About You

Yes, it is not about us but about you. What we, as a TVET institute & consultant can help you in fulfilling your dream and ambition to:


  1. Pursue a TVET/skills course of your choice, all the way to an Executive Degree, Bachelors or Masters Degree, with or without SPM.
  2. Be certified with a nationally and internationally recognised skills certificate (SKM), either through prior working experience or via a full time program at JPK Accredited centres, all the way up to Advance Diploma (DLKM).
  3. Be appointed as an Assessor (PP), Internal Verifier (PPD) or Centre Manager (PPB) by obtaining PP-PPD-PPB induction certVTO or TVET-i (via PPT)
  4. Be appointed as Personel Penilaian & Verifikasi (PPV) such as PP-PPT & PPL-SLaPB, PPL-SLDN.
  5. Set up a TVET/JPK accredited centre that offers SKM/DKM/DLKM to school leavers/working adults via SLaPB (mainly full time course) or via NDTS@apprenticeship scheme


  • TVET programmes in Malaysia are offered at certificate, diploma, and degree levels by seven ministries that include MOHE.
  • According to MOHE’s Malaysia Education Blueprint (Higher Education), there will be an increase in demand for an additional 1.3 million TVET workers by 2020 in the 12 National Key Economic Areas (NKEA) identified under the government’s Economic Transformation Programme (ETP).
  • To meet this demand, the government has increased the development expenditure given to public TVET institutions from RM 1.8 billion in 2010 to RM 2.1 billion in 2014.
  • Public institutions like polytechnics, community colleges, vocational colleges and other higher learning institutions can accommodate about 230,000 students.
  • In 2013, out of the 429,000 students who sat for the SPM examination, 321,000 students enrolled in higher education and training programmes, with more than 50% enrolling at TVET institutions.

TVET Institute

Pusat Bertauliah JPK - I Smart Educare
# We are Malaysia’s longest & most consistent organizer (for JPK induction course & VTO) with reasonably great track records.

JPK Induction Course

I Smart Educare (now ISE Education Sdn Bhd) has been organising without fail almost monthly since 2001. As a result, you could have been among those 15,000+ candidates that have gone through the various induction courses organised by us!

We are also financially strong, offering instalments to candidates and NEVER depended on PTPK.

So, would you subscribe to a service from
an unreliable company or a company like us that thrive on referrals from happy customers?

Vocational Training Operation (VTO) Course

Since the introduction of VTO (Vocational Training Officer) – to qualify as an accredited Assessor/Vocational Trainer course, in 2004, I Smart Educare has also produced many graduates, directly & indirectly.

Now known as Vocational Training Operation, we are the 1st Malaysian TVET centre/JPK Centre (Pusat Bertauliah JPK) to be accredited for the new code & have an intake.

More good news – With VTO, you can convert it to HRDF‘s TTT (but not the other way round!).

Note: Effective July 2020, you cannot apply for VTO via Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT) anymore but may apply for TVET-i (TVET Instruction).
VTO part/full time course is also slowly replaced by TVET-i, which is currently offered mainly by CIAST & it’s satellite campuses nationwide.

TVET Consultant

As our client, you would be constantly updated with the latest development about JPK (Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran) so that you would not be left behind by your competitors.

You would save substantially with proper consultations (whether it’s about getting the centre accredited or personnel certified as PP, PPD or PPB, trainer or coach, by getting the necessary SKM & VTO/TVET-i qualifications).

We DO NOT propose you to take any courses/certifications that is unnecessary, UNLIKE some training providers/consultants.

So whenever you think of:
– Getting your centre accredited by JPK,
Sending your staffs for JPK induction courses or NCS-TTT, VTO or TVETi
Sourcing for learning materials like WIM, Assessments etc,

You should seriously come to us (for a FREE consultation or otherwise) before you part away with your hard-earned $.

There have been too many cases of cheating out there, ie

fake induction course certificate
promises of SKM application but service not rendered/candidate don’t qualify,
subpar consultation or
sales of TVET centre without providing documents that’s necessary for the renewal of the centre when time is due.

We will do our best to educate you so that you are not too ignorant to be an easy victim of these con-artists!

So call us now to register yourself or your trainers for PP-PPD, PP-PPT, PPL induction or NCS-TTT course.
If you want to have it in-house (with numbers), it can be arranged upon request.


TVET centre accreditation(please state the program(s) that you plan to offer. If unsure of the program code, kindly download the NOSS registry first and identify from there.

