Category Archives: TVET & Vocational Training – International News

Kerajaan Berhasrat Mengiktiraf SKM Setaraf SPM

SKM Setaraf SPM?

Putrajaya: Kerajaan bercadang untuk mengiktiraf Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) supaya setaraf dengan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) (SKM setaraf SPM) untuk meningkatkan peluang pekerjaan bagi pemegang sijil tersebut.

SKM setaraf SPM atau lebih tinggi - MQF

Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, menyatakan bahawa kertas dasar tersebut akan dibawa ke mesyuarat Jemaah Menteri dalam masa terdekat.

“Kerana kami mempunyai sijil yang akan dikeluarkan iaitu SKM, dasar ini akan dibawa ke Kabinet untuk menentukan bahawa sijil ini akan diiktiraf sebagai sijil yang setaraf (SKM setaraf SPM) atau lebih tinggi daripada SPM”.

“Dalam tempoh dua minggu akan datang (kertas dasar akan dibawa ke Kabinet untuk dibincangkan),” katanya dalam satu sidang media selepas menghadiri Majlis Pelancaran Portal Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional (TVET) dan Pertukaran Memorandum Kerjasama di sini, hari ini.

Turut hadir dalam majlis tersebut adalah Menteri Sumber Manusia, V Sivakumar; Menteri Kerja Raya, Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi; dan Menteri Belia dan Sukan, Hannah Yeoh.

Selain SKM, Ahmad Zahid yang juga Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Majlis TVET Negara, menyatakan bahawa beberapa perubahan dasar dirancang untuk memperkukuhkan sektor TVET di negara ini.

Beliau menyatakan bahawa adalah penting untuk menyelaraskan bidang-bidang tertentu agar semua pihak tidak lagi berfikir secara terasing, tetapi bekerjasama dengan lebih baik.

“Tujuan ini bukan hanya mengurangkan kadar pengangguran, tetapi juga untuk mengurangkan jurang pengangguran yang ketara dan masalah ketidaksiapan dalam bidang pekerjaan dan kursus yang diikuti,” katanya.

Menanggapi penubuhan Suruhanjaya Ekonomi Gig Malaysia (SEGiM), beliau menyatakan bahawa kerajaan komited untuk menyediakan peluang yang sesuai dengan umur pekerja dalam sektor tersebut.

“Kita sedar bahawa industri gig ini berkembang sebanyak 23 peratus setiap tahun dan melibatkan nilai RM52.4 bilion pada tahun 2021. Kementerian Sumber Manusia (KSM) dan kementerian-kementerian lain amat prihatin terhadap nasib pekerja dalam sektor ini dan kami akan menyediakan kertas dasar Kabinet untuk menubuhkan suruhanjaya tersebut..

“Namun, saya telah mengadakan perbincangan tidak rasmi dengan Perdana Menteri, dan pada asasnya, kajian terhadap kertas dasar tersebut perlu dilakukan,” katanya.

Kursus integriti dan antirasuah untuk pelajar TVET

Pendidikan antirasuah

Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) telah melaksanakan pendidikan antirasuah menggunakan Modul Kursus Integriti dan Antirasuah (KIAR) untuk pelajar Pendidikan dan Latihan Vokasional (TVET) di  Institusi Latihan dan Kemahiran Belia dan Sukan (ILKBS) di seluruh negara. Ia adalah kerjasama antara Kementerian Belia dan Sukan (KBS) dan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM).

Menteri Belia dan Sukan, Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu, berkata modul KIAR itu  ditawarkan di semua 22 ILKBS, dalam usaha melahirkan modal insan yang bukan sahaja berkemahiran, malah menolak perlakuan rasuah.

“KBS sentiasa komited dalam usaha memerangi rasuah dan ini termasuk menanamkan semangat antirasuah serta memupuk prinsip tidak bertoleransi terhadap perlakuan rasuah di segenap peringkat,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, KBS bukan hanya mahu melahirkan belia yang berkemahiran untuk memenuhi pasaran pekerjaan, namun turut membina insan.

Sebelum ini, modul berkenaan ditawarkan sebagai subjek elektif peringkat sijil, diploma dan sarjana muda di semua institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) mulai tahun ini dan seterusnya, ditawarkan sebagai satu kursus mata pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) mulai 2023. 

