Tag Archives: DLKM

UTHM perkenal ijazah untuk lulusan vokasional

TIMBALAN Ketua Setiausaha Perancangan Strategik Kementerian Pendidikan, Datuk Kamel Mohamad. – Foto Intan nur Elliana Zakaria

BATU PAHAT: Rangkaian Universiti Teknikal Malaysia (MTUN) akan memperkenal program baharu sarjana muda teknologi, khusus bagi lulusan Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM), Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) dan Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM).

Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha Perancangan Strategik Kementerian Pendidikan, Datuk Kamel Mohamad, berkata program itu merealisasikan agenda pendidikan teknikal dan latihan vokasional (TVET) di negara ini.

“Menerusi inisiatif pemerkasaan TVET ini, graduan DVM, DKM dan DLKM berpeluang untuk melebarkan lagi kemahiran dan pengetahuan mereka.

“Semua penuntut universiti yang mengambil program ini hendaklah turut berusaha mengangkat martabat TVET sebagai aliran pendidikan perdana dengan cara menyumbang kepakaran dan menjadi penyelesai masalah kepada masyarakat apabila tamat pengajian kelak,” katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian pada Majlis Pelancaran Jerayawara dan Promosi Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) baru-baru ini.

Yang turut hadir, Naib Canselor UTHM, Prof Datuk Dr Wahid Razzaly dan Timbalan Naib Canselor (Akademik dan Antarabangsa) UTHM merangkap Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi MTUN, Prof Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman.

Program pengajian baharu itu yang mendapat pengiktirafan Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) dan pensijilan badan profesional Lembaga Teknologis Malaysia (MBOT) ini membabitkan 10 jurusan yang menawarkan program berasaskan teknologi.

Antaranya ialah bidang penyejukan dan penyamanan udara, kimpalan, pemesinan, pembinaan bangunan, perkhidmatan makanan, minyak dan gas, penyelenggaraan sistem elektrik, sistem automasi elektronik, automotif serta keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan.

Semua program ini akan mula mengambil pelajar pada September 2020.

Bagi memperkenal program baharu ini, MTUN merancang untuk menjalankan promosi, menyebar luas dan mengukuhkan kerjasama industri sama ada di dalam atau luar negara.

Jerayawara ini juga bertujuan mempromosikan laluan bagi graduan kemahiran di Malaysia ke peringkat universiti menerusi kerjasama MTUN dan pada masa sama memperkenalkan program pengajian tinggi itu kepada wakil institut latihan kemahiran awam dan swasta dan wakil industri.

Selain UTHM, universiti awam yang menganggotai MTUN ialah i Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) dan Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP).

Sumber: https://www.bharian.com.my

Komen: Selain bidang teknikal, graduan TVET dengan SKM2, SKM3 ataupun DKM juga boleh bakal dapat ijazah pengurusan industri dalam masa yang singkat (9 bulan) dengan program URise yang ditawarkan oleh Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, KL bersama ISE Education Sdn Bhd.
Program ini direka khas untuk graduan TVET, jadi jangan bimbang ia terlalu akademik & susah.
Pembelajaran blended, atas talian dan bersemuka di Universiti
Boleh buat pengeluaran dari KWSP ataupun bayar dengan kad kredit.

Creating clear career pathways for TVET

FOR the nation to move forward in tandem with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) and beyond, there is a clear need for a well-trained technical workforce with skill sets that are present- and future-ready as well as future-resilient.

Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) programmes have always been seen as the vehicle to prepare aptly-skilled human capital but somehow the general perspective is that they fall short in terms of the level of skills and knowledge needed for the industry to forge ahead.

Graduates who have qualified from TVET institutions previously do not have a clear career pathway to further their studies and secure jobs that are highly technical in nature.

To create more career pathways and opportunities for TVET students, the Education Ministry with the Malaysian Technical University Network (MTUN) comprising four universities — Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) , Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) , Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) and Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) — and the professional body for technologists and technicians, the Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT), have collaborated in establishing newly developed Bachelor of Technology Degree (BTech) programmes in specific technology fields.

Some universities have introduced several of the courses last month at the beginning of the 2019/2020 academic year while other universities will make the courses available in September next year.

The curriculum is more practical and flexible to meet the challenges of the IR 4.0.

According to MBOT president Tan Sri Ahmad Zaidee Laidin, BTech programmes in MTUN are articulation programmes for TVET graduates with Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (Malaysian Vocational Diploma/DVM) through Kolej Vokasional (KV); and those with Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (Diploma in Skills Malaysia / DKM) and Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (Advanced Diploma Skills Malaysia / DLKM) from institutions under the Department of Skills Development, Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR).

The articulation process entails matching the courses, requirements and coursework at vocational colleges with that at higher education institutions.

“KVs start enrolling students as young as 16, post PMR/PT3 examination towards Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM) through Sijil Vokasional Malaysia (SVM) without SPM. That posed a problem for the graduates should they decide to pursue a Bachelor’s degree and beyond at public universities. Other than that they often face difficulty in transitioning from TVET-based education to an academic-based degree programme,” he explained.

Tan Sri Ahmad Zaidee Laidin

The entry level requirement for BTech programmes in MTUN is not based solely on SPM qualification, Ahmad Zaidee highlighted.

For DVM graduates, most of the candidates have taken the equivalency courses to SPM’s Bahasa Melayu dan Sejarah, namely Bahasa Melayu 1104 as well as Sejarah 1251. For DKM and DLKM graduates, most of the students have taken SPM which already includes Bahasa Melayu and Sejarah.

In any case this nation-building initiative is not met, MTUN has agreed the student can enrol for the courses during their tenure years of BTech studies.

“MBOT through Technicians Act 2015 (Act 768) has established the Technology & Technical Accreditation Council (TTAC). This is a Joint Technical Committee with the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) to perform accreditation on professional technology and technical programmes. The council has published a Technology & Technical Accreditation Manual 2019 (TTAC MANUAL) for a comprehensive guideline for education providers (EP) to design and develop their programmes in the advanced technological fields,” he said.

UniMAP Academic Management Office dean Professor Dr Anuar Mat Safar said the availability of BTech programmes for DVM and DKM qualification holders is timely.

“It is estimated there are 50,000 students graduating with DVM and DKM every year. With the availability of BTech programmes, these students can obtain Bachelor’s degree-level qualifications as per required to face the challenges of IR 4.0,” he said.

Associate Professor Dr Anuar Mat Safar


The main difference between BTech and conventional degree programmes is that the former were developed based on occupational requirement while the latter are more discipline-based, UTeM vice-chancellor Professor Datuk Wira Dr Raha Abdul Rahim explained.

