Tag Archives: NOSS

Is TVET route better since more and more academic graduates are facing unemployment in Malaysia?

TVET route

TVET route – Really better than academic?

Referring to the article published by NST on 3/3/2020, our 21 public-sector universities and 38 private-sector universities produce something like 51,000 graduates a year, but nearly 60% remain unemployed one year after graduation, according to a study in 2018 conducted by the Minstry of Education Malaysia’s Graduate Tracer Study.

There are many factors contributing to this, such as mismatch of skills (most academic programs are based on theory only but not practical in the real world), poor language skills (especially English), interpersonal & communication skills etc.

TVET Route

However, those who studies TVET courses may have a better chance of being employed @ high marketability. There’s also pathway for TVET graduates to further study to University level (despite failing/no credit for History or BM for SPM, whether for management related programs like those offered by Unirazak or pure technical degrees leading to Bachelor of Technology, offered by the 4 public universities collectively known as Malaysian Technical University Network, MTUN.

So, even if you excel academically, academic route may not be the best choice except for certain professional programs like law, medicine, pharmacy etc where academic pathway is the only option.

Under the TVET route, there are hundreds of TVET/skills programs for you to choose from. You may refer to the National Occupation Skills Standards (NOSS) Registry by downloading from the site, as a guide. However, not all programs are offered by the public & private TVET/skills centres, accredited by Department of Skills Development (DSD)@Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK).

More enquiries on TVET matters

If you need further counselling on what TVET/skills courses to pursue or consultation to set up a TVET/JPK accredited centre (make sure your program is at least 6 months – 1 year and available in the NOSS, feel free to contact us at various channels stated here.

5 Valentine’s Day Jobs (National Occupational Skills Standard – NOSS related) That Help Make the Day Special

Without these hard workers, Valentine’s wouldn’t be the same.

Each February, our shopping centers are flooded with pink and red as people try to imagine new ways to show their affection for one another — knowing how to make Valentine’s Day special can be difficult. Unfortunately for some with Valentine’s Day jobs, the big day means a long day of work, not romance.

It’s not as bad as you might think. Many of those people who are working on Valentine’s Day have an opportunity to make someone else’s holiday extra special. Just like a accountants prepares for tax season, these professionals know that the season of love is their time to shine. Here are five Valentine’s Day jobs and how those who do them help make the day amazing for other people.

1. Florist (HT-071-3:2014)

Image result for funny florist

“I seldom think about my limitations, and they never make me sad. Perhaps there is just a touch of yearning at times; but it is vague, like a breeze among flowers.” — Helen Keller

This one seems like the most obvious of Valentine’s Day jobs, right? But that doesn’t mean it’s simple. A great florist doesn’t just run a sale on a dozen red roses — they will help you think outside of the box and perhaps suggest a different flower that will dazzle your significant other. A great florist knows their stuff.

For example, did you know that nearly every flower has a symbolic meaning? Some of them overlap, so there are several flowers that indicate love besides roses. Chrysanthemums and carnations also signify love. Gardenias represent a secret love.

Don’t take your local florist for granted. They know their flowers and the ideal arrangement doesn’t happen by accident. It’s a trained skill. With a great florist’s help, you can find the flower that says exactly what you want it to say and then build a gift idea around it.

While you’re at it, make sure to say thank you. They work like crazy this time of year!

2. Massage therapist (MP-082-3:2011)

Image result for massage therapist malaysia

“I take a massage each week. This isn’t an indulgence, it’s an investment in your full creative expression/productivity/passion and sustained good health” — Robin S. Sharma

Who doesn’t love a great massage? The feeling of someone digging deep into the muscle tissue and releasing all of the pent-up tension and chronic aches can be heavenly.

It’s no coincidence that professional massage sessions are a popular Valentine’s Day gift. Want to dial up the romance? Get a couple’s massage where you can both enjoy the same experience at the same time.

Like a great florist is more than a flower picker, a great massage therapist is more than just a person who rubs your calves. The massage therapists can read your body and your body language to adjust the level of pressure and find your trouble spots.

Sound like one of the easy Valentine’s Day jobs? When was the last time you gave your significant other a good shoulder rub? How long did you last? Five, ten minutes? Try doing that for an hour and then when that person leaves, start on your next one. Then repeat it for days on end during the season of romance.

