Tag Archives: digital marketing

Daftar NOSS 2021 - Operasi Pemasaran Digital

Daftar NOSS TERBARU (Okt 2021) / Latest NOSS Registry (Okt 2021)

Daftar NOSS Jun 2021
NOSS yang telah didaftarkan boleh digunapakai bagi tujuan industri dan latihan. Daftar NOSS boleh dimuat turun dengan klik gambar di atas

Daftar NOSS 2021

Sebelum kita lihat apa NOSS baru yang menarik dalam Daftar NOSS 2021 ini, baik fahamkan dulu apa itu NOSS.

Definisi NOSS

Singkatan daripada National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS) atau Standard Kemahiran Pekerjaan Kebangsaan. NOSS adalah dokumen yang menggariskan ketrampilan yang diperlukan oleh seseorang pekerja mahir yang bekerja di Malaysia bagi sesuatu bidang dan tahap pekerjaan serta laluan untuk mencapai ketrampilan tersebut.

Kelebihan dan Kegunaan Standard Kemahiran

Standard kemahiran memberi manfaat kepada semua pihak yang berkepentingan. Kejayaan projek pembangunan standard kemahiran dan ianya berguna kepada masyarakat bergantung pada penyertaan penuh dan komitmen semua pihak yang berkepentingan.  Manfaat ini boleh digunakan sebagai penanda aras untuk menilai keberkesanan usaha bersama.

Antara NOSS terbaru yang min rasa menarik adalah seperti berikut:

Daftar NOSS 2021 (Feb)

Kejurulatihan Sukan Elektronik / Electronic Sports Coaching (R931-001-3:2021)

Daftar NOSS 2021 - Esports Coaching

NOSS bidang ni dibangunkan  tepat pada masanya. Julung kalinya sukan Olimpik Tokyo akan memperkenalkan sukan elektronik di bawah Olympic Virtual Series (OVS).

5 sukan elektronik yang bakal dipertandingkan adalah Gran Turismo (lumba kereta), eBaseball, Zwift (basikal), simulasi mendayung dan belayar.

Grand Turismo - Olympic Virtual Series

Dengan publisiti dan pengiktirafan yang semakin meluas, diharapkan anda sebagai ibu bapa boleh melihat potensi serta laluan kerjaya yang boleh dicapai sekiranya anda anda sangat berminat untuk main sukan elektronik.

Dan jika anda sedang belajar, harap anda dapat mendisiplinkan diri untuk tidak mengabaikan pendidikan anda walaupun berminat sangat bermian sukan elektronik.

Jadikanlah wira Olimpik anda sebagai role model, di mana setiap atlet ini mempunyai disiplin diri & kegigihan yang tinggi untuk sampai ke peringkat Olimpik dalam sukan elektronik ini.

Dengan standard kemahiran ini, anda/anak anda bolehlah pertimbangkan untuk menjadikannya sebagai salah satu laluan kerjaya juga. 

Walaupun tiada data mengenai pendapatan purata seorang jurulatih sukan elektronik di Malaysia, angka di Amerika Syarikat (AS) menunjukkan di antara $38,000 (25% percentile) ke $76,000 (75% percentile) di mana 10% yang tertinggi menjana pendapatan tahunan $100,000 di AS.

Operasi Katering Kapal / Ship Catering Operation (H501-004-2:2021)

Industri pelayaran yang merupakan sebahagian dari industri pelancongan menerima impak negatif yang besar dalam pandemik ini. Namun, industri ini mempunyai potensi serta peluang pekerjaan yang amat cerah sebaik sahaja industri pelancongan pulih nanti.

Min rasa ini adalah masa terbaik untuk Pusat Bertauliah yang menawarkan program penyediaan makanan untuk tambah program ini kerana Tools, Equipments & Materials serta WIM yang digunakan mungkin lebih kurang sama dengan program HT-012-2/3:2012 sedia ada. Sila beli NOSS ni dari www.myspike.my dengan harga RM20/tahap sahaja.

