimal.

“Petronas can do more by introducing an apprenticeship programme to help them secure jobs once they graduate from TVET institutes.

“Petronas can implement the national dual training system which absorbs the graduates into the sector and become part of the country’s oil and gas workforce,” he said.

Senarai Institusi Kemahiran Awam Dalam Permohonan UPU 2019

Mengikut kaji selidik ringkas yang dilakukan di 3 kumpulan Facebook yang bertemakan TVET, didapati berikut adalah 4 faktor utama mengapa pelajar pilih pusat latihan kemahiran swasta berbanding awam.

1. Pelajar rata-ratanya tidak tahu kewujudan PB Awam tersebut (Berita baik, anda boleh rujuk di laman ni – SILA HUBUNGI Institutsi Kerajaan tersebut sendiri untuk tanya program yang anda minat nak ambil, JANGAN tanya min ya kerana min telah beri senarai tu di bawah. Kalau takda link/no diberi, sila Google untuk dapatkan lebih maklumat)
2. PB Awam yang diingini/dipilih tidak menawarkan program yang diminati oleh pelajar
3. PB swasta di lokasi yang strategik serta mengeluarkan graduan yang lebih berdaya saing
4. Syarat kemasukan PB Awam yang ketat seperti SPM…..

* Untuk 2,3 & 4, jika anda ada bajet/mampu untuk bayar yuran kursus ataupun sanggup ambil pinjaman PTPK (kalau ada kuota), sila isi Borang Permohonan Kursus Kemahiran – Berbayar  atau emel kepada admin butiran anda seperti berikut:
a. Nama
b. Emel & Tel
c. Bajet
d. Nama program yg diminati (maksimum 3)
e. Lokasi kursus yang diingini
f.  Kelayakan akademik/kemahiran
g. Perlu Pinjaman PTPK tak

Berminat untuk menyambung pengajian dalam bidang kemahiran di ILKA melalui permohonan UPU 2019 online? Berikut dikongsikan Senarai ILKA iaitu nama Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Awam Di Malaysia buat panduan pelajar. Empat (4) institusi kemahiran yang digolongkan dalam ILKA adaah Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Belia dan Sukan (ILKBS), Institusi Latihan Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (ILJTM), Bahagian Latihan Kemahiran Pertanian (BLKP) dan Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA).

Permohonan kemasukan ke ILKA dibuat dalam 2 kali setahun iaitu sesi Januari dan Jun/ Julai. Kursus pengajian yang ditawarkan adalah untuk Program bertaraf Sijil dan Diploma yang berbentuk kemahiran mengikut bidang tertentu.

Senarai ILKA

Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Awam (ILKA)

Berikut dikongsikan senarai ILKA yang terdapat di Malaysia. Klik link yang berwarna merah untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut seperti nama dan alamat institusi, kursus yang ditawarkan serta panduan memohon.

Senarai ILKA Di Malaysia

Berikut adalah senarai Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Awam (ILKA) yang terdapat di Malaysia untuk mereka yang berhajat menyambung pengajian kemahiran peringkat Sijil dan Diploma.

i) Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Belia dan Sukan (ILKBS)

Bahagian Pembangunan Kemahiran Belia (BPKB) melalui Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Belia dan Sukan (ILKBS) menawarkan latihan amali serta praktikal bagi menyediakan golongan belia dengan kemahiran-kemahiran yang diperlukan untuk terus menyertai kerjaya terpilih setelah tamat pengajian.

ILKBS dibahagiakan kepada IKBN, IKTBN dan AKBG

  • Kursus kemahiran sepenuh masa di Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara (IKTBN/IKBN)
  • Kursus Bina Insan (kepimpinan, keusahawanan, disiplin) kepada belia
  • Kemahiran Jangka Pendek khas yang disesuaikan kepada belia
  • Kursus Kemahiran di institusi swasta (program tajaan pelatih)

Senarai ILKBS

ii) Institusi Latihan Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (ILJTM) : Senarai ILKA

JTM diwujudkan untuk melahirkan tenaga mahir negara dari peringkat sijil latihan hinggalah Diploma Lanjutan dalam pelbagai bidang kursus kemahiran. Oleh kerana dengan perubahan teknologi yang begitu pesat dan keperluan tenaga kerja mahir yang mendesak, maka JTM telah menubuhkan beberapa institusi latihan diseluruh negara.

