Tag Archives: MQA

TVET Malaysia – Apa tu? Kumpulan sasaran, syarat dan kelebihannya

TVET Malaysia - Apakah Itu TVET?

TVET adalah singkatan bagi Technical and Vocational Education Training. TVET in Malay (BM) dikenali sebagai Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional. TVET adalah proses pendidikan dan latihan yang mempunyai hala tuju pekerjaan dengan penekanan utama terhadap amalan industri. Ia bertujuan untuk menghasilkan tenaga kerja yang kompeten dalam bidang-bidang yang tertentu. Skop TVET perlu berdasarkan Standard Pekerjaan atau lazimnya Standard Kemahiran Pekerjaan Kemahiran (NOSS) yang diiktiraf, dengan penekanan kepada komponen praktikal, kemahiran psikomotor dan pendedahan kepada latihan di industri.

TVET di Malaysia bukanlah satu perkara. Cuma TVET sering disalah erti sebagai pilihan kedua dan hanya layak untuk individu yang kurang cemerlang dari segi pencapaian akademik. Sebenarnya, stigma itu sudah lapuk ditelan zaman kerana kini graduan program  TVET kian mendapat perhatian oleh majikan.

TVET di Malaysia telah diberi nafas baharu pada 27 Sept 2017 dengan majlis pelancaran (dan penjenamaan) TVET Malaysia oleh bekas Perdana Menteri, YAB Dato’s Sri Mohd Najib b Abdul Razak untuk mengubah tanggapan dan persepsi negatif ibu bapa dengan kemahiran TVET Malaysia. Stigma ini adalah biasa memandangkan ramai di antara kita yang lebih menekankan akademik dari dahulu lagi.

TVET Malaysia

Kumpulan sasaran TVET?

Secara umumnya, terdapat dua aliran TVET yang menawarkan sijil/diploma yang diiktiraf oleh MQA.

1. Lepasan SPM (lulus) berpeluang untuk melanjutkan pelajaran sama ada dalam bidang Sijil ataupun Diploma dalam program TVET yang berkemahiran tinggi. Institusi TVET Malaysia yang menawarkan aliran TVET ini adalah seperti Politeknik, Kolej Komuniti dan Kolej Vokasional.

a. Bagi pelajar yang kurang kecenderungan dalam akademik tetapi lebih suka hands-on, lepasan PT3 ataupun tanpa SPM pun boleh belajar kursus kemahiran di pusat latihan kemahiran (PLK) awam ataupun swasta yang menawarkan persijilan Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia.

b. Bagi pekerja sedia ada ataupun bakal pekerja yang ingin meningkatkan kemahiran (upskilling) atau mendapat latihan semula (reskilling) boleh juga menyertai latihan TVET melalui Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN) sebagai perantis. 

c. Pekerja mahir yang sudah ada pengalaman kerja dalam bidang tertentu juga boleh mohon pensijilan TVET@Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia/Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia/Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia/Penyata Pencapaian melalui kaedah Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT).

Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia - 3 cara mohon, tawar

Apakah Syarat dan Kelayakan Kemasukan Kursus TVET/kemahiran?

Anda berminat untuk mengikuti kemahiran TVET? Mari kita semak syarat-syarat kemasukan kursus TVET ini. Anda:

  • Adalah Warganegara Malaysia. Jika bukan, boleh juga berdaftar di Pusat Bertauliah Antarabangsa (program dan pusat yang ditauliahkan amat terhad)
  • Mestilah sihat tubuh badan, tiada sebarang kecacatan atau kecederaan atau sejarah penyakit atau penyakit-penyakit yang mengehadkan, membataskan dan menyukarkan pelaksanaan kerja praktikal dan amali sepanjang kursus.
  • Ada kemahiran asas membaca, mengira dan menulis.
  • Bebas daripada masalah mental.
  • Berminat dengan program dipohon (AMAT PENTING untuk anda berjaya)

Masa Hadapan Graduan TVET

Sebagai sebuah negara yang sedang pesat membangun, graduan TVET mempunyai peluang yang menguntungkan kerana negara memerlukan ramai tenaga mahir dalam bidang industri. Kebanyakan institusi TVET pula menawarkan kemahiran yang sememangnya menjadi rebutan banyak syarikat pada hari ini. 

Kemahiran-kemahiran ini bukan sahaja memudahkan anda untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan, malah ia dapat membuka peluang kepada diri anda sendiri untuk mencipta peluang pekerjaan baru dengan kemahiran yang sedia ada. Graduan TVET juga berpeluang untuk menjadi usahawan dengan kemahiran tambahan yang sedia ada. 

Kelebihan program TVET

Apa kelebihan program TVET ini? Antara kelebihannya adalah graduan program TVET mampu menguasai pengetahuan dan kemahiran praktikal dengan lebih baik berbanding lulusan program akademik. Apabila anda menceburi program TVET ini, anda dapat meningkatkan kemahiran diri kerana anda akan didedahkan dengan keupayaan sesuatu produk dengan lebih dekat melalui eksperimen atau uji kaji.

Ia memang lebih BEST berbanding dengan laluan akademik sekiranya anda jenis yang suka hands-on. Peluang kerja juga agak tinggi berbanding graduan laluan akademik. Bukan sahaja peluang kerja tinggi tetapi untuk bidang kemahiran tertentu seperti underwater welding, gajinya agak lumayan juga. Jadi, BEST tak?

Pelbagai program kemahiran dan teknikal ditawarkan. Jadi, berikut kami kongsikan 10 program TVET* (ikut bidang pekerjaan) paling popular di Malaysia.

  1. Pemasangan dan Penyelenggaraan Elektrik – Satu & Tiga Fasa
  2. Penyediaan dan Pembuatan Makanan (Kulinari)
  3. Perkhidmatan pembaikan & servis diagnostik – kenderaan ringan
  4. Pembuatan roti/pastri
  5. Perkhidmatan terapi kecantikan / estetik
  6. Aplikasi rekabentuk grafik (digital) / rekaan grafik
  7. Pengasuhan dan Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak
  8. Pentadbiran Sistem/Rangkaian Komputer
  9. Pembuatan Pakaian Wanita
  10. Pegawai Latihan Vokasional (VTO)

Masih ragu-ragu dengan pengiktirafan sijil TVET (terutamanya Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia)? Jangan risau kerana ia diiktiraf oleh agensi dan badan pengiktirafan di Malaysia seperti Malaysian Quality Accreditation (MQA), Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) dan badan-badan profesional yang lain. 

