Tag Archives: VTO/I-031-3:2014

Percetakan sijil induksi JPK (PP-PPD-PPB/PP-PPT/PPL)

Sampel sijil induksi yang dicetak oleh pihak JPK sebelum ini

Percetakan sijil induksi JPK mulai tahun 2020

Untuk makluman semua, percetakan sijil induksi JPK (PP-PPD-PPB, PP-PPT & PPL) mulai tahun 2020 adalah diusahakan oleh peserta sendiri.
Ia boleh dicetak sendiri dari www.skkm.gov.my. Pihak JPK TIDAK AKAN CETAK lagi sijil induksi.

Itulah sebabnya semua peserta perlu daftar dalam sistem dulu, sebaik-baiknya 2 minggu sebelum tarikh kursus kerana perlu masa untuk disemak oleh pihak urusetia.

Anda boleh cetak sijil induksi anda setelah keputusan telah ada (biasanya 1-3 bulan lamanya) dan telah dikemaskini dalam www.skkm.gov.my. Kertas yang digunakan boleh je A4 70gm, 80gm, kadbod…. suka hati andalah.

Adakah ini akan menyebabkan isu sijil palsu berlaku? Ya, mungkin juga pada pendapat min. Jadi, nak tahu betul ke tak, perlu la juga semak dalam sistem skkm.gov.my nanti.

Apa komen anda?

Jangan adu pada admin ya, kami cuma maklumkan sahaja, bukannya pembuat keputusan
Daftar di www.skkm.gov.my untuk Induksi PP-PPT siri T1/02/2020 (ISE Education Sdn Bhd)
Daftar di www.skkm.gov.my untuk Induksi PP-PPD-PPB siri D1/02/2020 (ISE Education Sdn Bhd)

Selain daftar di skkm.gov.my, anda juga kena isi borang permohonan & buat bayaran kepada penganjur sebanyak RM350 atas Maybank 514589385943, ISE Education Sdn Bhd untuk pengesahan tempat.

Bagi yang ingin jadi Pegawai Penilai, pengambilan kursus VTO separa masa juga ada bulan Feb 2020. Daftar cepat sebab lepas ni, pengambilan Julai/Ogos pula.

Komitmen masa anda sebagai calon VTO separa masa:
360 jam: 6 bulan hujung minggu sahaja
720 jam: 6 bulan di PB program kemahiran anda

Empowering TVET among priorities of HR Ministry

Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran gives a speech at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre November 19, 2019. — Picture by Miera Zulyana
Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran gives a speech at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre November 19, 2019. — Picture by Miera Zulyana

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18 — Empowering Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) by developing a more relevant new policy in implementing TVET’s agenda in line with industry needs was part of the Ministry of Human Resources’s plan throughout 2019.

This was outlined in the Ministry of Human Resource’s 2019 achievement report to strengthen the various sectors under the ministry led by M. Kulasegaran, while also committed to championing the rights of workers in the country.

Touching on issues related to workers including skills upgrading, TVET education, security, law and others in the 32-page report card, the Ministry of Human Resources is committed towards improving every aspect in line with fulfilling the promises contained in the Pakatan Harapan’s manifesto.

With a RM5.9 billion allocation via the 2020 Budget to place TVET in the main stream in the country, the ministry has begun to take step by establishing the TVET Single Quality Assurance System to be used by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and the Department of Skills Development (JPK) for the purpose of coordinating, monitoring and strengthening the TVET sector.

According to Kulasegaran, the new system is responsible for accrediting TVET programmes offered by public and private TVET institutions based on the Second Edition Of The Malaysia Qualification Framework (MQF 2.0) which was approved at the MQA Council Meeting in December 2017.

“The implementation of TVET quality assurance programme by MQA and JPK will be made based on the TVET Programme Accreditation Code of Practice approved by the Cabinet Meeting on Jan 31, 2019,” he said.