Senarai ILJTM

iii) Bahagian Latihan Kemahiran Pertanian (BLKP)

iv) Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA)

Objektif institusi kemahiran di bawah MARA adalah :-

  • Membangun dan melaksanakan Program Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional yang berkualiti serta diiktiraf ke arah menyediakan kerjaya berpendapatan tinggi
  • Menambah bilangan penglibatan bumiputera dalam pelbagai bidang teknikal di industri
  • Menyediakan kemudahan latihan dan infrastruktur yang selari dengan perkembangan teknologi dan keperluan semasa
  • Meningkatkan kompetensi pengajar bagi memenuhi keperluan i-pengajar
  • Melahirkan potential technopreneur yang berdaya saing dan berdaya tahan
  • Menyediakan peluang pembelajaran sepanjang hayat

Senarai IPMa

Senarai ILKA Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Awam Di Malaysia

Cara Membuat Permohonan Kemasukan Ke ILKA

  • Permohonan kemasukan ke ILKA dibuat dalam 2 sesi iaitu sesi Jun/ Julai melalui permohonan UPU online dan sesi Januari melalui Laman web ILKA yang berkenaan.

Semoga perkongsian Senarai ILKA Institusi Latihan Kemahiran Awam Di Malaysia boleh dijadikan panduan buat pelajar yang ingin menyambung pengajian di sini. Selamat membuat permohonan kemasukan melalui UPU online dan secara terus ke ILKA yang berkaitan mengikut tarik yang diumumkan.

Sumber: https://www.infoupu.com/senarai-ilka-institusi-latihan-kemahiran/

Jobs of the future: Top five emerging careers

(File pix) Robotics engineering is a sought-after career pathway for school-leavers.

Apply for your favourite TVET courses/ SKM courses here

CHOOSING the right course to study after secondary school is one of the most important decisions in life.

With an array of courses available, the guidance of an experienced and knowledgeable education counsellor is invaluable after the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) and Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) examinations.

Regardless of whether school-leavers are from the arts or science stream, it is important to select a discipline that matches interests.

Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management human resource adviser Geh Thuan Hooi said the programme of choice must be relevant now and in the future or graduates risk being left behind.

“With the advent of Industry 4.0 where artificial intelligence (AI) will replace many present jobs, anything related to data analytics, information technology and robotics are good fields to venture into.

“Jobs requiring a high sense of creativity and decisiveness will be much sought after. Those with a strong mindset, who are persistent and not afraid to fail, as well as team players will make it in the future,” he added.

Higher Ed looks at the top five emerging careers – data scientist, robotics engineer, physiotherapist, certified account and digital marketer – with a promising future.


Demand for data science skills is growing exponentially as it is crucial to extract knowledge and insight from data captured by companies.

Center of Applied Data Science (CADS) founder and chief executive officer Sharala Axryd said data scientists have always been in demand but, until recently, only large enterprises and digital natives were willing to make the significant investment.

“Corporations know that if they are slow to act, they will become dinosaurs in this digital age and lose competitive advantage.

“Management and executives are now actively utilising data to make business decisions,” she added.

“CADS offers courses such as the Data Star Programme and CADS Certification which teach the fundamentals of interpreting data, performing analyses and understanding and communicating actionable insights.

“The special SPM-Leavers Seminar, which was introduced last year, gives insight into the skills needed in the world of data science as well as job opportunities in the industry.

“Through these programmes, students are better equipped to stand out among their peers by pursuing career paths such as data scientists and analysts in various industries. These are increasingly highly sought-after roles which organisations are eager to fill.”