Interested to become a massage therapist? Register your interest here.

3. Aesthethicians/Beauty Therapist (MP-062-2/3:2012)

“Facial scrubs are always good” — Cher Lyod

Not into flowers or massage? Facial treatment can be a popular Valentine’s Day gift.

An Aesthetician’s primary goal is to help clients with their skin care needs which can range from acne to aging.

Like a massage therapist is more than a massager, a good Aesthetician will not only help with treating the visible concerns you may be having but will also take into account your whole well being such as diet, exercise, stress, etc.

Interested to become a beauty therapist? Register your interest here.

4. Front Office Operation (I551-002-2/3:2017)

Image result for hotel concierge in malaysia
Also known as hotel concierge

” To put it rather bluntly, I am not the type who wants to go back to the land; I am the type who wants to go back to the hotel. ” — Fran Lebowitz

Are you thinking of a trip out of town with a stay at a luxurious hotel? Go for it — it’s one of the best ways to make Valentine’s Day special! Hotels love holiday visitors and Valentine’s Day is no exception. One hotel employee in particular is perfectly suited to help you make the most of your little getaway.

If you are in a new town, chances are you don’t know where to find the best cheesecake or scenic views. Luckily for you, most hotels have just the person to help you out. Your hotel concierge specializes in knowing the area. They know where to find the best food, drinks, dancing, and quiet spots. Need a ride? They can call a cab or recommend a service.

You don’t have to go crazy trying to research and reserve everything for your trip. The hotel concierge is like having Google right there in the lobby. Take advantage of their skills and watch your evening unfold spectacularly. Just make sure you know what you want to ask before you talk with them.

Interested to be one? Register your interest here.

5. Waiter/F&B Service (I561-002-2/3:2018)

Image result for waiter in malaysia
The ‘Entertainer’

“For me, a great meal is a collision of company, environment, ambient temperature, the waiters, where you are emotionally” — Sue Perkins

Restaurants make a killing on Valentine’s Day. Does that mean working there is an easy Valentine’s Day job? Absolutely not. A great waiter can make your night.

Have you ever left a restaurant and felt overwhelmingly happy with the experience? Chances are that the food was only a part of the equation. A great waiter is fun and friendly, maybe even a little bit playful. They know their menu and wine lists inside and out. They know when to embellish and when to be honest. (Don’t tell us that the salmon is exquisite when it’s really average!)

When it comes to having the perfect romantic meal, pay attention to your waiter. They’re there to help your evening go well. And if you’re on a date with a relatively new romantic interest, be aware that you’re being watched. How you treat waitstaff says a lot about you as a person.
Interested to be one? Register your interest here.

To find out more skills occupations where standards has been developed, search from NOSS Directory here.

Empowering TVET among priorities of HR Ministry

Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran gives a speech at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre November 19, 2019. — Picture by Miera Zulyana
Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran gives a speech at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre November 19, 2019. — Picture by Miera Zulyana

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18 — Empowering Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) by developing a more relevant new policy in implementing TVET’s agenda in line with industry needs was part of the Ministry of Human Resources’s plan throughout 2019.

This was outlined in the Ministry of Human Resource’s 2019 achievement report to strengthen the various sectors under the ministry led by M. Kulasegaran, while also committed to championing the rights of workers in the country.

Touching on issues related to workers including skills upgrading, TVET education, security, law and others in the 32-page report card, the Ministry of Human Resources is committed towards improving every aspect in line with fulfilling the promises contained in the Pakatan Harapan’s manifesto.

With a RM5.9 billion allocation via the 2020 Budget to place TVET in the main stream in the country, the ministry has begun to take step by establishing the TVET Single Quality Assurance System to be used by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and the Department of Skills Development (JPK) for the purpose of coordinating, monitoring and strengthening the TVET sector.

According to Kulasegaran, the new system is responsible for accrediting TVET programmes offered by public and private TVET institutions based on the Second Edition Of The Malaysia Qualification Framework (MQF 2.0) which was approved at the MQA Council Meeting in December 2017.

“The implementation of TVET quality assurance programme by MQA and JPK will be made based on the TVET Programme Accreditation Code of Practice approved by the Cabinet Meeting on Jan 31, 2019,” he said.

