Tag Archives: College

CON-sultant or Consultant? My experience in the TVET sector


As you would have known, CON-sultant is not really a consultant but just a CON artist who cons their victims via consultancy.

Just a quick sharing.

Yesterday, I had a meet up with another ex-public listed company, interested to purchase a TVET/JPK Accredited centre and/or MQA approved college license.

Guess what? A previous CON-sultant tried to push them to purchase an MQA approved college license for RM5 million (not a hefty amount provided it has quite a few good programs & with KDN license with clean records). However, when pushed for more details from the potential buyer, the CONsultant started making stories that do not jive, hence the potential buyer has some reservations. When pushed further for process flow, the CON-sultant came out with proposing them SKM/DKM via PPT method at a really hefty figure (5 digits/candidate!), without really probing what the customer actually wanted.

Now, I have this challenge to propose to the company on how they can achieve what they want but hey, it’s a good problem to have. If I can help them to achieve what they wanted, I’m sure I’ll be rewarded appropriately (not necessarily handsomely though :-P)

Another case happened just last month. Another CON-sultant proposed to sell his SLDN training centre (3-4 programs if not mistaken) for RM500K. Not sure what’s so valuable about the license but anyway he managed to convinced the potential buyer (to me, I wouldn’t even pay RM50K for that!). Unfortunately for the CONsultant, he made a very BIG MISTAKE, not sure it’s by choice or it was just plain silly. He asked to be paid in cash, no cheques, no bank accounts transfer, no receipts to be produced. WTF! Where on earth would a buyer agree to this kind of agreement? Even buying fruits for RM2 at fruit stalls along PLUS Hentian are given receipts!

And I really got a shock when a kursus induksi which cost only RM350 (maximum course fees chargeable, in case you are still unaware) was quoted at 6 times more! And because of the CON-sultant’s greed (did not pay me & lied saying he wasn’t paid & fooled by the client – despite the client made the inflated payments to him), I had no choice but to go after the client directly for the payment. Well, you should know what’s the ending for the CON-sultant.

Jho Low - Con-sultant or con artist

Moral of the above 2 REAL LIFE stories:

1. Be knowledgable in your area if you really WANT to consult someone on that area, otherwise, be upfront & frank with your client that you’re working with an associate and NEVER pretend that you know everything despite KNOWING NOTHING about it as clients may sometimes be more knowledgable than you in that area if you’re not the EXPERT! You may not be lucky to be able to CON all the way, just like the Malay proverb:
Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya akan jatuh ke tanah juga

2. Be as transparent as possible with your clients, they will appreciate it.

3. GOD will reward you if you work hard & genuinely.

4. DON’t MESS UP with TVET Malaysia@ISE Education, we will go after what we’re supposed to get.

5. Consultants (individuals or companies) that agrees with everything that you requested as easy as ABC, especially without much thinking, should give you an ALARM! Don’t fall into the trap. Probe further on the Consultants past track records, a check-up for any info on the web (just Google the company or person, if not much web presences or many negative comments about the Consultant, that’s another ALARM!), testimonials and etc.

Here’s an interesting article on 7 tell tale signs of a con artist

With that, I hope you will not be the next victim to such CON-sultant!

And should you need any advice on TVET matters especially related to JPK/SKM/VTO/Induction course, feel free to call/WhatsApp (pls introduce yourself, who you are, what you want to know, in details) or email us at:
012-3123430 or ismarteducare @ gmail.com.