Halatuju Lepasan SKM3 – 5 Pilihan Utama

Halatuju Lepasan SKM3

Sebelum kita bincang pasal halatuju lepasan SKM3, baik min terangkan dulu apa itu SKM.
SKM adalah singkatan kepada  Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia. 

Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia adalah persijilan rasmi kebangsaan yang dianugerahkan oleh Kerajaan Malaysia (diterima di industir dan luar negeri) kepada individu yang telah menunjukkan keupayaan serta kompetensi untuk melaksanakan tugasan ataupun aktiviti kerja untuk diambil kerja dalam bidang tertentu.

Tahniah kepada anda jika sudah memiliki Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia 3.
Kalau belum ada, anda samada boleh belajar di mana-mana institut latihan kemahiran awam ke swasta. Jika dah ada pengalaman kerja dalam bidang berkaitan, bolehlah mohon secara Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT). Tapi sebelum tu, sila kenapasti kod program yang anda nak mohon dulu dengan muat turun Daftar NOSS.

Baik, apakah pilihan yang ada jika dah ada SKM3?
Marilah kita lihat kelebihan & kelemahan setiap pilihan yang ada.

Artikel ni mungkin agak panjang, kalau anda dah tahu pilihan anda, terus ke pilihan tersebut.

A. Sambung Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM)
B. Kerja di industri
C. Sambung NCS-TTT/TVETi (Sijil Latihan Tenaga Pengajar / Pengajar TVET)
D. Mohon sebagai Pegawai Penilai (kaedah PPT) ataupun Pegawai Pengesah Luaran, samada SLaPB ataupun SLDN
E. Sambung Diploma Profesional @ Ijazah Eksekutif (khas untuk pekerja industri/graduan TVET/SKM/DKM)


1. Peluang kerjaya (dan gaji) yang lebih baik/luas berbanding Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia sahaja.

halatuju lepasan SKM3 - kerjaya lebih baik


Kredit imej: The Economic Times

Dengan adanya DKM juga, anda boleh juga jadi Pegawai Penilai (PP) SKM atau DKM program yang sama, bukan setakat SKM sahaja (dengan syarat ada juga sijil VTO / TVETi (atau NCS-TTT – untuk jadi PP-Modular) dan induksi PP-PPD-PPB).


2. DKM (termasuk SKM) SEPENUH MASA (bukan PPT) sudah diiktiraf oleh Kerajaan bagi tujuan lantikan ke dalam Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA).
Oleh kerana ia juga diiktiraf oleh Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA), anda boleh sambung belajar ke Ijazah Sarjana Muda di IPTA & IPTS (ada program tertentu yang masih tertakhluk kepada keputusan Senat Universiti)

halatuju lepasan SKM3 - Pengiktirafan kelayakan SKM

halatuju lepasan SKM3 - Pengiktirafan kelayakan DKM


Namun, adakah ia betul-betul diiktiraf oleh JPA untuk lantikan perkhidmatan awam, contohnya ke gred KA29?
Ia masih agak kabur kerana masih ada calon yang tak berjaya dengan kelayakan DKM (sepenuh masa). Min sendiri pun masih keliru. Lihat kisah benar di bawah, pengalaman yang dilalui oleh warga FB Group TVET Master (5/5/20).
Min rasa DKM cuma diterima untuk sesetengah gred sahaja.

FB Survey on acceptance of DKM for JPA qualifications


1. Jika anda perolehi secara PPT, ia masih belum diiktiraf oleh Kerajaan bagi tujuan lantikan ke dalam Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA)

2. Nilai Diploma tak setinggi Ijazah (bila dibandingkan antara DKM secara PPT dan Ijazah Eksekutif – kedua-duanya pun tanpa MQA).

Fikirkan, jika ada 2 pekerja yang sama-sama mahir & berkelayakan SKM3. Seorang ada tambahan Diploma dan seorang lagi ada Ijazah, majikan akan beri peluang kepada siapa dulu untuk naik pangkat?
Bukan setakat nilai komersial, status sosial pemegang diploma boleh dikatakan lebih rendah berbanding pemegang ijazah.

B. Kerja di industri


1. Mengasah kemahiran teknikal yang telah dipelajari serta menimba pengalaman industri


What is the right strategy to sharpen your skills and increase the ...


Kredit imej: www.reliablecounter.com


Anda boleh menambah serta meluaskan pengetahuan teknikal dan kemahiran baru yang diperlukan oleh industri. Pengalaman yang diperolehi nanti juga membantu bila ingin sambung pelajaran kerana anda boleh mengaitkan dengan alam pekerjaan yang sebenar. Dan jika anda berminat jadi pengajar kemahiran nanti, pengalaman industri ini sangat berguna untuk anda menyampaikan ilmu kepada pelajar anda nanti.
Pengalaman anda tu juga membantu anda memohon DKM dan DLKM secara PPT ataupun Ijazah Sarjana / Sarjana Muda melalui APEL A.

2. Menjana pendapatan

Malaysia's ringgit takes a wild ride


Kredit imej: www.cnbc.com

Sekiranya keluarga anda tak mampu lagi untuk bayar yuran penggajian atau buat pengeluaran KWSP untuk sambung pendidikan (andai kata tak dapat pinjaman PTPK ke apa-apa institusi lain), baik juga anda kerja dulu untuk menjana sedikit pendapatan untuk anda serta keluarga anda. Jimat seboleh yang mungkin, kumpul wang untuk belajar bila mampu ataupun KWSP dah cukup dana.


1. Disebabkan SKM3 bertaraf sijil sahaja, gaji anda pun setakat tu sahaja. Peluang naik pangkat (tak kira awam ke swasta), pasti terbantut. Jadi, tangga gaji dan pangkat pun rendah. Memang kemahiran tu penting tetapi untuk organisasi tertentu, terutamanya sektor awam, syarikat GLC & berstruktur masih memerlukan persijilan untuk kenaikan pangkat.

