Tag Archives: NDTS

Power Up Your Automotive Career: SLDN + Soft Skills Training (Malaysia)

SLDN program for automotive career in Malaysia

SLDN program for automotive career in Malaysia - Chery Malaysia and CARSOME Academy Join Forces to Bolster Soft Skills of Representatives

In a move that underscores its commitment to customer satisfaction and employee development, Chery Malaysia has announced a strategic partnership with CARSOME Academy. The partnership’s second MoU focuses on enhancing the soft skills of Chery’s representatives through a series of specialized training programs.

Why Soft Skills Matter in the Automotive Industry

In today’s competitive automotive industry, providing excellent customer service is no longer enough. Customers increasingly value personalized interactions, emotional intelligence, and the ability to build trust. These are all soft skills that can be learned and honed through effective training.

The CARSOME Academy Advantage

Carsome Academy - TVET

CARSOME Academy is a recognized leader in providing industry-specific training programs. Their experienced instructors and practical approach will equip Chery’s representatives with the necessary skills to excel in their roles.

Key Features of the MoU

  • Upskilling Workforce: Chery’s existing and new workforce will undergo specialized training programs designed to enhance their communication, problem-solving, and negotiation skills.
  • Peneraju Skil Motor Vehicle Inspection Programme: This program will extend to Chery’s workforce, providing them with the skills and knowledge to conduct thorough vehicle inspections.
  • Training & Placements: CARSOME Academy students will have the opportunity to participate in on-the-job training and work placements at Chery under the Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN) model. This will provide them with valuable hands-on experience and prepare them for successful careers in the automotive industry.
  • Marketing Initiatives: Chery and CARSOME Academy will collaborate on marketing initiatives to promote the partnership and raise awareness of the importance of soft skills in the automotive industry.

Benefits for Chery Representatives

SLDN program for automotive career in Malaysia - Cherry Auto Technician
  • Enhanced communication skills, leading to better customer interactions and satisfaction.
  • Improved problem-solving abilities, enabling them to effectively address customer concerns.
  • Stronger negotiation skills, allowing them to close deals more effectively.
  • Increased job satisfaction and career development opportunities.

Benefits for CARSOME Academy Students

  • Gain valuable hands-on experience through on-the-job training and work placements at Chery.
  • Develop essential soft skills that are in high demand in the automotive industry.
  • Increase their chances of securing employment after graduation.

Investing in Soft Skills: A Win-Win for All

The partnership between Chery Malaysia and CARSOME Academy is a win-win for both parties. Chery will benefit from a more skilled and customer-centric workforce, while CARSOME Academy students will gain valuable experience and prepare for successful careers. Ultimately, this partnership will contribute to a more professional and customer-oriented automotive industry in Malaysia.

Are you interested in learning more about SLDN program for automotive career in Malaysia?

If you are a Chery representative or a student interested in a career in the automotive industry, we encourage you to visit the CARSOME Academy website or contact them directly to learn more about their training programs.

Or if you are a company that wish to be part of the SLDN (NDTS in English) system to upskill your workforce & enhance productivity, you may read up more about National Dual Training System (NDTS) first before enquiring further at 012-3123430.

National Dual Training System (NDTS) Logo

Belanjawan 2024: RM6.8 Bilion untuk TVET dan Asah Bakat Baharu

Belanjawan 2024: Peruntukan RM6.8 Bilion untuk TVET

Belanjawan 2024

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, telah mendedahkan Belanjawan 2024 yang mempunyai peruntukan sebanyak RM6.8 bilion untuk memajukan pendidikan teknikal dan vokasional (TVET). Matlamat utama Belanjawan 2024 ini adalah memperkukuhkan bakat tempatan dengan kemahiran tinggi yang mampu bersaing di peringkat global. Kerajaan komited untuk memajukan pendidikan TVET dan menyediakan pelbagai peluang bagi graduan TVET.

Pensijilan Profesional

Dalam Belanjawan 2024, sejumlah RM6.8 bilion telah diperuntukkan bagi memajukan pendidikan TVET di Malaysia. Ini adalah langkah progresif yang menunjukkan komitmen kerajaan untuk menyokong pembangunan bakat tempatan.

Belanjawan MADANI Pertama telah memulakan secara rintis usaha merombak pendidikan TVET negara melalui kerjasama dengan syarikat GLC dan swasta.
Setakat 5 Oktober lalu, 17 GLC dan 44 syarikat swasta telah terlibat dalam pemeteraian 61 memorandum persefahaman mencakup kerjasama melalui pembangunan kurikulum serta sumbangan peralatan dan kepakaran.

Salah satu titik utama Belanjawan ini adalah penyediaan RM100 juta untuk pensijilan profesional yang diiktiraf industri kepada graduan TVET, dimulai tahun depan. Langkah ini penting untuk memastikan bahawa graduan TVET mempunyai kemahiran yang diiktiraf dan relevan dengan keperluan industri.

Penyediaan Latihan Melalui HRD Corp

Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (HRD Corp) akan memanfaatkan dana sebanyak RM1.6 bilion untuk menyediakan 1.7 juta tawaran latihan. HRD Corp akan turut menyediakan semula dana khas menggunakan 15% daripada jumlah kutipan levi untuk melaksanakan Program Latihan Madani kepada usahawan mikro, kecil, dan sederhana (PMKS) serta golongan rentan seperti bekas banduan, orang kelainan upaya, warga emas, dan pesara. Ini merupakan usaha yang bersepadu untuk memastikan pelbagai lapisan masyarakat mempunyai akses kepada peluang latihan TVET yang berkualiti.

Bagi menangani kekurangan bakat tempatan, Program Academy in Industry akan dilaksanakan dengan peruntukan sebanyak RM70 juta. Program ini memberi peluang kepada individu untuk memperoleh kemahiran sambil bekerja dalam tempoh sehingga 18 bulan. Ia akan membantu graduan TVET mendapatkan pengalaman praktikal dan memastikan bahawa mereka bersedia untuk menangani cabaran dalam industri. Kaedah ini sebenarnya adalah Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional atau National Dual Training System dalam Bahasa English.

