Tag Archives: TVET

Dr M urges major industry players to support TVET

PUTRAJAYA: The government has called on Malaysia’s major industry players to support its technical and vocational education and training (TVET) agenda.

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the government recognises TVET as one of the keys in the country’s aspiration to become a developed nation.

“Graduates from TVET programmes that are joint ventures between public TVET institutions and multinational companies have proven to be successful, where almost 90% of TVET graduates have been able to get a job after graduation.

“Because of this, the major players such as public and private TVET institutes should get out of their comfort zone and find effective solutions.

Dr Mahathir added that producing more skilled manpower would reduce the country’s dependence on foreign workers.

“The government will continue to strive to enhance the capacity of Malaysian youths in TVET to ensure the needs of high technology industries can be met by local workers.

“This will also change the labour market in which the government can prioritise producing more highly skilled jobs that offer high income.

“This is in line with our efforts to attract high quality investments to this country,” said Dr Mahathir.

Later, Dr Mahathir engaged in a dialogue session with chief executives of the industry. Also present was Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran.

The theme of the two-day conference is “Human Capital Development to Enhance Future Skills Agenda”.

Source: www.thestar.com.my

Peluang graduan TVET di Offshore – Gaji Lumayan?

Graduan TVET di offshore

Kehidupan dan cabaran di offshore

Bekerja di offshore (pelantar minyak) tak sama dengan bekerja di tempat-tempat biasa. Berjauhan dengan keluarga, anak bini serta girlfriend, kerja 12 jam sehari start jam 6.30 pagi sampai le jam 6.30 petang. Pergerakkan pun terbatas, banyak regulation yang kena patuhi.

Tentang safety pulak, number one. Sesetengah platform Petronas langsung tidak benarkan personnel keluar dari living quarters kalau tak pakai coverall, sebab safety. Mercury hazard Dan Hidrogen sulfida. Platform Supervisor ada hak untuk hantar balik pada sesiapa yang langgar safety regulation. Kena pakai PPE atau personnel protective equipment setiap masa sewaktu bekerja, kalau after working hour sekalipun kena pakai kalau keluar dari living quarters. Living quarters – tempat makan minum, tengok tv, mandi, rehat dan tidur.

Nak ke offshore pun perlu jalan urine test terlebih dulu, mana-mana personnel yang positive, minta maaf sila balik rumah, offshore bukan tempat untuk penagih. Sekarang Petronas dah kuat kuasakan peraturan ni di sebelah east coast ni. Mana-mana personnel yang nak ke Petronas platform mesti urine test dulu sebelum naik chopper. ExxonMobil, Talisman dan lain-lain buat masa ni belum start lagi.

Risiko pun tinggi, ombak besar, angin kencang, kerja-kerja yang dijalankan semuanya kerja yang robust. Takde kerja yang takde risiko. Life di offshore perlu alert 24 jam. Masih berminat nak bekerja di offshore ke?

Kelayakkan untuk bekerja di offshore

Bukan semua orang boleh atau layak untuk bekerja di offshore. Hanya mereka yang betul-betul fit dibenarkan berada di atas platform, mat fit tidak digalakkan sama sekali.

Turun dari platform to boat
Basic requirement untuk bekerja di pelantar minyak.

Berusia at least 18 tahun ke atas – biasanya lepasan SPM lah. Sementara nak tunggu result tu ok juga cari pengalaman. Masalahnya sukar juga nak dapatkan company yang nak recruit worker yang tidak pernah ada pengalaman bekerja ni. Paling mudah gi register kat INSTEP – Institut Teknologi Petronas. Lawat web dia kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut. Tak jauh pun, area Batu Rakit Kuala Terengganu jer.
Institut Teknologi PETRONAS (INSTEP – Batu Rakit Campus)
Lot 9764, Mukim Batu Rakit,
21020, Kuala Terengganu,
Terengganu Darul Iman,
Tel: 609 – 669 6141
Fax: 609 – 669 6702
Email: instep@petronas.com.my

Kalau dah grad dari INSTEP, ada rezeki boleh bekerja dengan di Petronas ataupun ExxonMobil platform. Tapi kalau kena hantar kat onshore macam di Onshore Gas Terminal, Paka ka.. nasib lah.