Pendapatan purata chef kapal pelayaran di Malaysia dianggarkan di sekitar RM5,879 sebulan, 214% lebih dari purata kebangsaan.

Dakwah Islam / Islamic Da'wah (S949-001-3:2021)

Daftar NOSS 2021 - Dakwah Islam

NOSS bidang ni adalah yang pertama dari Kumpulan S949. Tiada sumber mengenai pendapatan seorang pendakwah Islam, namun bolehlah baca Fenomena Pendakwah Berbayar dari Sinar Harian.

Dakwah Islam

Daftar NOSS 2021 (Jun 2021)

Operasi Kerja Komuniti / Community Work Operation (Q889-003-3:2021)

Daftar NOSS 2021 - Kerja Komuniti

Sebelum ini, NOSS yang dalam Kumpulan (Q889) yang sama yang telah dibangunkan adalah Khidmat Komuniti/Community Service (CC-016-3:2015)
DAN Operasi dan Pentadbiran Kerja Sosial/
Social Work Operation and Administration (Q889-002-4:2019)

Dari segi gaji, pendapatan purata bulanan adalah RM2,060 (5 hingga 10 tahun pengalaman kerja). Ia memang lebih rendah berbanding dengan pendapatan seorang jurulatih sukan elektronik ataupun sebagai chef di kapal pelayaran tetapi bidang kerja ni dianggap sebagai kerja yang mulia.

Pemasangan Sistem Solar Termal / Solar Thermal System Installation (M749-007-3:2021)

Solar Thermal Installation

Pendapatan purata gaji juruteknik sistem solar termal di Malaysia adalah antara RM 1,810 sebulan (gaji minima) sehingga RM 5,600 sebulan (gaji maksimum).

Jika anda ada 5-10 tahun pengalaman kerja bidang ni, purata gaji adalah RM 3,830.

Dan jika anda memiliki sijil atau diploma dalam bidang berkaitan, purata gaji pula RM4,000.

Daftar NOSS 2021 (Okt 2021)​

Pengacaraan Profesional / Professional Emceeing (R900-008-3:2021)

Daftar NOSS 2021 - Pengacaraan Profesional
Kredit imej: www.themuse.my

PENGACARA profesional (majlis) atau MC (master of ceremony) memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam mengemudi sesuatu majlis rasmi ataupun tidak rasmi.

Ini kerana majlis rasmi tidak bermula selagi pengacara belum bersedia. Merekalah orang yang akan membuat pengumuman dan memberi arahan atau panduan kepada tetamu yang mengambil bahagian dalam setiap acara.

Bukan senang untuk menjadi pengacara majlis kerana memerlukan daya kreativiti dan kebolehan untuk bertutur dengan lancar serta berkesan.

“Kadar bayaran pengacara majlis bergantung kepada profesional atau amaturnya seseorang MC itu, selain majlis dan tempoh masanya dengan rata-rata mereka dibayar antara RM500 sehingga RM5,000 bagi satu acara”  – Pengasas Norish Emcees & Event Production (NEEP)

Sumber: Sebahagian dari artikel Harian Metro (Kerjaya pengacara majlis)

Penyediaan Masakan Jepun / Japanese Cuisine Preparation (I561-003-2:2021)

Daftar NOSS 2021 - Penyediaan Masakan Jepun

Masakan Jepun mengekalkan tradisi lama. Kemahiran orang Jepun menyediakan dan menyajikan makanan di atas meja, produk apa yang mereka pilih dan gabungkan, betapa indahnya mereka menghias, memang mengagumkan. 

Tetapi ramai di antara kita tahu sedikit tentang sejarah masakan Jepun. Apa yang kita tahu selain sushi, nasi, makanan laut? Seni memasak di Jepun begitu mendalam dan mengandungi begitu banyak fakta menarik.