Pengarah Bahagian Pendidikan Masyarakat SPRM, Datuk Razim Mohd Noor berkata, proses penambahbaikan dan pengubahsuaian modul KIAR perlu diolah daripada subjek sama di institut pengajian tinggi (IPT) kerana cara permarkahan serta penilaian untuk pelajar yang mengikuti kursus TVET adalah tidak sama dengan mahasiswa IPT.

Selain penerapan antirasuah melalui modul, Razim berkata, pihaknya juga akan membawa bekas pesalah rasuah ke institusi TVET untuk berkongsi pengalaman dan hukuman yang diterima akibat jenayah tersebut.

Katanya, inisiatif itu bertujuan memberi kesedaran kepada golongan muda supaya tidak terlibat dengan rasuah yang boleh merosakkan masyarakat serta negara.

“Setakat ini dah ada bekas pesalah yang bersetuju dan rela hati untuk tampil ke hadapan berkongsi pengalaman dan kesan buruk rasuah kepada karier, keluarga dan masa depan mereka.

“Kita harap pendedahan sebegini dapat menyentuh lebih dalam ke hati golongan muda supaya tidak terjerumus dan melakukan kesilapan sama,” katanya.

Sumber: Diolah dari BERNAMA 


Pengenalan pendidikan antirasuah ini adalah satu usaha yang baik dari pihak SPRM dan diharapkan ia tidak dilaksanakan secara hangat-hangat tahi ayam sahaja seperti mata pelajaran Pendidikan Moral di sekolah rendah. 

Lebih penting lagi adalah pemimpin negara perlu ada keinginan politik untuk membanteras rasuah. Sekiranya tidak (lebih teruk lagi dilihat sebagai tidak takut langsung kerana hukuman yang dikenakan dianggap sangat ringan dan tidak setimpal dengan jenayah rasuah yang dilakukan), budaya rasuah akan kekal berleluasa.

Jadi, amat penting untuk anda sebagai rakyat Malaysia untuk membuat pilihan calon PRU 15 nanti! Pilihlah pemimpin yang bukan sahaja dilihat sebagai tidak korup tetapi juga betul-betul dapat memimpin rakyat ke arah Malaysia yang lebih makmur tanpa diskrimnasi agama, bangsa dan kaum.

Pendidikan antirasuah-TVET-kursus-induksi: Apa kaitannya?

Macam biasa lihat warna dalam  kotak tu tak? 😛 

Apa kaitannya artikel pendidikan antirasuah untuk pelajar TVET dengan kursus induksi? Sebenarnya takda pun sangat, cuma sekadar hiburan😉  

Tak tahu kursus induksi mana anda patut pilih/ikuti? Baca lebih lanjut di Kursus Induksi JPK

Tak tahu parti/calon penganjur mana nak pilih? Mestilah ISE Education, rekod penganjuran yang cemerlang sejak 2001. Telah menghasilkan lebih 10,000 PP, PPD, PPB, PP-PPT, PPL sejak 2001 dan amat benci rasuah@antirasuah!

* Seperti PRU, ISE Education juga bekerjasama dengan penganjur lain untuk penganjuran kursus induksi PP-PPT kali ini

Pendidikan antirasuah dan pemilihan penganjur

Nepalese minister impressed with our German Dual Training System for TVET

Nepalese Education, Science and Technology Minister Giriraj Mani Pokharel reportedly also welcomed Maszlee’s proposal to set up a Malaysian language institution in the South Asian nation to teach BM to Nepalese. ― Picture by Yusof Mat Isa

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 22 — Nepal plans to introduce Bahasa Melayu (BM) as an elective subject in its schools to equip students with communication skills in the professional setting in Malaysia.

The matter, however, needs further discussion with Nepalese Cabinet and relevant authorities, said Nepalese Education, Science and Technology Minister Giriraj Mani Pokharel when he held a bilateral meeting with Malaysia’s Education Minister Maszlee Malik recently.

Giriraj also welcomed Maszlee’s proposal to set up a Malaysian language institution in the South Asian nation to teach BM to Nepalese.

Speaking to Bernama when met on the sidelines of the World Innovative Summit For Education 2019, held between November 19 to 21 in Doha, Qatar, Maszlee said:

“There are approximately 357,000 Nepali currently working in Malaysia, primarily in the security, manufacturing and hospitality sectors.