In line with the latest trend of Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0 education or 4.0 era education, Kulasegaran said 35 National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) related to IR 4.0 were developed in 2018.

“To date, there are 42 NOSS related to IR 4.0 as a result of TVET’s National Master Plan Development Study towards a developed nation and the direction until 2030 will be used by policy makers in the process of reforming TVET implementation in Malaysia,” he said.
The efforts to empower the TVET field did not stop there when the ministry took the initiative to expand its field of study by signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Private Secondary School (SUWA) on May 23, 2019 at Kolej Universiti New Era in Kajang.

“The collaboration between the two entities led to the ministry’s involvement in allowing SUWA students to attend training programmes at 32 Department of Human Resource Training Institutes (ILJTM) and enabling the ministry to consider loan applications or scholarships to eligible students for further study in TVET programmes, Vocational Training Officers (VTO) and so on,” he said. — Bernama

Syarat Lantikan Pegawai Penilai@Guru Vokasional – VTO sahaja?

Syarat Lantikan Pegawai Penilai - VTO
Calon internship – pembentangan kepada PPL pada penghujung 720jam internship

Tahukah bahawa syarat lantikan guru vokasional@Pegawai Penilai adalah tidak sama dengan tenaga pengajar di Institut Latihan Kemahiran Awam (ILKA) atau Institut Latihan Kemahiran Swasta (ILKS)?

Secara ringkasnya:

Tenaga pengajar – Pemegang sijil kemahiran/diploma/ijazah dalam bidang NOSS berkenaan, walaupun tiada Sijil Vocational Training Operation – VTO.
Boleh mengajar tapi TAK BOLEH MENILAI (tandatangan portfolio calon program SKM/DKM/DLKM)

Pegawai Penilai – Mengikut Akta 652 (NASDA) Standard 6 : Pengajar Kemahiran mestilah memiliki sekurang-kurangnya SKM bidang Pengajar Vokasional yang diiktiraf oleh Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran, Kementerian Sumber Manusia.
Boleh mengajar DAN MENILAI/TANDATANGAN portfolio calon program SKM/DKM/DLKM.

Dalam konteks Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM), minimum adalah SKM Tahap 3, kecuali bidang tertentu yang tiada Tahap 1-3, DKM/DLKM, Diploma & Ijazah akademik tapi bidang berkaitan boleh diterima.
SKM bidang Pengajar Vokasional yang dimaksudkan adalah Sijil VOCATIONAL TRAINING OPERATION (VTO), I-031-3:2014

Jadi, boleh dikatakan peluang pekerjaan Pegawai Penilai adalah lebih tinggi berbanding tenaga pengajar (sebab tak boleh nilai)

Namun, selain SKM3 ke atas & siijl VTO, anda perlu juga ada sijil
Induksi PP-PPD-PPB supaya layak dilantik sebagai Pegawai Penilai.

Peluang terakhir- Induksi PP-PPD-PPB
8.30-5pm untuk 2 hari

RUMUSAN: PP perlu ada:
1. SKM3 ke atas
2. Sijil VTO
3. Sijil Induksi PP-PPD-PPB

Syarat-syarat memasuki kursus VTO :-

✅ SKM 3
✅DKM (TAHAP 4) @

Kelulusan dari :


📌Tempoh: 9 bulan (Sepenuh Masa) atau 12 bulan (Separa Masa)
📌Kelas teori 3 bulan (Sepenuh Masa) atau 6 bulan (Separa Masa)
📌Praktikal Mengajar 6 bulan


👩🏻‍🏫 Baca lebih lanjut tentang kegunaan/faedah sijil VTO
👩🏻‍🏫 Rujuk jadual kursus induksi PP-PPD-PPB di sini
👩🏻‍🏫 Baca cara untuk mohon Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) secara PPT (pengalaman kerja) di sini


TEMPAT TERHAD – Pengambilan lepas ni Julai 2020

Dr M: TVET to be prioritised to enhance people’s income

Watch the video at Astro Awani‘s FB Page on Shared Prosperity Vision

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the move was important to “upskill” the people to be more capable and efficient, and be able to do more “sophisticated work”. – NSTP/MOHD FADLI HAMZAH

PUTRAJAYA: The government will place priority on technical and vocational education and training (TVET), in efforts to increase the people’s income, under the Shared Prosperity Vision.