Data scientists are at the top of the data science career ladder as they possess both theoretical knowledge and technical skills.

“Data scientists should also have excellent communication skills to articulate their knowledge into useful insight that creates value.

Whether it is the field of AI, machine learning, deep learning or analytics, the possibilities are endless.

“A career in data science is considered an extremely broad field, as data scientists are relevant across industries, fitting in both vertically and horizontally.

“Exceptional understanding of all aspects of data, programming and business is highly respected.”

A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Statistics or Social and Physical Sciences is the basis of skills required to process and analyse big data. Relevant fields include mathematics, computer science and engineering.

Arts stream students, who have non-technical skills, can pursue their interest in data science if they have strong communication skills or business knowledge.

For example, a Bachelor of Arts in Communication graduate can rewrite technical jargon into plain English for the easier understanding of the marketing department.


Robotics has been around for decades but current technological breakthrough in areas such as AI, Internet of Things, Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), cloud computing and big data analytics has generated demand in sectors such as food and beverage, logistics and consumer markets.

Multimedia University Faculty of Engineering Technology dean Associate Professor Dr Fazly Salleh Abas said robotics is a discipline that combines knowledge on electronics, electrical and mechanical engineering, and software development.

The “body” of a robot is built on mechanical concepts, the “nervous system” on electrical and electronic components while the software forms its “brain”.

“It is not only the job of the future but is also now in demand. And it is not limited to manufacturing since robotics and automation are widely used in industries such as medicine, agriculture, law enforcement and surveillance.

“Graduates can choose to join the workforce in the industry or become researchers.

“The application of automation and robotics is broad. One may work on single-action robots in plants that automate bottle labelling or work on complex projects such as designing intelligent drones or a full-scale IIOT-enabled assembly system equipped with AI capabilities to predict possible breakdown.

“If one loves solving problems, then robotics is a brilliant choice for future pursuits,” he added.

In just a few decades, industries especially manufacturing are fertile ground for robotics and automation systems to evolve since they open the path to productivity and profitability.

“This technology has a long way to go in disrupting the way we manufacture and distribute products.”

A Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering — Robotics, Computer, Electro-mechanical, Electrical and Mechanical — is the entry-level academic requirement for a career in robotics.

Typical coursework for a robotics engineering degree includes advanced mathematics, physical and life sciences, computer science, computer-aided design and drafting, physics and materials science.

SPM science stream students with a Foundation in Engineering qualification or STPM scholars with three principals including mathematics and physics are eligible to pursue the Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics) degree majoring in robotics and automation.

For arts stream students who wish to become engineers, the pathway may be a little bit longer than for science stream students, whose usual pathway is to pursue Foundation, Matriculation or STPM course followed by an engineering degree programme.

A tip: excel in SPM and enrol in a diploma in engineering course at a polytechnic or public and private university before pursuing a degree in engineering programme.


Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad said expenditure in the nation’s healthcare industry is expected to reach RM80 billion by 2020.

Industry-spending, which recorded RM52 billion at end-2017, has increased, fuelled by demand for healthcare services and the emergence of new care models beyond traditional hospital settings.

Management and Science University (MSU) Faculty of Health and Life Sciences dean Associate Professor Dr Sairah Abdul Karim said Malaysia is ranked as one of the highest for chronic heart problems and obesity among Asian countries.

There is a need for more physiotherapists to come up with exercise therapies designed to solve patients’ specific therapeutic goals.

Physiotherapists enjoy high employability as their skills are integral to the rehabilitation of patients who have either suffered a stroke, had a knee replacement, heart bypass surgery. In addition, they treat and minimise physical disabilities associated with injury, disease and other impairments.

“On average, a physiotherapist earns an annual income of RM29,500. Depending on experience, one can earn between RM14,000 and RM68,000 a year.

“This is a career that helps people and improves lives – not only alleviate pain – and there’s flexibility to work as a part-timer,” she added.