Sekiranya anda seorang chef masakan Jepun/pemilik restoran makanan Jepun atau pusat latihan yang mengajar masakan Jepun, NOSS ini amat berguna untuk anda mempersijilkan dir anda/staf anda/dapat pentauliahan pusat dari Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) supaya anda boleh tawarkan Siil Kemahiran Malaysia bidang ini.

Operasi Kartografi / Cartography Operation (M711-006-3:2021)

Daftar NOSS 2021 - Operasi Kartografi

Kartografi ialah kajian dan amalan penyediaan peta geografi yang menggabungkan ilmu sains, estetika, dan teknik, berasaskan prasimpul bahawa alam sekeliling kita boleh dimodelkan dengan cara-cara yang menyalurkan maklumat ruang dengan berkesan.

Nak tahu lebih lanjut mengenai kartografi ataupun lebih khusunya, jurukartografi penerbangan, sila baca Buletin GIS & Geomatik JUPEM (2016).

Tapi kalau nak tahu kelayakan untuk persijilkan pengalaman anda dalam bidang ini ataupun tahu Standard Kemahiran Pekerjaan  Kebangsaan (NOSS) bidang ni, sila beli NOSS dari laman myspike.my atau hubungi kami untuk tolong belikan pada harga yg sama, RM20/setahap sahaja.

Operasi Pemasaran Digital Digital Marketing Operation (M731-001-3:2021)

Operasi Pemasaran Digital / Digital Marketing Operation (M731-001-3:2021)

Daftar NOSS 2021 - Operasi Pemasaran Digital

Pelaksanaan pemasaran digital semakin meluas dan menjadi satu trend dalam dunia perniagaan masa kini. Kebarangkalian perniagaan yang tidak mengaplikasikan pemasaran digital tidak berpeluang untuk bertahan lama seperti perniagaan yang lain pada abad ini kerana semakin ramai pengguna kini meneliti dan membeli produk melalui kaedah atas talian.

Jadi, sekiranya anda seorang yang ada pengalaman melakukan pemasaran digital yang menyeluruh atau memberi latihan kepada topik-topik berikut:

  1. Media Sosial (Facebook@Meta, Instagram dll)
  2. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  3. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  4. E-dagang @ e-commerce
  5. Pemasaran mobil @ mobile marketing (Whatsapp,  SMS…)
  6. Pemasaran emel @ emel marketing (Mail Chimp, Get Response, Aweber dll)

Inilah peluang untuk anda persijilkand diri dengan Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Tahap 3 bidang operasi pemasaran digital ataupun menawarkan SKM3 bidang ini kepada para pelatih anda.

Asas Keusahawanan / Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship (NCS-013:2021)

Daftar NOSS 2021 - Asas Keusahawanan / Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

Pembangunan Keusahawanan / Entrepreneurship Development (NCS-014:2021)

Kewangan Keusahawanan / Entrepreneurial Finance (NCS-015:2021)

Daftar NOSS 2021 - Kewangan Keusahawanan / Entrepreneurial Finance

Pembelian NOSS

23 NOSS telah diluluskan pada MPKK Bil. 1/2021 (Februari 2021), 

14 NOSS yang telah diluluskan pada MPKK Bil. 2/2021 (Jun 2021)

41 NOSS yang telah diluluskan pada MPKK Bil.3/2021 (Okt 2021)

(rujuk Daftar NOSS Okt 2021) boleh di beli secara atas talian di dalam laman sesawang www.myspike.my*

Sekiranya anda ada sebarang masalah untuk pembelian, boleh hubungi min untuk perkhidmatan ini.

Sebarluaskan@share Daftar Standard ini bagi menjadi rujukan kepada industri dan latihan dalam mengarusperdana latihan kemahiran di Malaysia seterusnya menjadikan NOSS sebagai rujukan utama pendidikan TVET Negara. 

Anda boleh mohon SKM melalui pengalaman kerja anda tanpa berkursus sepenuh masa jika ada pengalaman kerja dalam bidang NOSS anda.