Safety Passport – Conpulsory, wajib. Bagaimana nak dapatkan safety passport ni. … kalau di sebelah pantai timur ni, TSTC menawarkan berbagai course untuk workers. Ada berpuluh-puluh courses di sini tetapi yang wajib untuk bekerja di offshore :

Basic sea survival course
HUET – Helicopter underwater escape training
Fire fighting
Untuk bekerja di sebelah platform Petronas, anda perlu ada 4 courses. ExxonMobil setakat ini mewajibkan 3 courses. So tanpa course ini anda tidak akan dapat passport, takde passport maaf anda tidak dibenarkan

Walau bagaimanapun kalau anda seorang VIP, kalau takde anda maka kerja tak boleh buat, masih ada peluang untuk anda terlepas untuk sekali namun bergantung kepada keadaan.

Berapa ribu ringgit Malaysia? Untuk 4 courses ini ada perlu ada RMX,XXX.XX. Anda boleh contact TSTC atau layari website dia orang.

Terengganu Safety Training Center Sdn Bhd
3572, Jalan Panchur,
Kawasan Perindustrian Teluk Kalong,
24000 Kemaman
Terengganu Darul Iman
Tell : 09-8623300
Fax : 09-8623302

Physically fit – Macam aku terangkan di atas, hanya personnel yang fit sahaja yang boleh bekerja di sana, yang jenis lemah lembik dinasihatkan tak perlu memohon lah. Alasan aku, kita akan bekerja di sebuah tempat yang kotor, bahaya, cuaca yang tak menentu atau ringkasnya kerja-kerja yang memerlukan kekuatan fizikal dan mental.
Everything nak cepat, kalau lambat panas lah telinga. Begitu juga dengan crew-crew otai yang dah lama bekerja di sana, ada yang hampir 30 tahun! So puak-puak otai ni ada yang kasar ada yang sebaliknya. Kalau dapat bekerja dengan satu team yang baik tu ok lah, kalau puak yang satu lagi tu, alamat nak kena demob je lah.

Demob – balik ke onshore, atau back to town.

Mentallity Fit – Kalau cepat terasa hati, suka menangis, cepat tersentuh atau apa saja peel yang sewaktu dengan kaum hawa tu sekali lagi dinasihatkan tak perlu apply lah. Sebab, sendiri mau ingat kita nak bekerja di pelantar minyak nun di tengah laut, bukannya di kedai salun rambut.
Medical check-up – Anda perlu jalani medical check-up terlebih dahulu, x-ray apa-apa yang patut. Jantung OK, paru-paru OK, mata OK dan semuanya OK. Kalau semua OK boleh jalan terus.
So ini lah serba sedikit BASIC requirement untuk bekerja di offshore.

Jawatan Yang Ditawarkan

List di sini mungkin tidak lengkap, tetapi ini adalah antara regular position yang ada di offshore.