2. Bila dah berkeluarga dan berumur, mungkin masa lebih padat kerana ada pelbagai komitmen, kerja & keluarga. Anda juga mungkin kehilangan motivasi untuk belajar.


1. Anda berpeluang menjadi pengajar kemahiran bertauliah dan mendidik generasi akan datang yang juga berminat belajar bidang kemahiran seperti anda. Namun, min syorkan anda betul-betul minat mengajar dan bukan kerana tak dapat cari kerja baru nak jadi pengajar.


Disebabkan tiada pengalaman industri, anda tidak dapat mengaitkan teori dengan keadaan sebenar dalam industri. Justeru itu, anda mungkin tidak dapat menarik perhatian pelajar anda dengan contoh-contoh serta pengalaman menarik yang berlaku di industri.

D. Mohon sebagai Pegawai Penilai (kaedah PPT) ataupun Pegawai Pengesah Luaran (PPL), samada SLaPB ataupun SLDN

Sekiranya anda juga ada pengalaman dalam bidang kemahiran anda >10 tahun, anda juga boleh ikuti kursus induksi PP-PPT & PPL untuk peluang dilantik sebagai salah seorang Personel Penilaian & Verifikasi

E. Sambung Diploma Profesional atau Ijazah Eksekutif (Program URise)


1. Anda dapat ‘lompat’ selangkah, terus ke Ijazah (eksekutif) tanpa melalui diploma (jika anda yakin).

2. Yurannya (biasanya bawah RM15K) lebih murah berbanding Diploma ataupun Ijazah Sarjana Muda konvensional (MQA) (antara RM20-40K).

3. Tempoh pengajian yang singkat (6-12 bulan) berbanding dengan 2.5-3.5 tahun untuk diploma/ijazah (MQA).

4. Tidak perlu mempelajari mata pelajaran umum (MPU)

5. Tidak perlu pra-syarat akademik, cth lulus SPM BM & Sejarah

6. Pendekatan pembelajaran bersifat praktikal/aplikasi.

7. Laluan kerjaya juga bersifat industri.

8. Gaya pembelajaran yang fleksibel (blended – online + bersemuka, tak kira PKP ke tidak)

9. Boleh meneruskan pembelajaran ke Ijazah Sarjana Muda (Bachelor) / Sarjana (Masters) kemudian kerana modul yang diajar adalah juga sebahagian dari modul ijazah sarjana muda MQA.


1. Diploma profesional dan ijazah eksekutif tiada akreditasi MQA.
Akreditasi MQA adalah wajib untuk:
a. Lantikan ke dalam Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA)
b. Kenaikan pangkat untuk sesetengah jawatan, terutamanya tahap pengurusan. Hanya persijilan bertaraf MQA diterima oleh sesetengah syarikat swasta, terutamanya Syarikat Berkaitan Kerajaan / GLC
(Namun, masih banyak lagi syarikat SME yang tidak mementingkan akreditasi MQA, asalkan ia bukan keluaran badan/universiti luar negeri yang entah ada bangunan ke tidak & tiada akreditasi)

2. Disebabkan lepasan SKM3 rata-ratanya cuma berumur 17 tahun ++, dikhuatiri anda tidak cukup matang untuk menangani proses pembelajaran yang 1-2 tahap lebih tinggi dari Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia.
Namun, jika anda berani mencabar diri sendiri dan berusaha, tiada apa yang boleh halang anda dari berjaya.

* Jika anda cuma ada SKM1@2, boleh mohon untuk program diploma profesional ataupun mohon SKM3 secara PPT baru mohon ijazah eksekutif program URise terus.
Dan jika tiada SKM3 tetapi pemegang sijil teknikal lain dari industri ataupun ada pengalaman industri melebihi 3 tahun, anda juga layak untuk memohon ijazah eksekutif (program URise)

Halatuju Lepasan SKM3​ - Kesimpulan

Berikut adalah pilihan anda. Mana satu yang sesuai dengan halatuju lepasan SKM3 seperti anda?

A. Sambung DKM melalui Pusat Latihan Swasta atau secara PPT, setelah ada pengalaman kerja 2 tahun dalam bidang SKM anda.
B. Kerja di industri
C. Sambung kursus VTO (Sijil Pengajar Vokasional)
D. Ikuti kursus induksi JPK  (PP-PPD-PPB, PPL, SLDN & PP-PPT) untuk berpeluang mohon sebagai Pegawai Penilai (kaedah PPT) ataupun Pegawai Pengesah Luaran (PPL), samada SLaPB ataupun SLDN.
E. Sambung Diploma Profesional @ Ijazah Eksekutif (khas untuk pekerja industri/graduan TVET/SKM/DKM)

Ataupun anda ada cadangan lain??

Empowering TVET among priorities of HR Ministry

Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran gives a speech at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre November 19, 2019. — Picture by Miera Zulyana
Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran gives a speech at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre November 19, 2019. — Picture by Miera Zulyana

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18 — Empowering Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) by developing a more relevant new policy in implementing TVET’s agenda in line with industry needs was part of the Ministry of Human Resources’s plan throughout 2019.

This was outlined in the Ministry of Human Resource’s 2019 achievement report to strengthen the various sectors under the ministry led by M. Kulasegaran, while also committed to championing the rights of workers in the country.

Touching on issues related to workers including skills upgrading, TVET education, security, law and others in the 32-page report card, the Ministry of Human Resources is committed towards improving every aspect in line with fulfilling the promises contained in the Pakatan Harapan’s manifesto.

With a RM5.9 billion allocation via the 2020 Budget to place TVET in the main stream in the country, the ministry has begun to take step by establishing the TVET Single Quality Assurance System to be used by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and the Department of Skills Development (JPK) for the purpose of coordinating, monitoring and strengthening the TVET sector.

According to Kulasegaran, the new system is responsible for accrediting TVET programmes offered by public and private TVET institutions based on the Second Edition Of The Malaysia Qualification Framework (MQF 2.0) which was approved at the MQA Council Meeting in December 2017.

“The implementation of TVET quality assurance programme by MQA and JPK will be made based on the TVET Programme Accreditation Code of Practice approved by the Cabinet Meeting on Jan 31, 2019,” he said.