Physiotherapy courses offer a variety of hands-on skills that can be applied in hospital settings and sports clubs, special needs children’s centres, old folks home as well as rehabilitation centres.

“Physiotherapy graduates can look into becoming an academician, trainer, sports therapist, acupuncturist, chiropractor or exercise physiologist.”

With the average ratio of physiotherapists to the country’s population at 1:27,000 compared with 1:14,000 for developed countries, and 1:500,000 for under-developed nations, physiotherapists are in demand.

“There will be some 19,000 physiotherapists in the country by 2020 when the estimated population is 32 million, giving a ratio of 1:1,813.”

In 2016, there were 216 private and 153 public hospitals in the country. The Health Ministry employed 1,373 physiotherapists.

Non-governmental organisations and the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry also hired them.

In addition, physiotherapists also able to set up private practices and work in private clinics.

At MSU, prospective students need a minimum C grade for science subjects to enrol in the physiotherapy course, which includes 70 per cent hands-on learning and practice to ensure comprehension of integrated therapeutic approaches to patient care.

The programme encompasses clinical placements in accredited places such as MSU Medical Centre, public hospitals (under the supervision of the Health Ministry), private hospitals, National Sports Institute of Malaysia and healthcare services providers.

The specially designed clinical placements exceed the 1,000 hours requirement by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency.

“The curriculum is carefully crafted to ensure students are competent and inventive practitioners later in their career.

“This programme is delivered through innovative, 21st century teaching techniques, which engage students in collaborative, highly focused assessments and projects to build a solid foundation for a career in physiotherapy.”

KPJ Healthcare University College School of Health Sciences dean Mohd Izham Mohd Zain said physiotherapists are sought after in the healthcare industry, in line with changing lifestyle and new healthcare models.

“There is an obvious shift of care from the traditional role of providing rehabilitation and curative care at hospitals to preventive measures, which curb occupational-related disorders.

“Such an extended role requires higher academic qualifications to cater to needs and fulfil expectations,” added Mohd Izham.

To meet demand, numerous higher education institutions offer training programmes at the bachelor’s level instead of diploma.

KPJ Healthcare University College’s School of Health Sciences offers physiotherapy programmes from diploma to master’s.


With exponential growth of the Internet, firms have more opportunities to communicate with their target audience.

Consumers are also highly intelligent and take well to online marketing as it is the medium most relatable to them.

Digital marketing is becoming a sought after career in a borderless environment.

Taylor’s University School of Media and Communication senior lecturer Dr Nurzihan Hassim said learners who are Internet-savvy can build up a diverse portfolio by mastering their hard and soft skills in both online and existing channels, be it radio, television or newspaper.

Through corporate bodies as well as advertising, public relations and media agencies, the 4th IR brings with it a need for media strategists, creative content creators and event managers to handle integrated marketing communications.

“It is a highly exciting and competitive field, so experience is critical as digital presence is very much relevant and needed,” she added.

Nurzihan said many advertising and branding campaigns integrate the human experience with augmented and virtual reality, and AI.

“Humanising technologies with consumers’ wants puts them first and wins trust. For example, voice searches such as Amazon Alexa see a higher engagement with smartphone users and opportunities for product knowledge and new trends.

“Snapchat won over audiences by allowing them to explore the Nike catalogue through augmented reality at a brand event and purchase Air Jordan III through Shopify.

“In essence, the key is to excite consumers and give insight into a product, brand or firm to gain and sustain attention through creativity and innovation of technology.”

Given that marketing in the future will be device-based, enrolment in a digital marketing course allows youth to enhance tech skills and learn to merge sales concepts into this next generation of marketing.

“Youth today are digital natives born in the era of the Internet and understand it the most. They are the best generation to implement digital marketing innovations that can bring change in society, and increase acceptability, response and practice of new ideas, concepts, products and trends.