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the move was important to “upskill” the people to be more capable and efficient, and be able to do more “sophisticated work”.

“The income gap between the rich and poor is too wide so we need to increase the people’s income.

“But we don’t want to do this by just increasing wages but (we want) to improve their capacity so that they are more productive, and give them training so that they are more capable and efficient.

“For example, we are already in the aerospace industry, and even some parts of airplane engines assembly are being done in Malaysia.” he said this after chairing a special cabinet meeting on the Shared Prosperity Vision here, yesterday.

Dr Mahathir said the cabinet has agreed that TVET played an important role in improving the skills of workers and that training must be made a priority.

“Our (2020) Budget would prioritise such areas. If there is not enough money for all, we would have to lessen the budget for other areas with lesser priority,” he added.

Dr Mahathir said the government would also give focus to poorer states, reducing wealth disparities from richer states.

He listed Kelantan, Perlis and Kedah as among the three poorest states in Malaysia.

“Another gap is between the urban and rural areas, where those living in urban areas are richer than those staying in the rural areas.

“So a programme must be created to increase the income of those living in the rural areas,” Dr Mahathir added.

In explaining further, Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali said the government would apply the spirit of shared prosperity in the 2020 Budget, and prioritise sectors such as TVET and skills training.

“This will be given consideration by the Finance Ministry to be refined in the 2020 Budget.”

The Shared Prosperity Vision was announced by Dr Mahathir at the tabling of the mid-term review of the 11th Malaysia Plan in October 2018 in Parliament.

Its framework was also explained by the prime minister in his May 9 speech earlier this year in conjunction with Pakatan Harapan’s one year in government.

The Shared Prosperity Vision will encompass the 12th and 13th Malaysia Plans, spanning 10 years from 2021 to 2031.

Source: https://www.nst.com.my/

Comment: Not sure how the government is going to prioritise the TVET sector. As Tun M mentioned that if budget is insufficient for all, then it has to be channeled to the priority sectors. So I would assume that more funds are to be allocated to the sector, such as more funds to PTPK to loan students, especially from the B40, which are mainly from rural areas & also the urban poor. Hopefully this would then enhance this group’s earning capability and reduce the income gap.

For the benefit/knowledge of those outside TVET industry, insufficient PTPK loan in the past 1-2 years has caused many students (esp B40 group) that is interested to pursue
TVET courses unable to continue their studies at private & government TVET institutions.

This has an economic & social impact:

1. Economic
Effect on TVET institutions – With the limited quota provided to TVET institutions, especially the private ones, many has folded up or
ready for sale as they couldn’t sustain the business due to over-reliance on loan to recruit students.

Effect on TVET trainers & supporting staffs – These trainers who have SKM in their field and
Vocational Training Operation (especially those that do not have industry experience but fresh from TVET institutions like CIAST) would probably be now jobless or work in non-related field that pays them nothing more than a SPM school leaver’s qualification.

Effect on students – As the students who may not even have SPM or poor SPM results, they have no where to upgrade themselves or learn a skills to uplift their economic livelihood.

2. Social
Since the students are not able to further their studies, they may have high probability of being unemployed or worse still, involved in petty crimes, become Mat Rempit, drug addicts, gangsterism and other illegal activities.

Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) diterima di industri dan luar negeri ke?

SKM diterima industri/luar negari
Contoh SKM bidang VTO (I-031-3:2014) – Pegawai Latihan Vokasional – WAJIB untuk Pegawai Penilai (PP)

SKM diterima industri/luar negeri?