Helper – kalau bahasa kasarnya kuli, macam aku lah. Helper task dia membantu sesiapa sahaja yang perlukan bantuan, tak kira apa task sekalipun. Kerja biasanya lebih kepada nak memudahkan kerja-kerja orang lain, termasuklah tukang angkat spannar, bersihkan working area dan housekeeping. Ramai adik-adik lepasan SPM yang apply kerja ni.
Estimated Salary : RM40.00-RM50.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Rigger – Atas sikit dari helper, nak jadi rigger pun kena join rigging course, bukan boleh pakai redah jer. Tasknya lebih kepada ringging job, lasak, seperti menarik dan menolak bebanan yang berat yang biasanya crane tak boleh operate. Kelebihan untuk mereka yang bertubuh sasa, mat fit tak sesuai.
Estimated Salary : RM80.00-RM100.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Rigger Scaffolder – Rigger juga tetapi specialize dalam erect scaffolding, bahasa baku panggil perancah, tapi jangan ler sesekali sebut perencah kat offshore, nanti kena gelak dik. Tugasnya erect scaffolding untuk jadikan access platform dan panjat tempat tinggi menggunakan safety hardness.
Estimated Salary : RM80.00-RM120.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Fitter – Fitter kerjanya fit up weld steel pipe atau structure, biasanya satu team dengan welder.
Estimated Salary : RM90.00-RM130.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Welder -Welder, tugasnya menyambung pipe atau structure yang telah di fit up oleh fitter. Post ni boleh tahan, kalau banyak “lesen” boleh buat duit banyak. Lesen ni datangnya dari Welder Qualification Test (WQT) .. haaa translate la sendiri, memang dah gitu term nya. Kalau banyak lesen dipanggil multi skill, boleh weld material carbon steel, stainless steel, duplex, cuni etc ler. Orang kampung aku cakap juruteri.. wahaha.
Estimated Salary : RM100.00-RM300.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Blaster – Blaster kerjanya blasts metal surface dengan menggunakan blasting equipment sebelum painter paints sesuatu surface, pipe ke structure ke.. mana-mana lah. Pakaian macam orang nak kebulan, rimas la sikit. Perlu ada IMM courses.
Estimated Salary : RM70.00-RM90.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Painter – Painter pulak sambung kerja yang blaster dah buat, dia apply paint pada surface tu. Sama la kena pakai pakaian ke bulan jugak. Perlu ada IMM courses.
Estimated Salary : RM70.00-RM90.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Electrician – Nama pun electrician, kerja-kerja berkenaan dengan electric di platform.
Estimated Salary : RM100.00-RM120.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Instrument Fitter – Instrument fitter tasksnya berkenaan dengan bahagian instrument, process, tubing etc. Rilex jer kerja ni, tak berat langsung.
Estimated Salary : RM90.00-RM100.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Crane Operator – Operate platform crane.. huii kena ada course ni, kalau boleh bawak crane di onshore belum tentu boleh bawak crane di offshore.
Estimated Salary : RMxx.00-RMxx.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Roustabout –
Driller/Assistant Driller
Toolpusher –
Storeman –
Mud Logger –
Production Operator –
Maintenance personnel –
Catering staff –

Professional posts – Graduates from Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, Geology, Geophysics and Petroleum Engineering courses are all of interest to offshore companies in exploration and production activities such as:

Geologists and Geophysicists
Reservoir engineers
Drilling engineers
Petroleum engineers

Kredit artikel penulisan: www.offshoreman.net

Komen: Jika anda dah dalam bidang O&G dan nak dipersijilkan (Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia, Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia atau Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia), anda boleh rujuk DAFTAR NOSS JPK untuk lihat samada standard pekerjaan telah dibangunkan ke belum. Kalau dah ada, mohon SKM/DKM/DLKM anda melalui PPT.

Dan jika anda ada pengalaman kerja melebihi 10 tahun dalam bidang kemahiran anda, bolehlah pertimbangkan untuk dilantik sebagai Personal Penilai & Verifikasi.

Kursus induksi seperti PP-PPT & PPL selama 2 hari boleh melayakkan anda untuk dilantik, selain SKM & pengalaman kerja (>>10 tahun).

Jika anda ingin menjadi underwater welder pula, ini adalah maklumat kursus untuk pertimbagngan anda.

Kursus underwater welding

🔸 Harga Yuran Kursus :
1) Commercial Diving Level 1 = RM12,000.00
2) Commercial Diving Level 2 = RM12,000.00
3) Underwater Welding & Underwater Cutting = RM24,000.00
Jumlah penuh ialah RM48,000.00.

HARGA ROMOSI 2020 RM42,000.00

Kursus mengambil masa 3 bulan atau lebih (Full Time/Sepenuh Masa)

Pembayaran yuran penuh boleh dilakukan secara berperingkat (sepanjang 3 bulan dalam tempoh latihan)

🔹Kos yuran termasuk pakej :
1) Penginapan homestay
2) Makan & minum
3) Nota Pelajaran
4) Pensijilan
5) Logbook Official
6) Pakaian untuk latihan disediakan (Coverall & TShirt Weldzone Official).