“In conventional degree, fundamental and technological courses such as mathematics, physics etc are taught separately. In BTech programmes, the focus is for a graduate to perform a task in the work environment, hence fundamental and technological knowledge that is usually taught in different courses are embedded into a course on a particular competency set,” she said.

UTeM vice-chancellor Professor Datuk Wira Dr Raha Abdul Rahim

For example, she illustrated that a BTech Welding programme comprises a course of Welding inspection that combines elements of mathematics, physics, material studies, and local laws accordingly rather than have the subjects taken in separate courses, as with conventional programmes.

UTHM vice-chancellor Professor Datuk Dr Wahid Razzaly, meanwhile, explained that the current delivery or execution of BTech programmes uses the approach of Work Based Learning (WBL) in block released manner. This means the students undergo their studies in two phases: two and a half years at university and another year in the industry.

“The curriculum structure is towards preparing students into industry 4.0 in line with the Program Educational Objective, which is to produce technologist, technopreneur and entrepreneurship.

As such, the success ratio of higher graduate employability is ensured as the students will have a structured WBL courses in the industry itself within a year before they graduate,” he said.

He said another delivery approach via apprenticeship is still in the development progress. The idea is to have workers upgrade their qualifications by studying two days in university and working three days.


UMP Center for Academic Innovation & Competitiveness (CAIC) director Associate Professor Dr Mohd Rusllim Mohamed, who is a director of the MBOT Technology and Technical Accreditation Secretariat, observed that MoE and the Ministry of Human Resources have been working closely to ensure the programmes are running accordingly.

“So far, the government has distributed some budget for reskilling and upskilling of existing lecturers, mentoring training for industry workers, and the implementation of a newly developed concept of teaching factory — University Revaluation Teaching Factory (URTF). Here, students are involved in industry production line, thus creating valuable experiential learning even before they graduate,” he said.

He related that MoE has approached the Malaysian German Chamber of Commerce and Industries (MGCCI) to become a strategic partner to BTech’s MTUN, so that the programmes can be further improved to meet the German standards.

“With MGCCI on board, all of its over 400 companies’ partners would be willing to be part of the ministry’s TVET empowerment agenda,” he said.

To improve the quality of teaching and learning based on IR 4.0, Anuar said UniMAP is currently applying to develop a teaching plant through the URTF effort.

“This involves practical sessions of industrial design, engineering design and 3D printing at this teaching plant,” said Anuar.

UniMAP’s Faculty of Engineering Technology has also applied for TVET transfer of technology (TOT) for existing lecturers to further enhance their knowledge and skills.

“The main objective of this TOT is to obtain professional certification for lecturers at the faculty. Some laboratories are also proposed to be turned into industrial laboratories, to enable professional certificates to be issued. Training to obtain a teaching professional certificate has also been proposed as one of the TOT TVET agendas to be implemented after this provision is approved,” he said.

At UTHM, Wahid said nine memoranda of understanding and eight letters of intent with related industries have been signed.

“The University-Industry partnerships include those with Siemens, Acson, Carrier, Festo, HardRock Hotel, NIOSH, Binaan Desjaya and Proton. The approach of BTech programmes is to have 60 per cent work-based learning and 40 per cent theory,” he said.


Director of UTeM’s Academic Planning and Development Office Associate Professor Dr Muhammad Fahmi Miskon said with a BTech degree in hand, TVET graduates can also request for appropriate and adequate amount of salaries coherent with the skills that they own.

“It is believed that the competition for fresh graduates to get a job has gotten tougher. Hands-on skills, experience and knowledge are what employers look for today,” he said.

Other than having more students involved in skilled courses, Ahmad Zaidee said it is also very important to get the students to further their studies so that they would be more intellectually improved in many aspects.

“The graduates of these programmes are expected to be employed as soon as they graduate because the programmes are designed to fulfil the needs of the industries.

“The launch of B.Tech programmes in MTUN reflects the government’s commitment in promoting and acknowledging TVET as the driving force in the country’s development. The curriculum is more practical and flexible to meet the challenges of the IR 4.0,” he said.

As the primary professional body for TVET, he said MBOT prepares TVET graduates as technologists and technicians that are readily accepted not just in the local but also the global industry.

“We are establishing our footing in the international arena with other countries via bilateral or multilateral cooperation.

“To date, we have been accepted as provisional signatory for Seoul Accord (multilateral co-accreditation agreement for Information & Computing Technology programmes). MBOT has also taken a proactive step in proposing to pioneer the establishment of APEC Technologists and Technicians Register (ATTR) which is anticipated to be launched next year when Malaysia hosts APEC 2020,” he said.

Source: https://www.nst.com.my/education

Comment: It’s not just BTech that DVM/DKM/DLKM graduates can pursue, they can also consider EBIM (Executive Bachelor in Industrial Management), an URise bridging program by Universiti Tun Abdul Razak where Technical Leadership and Industrial Revolution 4.0 are the core learning outcomes.

Executive Bachelor in Industrial Management (EBIM), specializing in Leadership, enable skilled personnel to excel into managerial positions with enhancements in managerial core abilities. The course covers the learning in soft-skills of leadership, managerial abilities, business communication and project management.

For SKM1&2 graduates, they are also not forgotten as their pathway would be to Professional Diploma in Industrial Management.

Truly understanding TVET candidates’ situation, SPM is not a pre-requisite, yay! Another exciting part about the program is that it’s a blended learning, means it’s conducted online and face to face classroom.

For more information, kindly email to thonghiwah@urise.edu.my or whatsapp/call 012-3123430.

Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) diterima di industri dan luar negeri ke?

SKM diterima industri/luar negari
Contoh SKM bidang VTO (I-031-3:2014) – Pegawai Latihan Vokasional – WAJIB untuk Pegawai Penilai (PP)

SKM diterima industri/luar negeri?

Isu SKM diterima industri/luar negeri kerap dipersoalkan. Sebelum kita bincang pasal tu, mari kita lihat faedah Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia.

Apakah faedah Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia?

1. Persijilan Kemahiran memang diiktiraf oleh industri di Malaysia
Realitinya, tidak lagi semua industri tetapi pihak Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) bersama Industrial Lead Body (ILB) memang sentiasa berusaha ke arah itu.

Untuk sesetengah industri seperti bengkel servis kenderaan, Rang Undang-Undang (RUU) Perkhidmatan Penyelenggaraan dan Pembaikan Kenderaan Motor telah dibentangkan di Dewan Rakyat, Mac 2018 di mana antara lain bakal mewajibkan pengusaha memiliki lesen khas mengendalikan perniagaan itu.