Bengkel Pembangunan Portfolio SKM/DKM
Jika anda sudah baca panduan dan rasa masih perlukan bimbingan, bolehlah klik gambar di atas untuk mohon ikuti bengkel

People Are Becoming Millionaires (or unemployed) During This Economic Collapse…Are Your Skills Ready For It?

Skills to overcome economic collapse/unemployment or even thrive!

Digital Marketing is probably the best skills for you to overcome economic collapse (includes programming, social medial skills like FB, Instagram & Youtube, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Google Analytics etc)

Skills to overcome economic collapse

Web Development

Skills to overcome economic collapse

Information Technology

8 Major Impacts of Information Technology on Businesses - Tweak ...

If you are really serious in changing your live, having a good career or even surviving your business, you should seriously consider in taking up courses that prepare you for it.

Following is part of the above video’s transcript

During this economic collapse, we have seen people lose their businesses, their life savings, and their jobs.

In fact, since the collapse started, searches for unemployment applications on google have increased by roughly 4700%.

And just last week alone, 6.65 million people in the United States filed for unemployment. That’s about 2% of the entire population. And to put that in perspective, only about 155 million people in the united states are in the workforce…meaning that last week alone will hike the unemployment rate by about 4.2%. This means that we have likely already surpassed the unemployment levels of the worst parts of the 2008 Financial Crisis.

Yet, despite all of this doom and gloom, there have been some people that have been able to take advantage of this situation. In fact, many Millionaires, Multimillionaires, and even billionaires might be being created right before our very eyes. So who are these people? And could you do anything right now to help bolster your financial future? Well, let’s start off by asking ourselves, why do some businesses go through a boom during a crisis. A perfect example of this is Mcdonalds during the Financial Crisis.

In 2008 and 2009, as businesses were collapsing, unemployment was nearing 10%, and millions of people were losing their jobs…Mcdonalds actually saw an increase in revenue and profits by about 4.5% per year. So why did this happen? Well, think about it.

When millions of people have their incomes drastically reduced, they look for ways to cut costs in order to survive. One of which is food. And in 2008, Mcdonalds had a pretty long list of items on its dollar menu. Meaning that it was cheaper in many cases for a family to go and buy food from Mcdonalds for a few dollars than it was to get fresh food from a grocery store. This is one example of a business that was in the right place at the right time while going through a recession.

But today is a completely different economy than it was 12 years ago. In 2008, only about 22% of the world were regularly on the internet, meanwhile, about 60% of people today are regularly on the internet. And the results of this have been staggering. A recent Nielsen report showed that streaming on these platforms has spiked by over 22% since the lockdowns were implemented. And that’s one of the reasons why creators like myself and many other influencers, have actually seen substantial increases in viewership, subscriber counts, and revenue during this time…as opposed to many other businesses that are seeing decreases across the board. In fact, there are some genres of online content creation that are seeing 50, 100, or even up to a 500% increase in revenue since the lockdowns. Those are videos that have to do with at-home meditation, cooking, home workouts, and DIY videos. Largely things relating to stuff people can do at home.

And depending on the creator, this might mean an extra few hundred dollars a month, to tens of thousands of dollars in additional revenue per month. And out of all the industries I mention in this video, I can guarantee you that this crisis will create more wealth in the social media space than it will in most other industries.

And what’s crazy is that there has been such an influx of online viewership, that the largest online video companies like Amazon, Youtube, Netflix, and Disney, have all agreed to reduce the bitrates on their platforms, in order to make sure that their websites and applications don’t slow down or crash.

This has led to an explosion of online industries like E-Commerce and Social Media. And that brings us to the first business that has been going through a boom recently. Online Content Creators.

Because of global lockdowns, more people are being forced to stay home and try to entertain themselves. So, many of these people are turning to platforms like Netflix, Disney Plus, Youtube, and other streaming services in order to kill the time. Transcript too long. End here.

Dual certification in digital marketing

digital marketing
Students undergo experiential learning at the ICT lab and
gain technical skills in digital marketing at BTVET College.