Kursus Aqua Jet Underwater Blasting & Underwater Painting akan diberikan secara PERCUMA didalama silibus pelajaran dan praktikal. Kursus percuma ini diberikan jika pelajar mengambil kursus penuh sahaja (Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3) – (Selagi promosi masih sah sahaja)

Deposit RM5000 untuk :
1) Diving Medical Check Up (1 Hari di Ipoh, Perak)
2) First Aid Class
3) Scuba Diving

📌 Syarat Kelayakan untuk menyertai :
1) Warganegara perlu menyediakan salinan kad pengenalan depan / belakang.
2) Warga luar (Foreigner) salinan passport.
3) Berumur 18 tahun ke atas.
4) Sihat tubuh badan (tiada penyakit kronik asma, semput dll)
5) Mampu membaca, menulis, membuat kiraan matematik asas.
6) Keadaan kewangan yang mencukupi untuk memasuki latihan, untuk mengelakkan penangguhan bayaran yuran kursus serta penerimaan lesen dan sijil.

Pengiktirafan sijil dan lesen :

Pusat Latihan

  • diiktiraf oleh International Technical Diving Agency (Europe) bagi ASIA
  • ahli PETRONAS yang berdaftar dan sah
  • memiliki sijil keahlian IMCA 2017-2018
  • diiktiraf oleh AWS & Bureau Veritas
  • Sijil bertaraf ‘Worldwide’ dan ‘International”

Report: Nearly one-third of manufacturing workers have a bachelor’s

Photo for illustration purpose only

Dive Brief:

  • About one-third of manufacturing workers holds a bachelor’s degree in 2016, up from only 8% in 1970, according to a new report from Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce. Meanwhile, the share of workers with a high school degree or less shrunk from 79% to 43% over the same time period. 
  • Manufacturing employs about 12.6 million workers, down from a high of nearly 20 million in 1979. Automation has displaced millions of workers and taken over many routine tasks, causing more manufacturing positions to require or degree or credential. 
  • The center projects that the sector will shed 2% of its workers with a high school diploma or less by 2027. There will be 200,000 fewer “good jobs” — or those that make at least $35,000 — for those with bachelor’s degrees, but 300,000 more good jobs for workers with middle skills.  

When it comes to evaluating mass notification solutions, where should you start? First, it is important to understand the technology, what it can do for your organization and how it works.

Dive Insight:

The research further supports two well-documented trends: the dramatic narrowing of the job market in manufacturing and the growing need for postsecondary training for industry jobs – particularly through associate degrees and credentials.

However, even the number of good manufacturing jobs available to workers without a bachelor’s degree has been dwindling, from 7.2 million in 1991 to 4.8 million in 2016. Meanwhile, middle-skill jobs, or those where workers have more than a high school education but less than a bachelor’s degree, account for some of the biggest growth in the sector. For example, the number of associate degree-holders with good manufacturing jobs grew to 1 million in 2016.

The center notes that nondegree credentials also boost the chances that manufacturing workers will get a good job, regardless of their level of education. Having a certification or license, for example, improves the chances that workers with a high school diploma will find a good manufacturing job by 18 percentage points.

Many have lauded credentials a way to quickly upskill workers for the ever-changing needs of the job market. And indeed, research from the Lumina Foundation and the Strada Education Network found that those with nondegree credentials are more likely to report having a full-time job than those without credentials.  

As such, the credential marketplace have been growing, with even soft skills on offer at some universities. There’s also been a growing call for universities to embed certifications within their degree programs. That way, the thinking goes, colleges can keep their curriculum current and give students proof of in-demand skills before they graduate. 

The Lumina Foundation has found value in the approach but notes that such efforts haven’t been closely monitored for their effect on labor market outcomes. It may, however, prove to be one way for colleges to better meet the needs of U.S. employers, who often voice their difficulty with finding skilled workers.