In line with the latest trend of Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0 education or 4.0 era education, Kulasegaran said 35 National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) related to IR 4.0 were developed in 2018.

“To date, there are 42 NOSS related to IR 4.0 as a result of TVET’s National Master Plan Development Study towards a developed nation and the direction until 2030 will be used by policy makers in the process of reforming TVET implementation in Malaysia,” he said.
The efforts to empower the TVET field did not stop there when the ministry took the initiative to expand its field of study by signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Private Secondary School (SUWA) on May 23, 2019 at Kolej Universiti New Era in Kajang.

“The collaboration between the two entities led to the ministry’s involvement in allowing SUWA students to attend training programmes at 32 Department of Human Resource Training Institutes (ILJTM) and enabling the ministry to consider loan applications or scholarships to eligible students for further study in TVET programmes, Vocational Training Officers (VTO) and so on,” he said. — Bernama

DKM/DLKM-PPT layak sambung ke Sarjana Muda BTech UTHM melalui APEL

Berita baik untuk mereka yang mengambil DKM/DLKM-PPT dan sedang bekerja dalam bidang berkaitan bidang kursus sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun. Kalau beminat untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan di peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda bidang Teknologi, saya difahamkan pusat APEL sedia utk memproses permohonan anda bagi mengikuti program Sarjana Muda (Btech) di UTHM. Untuk maklumat lanjut sila hubungi APEL centre UTHM.

Dikongsi oleh Prof Madya Dr Razali Hassan, UTHM



Jika anda lepasan DVM/DKM/ DLKM…..

Fakulti Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional, UTHM membuat pengambilan pelajar bagi Intake September 2020 ke Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi yang akan dibuka dari 24 Februari (12pm) hingga 17 April 2020 (11.59pm)

Permohonan melalui UPU Online.

Bagaimana pula dengan Ijazah bukan BTech

Bagaimana pula jika saya tak nak sambung ke Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi (BTech)?


Selain UTHM, Unimap, UTeM & UMP (yang lebih dikenali sebagai MTUN) yang menawarkan Ijazah Sarjana Muda bidang Teknologi (BTech) untuk lepasan DKM/DLKM (Tanpa SPM), anda juga boleh pilih:

1. IPTA atau IPTS lain yang menawarkan Ijazah Sarjana Muda bidang lain, juga tanpa SPM. Namun, masih banyak universiti yang perlukan kelulusan senat ataupun ujian APEL untuk kemasukan ke program Ijazah Sarjana Muda.

2. UniRazak (UR), KL bersama ISE Education (ISE) juga menawarkan program URise – Diploma Profesional & Eksekutif Bachelor Pengurusan Industri, KHAS untuk pemegang/graduan TVET/SKM/DKM/DLKM (juga tak perlu SPM DAN tak perlu ujian APEL).

Program URise ini membolehkan ANDA, graduan TVET/SKM/DKM/DLKM:

  1. Merasai program akademik pengajian tinggi tanpa terlalu membebankan (cuma 6-9 bulan, blended learning (online + tutorial bersemuka). Ia bagaikan matrikulasi.
  2. Peluang mendapat diploma/ijazah walaupun tiada SPM dengan bajet yang sederhana serta masa yang jauh lebih singkat berbanding program penuh status MQA.
  3. Meningkatkan daya saing serta keupayaan untuk naik pangkat ke peringkat pengurusan, setelah adanya kemahiran teknikal, samada dari pembelajaran di institut latihan kemahiran awam ataupun swasta.
  4. Meningkatkan status sosial anda, seorang graduan Universiti yang juga berkamhiran teknikal.
Borang ni untuk pendaftaran/tunjuk minat program URise sahaja (sila hubungi APEL centre UTHM jika ingin tahu lebih lanjut mengenai kemasukan ke UTHM)
URise Program x BTech

Unirazak prepares students for 4IR

Unirazak Graduation jpkmalaysia.com
Universiti Tun Abdul Razak Chancellor Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid presenting the Chancellor’s Award to Nur Syakirah Mawardi at the university’s 19th convocation in Kuala Lumpur on 30th Nov 2019.

Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (Unirazak) is looking to offer new programmes to cater to the needs of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (4IR).

Vice-Chancellor Professor Datin Dr Samsinar Md Sidin said it would introduce the new programmes to ensure that students were prepared for the industry’s demands.

She hoped that Unirazak would be the first private university to cater to the 4IR.

“We will offer programmes that prepare our graduates to be a future-ready generation, hence we are looking not just within Malaysia but also to what is happening around the world.

“It is not just about programmes, but also the teaching and learning techniques, as well as skills.

“In order to achieve that, we have to be dynamic in terms of how we do things and I hope Unirazak would be able to do that for their students, as well as for the nation,” she said at the university’s 19th convocation here.

A total of 215 graduates from faculties of Bank Rakyat School of Business and Entrepreneurship, Tun Abdul Razak School of Government and Graduate School of Business received their graduation scrolls.

The ceremony was officiated by Chancellor Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid, who presented the scrolls to the graduates.

When asked if the university was prepared to embrace the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics programme, Samsinar said Unirazak was working closely with industries to obtain new content to include in its curriculum.

“We want these industry experts to come and teach our students as they are willing to learn beyond their programmes.”

Ahmad Sarji, in his speech, said the Fourth Industrial Revolution had been changing the world. He said Artificial intelligence, robotics, Big Data and the Internet of Things would collectively impact jobs and industries in the future.

“Unirazak has developed an Education 4.0 experience for students through the Unirazak Online Experience, better known as UROX, that rides on the Canvas System.

“This was introduced this year to all students and faculty members with the objective to expand teaching and learning at the university,” he said.

Source: https://www.nst.com.my/

URise Program logo

Comment: Do you know that Unirazak would soon have an URise Program offering Professional Diploma in Industrial Management (ProDip) & Executive Bachelor in Industrial Management (EBIM) that’s been created especially for TVET/SKM graduates?
It aims to:
1) Bridge TVET/SKM graduates to an MQA accredited Bachelor’s Degree or Masters Degree
2) Advance TVET/SKM graduates in their career with a Bachelor’s Degree, where most do not have a chance if they don’t have SPM with 3 credits, MQA Diploma or Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM).
3) Elevate TVET/SKM graduates’ social status.