DIGITAL marketing is essential in the growth and development of any business today. In fact, it is so essential that it may help you overcome the looming recession due to Covid-19.

With that, BERJAYA TVET College (BTVET), through its Centre for Technology and Innovation (CTI), officially launched its first certified training programme in Digital Marketing.

BTVET’s Digital Marketing Certification Programme is said to be power-packed with intensive modules that incorporate real-world “DigiM-Technopreneur” experiences and successful business case studies. It is designed to equip SPM school leavers with practical skills in becoming professional digital marketers.

The Certificate in Digital Marketing programme was made possible through the collaborative efforts between BTVET and Digital Marketing Consultant (DMC). The programme which runs for 12 months includes a four-month internship placement. “Upon completion of this programme, students will receive dual certification from both organisations. These enhance job employability in this current digital era and propels a student in becoming digital entrepreneurs,” said BERJAYA TVET College president, Kanendran T. Arulrajah.

Additionally, the CTI offers other TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) programmes, which include the Certificate (Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia) in Information Technology and Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia in Web Development. These are recognised by the Ministry of Human Resources. The programmes focus on experiential learning and use the “Vocational-Industry Connectivity” approach, which teaches pragmatic skill-based enhancement modules at both Certificate and Diploma levels.

There is also the Advanced Diploma in IT and Support Systems, City and Guilds (UK), which encompasses 16 months of study and eight months of internship. This course is globally recognised and provides students with the opportunity to pursue Degree programmes abroad.

Aditionally, there is the Skills Proficiency Certificate in Office Applications for IT, City and Guilds (UK), for those seeking vocational training, ideal for working adults seeking international certification. The course is open to special needs’ students, who will then be offered IT courses according to their interests, gradually.

BTVET also collaborates with Orade, a “smart partners”, and incorporates Orade modules in its curriculum. This helps develop students in becoming “skill-based techno-practitioners”, in demand in the IT industry.

At last year’s Malaysia Abilympics Competition, BTVET was represented by three students who competed in three different IT categories. Adam Abd Rahman, aged 19, took home the first prize in Data Processing while Mak Sai Wah came in second in Word Processing. The competition was organised by The Malaysian Council for Rehabilitation (MCR).

Source: https://www.thesundaily.my

Comment: In case you’re unaware, qualified students (esp from B40 category) can apply for loan from Perbadanan Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran (PTPK).

Should you require more information about courses offered by Berjaya TVET@BTVET, you may reach us at 012-3123430 or email us at tvetuni@gmail.com or reqister your interest here for other TVET courses.

Jobs of the future: Top five emerging careers

(File pix) Robotics engineering is a sought-after career pathway for school-leavers.

Apply for your favourite TVET courses/ SKM courses here

CHOOSING the right course to study after secondary school is one of the most important decisions in life.

With an array of courses available, the guidance of an experienced and knowledgeable education counsellor is invaluable after the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) and Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) examinations.

Regardless of whether school-leavers are from the arts or science stream, it is important to select a discipline that matches interests.

Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management human resource adviser Geh Thuan Hooi said the programme of choice must be relevant now and in the future or graduates risk being left behind.

“With the advent of Industry 4.0 where artificial intelligence (AI) will replace many present jobs, anything related to data analytics, information technology and robotics are good fields to venture into.

“Jobs requiring a high sense of creativity and decisiveness will be much sought after. Those with a strong mindset, who are persistent and not afraid to fail, as well as team players will make it in the future,” he added.

Higher Ed looks at the top five emerging careers – data scientist, robotics engineer, physiotherapist, certified account and digital marketer – with a promising future.


Demand for data science skills is growing exponentially as it is crucial to extract knowledge and insight from data captured by companies.

Center of Applied Data Science (CADS) founder and chief executive officer Sharala Axryd said data scientists have always been in demand but, until recently, only large enterprises and digital natives were willing to make the significant investment.

“Corporations know that if they are slow to act, they will become dinosaurs in this digital age and lose competitive advantage.