Source: www.educationdive.com

Comment: Likewise, technical and vocational graduates or commonly known as TVET in Malaysia, should pursue a Bachelor or Masters degree in order to be able to scale higher in their career or business. It’s no more a dream for TVET graduates, despite not having SPM or poor SPM results, to further their studies beyond Diploma (whether it’s Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) or Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM)).

There are now 5 public technical universities that’s officially accepting TVET diploma holders.
Many may not be aware that some private universities have also been accepting these TVET diploma holders (without or with poor SPM results) but soon (perhaps another month or so), an official announcement would be made to provide a second chance to these group of technically inclined graduates who may not excel academically.

If you want to know more about the opportunity available for you to pursue a Bachelor or Masters Degree as a TVET graduate, you may APPLY HERE

Lepasan TVET digalak sambung pengajian

Lepasan TVET digalak sambung pengajian
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) menjadi universiti kelima yang menerima lepasan pelajar Diploma Institusi Latihan Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (ILJTM).

KOTA BHARU: Lepasan diploma program Pendidikan Teknikal dan Latihan Vokasional (TVET) digalakkan menyambung pengajian kemahiran ke peringkat sarjana muda yang ditawarkan universiti tempatan.

Timbalan Menteri Sumber Manusia Datuk Mahfuz Omar berkata pelbagai universiti tempatan kini menawarkan pengajian ijazah yang bersesuaian melalui kerjasama dengan Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (JTM) dalam usaha memperkasa TVET.

“Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) menjadi universiti kelima yang menerima lepasan pelajar Diploma Institusi Latihan Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (ILJTM).

“Sebelum ini, tawaran pengajian Ijazah ini dijalankan di bawah rangkaian Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan gabungan empat universiti iaitu Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) dan Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP),” katanya ketika ditemui pada majlis menandatangani Perjanjian Persefahaman (MoU) antara UMK dan JTM di UMK Kampus Bachok di sini hari ini.

Mahfuz menyaksikan pemeteraian MoU itu yang ditandatangani Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Tenaga Manusia, Datuk Muhd Khair Razman Mohamed Annuar dan Naib Canselor UMK, Prof Dr Noor Azizi Ismail.

MoU selama tiga tahun itu bermatlamat untuk membolehkan graduan diploma melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat lebih tinggi.

Katanya, penawaran itu antara lain memberi peluang kepada pelajar kemahiran mendapat pekerjaan yang lebih baik dengan pendapatan yang lebih tinggi.

“Kerjasama sebegini membentuk semula keyakinan ibu bapa terhadap bidang TVET, kalau dulu tidak berapa yakin dengan pendidikan bidang kemahiran, kini pelajar boleh sambung pengajian hingga ke peringkat ijazah sarjana muda.

“Cuma kita mahu graduan TVET ini mencipta peluang pekerjaan baru atau mencipta produk,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, kerjasama bagi tempoh tiga tahun itu juga merangkumi kerjasama kedua-dua pihak dalam perkongsian teoritikal, teknikal dan praktikal dalam bidang teknik dan vokasional.

“Antara bidang pengajian yang jadi tumpuan kita pula di bidang pemasaran internet, sebab mahu memenuhi keperluan industri dalam menghadapi arus Gelombang Revolusi Perindustrian Keempat (IR 4.0).

“TVET bukan hanya kemahiran teknikal tapi kita juga seiringkan kemahiran lain seperti sektor pertanian yang kita pertingkatkan menggunakan teknologi semasa sebab itu kita juga mahu kementerian lain seperti Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri (MITI) untuk bawa pelaburan yang boleh mengguna pakai kemahiran yang dimilik pelajar TVET,” katanya.



Sekarang dah ada  5 Universiti tempatan (IPTA) yang menerima graduan diploma TVET secara rasmi.
Namun, ramai lagi yang tidak tahu bahawa sesetengah Universiti Swasta (IPTS) juga menerima lepasan sijil/diploma TVET (tanpa atau dengan keputusan SPM yang lemah).