“Teaching BM and setting up institutions would be useful when Nepalese seek employment in Malaysia as they would be able to communicate fluently and boost their career.”

Maszlee said both leaders also discussed on enhancing and improving Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) studies in Nepal.

“Nepalese minister was impressed with our German Dual Training System for TVET and for them, it would be useful.

“This is because Nepal wants to produce skilful Nepalese workers to work abroad with better pay and a TVET certification,” he said.

Maszlee said Nepal was also looking for opportunities to send their students to pursue post-graduate studies in Malaysia, and to collaborate with Malaysian universities.

Giriraj also extended an invitation to Maszlee to visit Nepal in conjunction with the Visit Nepal 2020, and to attend the Artificial Intelligence Conference in Kathmandu next year.

Source: Bernama

Volkswagen transforms vocational training to support its digital ambitions

Volkswagen transforms vocational training to support its digital ambitions

By Soumik Roy on October 25, 2019

VOLKSWAGEN is a EUR235.8 billion (US$278 billion) automotive giant that has a finger on the pulse of the customer, the market, and its employees.

Accelerating into the digital-first era with connected and intelligent cars such as the latest edition of the Golf — a car that has been in production for more than four decades and has delighted more than 35 million customers — Volkswagen has a knack for reinventing itself.

The new Golf even boasts of “swarm intelligence”; In the world of automobiles, the capability is born when connected cars communicate with one another to avoid collision and share information.

To ensure that the company is able to produce and service such new-age vehicles in a sustainable fashion for the foreseeable future, Volkswagen has transformed its vocational training program.

“Today, the world of work, technologies and forms of cooperation are changing faster than ever before, said Volkswagen Board Member for Human Resources Gunnar Kilian.

“That is why we are aligning our vocational training with foresight, because we are convinced that specialists with first-rate qualifications are one of the foundations for technological top performance and sustainable commercial success in the digital age, too.”

The company’s stakeholders involved in its educational initiatives realized that vocational trainees and students on dual study programs are highly motivated and a positive asset for every technical department — and therefore, feel that the technical departments must give them even greater opportunities.

“In this age of digitalization, we must once and for all bring together vocational training, professional development and skills acquisition under one roof with a consistent approach,” commented another stakeholder.

In the press release announcing the improvement, Head of the Volkswagen Group Academy Ralph Linde revealed that new technologies and digital media play an important role in the company’s vocational training.

According to Linde, Volkswagen’s instructors serve as learning guides and use a variety of methods to support the needs of its vocational trainees.

“This is how we train skilled, committed, and team-oriented specialists and encourage them to engage in continuous learning.”

According to the company, trainees have an opportunity to not only learn about cutting-edge technologies that the automaker is using in its cars but also have an opportunity to use the company’s in-house platforms, augmented reality systems, and other training facilities that use iPads and QR codes.

Volkswagen has a massive workforce with thousands of workers across the globe. Upgrading its vocational and other training programs will definitely help it stay ahead of the competition as cars go digital and customers demand for new-age, digital-first services and solutions.


Korean polytechnics ready to help Malaysia develop TVET

Korean polytechnics are looking forward to work with Malaysia to further develop technical and vocational education and training (TVET). — NSTP Archive
Audrey Dermawan

By Audrey DermawanOctober 23, 2019 @ 2:56pm

INCHEON: Korean polytechnics are looking forward to work with Malaysia to further develop technical and vocational education and training (TVET).

Korea Polytechnics Education and Training Bureau director-general Cho Sung Hwan said they were ready to help establish TVET schools in Malaysia or develop the system in line with the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0), among others.

“We have formed a global network with Malaysia’s Department of Polytechnic Education since May 2017.

“We hope that we can offer more assistance to your country,” he told the New Straits Times during a visit to the Korean Polytechnics Incheon campus here.

The visit was part of a one-day internship programme under the 2019 Kwanhun-KPF Press Fellowship in Seoul.

The NST had been selected to represent Malaysia in the month-long fellowship this year.

Journalists from Brunei, Cambodia, India, Myanmar, Mongolia, the Philippines and Vietnam also participated in the programme.

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had often stressed that TVET must be a top national priority.