Isu SKM diterima industri/luar negeri kerap dipersoalkan. Sebelum kita bincang pasal tu, mari kita lihat faedah Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia.

Apakah faedah Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia?

1. Persijilan Kemahiran memang diiktiraf oleh industri di Malaysia
Realitinya, tidak lagi semua industri tetapi pihak Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) bersama Industrial Lead Body (ILB) memang sentiasa berusaha ke arah itu.

Untuk sesetengah industri seperti bengkel servis kenderaan, Rang Undang-Undang (RUU) Perkhidmatan Penyelenggaraan dan Pembaikan Kenderaan Motor telah dibentangkan di Dewan Rakyat, Mac 2018 di mana antara lain bakal mewajibkan pengusaha memiliki lesen khas mengendalikan perniagaan itu.

Dalam Petronas Technical Standards (PTS), Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia welding inspection telahpun diterima dan dinyatakan dalam beberapa PTS contohnya PTS 15.12.10 – Welding Of Structural Steel.
Tetapi ada juga PTS yang belum menyatakan penerimaan JPK welding inspection secara terus, contohnya:
(a) PTS 15.12.01 – Welding for Chemical Oil & Gas Industries (hanya ASNT & ISO 9712)
(b) PTS 12.30.05 – Shop & Field Fabrication of Piping (hanya PCN/CSWIP/ AWS)
(c) PTS 15.12.04 – Welding of Pipeline (hanya menyatakan SKM untuk NDE personnel)

Kalau boleh, semua PTS dapat diseragamkan dan menyatakan penerimaan SKM welding inspection secara terus bukan hanya “term equivalent”. Ini secara tidak lansung akan mengiktiraf persijilan ni.

Begitu juga untuk sektor perkhidmatan kecantikan dan dandanan rambut, sesetengah pihak berkuasa tempatan seperti MPAJ & MPS dikatakan mensyaratkan pengusaha atau pekerjanya perlu ada Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) untuk memohon lesen premis.

Difahamkan juga sektor air akan mewajibkan sesetengah pekerja dalam bidang tertentu memiliki Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia menjelang 2020.

2. Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia menyediakan suatu laluan kerjaya dan pembangunan diri yang menarik setanding dengan laluan kerjaya berasaskan kelayakan akademik.
Ini dah terbukti dengan kebolehpasaran graduan TVET negara melonjak lebih 90% manakala Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia melaporkan pada suku pertama 2019, negara merekodkan seramai 516,600 penganggur dimana seramai 238,286 penganggur termasuk 174,327 siswazah, mendaftar sebagai pencari kerja aktif dengan JobsMalaysia di bawah Jabatan Tenaga Kerja (JTK) Semenanjung.

3. Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia berupaya melahirkan pekerja mahir yang terlatih dan berkelayakan untuk mempertingkatkan daya saing industri tempatan di pasaran dunia.
Ia telah terbukti bahawa Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia kita ni memang laku dan jauh lebih bernilai dari sijil-sijil lain, tak kira tempatan ke luar negeri seperti UK.

Sudah banyak kes di mana Kedutaan Negara Asing di Malaysia cuma menyokong (endorse) Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM), Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) & Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM) tetapi tidak sijil-sijil kemahiran/akademik lain, walaupun ia mungkin datang dari UK, Australia atau Germany, kecuali ia adalah dari badan professional yang dikenali dunia (seperti ACCA, CIBTAC, CIDESCO, TWI dsbgnya).

Apakah kepentingan ini? Jika anda ingin bekerja dalam industri kemahiran di Dubai, Australia, China ke mana-mana di luar Malaysia, majikan dan kedutaan rata-ratanya hanya mengiktiraf SKM/DKM/DLKM. Tak percaya? Cuba pergi tanya pegawai di Kedutaan Asing ataupun Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK).

Jadi, jelas bahawa nilai SKM/DKM/DLKM ini amat besar, cuma ramai yang masih tidak tahu menghargainya.