“What we teach here is the history of the field and then bring into focus by linking it with digital practices. When students are exposed to the overall context of advertising and branding, they learn key areas such as audience research and the importance of evaluation, planning and creative execution across all major media channels.

“This breadth of knowledge is extremely useful for those interested in careers in advertising, marketing, brand management, audience research and handling big data.”

Nurzihan added that as long as they have the passion for it, students from both the Science and Arts streams can enrol in a Digital Marketing course as it is a mix of creative arts and technology.

“Science students already have the required skill-sets for pursuing the course such as the ability to think objectively and analyse quantifiable metrics.”


The country is in need of qualified professional accountants to meet the demand for 60,000 by next year.

With the development of digital technology, the role of accountants will be more challenging as they will use sophisticated and smart technologies such as software systems including cloud computing to enhance traditional ways of working.

And it is imperative that they are benchmarked against the highest standards and tested by the rigour of professional accountancy examinations.

UNIRAZAK chief executive officer Amil Izham Hamzah likened a degree in accounting to a key that unlocks a door to a room with a large chest containing a treasure — the certified accounting qualification.

The mental and physical skill-sets and stamina that one gains in the process of unlocking the chest are the greatest rewards for a certified accountant.

“It is by going through this process that sees many opportunities, imaginable or otherwise, open up to certified accountants.”

Therefore, it is crucial to go beyond an accounting degree and pursue professional accounting certification.

Generally, there are two ways of pursuing this certification. One can go the traditional route of obtaining a degree then pursuing professional accounting

certification or embark on a programme that combines both the university degree and professional certification, such as the CPA Australia Accounting degree qualification.

In developed countries, it is rather common for those in the science stream to cross over and study accounting.

“When I was enrolled in a professional accounting programme, a former colleague, who studied geology, was one of the best certified accountants in the firm then.

“You need the smarts and a willingness to go through the journey with perseverance, patience, prayers and lots of caffeine!”

The allure of professional accounting certifications has to do with existing and projected demand for certified professional accountants. Consistent with the trajectory of fast growing economies, Malaysia is projected to continue to need professionals of certain disciplines including certified accountants.

“Unlike certain jobs that are mere fads, the qualification as a certified accountant stands one on solid ground. I was awarded professional certification some 20 years ago and I can safely say that the qualification as a certified accountant is ‘not a destination but a means’ of taking on many roles and responsibilities in many ventures and industries.”

A certified accountant exercises constant judgment in his work, for example identifies and makes a call on substance rather than form; assesses intentions and their consequences; and effectively deals with shades of grey rather than mere black or white.

“It is a discipline that is more of the arts than sciences. The essential traits remain relevant in the foreseeable future.”

Meanwhile in its effort to contribute towards the development of talent in the country, Permodalan Nasional Bhd has introduced the PNB Chartered Accountant (PCA) course.

The programme targets candidates from different entry levels — SPM school-leavers, graduates of Foundation programmes from professional accounting bodies and graduates with a Diploma or Degree in Accountancy.

On Oct 26, 2016, PNB and its programme partners—Yayasan Peneraju Pendidikan Bumiputera, UiTM Private Education Sdn Bhd and Ernst & Young Malaysia — signed the Joint Collaborative Educational Partnership Agreement to provide sponsorship covering subsistence allowance and fees (tuition, examination and membership).

To date, PCA participants have enrolled in professional qualification programmes run by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, and Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

Source: www.nst.com.my

Comment: If you’re not sure where to find TVET/skills institutions that offers the course that you’re interested in, you may apply here.

UTeM tawar bidang HVAC bermula tahun ini

UTeM tawar bidang HVAC bermula tahun ini

Program tersebut berkonsepkan tiga tahun pengajian di kampus dan satu tahun latihan industri. – Gambar hiasan

MELAKA: Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) akan menawarkan pengajian peringkat Sarjana Muda dalam bidang Penyejukan dan Sistem Penyaman Udara (HVAC), bermula tahun ini.