Sabar, akan ada pengumuman rasmi dalam masa terdekat (mungkin dalam masa sebulan dua ni), untuk memberi peluang kedua untuk anda yang berkecenderungan teknikal dan tidak menyerlah secara akademik. 

Jika anda ingin tahu tentang peluang yang ada untuk anda sambung ke Ijazah Bachelor atau Masters sebagai seorang graduan TVET, anda boleh MOHON SINI

Look at bigger picture, says Maszlee

Photo for representation only

KUALA LUMPUR: MORE than 5,000 technical and vocational education and training (TVET) courses and science courses offered by universities, polytechnics and technical universities have not been taken up.

Although those courses have greater job prospects, students are not enrolling in those classes.

They include sustainability science, applied plant science, forest resource technology, product development technology, natural resources science, agribusiness, applied physics, industrial chemical technology and business engineering.

Since 2017, 1,251 courses in public universities have been suspended or cancelled. This number is almost 30 per cent of the total courses offered in public universities.

“Maybe it’s not ‘sexy’ enough, but students don’t understand that those courses allow them to be employed even before they graduate,” said Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik in an interview with the New Straits Times Press.

He cited the cybersecurity course offered by Politeknik Mersing, where students could gain employment even before graduating.

“But when it comes to TVET courses, people do not understand as it is a term that explains everything under the sun, and it may be too vast.

Kolej Vokasional Setapak fashion students staging a show in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, recently. FILE PIC

“What I like to emphasise is that there are jobs available in those courses.”

He also said the number of non-Bumiputera students enrolling in polytechnics and technical institutions was very low, and many were focused on entering matriculation and public universities.

“It’s (matriculation) not the only path. We have Form Six, polytechnics, diploma studies and the Teachers’ Education Institute, which do not have any quota. So now, we want others to look at the bigger picture.”

However, Maszlee said there were weaknesses in the ministry’s steps to disseminate information and guide people through the options. In April, he had said the ministry was looking into rebranding TVET programmes, and this included the possibility of changing its name to a more appealing one.

He said the ministry would make TVET a mainstream education choice for students because they viewed it only as a second option and believed it might not help them much in the future.

Source: www.nst.com.my

Comment: Poor public perception aside, I think following are few other issues:
1. The Education Ministry & Human Resource Ministry has not been promoting enough about TVET courses & it’s future & more importantly, effectively.
2. If I’m not mistaken, entrance requirements to these universities, polytechnics and technical universities still requires a pass in SPM BM & History or 3 credits. This actually deprives many SKM or DKM holders who may not qualify academically but yet they are the ones that are inclined to further their study in these technical courses.

Manpower Department aims to produce more skilled workers

produce more skilled workers
Picture for representation only

SHAH ALAM: The Manpower Department (Jabatan Tenaga Manusia) aims to produce more skilled workers than its present 28%.

“We need to reach the target of 35% by 2020,“ said its director-general, Datuk Muhd Khair Razman Mohamed Annuar.

He believes they will be able to meet the target through their Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes.

Muhd Khair said, currently they were in smart partnerships with private entities which conducts TVET programmes.

“Presently, there are 565 TVET public institutions under six ministries, while the private entities have over 600 institutions,“ he told theSun today after attending the Monfort Boys Town’s graduation ceremony.

“This is why the partnership with private TVET institutions is important. In order to produce a bigger percentage of skilled workers, it is vital for both private and public TVET institutions to work closely with us.

“Though TVET focuses on the technical, electronic, electrical, civil engineering, ICT, but we will diversify to hospitality courses soon, because it is a platform that nurtures the interest of the youth.

“In the long term, we want graduates to become entrepreneurs, where they can apply for funding from the skilled development corporate fund when they have undergone the programmes and obtained a certificate,“ he said.

He added that even after the graduates are working, they can upgrade their skills through the institutions recognised by the department.