Jika anda masih tiada Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia tetapi ada pengalaman industri, boleh mohon secara Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT)

Sekarang anda yakin tak SKM diterima industri/luar negeri?

Sekiranya anda ada lebih info yang nak kongsi dengan admin, sila komen ya.


Kuota Pinjaman Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran (PTPK) 2019 – Siapa Dapat, Siapa Tak Dapat?

Ya, keputusan yang dinanti-nantikan oleh banyak pengusaha Pusat Bertauliah (terutamanya swasta) dan lebih ramai lagi, para pelajar yang amat memerlukan pinjaman PTPK untuk menyambung pendidikan mereka supaya berdaya saing di alam pekerjaan kelak.

Jika anda pelajar yang ingin tahu samada Pusat Latihan/Bertauliah JPK yang anda ingin daftar betul-betul dapat kuota, sila rujuk sini (SKM 1-3) & sini (DKM 4 & DLKM 5). Harap maklum bahawa Pusat Bertauliah yang tidak dapat kuota boleh buat rayuan & dapat kuota kemudian. Jika anda tidak pasti pusat mana yang tawarkan kursus apa, boleh dapat & isi borang permohonan ringkas di sini.

Bagi Pusat Bertauliah JPK yang berjaya dapat kuota PTPK 2019, TAHNIAH!
Sekarang sudah boleh rancang & hantar pengajar/personel anda untuk kursus-kursus induksi (khususnya PP-PPD-PPB) & VTO sekiranya personel anda telah berhenti kerja sebelum ni kerana risau Pusat Bertauliah anda tidak dapat kuota dari PTPK.

Bagi mereka yang ingin tahu peluang yang ada dalam sektor TVET ataupun ingin jadi Pegawai Pengesah Luaran (PPL), kursus ni juga WAJIB untuk hadir

Dan jika anda adalah Pusat Bertauliah JPK yang pentauliahannya masih aktif tapi nak jual disebabkan tiada kuota PTPK, nak bersara dsgbnya, sila hubungi min kerana ada yang minat nak beli PB sedia ada, terutamanya di kawasan Lembah Klang.

NOTA: Kursus-kursus lain (VTO & Induksi):

1. PPL: 27-28 April
2. PP-PPT: 29-30 Jun

Tempat: I Smart Educare, Kepong Metro Prima, KL
Masa: 8.30-5pm
3. VTO (Pengambilan hujung Mei/Jun) – 360jam hujung minggu, 720jam di PB masing-masing

TVET, a stepchild no more

Students of Politeknik Ungku Omar get hands on training on automotive engineering at the workshop at their campus in Ipoh.

Students of Politeknik Ungku Omar get hands on training on automotive engineering at the workshop at their campus in Ipoh.

A framework has been proposed to address the long-standing problems of our TVET system

A NEW framework for technical and vocational training is in the pipelines.

If approved, the proposal will see a more streamlined, effective, and industry-relevant, Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) system.

Proposed by the National TVET Movement to the Economic Planning Unit last month, the framework aims to address the country’s ailing TVET system.

“Our focus is on upper secondary school students. We want to create a TVET champion.

TVET students being trained to be industry-ready. — File photo

TVET students being trained to be industry-ready. — File photo

“We want students to have better access to choices between academics and something more hands-on like TVET. This is what’s happening in other countries,” said Ahmad Tajudin, who recently retired as the Education Ministry deputy director-general.

Among those part of the Movement are the Federation of Human Resources Ministry’s Department of Skills Development (JPK) Accredited Centres (FeMac), National Council of Professors, and the National Parent-Teacher Associations’ Vocational and Technical Consultative Council.

For too long, TVET has been the “troubled stepchild” of the education system, he said.

This framework tackles long-standing problems like the:

> Overlapping of programmes and certifications;

> Misguided focus on post-secondary TVET students instead of upper secondary students;

> Existence of multiple accreditation bodies and agencies implementing TVET;

> High operations cost resulting from the many ministries involved;

> Weak policies; and

> Private TVET providers being treated as competitors.

