Tag Archives: Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu

Apprenticeship Degree - Hari Akademia 2023

Apprenticeship Degree without attending classes?

Apprenticeship Degree or Degree Apprenticeship?

Apprenticeship Degree, as announced by Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, the Higher Education Minister, aims to encourage individuals to continue their educational journey or re-enter the world of studying. This innovative program allows people to obtain a degree as long as they possess the necessary experience and knowledge, all without the requirement of physically attending classes.

Whereas Degree apprenticeships, launched in UK in 2015, serves as a new route to gain a traditional degree, whilst working on the job in a role with training. These programmes are highly sought-after and available in various sectors and career paths where academic attainment is important. There are two different options for school leavers to consider. The first is a Level 6 qualification. This qualification provides a full bachelor’s degree. The second is a Level 7 qualification leading to a master’s degree.

The training path is unique as it blends higher academic learning with practical work and career development. Students attend university on a part-time basis, usually on set days once a week or on certain blocks of days every month. The apprenticeship usually takes three to six years, depending on the level and pathway that you choose.

Apprenticeship Degree Guidebook

Apprenticeship Degree - Hari Akademia 2023

Minister Khaled made this revelation during the launch of the Apprenticeship Degree Guidebook in Putrajaya on October 4 during Hari Akademia 2023. He emphasized that this program is a groundbreaking initiative by the Ministry, designed to promote unconventional learning methods that cater to the industry’s demands through a collaborative effort with various companies. What sets the Apprenticeship Degree apart from the Ministry’s Accredited Prior Experiential Learning (Apel) programs is that it evaluates participants based on their practical work experience.

Companies that meet specific criteria can partner with the Ministry’s Higher Education Department or polytechnics to facilitate their employees’ participation in this program. The core idea behind this initiative is to establish a capable and readily available workforce for the future, with academia and industry sharing the responsibility, as stated in a Ministry press release on the same day.

The newly introduced guidebook chronicles the shift from traditional classroom-based learning to work-based learning. The immersive learning experiences in the industry are expected to enhance students’ competencies and help them achieve their job-related goals

This announcement coincided with the National Academia Day and Academia Month 2023 celebrations, where Minister Mohamed Khaled emphasized academia’s role in reinventing education to make it more engaging and exciting. He stressed the need to move away from conventional teaching methods and lecture halls, emphasizing that education should encompass more than classroom learning.

To meet these objectives, he revealed the Ministry’s plan to implement the Translational Research Programme 2023. This research initiative is designed to take the knowledge, experience, and expertise from the higher education sector and apply it to benefit the community and the country as a whole. An allocation of RM10 million has been set aside for this program, which is expected to drive innovation and contribute to various fields, including food security, advanced technical and vocational education and training (TVET), and Malaysia Madani.

Recognition of Prior Achievement (RPA)

In the TVET sector or more specifically Malaysian Skills Certification System, there is also something similar where you can obtain the Malaysian Skills Certificate without attending formal classes.

RPA, or better known as PPT (Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu) in Malay, is a method of recognizing your skills who can demonstrate the skills outlined in the National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) based on your prior experience and achievements. You can refer to the PANDUAN PELAKSANAAN PENSIJILAN KEMAHIRAN MALAYSIA MELALUI KAEDAH PENGIKTIRAFAN PENCAPAIAN TERDAHULU (PPT) for more information.


Should you need more information in English about this RPA or PPT, you may contact the admin at this no

Elevate Your Mechanic Qualifications with the PPT Method for Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia

Mechanic Qualifications - Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia

Mechanic qualifications - SKM
Foremen Lim Soo Guan,56 , showing a certificate from 'Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia' at his workshopn in Subang Jaya.Photo for the story on workshop operator must display qualifations. (23/8/2023). —AZHAR MAHFOF/The Star

The time has come for auto repair workshops to elevate their standards and demonstrate their commitment to excellence. The one-year grace period for displaying mechanic qualifications (and their names) has concluded, signaling a new phase of accountability for operators. As the authorities gear up to take action against non-compliance, there’s an opportunity that stands out – the PPT method for Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia.  Certification.

Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Minister director-general (enforcement) Datuk Azman Adam highlighted that this ruling under the Consumer Protection Act 1999 (Act 599) aims to ensure transparency and consumer satisfaction. But here’s the exciting part: the PPT method offers a seamless way to not only meet these regulations but also elevate your skills and business prospects.

