Tag Archives: Train the Trainer Certification in Malaysia

Navigating the Maze: Choosing the Right Trainer Certificate in Malaysia

Which Trainer Certificate?

The Malaysian training landscape offers a variety of trainer certificates, leaving aspiring trainers wondering which one holds the key to success. This article aims to demystify the options and help you choose the most suitable path for your career goals.

In-Demand Trainer Certificates:

While specific needs vary across industries, some trainer certificates are consistently sought-after in Malaysia:

A) National Competency Standard - Train The Trainer (NCS-TTT)

This certificate equips you with fundamental training and assessment skills, making it a broad and versatile option.

Train The Trainer Certification - NCS-TTT

It  is nationally recognized trainer certificate that allows you to be:

a) Qualified as an Assessor (Pegawai Penilai) for Modular@Micro-Credential programs in JPK Accredited centres (demand is getting higher with more centres offering Micro Credential programs) AND 

b) A HRDC Exempted TTT Trainer

You may apply for exemption of HRDC-TTT Exempted with your NCS-TTT certificate with just RM300 application fee. It opens doors to various opportunities in the Malaysian training landscape, particularly within the corporate sector.

Train the Trainer Certification - HRDCTTT exemption

This programme would enable you to:

1. Determine training requirement (Training Needs Analysis@TNA)
2. Design training course (Session Plan)
3. Conduct training (presentation skills)
4. Conduct training evaluation

B) Human Resource Development Corporation - Train-the-Trainer (HRDC-TTT)

If you aim to train within the corporate sector, this certificate caters specifically to the needs of this environment.

Trainer Certificate - HRDC-TTT
  • Conduct HRDF-claimable training programs: The HRDF (Human Resource Development Fund) is a government initiative that allows employers to utilize their levy contribution to train their employees. Trainers with HRDC-TTT certification are eligible to conduct training programs under HRDF schemes, making them valuable assets to companies seeking to upskill or reskill their workforce.
  • Offer independent corporate training services: If you possess entrepreneurial spirit, the HRDC-TTT certificate allows you to become a freelance trainer and offer your services indirectly (via approved HRD Training Provider) to companies seeking corporate training solutions.

C) Vocational Training Operation @ VTO

Vocational Training Operation (VTO) has always been the preferred skills trainer certificate by many in the skills industry, including but not limited to the cosmetology, automotive, IT, hospitality, office administration, early childhood etc.

It was high in demand due to it being a compulsory vocational trainer certification for the appointment as an Assessor@PP in ALL the JPK Accredited centres that offers skills@TVET courses, leading to a Malaysian Skills Certificate@Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia.

Trainer Certificate - VTO (Eng)

However, VTO NOSS has been phased out beginning July 2022. You also cannot apply for VTO skills trainer certificate any more via Recognition of Prior Learning@Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT) with your years of technical training experience. 

Nevertheless, you can still attend VTO* course for now (last year). You need to attend a 6 mths, part time course followed by a 6 mths internship at a JPK Accredited training centre. 

Pre-requisite: Must have a SKM3 in any field.

*VTO certification is still recognised as a qualification for the appointment of Assessor@PP in JPK Accredited centre (Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB).

D) TVET Instruction @ TVETi

As we move on to a more digital era, especially post COVID, certain delivery of training are going digital. Hence, TVETi (Level 4) is an upgrade of VTO (Level 3) whereby 2 new Competency Units (CU) replaced some CU in VTO NOSS (refer to the table below (highlighted in red):
CU2 – WA 3&4 (WIM) and
CU4 – Digital Training Implementation 

If you still want to apply for a skills trainer certificate@TVET-i via the training experience method, you need to have the following: 

  1. More than 5 years of skills training experience
  2. Pass SPM BM & Sejarah (if taken post 2013)
  3. Performed ALL the Work Activities listed in the TVET Instruction (TVET-i) NOSS during your years of training experience (refer to the charts below)

If you do not fulfill the above requirement, the only choice you have is to attend the 1 year VTO course (part time) or TVET-i course full time (9 months in CIAST & it’s satellite campuses around Malaysia)

Do You Really Need VTO/TVET-i Trainer Certificate?

But then, more importantly, you need to ask yourself, do you really need VTO or TVET-i certificate?