In line with the latest trend of Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0 education or 4.0 era education, Kulasegaran said 35 National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) related to IR 4.0 were developed in 2018.

“To date, there are 42 NOSS related to IR 4.0 as a result of TVET’s National Master Plan Development Study towards a developed nation and the direction until 2030 will be used by policy makers in the process of reforming TVET implementation in Malaysia,” he said.
The efforts to empower the TVET field did not stop there when the ministry took the initiative to expand its field of study by signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Private Secondary School (SUWA) on May 23, 2019 at Kolej Universiti New Era in Kajang.

“The collaboration between the two entities led to the ministry’s involvement in allowing SUWA students to attend training programmes at 32 Department of Human Resource Training Institutes (ILJTM) and enabling the ministry to consider loan applications or scholarships to eligible students for further study in TVET programmes, Vocational Training Officers (VTO) and so on,” he said. — Bernama

Kerajaan bagi NOSS PERCUMA melalui e-Tunai Rakyat*

Kerajaan bagi NOSS PERCUMA melalui e-Tunai Rakyat - ISE Education Sdn Bhd

* Ya, anda akan dapat RM30 dari kerajaan melalui inisiatif e-tunai rakyat. Jadi mengapa tidak gunakannya untuk mendapatkan sesuatu (beli NOSS) yang boleh membantu anda dari segi:

1. Pembangunan diri (kaji NOSS, buat penilaian kendiri serta kumpul bukti ketrampilan yang cukup untuk mohon Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) secara PPT supaya anda ada persijilan yang diiktiraf oleh kerajaan Malaysia serta luar negara.
2. Perkembangan perniagaan latihan (Kaji NOSS untuk menentukan samada latihan kemahiran yang anda sedang/ingin tawarkan memenuhi keperluan NOSS. Jika hampir sama, pusat latihan anda patut pertimbangkan untuk mendapatkan pentauliahan dari Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) supaya para pelatih anda dapat Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) nanti setelah tamat program latihan di tempat anda.


Tips & Panduan Permohonan SKM secara PPT (sumber bukti & susunan portfolio) (yang telah dipermudahkan serta disertakan dengan sampel dokumen supaya lebih memudahkan pemahaman anda).
Ia termasuk:
1) Format kandungan dan susunan portfolio
2) Sumber bukti ketrampilan
3) Kategori bukti ketrampilan
4) Contoh dan sampel surat perakuan tempoh pengalaman kerja

Baik, ringkasan kod produk (semua cuma RM30):

1. NOSS 01
NOSS sedia ada (sila rujuk sini – ada >65 ) – Boleh dapat 2 tahap bernilai RM40 tapi cuma bayar RM30.
2. NOSS 02**
NOSS yang tiada dalam simpanan/sedia ada boleh buat tempahan (1 program/tahap sahaja. Jika ada tambahan, cuma tambah RM20 setiap program/tahap).
Panduan Permohonan SKM secara PPT (yang telah dipermudahkan serta disertakan dengan sampel dokumen supaya lebih memudahkan pemahaman anda)

** Petrol, tol, caj bank draf serta masa yang diperlukan untuk beli NOSS sendiri di JPK pasti melebihi RM10 (caj perkhidmatan).

Tunggu apa lagi? JOM scan sekarang!! Lepas scan, sila whatsapp ke 012-3123430 atau emel ke ismarteducare@gmail.com;

1. Screenshot bayaran
2. Kod produk serta kod NOSS yang dikehendaki

Kalau anda masih tiada e-wallet ke rasa lebih selesa bank-in, boleh bank-in ke Maybank 514589385943, ISE Education Sdn Bhd.

Gunalah wang e-tunai rakyat anda dengan bijak. Belilah NOSS dan kaji

Can I advise you something?

Can i advise you something

Since so many people still message, call or email to ask the same question, over and over again, can I advise you something?

Almost everything you need to obtain with that involves Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM), it would be NOSS dependent. So, please refer to the NOSS directory first to:
1. Determine the exact code of the skills program that you intend to offer in your training centre (to be Accredited by Department of Skill Development (DSD) or better known as JPK),
2. Apply to get your Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) via PPT or
3. Search for any SKM programs to study in any of the JPK Accredited Centres.

