Tag Archives: assessor

Empowering Women Through Skills: Malaysia Top 10 TVET Program for Women

TVET program for women

This International Women’s Day, we celebrate the achievements of women across the globe and their continuous pursuit of growth and empowerment. In Malaysia, education plays a crucial role in equipping women with the skills and knowledge to thrive in various fields. Among the educational pathways available, Malaysia TVET program for women offer exciting opportunities to gain practical skills and enter high-demand careers.

The National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) is a framework that categorizes and defines skills required for various occupations in Malaysia. Based on the NOSS framework, here are the top 10 TVET programs currently popular among Malaysian women:

TVET Program for Women (Top 10 in Malaysia)

1. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE): This program equips you the necessary skills to care for and educate young children. It is a rewarding career path if you are passionate about nurturing the development of future generations.

Kursus Pendidikan Awal Kanak-kanak

2. Cosmetology and Beauty Therapy: These group of programs caters to the ever-growing cosmetology industry, equipping you with the skills for various roles, including hairdressing, skincare, makeup & nail artistry.

TVET program - for women (beauty)

3. Office Administration: Mastering administrative skills is valuable in any industry. This course teaches essential skills like communication, document management, and office software.

4. Executive Secretaryship: Become a highly-organized and reliable support system for executives. This program hones secretarial skills, communication, and office management.

TVET program - for women (office admin/secretaryship)

5. Accounting: Gain a strong foundation in financial management. This course prepares you for bookkeeping, payroll, and other accounting roles.

6. Ladies Garment Making: This program fosters creativity and allows you to develop expertise in garment construction and design, potentially leading to entrepreneurship (same goes to most other TVET programs)

7. Food Preparation and Culinary Arts: Fuel your passion for food with this course! Learn professional cooking techniques, food presentation, and kitchen management.

TVET program

8. Tour Guide: Explore Malaysia’s rich culture and heritage! This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to become professional tour guides.

9. Computer System & Networking: It equips you with the skills to:

  • Understand computer hardware components and their functions.
  • Install, configure, and troubleshoot computer systems.
  • Work with various software applications.
  • Manage and maintain computer networks.

This program prepares you for careers in IT support, network administration, and other technical roles within the ever-growing tech industry.

10. Massage Therapy: This course teaches various massage techniques to help clients achieve relaxation and well-being. It’s a rewarding career path for those interested in alternative healthcare.

These are just a few of the many Malaysia TVET program for women. International Women’s Day is a great time to consider how you can invest in yourself and your future. By enrolling in a TVET program, you can gain valuable skills, increase your earning potential, and achieve your career goals.

Empower yourself and embrace equity. Explore Malaysia TVET program for women today!

PS: If you already have Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM), interested to be an assessor (PP)/verifier(PPL) and has >10 years of experience in the field, there are some freelancing opportunities for you.

Of if you’re interested to be a trainer, you may read more about the various trainer certificates available.

Flexible jobs for retirees - beach

From Sunsets to Skillsets: Flexible Jobs for Retirees (Even the Early Ones!) 

Flexible jobs for retirees - beach

Picture this: You’re 55, retired early, and the sun-drenched beaches just aren’t cutting it anymore. The daily sudoku routine feels more like a mental nap, and that quietude that was once blissful is now deafening. The fire of your ambition still flickers, but the traditional workforce seems like a distant galaxy.

But hold on, there’s a new starburst of opportunity blazing on the horizon. Forget boring board games and endless reruns – ISE Education offers a launchpad for reinvention, fueling your passions with flexible jobs for retirees like you.

Think of it as trading in your hammock for a training module, guiding the next generation of bakers, beauticians, and fashion designers. Imagine the thrill of knowledge transfer, the pride in watching your trainees flourish, and the satisfaction of leaving a lasting legacy on Malaysia’s skilled workforce.

The numbers speak for themselves: Malaysia’s skills training sector is booming, with over 100,000 individuals enrolling in programs in 2022 (Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) Annual Report 2022). This demand translates to a gaping need for qualified trainers and assessors, a gap that retirees/early retirees like you are perfectly positioned to fill.

And the beauty? You don’t need decades of corporate grind to join the party. ISE welcomes experienced professionals of all ages, whether you’re a seasoned accountant or a manager in the hospitality industry who has retired@early retirement.