Many may not know, in fact, been misled by unscrupulous consultants, that it’s actually unnecessary to have a VTO or TVET-i skills trainer certificate, unless you want to be an Assessor/Pegawai Penilai (PP)* in any JPK Accredited centre (Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB)

* You also need to pair with your SKM3/DKM & PP-PPD-PPB induction cert to be appointed as PP.

If you just plan to teach any programs without issuing SKM certificate via a JPK Accredited centre, it is NOT COMPULSORY to have VTO or TVET-i skills trainer certificate. I know the industry has been somewhat brainwashed to obtain the VTO and now probably TVET-i cert (and being charged exorbitantly, almost double of what the VTO accredited centres are charging!).

E) NDTS Trainer

Another trainer certificate that is needed within the Malaysian Skills Certification System is the trainer appointed at National Dual Training System training centres that conducts theoretical training only.

Trainer Certificate - NDTS Trainer Training Programme

Choosing your Trainer Certificate

The best trainer certificate for you depends on your career aspirations and target audience:

  • For general training: NCS-TTT offers a broad foundation.
  • For corporate training: HRDC-TTT (which includes NCS-TTT, since it can be exempted) specializes in the corporate setting.
  • For vocational training:
    a) NCS-TTT for Modular@Micro Credential certification programs
    b) VTO or TVETi for SKM/DKM/DLKM certification programs
    c) NDTS Trainer for theoretical training in a NDTS setup.

Remember: When choosing your trainer certificate, consider your career goals, target audience and budget. Consult with training providers (preferably accredited by Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) and/or registered with Human Resource Development Corporation (HRDC), like ISE Education Sdn Bhd) and industry professionals to gain further insights and make an informed decision.

What are you waiting for? Call or Whatsapp NOW for final clarification before deciding on which trainer certificate to obtain!

Master the Art of Training: Train the Trainer Certification in Malaysia

Train the Trainer Certification in Malaysia is offered by three main governmental bodies, namely Human Resource Development Corporation, Department of Skills Development and Department of Occupational Safety & Healthy.

In general, Train the Trainer Certification in Malaysia is a program designed for trainers who want to enhance their skills in designing, developing, and delivering effective training programs.

In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of Train the Trainer Certification in Malaysia, the benefits of the program, and how to choose the right certification course.

Table of Contents:

I. Importance of Train the Trainer Certification in Malaysia
II. Benefits of Train the Trainer Certification
III. How to choose the right Train the Trainer Certification Course
IV. Conclusion

I. Importance of Train the Trainer Certification in Malaysia

Train the Trainer Certification in Malaysia is essential for anyone who wants to become a successful trainer. The certification program provides trainers with the necessary knowledge and skills to design, develop, and deliver effective training programs. Train the Trainer Certification is also important for those who are looking to enhance their career prospects in the field of training and development.

II. Benefits of Train the Trainer Certification:

  1. Enhance Training Skills: Train the Trainer Certification program provides trainers with the necessary skills to design and deliver effective training programs.
  2. Increase Employability: With Train the Trainer Certification, trainers can improve their chances of getting hired by reputable organizations.
  3. Stay Up-to-Date: The certification program ensures that trainers are up-to-date with the latest training techniques and best practices.
  4. Improve Training Outcomes: Trainers who have undergone Train the Trainer Certification can deliver high-quality training programs that improve the learning outcomes of participants.

III. How to choose the right Train the Trainer Certification Course:

  1. Accreditation: Choose a certification course that is accredited by a reputable organization. In Malaysia, the three main governmental bodies is Human Resource Development Corporation, Department of Skills Development & Department of Occupational Safety & Health.
  2. Course Content: Look for a certification course that covers the latest training techniques and best practices.
  3. Trainer Experience: Choose a certification course that is delivered by experienced trainers.
  4. Mode of Delivery: Choose a certification course that is delivered in a mode that suits your schedule and learning preferences.
Train the Trainer Certification : NCS vs HRD vs OSH


Train the Trainer Certification is a vital program for anyone who wants to become a successful trainer in Malaysia. The certification program provides trainers with the necessary skills to design, develop, and deliver effective training programs. To choose the right certification course, consider the accreditation, course content, trainer experience, mode of delivery, and cost. With the right certification, trainers can enhance their skills, increase their employability, stay up-to-date, and improve training outcomes.