“We have 32 institutions under the Manpower Department – the industrial training institutes, the Japan Technical Institute in Penang, and advanced technologies centres, which besides running full-time courses, also organise short courses to cater for working adults. Our institutions are open to 11pm.”

Muhd Khair said TVET graduates are equally competent as compared with other graduates from various colleges and universities.

Source: https://www.thesundaily.my

For whatever reasons that you can’t find the courses offered at TVET public institutions or you just prefer private entities that may be in a more strategic location or offer up to date courses, you may want to submit your interest here.

Cari formula supaya pekerja tidak ‘lari’ selepas ikuti latihan kemahiran – Kula Segaran

Cari formula supaya pekerja tidak 'lari' selepas ikuti latihan kemahiran - Kula Segaran
Kula Segaran mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Majlis Penasihat Buruh Kebangsaan, di Putrajaya, pada Isnin. Astro AWANI

Majikan disaran mewujudkan perjanjian bagi memastikan pekerja tidak meninggalkan syarikat selepas menjalani latihan bagi meningkatkan kemahiran diri.

Menteri Sumber Manusia M Kula Segaran berkata perlu ada formula bagi ‘mengikat’ pekerja untuk jangka masa tertentu supaya prestasi sesebuah syarikat tidak terjejas selepas menghantar pekerja mengikuti latihan kemahiran.

“Setengah majikan beritahu saya, mereka tidak mahu menghantar pekerja mendapatkan latihan kerana apabila mereka pulang, gaji perlu dinaikkan dan ada juga yang akan berhenti kerja selepas dihantar menjalani latihan kemahiran industri.

“Saya beri cadangan supaya majikan perlu menandatangani perjanjian dengan pekerja. Jika pekerja dihantar menjalani latihan, mereka perlu datang semula kepada syarikat untuk berkhidmat, umpama ‘mengikat’ pekerja selepas diberi latihan.

“Amat menyedihkan buat majikan jika pekerja meninggalkan syarikat selepas dihantar mendapatkan latihan, kerana ia akan menjejaskan perniagaan dan sebagainya,” katanya pada sidang media selepas mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Majlis Penasihat Buruh Kebangsaan, di sini, hari ini.

Menurutnya, formula kerajaan yang menaja pelajar mendapat pengajian luar negara boleh digunapakai pihak majikan untuk memastikan pekerja mereka ‘setia’ untuk terus berkhidmat

Dalam pada itu, Kula Segaran turut menekankan mengenai kepentingan memacu dasar Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional (TVET) negara bagi meningkatkan kemahiran (up-skilling dan re-skilling) pelajar serta tenaga kerja sedia ada.

Ia katanya, selaras dengan hasrat kerajaan untuk meningkatkan tenaga mahir kepada 35 peratus menjelang 2020, berbanding hanya pada kadar 28 peratus sekarang.

Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, beliau memaklumkan telah mencadangkan kepada Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (JTM) supaya membuka pusat latihan kemahiran di institusi TVET dari jam 5.30 petang hingga 11 malam, bukan pada waktu kerja biasa dari 8 pagi hingga 5 petang.

“Ini bagi memenuhi keperluan melatih tenaga kerja sedia ada. Dan jika ia berjaya dilaksanakan, ia mampu meningkatkan gaji sedia ada sebanyak 10 hingga 20 peratus,” jelasnya.

Terdahulu, Kula Segaran ditanya berhubung isu gaji minimum, sama ada kerajaan Pakatan Harapan (PH) dapat memberi jaminan ia akan ditingkatkan kepada RM1,500 seperti yang dijanjikan manifesto PH semasa Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14 (PRU14) lalu.

Mengulas perkara itu, Kula Segaran berkata, isu peningkatan gaji minimum perlu diperhalusi supaya majikan dan pekerja mendapat situasi menang-menang.

