Tag Archives: Universiti Tun Abdul Razak

Prasekolah & Tadika Dibuka 1 Julai 2020. Adakah Anda Dah Bersedia?

Prasekolah & Tadika Dibuka

Setelah hampir 3 bulan PKP & PKPB, akhirnya semua prasekolah dan tadika dibuka (akan dibenarkan kembali dibuka bermula 1 Julai ini), menurut Menteri Kanan (Kluster Keselamatan) Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

Keputusan itu melibatkan 6,216 prasekolah di bawah Kementerian Pendidikan dan 7,887 buah milik swasta, serta 1,781 tadika di bawah Kementerian Perpaduan Negara dan 8,530 tadika kemas di bawah Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar.

Terkejut dengan angka ni?

Ni yang min nak kaitkan dengan TVET. Peluang kerjaya dalam bidang pra-sekolah dan pendidikan awal kanak-kanak memang cukup banyak. Nanti kita bincang pula apakah yang diperlukan untuk berkecimpung dalam industri ini serta kelayakkannya di penghujung artikel.


SOP termasuk sewaktu pelajar datang dan pulang, cara bermain dalam tadika, waktu makan semua lengkap. Namun, SOP yang terperinci akan diumumkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan.

Menteri Kanan (Kluster Keselamatan) Ismail Sabri Yaakob

Persoalannya, adakah anda, sebagai ibu bapa kepada anak-anak tersayang anda, telah bersedia untuk menghantar mereka, walaupun prasekolah atau tadika akan dibuka minggu depan (1 Julai 2020)?

Sememangnya banyak arahan yang dikeluarkan mengelirukan rakyat.

Pembukaan sekolah menengah 24.6.2020 dikaburkan dengan persoalan kehadiran guru sekolah rendah.
Arahan dan saranan Kementerian bercanggah dengan arahan JPN dan PPD. Mengapa pula bukan pelajar sekolah menengah bukan kelas peperiksaan didahulukan dulu atau murid yang berada dalam Tahap Dua sekolah rendah berbanding murid prasekolah dan tadika?
Seolah-olah kenyataan tidak berpaksikan kepada satu sumber yang mutlak.

Namun, min berpendapat semua ini dilakukan untuk mudahkan ibu bapa yang bekerja untuk tinggalkan anak mereka di prasekolah & tadika.

Apapun, kerajaan telah buat keputusan. Sekarang terserah kepada:

1. Pihak pengurusan prasekolah dan tadika untuk memastikan kanak-kanak mengikut SOP yang ditetapkan untuk pastikan tiada jangkitan berlaku.

2. Cikgu-cikgu prasekolah dan tadika serta kakitangan yang terlibat dapat mematuhi SOP yang ditetapkan dan bimbing anak-anak kecil untuk mengikut SOP juga. Anak-anak kecil ni perlu dibimbing dan diawasi agar kebersihan diri mereka dijaga dengan baik.

3. Ibu bapa boleh buat persediaan awal

Bercerita dan berlatih (role play)

  • Social distancing – apa dan bagaimana, kenapa diperlukan dan sebagainya
  • Basuh tangan dengan cara yang betul. Ajar anak-anak untuk basuh tangan setiap kali sebelum dan selepas makan.
    Cara bersin/batuk yang betul.
  • Elak daripada sentuh hidung dan mata (ni memang susah :-P)

Ini adalah norma baru dan memerlukan masa serta latihan yang berterusan. Jadi digalakkan ibu bapa dapat membuat persiapan lebih awal.

Hmm, mungkin juga anda sebagai ibu bapa rasa nak tukar bidang setelah menjaga & mendidik anak selama 3 bulan ni di rumah? Mari kita lihat kelayakkan apa yang diperlukan untuk menjadikannya sebagai kerjaya.

Kelayakkan apa yang diperlukan?

Kursus Asuhan Permata yang diluluskan oleh Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM).

Anda juga digalakkan (mungkin wajib kelak) untuk mengikuti kursus pendidikan awal kanak-kanak yang menawarkan persijilan berikut:

Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia 3* dalam Pengasuhan dan Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak (T982-001-3:2017) (program setahun) atau setara, jika anda ingin menjadi pengasuh/pendidik awal kanak-kanak atau pemilik taska.

Anda tidak perlu kelulusan SPM tetapi cuma kemahiran 3M (Membaca, Menulis & Mengira) dan umur minima 16 tahun.
Bergantung kepada institut yang anda pilih, kursus diajar dalam BM atau English)


Kursus Diploma in Early Childhood Education  (2.5 tahun), jika ingin mengajar di tadika.

