
Great testimonials tell a lot about our products and services offered

9 Main Reasons (there are more) WHY Customers DO Business with us


1) We’re the SPECIALIST, offering only PP-PPD-PPB, PP-PPT, PPL & SLDN  induction courses, DOES NOT offer any other SKM program except VTO & therefore DOES NOT compete with your business.

We know the ins & outs of the course & system very well.

2) The longest record of any company organising JPK induction courses.
We are THE ONLY ONE still around since 2001. You know you can count on us.

3) High passing records – Basically almost 100% (so far, less than 1% fail, out of >10,000 candidates that have gone through with us since 2001.

Unless you’re illiterate, didn’t pay attention or didn’t seat for the exam, it’s highly unlikely you can FAIL!

4) Reliability – NEVER postpone our PP-PPD-PPB Induction course due to insufficient candidates except for MCO!!! That means you will have a peace of mind booking your bus or air tickets (yes, some of our clients fly from Sabah & Sarawak, Kelantan, Terengganu, Johor & Kedah). 

It will also not waste your precious time as last minute cancellation by some organizers really does interrupt your schedule. It’s no joke, this happens quite frequently with other organizers, even it’s an online version (at least 4 sessions was postponed by other organizers from June to Sept 2021).

In 2018 alone, there has been at least 10 sessions been postponed by other organisers, mainly due to insufficient participants.


5) FREE Consultation/Advice – Most of the time, we would just advise you on matters related to JPK accreditation without any charges, helping you to save substantially with proper consultations.

It is free of charge (if no paperwork & running work is done).

6) Multi-channel contact: Whether it’s by a phone call, email, Whatsapp or Facebook, chat box at this platform, we’re accessible via all these channels. We usually respond within 24-48 hours from the time of your enquiry.

7) Multi-lingual – We’re one of the very few companies that can converse in 3 major languages, BM, English & Mandarin/Cantonese – So if you can’t speak good English or BM, don’t worry, we can help to advise you in 中文/广东话 too!

8) NO SST! How nice is that especially when so many other stuff we pay 10% or 6% SST?

9) Choice of payment channels – Whether it’s cash, bank transfer, cheque, LO, ePerolehan or the LATEST payment channel, e-wallets!

We accept ALL:


Obviously, there are many CON-sultants out there and I had a terrible time with one previously. By God's Grace, I stumbled upon you (Melvin) and started with VTO certifications for all my team member in 2012. There isn't any turning back since then, I'm very happy with your professional service and my team has grown by leaps & bounds, thanks to your initial guidance. Looking forward to many more collaborations in the future.
Testimonial Dato' Sri Ganes
Dato Sri Ganes
Founder, Chairman & CEO of SG Education Group
Melvin is the go to person for any induction course under JPK. I've sent my staffs, trainers & even recommended other FEMAC members to attend his induction courses. You name it, he has it. PP-PPD-PPB, PP-PPT, PPL, SLDN induction course, all also he organises. Most importantly, very consistent & frequent since we established our college since 2002.

Mdm Selvi Rajendran
Executive Director - CQ-Tec TVET College, Puchong
Thank you bro, our management is very happy with your service. Your PP & PPD have done a great job and once again, this 2nd VTO batch all passed .... Our next VTO batch will be yours as well.
Chua Min Fui
Dean - Institut Teknlogi Riam, Miri
Thank you Melvin in helping my trainers to get the VTO cert all these years, from current & past academies that I've been attached to.
Evie Lai
Deputy Principal - Adonis Beauty Academy
TQVM ISE-En Melvin atas khidmat nasihat dan bimbingan serta membantu peserta drp IKN di dalam kursus-kursus Induksi JPK yang telah disertai. Anda memudahcarakan peserta utk LULUS dengan jayanya. Terima Kasih!
Azahliza Ramli
Penolong Pengarah, Institut Kraf Negara
Testimony from JPK officer
Some clients will take up to 4 induction courses with ISE Education

Here is part of the list of institutions/colleges/celebrities that have attended our course before:

  • Chef Zam
  • Kolej WIT
  • Amber Chia
  • Berjaya TVET
  • IKIP, Pahang
  • Kolej CQ-Tec
  • New Era College
  • Carsome Academy
  • Mobiweb, Penang
  • Institut Kraf Negara
  • PBA Group, Penang
  • SG Education Group
  • Montfort Boys Town
  • Top Speed Academy
  • Kimarie Hair Academy
  • ASEAN Culinary Academy
  • Cilantro Culinary Academy
  • Global Institute of Tourism
  • The Otomotif College (TOC)
  • Despark Automotive College
  • Indah Water Konsortium, IWK
  • Curtin University College, Miri
  • Riam Institute of Technology, Miri
  • Mahsa Prima International College
  • Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa
  • Institut Kemahiran Safa, Terengganu
  • Clara International Aesthetic College
  • Institut Kemahiran Islam Darul Ridzuan
  • Imperia Hospitality Academy, Gambang
  • ILSAS – TNB Integrated Learning Solution
  • Selangor Human Resource Development Council (SHRDC)
  • IKTBN, IKBN, KKBN, ILP, KV & Giatmara’s from various branches/states

Safe & save when you do business with us 🙂

14 thoughts on “Testimonials

  1. I would like to request for the SLDN level 1 for being beautician. Kindly provide me more info for this matters. Thanks you.

  2. Saya nk tanya ni, Sy blajar di kolej vokasional…Selepas sy dpt DKM boleh x smbung bt VTO ..atau perlu pengalaman kerja dahulu??


      1. Nak betulkan sikit, pengalaman MENGAJAR kemahiran 4 tahun adalah syarat minimum untuk permohonan VTO secara PPT.

        Bagi yg tiada pengalaman mengajar, perlu ada minimum SKM3 untuk sambung/ambil program VTO (mulai 1/1/19)

  3. Ye , saya pegawai penilai bagi kod FB-024-2/3/4
    saya berminat untuk mengikuti kursus sebagai PPL ,adakah pihak tuan ada membangunkan kursus tersebut?

    1. Hi Samuel, you mean you want to apply for DKM in computer system?
      Got SKM3 in computer system already?
      Got >5 years of working experience in this field?

      If yes, kindly do self assessment first to see if you really qualify to apply via PPT or not.

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