Sumber: http://www.astroawani.com

Komen: Betul ke formula penajaan pelajar mendapat pengajian luar negara boleh digunapakai pihak majikan untuk mengikat pekerja mereka? Pada pendapat min, pelajar kerja dengan kerajaan sebab anggap ia pekerjaan yang stabil tapi di pihak swasta, pekerja masih cenderung berkhidmat di syarikat lain bila dapat tawaran yang lebih baik setelah mereka dilatih/dipersijilkan.
Min berpendapat formula pakej penggajian yang lebih baik adalah strategi yang paling baik supaya pekerja tak tinggalkan syarikat sedia ada & kerja di syarikat lain setelah mendapat latihan/persijilan baru. Tapi, ini pula menyebabkan majikan berfikir, mengapa pula nak belanja dua kali?
Pertama, kos yuran latihan, kedua, kena tambah gaji pula lepas tu. Sekiranya produktiviti pekerja meningkat jauh melebihi kedua-dua kos ni, berbaloilah tapi min rasa kebiasaannya tidak.
Apa pendapat anda pula?

Attain professional diplomas in business leadership or hospitality leadership at BTVET

Students interested in attaining globally recognised American professional business and hospitality qualifications can now apply for the Professional Diploma in International Business Leadership or Professional Diploma in Hospitality Leadership courses at BERJAYA TVET College (BTVET).

BTVET is the first vocational and professional institution to offer American Hospitality Academy (AHA) professional diploma certification courses in Malaysia.

Both these courses address concerns related to leadership, cultural diversity, technology and interpersonal skills, all which are vital skills needed in the global workplace. Those who sign up will have an edge as they will learn to develop skills in leadership and management, attain positive attitudes and work ethics, and grow a sense of responsibility and desire to excel towards becoming effective business communicators with multicultural supervisory capabilities.

On completion of the courses, students will be able to play their roles in the workforce in a professional manner and deliver quality products and/or services, while inspiring and motivating industry peers. They can look forward to working in a diverse working environment among employees from different backgrounds and cultures, and successfully lead the pack in today’s business and hospitality climate that is characterised by rapid change and globalisation.

Graduating students can expect to receive a certificate from both AHA and BTVET for each module. They will also be awarded an overall Professional Diploma on completion of all specified modules.

Said BTVET president, Kanendran T. Arulrajah: “AHA’s Professional Diplomas develop industry leaders to lead people to do the right thing, the right and effective way. It also recognises the importance in inspiring and motivating people of various backgrounds to achieve common business and hospitality goals.”

The collaborative effort between BTVET and AHA is said to resonate with a quote from John Quincy Adams – “If your action inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”

Henceforth, you may reach us at tvetuni@gmail.com or express your interest here, no obligation.

Workers can demand higher pay for better skills through TVET

Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran addresses the media after the National Labour Advisory Council Meeting in Putrajaya May 27, 2019. — Picture by Terence Tang
Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran addresses the media after the National Labour Advisory Council Meeting in Putrajaya May 27, 2019. — Picture by Terence Tang

PUTRAJAYA, May 27 — Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran today urged workers to take up technical and vocational training so they can push for higher salaries.

He said this was why the ministry proposed that technical vocational education and training (TVET) centres be opened from 5.30pm to 11pm, so that employees who are working full-time can attend the training after office hours.

“So if every worker in the country is skilled, even the janitors, those who are working (as cleaners) in the toilets, if they are properly skilled, you can command a good income,” Kulasegaran told reporters after the National Labour Advisory Council meeting here. 

He cited Singapore as an example where he claimed that various personnel there have earned certifications and can be highly trained.

“If Singapore can do it, there’s no reason why we cannot do it,” the minister asserted.

When asked if Pakatan Harapan could achieve its 2018 election promise of raising the minimum wage to RM1,500 monthly within its first term of office, Kulasegaran simply restated the coalition’s manifesto pledge of doing so “within this period”.

He also indicated that with increased skills, an employee’s income can rise from the minimum wage of RM1,100, for instance, to a higher pay.

Kulasegaran said that he has presented these initiatives to the government.

TVET Malaysia was launched by former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in September 2017 after a rebranding process. It provides a variety of vocational courses.

Source: https://www.malaymail.com