Syarat kemasukkan:

  • 3 Kredit dalam SPM atau setara; atau
  • 2 Kredit dalam SPM dan pengalaman kerja dengan anak-anak kecil selama 3 tahun; atau
  • 1 Kredit dalam SPM dan pengalaman kerja dengan anak-anak kecil selama 5 tahun
  • Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia 3 atau Sijil Kolej Komuniti (Tahap 3, MQF) dalam bidang berkaitan dan lulus SPM dengan sekurang-kurangnya 1 Kredit dalam satu (1) subjek
  • Kemasukkan melalui Accreditation of Prior Learning Experience (APEL): 1 Kredit dan 5 tahun pengalaman kerja/pembelajaran yang berkaitan

Peluang Kerjaya:

  • Pengarang Buku Kanak-Kanak
  • Pengajar Pendidikan Seni
  • Penyiar TV Kanak-kanak
  • Pembangun Kuikulum
  • Perunding
  • Wartawan
  • Pensyarah (Perlu ada Bachelor Early Childhood Education jika nak ajar Diploma Early Childhood Education)
  • Pemasaran
  • Jurulatih Keibubapaan
  • Pembangun Produk
  • Jurulatih Eksperimen
  • Pengurusan Acara
  • Pendidik
  • Penghibur
  • Pengajar
  • Instructional Designer
  • Penyelidik
  • Pekerja Sosial
  • Cikgu / Pengetua
  • Bakat Suara
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Sumber: Berita Harian, Majalah Pama, Kolej Schwin, Kolej Dika, Universiti Tun Abdul Razak @ Unirazak

Nota: *Sekiranya dah ada SKM3 bidang ni tetapi ingin Ijazah Eksekutif yang boleh membolehkan anda layak sebagai graduan Universiti dalam masa yang singkat (9 bulan), sila rujuk sini.

What course to choose for a Recession-Proof career? ACCOUNTING COURSE

Can accounting course lead you to a recession-proof career?

Today’s jobs market can be a scary thing. Even higher education can cause some anxiety: will you really be able to turn your qualifications into a career?

Fortunately, when it comes to accountancy, the answer is nearly always a massive ‘yes’! What about Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Will it replace accountants?

AI will transform, not replace accountants. In fact, according to a leading research firm, Gartner, AI is set to create more jobs than it will replace, leaving workers, including accountants with options. Accountants don’t have to worry about their job being replaced by AI any time in the near future

Is Artificial Intelligence Set to Replace Accountants in the Future?
Image credit: www.finance.toolbox.com

Now, obviously, employment will always come down to individual work ethic, but it’s safe to say that accountancy is one of the most ‘accountancy recession-proof’ careers out there.

Accounting Course certifications

There are so many types of certifications:

So which accounting course do you go for? Before that, let’s have some basic understanding of what is accounting.

What is accounting?

accounting course-what is accounting

Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business. The accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, regulators, and tax collection entities – Investopedia

What are main types of accounting?

Following are four main types of Accounting covered in a degree leading to a CPA:

TypeWhat It Is All About
Management AccountingManagement accounting is the practice of identifying, measuring, analyzing, interpreting, and communicating financial information to managers for the pursuit of an organization’s goals. It varies from financial accounting because the intended purpose of managerial accounting is to assist users internal to the company in making well-informed business decisions.
AuditA financial audit is an objective examination and evaluation of the financial statements of an organization to make sure that the financial records are a fair and accurate representation of the transactions they claim to represent – Investopedia
Tax AccountingTax accounting is a structure of accounting methods focused on taxes rather than the appearance of public financial statements. Tax accounting is governed by the Internal Revenue Code, which dictates the specific rules that companies and individuals must follow when preparing their tax returns – Investopedia
Financial AccountingFinancial accounting is a specific branch of accounting involving a process of recording, summarizing, and reporting the myriad of transactions resulting from business operations over a period of time – Investopedia

So, what are the qualifications needed to be in this career?

Accounting course pathways (common ones)


  1. Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Level 3 in Accounting (FB-100-3:2012)
    Who can apply?

    The entrance requirement for SKM3 is just 16 years old. However, interest in Maths is strongly recommended if you want to take up the course. With SKM3 in accounting, it may just be enough for you to gain an entry-level to accounting job and automation may make this job diminish by 2025. Therefore, if you only have SKM3, it’s recommended to progress further by taking a Diploma in Accounting or Bachelors of Accounting.
  2. LCCI Certificate – Who can apply?

    You just need a SPM: Minimum 1 credit in Mathematics

    LCCI’s Certificates provide the following benefits:

    RECOGNITION – LCCI is recognized by Malaysian companies, both big and small, for its practical and relevant nature. Top professional bodies such as ACCA and CIMA also recognize LCCI qualifications.

    INTERNATIONAL – LCCI’s quality is consistent around the world and gives students the assurance of a globally accepted qualification.

    FLEXIBILITY – LCCI is suitable both for full-time students as well as busy working adults because its qualifications can be taken as short modules over a period of time.