Dalam Petronas Technical Standards (PTS), Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia welding inspection telahpun diterima dan dinyatakan dalam beberapa PTS contohnya PTS 15.12.10 – Welding Of Structural Steel.
Tetapi ada juga PTS yang belum menyatakan penerimaan JPK welding inspection secara terus, contohnya:
(a) PTS 15.12.01 – Welding for Chemical Oil & Gas Industries (hanya ASNT & ISO 9712)
(b) PTS 12.30.05 – Shop & Field Fabrication of Piping (hanya PCN/CSWIP/ AWS)
(c) PTS 15.12.04 – Welding of Pipeline (hanya menyatakan SKM untuk NDE personnel)

Kalau boleh, semua PTS dapat diseragamkan dan menyatakan penerimaan SKM welding inspection secara terus bukan hanya “term equivalent”. Ini secara tidak lansung akan mengiktiraf persijilan ni.

Begitu juga untuk sektor perkhidmatan kecantikan dan dandanan rambut, sesetengah pihak berkuasa tempatan seperti MPAJ & MPS dikatakan mensyaratkan pengusaha atau pekerjanya perlu ada Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) untuk memohon lesen premis.

Difahamkan juga sektor air akan mewajibkan sesetengah pekerja dalam bidang tertentu memiliki Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia menjelang 2020.

2. Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia menyediakan suatu laluan kerjaya dan pembangunan diri yang menarik setanding dengan laluan kerjaya berasaskan kelayakan akademik.
Ini dah terbukti dengan kebolehpasaran graduan TVET negara melonjak lebih 90% manakala Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia melaporkan pada suku pertama 2019, negara merekodkan seramai 516,600 penganggur dimana seramai 238,286 penganggur termasuk 174,327 siswazah, mendaftar sebagai pencari kerja aktif dengan JobsMalaysia di bawah Jabatan Tenaga Kerja (JTK) Semenanjung.

3. Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia berupaya melahirkan pekerja mahir yang terlatih dan berkelayakan untuk mempertingkatkan daya saing industri tempatan di pasaran dunia.
Ia telah terbukti bahawa Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia kita ni memang laku dan jauh lebih bernilai dari sijil-sijil lain, tak kira tempatan ke luar negeri seperti UK.

Sudah banyak kes di mana Kedutaan Negara Asing di Malaysia cuma menyokong (endorse) Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM), Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) & Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM) tetapi tidak sijil-sijil kemahiran/akademik lain, walaupun ia mungkin datang dari UK, Australia atau Germany, kecuali ia adalah dari badan professional yang dikenali dunia (seperti ACCA, CIBTAC, CIDESCO, TWI dsbgnya).

Apakah kepentingan ini? Jika anda ingin bekerja dalam industri kemahiran di Dubai, Australia, China ke mana-mana di luar Malaysia, majikan dan kedutaan rata-ratanya hanya mengiktiraf SKM/DKM/DLKM. Tak percaya? Cuba pergi tanya pegawai di Kedutaan Asing ataupun Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK).

Jadi, jelas bahawa nilai SKM/DKM/DLKM ini amat besar, cuma ramai yang masih tidak tahu menghargainya.

Jika anda masih tiada Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia tetapi ada pengalaman industri, boleh mohon secara Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT)

Sekarang anda yakin tak SKM diterima industri/luar negeri?

Sekiranya anda ada lebih info yang nak kongsi dengan admin, sila komen ya.


Peluang graduan TVET di Offshore – Gaji Lumayan?

Graduan TVET di offshore

Kehidupan dan cabaran di offshore

Bekerja di offshore (pelantar minyak) tak sama dengan bekerja di tempat-tempat biasa. Berjauhan dengan keluarga, anak bini serta girlfriend, kerja 12 jam sehari start jam 6.30 pagi sampai le jam 6.30 petang. Pergerakkan pun terbatas, banyak regulation yang kena patuhi.

Tentang safety pulak, number one. Sesetengah platform Petronas langsung tidak benarkan personnel keluar dari living quarters kalau tak pakai coverall, sebab safety. Mercury hazard Dan Hidrogen sulfida. Platform Supervisor ada hak untuk hantar balik pada sesiapa yang langgar safety regulation. Kena pakai PPE atau personnel protective equipment setiap masa sewaktu bekerja, kalau after working hour sekalipun kena pakai kalau keluar dari living quarters. Living quarters – tempat makan minum, tengok tv, mandi, rehat dan tidur.

Nak ke offshore pun perlu jalan urine test terlebih dulu, mana-mana personnel yang positive, minta maaf sila balik rumah, offshore bukan tempat untuk penagih. Sekarang Petronas dah kuat kuasakan peraturan ni di sebelah east coast ni. Mana-mana personnel yang nak ke Petronas platform mesti urine test dulu sebelum naik chopper. ExxonMobil, Talisman dan lain-lain buat masa ni belum start lagi.

Risiko pun tinggi, ombak besar, angin kencang, kerja-kerja yang dijalankan semuanya kerja yang robust. Takde kerja yang takde risiko. Life di offshore perlu alert 24 jam. Masih berminat nak bekerja di offshore ke?

Kelayakkan untuk bekerja di offshore

Bukan semua orang boleh atau layak untuk bekerja di offshore. Hanya mereka yang betul-betul fit dibenarkan berada di atas platform, mat fit tidak digalakkan sama sekali.

Turun dari platform to boat
Basic requirement untuk bekerja di pelantar minyak.

Berusia at least 18 tahun ke atas – biasanya lepasan SPM lah. Sementara nak tunggu result tu ok juga cari pengalaman. Masalahnya sukar juga nak dapatkan company yang nak recruit worker yang tidak pernah ada pengalaman bekerja ni. Paling mudah gi register kat INSTEP – Institut Teknologi Petronas. Lawat web dia kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut. Tak jauh pun, area Batu Rakit Kuala Terengganu jer.
Institut Teknologi PETRONAS (INSTEP – Batu Rakit Campus)
Lot 9764, Mukim Batu Rakit,
21020, Kuala Terengganu,
Terengganu Darul Iman,
Tel: 609 – 669 6141
Fax: 609 – 669 6702
Email: instep@petronas.com.my

Kalau dah grad dari INSTEP, ada rezeki boleh bekerja dengan di Petronas ataupun ExxonMobil platform. Tapi kalau kena hantar kat onshore macam di Onshore Gas Terminal, Paka ka.. nasib lah.

