Services & Courses

induction course and VTO

JPK Induction Course

I Smart Educare (till Feb 2018) & ISE Education Sdn Bhd (March 2018 onwards) has been organising JPK induction course consistently since 2001.

1. PP-PPD-PPB/PP-PPT/PPL/SLDN Induction Course

PP-PPD-PPB Induction Course


  • Introduce and give an understanding of Malaysian Skill Certification System
  • Compulsory for each JPK Accredited Centre (Pusat Bertauliah)  personnel (PP, PPD or PPB) before appointment as Accredited personnel

PP – Pegawai Penilai (Assessor)
Usually the trainer, also need min SKM3, Diploma or Degree in relevant field, as well as trainer certificate such as NCS-TTTVTO or TVETi qualifications.

PPD – Pegawai Pengesah Dalaman (Internal Verifier)
Usually, the head of the program/supervisor to the trainer also needs min SKM3 qualification.

PPB – Pengurus Pusat Bertauliah (Centre Manager)
The chief intermediary between Pusat Bertauliah and JPK officers, managing the centre.

(Good news, we have a proprietary technique to help you pass the exam! Exclusively applicable to sessions organised directly by I Smart Educare)

2. Vocational Training Operation (VTO) I-031-3:2014 Course

To qualify as an accredited vocational trainer, you need VTO in addition to SKM/DKM and PP-PPD-PPB induction cert.

With VTO certificate, you can get exemption from HRDCorp-TTT (formerly known as HRDF-TTT) certification and it also covers NCS-TTT usage (but not vice versa)

3. National Competency Standard - Train The Trainer (NCS-TTT)

It  is a nationally recognized trainer certificate that allows you to be:

a) Qualified as an Assessor (
Pegawai Penilai) for Modular@Micro-Credential programs in JPK Accredited centres (demand is getting higher with more centres offering Micro Credential programs) AND

b) A HRDC Exempted TTT Trainer (opens up the vast opportunity to conduct training for corporates/organisations that contribute levy to HRDCorp.

This programme would enable you to:

1. Determine training requirement (Training Needs Analysis@TNA)
2. Design training course (Session Plan)
3. Conduct training (presentation skills)
4. Conduct training evaluation

4. TVET/JPK Accredited Centre Consultation

Unlike IPTS which is still on moratorium, you can apply for your training centre to be accredited by JPK to offer Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) / Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) or Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM). 

5. SKM (including TVETi) & DKM via PPT Consultation/Workshop

If you have certain number of years of experience in a particular field, you need not attend a full time program for 6, 12 or 24 months to obtain your SKM. You can just apply via PPT method, where you only need to provide evidence or do practical assessment to get your certificate.

However, the guideline (Panduan) can be a little bit daunting for you and if you think you want to save time in the whole process, you may consider to go for the PPT Consultation/Workshop where we will guide you from A-Z to get your certification.

Read here on the 3 ways of obtaining your SKM (BM).

6. Assistance in purchasing of NOSS

NOSS can be purchased easily from  However, you may still find it too challenging for whatever reason. We’re ready to provide you FREE service to purchase any NOSS at no extra charge, RM20/program/level.

7. Development of Written Instructional Materials - WIM (subject to availability)

Either you don’t have the manpower or you need it urgently for accreditation purpose, we may be able to consult you on the WIM development.

If you want your team to self develop but unable due to insufficient knowledge, you’re advised to send your trainer (especially the future Assessor@PP) to attend WIM Development Workshop.

8. Course counselling & placement

As a parent, I’m sure you would like the best for your children. You may be confused and unsure which TVET institution and course is good for your child or may not even be unaware which one is near your home/state.

We’re here to advise you & recommend the most suitable TVET institution based on your child’s interest & location. However, for government owned ones, you can just find it here on your own.

Our Track Record Since Inception

40 thoughts on “Services & Courses

  1. We have 2 staff interested in joining the induction program for PP-PPT.
    Please advise when and where you have the programs scheduled and the price.per person.
    Thank you.