“Management and executives are now actively utilising data to make business decisions,” she added.

“CADS offers courses such as the Data Star Programme and CADS Certification which teach the fundamentals of interpreting data, performing analyses and understanding and communicating actionable insights.

“The special SPM-Leavers Seminar, which was introduced last year, gives insight into the skills needed in the world of data science as well as job opportunities in the industry.

“Through these programmes, students are better equipped to stand out among their peers by pursuing career paths such as data scientists and analysts in various industries. These are increasingly highly sought-after roles which organisations are eager to fill.”

Data scientists are at the top of the data science career ladder as they possess both theoretical knowledge and technical skills.

“Data scientists should also have excellent communication skills to articulate their knowledge into useful insight that creates value.

Whether it is the field of AI, machine learning, deep learning or analytics, the possibilities are endless.

“A career in data science is considered an extremely broad field, as data scientists are relevant across industries, fitting in both vertically and horizontally.

“Exceptional understanding of all aspects of data, programming and business is highly respected.”

A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Statistics or Social and Physical Sciences is the basis of skills required to process and analyse big data. Relevant fields include mathematics, computer science and engineering.

Arts stream students, who have non-technical skills, can pursue their interest in data science if they have strong communication skills or business knowledge.

For example, a Bachelor of Arts in Communication graduate can rewrite technical jargon into plain English for the easier understanding of the marketing department.


Robotics has been around for decades but current technological breakthrough in areas such as AI, Internet of Things, Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), cloud computing and big data analytics has generated demand in sectors such as food and beverage, logistics and consumer markets.

Multimedia University Faculty of Engineering Technology dean Associate Professor Dr Fazly Salleh Abas said robotics is a discipline that combines knowledge on electronics, electrical and mechanical engineering, and software development.

The “body” of a robot is built on mechanical concepts, the “nervous system” on electrical and electronic components while the software forms its “brain”.

“It is not only the job of the future but is also now in demand. And it is not limited to manufacturing since robotics and automation are widely used in industries such as medicine, agriculture, law enforcement and surveillance.

“Graduates can choose to join the workforce in the industry or become researchers.

“The application of automation and robotics is broad. One may work on single-action robots in plants that automate bottle labelling or work on complex projects such as designing intelligent drones or a full-scale IIOT-enabled assembly system equipped with AI capabilities to predict possible breakdown.

“If one loves solving problems, then robotics is a brilliant choice for future pursuits,” he added.

In just a few decades, industries especially manufacturing are fertile ground for robotics and automation systems to evolve since they open the path to productivity and profitability.

“This technology has a long way to go in disrupting the way we manufacture and distribute products.”

A Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering — Robotics, Computer, Electro-mechanical, Electrical and Mechanical — is the entry-level academic requirement for a career in robotics.

Typical coursework for a robotics engineering degree includes advanced mathematics, physical and life sciences, computer science, computer-aided design and drafting, physics and materials science.

SPM science stream students with a Foundation in Engineering qualification or STPM scholars with three principals including mathematics and physics are eligible to pursue the Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics) degree majoring in robotics and automation.

For arts stream students who wish to become engineers, the pathway may be a little bit longer than for science stream students, whose usual pathway is to pursue Foundation, Matriculation or STPM course followed by an engineering degree programme.

A tip: excel in SPM and enrol in a diploma in engineering course at a polytechnic or public and private university before pursuing a degree in engineering programme.


Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad said expenditure in the nation’s healthcare industry is expected to reach RM80 billion by 2020.

Industry-spending, which recorded RM52 billion at end-2017, has increased, fuelled by demand for healthcare services and the emergence of new care models beyond traditional hospital settings.

Management and Science University (MSU) Faculty of Health and Life Sciences dean Associate Professor Dr Sairah Abdul Karim said Malaysia is ranked as one of the highest for chronic heart problems and obesity among Asian countries.

There is a need for more physiotherapists to come up with exercise therapies designed to solve patients’ specific therapeutic goals.