Diploma in Accounting – Who can apply?

Generally requires at least 3 credits (C and above) at SPM, O-Level or equivalentincluding a credit in Mathematics and a pass in English.

For UEC students, you will need to have a minimum of 3Bs including Mathematics, plus a pass in English.


And if you start afresh after SPM (with min 3 credits including Maths & pass in English), then you may want to have the shortest path to a CPA through LCCI (4 years) or through Foundation (5 years).

accounting course - CPA pathway
accounting course - CPA pathway
Watch what an alumni of CPA Australia from Unirazak have to say

Salary for Certification: Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

Source: https://www.payscale.com/research

Enrol now for an accounting course leading to a recession-proof career

Recession-proof TVET Jobs/Business With Early Childhood Education Course

Early Childhood Education Course
Credit image: Astroawani.com

Early Childhood Education Course Malaysia

We believe that early childhood education course (ECE) or also known as early childhood and care education (ECCE) (Pengasuhan dan Pendidikan Awak Kanak-kanak – T982-001-3:2017) & Preschool Teaching (Pendidikan Pra Sekolah – ET-012-3:2012) is a good choice, as a recession-proof career or business.

There is always a need

In a good economy, people send their children to preschool and early childhood education centre because they have some disposable income and have a need for child care and be educated, regardless of whether or not they’re a dual-income family. Conversely, if the economy is in a downturn, families that may not have been dual-income earners may suddenly need full-time child care due to a parent returning to the workforce. So the bottom line is, there is always a need.

The ability to grow regardless of the state of the economy

Not only is early childhood education and care a recession-proof business, but it also offers excellent growth opportunities. If you work hard to be found by parents searching for exceptional early childhood education and care, and give them a reason to entrust you with their children, then you will always be successful.


Early Childhood Care and Education

Early childhood care and education (ECCE)

In Malaysia, it is divided into two age groups, which is 0-4 years and 4-6 years old.

The first group (0-4 years), comes under the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MWFCD) which coordinates national programmes on the growth and development of children. Through its Department of Social Welfare, MWFCD keeps a register of all childcare centres (also known as taska) in the country.

Pre-school education for the second group (4-6 years) comes under three ministries/agencies, i.e. the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development, and the National Unity Department.

The Malaysian government places a strong emphasis on early childhood care and education (ECCE) and has formulated the National Policy for Early Childhood Education. Under this policy, programs have been introduced to meet the diverse needs of the crucial early years of newborns until the age of six. These programmes provide a solid foundation for healthy growth and development which expose them to activities in nation-building and enhance their readiness for primary school education. The government’s involvement in early childhood care and education (ECCE) is evident from its numerous initiatives to make early childhood programmes more accessible especially for less fortunate children and those in rural areas. A significant amount of funds is also allocated for early childhood care and education (ECCE) every year.

Types of early childhood education and care Institutions

ECCE programmes in Malaysia are offered by two types of institutions, namely:

  • Childcare centres or nurseries or taska
  • Preschools or kindergartens or tadika

(A) Childcare Centres or Nurseries (Taska)

Childcare Centre Act 1984 has been reviewed and passed by the Parliament giving rise to the Childcare Centres (Amendment) Act 2007. Government-supported community childcare centres, subsidised workplace childcare centres and Quality Improvement Accreditation System (QIAS) have also being implemented.

In Malaysia, a legislative-approved childcare centre is defined as a premise at which four or more children under the age of four years from more than one household are received to be looked after for reward.

Childcare centres in Malaysia fall into four categories:

  • Government-owned childcare centres (Taska dalam komuniti since 2006)
  • Workplace childcare centres
  • Institution-based childcare centres with 10 children or more
  • Home-based childcare centres with fewer than 10 children

Under the law, all childcare centres need to be registered with the Department of Social Welfare (DSW) or more popularly known as Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Malaysia (JKM) under the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (MWFCD). MWFCD is responsible for the approval and establishment of childcare centres in the country whilst JKM serves as the main regulator and coordinator of ECCE programmes.

In the plantation sector, childcare centres are provided free under the Standard Act, Minimum Housing and Workers Facilitation 1990 and monitored by the Ministry of Human Resources.

Categories of Childcare Centres

  • Workplace Childcare Centres
    With more and more women are engaged in active employment, MWFCD has been promoting the setting up of childcare at the workplace. For example, the government provides incentives in the form of a RM80,000 grant for the renovation and furnishing of childcare centres set up within government offices. Also, to encourage working mothers to utilise these centres, a subsidy of RM180 per month is given to government servants with monthly salaries below RM2000 who send their children to these centres.