Here’s how ISE ignites your second act:

No SPM certificate - Register for TVET Course
Certify Yourself With A Nationally Recognised TTT certificate
  • Assess and Verify with Confidence: Become a PP-PPT* (Pegawai Penilai-Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu) and assess experienced candidate’s portfolio (of evidence) or a PPL* (Pegawai Pengesah Luaran) and verify the quality of training programs or student’s final assessments. Both roles offer flexible hours and the satisfaction of ensuring Malaysia’s skills development stays top-notch.

* Appointment of PP-PPT & PPL is subject to additional requirements such as:

  1. Minimum 10 years experience in the program to be assessed/verified
  2. Minimum SKM3
  3. PP-PPT induction cert
  4. PPL induction cert (+PP-PPD-PPB induction cert for PPL-SLaPB or + SLDN induction cert for PPL-SLDN)
No SPM certificate - Register for TVET Course
Qualify Yourself To Become An Assessor/Verifier for Department of Skills Development (DSD/JPK)

Remember, retirement/early retirement isn’t a dead end – it’s a detour to a hidden oasis. Embrace the flexible work arrangements, say goodbye to rigid office hours, and rediscover the joy of work without the stress.

So, dust off your resume, sharpen your skills, and chart your course. This isn’t just about a job – it’s about igniting your passions, contributing to your nation, and proving that retirement is just the beginning of the most exciting chapter.

Jobs for retirees - Ignite Your Passion
Act NOW towards flexible jobs for retirees like yourself

Enhance Your Skills & Qualifications on the Weekend

Weekend training courses have become increasingly popular in recent years as individuals like you may seek to enhance your skills and knowledge in your chosen field without sacrificing your workweek. This trend has also caught on in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector, where institutions such as:

1. Youth and Sports Skills Training Institute (ILKBS) offer weekend training courses to empower youths like you/your children with additional skills.

This programme is held on weekends using a “Do It Yourself” approach and tailored specifically for B40 & M40 groups, as well as at-risk and minority youths and those who are already working aged 40 and below.

2. ISE Education offer weekend induction courses for you to be qualified as centre managers, skills trainers/assessors (PP)/internal verifiers (PPD) & external verifiers (PPL)*.

* Other qualifications maybe required for the various positions stated above (appointed by respective Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran‘s Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB, regardless of government or private)

Kursus induksi PP-PPD-PPB
Click the image for the schedule
Kursus Induksi PPL
Click the image for the schedule

TVET programs are designed to provide practical training and education for a variety of trades, professions, and vocations. They aim to you with the knowledge, skills, and attitude needed to succeed in your chosen career paths. However, not everyone can commit to full-time training due to work or personal obligations, especially if you have already started working. This is where weekend training courses come in handy.

Weekend training courses offer you the opportunity to pursue your education and training goals outside of regular working hours. These courses are designed to be flexible, convenient, and accessible as you may have commitments during the week. They provide a perfect balance between work, life, and learning.

To sum up, weekend training courses linked to TVET and JPK’s induction courses are an excellent option for you/your children/your employees who are looking to enhance your/their skills, knowledge or qualifications while balancing work and personal commitments. These courses provide you with the practical experience and knowledge or qualifications needed to succeed in your chosen field. Additionally, they offer a flexible, convenient, and accessible learning experience that can help you to achieve your career goals.

7 Freelance jobs ideas for skill /TVET practitioners

Freelance Jobs (for skill/TVET practitioners) to Generate Side Income

Freelance jobs for skills practitioners

Am sure you (including most Malaysians) want to know how to generate side income (in BM)  considering the depreciating value of the Malaysian Ringgit, rise in inflation and the economic turmoil that has hit as a result of the COVID pandemic since 2020 and Russia-Ukraine war.

Are you aware that you may be able to buy 20 items in 2010 with RM100 but now (2022), you might only be able to buy 10 of the same items. This is what inflation means.

So, to overcome this, you need to increase your ability to earn more income, via freelance jobs or otherwise.

Cara Menjana Pendapatan Sampingan - Kesan Inflasi

Actually, there are many options and freelance jobs that you can do to generate side income, be it on part-time, contract or short-term basis.

Performing freelance jobs while having a regular job is not wrong. Most important is flexibility; where the freelance job does not interfere with the productivity of your regular job.

Also make sure you get your employer’s permission first should the freelance job happens during your regular working hours.

The format of permission letter will be provided for you if you need to apply as PP-PPT (Assessor for PPT method) or PPL later.

Keep your mind open, think about what you can do, don’t be  bound by previous work experience. You may be able to develop your hobby further, do something you like and not because you have to.

You can consider the following freelance jobs to generate side income.

