Tag Archives: MBOT

MBOT – Professional Technologist (Ts.) & Certified Technician (Tc.)

Ts. & Tc. – Apa tu?

Pernah nampak gelaran Ts. & Tc.?
Ramai yg tanya Ts. tu Tan Sri ke?

Tan Sri bukan Ts.
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, PM ke-8 Malaysia

Sebenarnya, Ts. adalah abbreviation atau singkatan kepada Professional Technologist dan Tc. adalah singkatan kepada Certified Technician. Boleh juga yg letakkan singkatan P.Tech atau C. Tech. di belakang nama.

Jom kita tengok serba sedikit mengenai Ts. & Tc. Pendapat kami ini hanya bertujuan untuk berkongsi info kepada yg mungkin berminat untuk mengambil Ts. & Tc. Tidak ada paksaan, ia mungkin mempunyai kelebihan kepada sesetengah orang dan mungkin juga kekangan kepada yg lain. Artikel ini bukan untuk membandingkan antara MBOT vs. BEM atau Ts. vs. Ir. Masing- masing adalah entiti yang berbeza dan mempunyai kelebihan tersendiri.

Apa itu MBOT?

MBOT adalah Malaysia Board of Technologist, salah satu badan professional yg ditubuhkan oleh kerajaan sama seperti badan professional yang lain seperti BEM (Board of Engineer), LAM (Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia), Lembaga Jurukur Malaysia dan sebagainya.

Idea penubuhannya bermula pada Rancangan Malaysia RMK-10 (2011-2015). Pada Ketika itu di Malaysia, hanya 10% pelajar sahaja yg mendaftar dalam upper level secondary TVET, jauh daripada negara OECD (negara maju/membangun) yang mana pendaftarannya sebanyak 44%.

Jadi pihak kerajaan menubuhkan MBOT pada tahun 2015 dengan objektif untuk meluaskan access kepada kualiti tinggi Technical & Vocational Education Training (TVET) dan menukar Malaysia kepada negara berpendapatan tinggi.
Sebelum ini MBOT adalah agensi dibawah MESTECC dan sekarang ini telah diletakkan dibawah MOHR (Human Resource) yang adanya agensi seperti DOSH, JPK dan lain-lain.

Apakah fungsi MBOT? Bukan dah ada BEM?

Seperti yang kita tahu, BEM adalah badan untuk mengawal selia kerja-kerja Kejuruteraan bagi Graduate Engineer, Professional Engineer, Inspector of Works (IOW) sehinggalah kepada badan yang menyediakan khidmat kujuruteraan (checker, ECP, etc).

Manakala MBOT pula adalah untuk kumpulan Technologist and Technician. Misi MBOT adalah untuk meningkatkan kedudukan, visibility dan juga pengiktirafan kepada Technologist & Technician sebagai bidang professional sama seperti Ir. (Professional Engineer). MBOT mengambil rujukan daripada Canadian Council of Technician & Technologist tetapi diubah untuk memenuhi keperluan tempatan.

Apa beza Engineer, Technologist, Technician?

Secara ringkasnya, ia mempunyai perbezaan asas iaitu:
(a) Engineer (Ir./PE) – Kebanyakannya (tidak semua) akan fokus kepada pengaplikasian matematik, teori dan sains iaitu berkonsep dan berorientasikan rekaan (conceptual dan design oriented)
(b) Technologist – akan mentafsir idea, konsep dan rekaan Ir. tadi kepada yang sebenar, lebih hands on atau berorientasikan aplikasi fizikal.
Contohnya terlibat dalam proses pengilangan atau menguji produk atau proses.
(c) Technician – Fokus kepada pelaksanaan kerja – akan membuat kerja-kerja yang telah direka oleh PE atau membuat kerja-kerja yang ditetapkan dalam SOP yg dibuat oleh Ts.

Contoh bidang Inspection & NDT – New Construction of Pressure Vessel (PV).
Jurutera akan terlibat dalam fasa FEED (Front End Engineering Design), CDBM (Corrosion Design Basis Memorandum) sehinggalah kepada pengiraan rekaan PV dengan menggunakan manual atau perisian seperti PV Elite.

Bila mereka, lukisan dah siap, Ts. akan mentafsir lukisan tadi.
Contohnya mereka akan terlibat dalam proses menentukan proses pengilangan yg sesuai (rolling, head forming), proses welding, testing dan sebagainya. Dalam proses ini, Ts. mungkin perlu membuat keputusan untuk memilih teknologi yang sesuai digunakan contohnya NDT kaedah PAUT menggantikan RT dan lain-lain lagi.