    MWFCD also encourages the private sector to provide childcare facilities at the workplace for their employees. Incentives include 10% tax exemption on the cost of building the childcare centres for a period of 10 years.
  • Community Childcare Centres
    MWFCD has been setting up community childcare centres in urban and rural areas with the objective of providing quality childcare services that is more accessible and affordable to the local community. It aims to set up 10 new community childcare centres throughout the country every year. The centres use a curriculum set by MWFCD and is based on the active participation of the local community, parents, children, governmental agencies as well as private organisations. MWFCD has also proposed that every parliamentary area set up a community childcare centre.

    Families who send their children to community childcare centres would receive a monthly subsidy of RM180 per child if the family’s income is below RM2000 or RM1200 in urban and rural areas respectively. A grant of RM55,000 will also be given to those interested in setting up a community childcare centre.
  • Permata Negara Early Childhood Education and Care Centres
    The Permata Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) programme was initiated by YABhg. Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor and was introduced after it was approved by the Cabinet on 21 June 2006 with a grant of RM20 million. Themed ‘Every Child a Jewel’ (Setiap Anak Permata), the Permata Negara pilot project was launched at 14 locations in 2006, with at least one in each state- with the curriculum and teacher training spearheaded by Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.

(B) Pre-schools or Kindergartens (Tadika) for children aged 4 to 6

Early childhood education for children aged 4-6 years comes under three ministries, i.e. the Ministry of Education; the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development; and the Department of National Unity. The pioneer in the setting up of preschools is the Ministry of Rural Development which began in the early 1970’s. There are currently 8307 preschools set up by this ministry which are commonly known as the KEMAS preschool. KEMAS preschools are located in rural or suburban areas and are set up based on requests by local authorities.

Under the Department of National Unity, PERPADUAN preschools were established in urban areas where ‘Rukun Tetangga’ (a friendly neighbourhood scheme) existed. At present, there are 1496 PERPADUAN preschools. In 1992, the Ministry of Education (MOE) started setting up preschools as an annex to existing primary schools through a pilot project. This was extended to the entire nation in 1993 and currently, there are about 5905 of such preschools. Other providers of preschool education include also the State Religious Department and ABIM (Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia).

Table 1.1 : The Three Main Types of Public Preschools in Malaysia (as at 2007)
Types of preschoolKEMAS preschoolsMOE preschoolsPERPADUAN preschools
Number of classes8307 classes5905 classes1496 classes
Percentage (by class)52.9%37.9%9.5%

What Qualifications Do You Need?

Basic childcare course (Kursus Asuhan Permata) approved by the Department of Social Welfare (JKM).

You are also encouraged (soon maybe compulsory) to pursue an early childhood education course that has the following qualifications:

Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia 3 in Early Childhood Care and Development Education (T982-001-3:2017) (1 year program) or equivalent, if you want to be an early childhood educator or taska owner.

You do not need SPM but basic 3M skills (Membaca, Menulis & Mengira is required and min age is 17 years old.
Depending on institution that you select, lectures may be delivered in BM or English)


Diploma in Early Childhood Education Course (2.5 years program), if you want to teach in kindergarten

Entry Requirements:

  • 3 Credits in SPM or equivalent; or
  • 2 Credits in SPM and 3 years of working experience with young children; or
  • 1 Credit in SPM and 5 years of working experience with young children
  • Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia 3 or Sijil Kolej Komuniti (Level 3, MQF) in a related field and pass in SPM with at least credit in one (1) subject
  • Admission through Accreditation of Prior Learning Experience or APEL: 1 credit and 5 years related learning/working experience

Career Prospects:

  • Author of Children’s Books
  • Au Pair
  • Art Instructor
  • Children’s Television Broadcaster
  • Curriculum Developer /Trainers
  • Consultant
  • Journalist
  • Lecturer
  • Marketing
  • Nutritionist
  • Parenting Coach
  • Product Developer
  • Experimental Coach
  • Event Management
  • Educator
  • Entertainer
  • Instructor
  • Instructional Designer
  • Researcher
  • Social Workers
  • Teacher / Principal
  • Voice Talent
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Source: Schools of Malaysia Directory 3rd Ed, Unirazak, Dika College

Note: The demand is so high that we are also getting enquiries for colleges (IPTS) that is going for sale that offers early childhood education course.

How to Tackle This MCO and Come Out Significantly Richer with More Students

Get more students despite MCO?

Malaysia has been imposed with Movement Control Order (MCO) since 18th March 2020 and now has been extended to 14th April 2020. Will it be extended? Yes, there’s a possibility for another 2 weeks, depending on when our numbers peak.

Some of the higher learning institutions, such as the highly renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology or even local private universities like Universiti Tun Abdul Razak does offer online/online distance learning or blended learning (URise program) even before the outbreak of the coronavirus. If you are an IPTS/IPTA and have not embraced technology as part of your delivery, better use this opportunity to do it now.

