Tag Archives: TVET-i

How to be a Qualified Skills Trainer in the Malaysian Skills Certification System

What is a Skills Trainer?

A skills trainer is an industry practitioner equipped with certain skills dedicated to helping individuals learn and enhance specific skills. They can be teachers, coaches, mentors, or experts in their respective fields, who impart knowledge and expertise to adults seeking to develop in a particular area. From educational institutions to businesses and online platforms, skills trainers can be found in various settings. By leveraging their expertise, these trainers empower students and employees to strengthen their skill sets, ultimately preparing them for successful careers ahead.

Now, in the context of Malaysian Skills Certification System, a skills trainer is a personnel in an accredited centre that fulfills the requirement and certified by Director General (Ketua Pengarah) to train the students/candidates at the determined accredited centre.

Skills trainer, also commonly called as tenaga pengajar kemahiran in Malay by most, either serve/appointed at SLaPB or NDTS training centres.

* For BM version, kindly read at Tenaga Pengajar Kemahiran

1. Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) Accredited Centre under SLaPB

This is something like an academy/college, where training is 100% institution based.

As a skills trainer, you would be required to teach the students theoretical knowledge & perform practical, all within the institution (read here if you’re interested to set up a Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB )

Your students would be mainly school leavers, with or without SPM. Yes, you didn’t read wrongly, SPM is not needed to pursue a skills course or now popularly known as TVET courses.

There are actually 3 categories of skills trainer in a Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB; namely;

1. Tutor/lecturer/trainer @ Tenaga pengajar (TP)
2. Assesseor @ Pegawai Penilai (PP)
3. Assessor for Modular programs @ Pegawai Penilai Modular (PP-M).

1.1 Tenaga Pengajar

As a TP, your role is just to teach the students, whether it’s theory or practical. You would not be able to assess, hence couldn’t sign & give marks to your students’ portfolio. 

To qualify as Tenaga Pengajaryou only need to pass induksi PP-PPD-PPB, besides having working experience and being competent in the program being taught.

1.2 Pegawai Penilai (PP)

As a PP, your role is not just limited to teach but also assess the students in theory and practical.

Every JPK Accredited Centre MUST have this personnel (besides the internal verifier-PPD & centre manager-PPB) as part of the requirement to get program accreditation by JPK. Hence, PP is a VERY critical personnel in any Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB (in my view, the most critical one, despite being at the bottom of the organisation chart).

To qualify as a PP, you need to have:

1. Induksi PP-PPD-PPB certificate
2. Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (usually minimum Level 3)
3. VTO or TVET-i certificate (trainer cert)

1.3 Pegawai Penilai Modular (PP-M)

Just like PP, your role is not just limited to teach but also assess the students in theory and practical. However, as a PP-M, you can only be appointed for Modular programs (as the name suggest),

In JPK’s context, modular@micro credential program refers to micro-qualifications awarded for training programs implemented in a modular manner over a shorter period of time. It is developed based on a Competency Unit (CU) or Work Activity (WA) or a combination of CU or a combination of WA for the specific competence of a National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS).

To qualify as a PP-M, you need to have:

1. Induksi PP-PPD-PPB certificate
2. Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia or Statement of Achievement (PC) for the program to be appointed as PP-M; AND
3. VTO/TVET-i certificate or NCS-TTT (trainer cert)

Kursus Induksi JPK - Syarat Kelayakan
This chart enlists the criterias and qualifications for ALL personnels in Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB, including the skills trainer PP & PP-M
Summary of qualifications needed for different categories of skills trainer in Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB

2. National Dual Training System (NDTS) Training Centre

This is an industrial based training, where 20-30%  of training is done at training centre and balance 70-80% is done at workplace.

As a NDTS skills trainer, you are only required to teach theoretical modules in the training centre.

The practical part would be handled by the NDTS coaches at the company/workplace.

Your apprentices would either be the existing or new work force of the NDTS company. 