Physiotherapists enjoy high employability as their skills are integral to the rehabilitation of patients who have either suffered a stroke, had a knee replacement, heart bypass surgery. In addition, they treat and minimise physical disabilities associated with injury, disease and other impairments.

“On average, a physiotherapist earns an annual income of RM29,500. Depending on experience, one can earn between RM14,000 and RM68,000 a year.

“This is a career that helps people and improves lives – not only alleviate pain – and there’s flexibility to work as a part-timer,” she added.

Physiotherapy courses offer a variety of hands-on skills that can be applied in hospital settings and sports clubs, special needs children’s centres, old folks home as well as rehabilitation centres.

“Physiotherapy graduates can look into becoming an academician, trainer, sports therapist, acupuncturist, chiropractor or exercise physiologist.”

With the average ratio of physiotherapists to the country’s population at 1:27,000 compared with 1:14,000 for developed countries, and 1:500,000 for under-developed nations, physiotherapists are in demand.

“There will be some 19,000 physiotherapists in the country by 2020 when the estimated population is 32 million, giving a ratio of 1:1,813.”

In 2016, there were 216 private and 153 public hospitals in the country. The Health Ministry employed 1,373 physiotherapists.

Non-governmental organisations and the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry also hired them.

In addition, physiotherapists also able to set up private practices and work in private clinics.

At MSU, prospective students need a minimum C grade for science subjects to enrol in the physiotherapy course, which includes 70 per cent hands-on learning and practice to ensure comprehension of integrated therapeutic approaches to patient care.

The programme encompasses clinical placements in accredited places such as MSU Medical Centre, public hospitals (under the supervision of the Health Ministry), private hospitals, National Sports Institute of Malaysia and healthcare services providers.

The specially designed clinical placements exceed the 1,000 hours requirement by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency.

“The curriculum is carefully crafted to ensure students are competent and inventive practitioners later in their career.

“This programme is delivered through innovative, 21st century teaching techniques, which engage students in collaborative, highly focused assessments and projects to build a solid foundation for a career in physiotherapy.”

KPJ Healthcare University College School of Health Sciences dean Mohd Izham Mohd Zain said physiotherapists are sought after in the healthcare industry, in line with changing lifestyle and new healthcare models.

“There is an obvious shift of care from the traditional role of providing rehabilitation and curative care at hospitals to preventive measures, which curb occupational-related disorders.

“Such an extended role requires higher academic qualifications to cater to needs and fulfil expectations,” added Mohd Izham.

To meet demand, numerous higher education institutions offer training programmes at the bachelor’s level instead of diploma.

KPJ Healthcare University College’s School of Health Sciences offers physiotherapy programmes from diploma to master’s.


With exponential growth of the Internet, firms have more opportunities to communicate with their target audience.

Consumers are also highly intelligent and take well to online marketing as it is the medium most relatable to them.

Digital marketing is becoming a sought after career in a borderless environment.

Taylor’s University School of Media and Communication senior lecturer Dr Nurzihan Hassim said learners who are Internet-savvy can build up a diverse portfolio by mastering their hard and soft skills in both online and existing channels, be it radio, television or newspaper.

Through corporate bodies as well as advertising, public relations and media agencies, the 4th IR brings with it a need for media strategists, creative content creators and event managers to handle integrated marketing communications.

“It is a highly exciting and competitive field, so experience is critical as digital presence is very much relevant and needed,” she added.

Nurzihan said many advertising and branding campaigns integrate the human experience with augmented and virtual reality, and AI.

“Humanising technologies with consumers’ wants puts them first and wins trust. For example, voice searches such as Amazon Alexa see a higher engagement with smartphone users and opportunities for product knowledge and new trends.

“Snapchat won over audiences by allowing them to explore the Nike catalogue through augmented reality at a brand event and purchase Air Jordan III through Shopify.