What is the PPT method, you ask? It’s one of your pathway to Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Certification, a symbol of competence and professionalism. The Consumer Protection (Workshops Information Disclosure) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 encourage workshops to not only adhere to these guidelines but also to upskill their mechanics. The PPT method is the perfect way to achieve this.

By obtaining Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Certification through the PPT method, you ensure that your workshop stands out. Displaying mechanic qualifications (and their names) becomes a source of pride, assuring customers that their vehicles are in capable hands. But that’s not all – it’s a catalyst for your business growth too.

Imagine a future where your workshop is synonymous with quality and trust. Your adherence to regulations showcases your commitment to consumer safety and satisfaction. This translates to increased customer confidence, positive referrals, and enhanced business productivity. Your mechanic qualifications doesn’t just help you meet regulatory requirements; it propels you towards excellence.

Imagine a future where your workshop is synonymous with quality and trust. Your adherence to regulations showcases your commitment to consumer safety and satisfaction. This translates to increased customer confidence, positive referrals, and enhanced business productivity. 

But it doesn’t stop there. Your mechanic qualifications also provides consumers with the assurance they need. By clearly stating the nature of spare parts and providing written guarantees, you foster a transparent environment. With Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia-certified mechanics, consumers can trust in the competency of those working on their vehicles.

Safety experts, including the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (Miros) chairman Prof Dr Wong Shaw Voon, commend this approach. They acknowledge that this method not only fosters accountability but also prevents unfortunate incidents. With certified mechanics and transparent practices, the roadworthiness of vehicles gains a new level of assurance.

Don’t miss out on this transformative opportunity. Your mechanic qualifications not only aligns your workshop with regulations but propels you toward a future of success and recognition. Embrace Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Certification through the PPT method today and become a beacon of trust and quality in the auto repair industry.

Ready to embark on this journey? Visit  pengiktirafan pencapaian terdahulu to learn more about the PPT method and how it can revolutionize your workshop. Take action now and empower your workshop with the credentials it deserves. Together, let’s drive towards excellence and consumer satisfaction!

3 cara dapatkan Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia selepas SKM3

Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM)

Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) adalah dalam sektor Kemahiran dalam Kerangka Kelayakan Malaysia (KKM). Ia berada di Tahap 4, setara dengan Diploma dalam sektor Teknikal & Vokasional@DVM dan sektor Pengajian Tinggi@Diploma MQA.

Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia - Kerangka Kelayakan Malaysia
Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) - Takrif Tahap NOSS

Selaras dengan hasrat kerajaan untuk mengarus perdana program Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional, sekarang lepasan Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Tahap 3 bukan sahaja boleh sambung ke Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia tetapi juga Diploma MQA (akademik) di Institusi Pendidkan Tinggi Swasta (IPTS), tertakhluk kepada syarat-syarat tertentu. Sila baca Pekeliling terbaru yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi (JPT).

Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia - SKM Boleh Sambung ke Diploma (MQF) Tanpa SPM
Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia - SKM boleh sambung ke Diploma

Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia - 3 Kaedah Utama Mohon

DKM, seperti Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM), juga boleh diperolehi melalui tiga (3) kaedah utama.

Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia - 3 cara mohon, tawar

1. Melalui Latihan di Pusat Latihan Kemahiran yang Bertauliah

Kaedah melalui program latihan di institut latihan kemahiran @ pusat bertauliah Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) awam ataupun swasta bagi bidang & tahap kemahiran yang tertentu.

Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia - Mohon Kursus
Sekiranya anda tak tahu Pusat Bertauliah Swasta mana yang baik serta menawarkan program DKM yang anda nak sambung, sila klik mohon kursus TVET di atas

2. Melalui Latihan Berorientasikan Industri (SLDN)

Kaedah latihan perantisan dalam Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN) yang dijalankan di industri dan institut latihan kemahiran.

Namun, bukan semua program yang tersenarai dalam Daftar NOSS ditawarkan di Pusat Bertauliah JPK SLaPB ataupun SLDN, terutamanya DKM, Tahap 4.

Juga, program DKM yang ditawarkan di Pusat Bertauliah (PB) ataupun SLDN biasanya sepenuh masa dan makan masa yang panjang. Anda mungkin tidak dapat berhenti kerja dari syarikat anda sekarang untuk belajar, jadi kaedah PPT adalah lebih sesuai.