“All TVET institutions should be streamlined, rationalised, and consolidated, under the Education Ministry.

“This ensures that teachers and trainers are better taken care of under one scheme of service. And, there won’t be a need to close down any institutions if all facilities and resources are under one roof,” he said, adding that it would also be more cost effective for the Government while ensuring smoother communication between the industry and institutions.

Other reforms proposed by the Movement include:

> Reducing existing certifications to an important few;

> Having a single accreditation body for TVET;

> Establishing two educational pathways for students to choose from;

> Allowing industries to take the lead;

> Enhancing TVET apprenticeship programmes based on models from other developed countries; and

> Formulating policies and legislations to enhance careers in TVET.

Greater emphasis, and an overview, of TVET implementation is needed, Ahmad Tajudin said.

There should be training provisions to facilitate contributions from private TVET providers, and there must be closer collaboration between the industry and these providers.

“Our TVET system needs stronger institutional coordination, and greater transparency among the multiple public agencies.

“TVET restructuring is a small part of a holistic solution, but it’s a start to the reform,” he said, adding that strong political will from the Government was crucial to ensure the country’s TVET success.

Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik said the Government would continue enhancing the capabilities of TVET institutions and systems to remain competitive and meet industry demands.

Speaking during his annual new year address in Serdang on Monday, he said the ministry would implement a harmonised accreditation and quality assurance system to enable student mobility in TVET institutions, which includes the Malaysian Technical University Network (MTUN).

The launch of Limkokwing TVET International, a TVET Malaysia Training Centre at Limkokwing University.MOHD SAHAR MISNI/The Star

The launch of Limkokwing TVET International, a TVET Malaysia Training Centre at Limkokwing University.MOHD SAHAR MISNI/The Star

MTUN, he said, should move in the direction of Fachhochschule – Germany’s tertiary education institution specialising in topical areas.

MTUN, he added, shouldn’t be evaluated solely based on publications, but also on the ability of the graduates produced to solve technical issues.

He said the ministry plans to increase the quality and delivery of TVET by enabling the industry to lead the curriculum development, avoid overlapping of programmes and resources, improve cost effectiveness, and widen the funding to increase enrolment.

He said the ministry was also in the midst of addressing recognition issues involving controversial vocational colleges.

He assured polytechnics and community colleges that they wouldn’t be sidelined in the reform process.

“To ensure the employability of our graduates, closer collaboration between these institutions and the industry – especially with the big players – will be prioritised,” he said, adding that these were part of the ministry’s efforts in making sure that TVET, polytechnics, vocational colleges, and community colleges, are no longer seen as second choice options.

In June last year, Dr Maszlee appointed Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar to chair a special TVET task force.

The duties of the task force, said Dr Maszlee, was to conduct research across all ministries that provide TVET education and training, and recommend how the country’s TVET system can be improved. This includes a review of TVET education and training laws, and the possibility of a TVET commission.

However, the TVET industry was left reeling following Nurul Izzah’s resignation as PKR vice president on Dec 17, and her decision to no longer serve the federal government in any capacity.

“We’ll continue advocating for a sustainable and effective TVET implementation,” said Ahmad Tajudin.

Source: www.thestar.com.my

Comment: It’s good that the Ministry has identified the weaknesses & looking to implement the reforms (personally, I see that our TVET sector would soar to much greater heights compared to now, if reforms are implemented effectively & correctly).

But I have a doubt whether they would reform this particular weakness – Private TVET providers being treated as competitors.

It seems that there are plans to gradually “KILL” the private TVET providers based on their proposed plans (hearsay, so take it with a pinch of salt).