He had also said that TVET was a game changer in the government’s efforts to produce a more highly-skilled local workforce.

Elaborating, Korean Polytechnics Industrial Partnership Department director/professor Ahn Jongbok said: “We are always ready to help Malaysia”.

He said they organised annual international technology volunteer programmes where their students would visit Malaysian colleges to share Korea’s technical skills.

He added that they were also looking into developing language exchange programmes between the two countries.

“It is good if we can be of help to your country to further develop TVET,” he added.

Meanwhile, Cho said to change the perception that TVET was associated with “low pay and dirty work”, the Korean polytechnics had been focusing more on IR4.0 compared to fundamental industries like they did in the 1960s.

In the past five decades, Korean polytechnics have trained over 66,000 students, promising an 85.8 per cent employment rate upon graduation.

They have 35 campuses throughout South Korea along with a high school and two training centres.

Besides Malaysia, it also has a network with other Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam and Cambodia.

It has also worked with France, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia.


Malaysia’s TVET courses used as reference by Sri Lankan’s Ministry of Technical, Vocational, Education & Training (TVET)


  • Increase TVET certificate holders from 79,200 to 144,000, which will result in 40% of the 360,000 students per annum. 
  • Transform unskilled labour contribution of the labour force into skilled labour contribution of the labour force by reducing the current unskilled labour from 225,600 i.e. 62.8% of all students per annum to 36,000 i.e. 10% of all students per annum. 
  • Create opportunities for students and adult learners to acquire skills, knowledge and values for employability and lifelong learning. 
  • Develop and continuously revise training standards, skills training and the certification system.


1. Rebrand TVET to be an attractive learning choice by producing a dedicated brand guideline.

2. Enhance the quality of programmes to improve graduate and foreign employability, by enabling industry professionals to lead curriculum development.

3. Implement 0% Corporate tax and 0% VAT on TVET education. Corporate tax and VAT rates to be guaranteed for the next 25 years to aid building private TVET universities.

4. Introduce new TVET courses after evaluating those available in India, Germany and Malaysia to match job market demand.

5. Build a fully equipped TVET Centre in each district, with qualified lecturers for all NVQ certification levels, to increase TVET certificate holders from 79,200 to 144,000 which will result in 40% of the total 360,000 students per annum.

6. Upgrade existing technical education centres in collaboration with world-class institutions.

7. Introduce short courses in the TVET curriculum based on 4 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 20 hours, one day, one week and one month.

8. Introduce additional TVET courses in logistics stream catering to the job market demand. 

9. Increase the number of TVET courses available for women. 

a. Courses in office management, computer operator, programming assistant, tour and travel assistant, etc. 

b. In addition, introduce short courses (1 to 2 weeks) in hair care, facials, nail art and sewing garments.

10. Introduce ‘Train the Trainer’ courses for TVET instructors to enhance their skills.

11. Ensure availability of free online language courses to all citizens.

12. Implement an online skill assessment portal for individuals to assess their current skill levels and to identify areas for improvement. 

13. Implement a job bank where unemployed citizens are geo-tagged and directed to jobs matching their skills. This would also monitor new students until they have been employed. 

14. Initiate a dedicated plan on district-wise job creation. 

a. Tourism related jobs. Training courses for tour guides, retail, homestay operations, beach club operations, bartenders, waiters and receptionists, etc. 

b. Hotel sector job creation through online hospitality courses. 

c. Training videos for homestay hotel operators. 

d. Nursing training courses. 

e. Provide funds to conduct courses on handloom, traditional crafts and handicrafts, etc.

15. Launch a dedicated website for TVET students with information on: 

a. Technical colleges available in the area. 

b. Courses available based on location. 

c. Career guidance. 

d. Job availability in the area. 

e. Video-based TVET course learning. 

f. Video-based personal and soft-skill development with grooming tips.