Timbalan Naib Canselor Akademik dan Antarabangsa UTeM Prof Datuk Dr Mohd Razali Muhamad berkata program berkonsepkan tiga tahun pengajian di kampus dan satu tahun latihan industri itu bertujuan memberi lebih pendedahan dan pengalaman menempuh alam pekerjaan agar mereka lebih berdaya saing dalam memenuhi kehendak industri.

Beliau berkata inisiatif itu bertepatan dengan aspirasi Kementerian Pendidikan iaitu gabungan program pengajian di universiti dan latihan industri jangka panjang dengan pihak industri.

“UTeM turut menjalin kerjasama strategik dengan pihak industri dalam sektor HVAC, Prihoda Malaysia Sdn Bhd bagi memudahkan proses penempatan penuntut bidang berkenaan,” katanya dalam kenyataan di sini.

Mohd Razali berkata tiga syarikat dari sektor sama turut menyatakan hasrat bagi menjayakan program ini iaitu LTC Building Services Sdn Bhd di Seri Kembangan, Expertise: HVAC Services and Maintenance serta ACSON Malaysia Sales and Service Sdn Bhd.

Beliau berkata UTeM terus komited bagi menjana graduan berkompetensi tinggi dan memberi impak besar kepada sektor perindustrian di dalam dan luar negara dengan melaksanakan pelbagai strategi bersepadu.

Sementara itu, Pengarah Prihoda Malaysia Sdn Bhd Lee Wee Pin menzahirkan rasa gembira dan yakin akan membina hubungan baik dengan UTeM menerusi kerjasama tersebut.

“Program ini turut memberi manfaat kepada kedua-dua belah pihak yang mana industri memerlukan idea baharu daripada institusi pengajian tinggi bagi menambah baik lagi sistem sedia ada ke arah revolusi industri 4.0, manakala penuntut pula mempunyai tempat untuk menjalani latihan industri dalam tempoh yang lama,” katanya.


Pertemuan NGO-NGO TVET dengan Pengurus Besar PTPK


Pertemuan adalah mendapatkan penjelasan dan titik penyelesaian bagi isu arahan pekeliling bertarikh 31 Januari 2019 – Ruj: PTPK.P&P.100-3/1 Jld 17 (7) berkenaan Syarat-syarat Baru Permohonan Dana TVET Pinjaman Latihan Kemahiran Skim Pinjaman Lepasan Sekolah Tahun 2019 Bagi Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Tahap 1, 2 dan 3. Dapatan dari perbinncangan yang dapat saya kongsikan ialah:

01. Tiada lagi kaedah agihan kuota bantuan kepada Penyedia Latihan (PL) sebaliknya peruntukan yang sedia ada perlulah dibida dengan syarat-syarat tertentu.

02. Tahun 2019 adalah menggunapakai pendekatan Industry Driven Funding yang sifatnya menekankan kepada kebolehpekerjaan.

03. Bantuan pinjaman kepada pelatih perlulah akhinya menyediakan pekerjaan yang merubah kehidupan. Ini yang perlu difahami oleh PL.

04. Penilaian melalui pemarkahan yang berbeza-beza apabila PL mampu menyediakan MOA atau MOU atau LOI atau Conditional Letter dari industri berkaitan penempatan pekerjaan kepada pelatih apabila tamat latihan. Walaupun ianya diperdebatkan, namun PTPK menyakini PL mampu membina hubungan dengan industri dan akhirnya manfaat kepada pelatih yang juga merupakan peminjam.