Certified Technician pula akan melaksanakan tugasan yang diperlukan seperti membuat kerja-kerja rolling, forming, welding, NDT dan sebagainya.

Tidak dinafikan, ramai juga Engineer yang membuat kerja-kerja Technologist atau Technician di atas. Jadi kita berilah masa kepada MBOT untuk mengembangkan Ts. dan Tc. supaya mempunyai skop kerja yang lebih spesifik .

Kami percaya yang Engineer, Technologist dan Technician perlu saling melengkapi antara satu sama lain. Mereka harus bekerjasama dalam ekosistem rantaian professional untuk meningkatkan nilai kejuruteraan dan teknologi di Malaysia.

Bidang teknologi apa yg ada dibawah MBOT?

Pada masa ini, terdapat 23 bidang teknologi dan teknikal. Khususnya kepada yang berkerja dalam bidang Inspection, NDT, Welding, Lab Testing atau yang berkaitan, kami menyarankan anda memilih bidang Manufacturing & Industrial Technology (ME). Tetapi boleh juga memilih bidang Oil & Gas (Upstream, Downstream, Refining, Petrochemical dan sebagainya).

Contoh teknologi dalam Inspection, Welding & NDT:
a) RBI – Risk Based Inspection replace time based inspection (dari 15 bulan ke 3 tahun ke 6 tahun di SSI)
b) Drone atau Videoscope boleh menggantikan pemeriksaan visual manual.
c) Semiauto atau Automatic Welding manual – cth tube to tubesheet
d) NDT – UTTM high temp probe, C-Scan corrosion mapping, TOFD, PAUT, ECT Weld support MPI, ECT Tube dan bermacam- macam lagi teknologi yang ada.

Adakah wajib untuk kita berdaftar dengan MBOT?

Seperti kita sedia maklum, sebarang perkerjaan yang mempunyai gelaran “Engineer” atau berkaitan kejuruteraan, contohnya QA/QC Engineer, Project Engineer, NDT Engineer, Inspection Engineer, seseorang itu wajib berdafatar dengan BEM seperti dinyatakan dalam Akta Registration of Engineer (REA 2015) samada Graduate Engineer atau Professional Engineer. Tetapi ramai yang masih tak berdafatar kan. Jika didapati bersalah anda boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM 10,000 ataupun dipenjara tidak melebihi 1 tahun atau kedua-duanya sekali.

Untuk Ts. & Tc., apa yang kami nampak Akta yang ada sekarang (Akta 768) masih tidak lagi mewajibkan pendaftaran Technologist atau Technician dengan MBOT, ianya masih bersifat sukarela. Kita mengharapkan MBOT akan meluaskan lagi bidang kuasanya pada masa datang.

Macam mana nak daftar Ts. & Tc. ni?

Ia bukannya prosedur yang menakutkan dan susah. Posesnya pada masa ni masih lagi senang dan straight forward.

(a) Untuk bergelar Ts. anda perlu mempunyai ijazah yang diiktiraf oleh board seperti B. Eng, B.Eng. Tech dan lain-lain dan berdafatar sebagai Graduate Technologist (GT).

(b) Bagi Tc. anda perlu mempunyai Diploma, SKM dan berdafatar sebagai Qualified Technician (QT). Jika tiada SKM, boleh mohon secara PPT jika dah sekurang-kurangnya 3 tahun pengalaman kerja bidang SKM anda.
Seterusnya, anda harus mempunyai pengalaman kerja dalam bidang teknologi atau servis teknikal yang berkaitan selama sekurang-kuranganya 3 tahun sebelum layak memohon Ts. atau Tc.
Bagi yg sudah mempunyai pengalaman kerja sekurang-kurangnya 3 tahun, setelah mendapat kelulusan GT atau QT, anda boleh terus mohon sebagai Ts. atau Tc. Untungnya pada masa ini, pengalaman tersebut dikira dari tarikh anda berkerja bukan dari tarikh anda berdafatar sebagai GT atau QT, jadi prosesnya agak cepat.