1. Skills/TVET trainer

Become a skills/TVET trainer at any Department of Skills Development (DSD) accredited training centre, SLaPB or SLDN Training Center.

More and more JPK Accredited centers are offering modular@micro-credential programs that may be implemented part-time or there are certain modules where existing Assessors do not have the in-depth knowledge to teach effectively.

Armed with industry experience, trainers like you are the most needed because you don’t just teach according to the curriculum but can relate and give many examples that happen in the actual working environment.

The qualifications to become a skills/TVET trainer* or Assessor (teaching & assessing candidates) are:

Or you can conduct online classes part-time . For example, sewing, baking, cooking classes, how to use Microsoft Excel, Word, canva etc. through platforms such as YouTube, Google Classroom or other Learning Management System (LMS).

Freelance jobs - skills trainer
Assessor (PP) & Internal Verifier (PPD) for VTO program at I Smart Educare are freelance personnels that has other fixed job as the VTO program at I Smart Educare is only conduced part time on weekend only.

2. As an Assessor for PPT method (PP-PPT)

If you have a Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) and more than 10 years of experience in your SKM field, you are also eligible to be appointed as an Assessor – Recognition of Prior Achievement (PP-PPT). 

The working time is very flexible because the counseling & assessment time is set between you as PP-PPT and also the applicant.

The qualifications for the appointment of PP-PPT are:

a. Malaysian
b. > 10 years of experience in your SKM field (appointment may also be done even if < 10 years in a critical field – not enough/less PP-PPT in that field).
c. Possess – Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM 3)/(DKM)/(DLKM)
d. Pass the PP-PP-PPT induction course

Allowance for counseling and portfolio assessment for ​​each level is RM 100/level/program.

Other allowances are travel/accommodation/meal/daily allowance.

3. As an External Verifier (Pegawai Pengesah Luaran - PPL)​

The conditions for the appointment of PPL are:

a. Malaysian
b. > 10 years of experience in your SKM field (appointment may also be done even if < 10 years in a critical field – not enough/less PPL in that field).
c. Possess Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM 3)/(DKM)/(DLKM)
d. Pass the PP-PPD-PPB induction course
e. Pass the PPL induction course

Verification fee at a PB SLaPB/SLDN Centre/Company for a day is RM320/8 hours OR RM 40.00/hour.

Other allowances are travel/accommodation/meal/daily allowance.

For more information about PPL, you can read more here.

Freelance jobs - PPL

4. NOSS Development Panel

You are definitely an expert in your field with your extensive industrial experience. 

The Department  of Skills Development (DSD) may need your expertise and time be part of the development committee as panel to develop the National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS).

You just need to attend KURSUS PEMBANGUNAN NOSS (DESCUM) that is conducted FREE by CIAST. Accomodation and meals are provided as well.

Bengkel Pembangunan NOSS
NOSS Development Workshop (Image credit: BH Online)

5. NOSS Facilitator

Just like the NOSS development panel, qualified facilitators with in-depth experience in the field are also needed.

After attending the KURSUS PEMBANGUNAN NOSS (DESCUM), you can continue with the NOSS FACILITATOR (DESCUM) / WIM / QUESTIONS course which is also organized for FREE. Accommodation and meals are provided.

Image credit: CIAST

6. As freelancer

There are also other freelance jobs that you can do independently, offering services that suits your skills and experience.

For example, if you are an auto mechanic, you can offer to service other people’s car at your house (those that doesn’t need heavy/expensive equipment) or become a  salesperson (if you have the skills to sell as well) because you have knowledge and skills about cars (engines etc).

Platforms like Kaodim.com (for local services), Fiverr.com and Freelancer.com (for online services) are among the websites you can visit to offer your services.

7. Writing blogs/creating video tutorial

Earning a side income online can be as simple as writing about things you are passionate and knowledgeable about.

Regardless of the field (automotive, photography, beauty, fashion or any other skills) that you are good at/interested in, you should be diligent in publishing high quality articles to attract readers’ interest. Side income may be in terms of advertising (Google ads), affiliate marketing or you promote a specific company’s product/service.

It’s the same for videos (Youtube, TikTok). It doesn’t matter whether it’s a tutorial video, information or entertainment type, the main objective is to produce quality content that can attract viewers. The source of income is almost the same as writing a blog mentioned above.

So which freelance jobs idea best suits you?

As long as you have the will, you can definitely find a way to generate side income that suits your schedule and qualifications.

However, the most important thing is to take action. Knowing but doing nothing will not change your current situation.