* Sekiranya anda memerlukan khidmat runding untuk mendapatkan pentauliahan program dari Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK), sila hubungi min di 012-3123430.

3. Melalui Pentauliahan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT)

Anda mungkin telah kerja sejurus selepas dapat SKM3 dan telah kerja beberapa tahun dalam bidang berkaitan. Ataupun tak pernah pun belajar di pusat latihan kemahiran untuk dapatkan Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia tetapi dah lama berkecimpung di sesuatu bidang kemahiran tertentu.

Kaedah yang paling sesuai untuk mendapatkan DKM anda adalah melalui pengalaman terdahulu (kerja atau latihan). Anda dikehendaki mengemukakan bukti-bukti ketrampilan yang telah dimiliki untuk dinilai oleh Pegawai Penilai dan disahkan oleh Pengawai Pengesah Luaran yang dilantik JPK.

Apakah Syarat Permohonan DKM secara PPT?

Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia - Ciri-ciri Umum PPT

Berbanding dengan permohonan SKM-PPT, DKM-PPT melibatkan pembangunan portfolio DAN Laporan Projek Ketrampilan Terdahulu (LPKT).

Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia - LPKT

Saya rasa baik saya berhenti di sini kerana artikel ni cuma nak kongsi 3 cara utama anda boleh dapatkan DKM anda. Kalau nak tahu cara permohonan (Panduan dan langkah-langkahnya) SKM/DKM/DLKM secara PPT, boleh rujuk laman Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia melalui PPT.

TVETi - Bengkel Pembangunan Portfolio

Jika masih keliru, tak yakin ataupun takda masa nak fahamkan dengan baca banyak sangat panduan yg diberikan, boleh pertimbangkan untuk ikuti Bengkel Pembangunan Portfolio & LPKT yang kami jalankan untuk bimbing anda dari A-Z.

Lanjutan pendidikan selepas DKM / DLKM

Berikut adalah senarai IPTA serta program Ijazah Sarjana Muda yang ditawarkan kepada lepasan Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia/Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (Sumber: Bahagian Kemasukan Pelajar (UPU), Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi

Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia - Degree tawaran UiTM
Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia - Degree tawaran UMS & UniMap
Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia - Degree tawaran UNIMAS, UPSI, UTeM
Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia - Degree tawaran UTM

Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) melalui PPT – PERCUMA

Image may contain: one or more people, meme and text

Siapa tak nak percuma kan? Cepat, ia adalah terhad. Sila wasap/hubungi no yg diberi, jangan suruh pm. Min cuma kongsi info sahaja.

Syarat umum: Pastikan anda ada pengalaman bekerja (min 2-3 tahun) dalam bidang yang anda ingin mohon, dengan adanya bukti ketrampilan.
Mungkin boleh baca dulu apa itu Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) dan cara permohonan secara Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT).

Sekiranya anda minat mohon SKM secara PPT tetapi masih tidak tahu/perlukan khidmat runding (BERBAYAR) walaupun telah baca panduan yang diberikan, sila wasap ke no 012-3123430 dengan butiran seperti berikut:

1. Nama anda
2. Bidang kemahiran anda (sila rujuk kod bidang NOSS anda dari Daftar NOSS)
3. Pengalaman kerja dalam bidang kemahiran yang ingin dipohon.
4. Sijil akademik/kemahiran yang berkaitan dengan bidang kemahiran yang ingin dipohon.

‘TVET worker certification will boost salaries’

Technical and vocational education and training institutions need to upgrade their equipment and teaching methods by working with the private sector.

Helping skilled workers secure certification will boost their chances of getting a better salary throughout their career.

Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) executive director Datuk Shamsuddin Bardan said youths working in the technical and vocational field should not worry about their starting pay as it would be reviewed over time and upon the confirmation of their job.

“The rate of review can be between RM100 and RM500, usually after six months.”

“Malaysia practises a seniority-based wage system with yearly increment. Some developed countries adopted a rate for job payscale. They are paid based on their skills, regardless of seniority,” Shamsuddin said.

certification of TVET workers- Datuk Shamsuddin Bardin

He said in Malaysia, employees had honed their skills through work exposure and experience, but even after 15 to 20 years of service, they did not get themselves certified, hence their stagnant wages.

He said this would open workers to exploitation by companies.