If you’re interested to know further, kindly
show your interest here

UPSI is first public university to offer TVET graduates to further studies

Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) has emerged as the first public university to offer the opportunity to technical and vocational education and training (TVET) graduates to continue their studies.By Basir Zahrom – 
February 20, 2018 @ 9:39pm

KUALA LUMPUR: Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) has emerged as the first public university to offer the opportunity to technical and vocational education and training (TVET) graduates to continue their studies.

UPSI vice-chancellor Prof Datuk Dr Mohammad Shatar Sabran, said the first cohort have already registered early this month, involving 20 vocational college and skills training public institutes.

He said, in order to create more flexibility with regards to entrance opportunities while still meeting quality standards set by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA), UPSI is opening the door to TVET students who obtain a Malaysia Vocational Diploma (DVM) and Malaysian Skills Diploma (DKM) with an overall minimum GPA of 3.66 at Malaysian Vocational Certificate (SVM) level.

“Those who fail to meet the minimum requirements such as the History subject, can sit for the paper on their own or take the subject, equivalent to the SPM.

“TVET graduates who wish to continue their studies in UPSI have to pass the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) at Band 2 and pass Band 3 to graduate, as well as pass the Malaysian Educators Selection Inventory (MedSi) test, as well as an interview,” he said.

Previously, vocational college students had to have a two-year working experience in order to obtain the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) certificate from MQA to enable them to continue their studies to Bachelor’s Degree.

As such, UPSI’s offer opens the door to more opportunities to vocational college students to continue their studies at degree level without having to possess an APEL certificate, but only meet SVM requirements.

The move is in line with the establishment of UPSI’s Technical and Vocational Faculty campus in Teluk Intan in 2019.

He said, for the first cohort, the learning opportunity covers Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Science, Home Economics, Design and Technology, as well as Human Resources Management.

For diploma level, there is a minimum 2.5 CGPA requirement, which is on par with Level 4 of the Malaysian qualifications framework, as well as meet other requirements such as a pass in Bahasa Melayu, as well as a pass or credit in History at SPM level.

Source: www.nst.com.my (February 20, 2018 )

Comment: Believe that many TVET/SKM holders are still unaware of the opportunities to further their study to Universities, IPTA or IPTS.
Some critics may say tertiary (Degree, Masters, PhD) paper qualification does not guarantee you success in your career, actual fact is that it does really help to build and enhance your critical thinking skills. And with just a technical skills qualifications, how far can you go?
But it’s different if you have technical skills and then combined with management skills (and paper qualification), you will rise@URISE up in your career. And along with it a better quality of life for your family and maybe higher social status (as opposed to just a technician).
You are well aware that there are just too many fresh graduates out there who can’t get a job or decent job because they don’t have the right skills to match the industry.

BUT YOU CAN BE DIFFERENT! Skills professional with competency & management skills, the WORLD is YOURS!


Kumpulan pertama lulusan diploma kemahiran lanjut pengajian di MTUN September ini

PUTRAJAYA, 30 Jan (Bernama) — Kumpulan pertama pelajar lulusan diploma kemahiran bakal melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat ijazah sarjana muda di Rangkaian Universiti Teknikal Malaysia (MTUN) pada sesi pengajian September ini, kata Timbalan Menteri Sumber Manusia Datuk Mahfuz Omar.Beliau berkata Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) dalam mesyuarat Majlis Pembangunan Kemahiran Kebangsaan (MPKK) secara prinsipnya bersetuju supaya keputusan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) tidak diambil kira untuk kemasukan ke peringkat ijazah sarjana muda sekiranya pemohon sudah mempunyai diploma atau diploma lanjutan dalam bidang kemahiran.

“Sebelum ini, dia (lulusan diploma kemahiran) tidak boleh masuk universiti sebab perlu tengok SPM, tetapi kalau dia dah ada diploma yang lebih tinggi daripada SPM, kita mahu supaya mereka diberi pengiktirafan,” katanya pada sidang media selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat MPKK, di sini hari ini.

Sumber: http://www.bernama.com

Komen: Bukan setakat MTUN je yang boleh terima, ada juga IPTS pun mungkin boleh berbuat demikian.
Admin pun telah menerima panggilan baru-baru ni dari salah sebuah IPTS untuk membincangkan kerjasama.
Sekiranya IPTS anda berminat, boleh hubungi admin juga di tvetuni@gmail.com atau 012-3123430 untuk bincangkan butirannya.

Overhaul of TVET programmes in the works

PETALING JAYA: The Education Ministry wants to reform the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes in the country, says its director-general Datuk Dr Amin Senin.

Amin said that this was why several TVET programmes were halted for a while to give time for the Malaysian Qualifications Agency and Department of Skills Develop­ment to evaluate its curriculum to ensure TVET meets the quality benchmark set by the government and industrial needs.

“The claims made by some that certain TVET programmes have been discontinued are false.

“The ministry only wants to ensure certification and industry standards are met and used as reference in terms of marketability, improving skills, and in making curriculum improvements,” he said in a statement yesterday.

Dr Amin said that the ministry started the Vocational Education Transformation programme in 2012 to create an opportunity for students, who are interested in technical and vocational subjects to gain education to meet the country’s industrial needs.

This, he said, meant that the ministry needed to ensure that the programmes provided by institutions involved were of high quality and based on the coordination of operational policies, development of physical infrastructure and the provision of facilities, and the continuous development of professionalism for teachers and officers.

“After seven years of the programmes being introduced, it is high time that the programmes offered gave importance to a higher standard of education, in line with (the government’s) wishes of producing trainees of the highest quality,” he said.

He added that steps taken to make the programmes better were taken in line with views from stakeholders, including the National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP).

“The majority of stakeholders are supportive of the ministry’s wishes to make relevant improvements for the benefit of students and the country,” he added.

He said that the steps to improve the programmes, offered by vocational colleges, were taken after having had discussions with stakeholders since May 2018.

Source: https://www.thestar.com.my

CON-sultant or Consultant? My experience in the TVET sector


As you would have known, CON-sultant is not really a consultant but just a CON artist who cons their victims via consultancy.

Just a quick sharing.