Personnel certification (SKM, NCS-TTT, TVET-i JPK induction course)
a) wasap.my/60123123430/SKM-PPT (please state the code/name of the program and years of working experience)
b) wasap.my/60123123430/SKMcourse (please state the name of the program that you’re interested to study – private training provider only)
For government training provider, kindly refer here

Any other services related to TVET/skills industry.

I Smart Educare/ISE Education Sdn Bhd – TVET Institution & Consultant
FB Page: TVET Master

39 thoughts on “About You

  1. saya berminat mengikuti kursus vto, ada pusat pembelajatan di kelantan tak? sila email details pada sya.

  2. I would like to register myself for the PPL induction course and VTO.
    Kindly advise the process. Thank you.
    Regards- Jarinah

    1. Hi Jarinah, just emailed to you the form & details. Kindly check.
      Please ensure that you already have PP-PPD-PPB induction course cert prior to attend PPL induction course.

  3. Hi,
    Saya pemegang sijil kemahiran tahap 3 ,
    Dalam bidang kejuruteraan dalam penyelenggaraan pesawat …..
    Ingin menubuh dan mengurus pusat bertauliah dalam bidang berkenaan.
    Saya perlukan info dimana harus saya mulakan dengan kursus induksi.

  4. Hi, saya pemegang SKM tahap 3, sedang melanjutkan ke tahap 4 menerusi PPT.
    Persoalan saya, bagaimana saya nak jadi PPD dan apply VTO sekali? Terima kasih

  5. Hi, I would like to find out the area required, and the capital to set up a JPK certified centre to provide account and secretary courses. Thanks

  6. assalamualaikum, sy lepasan ijazah kulinari dan berminat untuk ambik VTO. boleh saya tahu detail dan tempat di mana. adakah saya memerlukan SKM untuk ambil VTO?

  7. saya berminat untuk mengikuti kursus induksi , bersama2 saya ada 10 org rakan yg berminat utk menyertai! boleh bg khidmat nasihat? kami merupakan guru pend khas yg mengajar subjek kemahiran di PPKI

    1. Lily, kursus induksi PP-PPD-PPB yang akan datang tu pada 1-2 Dis bertempat di Kepong Metro Prima, KL & 21-22 Dis di Alor Setar.
      Adakah jadual & tempat tu sesuai ataupun puan dari PPKI negeri lain?

  8. Hye, saya graduan lepasan diploma (culinary art) dan mempunyai sijil kemahiran malaysia (pastry & bakery) juga.
    Saya berminat untuk mengajar di kolej vokasional (awam/swasta) tetapi saya tengok di syaratnya perlu ada VTO certification.
    Apa itu VTO? Macam mana saya nak ambil kos VTO tu? Apa syarat kelayakan bagi mengikuti kursus VTO? Berapa lama tempoh kursus dan berapa kos kursus itu?
    Harap saya dapat jawapan ASAP sebab saya betul2 berminat untuk mengajar.

  9. Hello, saya adalah terapis dan guru urutan Jepun berpengalaman lebih 9+ tahun berminat untuk menubuhkan satu pusat bertauliah bagi mengajar terapi urutan Jepun. Bagaimanakah caranya ?

    1. Zaphir, NOSS yang paling hampir dengan bidang anda adalah urut terapi, MP-082-3:2011.
      Anda boleh beli dari JPK atau dari admin, RM20 shj.

      Dari NOSS tu, anda kena bangunkan bahan pengajaran & pembelajaran (WIM), jadual pembelajaran dll.
      Pada masa yg sama, seramai 3 personel WAJIB ikuti kursus induksi PP-PPD pada 22-23 Jun (terdekat) di Kajang, dari 8.30-5pm.
      Yuran adalah RM350

      3 personel (serta kelayakan mereka) tersebut bakal dilantik sebagai:

      PPB-Pengurus Pusat Bertauliah (sijil induksi PP-PPD shj)
      PPD-Pegawai Pengesah Dalaman (sijil induksi PP-PPD & SKM shj)
      PP-Pegawai Penilai (sijil induksi PP-PPD, SKM & VTO)

      PP & PPD boleh mohon SKM secara PPT dan PP pula perlu ikuti kursus VTO

    1. Hi Siva, it’s too general. We need the code of the NOSS in order for us to identify which training centre is offering the program that you’re interested with.

  10. We would like to have more information on your training. Especially on Soft Skill training.

    Please email us your brochure. Thank you

    1. Am sorry Hazizah, we don’t conduct soft skill training. All our training are related to Department of Skills Development

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