What about TVET institutions? Though it’s harder, it’s not totally impossible with AR/VR technologies that are available (though the cost may be an issue since it’s not widely adopted yet). TVET institutions should also harness video conferencing technology like Zoom to conduct lectures, esp theoretical in nature. Google Classroom may also be used to deliver lecture notes and assignments (There is a variety of suitable online and social media platforms to plan, instruct and assign homework to students)

Zoom: Host online meetings from anywhere | finder Malaysia
Great video conferencing tool, free up to 100 participants at any time but limited to 40 minutes/session
Classroom: manage teaching and learning | Google for Education
Great tool to manage teaching & learning

However, there are differences in accessing technology among teachers, parents and students. In considering students with limited Internet access, teachers can assign them activities using textbooks, workbooks, exercise books and activity books, ensuring no student is left behind in their studies.

That’s in terms of delivery to existing students. What about the recruitment of future students? The economy looks bleak & world recession seems unavoidable.

What’s a recession? It’s a constriction of economic activity which means people are spending less money & companies are making fewer profits. Now, normally it takes many months for people’s confidence to come back, for them to spend money again. But this time is different. It is not a financial crisis, not an economic crisis, it’s a health crisis!

More Students with Economic Crisis

So people are not spending money because they can’t go out, they are stuck at home@stayathome, they are quarantined!
What do you think would happen when this crisis is over?

That’s right, there’s gonna be a lot of pent up demand! People are going to run out there, going back to their favourite kepci (KFC) & mekdi (McD), travelling or going cruise again. And for those students who have been unable to visit institutions during the Open Day in March, they would be hungry to visit your institution, provided you have built the awareness and done enough telemarketing or online marketing during this MCO!

Now how long will it take this crisis to be resolved? No one can be sure but let’s look at China. They managed to resolve the crisis in less than 3 months because they shut the cities down. And I believe with Malaysia’s tough measures on the MCO, we will be able to overcome this within the same period, or even faster.

But are you ready when the MCO is over? If you’re not, too bad. Opportunity goes to those who are prepared.

So, if your marketing staffs are doing nothing at home now due to low/no leads, you better take action now! Grab quality student data FAST before your competitor does it.

Call/WhatsApp or email to ismarteducare @ gmail.com to supercharge your institution/college with more students NOW!

Berita baik! Graduan DVM ke IPT – tanpa lulus SPM Sejarah!

Apakah laluan graduan DVM ke IPT sekarang?

Selama ni, banyak persoalan mengenai apakah sebenarnya laluan graduan DVM ke IPT. Ada yang kata perlu lulus sejarah SPM, ada yang kata perlu kredit BM SPM. Ya, sebelum ni, memang kena lulus sejarah SPM & kredit BM SPM untuk cohort 2013-2016. Namun, sekarang dah tak perlu, buat masa ni untuk IPTA/UA sahaja.

Sila rujuk kepada syarat kredit BM SPM & lulus Sejarah SPM terkini, kriteria tersebut telah DIGUGURKAN, mulai 20 Nov 2019.

* Namun, ia masih bergantung kepada senat universiti masing-masing dan keperluan syarat kemasukan program masing-masing.

Untuk IPTS, nampaknya syarat ini masih terpakai.

laluan graduan DVM ke IPT
Kemasukan ke Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (Unirazak) untuk graduan DVM

Untuk cohort selepas 2016 pula, perlu ada program pengukuhan (Bridging program).

Kelayakan masuk:

1. Lulus Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM)/Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM)/Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM) dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 2.50 tertakhluk kepada kelulusan Senat/Lembaga Akademik IPTS tersebut ATAU

2. Lulus DVM/DKM/DLKM dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 2.00 serta sekurang-kurangnya dua (2) tahun pengalaman kerja dalam bidang berkenaan.

Walaupun ini bukan perkara baru, namun masih ada lagi pembaca yg tanya tentang penyetaraan SVM & SPM. Jadi bacalah kenyataan dari KPM ini.
Ingat, graduan KV boleh ambil ijazah Sarjana Muda di IPT dengan 2 keadaan, sila rujuk atas

laluan graduan DVM ke IPT
Laluan graduan DVM ke IPT

Nota: Sekiranya anda ada apa-apa pertanyaan mengenai kemasukan ke IPTA, sila rujuk dengan UPU atau IPTA berkenaan.

Min cuma ada maklumat jika anda berminat untuk sambung belajar di IPTS@Unirazak, KL:

Diploma – Pengurusan, Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak, Perakaunan

Ijazah Sarjana Muda – Perniagaan, Pengurusan, Pendidikan, Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak, Perakaunan (akreditasi CPA), Percukaian & Kepimpinan.

Sekiranya anda tiada DVM, SVM ke SPM tetapi ada SKM sahaja, masih ada peluang melanjutkan ke IPTS.