“Getting certification would be beneficial for them if they want to quit their job and work at another company.”

“We have the Recognition of Prior Learning. If we get employees certified, we can link these certified skills to wages.”

He said although there was a guideline by the Human Resources Ministry on the starting pay for 200-skills-based job released in 2020, many employers had been paying their workers based on the market rate.

Shamsuddin also said the industry faced issues on skills mismatch and the need to re-skill and up-skill employees.

“This is why companies were not prepared to follow the ministry’s guidelines. Furthermore, it is not compulsory for them to do so,” he said.

“Take, for example, the automotive repair industry. Some technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions use carburetors to teach their students.

“However, there are now electronic fuel injection engines, hybrid cars and electric cars in the market.”

Because of this, he said, institutions needed to upgrade their equipment and teaching methods by working with the private sector.

He added that in the long run, there was a need to look at the whole situation and advocate a skills-based service system, where the skills that employees had would be evaluated by encouraging them to get a certification.

“Their employees’ pay should be based on their skill-level on top of observing the minimum wage,” he said.

Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers chief executive officer Dr Yeoh Oon Tean said it was important that TVET students enrolled for courses that led to a recognised certification of their skills and offered them a pathway to upgrade themselves in terms of wages and standard of living.

He said the issue faced by employers was a lack of coordination between TVET institutions and industry on industrial needs.

“A wide variation in (education) standards may lead to the continuity of poor public perception of TVET education.

There is a need for a streamlined qualification system that ensures a minimum standard is met and strengthens the confidence of employers and TVET students.”

He said initiatives taken by the TVET Empowerment Cabinet Committee were a positive way to address issues.

Among the initiatives include the establishment of a coordinating and enforcement agency to address the issue of fragmentation of TVET implementation, which cuts across ministries.

“The agency would ensure standardisation of training and qualifications, quality assurance, qualification portability, recognition of prior learning and greater cost effectiveness in the use of resources. It should uplift the status of TVET graduates as skilled craftsman to promote it.”

He said other initiatives could ensure greater industry collaborations in TVET by strengthening public-private partnerships to improve employability and produce industry-ready graduates.

“Industries need to engage in more apprenticeship, internship and work-based learning programmes to prepare students for the working environment. It needs to start early to prevent skills mismatch.”

Yeoh said as long as there was no uniformity in standards and quality, the industry could not be forced to follow a wage guide, which would be determined by the highest level of standards and quality of a qualification.

He said there was a need to address the public’s opinion of the TVET field being less prestigious than a professional qualification.

“It will give workers more opportunity to earn better wages, which uplifts the Bottom 40 income group by 2030 as envisioned in the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030.”

The ways to do this, Yeoh said, included introducing TVET into the school curriculum as early as primary level; promoting it as a mainstream education rather than for less academically-inclined students, and having trainers with industrial and operational experience.

Source: www.nst.com.my

Kursus Induksi PP-PPT bulan April (JB) – Hampir PENUH

Jika berminat, sila muat turun Borang Permohonan KIP-01 & emel kembali bersama slip bayaran ke ismarteducare [at] gmail [dot] com.

BayaranL RM350 atas nama: I Smart Educare, Maybank 514589203020
Siapa yg patut hadir?
1) Berminat dilantik sebagai PP-PPT (syarat lantikan lain adalah pengalaman kerja >10 thn bidang berkenaan & SKM)
2) Berminat mohon SKM secara PPT (prosedur, syarat dan kaedah penilaian persijilan melalui kaedah PPT)
3) PB yang ingin mohon menjadi PB-PPT (perlu ada penyelaras PPT yang perlu ikuti kursus induksi PP-PPT)
Objektif Kursus
Memberi kefahaman kepada peserta mengenai konsep perlaksanaan Pensijilan Kemahiran Malaysia melalui kaedah PPT
Memberi pendedahan mengenai peranan dan tanggungjawab personel Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia dalam perlaksanaan kaedah PPT
Memberi pendedahan kepada peserta mengenai prosedur, syarat dan kaedah penilaian persijilan melalui kaedah PPT
Memberi pendedahan kepada peserta mengenai pembangunan portfolio melalui kaedah PPT
Faedah Kursus
Faedah kursus kepada peserta
-Berpengetahuan mengenai, Pengiktirafan Persijilan melalui konsep Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT)
-Berpengetahuan mengenai bagaimana memperolehi Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia dalam masa yang singkat
-Peningkatan kelayakan personel untuk pembangunan kerjaya
-Dapat menyediakan panduan & motivasi kepada masyarakat dalam meningkatkan taraf pendidikan & kelayakan
-Berpeluang menjadi Tenaga Pakar Industri Negara (DPIN) Persijilan yang diiktiraf oleh pihak Awam & Swasta
Faedah kursus kepada organisasi
-Pekerja mempunyai motivasi yang tinggi
-Mempunyai personel yang berkelayakan & diiktiraf
-Majikan dapat menjimatkan kos pembangunan kerjaya pekerja
-Aset dalam aspek promosi & pemasaran
-Meningkatkan kualiti Pusat bertauliah dan daya saing
-Memenuhi keperluan jaminan mutu pentauliahan personel Pusat Bertauliah seperti -yang ditetapkan oleh JPK