Safety Passport – Conpulsory, wajib. Bagaimana nak dapatkan safety passport ni. … kalau di sebelah pantai timur ni, TSTC menawarkan berbagai course untuk workers. Ada berpuluh-puluh courses di sini tetapi yang wajib untuk bekerja di offshore :

Basic sea survival course
HUET – Helicopter underwater escape training
Fire fighting
Untuk bekerja di sebelah platform Petronas, anda perlu ada 4 courses. ExxonMobil setakat ini mewajibkan 3 courses. So tanpa course ini anda tidak akan dapat passport, takde passport maaf anda tidak dibenarkan

Walau bagaimanapun kalau anda seorang VIP, kalau takde anda maka kerja tak boleh buat, masih ada peluang untuk anda terlepas untuk sekali namun bergantung kepada keadaan.

Berapa ribu ringgit Malaysia? Untuk 4 courses ini ada perlu ada RMX,XXX.XX. Anda boleh contact TSTC atau layari website dia orang.

Terengganu Safety Training Center Sdn Bhd
3572, Jalan Panchur,
Kawasan Perindustrian Teluk Kalong,
24000 Kemaman
Terengganu Darul Iman
Tell : 09-8623300
Fax : 09-8623302

Physically fit – Macam aku terangkan di atas, hanya personnel yang fit sahaja yang boleh bekerja di sana, yang jenis lemah lembik dinasihatkan tak perlu memohon lah. Alasan aku, kita akan bekerja di sebuah tempat yang kotor, bahaya, cuaca yang tak menentu atau ringkasnya kerja-kerja yang memerlukan kekuatan fizikal dan mental.
Everything nak cepat, kalau lambat panas lah telinga. Begitu juga dengan crew-crew otai yang dah lama bekerja di sana, ada yang hampir 30 tahun! So puak-puak otai ni ada yang kasar ada yang sebaliknya. Kalau dapat bekerja dengan satu team yang baik tu ok lah, kalau puak yang satu lagi tu, alamat nak kena demob je lah.

Demob – balik ke onshore, atau back to town.

Mentallity Fit – Kalau cepat terasa hati, suka menangis, cepat tersentuh atau apa saja peel yang sewaktu dengan kaum hawa tu sekali lagi dinasihatkan tak perlu apply lah. Sebab, sendiri mau ingat kita nak bekerja di pelantar minyak nun di tengah laut, bukannya di kedai salun rambut.
Medical check-up – Anda perlu jalani medical check-up terlebih dahulu, x-ray apa-apa yang patut. Jantung OK, paru-paru OK, mata OK dan semuanya OK. Kalau semua OK boleh jalan terus.
So ini lah serba sedikit BASIC requirement untuk bekerja di offshore.

Jawatan Yang Ditawarkan

List di sini mungkin tidak lengkap, tetapi ini adalah antara regular position yang ada di offshore.

Helper – kalau bahasa kasarnya kuli, macam aku lah. Helper task dia membantu sesiapa sahaja yang perlukan bantuan, tak kira apa task sekalipun. Kerja biasanya lebih kepada nak memudahkan kerja-kerja orang lain, termasuklah tukang angkat spannar, bersihkan working area dan housekeeping. Ramai adik-adik lepasan SPM yang apply kerja ni.
Estimated Salary : RM40.00-RM50.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Rigger – Atas sikit dari helper, nak jadi rigger pun kena join rigging course, bukan boleh pakai redah jer. Tasknya lebih kepada ringging job, lasak, seperti menarik dan menolak bebanan yang berat yang biasanya crane tak boleh operate. Kelebihan untuk mereka yang bertubuh sasa, mat fit tak sesuai.
Estimated Salary : RM80.00-RM100.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Rigger Scaffolder – Rigger juga tetapi specialize dalam erect scaffolding, bahasa baku panggil perancah, tapi jangan ler sesekali sebut perencah kat offshore, nanti kena gelak dik. Tugasnya erect scaffolding untuk jadikan access platform dan panjat tempat tinggi menggunakan safety hardness.
Estimated Salary : RM80.00-RM120.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Fitter – Fitter kerjanya fit up weld steel pipe atau structure, biasanya satu team dengan welder.
Estimated Salary : RM90.00-RM130.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Welder -Welder, tugasnya menyambung pipe atau structure yang telah di fit up oleh fitter. Post ni boleh tahan, kalau banyak “lesen” boleh buat duit banyak. Lesen ni datangnya dari Welder Qualification Test (WQT) .. haaa translate la sendiri, memang dah gitu term nya. Kalau banyak lesen dipanggil multi skill, boleh weld material carbon steel, stainless steel, duplex, cuni etc ler. Orang kampung aku cakap juruteri.. wahaha.
Estimated Salary : RM100.00-RM300.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Blaster – Blaster kerjanya blasts metal surface dengan menggunakan blasting equipment sebelum painter paints sesuatu surface, pipe ke structure ke.. mana-mana lah. Pakaian macam orang nak kebulan, rimas la sikit. Perlu ada IMM courses.
Estimated Salary : RM70.00-RM90.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Painter – Painter pulak sambung kerja yang blaster dah buat, dia apply paint pada surface tu. Sama la kena pakai pakaian ke bulan jugak. Perlu ada IMM courses.
Estimated Salary : RM70.00-RM90.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Electrician – Nama pun electrician, kerja-kerja berkenaan dengan electric di platform.
Estimated Salary : RM100.00-RM120.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Instrument Fitter – Instrument fitter tasksnya berkenaan dengan bahagian instrument, process, tubing etc. Rilex jer kerja ni, tak berat langsung.
Estimated Salary : RM90.00-RM100.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Crane Operator – Operate platform crane.. huii kena ada course ni, kalau boleh bawak crane di onshore belum tentu boleh bawak crane di offshore.
Estimated Salary : RMxx.00-RMxx.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Roustabout –
Driller/Assistant Driller
Toolpusher –
Storeman –
Mud Logger –
Production Operator –
Maintenance personnel –
Catering staff –

Professional posts – Graduates from Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, Geology, Geophysics and Petroleum Engineering courses are all of interest to offshore companies in exploration and production activities such as:

Geologists and Geophysicists
Reservoir engineers
Drilling engineers
Petroleum engineers

Kredit artikel penulisan: www.offshoreman.net

Komen: Jika anda dah dalam bidang O&G dan nak dipersijilkan (Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia, Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia atau Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia), anda boleh rujuk DAFTAR NOSS JPK untuk lihat samada standard pekerjaan telah dibangunkan ke belum. Kalau dah ada, mohon SKM/DKM/DLKM anda melalui PPT.