16. Increase intake of students in nursing colleges.

Source:   Based on Sri Lankan’s business leader Dhammika Perera’s recently revealed ‘Economic Growth Strategy and Action Plan to increase GDP Per Capita from $ 4,000 to $ 12,000’

TVET Pendidikan utama masa hadapan – 7 Strategi Pembangunan Aliran TVET

TVET Pendidikan utama masa hadapan

PUTRAJAYA – Kementerian Pendidikan mahu bidang Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional (TVET Malaysia) dijadikan pilihan utama @ TVET Pendidikan Utama dan bukan lagi sebagai cabang alternatif. Menteri Pendidikan, Dr Maszlee Malik, berkata, beliau juga mahu TVET Malaysia dilihat sebagai suatu entiti tunggal yang besar dan seragam, tidak terpecah-pecah dan sekali gus berkongsi suatu sistem kuat serta menyeluruh.

“Semua tindakan telah kita lakukan khususnya, menubuhkan Badan Penyelaras TVET Negara yang sekali gus menyatukan TVET Malaysia di bawah satu bumbung dan sistem tunggal yang lebih berdaya saing.

“Secara ringkasnya, reformasi TVET akan berpaksikan lima tonggak utama, iaitu menubuhkan Badan Penyelaras TVET Negara, memberi tumpuan kepada kecukupan modal pembiayaan, membangunkan modal pemilikan bersama.

TVET Pendidikan utama masa hadapan

“Ini termasuk juga memperkasakan persijilan TVET (Industri) dan menjenamakan TVET dengan nama baharu TVET Kebangsaan Tunggal,” katanya.

Belia berkata demikian dalam ucapannya sempena Sesi Dialog Kementerian Bersama Industri untuk Memperkasakan TVET.

Turut hadir pada sesi dialog itu, Menteri Sumber Manusia, M Kulasegaran; Presiden Persekutuan Majikan-majikan Malaysia (MEF), Tan Sri Azman Shah Haron dan Pengerusi Teknikal Jawatankuasa Kabinet Pemerkasaan TVET, Tan Sri Datuk Soh Thian Lai.

Turut terlibat 40 wakil organisasi dalam kalangan persatuan perdagangan dan industri, perniagaan dan pembekal perkhidmatan TVET.

Kata Maszlee, Rancangan Malaysia ke-11 (RMK11) secara spesifik telah menyatakan bahawa TVET adalah pemacu perubahan di mana kerajaan mensasarkan 35 peratus pekerja mahir dapat dihasilkan menjelang 2020.

“Kemahiran profesional ini haris diangkat sebagai pendidikan dan kerjaya pilihan utama.

“Usaha kerajaan untuk merealisasikan aspirasi tersebut melibatkan sistem akreditasi yang diharmonikan dengan jaminan kualiti bagi membolehkan mobiliti pelajar antara institusi TVET merentas kementerian,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, setiap institusi pendidikan dan latihan TVET perlu bekerjasama dengan universiti serta agensi inovasi untuk memperkenalkan teknologi baharu yang boleh dimanfaatkan industri.

TVET Pendidikan utama masa hadapan

“Usaha ini secara tidak langsung dapat meningkatkan permintaan industri terhadap graduan TVET. Selain sejajarkan hala tuju institusi TVET dengan keperluan industri, terutamanya dalam menuju Revolusi Industri 4.0,”katanya.

Sementara itu, mengulas mengenai majlis yang dianjurkan, Maszlee berkata, Jawatankuasa Kabinet Pemerkasaan TVET melancarkan Kempen TVET Kebangsaan yang membabitkan pelancaran logo dan slogan, pencarian TVET Influencer dan Anugerah TVET Valued Industry Partners (VIP).

Kempen ini berlangsung sehingga bulan November ini adalah salah satu strategi utama bagi memperkasakan TVET di Malaysia @ menjadikan TVET Pendidikan Utama,” katanya.

Lahirkan tenaga kerja mahir

Sementara itu, Pengerusi Teknikal JKKPTVET, Tan Sri Soh Thian Lai berkata, dialog industri itu bertujuan mewujudkan kesedaran dan kesediaan kepada pihak industri menjadi rakan kongsi dalam menghasilkan cabaran masa depan, kerjaya, dan memenuhi kehendak negara.

Beliau berkata, reformasi TVET menerima lima tonggak yang akan diwujudkan di bawah komuniti teknikal, iaitu pentadbiran, kualiti, industri, kewangan dan pengurusan.

TVET Pendidikan utama masa hadapan

“Lepasan TVET juga akan dipertingkatkan dengan teknologi dan kemahiran terkini bagi meningkatkan produktiviti, seterusnya mengurangkan kebergantungan kepada pekerja asing,” katanya ketika berucap di Sesi Dialog, Memperkasa TVET, Kementerian bersama Industri.