Belanjawan 2024 - PTPK

Perbadanan Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran (PTPK) dengan Dana Latihan TVET berjumlah RM180 juta akan menyediakan pinjaman pendidikan kepada 12 ribu pelatih yang mengikuti Program Persijilan Kemahiran. Ini akan membantu pelatih membiayai pendidikan mereka dan meningkatkan akses kepada program TVET.

Sokongan kepada Bidang Maritim, Kesenian, dan Aeroangkasa

Sejumlah RM20 juta akan digunakan untuk manfaat pelatih yang mengikuti bidang maritim, kesenian di ASWARA, dan penyelenggaraan, pembaikan, dan baik pulih (MRO) bagi sektor aeroangkasa. Ini akan memajukan bidang-bidang ini yang memiliki potensi untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berterusan.

Program Tahfiz TVET

RM17 juta disediakan untuk melaksanakan Program Tahfiz TVET yang memberi peluang kepada pelajar tahfiz untuk mempelbagaikan kemahiran mereka. Ini adalah langkah untuk memberi sokongan kepada pelajar tahfiz untuk memperluaskan horizon mereka dan membuka peluang untuk kerjaya yang lebih luas.

Program PEKA (Peluang Kedua Anda)

Program PEKA (Peluang Kedua Anda) oleh Jabatan Penjara telah berjaya menyediakan peluang pekerjaan kepada para pesalah yang mengakhiri tempoh hukuman. Tahun hadapan, selain meneruskan kerjasama dengan syarikat untuk menjayakan program PEKA, sebanyak 10 juta ringgit turut disediakan bagi melaksanakan Program PEKA TVET untuk menyediakan latihan kompetensi yang diakreditasi oleh CIDB kepada para pesalah.

Pelepasan Cukai

Pelepasan cukai sehingga RM2,000 ringgit bagi yuran kursus peningkatan kemahiran atau kemajuan diri dilanjutkan sehingga tahun taksiran 2026.

Skop akan diluaskan bagi pelepasan gaya hidup
meliputi yuran untuk menyertai kursus kemajuan kendiri seperti kursus
bahasa, fotografi, menjahit dan sebagainya.


Belanjawan 2024 menunjukkan kejelasan visi kerajaan Malaysia dalam memajukan pendidikan TVET dan asah bakat baharu yang berkemahiran tinggi. Dengan peruntukan sebanyak RM6.8 bilion, pelbagai program dan inisiatif akan memanfaatkan graduan TVET serta memastikan kelestarian kemajuan ekonomi negara. Langkah ini adalah penting dalam memastikan Malaysia terus bersaing dalam arena global dengan bakat tempatan yang berkualiti.

Minat belajar kursus TVET di ILKA?

Pusat Bertauliah JPK Awam
Klik gambarajah di atas untuk pautan maklumat lanjut

Minat Ditauliahkan sebagai Pusat Latihan Kemahiran Bertauliah@TVET bawah Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran?

Belanjawan 2024 - Rahsia Permohonan Pusat Bertauliah JPK
Klik Gambarajah di atas untuk ketahui lebih lanjut

How to be a Qualified Skills Trainer in the Malaysian Skills Certification System

What is a Skills Trainer?

A skills trainer is an industry practitioner equipped with certain skills dedicated to helping individuals learn and enhance specific skills. They can be teachers, coaches, mentors, or experts in their respective fields, who impart knowledge and expertise to adults seeking to develop in a particular area. From educational institutions to businesses and online platforms, skills trainers can be found in various settings. By leveraging their expertise, these trainers empower students and employees to strengthen their skill sets, ultimately preparing them for successful careers ahead.

Now, in the context of Malaysian Skills Certification System, a skills trainer is a personnel in an accredited centre that fulfills the requirement and certified by Director General (Ketua Pengarah) to train the students/candidates at the determined accredited centre.

Skills trainer, also commonly called as tenaga pengajar kemahiran in Malay by most, either serve/appointed at SLaPB or NDTS training centres.

* For BM version, kindly read at Tenaga Pengajar Kemahiran

1. Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) Accredited Centre under SLaPB

This is something like an academy/college, where training is 100% institution based.

As a skills trainer, you would be required to teach the students theoretical knowledge & perform practical, all within the institution (read here if you’re interested to set up a Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB )

Your students would be mainly school leavers, with or without SPM. Yes, you didn’t read wrongly, SPM is not needed to pursue a skills course or now popularly known as TVET courses.

There are actually 3 categories of skills trainer in a Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB; namely;

1. Tutor/lecturer/trainer @ Tenaga pengajar (TP)
2. Assesseor @ Pegawai Penilai (PP)
3. Assessor for Modular programs @ Pegawai Penilai Modular (PP-M).

1.1 Tenaga Pengajar

As a TP, your role is just to teach the students, whether it’s theory or practical. You would not be able to assess, hence couldn’t sign & give marks to your students’ portfolio. 

To qualify as Tenaga Pengajaryou only need to pass induksi PP-PPD-PPB, besides having working experience and being competent in the program being taught.

1.2 Pegawai Penilai (PP)

As a PP, your role is not just limited to teach but also assess the students in theory and practical.

Every JPK Accredited Centre MUST have this personnel (besides the internal verifier-PPD & centre manager-PPB) as part of the requirement to get program accreditation by JPK. Hence, PP is a VERY critical personnel in any Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB (in my view, the most critical one, despite being at the bottom of the organisation chart).

To qualify as a PP, you need to have:

1. Induksi PP-PPD-PPB certificate
2. Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (usually minimum Level 3)
3. VTO or TVET-i certificate (trainer cert)

1.3 Pegawai Penilai Modular (PP-M)

Just like PP, your role is not just limited to teach but also assess the students in theory and practical. However, as a PP-M, you can only be appointed for Modular programs (as the name suggest),

In JPK’s context, modular@micro credential program refers to micro-qualifications awarded for training programs implemented in a modular manner over a shorter period of time. It is developed based on a Competency Unit (CU) or Work Activity (WA) or a combination of CU or a combination of WA for the specific competence of a National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS).