To qualify as a NDTS Trainer, you need to have:

1. Induksi SLDN certificate
2. Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia/Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia/Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia/Diploma/Degree in relevant field AND 1 year of relevant teaching experience OR qualification in the particular field AND 3 years of relevant teaching experience
3. Passed NDTS Trainer Training Programme (4 days f2f programme)

Syarat Lantikan Personel - Tenaga Pengajar Kemahiran Pusat SLDN
NDTS - NDTS Trainer & NDTS Coach
Qualifications needed for the skills trainer@pengajar as well as the coach

3 Digital Training Skills for Effective TVET Instruction

Digital Training Implementation

The digital world has changed how we live our lives. It’s also changing how we train people in TVET. This article will give you an overview of the 3 main digital training skills and the different types of digital tools available for use by trainers and learners, and provide practical advice on how to implement these into your training programs.

1. Develop e-training material

There are lots of ways to develop e-training materials. However, there are some crucial factors that should not be ignored when undertaking e-training content development for e-training course materials. The 5 tips required to create successful e-training material are elaborated below:

1. Employ Highly Qualified And Experienced Facult

There are many TVET institutions in Malaysia which lack highly qualified and experienced teachers who can teach students using a variety of teaching methodologies and real-life examples. Thus, this is the most crucial factor in developing e-training material for a successful digital training implementation.

If your TVET trainers are not well versed in this area, it’s time to upskill them with the necessary knowledge and skills. Perhaps can consider attending a basic & compressed* one (1) day course on Digital Training Implementation conducted by an experience trainer that has a Degree majoring in this area. 

* Basic knowledge and experience of using Gmail products and going online is a pre-requisite. 

2. Integrate 3D Animation, Simulations, Games, And Quizzes For Enhanced Comprehension

Making e-training content development informative and relevant with text is not enough. Unless the content is made attractive, lively, fun, and engaging, the e-training material may fail to attract students, especially those in the TVET sector. To make content engaging, integrate 3D animation, simulations, games, and quizzes into the e-training material, therefore, enriching TVET learner comprehension on different concepts.

3. Create Relevant e-training Content

Learners prefer learn from content which they find simple, relevant, and informative. Therefore, e-training content development should not be monotonous or passive, but encourage the learners to pay attention.

4. Structure Your Training Journey

E-training content should be designed to offer a logical and structured journey for the learners in the form of learning paths when it comes to training content. Logically, subdividing the main course into several courses depending upon available learning time for course completion is of significant importance. This structured and organized-learning path gives learners clarity on which course to complete first and helps define a learning path for a certification program. 

5. Assess Learner Performance

An assessment of a student’s performance should be provided periodically. In order to develop high-quality e-training material, you should follow the above tips to create an effective one.

2. Deliver Online Training

For successful digital training to be implemented, you need to deliver your online training effectively after developing the right & effective e-training material.

Here are the top five (5) tips for delivering effective online training.

1. Using the Right Technology

Providing access to the right technology is important to allow your TVET trainers to get their training done effectively. No one wants technical hiccups to get in the way of their training time. Besides the internet facility readiness, you will also need to provide access to laptops or desktops that is compatible for the digital training, microphones as well as the appropriate software and licences to use it. Your trainees will need login details and support to navigate the programmes they need to use.

2. Create a Content Library

If your e-learning material is to be used for every batch of students, there’s no point reinventing the wheel every year and creating a new course. Organise and store reusable content, such as training materials, assessments, poll questions and session guidance notes for carrying out the digital training.

3. Keep your Learners Engaged

Not everyone will be enthusiastic on digital learning, particularly TVET students who may have a shorter attention lifespan. But it doesn’t mean the courses can’t be interactive and surprisingly fun and informative. Try using tests to evaluate knowledge retention during the session and get immediate feedback with polls. Encourage small-group interaction with breakout sessions. Or you could broadcast an image of your whiteboard to trainees and share your updates in real time.

4. Assess What Your Trainees Have Learned

Once your trainees have completed their learning, you also need to assess how they got on by finding out, for example, what the pass rate is, what questions proved tricky or if there are any outstanding trainees who need to complete their learning. Look into whether your platform or web application allows you to get detailed reports on session attendance, test results and assessments.

5. Reward Your Trainees

Just because the learning schedule you set is online, it doesn’t mean you can’t reward your trainees in other ways to congratulate them on completing the digital training. For example, perhaps you could reward the highest scorer.