Dan jika anda ada pengalaman kerja melebihi 10 tahun dalam bidang kemahiran anda, bolehlah pertimbangkan untuk dilantik sebagai Personal Penilai & Verifikasi.

Kursus induksi seperti PP-PPT & PPL selama 2 hari boleh melayakkan anda untuk dilantik, selain SKM & pengalaman kerja (>>10 tahun).

Jika anda ingin menjadi underwater welder pula, ini adalah maklumat kursus untuk pertimbagngan anda.

Kursus underwater welding

🔸 Harga Yuran Kursus :
1) Commercial Diving Level 1 = RM12,000.00
2) Commercial Diving Level 2 = RM12,000.00
3) Underwater Welding & Underwater Cutting = RM24,000.00
Jumlah penuh ialah RM48,000.00.

HARGA ROMOSI 2020 RM42,000.00

Kursus mengambil masa 3 bulan atau lebih (Full Time/Sepenuh Masa)

Pembayaran yuran penuh boleh dilakukan secara berperingkat (sepanjang 3 bulan dalam tempoh latihan)

🔹Kos yuran termasuk pakej :
1) Penginapan homestay
2) Makan & minum
3) Nota Pelajaran
4) Pensijilan
5) Logbook Official
6) Pakaian untuk latihan disediakan (Coverall & TShirt Weldzone Official).

Kursus Aqua Jet Underwater Blasting & Underwater Painting akan diberikan secara PERCUMA didalama silibus pelajaran dan praktikal. Kursus percuma ini diberikan jika pelajar mengambil kursus penuh sahaja (Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3) – (Selagi promosi masih sah sahaja)

Deposit RM5000 untuk :
1) Diving Medical Check Up (1 Hari di Ipoh, Perak)
2) First Aid Class
3) Scuba Diving

📌 Syarat Kelayakan untuk menyertai :
1) Warganegara perlu menyediakan salinan kad pengenalan depan / belakang.
2) Warga luar (Foreigner) salinan passport.
3) Berumur 18 tahun ke atas.
4) Sihat tubuh badan (tiada penyakit kronik asma, semput dll)
5) Mampu membaca, menulis, membuat kiraan matematik asas.
6) Keadaan kewangan yang mencukupi untuk memasuki latihan, untuk mengelakkan penangguhan bayaran yuran kursus serta penerimaan lesen dan sijil.

Pengiktirafan sijil dan lesen :

Pusat Latihan

  • diiktiraf oleh International Technical Diving Agency (Europe) bagi ASIA
  • ahli PETRONAS yang berdaftar dan sah
  • memiliki sijil keahlian IMCA 2017-2018
  • diiktiraf oleh AWS & Bureau Veritas
  • Sijil bertaraf ‘Worldwide’ dan ‘International”

Kuota Pinjaman Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran (PTPK) 2019 – Siapa Dapat, Siapa Tak Dapat?

Ya, keputusan yang dinanti-nantikan oleh banyak pengusaha Pusat Bertauliah (terutamanya swasta) dan lebih ramai lagi, para pelajar yang amat memerlukan pinjaman PTPK untuk menyambung pendidikan mereka supaya berdaya saing di alam pekerjaan kelak.

Jika anda pelajar yang ingin tahu samada Pusat Latihan/Bertauliah JPK yang anda ingin daftar betul-betul dapat kuota, sila rujuk sini (SKM 1-3) & sini (DKM 4 & DLKM 5). Harap maklum bahawa Pusat Bertauliah yang tidak dapat kuota boleh buat rayuan & dapat kuota kemudian. Jika anda tidak pasti pusat mana yang tawarkan kursus apa, boleh dapat & isi borang permohonan ringkas di sini.

Bagi Pusat Bertauliah JPK yang berjaya dapat kuota PTPK 2019, TAHNIAH!
Sekarang sudah boleh rancang & hantar pengajar/personel anda untuk kursus-kursus induksi (khususnya PP-PPD-PPB) & VTO sekiranya personel anda telah berhenti kerja sebelum ni kerana risau Pusat Bertauliah anda tidak dapat kuota dari PTPK.

Bagi mereka yang ingin tahu peluang yang ada dalam sektor TVET ataupun ingin jadi Pegawai Pengesah Luaran (PPL), kursus ni juga WAJIB untuk hadir

Dan jika anda adalah Pusat Bertauliah JPK yang pentauliahannya masih aktif tapi nak jual disebabkan tiada kuota PTPK, nak bersara dsgbnya, sila hubungi min kerana ada yang minat nak beli PB sedia ada, terutamanya di kawasan Lembah Klang.

NOTA: Kursus-kursus lain (VTO & Induksi):

1. PPL: 27-28 April
2. PP-PPT: 29-30 Jun

Tempat: I Smart Educare, Kepong Metro Prima, KL
Masa: 8.30-5pm
3. VTO (Pengambilan hujung Mei/Jun) – 360jam hujung minggu, 720jam di PB masing-masing

What lies ahead in 2019 for higher education?

(File pix) Diversity and education for all.

WITH Pakatan Harapan’s victory in the May 9 general election last year, the education landscape saw the merging of the Education Ministry, once the caretaker of school-level matters, with the Higher Education Ministry under the leadership of Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik.

The merger is the platform for the planning, implementation and management of strategies and operations, from pre-school to higher education and lifelong learning in a continuum.

Diversity and education for all is the ministry’s mission as evidenced by the June 2018 intake at public universities, polytechnics, community colleges and public skills training institutions.

Out of the intake of 182,409 post-sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) candidates, 17,338 places were offered to those from the B40 group, 299 to the disabled, 348 to Orang Asli and 1,225 to sports athletes. The trend of offering education opportunities at the tertiary level is expected to continue.

The education Ministry also pledged to make technical and vocational education and training (TVET) as students’ first choice of studies in the next five years.

Maszlee said TVET empowers every level of society towards equitable development, poverty reduction and economic prosperity.

However, several issues must be addressed, including strengthening the governance of TVET for better management, harmonising rating systems across both private and public TVET institutions, and enhancing the quality and delivery of TVET programmes to improve graduates’ employability.

The Budget 2019 speech revealed that the Education Ministry received the lion’s share with an allocation of RM60.2 billion, emphasising the critical importance of education for the nation’s progress.

The 2019 budget made substantial allocations for scholarships including a RM2.1 billion boost to the MARA education scholarships Programme and RM17.5 million over the next five years to the Malaysia Professional Accountancy centre (MyPAC) to produce more qualified bumiputera accountants.