05. Cuma PKPB kekal menolak syarat dokumen berkenaan tidak membenarkan di tandatangani oleh PENGURUS SUMBER MANUSIA. Dokumen perlu ditandatangi oleh Pemilik atau Pengurusan Tertinggi. PKPB melihat syarat ini sesuatu yang “bikin lawak”. Dalam persekitaran perniagaan semasa, telah berlaku perubahan amalan pengurusan sumber manusia yang dahulunya hanya berperanan sebagai pusat khidmat dan sokongan untuk organisasi. Kini, ia lebih daripada sekadar memproses gaji dan pengambilan pekerja baharu. Dalam dunia moden, seorang pengurus sumber manusia memegang beberapa portfolio: rakan niaga, agen perubahan; pentadbir dan pembela para pekerja. Merujuk kepada beberapa kenalan HR Manager, terdapat 3 tugas teras seorang HR iaitu
a. A Line Function,
b. A Coordinative Function
c. Staff Functions [Assist and Advise]

06. PKPB menyokong perlunya Nilai tambah (Added Value) atau Dual Certification di dalam latihan perijilan kemahiran sedia ada. Di dalam hal ini, PKPB mengesyorkan agar Industry Lead Body (ILB) yang dilantik Jabatan Pembangunan kemahiran (JPK) di beri kuasa mengeluarkan sijil tambahan kompetensi berdasarkan industri masing-masing. Menghakupayakan ILB melalui persijilan kepada pelatih akan senang di kawal kualitinya berbading persijilan antarabangsa yang lain.

07. Masih lagi dengan Nilai Tambah (Added Value), PTPK perlu melihat mana-mana PL yang ada program pembangunan belia melalui kemahiran insaniah/softskills hendaklah juga diberi pemarkahan yang baik.

08. PL yang melaksanakan single-tier DKM / DLKM tiada penetapan bilangan peruntukan.

09. Pembidaan bagi peruntukan pinjaman untuk SKM 1-3 tidak melihat kepada kapasiti JPK semata-mata sebaliknya kepada kemampuan PL memenuhi syarat yang ditetapkan.

Apa pun, PKPB melihat sudah sampai masanya semua pihak mengubah cara berfikir dan bekerja dalam menyantuni atau membantu membina anak muda hari ini untuk masa depan negara yang hebat. Isu ini masiih panas dan proses rundingan msih berjalan.

Turut hadir dalam pertemuan ini selain PKPB ialah Persekutuan Pusat-Pusat Bertauliah JPK Swasta Malaysia (FEMAC). Gabungan ILKS Bumiputera (GILKSB). Gabungan ILKS India Malaysia (GAPKIM). Gabungan Pusat-Pusat Kemahiran Swasta Terengganu (GAKENT) dan Tan Sri Zainal Rampak, Tokoh TVET.


Programme launched for TVET master trainers

Islamabad: With skill development being one of our top priority items, we are striving to mobilise our youth and provide them with a conducive learning environment to enable them to explore their abilities and skills and benefit from them for earning a better livelihood.

This was stated by minister for federal education and professional training Shafqat Mahmood while addressing the launching ceremony of ‘Training of Master Trainers Programme’ under the auspices of the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission here on Monday as part of the ongoing reforms in technical education and vocational training sector of Pakistan.

The organisers said under the programme, a national pool of master trainers from various trades would be trained and certified according to the globally recognised international training and assessment courses.

The training will be delivered by the Melbourne Polytechnic Institute, Australia and Institute of Tourism, Hospitality Management, Pakistan with the collaboration of the NAVTTC and TVET SSP.

The structure of these courses has been specifically designed by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training, as per the identified international TVET sectors training needs and requirements. It is also in line with international best practice for competency-based training.

As many as 120 Master Trainers will be given certificates as per the Australian Competency Based Training & Assessment Framework. It will help build the national capacity to further support Pakistan’s National Vocational Qualifications Framework (NVQF). The master trainers completing this internationally recognised training will be from various demand-oriented trades. These MTs will then further disseminate training to TVET trainers under a cascading model approach.

Source: https://www.thenews.com.pk

Comment: Malaysia is highly respected by the other ASEAN country members in this respect. We had few G to G Masters Training done.
So if you want to learn how to implement TVET program or train your Master Trainers in your country (ASEAN, Middle East…), check us out