Yesterday, I had a meet up with another ex-public listed company, interested to purchase a TVET/JPK Accredited centre and/or MQA approved college license.

Guess what? A previous CON-sultant tried to push them to purchase an MQA approved college license for RM5 million (not a hefty amount provided it has quite a few good programs & with KDN license with clean records). However, when pushed for more details from the potential buyer, the CONsultant started making stories that do not jive, hence the potential buyer has some reservations. When pushed further for process flow, the CON-sultant came out with proposing them SKM/DKM via PPT method at a really hefty figure (5 digits/candidate!), without really probing what the customer actually wanted.

Now, I have this challenge to propose to the company on how they can achieve what they want but hey, it’s a good problem to have. If I can help them to achieve what they wanted, I’m sure I’ll be rewarded appropriately (not necessarily handsomely though :-P)

Another case happened just last month. Another CON-sultant proposed to sell his SLDN training centre (3-4 programs if not mistaken) for RM500K. Not sure what’s so valuable about the license but anyway he managed to convinced the potential buyer (to me, I wouldn’t even pay RM50K for that!). Unfortunately for the CONsultant, he made a very BIG MISTAKE, not sure it’s by choice or it was just plain silly. He asked to be paid in cash, no cheques, no bank accounts transfer, no receipts to be produced. WTF! Where on earth would a buyer agree to this kind of agreement? Even buying fruits for RM2 at fruit stalls along PLUS Hentian are given receipts!

And I really got a shock when a kursus induksi which cost only RM350 (maximum course fees chargeable, in case you are still unaware) was quoted at 6 times more! And because of the CON-sultant’s greed (did not pay me & lied saying he wasn’t paid & fooled by the client – despite the client made the inflated payments to him), I had no choice but to go after the client directly for the payment. Well, you should know what’s the ending for the CON-sultant.

Jho Low - Con-sultant or con artist

Moral of the above 2 REAL LIFE stories:

1. Be knowledgable in your area if you really WANT to consult someone on that area, otherwise, be upfront & frank with your client that you’re working with an associate and NEVER pretend that you know everything despite KNOWING NOTHING about it as clients may sometimes be more knowledgable than you in that area if you’re not the EXPERT! You may not be lucky to be able to CON all the way, just like the Malay proverb:
Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya akan jatuh ke tanah juga

2. Be as transparent as possible with your clients, they will appreciate it.

3. GOD will reward you if you work hard & genuinely.

4. DON’t MESS UP with TVET Malaysia@ISE Education, we will go after what we’re supposed to get.

5. Consultants (individuals or companies) that agrees with everything that you requested as easy as ABC, especially without much thinking, should give you an ALARM! Don’t fall into the trap. Probe further on the Consultants past track records, a check-up for any info on the web (just Google the company or person, if not much web presences or many negative comments about the Consultant, that’s another ALARM!), testimonials and etc.

Here’s an interesting article on 7 tell tale signs of a con artist

With that, I hope you will not be the next victim to such CON-sultant!

And should you need any advice on TVET matters especially related to JPK/SKM/VTO/Induction course, feel free to call/WhatsApp (pls introduce yourself, who you are, what you want to know, in details) or email us at:
012-3123430 or ismarteducare @ gmail.com.

What lies ahead in 2019 for higher education?

(File pix) Diversity and education for all.

WITH Pakatan Harapan’s victory in the May 9 general election last year, the education landscape saw the merging of the Education Ministry, once the caretaker of school-level matters, with the Higher Education Ministry under the leadership of Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik.

The merger is the platform for the planning, implementation and management of strategies and operations, from pre-school to higher education and lifelong learning in a continuum.

Diversity and education for all is the ministry’s mission as evidenced by the June 2018 intake at public universities, polytechnics, community colleges and public skills training institutions.

Out of the intake of 182,409 post-sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) candidates, 17,338 places were offered to those from the B40 group, 299 to the disabled, 348 to Orang Asli and 1,225 to sports athletes. The trend of offering education opportunities at the tertiary level is expected to continue.

The education Ministry also pledged to make technical and vocational education and training (TVET) as students’ first choice of studies in the next five years.

Maszlee said TVET empowers every level of society towards equitable development, poverty reduction and economic prosperity.

However, several issues must be addressed, including strengthening the governance of TVET for better management, harmonising rating systems across both private and public TVET institutions, and enhancing the quality and delivery of TVET programmes to improve graduates’ employability.

The Budget 2019 speech revealed that the Education Ministry received the lion’s share with an allocation of RM60.2 billion, emphasising the critical importance of education for the nation’s progress.

The 2019 budget made substantial allocations for scholarships including a RM2.1 billion boost to the MARA education scholarships Programme and RM17.5 million over the next five years to the Malaysia Professional Accountancy centre (MyPAC) to produce more qualified bumiputera accountants.

Yayasan Peneraju Pendidikan Bumiputera received RM210 million for three of its programmes — Program Peneraju Tunas, Program Peneraju Skil (technical and vocational skills programmes) and Program Peneraju Professional (professional certifications in finance and accounting).

To ensure there are funds for those seeking to pursue tertiary studies, the national Higher Education Fund Corporation is reviewing its repayment mechanism.

Its chairman Wan Saiful Wan Jan said the review is expected to take six months before it is presented to the Cabinet for approval. The entity is actively holding meetings with various parties including community leaders, non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders to obtain relevant information and input before the draft is prepared.

With the abolishment of section 15(2)(c) of the universities and university colleges Act 1971 last month, students have the freedom to take part in politics on campus. This will further expose undergraduates to the democratic system and foster active participation in the governance of the country. Starting this year, student unions will be set up to develop students’ ability to manage their affairs on campus and empower them to lead the nation.

Rahmah Mohamed, MQA chief executive officer

Enhancing the quality of education

As an education hub, Malaysia is a popular destination for local and international students because of the quality of academic programmes provided by higher education institutions in the country which are accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).

MQA chief executive officer Datuk Dr Rahmah Mohamed said its accreditation is widely accepted in Asia, New Zealand, Japan, Australia, United Kingdom and Europe.

“We are recognised as a global brand. If a student graduates from a MQA-accredited programme in Malaysia or a Malaysian institution, they can work in any of these countries,” she added.