Yayasan Peneraju Pendidikan Bumiputera received RM210 million for three of its programmes — Program Peneraju Tunas, Program Peneraju Skil (technical and vocational skills programmes) and Program Peneraju Professional (professional certifications in finance and accounting).

To ensure there are funds for those seeking to pursue tertiary studies, the national Higher Education Fund Corporation is reviewing its repayment mechanism.

Its chairman Wan Saiful Wan Jan said the review is expected to take six months before it is presented to the Cabinet for approval. The entity is actively holding meetings with various parties including community leaders, non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders to obtain relevant information and input before the draft is prepared.

With the abolishment of section 15(2)(c) of the universities and university colleges Act 1971 last month, students have the freedom to take part in politics on campus. This will further expose undergraduates to the democratic system and foster active participation in the governance of the country. Starting this year, student unions will be set up to develop students’ ability to manage their affairs on campus and empower them to lead the nation.

Rahmah Mohamed, MQA chief executive officer

Enhancing the quality of education

As an education hub, Malaysia is a popular destination for local and international students because of the quality of academic programmes provided by higher education institutions in the country which are accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).

MQA chief executive officer Datuk Dr Rahmah Mohamed said its accreditation is widely accepted in Asia, New Zealand, Japan, Australia, United Kingdom and Europe.

“We are recognised as a global brand. If a student graduates from a MQA-accredited programme in Malaysia or a Malaysian institution, they can work in any of these countries,” she added.

For this year, MQA plans to train qualifications officers from countries which require accreditation of programmes such as the Pacific Islands and those emerging from war as well as nations which do not have such agencies.

It will also introduce standards for micro-credentials. Micro-credentialing is the process of earning a micro-credential, which is like a mini degree or certification in a specific topic. To earn a microcredential, you need to complete a certain number of activities, assessments or projects related to the topic “We are looking at enabling individuals to earn credits from short courses organised by higher education institutions, accumulating those credits and ending up with a diploma or degree,” added Rahmah.

“In today’s environment, universities cannot work on their own but need to collaborate. If they subscribe to the same set of standards, a course offered by X University for example can be recognised by University Y.

“And University Y can then offer another set of courses to help students accumulate more credits.

“MQA is always looking for academic products that can contribute to the adult environment. Micro-credentials help students learn and earn on they go.”

Micro-cedentials can be offered by both public and private institutions as long as they subscribe to MQA standards.

“We are targeting to have the standards in place within the first quarter of this year followed by a roadshow. I foresee the implementation of micro-credentials will be rolled out six months later.”

The Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning – Qualification (APEL Q) is in the pipeline.

“APEL Q is still at the study stage. A person who has 20 years of work experience will sit a test and his portfolio will be assessed to determine an award of up to a master’s degree, without having to attend classes.”

MQA will conduct a pilot project after carrying out a feasibility study.

“When we roll it out, we will be the most advanced in Asia in terms of such qualifications.”

MQA believes there is a need to enhance the qualification of working adults without the need to be physically at university.

“We need to contribute to the advancement of the country and, to do this, we need to evolve and improve our stature in academics and education.

So, this is what MQA is striving for.”

Focus on skills

More often than not, SPM school-leavers who are not academically inclined are at a loss after getting their exam results.

Their results may not be up to mark to enable them to continue their studies at conventional higher education institutions and they may not even have an interest in academic pursuit. Without training and education, they may not have the skills for a bright future in the working world.

The Education Ministry’s Technical and Vocational Education Division encourages those who are not academically-inclined to pursue TVET as early as 16 years of age.

Division director Zainuren Mohd Nor sees 2019 as the year to strengthen and empower TVET.

The division runs three programmes: Kolej Vokasional (KV), Program Vokasional Menengah Atas (PVMA) and Perantisan Industri Menengah Atas (PIMA).

“The aim of KVs is to produce skilled workers who meet industry need or become entrepreneurs,” he said.

The aim is to get 70 per cent of its graduates employed, 20 per cent to continue studies and the remaining to become entrepreneurs.

“We have signed 775 memoranda of understanding for on-the-job training with the industry. We collaborate with the industry to produce students with skills required by the Industry Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0). We also partner with TVET colleges from, for example, Korea, China and Italy to gain exposure,” he added.

“Diploma Vokasional Malaysia graduates with a 3.5 CGPA can opt for higher studies. Or they can gain work experience and then opt for APEL Q.

“Budding entrepreneurs can enrol in the School Enterprise programme. They can set up their businesses during studies with the help of Companies Commission of Malaysia and relevant cooperatives.”

KV graduates are awarded the diploma as well as Malaysia Skills certificate. Some 96.7 per cent of the 2017 cohort are employed. As of Press time, the statistics for 2018 were unavailable.

As demand for places at vocational colleges is overwhelming, those who opt for TVET education can do so by joining the PVMA programme at day schools. They will be awarded two certificates — SPM and Malaysian Skills Certificate.

“They sit for only three SPM papers — Bahasa Malaysia, English and History — which qualify them to apply for places at vocational institutions.

They will also be awarded the Malaysia Skills Certificate Level 2 which certifies them as partially skilled and they can gain employment or become entrepreneurs.”

Last year, 269 schools ran PVMA programmes with an increase to 350 this year.“PIMA offers potential school dropouts a chance to learn and earn. They are in school for two days to learn SPM Bahasa Malaysia, English and History, and spend three days working in the industry. Some 116 schools were involved in 2018 while the number is increased to 200 this year.”

Students will be awarded a SPM certificate as well as a letter of testimony from employers.

The State Education Department and the District Education Office select the schools which carry out this programme subject to the availability of the industry in the vicinity of the school. Students, who are selected by school counsellors, get an allowance from the industry and will be monitored by it.

In the Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional programme, students learn at school for six months and attend industry training for another six months.

“I urge society to change its perception of TVET and encourage more industry players to partner with us to develop TVET.

“We want the industry to provide student placements, taking on a corporate social responsibility approach. The industry can provide facilities and equipment to ensure training is in line with IR4.0.

“Students too need to change their mindset from just being an employee to that of an entrepreneur.”

(File pix) Raja Azura Raja Mahayuddin


The allocation of RM17.5 million over the next five years to MyPAC will go towards its target to produce 600 Bumiputera professional accountants, said its chief executive officer Datuk Zaiton Mohd Hassan.

There are plans to boost Bumiputera education through sponsorship programmes, including collaborating with institutions which provide scholarships specifically for Bumiputeras, particularly students from B40 families, to pursue professional accountancy qualifications.