Graduate Technologists Graduate Technologists Application for Assessment 2 Minimum requirement Bachelors Degree Level MQF recognised by the Board Professional Technologist (Ts.) Application for Professional Profession Technologists'
Qualified Technicians

Anda hanya perlu mengisi beberapa perkara dan maklumat dalam laman web MBOT contohnya pengalaman kerja, surat majikan dan juga CV anda untuk dinilai. Ada beberapa kriteria yang perlu ada dalam CV tersebut iaitu kompetensi dan komitmen (Knowledge & Understanding, Application to Practice, Leadership/Management, Interpersonal Skills dan Professional Conduct – lebih kurang sama dengan PI IEM)
Jika memenuhi semua keperluan tersebut, anda akan diterima untuk ditemuduga oleh panel penilai MBOT. Boleh rujuk carta alir di bawah.


Jika belajar bidang lain tetapi kerja dan pengalaman bidang lain, boleh ke mohon sebagai Ts.?

Apa yang kami tahu ia dibenarkan oleh MBOT (mungkin boleh berubah), itulah keindahan MBOT. Ia mengambil kira pengalaman kerja anda, jika belajar bidang Electrical Engineering tetapi pengalaman kerja bidang NDT, anda berpeluang untuk memohon bidang teknologi NDT dan seterusnya bergelar Ts.

Berapa lama masa dari GT ke Ts. atau QT ke Tc.? Berapa kos yang perlu dibayar?

Kebanyakannya akan selesai dalam masa 6 bulan ke atas tertakluk kepada jumlah pendaftaran dan panel penilai yang ada. Contohnya permohonan kami:
(a) Graduate Technologist – Mohon 13/11/2019 – Bayar RM 50
(b) Lulus GT & mohon Ts. – 06/12/2019
(c) Sedia untuk penilaian Ts. – 11/04/2020 – Bayar RM 600
(d) Temuduga – 19/05/2020
(e) Keputusan – 06/06/2020 – Bayar RM 350

Kos untuk Ts = RM 1000, Pembaharuan RM 200 (< 60 tahun) & RM 100 (> 60 tahun)
Kos untuk Tc. =RM 530, Pembaharuan RM 100 (< 60 tahun) & RM 50 (> 60 tahun)

Soalan yang paling popular!
Apa kelebihan Ts. atau Tc.? Adakah boleh endorse document atau buat submission seperti Ir.?

Dalam Akta 768, section 19, ia menyatakan Ts. is entitled to approve and certify the manner (cth SOP, Procedure dan lain-lain) atau conduct technology services.

Pendapat peribadi kami, khususnya dalam industri (bukan pendidikan, kerajaan, dll), Ts. dan Tc. ni masih lagi tidak dipraktikkan atau diiktiraf oleh pihak berkuasa seperti DOSH, pihak majikan atau pihak industri sendiri.
Masing-masing mempunyai sudut pandangan yang berbeza, terpulang kepada diri sendiri untuk melihat kelebihan tersebut.

Macam kami di GTI kami pandangannya dari sudut berlainan, kami akan menghasilkan peluang.
Contohnya dengan adanya Ts. atau Tc. ia akan memberikan tambah nilai (added value) kepada diri sendiri dan pelanggan kita.
“If you put in the work, put in the time, put in the effort, you’re going to reap the benefits”.

Jadi kepada Welding / API/ Painting Inspectors, QA/QC, NDT Technician, Corrosion, Lab Tester dan lain-lain yang mungkin tidak berpeluang untuk mendapatkan Ir./PE, boleh la cuba dapatkan Ts. atau Tc. Siapa tahu ia akan memanfaatkan anda di masa depan.

Kepada yg berminat nak tahu lebih detail, boleh join group telegram “road to Ts”., banyak info dan perbincangkan yg dibuat dalam group ni

Diubahsuai dari artikel: FB Page Group Technical Inspection – GTI Sdn Bhd


Laluan pemegang SVM/SKM ke Ts.

Laluan graduan TVET ke Universiti (TVETUni), boleh lawat sini ATAUPUN anda setakat ingin dapatkan ijazah sarjana muda (xMQA) dari Universiti tempatan (IPTS) dalam masa tersingkat (6-9 bulan)*, boleh lawat sini (*hanya sesuai untuk pekerja sektor swasta sahaja)

Creating clear career pathways for TVET

FOR the nation to move forward in tandem with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) and beyond, there is a clear need for a well-trained technical workforce with skill sets that are present- and future-ready as well as future-resilient.

Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) programmes have always been seen as the vehicle to prepare aptly-skilled human capital but somehow the general perspective is that they fall short in terms of the level of skills and knowledge needed for the industry to forge ahead.

Graduates who have qualified from TVET institutions previously do not have a clear career pathway to further their studies and secure jobs that are highly technical in nature.

To create more career pathways and opportunities for TVET students, the Education Ministry with the Malaysian Technical University Network (MTUN) comprising four universities — Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) , Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) , Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) and Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) — and the professional body for technologists and technicians, the Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT), have collaborated in establishing newly developed Bachelor of Technology Degree (BTech) programmes in specific technology fields.

Some universities have introduced several of the courses last month at the beginning of the 2019/2020 academic year while other universities will make the courses available in September next year.

The curriculum is more practical and flexible to meet the challenges of the IR 4.0.

According to MBOT president Tan Sri Ahmad Zaidee Laidin, BTech programmes in MTUN are articulation programmes for TVET graduates with Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (Malaysian Vocational Diploma/DVM) through Kolej Vokasional (KV); and those with Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (Diploma in Skills Malaysia / DKM) and Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (Advanced Diploma Skills Malaysia / DLKM) from institutions under the Department of Skills Development, Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR).

The articulation process entails matching the courses, requirements and coursework at vocational colleges with that at higher education institutions.

“KVs start enrolling students as young as 16, post PMR/PT3 examination towards Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM) through Sijil Vokasional Malaysia (SVM) without SPM. That posed a problem for the graduates should they decide to pursue a Bachelor’s degree and beyond at public universities. Other than that they often face difficulty in transitioning from TVET-based education to an academic-based degree programme,” he explained.

Tan Sri Ahmad Zaidee Laidin

The entry level requirement for BTech programmes in MTUN is not based solely on SPM qualification, Ahmad Zaidee highlighted.

For DVM graduates, most of the candidates have taken the equivalency courses to SPM’s Bahasa Melayu dan Sejarah, namely Bahasa Melayu 1104 as well as Sejarah 1251. For DKM and DLKM graduates, most of the students have taken SPM which already includes Bahasa Melayu and Sejarah.

In any case this nation-building initiative is not met, MTUN has agreed the student can enrol for the courses during their tenure years of BTech studies.

“MBOT through Technicians Act 2015 (Act 768) has established the Technology & Technical Accreditation Council (TTAC). This is a Joint Technical Committee with the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) to perform accreditation on professional technology and technical programmes. The council has published a Technology & Technical Accreditation Manual 2019 (TTAC MANUAL) for a comprehensive guideline for education providers (EP) to design and develop their programmes in the advanced technological fields,” he said.

UniMAP Academic Management Office dean Professor Dr Anuar Mat Safar said the availability of BTech programmes for DVM and DKM qualification holders is timely.

“It is estimated there are 50,000 students graduating with DVM and DKM every year. With the availability of BTech programmes, these students can obtain Bachelor’s degree-level qualifications as per required to face the challenges of IR 4.0,” he said.

Associate Professor Dr Anuar Mat Safar


The main difference between BTech and conventional degree programmes is that the former were developed based on occupational requirement while the latter are more discipline-based, UTeM vice-chancellor Professor Datuk Wira Dr Raha Abdul Rahim explained.

“In conventional degree, fundamental and technological courses such as mathematics, physics etc are taught separately. In BTech programmes, the focus is for a graduate to perform a task in the work environment, hence fundamental and technological knowledge that is usually taught in different courses are embedded into a course on a particular competency set,” she said.

UTeM vice-chancellor Professor Datuk Wira Dr Raha Abdul Rahim

For example, she illustrated that a BTech Welding programme comprises a course of Welding inspection that combines elements of mathematics, physics, material studies, and local laws accordingly rather than have the subjects taken in separate courses, as with conventional programmes.

UTHM vice-chancellor Professor Datuk Dr Wahid Razzaly, meanwhile, explained that the current delivery or execution of BTech programmes uses the approach of Work Based Learning (WBL) in block released manner. This means the students undergo their studies in two phases: two and a half years at university and another year in the industry.

“The curriculum structure is towards preparing students into industry 4.0 in line with the Program Educational Objective, which is to produce technologist, technopreneur and entrepreneurship.

As such, the success ratio of higher graduate employability is ensured as the students will have a structured WBL courses in the industry itself within a year before they graduate,” he said.

He said another delivery approach via apprenticeship is still in the development progress. The idea is to have workers upgrade their qualifications by studying two days in university and working three days.