Suggested digital tools & e-training platforms for the above two (but not limited to):  Google Classroom, Google MeetZoom, Youtube, Canva 

3. Conduct Online Assessment

Online Assessments are the new normal, as learning has transcended to be disseminated using technology. E-learning is the current mantra, beyond pen and paper. Online Assessments are challenging because they are difficult to construct using the tools available. Nevertheless, their benefits are farfetched. Online Assessments are easier to explore and data collection on the performance of the learner becomes easily accessible, easily adaptable, less time-consuming, and leverage new data collection. 

The Online Assessment should be achievable by the learner, unambiguous in approach, should include a baseline criterion for the learner, easily understood by all learners; and feedback must be provided preferably in a written format which is accessible to all learners. The quality of the online assessment determines its efficacy, universal approach, genuine scores and real-time calibre of the learner

In the context of Malaysian Skills Certification System (SPKM), assessment is the process of assessing the level of competence that includes the skills, knowledge and attitude of a trainee while performing the assigned tasks. 

It is implemented to determine whether a trainee has reached the skill level set in NOSS, for the purpose of awarding the Malaysian Skills Certificate / Malaysian Skills Diploma / Malaysian Advanced Diploma of Skills / Statement of Achievement.

Online Assessment Tools

Google Forms is a popular Online Assessment Tool used by trainers/tutors. It is easy to create small quizzes or multiple-choice questions.

Other tools which have gained usage in current times are Skoolbeep, The Answer Pad, Edulastic, EasyLMS, Examsoft, CodeSignal and others.

Online Assessment tools can facilitate real-time grading, help take online examinations using assessment software, and help the teachers who logged in to keep pace with the learning.

The software chosen should have inherent features such as timely updating from time to time for a smooth LMS, 24/7 chat support, an auto-save option in case of internet or electricity disruption, and be highly user-friendly.

Designing An Effective Online Assessment

The internet is an ocean of opportunities. Assessments may be conducted as holding polls, conducting webinars, educative videos, Learning Management portals and others.

Create Clear Rubrics – which should be conveyed transparently to the learners before the assignment. The Assessment format, grading system and roadmap to take the assignment should be crystal clear to make a fair judgement of scores.

Purpose of the Assessment – should be established before the design of the Assessment. The objective, assessment length, test conditions will make the purpose clear and assessment goals effective in output.

All-Inclusive Approach – The assessment design should be all-inclusive with Multiple Assessments to effectively test learners according to their level (eg SKM1, SKM2, SKM3, DKM or DLKM). Accessibility, clarity, technology facilitation, and a step-by-step approach will enable holistic learner data.

Digital Training Implementation Course

Digital Training - For VTO holders

If you are interested to deliver your TVET courses more effectively via digital means, we’ve designed a compact 1 day course just for you.

This course is part of a 2 days programme specifically designed for you, VTO (Level 3) cert holders that intend to upgrade your cert to TVET-i (Level 4).

NOTE: You may be also interested with other online courses/workshops that is related to skills certification to enable you to obtain Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia or becoming an Assessor/Verifier within the Malaysian Skills Certification System.

VTO Dijumudkan

VTO Dijumudkan? Tak boleh mohon VTO-PPT/kursus VTO lagi?

VTO Dijumudkan?

Sebelum kita bincang pasal VTO dijumudkan, anda mungkin tertanya-tanya apa itu VTO.
Berikut adalah penerangan ringaks tentang VTO serta kelebihannya.

1) Apakah itu VTO?

VTO – Vocational Training Operation (nama baru – kod I-031-3:2014) / Operasi Latihan Vokasional

Sijil VTO merupakan satu sijil yang wajib bagi lantikan jawatan Pegawai Penilai (PP), bukan setakat tenaga pengajar kemahiran Malaysia di institut kemahiran kerajaan & swasta yang ditauliahkan oleh JPK.