These include but not limited to:

1) Closing all TVET providers that are 2 stars and below after the impending 2019 star rating process (as early as March 2019). It generally affects the smaller private TVET providers who has very limited resources (manpower & finances) vs the public TVET institutions.
2) Closing/revoke Vocational Training Operation (VTO) programme of any private TVET institutions that has does not meet a min of 4 stars and above for that particular programme. Eventually, it would be just offered by the multiple satellite campuses of CIAST, nationwide,
3) Restrict the organising of the JPK’s various induction courses (PP-PPD-PPB, PP-PPT, PPL) to only  CIAST satellite campuses, nationwide.
4) and BEYOND – perhaps you can comment if you think what they are doing/planning to do is gonna KILL the private TVET providers.

CON-sultant or Consultant? My experience in the TVET sector


As you would have known, CON-sultant is not really a consultant but just a CON artist who cons their victims via consultancy.

Just a quick sharing.

Yesterday, I had a meet up with another ex-public listed company, interested to purchase a TVET/JPK Accredited centre and/or MQA approved college license.

Guess what? A previous CON-sultant tried to push them to purchase an MQA approved college license for RM5 million (not a hefty amount provided it has quite a few good programs & with KDN license with clean records). However, when pushed for more details from the potential buyer, the CONsultant started making stories that do not jive, hence the potential buyer has some reservations. When pushed further for process flow, the CON-sultant came out with proposing them SKM/DKM via PPT method at a really hefty figure (5 digits/candidate!), without really probing what the customer actually wanted.

Now, I have this challenge to propose to the company on how they can achieve what they want but hey, it’s a good problem to have. If I can help them to achieve what they wanted, I’m sure I’ll be rewarded appropriately (not necessarily handsomely though :-P)

Another case happened just last month. Another CON-sultant proposed to sell his SLDN training centre (3-4 programs if not mistaken) for RM500K. Not sure what’s so valuable about the license but anyway he managed to convinced the potential buyer (to me, I wouldn’t even pay RM50K for that!). Unfortunately for the CONsultant, he made a very BIG MISTAKE, not sure it’s by choice or it was just plain silly. He asked to be paid in cash, no cheques, no bank accounts transfer, no receipts to be produced. WTF! Where on earth would a buyer agree to this kind of agreement? Even buying fruits for RM2 at fruit stalls along PLUS Hentian are given receipts!

And I really got a shock when a kursus induksi which cost only RM350 (maximum course fees chargeable, in case you are still unaware) was quoted at 6 times more! And because of the CON-sultant’s greed (did not pay me & lied saying he wasn’t paid & fooled by the client – despite the client made the inflated payments to him), I had no choice but to go after the client directly for the payment. Well, you should know what’s the ending for the CON-sultant.

Jho Low - Con-sultant or con artist

Moral of the above 2 REAL LIFE stories:

1. Be knowledgable in your area if you really WANT to consult someone on that area, otherwise, be upfront & frank with your client that you’re working with an associate and NEVER pretend that you know everything despite KNOWING NOTHING about it as clients may sometimes be more knowledgable than you in that area if you’re not the EXPERT! You may not be lucky to be able to CON all the way, just like the Malay proverb:
Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya akan jatuh ke tanah juga

2. Be as transparent as possible with your clients, they will appreciate it.

3. GOD will reward you if you work hard & genuinely.

4. DON’t MESS UP with TVET Malaysia@ISE Education, we will go after what we’re supposed to get.

5. Consultants (individuals or companies) that agrees with everything that you requested as easy as ABC, especially without much thinking, should give you an ALARM! Don’t fall into the trap. Probe further on the Consultants past track records, a check-up for any info on the web (just Google the company or person, if not much web presences or many negative comments about the Consultant, that’s another ALARM!), testimonials and etc.

Here’s an interesting article on 7 tell tale signs of a con artist

With that, I hope you will not be the next victim to such CON-sultant!

And should you need any advice on TVET matters especially related to JPK/SKM/VTO/Induction course, feel free to call/WhatsApp (pls introduce yourself, who you are, what you want to know, in details) or email us at:
012-3123430 or ismarteducare @ gmail.com.