  1. How To Be A JPK Accredited Centre (to offer SKM/DKM/DLKM certification)?

2. How To Apply for SKM/DKM/DLKM via PPT?
a) Self application via www.skkm.gov.my – Download & read  MANUAL PENGGUNA PPT 2018  OR
b) Get some tricks & tips from a 2 days course – kursus induksi PP-PPT*  that’s organised from time to time (average 3 times a year)
c) Learn from a comprehensive 3 days workshop* (SKM-PPT) *  – Please contact or wasap.my/6012-3123430/PPTWorkshop

2020 PP-PPT Induction Course
8-9 Feb
Time: 8.30-5pm

Venue: ISE Education Sdn Bhd, Kepong Metro Prima, KL
Fees: RM350 (includes notes, morning tea break, lunch & certificate from Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK)
Maybank 514589385943, ISE Education Sdn Bhd

2021 PP-PPT Induction Course
Date: 9-10 Jan
Time: 8.30-5pm

Venue: ISE Education Sdn Bhd, Kepong Metro Prima, KL
Fees: RM350 (includes notes, morning tea break, lunch & certificate from Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK)
Maybank 514589385943, ISE Education Sdn Bhd

Download Induction Course Application Form NOW

Can I advise you something?

Please read thoroughly before you chat with us asking the same question, thanks.

Daftar NOSS TERBARU (7 Ogos 2019) / Latest NOSS Registry (7th August 2019)

Daftar NOSS Ogos 2019

Daftar NOSS 2019 adalah yang terkini setakat ini. Sebelum itu, marilah kita lihat apa itu NOSS (bagi pembaca baru laman ini)


Definisi NOSS

Singkatan daripada National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS) atau Standard Kemahiran Pekerjaan Kebangsaan. NOSS adalah dokumen yang menggariskan ketrampilan yang diperlukan oleh seseorang pekerja mahir yang bekerja di Malaysia bagi sesuatu bidang dan tahap pekerjaan serta laluan untuk mencapai ketrampilan tersebut.

Ciri-Ciri Utama NOSS

  • Berasaskan keperluan pekerjaan.
  • Mengikut struktur kerjaya di dalam sesuatu bidang pekerjaan.
  • Disediakan oleh pakar industri dan pekerja mahir yang menjalankan pekerjaan.


Standard kemahiran memberi manfaat kepada semua pihak yang berkepentingan. Kejayaan projek pembangunan standard kemahiran dan ianya berguna kepada masyarakat bergantung pada penyertaan penuh dan komitmen semua pihak yang berkepentingan.  Manfaat ini boleh digunakan sebagai penanda aras untuk menilai keberkesanan usaha bersama.

Daftar NOSS 2019 terbaru ni ada beberapa standard kemahiran baru yang menarik, antaranya:

Daftar NOSS - Operasi Makmal
Operasi Makmal/Laboratory Operations
Daftar NOSS - magnetic testing aerospace
Pengujian Magnetik – Aeroangkasa (Bahan, Komponen dan Struktur) /
Magnetic Testing (MT) – Aerospace (Materials, Components and Structures)
Daftar NOSS - retail outlet operation
Pengurusan Operasi Outlet Peruncitan/Retail Outlet Operation Management
Image result for pavilion shopping mall
Khidmat Sokongan Pemasaran Pusat Beli-Belah/Mall Marketing Support Services(SKM2) Pengurusan Pusat Beli-Belah/Shopping Mall Management (DLKM)

Antara NOSS sedia yang telah bertukar kod (dan kandungan) dalam Daftar NOSS 2019 terbaru ini adalah:

Daftar NOSS - three Phase Electrical Installation
F432-005-2/3/4/5:2019 GANTI EE-320-2/3/4/5:2012
Pemasangan dan Penyelenggaraan Elektrik Satu Fasa/Single Phase Electrical Installation and Maintenance (SKM2)
Sistem Pengagihan dan Penjanaan Tenaga Elektrik Voltan Rendah/Low Voltage Electrical Power Distribution System and Generation (DLKM)
Datar NOSS - hybrid car service
G452-007-3:201 GANTI TP-332-2/3:2014
Servis Kereta Elektrik dan Hibrid/Electric and Hybrid Car Servicing
Image result for interactive multimedia design
J582-001-3:2019 GANTI IT-040-2, IT-050-2, IT-060-3, IT-070-2, IT-070-3
Rekabentuk Multimedia Interaktif/Interactive Multimedia Design
Image result for kejurulatihan senjata api
O842-005-2/3:2019 GANTI DS-020-1/2
Kejurulatihan Senjata Api/Firearm Instructing

Anda boleh beli NOSS dari JPK Putrajaya (biasanya NOSS baru tiada lagi di Putrajaya tetapi cuma di JPK Cyberjaya) serta pejabat-pejabat Wilayah JPK dengan harga RM20/program/setahap.