2) Kelebihan sijil VTO@sijil pengajar vokasional ?

a. Untuk melayakkan anda, lepasan SKM3/DKM/DLKM untuk menjadi Pegawai Penilai (PP) di Pusat Bertauliah JPK (Awam atau swasta), bukan setakat Tenaga Pengajar (TP)

b. Layak diberi pengecualian untuk sijil TTT HRDCorp (PSMB TTT)
Jika anda mempunyai sijil VTO, anda hanya perlu membayar RM300 (Jimat RM2,200-2,500) bagi mendapat pengecualian dari Sijil TTT dari PSMB / HRDCorp. Kaedah biasa mendapatkan Sijil HRDCorp TTT adalah dengan mengikuti latihan 5 hari (RM2,500-2,800) 

NOSS VTO memang telah dijumudkan (maklumat lanjut di bawah nanti) sejak Daftar NOSS 24 Jun 2021 yang lalu telah diluluskan.
Bengkel Pembangunan Portfolio & WIM VTO - Bengkel & Kursus Online
Boleh mohon TVET-i secara PPT mulai 1 Julai 2022

Namun, anda masih boleh ambil kursus VTO secara separa masa / sepenuh masa di Pusat Bertauliah swasta yang ditauliahkan untuk program VTO.

Namun, pra-syarat untuk ikuti kursus VTO adalah Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Tahap 3 (SKM3)

Pengambilan kursus VTO (yang tiada pengalaman mengajar bidang kemahiran/tak cukup 5 tahun):

A) Kursus VTO separa masa di I Smart Educare:

Kepong, KL: Mei 2023
Jadual: 360jam (hujung minggu) + 720jam internship di Pusat Bertauliah JPK atau Pusat Latihan SLDN. 

B) Kursus VTO sepenuh masa di:

Prai, Penang: Julai 2023
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah: April 2023
Kuantan, Pahang: Julai 2023
Daftar Kursus TVET

Maklumat mengenai VTO yang dijumudkan

Dimaklumkan bahawa NOSS Program Vocational Training Operation (VTO), Vocational Education and Training Implementation(VTE) dan Vocational Education and Training Management ( VTM) telah dijumudkan dan digantikan dengan NOSS TVET Instruction (TVET I)/ P-853-002-4:2021 dan TVET Management (TVET M)/P-853-002-4:2021.

Muat turun makluman (PDF)

18 Soalan Lazim-Kursus Induksi FAQ (PP-PPD-PPB/PP-PPT/PPL/SLDN)

Kursus Induksi FAQ

Sebelum ni, min dah kongsi 8 FAQ Pegawai Penilai (PP) / Tenaga Pengajar (TP) tapi kursus induksi yang cuma 1-2 hari ni ada 18 FAQ, fuyoh!

1. Apakah itu kursus induksi?

Kursus Induksi Pentauliahan Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia merupakan kursus jangka pendek yang rata-ratanya dilaksanakan selama dua hari. Tujuan utama kursus ini adalah untuk memenuhi syarat kriteria personel pentauliahan dan personel penilaian & verifikasi (PPV)

Ia terbahagi kepada empat (4) jenis, iaitu kursus induksi:

  1. Pegawai Penilai – Pegawai Pengesah Dalaman – Pengurus Pusat Bertauliah (PP-PPD-PPB),
  2. Pegawai Penilai-Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu – PP-PPT,
  3. Pegawai Pengesah Luaran (PPL) dan
  4. Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN)

2. Apakah syarat menyertai kursus induksi?

Kelayakan anda adalah:-

  1. Warganegara Malaysia*; atau
  2. Pemastautin Tetap (PR)*; dan
  3. Berumur 18 tahun ke atas.

* Bukan warganegara boleh ikuti kursus induksi SLDN dan dapat lantikan sebagai personel di pusat/syarikat latihan SLDN.

3.  Apakah kepentingan setiap kursus induksi?

i.   Pegawai Penilai – Pegawai Pengesah Dalaman – Pengurus Pusat Bertauliah (PP-PPD-PPB).
– Merupakan salah satu syarat lantikan personel pentauliahan Pusat Bertauliah (PP, PP-M / PPD / PPB)

ii. Pegawai Pengesah Luaran (PPL).
– Merupakan salah satu syarat lantikan personel PPL, samada PPL-SLaPB ataupun PPL-SLDN. 