To qualify as a PP-M, you need to have:

1. Induksi PP-PPD-PPB certificate
2. Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia or Statement of Achievement (PC) for the program to be appointed as PP-M; AND
3. VTO/TVET-i certificate or NCS-TTT (trainer cert)

Kursus Induksi JPK - Syarat Kelayakan
This chart enlists the criterias and qualifications for ALL personnels in Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB, including the skills trainer PP & PP-M
Summary of qualifications needed for different categories of skills trainer in Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB

2. National Dual Training System (NDTS) Training Centre

This is an industrial based training, where 20-30%  of training is done at training centre and balance 70-80% is done at workplace.

As a NDTS skills trainer, you are only required to teach theoretical modules in the training centre.

The practical part would be handled by the NDTS coaches at the company/workplace.

Your apprentices would either be the existing or new work force of the NDTS company. 

To qualify as a NDTS Trainer, you need to have:

1. Induksi SLDN certificate
2. Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia/Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia/Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia/Diploma/Degree in relevant field AND 1 year of relevant teaching experience OR qualification in the particular field AND 3 years of relevant teaching experience
3. Passed NDTS Trainer Training Programme (4 days f2f programme)

Syarat Lantikan Personel - Tenaga Pengajar Kemahiran Pusat SLDN
NDTS - NDTS Trainer & NDTS Coach
Qualifications needed for the skills trainer@pengajar as well as the coach

Unlocking the Potential of National Dual Training System through Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships - Mercedes Benz

As the demand for skilled workers continues to rise, Malaysia has implemented a National Dual Training System (NDTS) that focuses on providing apprenticeships to individuals seeking to improve their skills and gain employment in the country’s thriving industries. In this article, we will explore how the NDTS is benefiting Malaysia’s workforce and how it can be a viable option for those looking to start their careers.

Apprenticeships have been a tried and tested method of training individuals for centuries, and the NDTS in Malaysia is no different. The system combines both theoretical and practical training, allowing apprentices to acquire both technical knowledge and hands-on experience. This ensures that the workforce is not only skilled but also industry-ready. The NDTS is a collaboration between the training centres and the industries, with companies playing an essential role in providing apprenticeships and employment opportunities. It could also be an in-house program, where the same company provides the theoretical training as well.

SLDN - Perlaksanaan

The NDTS is aimed at reducing the country’s dependence on foreign labor and increasing the number of skilled workers in Malaysia. This system is especially crucial for industries such as manufacturing, construction, and services, which require skilled labor to meet the demands of the growing economy. Apprenticeships offered through the NDTS cover a range of areas, including engineering, hospitality, healthcare, and information technology, among others.

One of the significant advantages of the NDTS is that it allows individuals to earn while they learn. Apprentices receive an allowance, which helps to cover their living expenses and motivates them to continue with the program. This is especially beneficial for those from disadvantaged backgrounds who may not have the means to pursue higher education or training. The NDTS provides them with an opportunity to gain valuable skills and improve their chances of securing employment.

The government has also been providing incentives since 2008 and for the past 3 years, the monthly allowance is RM1,000/apprentice, to be given to the apprentice, training centre & the company/workplace.


Another advantage of the NDTS is that it is tailored to meet the needs of the industry. The government works closely with companies to identify the skills required for various jobs, and apprenticeships are designed to meet those needs. This means that apprentices are trained in skills that are in demand and are likely to lead to employment opportunities in the future. This not only benefits the individual but also the industry, as it ensures a steady supply of skilled workers.

In conclusion, the NDTS in Malaysia is an excellent option for those looking to start their careers or improve their skills. The system provides a combination of theoretical and practical training, allowing individuals to acquire both technical knowledge and hands-on experience. Apprenticeships offered through the NDTS cover a range of areas and are tailored to meet the needs of the industry. With the demand for skilled labor on the rise, the NDTS is a viable option for those looking to improve their employability and contribute to the country’s growing economy.

If you are interested to be part of the NDTS system as a:

1. Training Provider
2. Company

Whatsapp or contact the number below

If you are interested to participate as an apprentice, you may search the program that you’re interested with from this NDTS program directory.

Black Pink Concert in Malaysia - Born Pink 2023

Blackpink Concert in Malaysia: A Showcase of TVET Skills

Black Pink Concert in Malaysia - Born Pink 2023
Image credit: Live Nation

Blackpink, the world-famous K-pop girl group, is holding a  concert in Malaysia tonight at Bukit Jalil stadium, expected to thrill thousands of fans with their catchy songs, dazzling choreography, and stunning visuals. But behind the glitz and glamour of the stage, there’s also a story of how TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) played a crucial role in making the concert a success. In this article, we’ll explore how TVET skills are essential in the entertainment industry and how Malaysia is investing in TVET to empower its youth and boost its economy.

First, let’s look at some facts about Blackpink and their concert in Malaysia. Blackpink is a South Korean girl group formed in 2016, consisting of four members: Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa. They have gained worldwide popularity with their catchy songs such as “Kill This Love,” “How You Like That,” and “DDU-DU DDU-DU,” as well as their unique fashion and dance style. In January 2019, they became the first K-pop girl group to perform at Coachella, a music festival in the US. Their concert in Malaysia, held on February 23, 2019, at Malawati Indoor Stadium, Shah Alam, was part of their “In Your Area” world tour, which also included other Asian cities such as Bangkok, Jakarta, and Hong Kong.

Now, let’s see how TVET skills are involved in the making of such a high-profile concert. TVET refers to education and training that focuses on acquiring practical skills and knowledge for a specific job or career, usually in the technical, mechanical, electrical, or service sectors. In the entertainment industry, TVET skills are essential for various roles, such as sound and lighting technicians, stagehands, carpenters, electricians, riggers, camera operators, makeup artists, costume designers, and many others. Without TVET-trained professionals, it would be impossible to set up and run a concert of Blackpink’s scale and complexity.

For example, the stage design and construction require TVET skills such as welding, carpentry, and metalworking. The lighting and sound systems involve TVET skills such as electrical engineering, audiovisual technology, and digital programming. The visual effects and pyrotechnics involve TVET skills such as 3D animation, motion graphics, and special effects. The logistics and security involve TVET skills such as crowd management, first aid, and emergency response. All these skills require not only technical knowledge but also creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities, which are also taught in TVET programs.