Sekiranya anda tiada masa untuk pergi beli di sana, sila hubungi min untuk perkhidmatan ini.

Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) melalui PPT – PERCUMA

Image may contain: one or more people, meme and text

Siapa tak nak percuma kan? Cepat, ia adalah terhad. Sila wasap/hubungi no yg diberi, jangan suruh pm. Min cuma kongsi info sahaja.

Syarat umum: Pastikan anda ada pengalaman bekerja (min 2-3 tahun) dalam bidang yang anda ingin mohon, dengan adanya bukti ketrampilan.
Mungkin boleh baca dulu apa itu Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) dan cara permohonan secara Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT).

Sekiranya anda minat mohon SKM secara PPT tetapi masih tidak tahu/perlukan khidmat runding (BERBAYAR) walaupun telah baca panduan yang diberikan, sila wasap ke no 012-3123430 dengan butiran seperti berikut:

1. Nama anda
2. Bidang kemahiran anda (sila rujuk kod bidang NOSS anda dari Daftar NOSS)
3. Pengalaman kerja dalam bidang kemahiran yang ingin dipohon.
4. Sijil akademik/kemahiran yang berkaitan dengan bidang kemahiran yang ingin dipohon.

Certification-level training for Drone Piloting on the way

School leavers with the ambition of becoming professional drone pilots can soon take a course on Drone Piloting under a vocational programme at colleges and polytechnics around the country.

The Department of Skills Development under the Ministry of Human Resources recently launched the Malaysia National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) for the piloting of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), popularly referred to as ‘Drones’’.

With the launch of this standard,  vocational and private educational institutions can now offer Drone Piloting courses under the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programme and be awarded the SKM (Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia) or a Malaysia Skills Certificate

At the moment, several private organisations have been offering courses in various aspects of drone operation; for mapping, facilities inspection, progress report (for property developers and construction projects), film and drama production, news, the acquisition of aerial footage and photographs.

These courses last from two days (for basic operation of a drone) to a few days covering the various aspects of drone piloting for specific purposes such as mapping.

Before the launch of the NOSS Standard, formal government-recognised certification for drone piloting courses were not available for the aspiring pilot.

As the usage of drones expands, beyond a hobby to industrial use, the need for trained pilots who have gone through structured instructions based on an accepted and recognised national standards, become increasingly pressing.  

Especially now that the word ‘drone’ appears in the media daily from all over the world; both negative and positive news.

But it is always the negative aspects that capture the public’s imagination and it is up to the industry to dispel negativity and myths that surround drones.

One positive effort is the adoption of formalised training for drone operators; people who not only know how to operate them safely within the limitations of each type of craft but who are also aware of the legal and regulatory requirements in the operation of drones.

Sometime in 2017, Malaysia Unmanned Drones Activist Society (MUDAS), a non-governmental organisation devoted to the development and advancement of drones in the country, initiated discussions with the Department of Skills Development or Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) to develop a formal curriculum for the training of drone pilots under the vocational programmes of the many polytechnics and colleges spread throughout the country.

MUDAS is a non-governmental organisation devoted to the development and advancement of drones in the country.

L – R: Khairul Arriffin Aziz, CEO AECA Solutions William Alvisse, MUDAS Executive Secretary Mohd Noor Rahim, MUDAS Deputy Chairman, Hj Zaid bin Mat San, Deputy Director Curriculum Unit, NOSS 
(Photo by Haidar Abu Bakar)

The NGO has been in the forefront of promoting dialogue with government agencies that are involved in regulating and controlling the nation’s airspace, the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM), the Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Negara (JUPEM), the survey and mapping department, which has traditionally been the authority overseeing aerial photography, especially mapping because of its implications on national security, and other organisations that have direct and indirect interests in the operation of ‘drones’.