iii. Pegawai Penilai (PP) – Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT) – (PP-PPT)
– Merupakan salah satu syarat lantikan personel PP-PPT ataupun sebagai penyelaras di PB-PPT & PPA-PPT

iv. SLDN
– Merupakan salah satu syarat lantikan personel pentauliahan PB SLDN;
a. Syarikat SLDN
Pengurus Pusat Bertauliah (PPB), Penyelaras Syarikat SLDN dan Coach
b. Pusat Latihan SLDN
Pengurus Pusat Bertauliah (PPB), Penyelaras Pusat Latihan SLDN dan
Pengajar SLDN
c. Syarikat Latihan Dalaman (in-house)
Pengurus Pusat Bertauliah (PPB), Penyelaras, Coach dan Pengajar SLDN

Syarat Lantikan Personel - Tenaga Pengajar Kemahiran Pusat SLDN

4.  Adakah saya dilantik secara automatik untuk jawatan berdasarkan kursus induksi yang saya ikuti?

Lantikan anda, samada sebagai PP, PPD atau PPB, adalah oleh Pusat Bertauliah JPK yang bakal mengambil anda sebagai personel mereka. Namun, anda perlu diperakukan oleh PPKSPP terdahulu. Selain sijil kursus induksi PP-PPD-PPB, anda juga perlu sijil lain, bergantung kepada jawatan anda. Sila rujuk gambarajah di bawah.

Lantikan sebagai Personel Penilaian & Verifikasi (PPV) pula dilakukan oleh Unit Pentauliahan Personel & Pakar, Program Kelayakan Kekompetenan, CIAST di bawah Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK).
  1. PPL-SLaPB : Pegawai Pengesah Luaran Sistem Latihan Program Bertauliah;
  2. PPL-SLDN : Pegawai Pengesah Luaran Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional;
  3. PP-PPT : Pegawai Penilai Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu;
  4. PPL-PPT : Pegawai Pengesah Luaran Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu
  1. Sebarang pertanyaan berkaitan MySpike boleh e-mel ke helpdesk myspike@mohr.gov.my atau login ke MySPIKE > Pengguna > Pelanggan JPK > Senarai Aduan Pengguna
  2. Pertanyaan berkaitan dengan isu PPV secara amnya boleh e-mel ke ppv@ciast.gov.my

5. Saya ingin dilantik sebagai PPL-PPT. Perlukah saya ikuti kursus induksi PPL-PPT?

Tiada kursus yang perlu diikuti untuk dilantik sebagai PPL-PPT.
Anda cuma:
i) Perlu dilantik sebagai PP-PPT selama 2 tahun ataupun
ii) Telah menadatangani 30 portfolio SKM/DKM secara PPT

6. Siapakah yang mengeluarkan sijil?

Sijil adalah dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) yang boleh dicetak oleh anda sendiri melalui sistem nanti, jika lulus.

7. Bilakah sijil akan dikeluarkan selepas mengikuti kursus induksi?

Penceramah kursus perlu masa untuk menyemak jawapan dan merekodkan keputusan serta dimaklumkan kepada urusetia. Barulah sijil boleh dicetak daripada sistem, biasanya dalam tempoh sebulan.

8. Bagaimana cara untuk mendapatkan semula sijil induksi sekiranya hilang?

Surat rasmi permohonan gantian berserta satu salinan laporan polis atau akuan sumpah serta salinan Kad Pengenalan perlu dikemukakan dan dihantar kepada :

Unit Kursus Induksi Pentauliahan,
Program Kelayakan Kekompetenan,
Jalan Petani 19/1, Seksyen 19, 40300 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Mulai Jan 2020, semua sijil induksi adalah dalam bentuk e-sijil. Ia akan terus muncul dalam akaun myspike anda sekiranya lulus penilaian kursus induksi.

9. Adakah sijil kursus induksi mempunyai tempoh sah laku?

Sebelum ni, Sijil Kursus Induksi adalah sah untuk tempoh 3 tahun selepas kursus untuk tujuan pelantikan pertama jawatan personel Perakuan Pengiktirafan Kelayakan Sebagai Personel Pentauliahan (PPKSPP) dan Pegawai Penilaian dan Verifikasi (PPV)). Namun, mulai tahun 2022, syarat ini telah terbatal sehingga ada peraturan terbaru.