Kursus Induksi PP-PPD & PPL Dis 18 & Jan 19 (Alor Setar & KL)

Salam kemahiran,

Tak kira anda ingin dilantik sebagai PP, PPD, PPB ataupun PPL, kursus induksi PP-PPD adalah WAJIB untuk semua.

Siapa yang diwajibkan untuk menghadiri dan mempunyai sijil Kursus Induksi PP-PPD-PPB ?

  1. Pegawai Penilai (PP) – Individu yang akan menjadi Pegawai Penilai (tenaga pengajar) di kolej / pusat latihan kemahiran swata dan kerajaan.
    Mesti ada sijil induksi PP-PPD, SKM3 & VTO
  2. Pegawai Pengesah Dalaman (PPD) – Individu yang akan menjadi Pegawai Pengesah Dalaman (penyelia tenaga pengajar) di kolej / pusat latihan kemahiran swasta dan kerajaaan.
    Mesti ada sijil induksi PP-PPD & SKM3
  3. Pengurus Pusat Bertauliah (PPB) – Individu yang akan menjadi Pengurus Pusat Bertauliah (pengurus) di kolej / pusat latihan kemahiran swasta dan kerajaan.
    Cuma perlu lulus induksi PP-PPD
  4. Pegawai Pengesah Luaran – Individu yang ingin menjadi Pegawai Pengesah Luaran (penyelia luar) untuk Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia.
    Perlu lulus induksi PP-PPD & induksi PPL


Berikut adalah tarikh untuk pelbagai kursus induksi yang akan datang di Kedah/KL Dis/Jan2019

Tarikh: 21-22 Dis 2018
Tempat: Alor Setar, Kedah

Tarikh: 12-13 Jan 2019
Tempat: I Smart Educare, Kepong

PPL (Mesti lulus induksi PP-PPD dulu)
Tarikh: 19-20 Jan 2019
Tempat: I Smart Educare, Kepong

Jadual 2019 & butiran lanjut di –https://tvetmaster.com/our-services
Muat turun Borang Permohonan KIP-01

TVET lecturers to go for industrial training for hands-on experience

TVET lecturer

KUALA LUMPUR: Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) lecturers will need to undergo industrial training after working hours to improve their skills.

Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran said this is part of the ministry’s efforts to boost and ensure that lecturers have the necessary skills to teach in their respective fields.

He said at the moment, some lecturers are lacking in terms of hands-on experience and expertise.

“I am puzzled that many of our lecturers do not have the specific skills needed and even if they have, many are academically-inclined and are not hands-on.

“I and (Human Resources) deputy minister have decided for these lecturers need to enroll for industrial training after their office hours (so they) can obtain the expertise required for them to teach well,” he said.

Kulasegaran said this during committee-stage wrapping-up speech on the Supply Bill 2019 for his ministry at the Dewan Rakyat today.

He said another issue was the logistical problem, which included the isolated and far-off locations of TVET institutions.

“As an example, I visited a technical institute at Padang Serai recently.

“The location is far from industrial areas and its (future) direction (future) is unclear. This is making it difficult for our children to study there.” Kulasegaran said.

Source: www.nst.com.my

Comment: It may be a good idea but the devil is in the details.
Does this only apply to public TVET institutions or including the private sector?
If it is also COMPULSORY for private TVET lecturers/instructors/assessors, who would bear the cost of industrial training?
And what if the TVET lecturers/instructors/assessors are already very experienced in the industry, say >10 years (that qualify them to be registered as Personel Penilaian dan Verifikasi (PPV)) and then absorbed into the institutions? Would they need to go through this as well?
And the current process of becoming a certified assessor/skill trainer with a VTO qualification (Pegawai Penilai-PP) is making it hard for those with working experience/currently working as they are required to fulfil
a 6 months full-time internship – how many can afford to have a 6 months leave & not having income during that period? Worse, some employers don’t allow them, means they have to quit their current job & yet unsure of future job prospect?? Hope Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) can really look into this matter.