MyPAC was established in 2015, in collaboration with Yayasan Peneraju, to increase the number of certified Bumiputera accountants.

It aims to create the opportunity and provide the ecosystem for those with the capability and ambition to obtain a professional accountancy qualification.

Through the scholarship programmes, the number of graduates has risen from only two in 2015 to 141 last year, with 2,154 full-time scholars, and 2,654 current scholars.

Nor Dalina Abdullah, one of the earliest recipients of MyPAC scholarship, said she got to know of MyPAC in 2015, which allowed her to complete her ACCA examinations in the same year.

“The scholarship provided me with the means to continue my ACCA education. Its support was instrumental in my passing the examinations,” said Nor Dalina, who works as an analyst at Baker Hughes, a General Electric Company. Her role requires her to interact with her colleagues of different rank, including those in other countries.

“As a founding member of MyPAC Accountants Club, I hope to contribute back especially to MyPAC’s Outreach programme to inspire potential candidates in the fulfilling career as a professional accountant,” she added.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Shafiq Mohd Yusof, Muhammad Hakimie Mat Hat Hassan and Ahmad Fauzee Mohd Hassan attribute their success to Yayasan Peneraju’s three key thrusts—Peneraju Tunas, Peneraju Skil and Peneraju Profesional programmes.

Muhammad Shafiq, from a B40 family in Perak, pursued studies at a private university with aid from Yayasan Peneraju, and he works at a multinational corporation with an average salary of above RM5,000 a month. Muhammad Hakimie, from Terengganu, is trained and certified as a welder, with a salary of RM9,000 while Ahmad Fauzee, who is pursuing the ACCA qualification, ranked first in the world for a subject he took as part of the professional certification syllabus.

Yayasan Peneraju chief executive Raja Azura Raja Mahayuddin said a structured scholarship and development programme allows individuals to further studies without financial worries.

“Yayasan Peneraju is thankful for the government’s trust in its efforts in empowering the education of youth especially those from lower income households.

“We are committed to strengthening the Bumiputera community in response to the government’s call to sustain and empower education and human capital.”

As at December 2018, the foundation has helped 23,000 people benefit from education, TVET training (and employment) and professional certification funding and development programmes.

With an allocation of RM210 million under the 2019 Budget, the foundation will be offering more than 7,000 new opportunities this year, including focus of existing programmes on certifications in technology-related fields, professional accreditation programmes for accounting and finance, and a new initiative — Khaira Ummah — for those from religious and tahfiz schools.

There is also the Super High-Income Programme to increase the number of Bumiputeras who earn a monthly income of RM20,000 in specialised and niche fields.

The foundation will focus on target groups — 1,500 youths from challenging socio-economic background with average-to-excellent academic results (Peneraju Tunas); 4,000 dropouts, non-academically-inclined, unemployed youths and low skilled/semi-skilled workforce (Peneraju Skil); as well as 1,600 new and existing workforce including SPM and university graduates, who are aspiring to be specialists (Peneraju Profesional).

Out of the 1,600, it will groom 1,000 professional accountants, chartered financial analysts and financial risk managers annually.

A new programme, Peneraju Tunas Kendiri, which provides opportunities for the disabled, will be introduced this year.

Khaira Ummah will start with two programmes — Huffaz Pintar (SPM fast track) and Huffaz Skil.

“We want to open up career pathways to these group of students through academic courses and technical and vocational education or even to those who aspire to be professionals.”

The Health Ministry has an allocation of RM250 million worth of scholarships for medical doctors, paramedics (including medical assistants), nurses and medical students.

Some 40 per cent RM100 million) is allocated for 1,100 doctors per year (compared to 1,000 in the previous years) to pursue master’s degree in various disciplines.

The ministry spokesperson said about 12,000 medical college students will attend basic paramedic courses and 9,000 nurses will continue post-basic nursing programmes.

There are a variety of master’s degree programmes in medicine and health, including Science/Clinical, Research, Education and Public Health at local universities.

In Malaysia, a master’s degree in medicine and healthcare is a stepping stone to a career in medicine (as a doctor) or an alternative career in another aspect of the field.


Looking forward, Raja Azura applauded the government’s efforts in equipping the nation’s future generations with quality education.

The challenge is keeping up with technological advancements and embracing IR4.0 so as not to be left behind.

“Employers’ expectations of employees have moved towards technology-savvy communication skills, which in turn, require tertiary institutions to impart such abilities to students.

“I am hopeful that the higher education can prepare future generations to face IR4.0, which will impact all economies, industries and society at its core.

“It may very well challenge fundamental ideas about what it means to be human as it is slowly blurring the line between the physical, digital and biological, and changing the way we interact with emerging digital technology such as artificial intelligence, analytics and the Internet of Things.”

Raja Azura lauds the spirit of learnability and resilience.

“This is the desire and ability to quickly grow and adapt to remain relevant as people who are willing to learn will be agile and are versatile. They will also rank higher on the employability scale in today’s dynamic world.”

Zaiton of MyPAC hopes universities will encourage Bachelor in Accountancy graduates to pursue professional accountancy qualifications as they are only required to pass four ACCA papers, for example.

Source: www.nst.com.my 

1) What’s the point that the programs are accredited by MQA, recognised by many countries in the world but many of the local graduates are unemployed, mainly due to poor command of English language & the syllabus is so out of date and not relevant to the industry (same problem with TVET education system as well, most TVET institutions don’t produce graduates that matches the industry’s needs)

2) Introducing micro-credentials in the academic world is a great idea, it’s similar to TVET’s system where students/candidates can just go for certain Competency Units (CU) @ Modular certificate. Upon obtaining all CU in that particular program, they can be awarded a Malaysian Skill Certificate (MSC) or more well known as Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM)

3) Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning – Qualification (APEL Q) is another great system that allows experienced workers that didn’t go through formal education to obtain their Diploma, Degree, Masters or even PhD. However, devils is in the details. It maybe subject to manipulation by certain parties for quick & easy profit.
APEL Q is just like Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT) in our TVET context. Unfortunately, I’ve received feedbacks on how some of these candidates (with the help of CONnsultants created fake evidences & managed to obtain their SKM certificate via the PPT method.
Besides that, can you imagine someone that has >10 SKM qualifications under his/her belt which is so diverse from each other, eg having SKM in aesthetic, hairdressing, massage, aromatherapy, make-up (this group can be quite related to each other) AND culinary, office management and GOD knows what else!
Last heard the Department of Skill Development (DSD or better known as JPK) is checking on this & will take action. Haizz, always after nasi sudah jadi bubur.