Program yang layak diambil adalah Diploma Professional & Bachelor Eksekutif Pengurusan Industri / Executive Bachelor in Industrial Management (EBIM) (boleh dibiayai dengan KWSP).

Dan sekiranya anda ada pengalaman kerja, berumur 21 tahun ke atas, juga boleh melanjutkan pelajaran ke ijazah sarjana muda melalui laluan APEL A.

Kemasukkan Mac 2021

DKM/DLKM-PPT layak sambung ke Sarjana Muda BTech UTHM melalui APEL

Berita baik untuk mereka yang mengambil DKM/DLKM-PPT dan sedang bekerja dalam bidang berkaitan bidang kursus sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun. Kalau beminat untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan di peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda bidang Teknologi, saya difahamkan pusat APEL sedia utk memproses permohonan anda bagi mengikuti program Sarjana Muda (Btech) di UTHM. Untuk maklumat lanjut sila hubungi APEL centre UTHM.

Dikongsi oleh Prof Madya Dr Razali Hassan, UTHM



Jika anda lepasan DVM/DKM/ DLKM…..

Fakulti Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional, UTHM membuat pengambilan pelajar bagi Intake September 2020 ke Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi yang akan dibuka dari 24 Februari (12pm) hingga 17 April 2020 (11.59pm)

Permohonan melalui UPU Online.

Bagaimana pula dengan Ijazah bukan BTech

Bagaimana pula jika saya tak nak sambung ke Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi (BTech)?


Selain UTHM, Unimap, UTeM & UMP (yang lebih dikenali sebagai MTUN) yang menawarkan Ijazah Sarjana Muda bidang Teknologi (BTech) untuk lepasan DKM/DLKM (Tanpa SPM), anda juga boleh pilih:

1. IPTA atau IPTS lain yang menawarkan Ijazah Sarjana Muda bidang lain, juga tanpa SPM. Namun, masih banyak universiti yang perlukan kelulusan senat ataupun ujian APEL untuk kemasukan ke program Ijazah Sarjana Muda.

2. UniRazak (UR), KL bersama ISE Education (ISE) juga menawarkan program URise – Diploma Profesional & Eksekutif Bachelor Pengurusan Industri, KHAS untuk pemegang/graduan TVET/SKM/DKM/DLKM (juga tak perlu SPM DAN tak perlu ujian APEL).

Program URise ini membolehkan ANDA, graduan TVET/SKM/DKM/DLKM:

  1. Merasai program akademik pengajian tinggi tanpa terlalu membebankan (cuma 6-9 bulan, blended learning (online + tutorial bersemuka). Ia bagaikan matrikulasi.
  2. Peluang mendapat diploma/ijazah walaupun tiada SPM dengan bajet yang sederhana serta masa yang jauh lebih singkat berbanding program penuh status MQA.
  3. Meningkatkan daya saing serta keupayaan untuk naik pangkat ke peringkat pengurusan, setelah adanya kemahiran teknikal, samada dari pembelajaran di institut latihan kemahiran awam ataupun swasta.
  4. Meningkatkan status sosial anda, seorang graduan Universiti yang juga berkamhiran teknikal.
Borang ni untuk pendaftaran/tunjuk minat program URise sahaja (sila hubungi APEL centre UTHM jika ingin tahu lebih lanjut mengenai kemasukan ke UTHM)
URise Program x BTech

Unirazak prepares students for 4IR

Unirazak Graduation jpkmalaysia.com
Universiti Tun Abdul Razak Chancellor Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid presenting the Chancellor’s Award to Nur Syakirah Mawardi at the university’s 19th convocation in Kuala Lumpur on 30th Nov 2019.

Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (Unirazak) is looking to offer new programmes to cater to the needs of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (4IR).

Vice-Chancellor Professor Datin Dr Samsinar Md Sidin said it would introduce the new programmes to ensure that students were prepared for the industry’s demands.

She hoped that Unirazak would be the first private university to cater to the 4IR.

“We will offer programmes that prepare our graduates to be a future-ready generation, hence we are looking not just within Malaysia but also to what is happening around the world.

“It is not just about programmes, but also the teaching and learning techniques, as well as skills.

“In order to achieve that, we have to be dynamic in terms of how we do things and I hope Unirazak would be able to do that for their students, as well as for the nation,” she said at the university’s 19th convocation here.

A total of 215 graduates from faculties of Bank Rakyat School of Business and Entrepreneurship, Tun Abdul Razak School of Government and Graduate School of Business received their graduation scrolls.

The ceremony was officiated by Chancellor Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid, who presented the scrolls to the graduates.

When asked if the university was prepared to embrace the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics programme, Samsinar said Unirazak was working closely with industries to obtain new content to include in its curriculum.