  2. Yuen Wah, very sorry, only realised just a while that I have over 100 comments not being moderated but mainly spam comments.

    May I know you’re from which state?

    1. Hi I would like to inquire if you are also offering trainer’s methodolo level II, or parallel program or course to above mention training need to know the details like how much is the training fee and exact date. Thanks

      1. Hi Anna, am not sure what’s the content of trainer’s methodology Level II.
        What we offer is Vocational Training Operation (VTO), accredited by the Department of Skills Development or known as JPK.

        You may find the modules here –

  3. I am interested in attending PP-PPD class. Please inform when is the next class in Kuching or KL and how do l register for the course.
    Thank you

  4. I am are looking for this

    Kitchen / Cooking

    L-041-22Penyedia MakananDemi Chef
    L-041-33Penyelia / Ketua Seksyen Penyediaan MakananChef De Partie

  5. saya di sini ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut pekara seperti kursus – kursus yang disediakan dan permohonanya.

    1. Mohana, lebih senang kalau kamu nyatakan kursus apa yg kamu nak ambil, ataupun beritahu kami apa yang kamu nak capai supaya kami boleh nasihati langkah seterusnya.

  6. Saya ada sijil tahap 2 dan ingin buat PPT utk tahap seterusnya dlm kursus multimedia. Adakah di sini ada program utk tujuan itu?

      1. Thanks.

        From the PPT process was my previous job confirmation letter enough to prove i have work experience?

        Do i need to be currently employed to be eligible to apply PPT?

        1. Yes KY, previous job confirmation letter is enough (for no of years of experience). The rest of evidence would depend on what documents you have. Anyway, this is L5, am not very familiar with what kind of project paper you need to do.

          1. Thanks, I already did my research on that and i have my own brief idea about how to go about it.

            There literature 🙂

  7. Hi..saya graduan chem eng..saya ingin mengambil sijil skm dan selanjutnya vto etc..Ada ke pusat bertauliah swasta/awam yg mengendalikan kursus ini secara separuh masa?

    1. Salam Zul, anda kena ada pengalaman kerja untuk mohon sijil SKM secara PPT.
      Untuk VTO separa masa pula, anda boleh hubungi kami di 012-3123430.

  8. Slmt Ptg..

    Anak sy telah tamat SKM Dandanan Rambut Tahap 2 dan ingin melanjutkan kemahiran ke Tahap 3. Adakah pusat bertauliah awam yg mengendalikan kursus tersebut. Adakah CIAST turut menawarkannya.

    1. Nik, anak anda tinggal di mana?
      Caranya senang je, isi borang, bayar, hadir & lulus periksa induksi 2 hari, dapatlah siil 😀

    1. Yes Jacinta, for Penang, it would be on 19/2/19, 8,30-1pm
      Location: Park Avenue Hotel

      You should have received the notice from JPK, Unit Penguatkuasaan by now.

  9. Hi, would like to find out some info of setting up a jpk accredited centre . Any requirement/restrictions for equity ownership?

    1. Hi SK, there’s no restriction on equity ownership as long as it’s a locally incorporated company (Sdn Bhd) with min RM50K authorised paid-up.
      Personnels in the Accredited Centre must be qualified (with SKM, VTO & induction course cert respectively), local or PR.
      Should you need more info, understand the whole accreditation system & qualify your personnels, you are advised to identify at least 3-4 of them to attend the 2 days induction course conducted on 21-22 Sept in Kepong Metro Prima.

  10. Hi JPK Malaysia,
    Im Lee, wishing to enquiry for getting a license to run a Skill/TVET/academy which offer Music & Multimedia couses.

    1. Hi Brich, with regards for your interest on the above matter, you need to first identify the code of the program that you intend to offer from the NOSS registry.

      For example, once you have downloaded the NOSS registry, use control F function key and type in multimedia, then scroll till you find the suitable multimedia course that you intend to offer. Same goes to music.
      Once identified then only I can advise you the next steps, especially on the personnel requirements.

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