Therefore, it’s no surprise that Malaysia, like many other countries, is investing in TVET to develop its human capital and competitiveness. The Malaysian government has set a target of achieving 50% TVET enrolment among secondary school leavers by 2025, up from the current 38%. It has also established various TVET institutions and programs, such as the National Dual Training System (NDTS) or commonly known as Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN), the Malaysia Technical University Network (MTUN), and the Skills Development Fund Corporation (SDC), to provide training and certification for TVET skills. Furthermore, Malaysia has hosted various international events and competitions, such as the ASEAN Skills Competition and the National TVET Youth Skills Day, to showcase its TVET excellence and innovation.

National Dual Training System (NDTS) Logo

In conclusion, the Blackpink concert in Malaysia is not only a testament to the group’s talent and popularity but also to the TVET skills and efforts behind the scenes. By highlighting the importance of TVET skills in the entertainment industry, we can inspire more young people to pursue TVET careers and contribute to the growth of their countries’ economies.

双线培训奖励 (Insentif SLDN) 计划,马来西亚领先的职业培训项目!


新!2023年NDTS Incentive激励计划常见问题解答(FAQ)

你知道吗?2023年财政预算案下的国家双线培训提供了实施NDTS奖励计划(NDTS Incentive Program)的条款!政府将通过 TVET (技职教育培训)计划,连同涉及行业合作的结构化学徒计划一起来培养熟练技术的人力资源。

*这个给大家备注一下,NDTS为National Dual Training System,同时也被称为SLDN – System Latihan Dual National。所以NDTS和SLDN其实是同一样东西,分别只是英/巫翻译而已,大家别被混淆了。以下文中将会把其称之为NDTS。*


谁从 2023 年预算下的 NDTS 计划中受益? 政府提供什么奖励?

那谁又可以从 2023 年预算下的 NDTS 计划中受益呢? 政府在这次的计划里到底提供了一些什么样的奖励?

i. 现有工人或求职者 – 通过参加 NDTS 计划下的“技能再培训”和“技能提升计划”来提高技能/职业的现有工人或求职者。 参与该计划的个人将成为该计划的学徒。 学徒有资格获得每月 RM500 的津贴

ii NDTS 培训中心 这类培训中心可以是公共或私人培训机构,为 NDTS 培训计划提供理论/基础(theoretical/basic training)培训。 培训中心有资格为每位受训学徒每月提供 RM300 的奖励。

iii. NDTS 公司 由相关的行业参与者组成,为培训计划的实践部分(practical training)提供培训。 这些公司有资格为每个参与的学徒每月 RM200 的奖励。

成为 NDTS 计划学徒的标准是什么?我如何申请加入该计划?


a. 即将就业或已经就业的工人需符合以下标准:

i. 马来西亚人。
ii. 在 DSD 注册为学徒时年满 16 岁(按出生年份计算) 。
iii. 至少可以用马来语或英语写作和口语表达。
iv. 不得是 NDTS 培训计划里的相关人员(无论是作为协调员、中心经理、培训师或教练) 。
v. 必须全日制参加培训计划。

b. 要参加 NDTS 计划,参加者必须联系任何提供 NDTS 奖励计划的培训中心。 参与培训中心的名单将显示在 myspike.my

Training Provider 培训中心- 申请要求及如何申请?

a. 培训提供者必须是 NDTS 培训中心。

每个人员需要遵循的最基本的课程是 NDTS 入门(一日)

b. 如果培训机构尚未获得 NDTS 培训中心的认可,可以在 myspike.my 在线提交申请(在满足所有要求后——将在 NDTS 入门课程 中进行介绍)

c. 要参加 NDTS 奖励计划,申请必须由培训中心或内部公司通过 myspike.my 在线提交。

在2023 NDTS奖励计划下,可以提供/允许哪些类型的计划和培训时间?

培训中心可以提供的课程类型是完整的认证课程(full program)或模块课程(modular program),但具体要取决于培训中心的规划。 允许的培训时间在2 个月到24 个月之间,培训时间必须遵守最新的Panduan Pelaksanaan SLDN标准。


DSD 将通过 myspike.my 在线通知申请结果。 申请人应不时查看门户网站上的通知。






完成培训并达到认证要求的学徒将获得 Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) 1-3、Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM)、Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM) 或成就声明 (PC)。





  1. Panduan Permohonan dan Perlaksanaan SLDN Berinsentif 2023
  2. Pengguna Permohonan SLDN Berinsentif Melalui MySPIKE 手册


1. 合资函 – NDTS 认可中心

2. 培训计划和 2023 NDTS 激励频率

资料来源:技能发展部 (DSD) 官方网站(根据 2022 年和 2023 年的信息改编)

若想要获得更多关于双线培训的相关资料,欢迎联系 012-3123430

Carsome Academy Supports Malaysia’s Tech and Human Capital Ecosystem

Carsome Academy - TVET

Carsome, a leading CAR e-commerce platform, is strengthening Malaysia’s tech and human capital ecosystem through its Carsome Academy’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) offerings. Jiun Ee Teoh, the CEO of Carsome Academy, expressed excitement in contributing the company’s knowledge and experience towards creating high-quality jobs and opportunities that will make Malaysia more attractive to world-class talents.

Carsome Academy was established to meet the industry’s demand for skilled automotive talents and create positive social impact in local communities. The CEO believes that the government’s efforts to elevate TVET institutions, like Carsome Academy, is a solid opportunity for Malaysian youths to upskill and build a brighter future.

V. Sivakumar, the Human Resources Minister, praised Carsome’s achievements as Malaysia’s first ‘tech unicorn’ and credited their effort to digitalize the vehicle purchasing process for creating new job and business opportunities. He also lauded Carsome Academy for providing opportunities for the country’s youth to acquire skills in the automotive sector and complimented the academy’s efforts in line with the government’s effort to elevate TVET institutions in the country.