“We want these industry experts to come and teach our students as they are willing to learn beyond their programmes.”

Ahmad Sarji, in his speech, said the Fourth Industrial Revolution had been changing the world. He said Artificial intelligence, robotics, Big Data and the Internet of Things would collectively impact jobs and industries in the future.

“Unirazak has developed an Education 4.0 experience for students through the Unirazak Online Experience, better known as UROX, that rides on the Canvas System.

“This was introduced this year to all students and faculty members with the objective to expand teaching and learning at the university,” he said.

Source: https://www.nst.com.my/

URise Program logo

Comment: Do you know that Unirazak would soon have an URise Program offering Professional Diploma in Industrial Management (ProDip) & Executive Bachelor in Industrial Management (EBIM) that’s been created especially for TVET/SKM graduates?
It aims to:
1) Bridge TVET/SKM graduates to an MQA accredited Bachelor’s Degree or Masters Degree
2) Advance TVET/SKM graduates in their career with a Bachelor’s Degree, where most do not have a chance if they don’t have SPM with 3 credits, MQA Diploma or Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM).
3) Elevate TVET/SKM graduates’ social status.

If you’re interested to know further, kindly
show your interest here

Govt wants parents to erase negative perception against TVET

erase negative perception against TVET
You or your child may not perform well academically but
“WHO YOU CHOOSE TO BE” will make you who you are ― Soothsayer (character from KungFu Panda)

KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy Human Resources Minister, Datuk Mahfuz Omar wants parents to erase negative perceptions against Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) as a second choice for weak students compared to conventional academic field.

He said parents should place more confidence and support on their children taking TVET as this field is capable of producing the local manpower needed by the industry and nation to face Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0).

“The government sees it (TVET) as a necessity. Those who hold diplomas in skills are eligible to continue their education at degree level through Universiti Teknikal Malaysia (MTUN) network project.

“The move is seen as giving confidence to the people in TVET,” he told a question and answer session at Dewan Rakyat here today.

Mahfuz was replying to a supplementary question by Datuk Seri Ismail Abd Muttalib (BN-Maran) on the statistics of TVET student intake which is still low compared to developed countries such as Germany, Holland and Australia and wanted to know what are the measures taken towards empowering the field.

To empower TVET, Mahfuz said via a 2025 plan under the National Skills Development Council which involved six ministries, his ministry is also focusing on TVET Tahfiz programme as the first step to extend skills training to young Tahfiz students.

“We want to ensure Tahfiz students also have a future to enter the employment sector,” he said.

Mahfuz said he had held a meeting with Kedah State Islamic Religious Council recently which was attended by 70 Tahfiz centre representatives to discuss the government’s plan for Tahfiz TVET

Source: Bernama


There are many opportunities ahead for TVET graduates, whether it’s a guaranteed lifeskill to earn a living, establishing a business from the skills acquired & polished through valuable industry experience or furthering study to higher education institutions.

So, what are you waiting for? Find a suitable TVET institution that offers the course that can fulfill your dream!

Apply Now GIF by SMAC - Find & Share on GIPHY

Besides technical bachelors (Bachelor of Technology), TVET graduates with SKM2, SKM3 or DKM will also have a chance to obtain an executive bachelor in industrial management in a much shorter time frame (9 months) under the URise program that’s being offered by Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, KL together with ISE Education Sdn Bhd.
URise program has been specially designed for TVET graduates, hence need not worry that it’s too academic & tough.
Blended learning is implemented (online & offline learning at the University) to move with times.
*KWSP withdrawal can be done, on top of other payment options like credit card & the latest e-wallets.

Submit Your Interest Here for Executive Degree post SKM/DKM

UTHM perkenal ijazah untuk lulusan vokasional

TIMBALAN Ketua Setiausaha Perancangan Strategik Kementerian Pendidikan, Datuk Kamel Mohamad. – Foto Intan nur Elliana Zakaria

BATU PAHAT: Rangkaian Universiti Teknikal Malaysia (MTUN) akan memperkenal program baharu sarjana muda teknologi, khusus bagi lulusan Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM), Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) dan Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM).

Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha Perancangan Strategik Kementerian Pendidikan, Datuk Kamel Mohamad, berkata program itu merealisasikan agenda pendidikan teknikal dan latihan vokasional (TVET) di negara ini.

“Menerusi inisiatif pemerkasaan TVET ini, graduan DVM, DKM dan DLKM berpeluang untuk melebarkan lagi kemahiran dan pengetahuan mereka.

“Semua penuntut universiti yang mengambil program ini hendaklah turut berusaha mengangkat martabat TVET sebagai aliran pendidikan perdana dengan cara menyumbang kepakaran dan menjadi penyelesai masalah kepada masyarakat apabila tamat pengajian kelak,” katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian pada Majlis Pelancaran Jerayawara dan Promosi Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) baru-baru ini.