Malaysia upbeat about skills target, but has much changed?

Its HR Minister is certain of hitting the 2020 target, but does the real situation on the ground put a dampener on things?

Despite the many obstacles that Malaysia is currently facing regarding the transformation of its workforce, HR Minister Datuk Richard Riot Jaem remains optimistic that the country is well on track to hitting its target of 35% skilled workers  in the workforce by 2020.

“In 2015, we raised it to 28% and in 2016, the number increased to 31%,” he told local media at the recent launch of the Labour Market Information Data Warehouse (LMIDW) project.

“With the increase, I’m very positive that our target can be achieved.”

As previously covered in HRM Magazine’s Malaysia country report, achieving those labour numbers is tied closely with the government’s goal of also attaining high-income status by 2020.

This goal, encompassing economic, political, and social development was formalised as “Vision 2020” in 1991 and the 11th Malaysia Plan 2016-2020 represents what current Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak says is the country’s “final leg” of that long race to “enter the arena of developed nations”.

But Riot had himself noted last year that the skilled talent shortage in Malaysia is proving a major roadblock to those larger economic targets.

So what has changed since then for the favourable projection revision? And perhaps more importantly, will those numbers mean much for the government’s high-income target?

Although the Malaysian education ministry has placed greater emphasis on technical and vocational education and training, institutions are still struggling to produce graduates with the right skill sets to meet the requirements in those parts of the economy.

Malaysian Employers Federation executive director Datuk Shamsuddin Bardan also noted that most lower-skilled workers are more concerned about keeping their current jobs than looking to upskill to higher-paid job categories.

This lack of motivation to undergo training means they are also increasingly under both real and perceived pressure from immigrant labour, who are willing and able to work for lower wages. There are currently about 3.6 million foreign workers in Malaysia, significantly more than in previous decades.

This skills conundrum is further complicated by a series of other deep-rooted problems.

Data from the government-owned TalentCorp agency, for example, indicates a persistent movement of skills away from Malaysia. Some 2% of tertiary-educated aged 25 and above are now living and working outside of the country, generally because of higher salaries and improved career prospects.

As the labour market is still in transition, it will also be a few more years before a big economic impact can take place.

But Riot’s new-found optimism stems from his faith in initiatives like the LMIDW project, which he believes holds the key to solving the country’s employment issues.

He said the data warehouse will be able to analyse the Malaysia’s labour market, and even track and store comprehensive data of the country’s workforce.

“This will be able to maintain or reduce the country’s unemployment rate at 3.5%,” he said.

“The data will also reduce dependency on foreign workforce and issues of job mismatch.”

Earlier this year, Riot attributed the progress to efforts and initiatives implemented by the Human Resource Development Fund. This includes the 1MalaysiaGRIP programme, which he says “has been successful” in encouraging Malaysian employees to take up new skills.

With 2020 less than three years away, the clock is ticking fast and Malaysia still has to pick up the pace if Riot’s words are to be realised.

Source: http://www.hrmasia.com
Author: Kelvin Ong – 20 Jul 2017

Comment: 35% skilled workers in the workforce by 2020, believe this includes those that obtain their Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) via the Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT) method. It’s great that those truly skilled & experienced personnels can obtain their SKM via PPT. Unfortunately, there are some bad apples in the industry where they ‘help, by charging exorbitant fees, even unqualified personnels to obtain the SKM‘.
You would have guess it right how these so called consultants & agents got it done 🙁