“MUDAS initiated contact with JPK in late 2017 to moot the idea of drone pilot training under the National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS) programme,” said Executive Secretary William Alvisse.

“In mid-2018 an expert panel was formed comprising of representatives from  CAAM, Jupem and MCMC (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission) to create the current Curriculum,” Alvisse added.

Husni Faiz, a graduate of Electrical Power Engineering and a full-time pilot under BIP Studio and drone piloting trainer welcomes the NOSS Standards.

Husni Faiz, professional drone pilot and trainer

“It’s vital for those intending to be professional drone pilots undergo formal training such as the structure that is recommended in the NOSS standard.

“While recreational flyers may not need the entire course structure, it would be a good idea if parts or modules of that could be offered to training companies to train the hobbyists and recreational flyers,”  he added.

Husni also trains pilots under his Akufly Academy.

“Having the NOSS training standard is good for the industry, said Kamarul A Muhamed, CEO of the Aerodyne Group.

Kamarul A Muhamed CEO Aerodyne Group

Aerodyne operates in 11 countries and is regarded as the premier drone services company, providing integrated managed solutions for the petroleum, civil engineering and facilities industry.

It employs 300 people, 1/3rd of whom are drone pilots.

“A structured drone piloting course will increase the level of competence and will lead to better safety and quality of operations,” he added.

Currently, Aerodyne trains its local pilots locally and in-house following the structure set by training schools in the UK and Australia where some of their pilots and trainers have been trained. The company then structure their training based on the training syllabus of these schools.

The Aerodyne pilots operating in their international markets are trained at authorised training schools for certifications should this be available in that particular country.

As a renowned global drone services company, recruitment isn’t an issue with many would-be pilots clamouring to join the group.

“The challenge, however, is in getting good technical pilots with the right mentality for enterprise-level work,” Kamarul said.

Kamarul lists technical ability, having a global mindset, the ability to communicate well and good and diligent in report writing, and problem-solving skills as the key factors he looks for in a candidate.

Drone Academy Asia provides training for drone operators and its graduates receive a “globally recognised DJI certificate”.

A representative of the academy said that they believe a formalised course structure is needed for the industry and that they are studying the NOSS standard and framework.

Located at the Cyberjaya Innovation Hub, Drone Academy offers courses in Aerial Mapping and Surveying, Precise Aerial Mapping and a Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF) claimable Professional Drone Operator course. 

The idea for a structured course, leading to certification is to produce well trained and competent workforce to meet the requirements of drone service companies to handle flights for mapping, facilities and structure monitoring, agriculture to name just three areas where drones are being increasingly used.

“There are two levels, Level 2 and 3 with 1,200 hours and 1,300 hours of training respectively,” said Alvisse.

“Upon completion of the training, candidates will be awarded an SKM (Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia) certificate,” Alvisse added. 

“Just a word of caution though,” Kamarul said.

“In the long term drone piloting will be limited in requirements as the industry moves into pilotless autonomous operation.”

Which will then necessitate an overhaul of the training syllabus?

Source: Citizen Journalist Malaysia

Daftar NOSS TERBARU – Jan 2019

Daftar NOSS Jan 2019

NOSS terbaru di bawah cuma sebahagian daripada puluhan NOSS yang baru diluluskan oleh bahagian NOSS, Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK)

H512-001-2/3:2019 (Drone Piloting/Mission Handling)

Perkembangan terkini: Setakat Feb 2020, cuma sebuah Pusat Bertauliah JPK swasta, SG Akademi yang telah ditauliahkan untuk program ini.
Ambil perhatian bahawa banyak pusat latihan yang menawarkan kursus drone piloting/mission handling, namun mereka tidak mengguna pakai Standard Kemahiran Pekerjaan Kebangsaan yang telah dibangunkan bersama oleh Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran, JPK dan CAAM (Civil Aviation Authority Malaysia)

Peluang pekerjaan dalam industri teknologi drone merentasi pelbagai industri sedang melonjak dari peringkat asas ke peringkat mega-trend dengan cepat kerana semakin banyak industri telah mula menyedari potensi, skop, dan skala capaian global melalui penggunaan teknologi drone.

*Biasiswa (tajaan SG Akademi) diberikan kepada 20 pelajar perintis pertama! Jaminan pekerjaan!