Carsome Academy, a National Dual Training System (Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional — SLDN) training center accredited by the Department of Skills Development under the Human Resources Ministry, was established in January 2021 to offer Malaysian youths technical education and increase their employability. The academy has since expanded to Thailand and Indonesia, and it is an accredited center in both countries.

Carsome Academy - NDTS Induction Course
Carsome Academy's trainers & coaches attended NDTS Induction course, organised by ISE Education Sdn Bhd

Want to be a National Dual Training System (Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional — SLDN) training center accredited by the Department of Skills Development under the Human Resources Ministry like Carsome Academy?

And to potentially tap into the RM1,000/apprentice NDTS incentives under Belanjawan 2023?

Read up more at National Dual Training System Page before you whatsapp or call the number below for more info.

Salt Bae Malaysia – 10 Fun Facts for Aspiring Chefs

Salt Bae Malaysia - Profile Pic

Salt Bae Malaysia

Salt Bae Malaysia? Is there really a Salt Bae restaurant in Malaysia? Or you may be wondering, who’s this Salt Bae?

Let’s get to know the 10 fun facts about Salt Bae.

10 Fun Facts About Salt Bae

1. Salt Bae’s real name is Nusret Gökçe

2. Yes, he’s not a Malaysian but a Turkish butcher, celebrity chef, food entertainer and restaurateur

3. Salt Bae owns Nusr-Et, a chain of luxury steak houses. Unfortunately, not in Malaysia yet. Hence there’s NO Salt Bae Malaysia ya 🙂 

As of 2021, he has Nusr-Et branches in Turkey, Greece, the United States, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia . The name of his restaurant chain comes from his own name and “Et”, which means “meat” in Turkish.

Salt Bae Malaysia - restaurant in London

4. He is a son of a miner, without much formal education. He was forced to leave school in the sixth grade (aged 11–12) to work as a butcher’s apprentice in the Kadıköy district of Istanbul.

5. Between 2007 and 2010, Gökçe visited several countries including US &  Argentina. He worked in local restaurants for free, in order to gain experience as a cook and a restaurateur. 

Gökçe finally opened his first restaurant in Istanbul in 2010 at the age of 27, after years of seeking experience  overseas.

6. In January 2017 he shot to fame overnight when a video of him flamboyantly seasoning a piece of steak went viral online. He was dubbed “Salt Bae” due to his peculiar way of sprinkling salt: dropping it from his fingertips to his forearm, and then onto the dish. 

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_Bae (with adaptation)

7. Salt Bae now owns a chain of 22 steakhouses around the world  (no Salt Bae Malaysia yeah, in case you’re wondering again) called Nusr-Et, where you can purchase a 24 karat gold–wrapped tomahawk for about RM5,140!

24 karat gold–wrapped tomahawk

8. From a early school dropout due to family’s financial woes to a whopping total net worth of around $75 Million, Salt Bae is another great rags to riches story. Learn more from the video below.

9.  Salt Bae maybe very rich but ….

his famous London steakhouse, Nusr-Et, is looking for Chef de Partie, offering the station chef role just $16 to $18 (RM71to RM80) an hour, plus tips, for their service. That wage is equivalent to a side of mashed potatoes or sweet corn at the trendy eatery, according to the Daily Mail.

10. Last but not least, the latest sensational controversy he created was the World Cup 2022.

Salt Bae was shown holding, kissing and pretending to sprinkle salt on the World Cup trophy, and interrupting Argentina players’ celebrations after their penalty shootout victory over France. And Lionel Messi and team definitely not happy about it!

Do You Think You can Open the next 'Salt Bae Malaysia'?

Next Salt Bae Malaysia? Nah, forget about it. Be creative, am sure we Malaysians can be better. Why need to be another Gordon Ramsay or Salt Bae?

We have our own De.Wan 1958 by Chef Wan, Suka Sucre Bistro by Chef Dato’ Fazley Yaakob and few more.

So, how do you start with that? Work for free in some restaurants?

Unlike those days, you now have a proper pathway towards becoming a culinary chef (or even celebrity chef later if you’re creative enough and have great personality).

1. Apprentice @ National Dual Training System (NDTS)

Just like Salt Bae where he started being an apprentice, you too can take this pathway. You are luckier as our Malaysian government has been generously dishing out special incentives for all parties involved (apprentice, training provider and workplace/industry), at least for the past 2 years with a RM1,000/mth allowance.

You will also be awarded with Malaysian Skills Certificate @ SKM that is nationally & internationally recognised.

Will there be a continuity to that in 2023? Very likely as it’s been budgeted by the previous government and TVET agenda is one of the priority of our country towards a skilled workforce. A skilled workforce is an asset and helps in ensuring enhanced productivity, adoption of new technology, global competitiveness, increased income and reduction of poverty.

So how does NDTS works? Perhaps have a quick look at the chart below (focus on the green column). If you want a lengthy explanation of it, you may read more here about NDTS (or more well known as SLDN in BM)

3 ways to Obtain Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia
Youths Graduated from MCDONALD'S VOCATIONAL ACADEMY Apprenticeship Programme @ NDTS in Food Preparation

2. Accredited Programme Training System @ Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB

Again, kindly refer to the chart below (red column) to have an idea of the system. In short, it’s like a college but unlike the conventional academic programmes, TVET accredited programs by Department of Skills Development focuses much more on the theoretical side and does not require an SPM to enrol for the programme.

3 ways to Obtain Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia

Want to get your skills program accredited by Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran?

Before you contact us for more questions, good that you read more about the system itself first.

  1. National Dual Training System (NDTS) 
  2. Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB @JPK

7 Faedah Coaching dan Mentoring kepada Organisasi

Faedah Coaching dan Mentoring

Apakah Coaching?

Sebelum kita bincang tentang faedah coaching dan mentoring kepada organisasi, baik kita fahamkan definisinya dulu.

Coaching adalah proses yang didorong oleh coachee. Dalam konteks perlaksanaan Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN) atau National Dual Training System (NDTS) dalam English, coachee dipanggil sebagai perantis.