Yang turut hadir, Naib Canselor UTHM, Prof Datuk Dr Wahid Razzaly dan Timbalan Naib Canselor (Akademik dan Antarabangsa) UTHM merangkap Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi MTUN, Prof Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman.

Program pengajian baharu itu yang mendapat pengiktirafan Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) dan pensijilan badan profesional Lembaga Teknologis Malaysia (MBOT) ini membabitkan 10 jurusan yang menawarkan program berasaskan teknologi.

Antaranya ialah bidang penyejukan dan penyamanan udara, kimpalan, pemesinan, pembinaan bangunan, perkhidmatan makanan, minyak dan gas, penyelenggaraan sistem elektrik, sistem automasi elektronik, automotif serta keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan.

Semua program ini akan mula mengambil pelajar pada September 2020.

Bagi memperkenal program baharu ini, MTUN merancang untuk menjalankan promosi, menyebar luas dan mengukuhkan kerjasama industri sama ada di dalam atau luar negara.

Jerayawara ini juga bertujuan mempromosikan laluan bagi graduan kemahiran di Malaysia ke peringkat universiti menerusi kerjasama MTUN dan pada masa sama memperkenalkan program pengajian tinggi itu kepada wakil institut latihan kemahiran awam dan swasta dan wakil industri.

Selain UTHM, universiti awam yang menganggotai MTUN ialah i Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) dan Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP).

Sumber: https://www.bharian.com.my

Komen: Selain bidang teknikal, graduan TVET dengan SKM2, SKM3 ataupun DKM juga boleh bakal dapat ijazah pengurusan industri dalam masa yang singkat (9 bulan) dengan program URise yang ditawarkan oleh Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, KL bersama ISE Education Sdn Bhd.
Program ini direka khas untuk graduan TVET, jadi jangan bimbang ia terlalu akademik & susah.
Pembelajaran blended, atas talian dan bersemuka di Universiti
Boleh buat pengeluaran dari KWSP ataupun bayar dengan kad kredit.

Pact in line with govt’s aim to strengthen TVET: Azis

By: Neil Chan

KOTA KINABALU: The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between KKYS Sdn Bhd and  Portland Arena Sdn Bhd  was in line with  the State Government’s aims to strengthen Technical  Vocational Education and Training (TVET)  in the State.According to Deputy Minister of Home Affairs cum Sepanggar MP, Datuk Mohd Azis Jamman, the MOU was also in line with the needs of the State’s industry.“This is so that students that graduates of KKYS will have jobs in industry waiting for them. These programmes for electrical, welding and others are what is required and in demand from the State’s industry.“The modular construction  that is being brought over by Portand Arena is also a new thing in Malaysia. So I am sure that with the cooperation between KKYS and Portland Arena, it will be profitable not only for KKYS but  also the State.”  

Mohd Azis said he was made to understand that Sabah will be the first state (that the programme is being held in) and if the programme is successful, Portland Arena will open up a factory for manufacturing their (modular construction building) products in Sabah.“The demand is there for these products and even for Petronas, its Mesra shops are using the same products. Even police stations, including one in Port Dickson, is also using the same product.“So it is something new in Malaysia. We know the government is facing financial problems, and if  we were  to use the conventional way of making buildings, it would cost more and take more time. “But with this product, it is cheaper, faster and IBS compliant. So it is in line with what is required by the government and in line with Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal’s goal of strengthening TVET at the State level. 

“So it is a good move by KTYS to venture into this field. I am quite sure that it will be beneficial for the students as well. I was made to understand that even Portland Arena is prepared to employ these students when they graduate to work in their factories. So it’s a good deal for KKYS as their students are guaranteed jobs,” he said.    The MOU was signed by Portland Arena Sdn Bhd Group Managing Director Dato Izz Mika’il Abdullah and KTYS Chief Executive Terrence Chee and witnessed by Mohd Azis at KTYS City Campus, Sembulan, Monday.It marks the cooperation between both parties to strengthen  KTYS’s academic and technical  programmes, particularly its JPK Certificate and Diploma in Building Construction.The collaboration would see Portland Arena as the technical advisor to develop and enhance the building and construction, welding, electrical and air conditioning programmes in KTYS as well as partner in the development and implementation of the Modular Construction. The strategic partnership shall also provide the platform for internship and training placement for KTYS students with Portland Arena.

Source: http://www.dailyexpress.com.my/

Comment: This is a collaboration in technical training.
ISE Education Sdn Bhd has also recently inked an MOU with University Tun Abdul Razak (URise program) to provide TVET graduates (SKM holders) an opportunity to rise up to management level with industry relevant modules & qualifications. You may visit and fill up the form her
e to express your interest.