1. What is Train the Trainer Certification?

Train the Trainer Certification in Malaysia is a program designed for trainers who want to enhance their skills in designing, developing, and delivering effective training programs.

2. Why is Train the Trainer Certification important?

Train the Trainer Certification is important for anyone who wants to become a successful trainer. The certification program provides trainers with the necessary knowledge and skills to design, develop, and deliver effective training programs.

i) HRD Corp-TTT certification
Required to be a HRD Corp Accredited Trainer that will allow your training programs to be claimable by HRD Corp registered employers.

Train The Trainer Course - HRDCorp TTT Exemption

ii) NCS-TTT certification
Required to be an Assessor for Modular Programs in JPK Accredited centre.

Can also apply for HRD Corp – TTT cert exemption but not vice versa.

Train The Trainer Certification - NCS-TTT

iii) OSH TTT certification
Required by all trainers responsible for OSH 

Can also apply for HRD Corp – TTT cert exemption but not vice versa.

Train The Trainer Certification - OSH

Application for exemption: NCS-TTT, OSH-TTT and HRD Corp-TTT

Train the Trainer Certification - HRDCTTT exemption

3. Who should undergo Train the Trainer Certification?

Managers, executives, trainers, instructors and basically anyone who wants to:
i) Enhance their career prospects in the field of training and development
ii) Enhance their competencies in Curriculum Development, Training Delivery, Assessment and Evaluation
iii) Become a successful trainer in Malaysia 

i) HRD Corp-TTT – All trainers conducting HRD Claimable courses

ii) NCS-TTT – All Assessors (PP-M) for Modular programmes only

iii) All trainers responsible for Occupational Safety & Healthy (OSH)

4. What are the benefits of Train the Trainer Certification?

The benefits of Train the Trainer Certification include enhancing training skills, increasing employability, staying up-to-date with the latest training techniques and best practices, and improving training outcomes.

5. How long does it take to complete Train the Trainer Certification?

The duration of Train the Trainer course is 5 days, with an additional day for assessment for NCS-TTT course.

6. What is the cost of Train the Trainer Certification in Malaysia?

The cost of Train the Trainer Certification in Malaysia varies depending on the type of TTT and also the institution offering the program.

7. What is the mode of delivery for Train the Trainer Certification? Train the Trainer

Courses can be delivered in either classroom-based or remote learning@online.

8. What is covered in Train the Trainer Certification courses?

1. HRD Corp-TTT
Module 1: Plan Adult Learning
  • Fundamentals of adult learning and training
  • Principles of adult learning
  • Competent trainers characteristics
  • Ethics guide for trainers
Module 2: Conduct Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
  • Overview of Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
  • TNA Methods
  • Competency Gap Analysis
  • Outcomes of TNA
Module 3: Design Competency Based Training Program
  • Program requirements
  • Training resources development
  • Training design development
Module 4: Conduct Competency Based Training Program
  • Methods of training delivery
  • Presentation and facilitation skills
  • Learning supports
  • Session plan
Module 5: Assess Participant’s Competence
  • Introduction to Competency Based Assessment
  • Introduction to assessment
  • Types of assessment
  • Assessment administration


3. OSH-TTT Competency Based Training Programme

Module 1: Training Environment
i. Introduction to OSH Train the Trainer Competency Based Programme.
ii. Work Effectively in Education and Training.
iii. Foster and Promote an Inclusive Learning Culture.
iv. Ensure a Healthy and Safe Learning Environment

Module 2: Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
i. TNA Terminology.
ii. Levels of TNA.
iii. TNA Requirement.
iv. Personal TNA Development.

Module 3: Designing and Delivering Training
i. Provide Training Through Instruction and Demonstration of Work Skills.

Module 4: Basic Assessment
i. Plan and Organise Assessment and Assess Competence.
ii. Preparation of Presentation Document.

How can I choose the right Train the Trainer Certification course?

To choose the right Train the Trainer Certification course, consider the accreditation, course content, trainer experience, mode of delivery, and cost.

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No SPM certificate - Register for TVET Course
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