For this year, MQA plans to train qualifications officers from countries which require accreditation of programmes such as the Pacific Islands and those emerging from war as well as nations which do not have such agencies.

It will also introduce standards for micro-credentials. Micro-credentialing is the process of earning a micro-credential, which is like a mini degree or certification in a specific topic. To earn a microcredential, you need to complete a certain number of activities, assessments or projects related to the topic “We are looking at enabling individuals to earn credits from short courses organised by higher education institutions, accumulating those credits and ending up with a diploma or degree,” added Rahmah.

“In today’s environment, universities cannot work on their own but need to collaborate. If they subscribe to the same set of standards, a course offered by X University for example can be recognised by University Y.

“And University Y can then offer another set of courses to help students accumulate more credits.

“MQA is always looking for academic products that can contribute to the adult environment. Micro-credentials help students learn and earn on they go.”

Micro-cedentials can be offered by both public and private institutions as long as they subscribe to MQA standards.

“We are targeting to have the standards in place within the first quarter of this year followed by a roadshow. I foresee the implementation of micro-credentials will be rolled out six months later.”

The Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning – Qualification (APEL Q) is in the pipeline.

“APEL Q is still at the study stage. A person who has 20 years of work experience will sit a test and his portfolio will be assessed to determine an award of up to a master’s degree, without having to attend classes.”

MQA will conduct a pilot project after carrying out a feasibility study.

“When we roll it out, we will be the most advanced in Asia in terms of such qualifications.”

MQA believes there is a need to enhance the qualification of working adults without the need to be physically at university.

“We need to contribute to the advancement of the country and, to do this, we need to evolve and improve our stature in academics and education.

So, this is what MQA is striving for.”

Focus on skills

More often than not, SPM school-leavers who are not academically inclined are at a loss after getting their exam results.

Their results may not be up to mark to enable them to continue their studies at conventional higher education institutions and they may not even have an interest in academic pursuit. Without training and education, they may not have the skills for a bright future in the working world.

The Education Ministry’s Technical and Vocational Education Division encourages those who are not academically-inclined to pursue TVET as early as 16 years of age.

Division director Zainuren Mohd Nor sees 2019 as the year to strengthen and empower TVET.

The division runs three programmes: Kolej Vokasional (KV), Program Vokasional Menengah Atas (PVMA) and Perantisan Industri Menengah Atas (PIMA).

“The aim of KVs is to produce skilled workers who meet industry need or become entrepreneurs,” he said.

The aim is to get 70 per cent of its graduates employed, 20 per cent to continue studies and the remaining to become entrepreneurs.

“We have signed 775 memoranda of understanding for on-the-job training with the industry. We collaborate with the industry to produce students with skills required by the Industry Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0). We also partner with TVET colleges from, for example, Korea, China and Italy to gain exposure,” he added.

“Diploma Vokasional Malaysia graduates with a 3.5 CGPA can opt for higher studies. Or they can gain work experience and then opt for APEL Q.

“Budding entrepreneurs can enrol in the School Enterprise programme. They can set up their businesses during studies with the help of Companies Commission of Malaysia and relevant cooperatives.”

KV graduates are awarded the diploma as well as Malaysia Skills certificate. Some 96.7 per cent of the 2017 cohort are employed. As of Press time, the statistics for 2018 were unavailable.

As demand for places at vocational colleges is overwhelming, those who opt for TVET education can do so by joining the PVMA programme at day schools. They will be awarded two certificates — SPM and Malaysian Skills Certificate.

“They sit for only three SPM papers — Bahasa Malaysia, English and History — which qualify them to apply for places at vocational institutions.

They will also be awarded the Malaysia Skills Certificate Level 2 which certifies them as partially skilled and they can gain employment or become entrepreneurs.”

Last year, 269 schools ran PVMA programmes with an increase to 350 this year.“PIMA offers potential school dropouts a chance to learn and earn. They are in school for two days to learn SPM Bahasa Malaysia, English and History, and spend three days working in the industry. Some 116 schools were involved in 2018 while the number is increased to 200 this year.”

Students will be awarded a SPM certificate as well as a letter of testimony from employers.

The State Education Department and the District Education Office select the schools which carry out this programme subject to the availability of the industry in the vicinity of the school. Students, who are selected by school counsellors, get an allowance from the industry and will be monitored by it.

In the Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional programme, students learn at school for six months and attend industry training for another six months.

“I urge society to change its perception of TVET and encourage more industry players to partner with us to develop TVET.

“We want the industry to provide student placements, taking on a corporate social responsibility approach. The industry can provide facilities and equipment to ensure training is in line with IR4.0.

“Students too need to change their mindset from just being an employee to that of an entrepreneur.”

(File pix) Raja Azura Raja Mahayuddin


The allocation of RM17.5 million over the next five years to MyPAC will go towards its target to produce 600 Bumiputera professional accountants, said its chief executive officer Datuk Zaiton Mohd Hassan.

There are plans to boost Bumiputera education through sponsorship programmes, including collaborating with institutions which provide scholarships specifically for Bumiputeras, particularly students from B40 families, to pursue professional accountancy qualifications.

MyPAC was established in 2015, in collaboration with Yayasan Peneraju, to increase the number of certified Bumiputera accountants.

It aims to create the opportunity and provide the ecosystem for those with the capability and ambition to obtain a professional accountancy qualification.

Through the scholarship programmes, the number of graduates has risen from only two in 2015 to 141 last year, with 2,154 full-time scholars, and 2,654 current scholars.

Nor Dalina Abdullah, one of the earliest recipients of MyPAC scholarship, said she got to know of MyPAC in 2015, which allowed her to complete her ACCA examinations in the same year.

“The scholarship provided me with the means to continue my ACCA education. Its support was instrumental in my passing the examinations,” said Nor Dalina, who works as an analyst at Baker Hughes, a General Electric Company. Her role requires her to interact with her colleagues of different rank, including those in other countries.

“As a founding member of MyPAC Accountants Club, I hope to contribute back especially to MyPAC’s Outreach programme to inspire potential candidates in the fulfilling career as a professional accountant,” she added.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Shafiq Mohd Yusof, Muhammad Hakimie Mat Hat Hassan and Ahmad Fauzee Mohd Hassan attribute their success to Yayasan Peneraju’s three key thrusts—Peneraju Tunas, Peneraju Skil and Peneraju Profesional programmes.