“In essence, the key is to excite consumers and give insight into a product, brand or firm to gain and sustain attention through creativity and innovation of technology.”

Given that marketing in the future will be device-based, enrolment in a digital marketing course allows youth to enhance tech skills and learn to merge sales concepts into this next generation of marketing.

“Youth today are digital natives born in the era of the Internet and understand it the most. They are the best generation to implement digital marketing innovations that can bring change in society, and increase acceptability, response and practice of new ideas, concepts, products and trends.

“What we teach here is the history of the field and then bring into focus by linking it with digital practices. When students are exposed to the overall context of advertising and branding, they learn key areas such as audience research and the importance of evaluation, planning and creative execution across all major media channels.

“This breadth of knowledge is extremely useful for those interested in careers in advertising, marketing, brand management, audience research and handling big data.”

Nurzihan added that as long as they have the passion for it, students from both the Science and Arts streams can enrol in a Digital Marketing course as it is a mix of creative arts and technology.

“Science students already have the required skill-sets for pursuing the course such as the ability to think objectively and analyse quantifiable metrics.”


The country is in need of qualified professional accountants to meet the demand for 60,000 by next year.

With the development of digital technology, the role of accountants will be more challenging as they will use sophisticated and smart technologies such as software systems including cloud computing to enhance traditional ways of working.

And it is imperative that they are benchmarked against the highest standards and tested by the rigour of professional accountancy examinations.

UNIRAZAK chief executive officer Amil Izham Hamzah likened a degree in accounting to a key that unlocks a door to a room with a large chest containing a treasure — the certified accounting qualification.

The mental and physical skill-sets and stamina that one gains in the process of unlocking the chest are the greatest rewards for a certified accountant.

“It is by going through this process that sees many opportunities, imaginable or otherwise, open up to certified accountants.”

Therefore, it is crucial to go beyond an accounting degree and pursue professional accounting certification.

Generally, there are two ways of pursuing this certification. One can go the traditional route of obtaining a degree then pursuing professional accounting

certification or embark on a programme that combines both the university degree and professional certification, such as the CPA Australia Accounting degree qualification.

In developed countries, it is rather common for those in the science stream to cross over and study accounting.

“When I was enrolled in a professional accounting programme, a former colleague, who studied geology, was one of the best certified accountants in the firm then.

“You need the smarts and a willingness to go through the journey with perseverance, patience, prayers and lots of caffeine!”

The allure of professional accounting certifications has to do with existing and projected demand for certified professional accountants. Consistent with the trajectory of fast growing economies, Malaysia is projected to continue to need professionals of certain disciplines including certified accountants.

“Unlike certain jobs that are mere fads, the qualification as a certified accountant stands one on solid ground. I was awarded professional certification some 20 years ago and I can safely say that the qualification as a certified accountant is ‘not a destination but a means’ of taking on many roles and responsibilities in many ventures and industries.”

A certified accountant exercises constant judgment in his work, for example identifies and makes a call on substance rather than form; assesses intentions and their consequences; and effectively deals with shades of grey rather than mere black or white.

“It is a discipline that is more of the arts than sciences. The essential traits remain relevant in the foreseeable future.”

Meanwhile in its effort to contribute towards the development of talent in the country, Permodalan Nasional Bhd has introduced the PNB Chartered Accountant (PCA) course.

The programme targets candidates from different entry levels — SPM school-leavers, graduates of Foundation programmes from professional accounting bodies and graduates with a Diploma or Degree in Accountancy.

On Oct 26, 2016, PNB and its programme partners—Yayasan Peneraju Pendidikan Bumiputera, UiTM Private Education Sdn Bhd and Ernst & Young Malaysia — signed the Joint Collaborative Educational Partnership Agreement to provide sponsorship covering subsistence allowance and fees (tuition, examination and membership).

To date, PCA participants have enrolled in professional qualification programmes run by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, and Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

Source: www.nst.com.my

Comment: If you’re not sure where to find TVET/skills institutions that offers the course that you’re interested in, you may apply here.