UMP Center for Academic Innovation & Competitiveness (CAIC) director Associate Professor Dr Mohd Rusllim Mohamed, who is a director of the MBOT Technology and Technical Accreditation Secretariat, observed that MoE and the Ministry of Human Resources have been working closely to ensure the programmes are running accordingly.

“So far, the government has distributed some budget for reskilling and upskilling of existing lecturers, mentoring training for industry workers, and the implementation of a newly developed concept of teaching factory — University Revaluation Teaching Factory (URTF). Here, students are involved in industry production line, thus creating valuable experiential learning even before they graduate,” he said.

He related that MoE has approached the Malaysian German Chamber of Commerce and Industries (MGCCI) to become a strategic partner to BTech’s MTUN, so that the programmes can be further improved to meet the German standards.

“With MGCCI on board, all of its over 400 companies’ partners would be willing to be part of the ministry’s TVET empowerment agenda,” he said.

To improve the quality of teaching and learning based on IR 4.0, Anuar said UniMAP is currently applying to develop a teaching plant through the URTF effort.

“This involves practical sessions of industrial design, engineering design and 3D printing at this teaching plant,” said Anuar.

UniMAP’s Faculty of Engineering Technology has also applied for TVET transfer of technology (TOT) for existing lecturers to further enhance their knowledge and skills.

“The main objective of this TOT is to obtain professional certification for lecturers at the faculty. Some laboratories are also proposed to be turned into industrial laboratories, to enable professional certificates to be issued. Training to obtain a teaching professional certificate has also been proposed as one of the TOT TVET agendas to be implemented after this provision is approved,” he said.

At UTHM, Wahid said nine memoranda of understanding and eight letters of intent with related industries have been signed.

“The University-Industry partnerships include those with Siemens, Acson, Carrier, Festo, HardRock Hotel, NIOSH, Binaan Desjaya and Proton. The approach of BTech programmes is to have 60 per cent work-based learning and 40 per cent theory,” he said.


Director of UTeM’s Academic Planning and Development Office Associate Professor Dr Muhammad Fahmi Miskon said with a BTech degree in hand, TVET graduates can also request for appropriate and adequate amount of salaries coherent with the skills that they own.

“It is believed that the competition for fresh graduates to get a job has gotten tougher. Hands-on skills, experience and knowledge are what employers look for today,” he said.

Other than having more students involved in skilled courses, Ahmad Zaidee said it is also very important to get the students to further their studies so that they would be more intellectually improved in many aspects.

“The graduates of these programmes are expected to be employed as soon as they graduate because the programmes are designed to fulfil the needs of the industries.

“The launch of B.Tech programmes in MTUN reflects the government’s commitment in promoting and acknowledging TVET as the driving force in the country’s development. The curriculum is more practical and flexible to meet the challenges of the IR 4.0,” he said.

As the primary professional body for TVET, he said MBOT prepares TVET graduates as technologists and technicians that are readily accepted not just in the local but also the global industry.

“We are establishing our footing in the international arena with other countries via bilateral or multilateral cooperation.

“To date, we have been accepted as provisional signatory for Seoul Accord (multilateral co-accreditation agreement for Information & Computing Technology programmes). MBOT has also taken a proactive step in proposing to pioneer the establishment of APEC Technologists and Technicians Register (ATTR) which is anticipated to be launched next year when Malaysia hosts APEC 2020,” he said.

Source: https://www.nst.com.my/education

Comment: It’s not just BTech that DVM/DKM/DLKM graduates can pursue, they can also consider EBIM (Executive Bachelor in Industrial Management), an URise bridging program by Universiti Tun Abdul Razak where Technical Leadership and Industrial Revolution 4.0 are the core learning outcomes.

Executive Bachelor in Industrial Management (EBIM), specializing in Leadership, enable skilled personnel to excel into managerial positions with enhancements in managerial core abilities. The course covers the learning in soft-skills of leadership, managerial abilities, business communication and project management.

For SKM1&2 graduates, they are also not forgotten as their pathway would be to Professional Diploma in Industrial Management.

Truly understanding TVET candidates’ situation, SPM is not a pre-requisite, yay! Another exciting part about the program is that it’s a blended learning, means it’s conducted online and face to face classroom.

For more information, kindly email to thonghiwah@urise.edu.my or whatsapp/call 012-3123430.