Muhammad Shafiq, from a B40 family in Perak, pursued studies at a private university with aid from Yayasan Peneraju, and he works at a multinational corporation with an average salary of above RM5,000 a month. Muhammad Hakimie, from Terengganu, is trained and certified as a welder, with a salary of RM9,000 while Ahmad Fauzee, who is pursuing the ACCA qualification, ranked first in the world for a subject he took as part of the professional certification syllabus.

Yayasan Peneraju chief executive Raja Azura Raja Mahayuddin said a structured scholarship and development programme allows individuals to further studies without financial worries.

“Yayasan Peneraju is thankful for the government’s trust in its efforts in empowering the education of youth especially those from lower income households.

“We are committed to strengthening the Bumiputera community in response to the government’s call to sustain and empower education and human capital.”

As at December 2018, the foundation has helped 23,000 people benefit from education, TVET training (and employment) and professional certification funding and development programmes.

With an allocation of RM210 million under the 2019 Budget, the foundation will be offering more than 7,000 new opportunities this year, including focus of existing programmes on certifications in technology-related fields, professional accreditation programmes for accounting and finance, and a new initiative — Khaira Ummah — for those from religious and tahfiz schools.

There is also the Super High-Income Programme to increase the number of Bumiputeras who earn a monthly income of RM20,000 in specialised and niche fields.

The foundation will focus on target groups — 1,500 youths from challenging socio-economic background with average-to-excellent academic results (Peneraju Tunas); 4,000 dropouts, non-academically-inclined, unemployed youths and low skilled/semi-skilled workforce (Peneraju Skil); as well as 1,600 new and existing workforce including SPM and university graduates, who are aspiring to be specialists (Peneraju Profesional).

Out of the 1,600, it will groom 1,000 professional accountants, chartered financial analysts and financial risk managers annually.

A new programme, Peneraju Tunas Kendiri, which provides opportunities for the disabled, will be introduced this year.

Khaira Ummah will start with two programmes — Huffaz Pintar (SPM fast track) and Huffaz Skil.

“We want to open up career pathways to these group of students through academic courses and technical and vocational education or even to those who aspire to be professionals.”

The Health Ministry has an allocation of RM250 million worth of scholarships for medical doctors, paramedics (including medical assistants), nurses and medical students.

Some 40 per cent RM100 million) is allocated for 1,100 doctors per year (compared to 1,000 in the previous years) to pursue master’s degree in various disciplines.

The ministry spokesperson said about 12,000 medical college students will attend basic paramedic courses and 9,000 nurses will continue post-basic nursing programmes.

There are a variety of master’s degree programmes in medicine and health, including Science/Clinical, Research, Education and Public Health at local universities.

In Malaysia, a master’s degree in medicine and healthcare is a stepping stone to a career in medicine (as a doctor) or an alternative career in another aspect of the field.


Looking forward, Raja Azura applauded the government’s efforts in equipping the nation’s future generations with quality education.

The challenge is keeping up with technological advancements and embracing IR4.0 so as not to be left behind.

“Employers’ expectations of employees have moved towards technology-savvy communication skills, which in turn, require tertiary institutions to impart such abilities to students.

“I am hopeful that the higher education can prepare future generations to face IR4.0, which will impact all economies, industries and society at its core.

“It may very well challenge fundamental ideas about what it means to be human as it is slowly blurring the line between the physical, digital and biological, and changing the way we interact with emerging digital technology such as artificial intelligence, analytics and the Internet of Things.”

Raja Azura lauds the spirit of learnability and resilience.

“This is the desire and ability to quickly grow and adapt to remain relevant as people who are willing to learn will be agile and are versatile. They will also rank higher on the employability scale in today’s dynamic world.”

Zaiton of MyPAC hopes universities will encourage Bachelor in Accountancy graduates to pursue professional accountancy qualifications as they are only required to pass four ACCA papers, for example.

Source: www.nst.com.my 

1) What’s the point that the programs are accredited by MQA, recognised by many countries in the world but many of the local graduates are unemployed, mainly due to poor command of English language & the syllabus is so out of date and not relevant to the industry (same problem with TVET education system as well, most TVET institutions don’t produce graduates that matches the industry’s needs)

2) Introducing micro-credentials in the academic world is a great idea, it’s similar to TVET’s system where students/candidates can just go for certain Competency Units (CU) @ Modular certificate. Upon obtaining all CU in that particular program, they can be awarded a Malaysian Skill Certificate (MSC) or more well known as Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM)

3) Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning – Qualification (APEL Q) is another great system that allows experienced workers that didn’t go through formal education to obtain their Diploma, Degree, Masters or even PhD. However, devils is in the details. It maybe subject to manipulation by certain parties for quick & easy profit.
APEL Q is just like Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT) in our TVET context. Unfortunately, I’ve received feedbacks on how some of these candidates (with the help of CONnsultants created fake evidences & managed to obtain their SKM certificate via the PPT method.
Besides that, can you imagine someone that has >10 SKM qualifications under his/her belt which is so diverse from each other, eg having SKM in aesthetic, hairdressing, massage, aromatherapy, make-up (this group can be quite related to each other) AND culinary, office management and GOD knows what else!
Last heard the Department of Skill Development (DSD or better known as JPK) is checking on this & will take action. Haizz, always after nasi sudah jadi bubur.

4) With the increase of more & more PVMA, private TVET providers are advised not to run the same program as these PVMA’s, especially if you’re tartgeting the same group of students (mainly the B40). Many private TVET providers are already crying for help due to lower number of students registration from this group of students, coupled with the dwindling funding/financing by Perbadanan Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran (PTPK).

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Great news for TVET/SKM/SVM/DKM/DVM holders:

You now have an opportunity and option to fast track to a non-MQA executive degree, which is good enough for your career advancement in the private sector or if you’re already self employed/own a business, it’s an opportunity to elevate your social status as a University graduate, not just a technical cert holder from a centre or college.

Find out more here – URise Program for TVET/SKM/SVM/DKM/DVM holders