P854-008-3:2019 (Music Teaching)

Pihak Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran, JPK juga memberi perhatian kepada bidang muzik agar bidang itu turut mendapat pengiktirafan dari dalam dan luar negeri.

Usaha membangunkan Standard Kemahiran Pekerjaan Kebangsaan (NOSS) bagi bidang muzik adalah untuk membolehkan kerjaya berkenaan dinilai secara profesional oleh pelbagai pihak.

Pembangunan NOSS ini sangat penting memandangkan muzik antara bidang pendidikan yang semakin mendapat sambutan daripada semua peringkat umur,” katanya ketika berucap pada Majlis Pelancaran NOSS bagi Industri Pendidikan Muzik di Akademi Seni Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan (ASWARA)

Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran, Suimi Abd Majid

Pelaksanaan NOSS bagi industri muzik menyasarkan tenaga pengajar dalam bidang berkenaan agar memperoleh sijil yang boleh digunakan sebagai kelayakan dalam bidang kerjaya berkenaan.

Kita tahu semua tenaga pengajar bidang muzik sememangnya sudah mahir dan pakar, tetapi tidak semua daripada mereka mempunyai sijil yang mengiktiraf kemahiran yang dimiliki itu.
Mereka hanya perlu mengikuti kursus jangka pendek di pusat latihan berdaftar dan bakal memperoleh sijil pengiktirafan yang membuktikan kemahiran mereka.Sijil itu bukan sahaja diperakui oleh pihak industri di negara ini tetapi juga di peringkat antarabangsa.

Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran, Suimi Abd Majid

Jika anda nak beli NOSS, boleh beli di JPK Putrajaya/Cyberjaya/Pejabat-pejabat Wilayah ataupun kalau kami ada, boleh juga order dari kami untuk RM20 setiap pakej (SKM1/2/3 – 1 pakej, DKM/DLKM – 1 pakej)

Nota: Mulai 1/6/19, NOSS dijual pada RM20 setiap tahap
NOTE: Effective 1/6/19, NOSS would be sold at RM20/Level (USD20/Level for foreign buyer).

NOSS dan MSIC – Apa tu?

Apa kaitan NOSS dan MSIC?

Malaysia Standard Industry Classification (MSIC) adalah klasifikasi standard bagi aktiviti ekonomi di Malaysia. Ia bukan berdasarkan sesuatu barangan/perkhidmatan/pekerjaan.

Bertujuan menyediakan kategori aktiviti ekonomi yang boleh digunakan sebagai asas dalam pengumpulan dan statistik aktiviti ekonomi negara.

Muat turun daftar NOSS dari www.jpkmalaysia.com/noss

Bagi yang sudah tahu & sedang jalankan program NOSS, ingat beli NOSS baru dari JPK (online ataupun di ibu pejabat/wilayah JPK) atau daripada min sebelum anda membaharui program. Jika nak tahu lebih lanjut, terutamanya mereka yang dah lama ikuti induksi PP-PPD-PPB atau PP-PPT, ambilah peluang ni untuk ambil semula kerana banyak rombakan telah dibuat. Harga istimewa untuk pelanggan I Smart Educare untuk refresher.
Boleh rujuk jadual induksi terkini di sini.

Antara program hangat yang telah guna kod MSIC adalah:

G452-002-2/3:2018 Perkhidmatan Pembaikan/Servis Diagnostik – Kenderaan Ringan @ Automotive
F432-003-3:2017 Operasi Pemasangan & Penyenggaraan Penghawa Dingin dan Pengudaraan Mekanikal @ 3 Phase HVAC
I551-003-2/3:2018 Operasi Pengemasan @ Housekeeping
I561-002-2/3:2018 Operasi Servis/Penyeliaan Makanan & Minuman @ F&B

CPC GS452-003-2:2018 (Ada 2 Elektif) (dulu TP-300-2:2016)
CPC F432-003-3:2017 (dulu ME-020-3:2012) @ 3 Phase HVAC
CPC I551-003-2:2018 (dulu HT-050-3:2012) @ Housekeeping
CPC I561-002-3:2018 (dulu HT-010-3:2012) @ F&B

Ingat, anda boleh beli NOSS dari JPK Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, pejabat-pejabat Wilayah atau kalau takda masa nak pergi sana, boleh rujuk dengan min dulu.