Proses coaching membantu coachee meningkatkan pandangan mereka tentang kerja, sambil meningkatkan kemahiran kepimpinan dan membuka potensi mereka.

Coaching bukanlah pembelajaran yang berstruktur di mana coach yang akan memberikan jawapan. Coaching meletakkan tanggungjawab belajar terhadap coachee, dengan coach membantu coachee menggunakan bahan sumber yang ada dalam diri perantis sendiri untuk mencari jawapan dari dalam.

Dalam konteks SLDN pula, Coach melatih perantis dalam bidang teknikal; kompetensi pembelajaran dan metodologi dan kompetensi sosial dan kemanusiaan di industri.

Apakah Itu Mentoring?

Mentor adalah pakar yang memberikan kebijaksanaan dan bimbingan berdasarkan pengalaman dirinya sendiri. Mentoring mungkin termasuk khidmat nasihat, kaunseling dan coaching.

Proses coaching tidak termasuk khidmat nasihat atau kaunseling, dan sebaliknya memfokuskan kepada individu atau kumpulan menetapkan dan mencapai objektif mereka sendiri.

Kepentingan Coaching di Tempat Kerja

  • Memberi kuasa kepada individu (coachee) dan menggalakkan mereka untuk mengambil tanggungjawab sendiri;
  • Menyediakan mereka dengan kit alat (tools kit) untuk membuat keputusan sendiri dan mengambil tindakan;
  • Membawa kepada peningkatan prestasi kerja, motivasi dan kepuasan kerja;
  • Menyediakan hasil matlamat kerja.

Faedah Coaching dan Mentoring Kepada Organisasi

  1.  Meningkatkan kecemerlangan organisasi dalam melahirkan warga yang lebih berkemahiran.
  2. Meningkatkan produktiviti kerja dengan prestasi kerja yang cemerlang.
  3. Meningkatkan peluang dan potensi mencapai matlamat organisasi.
  4. Menggunakan secara optimum sumber manusia.
  5. Memudahcara latihan dan pembangunan kemahiran yang sesuai dalam organisasi.
  6. Meningkatkan komunikasi berkesan serta menguatkan hubungan kerja dan mewujudkan individu dan pasukan berprestasi tinggi. 
  7. Memperkukuh nilai sosial dan kemanusiaan.

Tanpa Coaching

Faedah Coaching dan Mentoring - Tanpa Coaching
Sumber: “Effects on Productivity in a Public Agency,” Public PersonnelManagement, W inter 1997;Neil Rackham, “The Coaching Controversy,”Training and Development Journal, November 1979.

Dengan Coaching

Faedah Coaching dan Mentoring - Dengan Coaching
Sumber: “Effects on Productivity in a Public Agency,” Public PersonnelManagement, W inter 1997;Neil Rackham, “The Coaching Controversy,”Training and Development Journal, November 1979.

Adakah Anda Bersedia untuk Meningkatkan Diri Anda ataupun Produktiviti Organisasi Anda dengan Kursus NDTS Coach Training Programme?

Dalam konteks perlaksanaan Sistem Pensijilan Kemahiran Malaysia, khasnya melalui Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN), anda boleh ikuti kursus induksi SLDN dan juga NDTS Coach Training Programme (NDTS adalah perkataan Bahasa English untuk SLDN) untuk memperkasakan kemahiran coaching anda.

Sertailah organisasi seperti McD, Watsons, 7-Eleven, KK Supermart, Bermaz (Mazda), Perodua dan banyak lagi yang melaksanakan Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional untuk melatih pekerja sedia ada, pekerja baru ataupun lepasan sekolah.

Majlis Konvokesyen SLDN 7-11

Langkah pertama adalah mengikuti kursus induksi SLDN serta NDTS Coach Training Programme bagi yang bakal jadi Coach di Syarikat SLDN.

Kursus Induksi SLDN
Klik gambarajarah untuk pertanyaan lanjut/jadual
Faedah Coaching dan Mentoring - Kursus NDTS Coach Training Programme
Klik gambarajarah untuk pertanyaan lanjut/jadual

8 Online Courses and Workshops to Enhance Your Skills Certifications

Kursus Online

Finally, after 16 days into MCO 3.0, Malaysian government announced a Total Lockdown from 1-14 June amid COVID-19 surge (country logged an all-time record of 8,290 Covid-19 cases). Personally, I forsee that it would be extended till end of June 2021, what do you think?

Will not go into the details of the total lockdown as you can read it in many news portals.

Let’s explore on what types of online course(s) and workshop(s) within the Malaysian Skills Certification System that you can consider during this one month period. Upskill yourself, equip yourself with more relevant certifications that will definitley help you in your career or business.

The online course(s) are mainly for one to three days, with some  up to a year. Those that take longer period is due to the nature of the program, need interval in between and the final outcome is a Malaysian Skills Certificate or Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM), a nationally & internationally recognised skills certificate.

1. NDTS/SLDN Induction (Online Course)

Date: 8 July 2021 (FULL)
          29 July 2021 (FULL)*
Time: 8.30-5pm
Mode: Online course with facilitators from CIAST
Fees: RM350/pax RM200/pax

*Kindly refer to 2021 schedule here

Kursus Online - SLDN
Induksi SLDN Khas ISE Education -Dalam Talian

Once passed, you will obtain the SLDN Induction Course Certificate and can apply as an accredited personnel in NDTS/SLDN Training Centre or NDTS/SLDN Company, either as:

1. Centre Manager (PPB-SLDN)
2. Coordinator
3. NDTS/SLDN trainer
4. NDTS/SLDN coach

Want to Become a SLDN Trainer or Coach?

The NDTS/SLDN Induction Course is a requirement for ALL NDTS/SLDN personnels who are to be appointed either as centre manager, coordinators, coaches or trainers of accredited NDTS/SLDN centers and companies, before conducting the NDTS/SLDN training program.

You will be given a comprehensive explanation on the concepts and implementation of NDTS/SLDN.

Other courses that you may need to attend (depending on your position) after this is:

1. NDTS Trainer Traning Programmme if you are going to be appointed as a Trainer in NDTS/SLDN Training Centre.

2. NDTS Coach Training Programme if you are going to be a Coach at NDTS/SLDN Training Company.

Refer the chart below for full explanation (in BM).