Tambah beliau, kementerian juga akan memberikan kira-kira 70 peratus tempoh latihan dalam sektor industri dan perkilangan kepada pelatih.

“Setelah tamat latihan, pelatih berpeluang memperoleh gaji yang lebih tinggi kerana telahpun didedahkan dengan budaya kerja dan mempunyai pengalaman,” katanya.

Tujuh strategi untuk Pembangunan Aliran TVET Negara

  1. Mengubah konsep pendidikan tradisional daripada train and place kepada place and train.
  2. Perkenalkan Co-Ownership Model antara kerajaan dan industri untuk peralatan, teknologi, kepakaran dan inovasi.
  3. Excellence (CoE) agar wujud Wujudkan Industry-Based Centre of penyelarasan antara semua institusi TVET untuk mengoptimumkan sumber dan dana kerajaan.
  4. Perkenalkan TVET Valued Industry Partners (TVET VIP) untuk menggalakkan industri menerajui sistem TVET.
  5. Flat mobility of expertise iaitu untuk memastikan wujudnya penyelarasan antara industri dan pusat pendidikan TVET.
  6. Employment Opportunities and Wage Level untuk memastikan graduan TVET mendapat gaji lumayan, serta memperoleh laluan kerjaya yang jelas dan terjamin.
  7. Industry Led Competency Certification Bodies (Model German Dual Vocational Training). Pengiktirafan ini akan diterajui oleh industri untuk mengelakkan pertindihan.


Highlight of SINO-Malaysia TVET Summit Conference

The Manpower Department under MOHR signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) during the 2019 China-ASEAN Vocational Education Exhibition and Forum.

The MoU will be a concrete platform for both countries to share knowledge and expertise through the exchange programmes. Considering China’s rapid advancement particularly in IR4.0 technologies, Malaysia hope to learn and tap on China’s technologies; especially in areas which China has distinct advantages.

Minister of Human Resources M Kula Segaran who was present explained that one major challenge was meeting the requirement of new technologies associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4.0), as well as embedding the TVET curriculum with soft skills relevant to IR4.0. The Ministry aspires to train the future skilled workforce that are competent in technologies associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4).

Some of the key technologies that are frequently associated with IR4 are Artificial Intelligence (A.I), robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), and additive manufacturing or 3D printing. Considering China’s rapid advancement particularly in IR4 technologies, it makes sense for Malaysia to learn from China in some of the areas that China has a distinct advantage.

Underlining the importance of International collaboration, the Minister also said ASEAN and China could work together to uplift the standard and quality of TVET education through the sharing of best practices, expertise, knowledge and joint research.

Even within ASEAN, we should come up with a common standard as a regional benchmark to harmonise TVET education.

He said MoHR puts a strong emphasis on the importance of international cooperation in TVET either at bilateral or multilateral levels. We recognize the importance of having China as a strategic partner in TVET.

The ministry also values the engagement and support of all the key stakeholders for making TVET a success story that will yield great benefits for Malaysia and any international collaborators.

Prepared by:
Ministry of Human Resources
25 September 2019

Comment: It’s not only the Germans or Americans that we learn IR4.0 from, advanced Asian countries like Japan & China are equally strong in these areas. It’s good that our country is open to collaborate with any countries that are more advanced than us in these areas.

Wonder what’s the status of YB Kulasegaran’s visit to Japan in July 2019 about having Malaysian TVET/blue collar job workers’ prospect of working in Japan’s construction, farming, nursing care etc sectors.
Perhaps our Malaysian workers may gain some valueable technological or cultural values that can later be imparted to our locals once they are back in Malaysia.

Govt plans to introduce paternity leave for private sector, says deputy minister

Datuk Mahfuz Omar said an amendment to the Employment Act 1955 is being prepared and will be submitted to the Cabinet before it is tabled in Parliament. ― Picture by Miera Zulyana
Datuk Mahfuz Omar said an amendment to the Employment Act 1955 is being prepared and will be submitted to the Cabinet before it is tabled in Parliament. ― Picture by Miera Zulyana

KUALA LUMPUR, June 20 — The Human Resource Ministry plans to introduce a three-day paternity leave for the private sector, in response to requests from NGOs and private sector unions, Deputy Minister Datuk Mahfuz Omar said today.