4) With the increase of more & more PVMA, private TVET providers are advised not to run the same program as these PVMA’s, especially if you’re tartgeting the same group of students (mainly the B40). Many private TVET providers are already crying for help due to lower number of students registration from this group of students, coupled with the dwindling funding/financing by Perbadanan Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran (PTPK).

3 key takeaways from the latest update to Microsoft's MPSA | The ...

Great news for TVET/SKM/SVM/DKM/DVM holders:

You now have an opportunity and option to fast track to a non-MQA executive degree, which is good enough for your career advancement in the private sector or if you’re already self employed/own a business, it’s an opportunity to elevate your social status as a University graduate, not just a technical cert holder from a centre or college.

Find out more here – URise Program for TVET/SKM/SVM/DKM/DVM holders

Lulusan DKM/DLKM/DVM Layak Memohon dalam UPU 2018!

Betul ke graduan DKM/DVM layak masuk IPTA mulai 2018?

Lulusan DKM/DVM masuk IPTA untuk sambung ke ijazah sarjana muda (degree) sudah lama menjadi impian anda?

lulusan DKM/DVM masuk IPTA

Berita baik untuk graduan kemahiran (DKM/DLKM/DVM), anda sekarang layak untuk membuat permohonan ke universiti awam (UA) menerusi permohonan UPU mulai 2018.

Anda berpeluang melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat Ijazah dalam bidang berkaitan di 4 buah universiti yang dikenali sebagai Rangkaian Universiti Teknikal (MTUN) iaitu Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP), Universti Teknikal Malaysia (UTeM), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) dan Universiti Tun Hussein Onn (UTHM)

Walau bagaimanapun, kami ingatkan bahawa permohonan anda tidak semestinya diterima kerana ianya bergantung kepada pertimbangan senat universiti. Untuk semakan senarai dan syarat kelayakan kursus yang ditawarkan mengikut kelulusan masing-masing, sila klik pada senarai dibawah:

lulusan DKM/DVM masuk IPTA

Untuk semak kursus mengikut kategori diatas berserta dengan syarat kelayakan, sila klik pada pautan berkenaan. Kemudian anda boleh ubah pilihan bidang, pilih kategori dan aliran semula. Kemudian akan terpapar kursus yang ditawarkan mengikut kelulusan anda.  Klik simbol “+” untuk semak syarat kelayakan secara spesifik. Jika mahu kursus yang spesifik buat carian terperinci dengan menaip kursus yang dinginkan.

Selamat Maju Jaya!

2018: Lulusan DKM/DVM masuk IPTA

Terkini (April 2020): Lulusan DKM/DVM boleh masuk IPTS

Dalam satu pekeliling dari Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Pendidikan Tinggi (Akademik dan Pembangunan) kepada semua Ketua Eksekutif Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta (IPTS) bertarikh 21/4/20, lulusan;

  • Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM)
  • Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM)
  • Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM)

juga telah dibenarkan untuk sambung pengajian ke peringkat Sarjana Muda (Tahap 6 MQF), tertakhluk kepada kelulusan Senat/lembaga akademik institusi masing-masing.

Bidang, program pengukuhan (bridging), pemindahan kredit dan kelayakan masuk adalah tertakhluk kepada syarat-syarat tertentu.

1. Untuk cohort 2013 hingga 2016, mesti LULUS sejarah and kredit BM SPM, namun syarat ini telah digugurkan pada 20 November 2019 ATAU
2. Memiliki SVM dan kesetaraan dengan 3 kredit SPM juga telah digugurkan pada 20 November 2019.

Mengapa ambil VTO? Kelayakan Pegawai Penilai (PP)

kelaykan pegawai penilai

Apakah Kelayakan Pegawai Penilai?

Kebelakangan ni, saya menerima banyak pertanyaan dari calon yang berkelayakan diploma/ijazah (bidang teknikal) samada mereka layak ikuti kursus VTO. Tujuan utama mengambil VTO adalah supaya boleh dilantik sebagai Pegawai Penilai di Pusat Bertauliah JPK – salah satu kelayakan Pegawai Penilai (walaupun ada yang perlukannya untuk mengajar secara kontrak di agensi-agensi kerajaan tertentu). Berikut adalah kriteria perlantikan Pegawai Penilai.


a. Warganegara Malaysia ;
b. Berumur sekurang-kurangnya 18 tahun;
c. Berkhidmat di satu PB sahaja;
d. Lulus Kursus Induksi PP/PPD/PPB (dianjurkan oleh I Smart Educare setiap 2 bulan, sesi seterusnya adalah seperti berikut:

1) Tarikh: 6-7 Ogos 16
Tempat: Kepong, KL)

2) Tarikh: 13-14 Ogos 16
Tempat: Gambang, Kuantan. Bagi bidang-bidang yang mempunyai kaitan dengan badan penguatkuasaan dan pelesenan, perlu mematuhi syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan oleh badan berkuasa berkaitan;


f. Memiliki :
i. SKM3 dalam program yang berkaitan pada satu tahap yang lebih tinggi atau tertinggi untuk mengendalikan penilaian program bertauliah bagi program tahap 1 dan tahap 2;
ii. SKM/DKM/DLKM dalam program yang berkaitan pada tahap yang sama atau lebih tinggi untuk mengendalikan penilaian program bertauliah bagi tahap 3 ke atas;
iii. Diploma dengan dua tahun pengalaman kerja dalam program yang berkaitan untuk mengendalikan latihan dan penilaian program bertauliah untuk DKM;
iv. Ijazah dengan dua tahun pengalaman kerja dalam program yang berkaitan untuk mengendalikan latihan dan penilaian program bertauliah untuk DKM/DLKM; atau
v. Mana-mana kelayakan kemahiran berkaitan yang diluluskan oleh KPPK dengan sekurang-kurangnya tiga tahun pengalaman kerja yang berkaitan.
i. Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia dalam program Pegawai Latihan Vokasional (I-031-3); atau

ii. Mana-mana Sijil Teknik Mengajar yang diiktiraf oleh KPPK.

Pengambilan VTO akan datang:  

Tarikh mula: 20hb Ogos (setiap Sabtu)
Tempoh: 6 bulan
Internship: 6 bulan (mula selepas 6 bulan kelas teori & lawatan PPL) di Pusat Bertauliah pilihan anda yang menawarkan program kemahiran bidang andaUntuk urusan pendaftaran, sila emel ke ismarteducare@gmail.com atau hubungi pejabat di 03-62429999 atau Melvin di 012-3123430.