NOTE: Many MNCs adopt this training approach as it’s one of the best ways to attract, train & retain workforce. Among successful stories are 7-Eleven.

Majlis Konvokesyen SLDN 7-11
Syarat Lantikan Personel - Tenaga Pengajar Kemahiran Pusat SLDN

Advantages of Having NDTS/SLDN Induction Certificate

Eligible to:
– Setup a NDTS/SLDN Training Center/Company
– Place NDTS/SLDN trainees in your company
– Be appointed as NDTS/SLDN:

i) Center Manager cum/or Coordinator
ii) Training Center’s Instructor
iii) Company’s Coach
iv) PPL-SLDN (External Verifier)

If interested, kindly download the Application Form. After filling up, email back to ismarteducare@gmail.com with the payment slip to confirm your place.

All payment (RM200/pax) to be made to Maybank 514589385943, ISE Education Sdn Bhd.

2. PP-PPT Induction (Online Course)

1) 19-20 June 2021 (FULL)
2) 17-18 July (FULL)
3) 24-25 July (FULL)
4) 7-8 Aug 

Time: 8.30-5pm
Mode: Online course with facilitators from Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK)
Fees: RM350/pax

Kursus Induksi PP-PPT Julai 21

Who Should Attend?

1) Interested in being appointed as PP-PPT (other appointment criterias are working experience> 10 years in the field of your SKM)

2) Interested in applying for SKM via PPT (procedures, criterias and assessment certification methods via PPT method)

3) JPK Accredited Centre (PB) that want to apply to become PB-PPT (PPT coordinator & PP of the program MUST attend PP-PPT induction course)

If interested, kindly download the Application Form. After filling up, email back to ismarteducare@gmail.com with the payment slip to confirm your place.

ll payment (RM350/pax) to be made to Maybank 514589385943, ISE Education Sdn Bhd.

3. PP-PPD-PPB Induction (Online Course)

1) 26-27 June (FULL)
2) 10-11 July (FULL)
3) 31 July – 1 Aug (FULL)
4) 21-22 Aug (FULL)
5) 11-12 Sept 
Time: 8.30-5pm
Mode: Online course with facilitators from JPK & CIAST

Fees: RM350/pax

Who Should Attend?

1. Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) Accredited Centre Personnels:
i) Assessor (PP)
ii) Internal Verifier (PPD)
iii) Centre Manager (PPB)
iv) Trainer/Teaching Staff (TP)

2. Individuals that’s involved with managing the JPK Accredited Centre 

3. External Verifer candidate (need to pass PP-PPD-PPB induction course first

4. Individual that is interested with the Malaysia Skills Certification System

Other qualifications that you may need to have (depending on your position):

Assessor (PP)
SKM (in the program to be assessed)
VTO @ teaching technique cert
– Other relevant certs if it involves certain enforcement agncies

Internal Verifier (PP)
SKM (in the sub-sector of the program to be assessed)

Refer the chart below for full explanation (in BM).

If interested, kindly download the Application Form. After filling up, email back to ismarteducare@gmail.com with the payment slip to confirm your place.

All payment (RM350/pax) to be made to Maybank 514589385943, ISE Education Sdn Bhd.

4. PPL Induction (Online Course)

Date: 3-4 July (FULL)
Date: 14-15 August (FULL)
Date: 2-3 Okt
Time: 8.30-5pm
Mode: Online course with facilitators from JPK

Fees: RM350/pax

Kindly ignore the date, this is the previous session

Who Can Attend?

Malaysian citizen or PR AND above 18 years old;
Passed PP-PPD-PPB induction course.

Criteris for appointment (in addition to the above conditions):

1. > 10 years of working experience (if the field is critical, less than 10 years can be considered) in your area of ​​skills/SKM.

2. Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) / Malaysian Skills Diploma (DKM) / Malaysian Advanced Skills Diploma (DLKM)

PPL Induction Course Objectives

– Provide an understanding of the Malaysian Skills Certification System

– Provide an understanding of the role and responsibilities as a PPL

– Fulfill the conditions for appointment as PPL for programs at Accredited Centers & SLDN Centres.

Opportunities for PPL

There are many opportunities, you may be able to earn a comfortable income if you actively accept jobs/assignments given.
Or you may just do it casually as a post retirement task 🙂 

If interested, kindly download the Application Form. After filling up, email back to ismarteducare@gmail.com with the payment slip to confirm your place.

All payment (RM350/pax) to be made to Maybank 514589385943, ISE Education Sdn Bhd.

5. Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) workshop - portfolio development

Frequency:  6 weekly sessions
Time: 2-4 hours/session*
Mode: Online workshop with experienced facilitators that has DKM & DLKM  
Fees: From RM1,300/pax (group)

Who Should Attend?

If you have working experience but no recognized skills certificates* (specifically Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia-SKM), this is your opportunity to obtain a MQA recognized SKM via this method without attending full time at any of the TVET/JPK skills centres.
Cheaper & faster!
Certify yourself today, don’t let a piece of paper become a hindrance to your career or business.

This workshop is optional if you have the time to read through all the Panduan Permohonan which you can download from here, understand thoroughly and clearly.
However, most of the time, if you’re new to this, you would be better off investing your time & money attending the worksop to save all the unnecssary headache & possibly ending up  costing you more opportunity cost.
* It is open to any fields/programs listed in the National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) directory 

General Requirements-SKM-PPT
SKM-PPT- Contoh Sijil

6. Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) / Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM) workshop - portfolio development

Frequency:  10 weekly sessions
Time: 2-4 hours/session*
Mode: Online workshop with experienced facilitators that has DKM & DLKM  
Fees: From RM2,300 (Group)

Just like SKM workshop, this is your opportunity to obtain a MQA recognized skills diploma/advance diploma (DKM /DLKM) via this method without attending full time class at any of the TVET/JPK skills centres.
Cheaper & faster!
Get your DKM/DLKM today, don’t let a piece of paper become a hindrance to your career or business.