He said an amendment to the Employment Act 1955 is being prepared and will be submitted to the Cabinet before it is tabled in Parliament.

“We have held discussions with the National Labour Advisory Council and representatives of trade unions and employers on the matter,” he told a press conference after a Clients Day programme of the Skills Development Fund Corporation (PTPK) and the launch of a ‘Pay and Win’ promotion, here.

Mahfuz said the amendment to the act also involved increasing the maternity leave from 60 days to 90 as was being implemented in the public service.

Pertubuhan Pertolongan Wanita (WAO) had called for a seven-day paternity leave in the private sector, as enjoyed by the male employees in the public sector.

Meanwhile, Mahfuz urged the over 300,000 PTPK borrowers to repay their loans which he said had accumulated to over RM1.2 billion since 2001.

He said PTPK is offering incentives to the tune of RM40,000 to the borrowers who repay under the ‘Pay and Win’ promotion between July 1 and September 30.


Report: Nearly one-third of manufacturing workers have a bachelor’s

Photo for illustration purpose only

Dive Brief:

  • About one-third of manufacturing workers holds a bachelor’s degree in 2016, up from only 8% in 1970, according to a new report from Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce. Meanwhile, the share of workers with a high school degree or less shrunk from 79% to 43% over the same time period. 
  • Manufacturing employs about 12.6 million workers, down from a high of nearly 20 million in 1979. Automation has displaced millions of workers and taken over many routine tasks, causing more manufacturing positions to require or degree or credential. 
  • The center projects that the sector will shed 2% of its workers with a high school diploma or less by 2027. There will be 200,000 fewer “good jobs” — or those that make at least $35,000 — for those with bachelor’s degrees, but 300,000 more good jobs for workers with middle skills.  

When it comes to evaluating mass notification solutions, where should you start? First, it is important to understand the technology, what it can do for your organization and how it works.

Dive Insight:

The research further supports two well-documented trends: the dramatic narrowing of the job market in manufacturing and the growing need for postsecondary training for industry jobs – particularly through associate degrees and credentials.

However, even the number of good manufacturing jobs available to workers without a bachelor’s degree has been dwindling, from 7.2 million in 1991 to 4.8 million in 2016. Meanwhile, middle-skill jobs, or those where workers have more than a high school education but less than a bachelor’s degree, account for some of the biggest growth in the sector. For example, the number of associate degree-holders with good manufacturing jobs grew to 1 million in 2016.

The center notes that nondegree credentials also boost the chances that manufacturing workers will get a good job, regardless of their level of education. Having a certification or license, for example, improves the chances that workers with a high school diploma will find a good manufacturing job by 18 percentage points.

Many have lauded credentials a way to quickly upskill workers for the ever-changing needs of the job market. And indeed, research from the Lumina Foundation and the Strada Education Network found that those with nondegree credentials are more likely to report having a full-time job than those without credentials.  

As such, the credential marketplace have been growing, with even soft skills on offer at some universities. There’s also been a growing call for universities to embed certifications within their degree programs. That way, the thinking goes, colleges can keep their curriculum current and give students proof of in-demand skills before they graduate. 

The Lumina Foundation has found value in the approach but notes that such efforts haven’t been closely monitored for their effect on labor market outcomes. It may, however, prove to be one way for colleges to better meet the needs of U.S. employers, who often voice their difficulty with finding skilled workers.


Comment: Likewise, technical and vocational graduates or commonly known as TVET in Malaysia, should pursue a Bachelor or Masters degree in order to be able to scale higher in their career or business. It’s no more a dream for TVET graduates, despite not having SPM or poor SPM results, to further their studies beyond Diploma (whether it’s Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) or Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM)).

There are now 5 public technical universities that’s officially accepting TVET diploma holders.
Many may not be aware that some private universities have also been accepting these TVET diploma holders (without or with poor SPM results) but soon (perhaps another month or so), an official announcement would be made to provide a second chance to these group of technically inclined graduates who may not excel academically.

If you want to know more about the opportunity available for you to pursue a Bachelor or Masters Degree as a TVET graduate, you may APPLY HERE