10. Adakah saya perlu membaharui jawatan saya?

i) PP/PPD/PPB – Setiap 3 tahun melalui PPKSPP

ii) PPV – Setiap 3 tahun, ada penilaian pembaharuan PPV (Personel Penilaian & Verifikasi)

11. Bolehkah saya diberi surat perakuan (PPKSPP) bagi jawatan PP dan PPD secara serentak?

Ya, surat perakuan (PPKSPP) PP dan PPD boleh dikeluarkan secara serentak kepada anda jika memenuhi syarat dan kriteria lantikan. Walaubagaimana pun, pihak PB perlulah melantik anda untuk satu jawatan dalam satu masa dan tertakluk kepada syarat dan peraturan pentauliahan yang ditetapkan oleh Sistem Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia.

12.  Adakah semua personel pentauliahan JPK diwajibkan memiliki Sijil Teknik Mengajar, VTO (I-031-3) atau TVET-i?

Tidak semua personel pentauliahan JPK dikehendaki memiliki VTO. Berikut adalah personel yang disyaratkan memiliki sijil teknik mengajar VTO (I-031-3)

  1. PP bagi semua program;
  2. PP bagi program VTO (I-031-3) @ nama lama PP-PLV; dan
  3. PPD bagi program VTO (I-031-3) @ nama lama PPD-PLV.

13. Sekiranya personel yang berkhidmat di PB belum memiliki SKM tetapi telah lulus kursus induksi PP-PPD-PPB dan memiliki sijil VTO (I-031-3) serta sedang mengambil SKM Tahap 3 secara PPT. Adakah personel tersebut layak untuk dilantik sebagai PPD atau PP di Pusat Bertauliah JPK?

i.  Mereka layak untuk dilantik sebagai PP/PPD bagi program SKM Tahap 1, 2 dan 3 secara bersyarat untuk tempoh 2 tahun.

ii.  Dalam tempoh 2 tahun  bersyarat PP/PPD dikehendaki melengkapkan SKM Tahap 3 secara PPT.

14. Bilakah surat PPKSPP akan diterima oleh Pusat Bertauliah selepas permohonan telah di buat?

Surat PPKSPP boleh dicetak secara atas talian melalui URL https://www.myspike.my selepas Mesyuarat Perakuan Personel Sistem Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia (MPPSPKM)  dijalankan pada pertengahan bulan. Permohonan yang diterima selepas tarikh bulan sebelumnya tidak akan diproses dan ianya akan diproses ke bulan berikutnya.

15. Bolehkan seseorang mengikuti kursus VTO sekiranya tiada pengalaman kerja, tetapi mempunyai sijil DKM bidang kemahirannya.

YA, boleh mengikuti kursus VTO atau TVET-i dengan syarat memiliki sijil SKM Tahap 3 dan ke atas.

16. Personel yang berkhidmat di PB SLDN secara sepenuh masa tidak memiliki sijil akademik atau SKM tetapi berpengalaman mengajar kemahiran melebihi 5 tahun dan telah menghadiri NDTS Trainer Training Programme, adakah layak untuk dilantik sebagai Pengajar SLDN?

Personel tidak layak dilantik sebagai Pengajar SLDN lagi kerana :

  1. Belum menghadiri Kursus Induksi SLDN
  2. Tidak memiliki sebarang kelayakan kemahiran/akademik yang berkaitan.

Namun, dengan pengalaman kerja selama 5 tahun dalam bidang kemahiran yang nak dimohon, boleh mohon SKM3 secara PPT.

17.  Bilakah kursus induksi PP-PPD-PPB, PP-PPT, PPL & SLDN anjuran ISE Education Sdn Bhd yang akan datang?

Sila rujuk kpeada Jadual Kursus Induksi JPK 2024 atau mohon terus di sini

18. Bagaimana hendak menyertai kursus induksi?

Pendaftaran peserta hendaklah dibuat melalui penganjur berdaftar seperti ISE Education Sdn Bhd dengan mengisi borang kursus induksi online dan bayaran RM350/pax dahulu. Sila tandakan induksi mana yang anda ingin ikuti.
Butiran bayaran: Maybank 514589385943, ISE Education Sdn Bhd.

Kursus Induksi JPK - Permohonan kursus