Kindly refer to the above SKM workshop image for Min Years of Working Experience to qualify to apply for DKM or DLKM.

* Bear in mind that although you may qualify to apply for DKM or DLKM based on your working experience (with evidences), you still need to apply for the lower level first that’s available for your particular program (need to refer to NOSS directory)

7. Vocational Training Operation (VTO) workshop - portfolio & WIM development

Frequency:  10 weekly sessions
Time: 2-4 hours/session*
Mode: Online workshop with experienced facilitators that has VTO, DKM & DLKM  
Fees: From RM2,300 (Group)

Bengkel online - VTO
Introduction to Written Instruction Material (WIM) - part of VTO workshop

If you have >4 years teaching skills programs and wish to be teaching SKM related programs or setting up your JPK Accredited Training centre,  then this is your opportunity to obtain a VTO@vocational training cert without attending full/part time class for 3/6 mths and perform 6 months internship.
Much faster! But make sure you have that kind of teaching experience, teaching academic program like tuition or teaching in school can’t be considered.
Be a certified vocational/skills trainer TODAY

Who Should Have VTO cert?

1. If you are interested in becoming an assessor (COMPULSORY)/teaching staff/teacher/trainer in private and government skills training centers that offers Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) and Malaysian Skills Diploma (DKM) certifications.

2. Even if you don’t intend to be an assessor in any of the abovementioned training centres, it can also value add to your profile as a skills trainer.

Is it COMPULSORY to have VTO cert?

1. Yes, if you are going to be an assessor / Pegawai Penilai in any JPK Accredited Training Centres offering SKM/DKM or plan to set up your JPK Accredited Training Centre.

2. No, if you’re teaching any skills program but just offering your own academy cert or other non-SKM certs. Good to have though.

3. No, if you’re just teaching non-skills @ soft skills  program. You probably just need a HRDCorp-TTT cert if you do train corporate staffs.

WARNING! – There has been reports where trainers, epsecially from the cosmetology industry (beauty, hair, make-up, nail art), TCM practitioners, fitness & yoga instructors, pre-school and kindy teachers being MISLED to get it. These CON-sultants use FOMO & SCARE TACTICS to make you sign up expensive workshops/courses with them!

Always get second opinion, you may either call up the Department of Skills Development’s / JPK’s office at 03-88865589 to verify or if you can’t get them or having language barrier communicating with them, can always contact us for an obligation free consultation.
Email: ismarteducare@gmail.com
HP: 012-3123430

ISE Education VTO Portfolio Development Workshop

8. Vocational Training Operation (VTO) Course - Part Time/(Online Course) + Face to Face

Frequency:  Weekend sessions for up to 6 months (360 hours) 
Time: 10-5 pm
Mode: 6 months  (360 hours) Online  course + face to face (after MCO)
Internship: 6 months (720 hours) at any JPK Accredited training centres offering the SKM that you have

Fees: RM3,400 (lump sum) – RM3,600 (installment) 
Bank: Maybank 514589385943, ISE Education Sdn Bhd

This classroom (part time, wekend) + internship training is for those who also wants to be Assessor / Pegawai Penilai (PP) in JPK Accredited Training Centres but DO NOT have (or <4years) technical teaching experience.

However, unlike No 7 (those with >4 years technical teaching experience), pre-requisite to attend this course is min Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia 3 (SKM3) in any field.

Benefits of VTO certificate

1. According to Act 652, VTO Certificate is compulsory for any individual who wants to be an Assessor (teaching staff / teacher / lecturer) in private and government skills training centers that offers the Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) and Malaysian Skills Diploma (DKM).

2. Qualified to be Assessor (PP) for JPK’s Modular programs or NCS (National Competency Standard), replacing NCS TTT certificate (NCS-004: 2017). So you do NOT NEED to waste another RM2,500-2,800 for the NCS TTT certificate.

3. Eligible for exemption of HRDCorp-TTT (Train The Trainer) certificate (formerly known as HRDF-TTT).

It is required to train short term/corporate courses under the HRDCorp scheme.

The course Fee is around RM2,500-2,800.

If you have VTO Certificate, you can get an exemption, just need to convert to HRDCorp-TTT cert by paying RM300 ONLY(save RM2,200-2,500).


4. Higher employment opportunity as a skills trainer/instructor. Trainer/Instructor is NOT REQUIRED to have a VTO certificate but with VTO certificate, it enhances your chances of being employed as a full or part time trainer/instructor in government and private skills training centres. The teaching techniques’ knowledge and skills acquired also help you to become a more established & confident trainer/instructor.

Testimonials from Candidates / JPK Accredited Training Centre

Obviously, there are many CON-sultants out there and I had a terrible time with one previously. By God's Grace, I stumbled upon you and started with VTO certifications for all my team member in 2012. There isn't any turning back since then, I'm very happy with your professional service and my team has grown by leaps & bounds, thanks to your initial guidance. Looking forward to many more collaborations in the future.
Testimonial Dato' Sri Ganes
Dato' Sri Ganes
Founder, Chairman & Chief Executve - SG Education Group, KL
Melvin is the go to person for any induction course under JPK. I've sent my staffs, trainers & even recommended other FEMAC members to attend his induction courses. You name it, he has it. PP-PPD-PPB, PP-PPT, PPL, SLDN induction course, all also he organises. Most importantly, very consistent & frequent since we established our college since 2002.
Mdm Selvi Rajendran
Executive Director - CQ-Tec TVET College, Puchong
Thank you bro, our management is very happy with your service. Your PP & PPD have done a great job and once again, this 2nd VTO batch all passed .... Our next VTO batch will be yours as well.
Chua Min Fui
Dean - Institut Teknlogi Riam, Miri
Thank you Melvin in helping my trainers to get the VTO cert all these years, from current & past academies that I've been attached to.
Evie Lai
Deputy Principal - Adonis Beauty Academy
Freelance jobs - skills trainer
VTO Batch IX
VTO Batch XI
VTO Batch XI

June/July 2021 INTAKE NOW

Part Time: June – KL

Full Time: June – Penang/Terengganu/Kedah/Sarawak

Register Your Interest NOW