Tag Archives: SKM

TVETi – Sijil Pengajaran TVET Yang Meluaskan Peluang Mengajar Anda

TVETi (TVET Instruction)

TVETi adalah singkatan kepada TVET Instruction atau dalam Bahasa Malaysia dikenali sebagai Pengajaran TVET.

Kod NOSSnya adalah P853-002-4:2021, Tahap 4@Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia bidang Pengajaran TVET.

Pengajar TVET adalah individu yang mampu menjalankan latihan berkaitan pekerjaan yang berkesan untuk membantu belia dan dewasa dalam pembelajaran sepanjang hayat, latihan pekerjaan dan pembangunan kemahiran. Mereka terlatih secara teknikal, mahir dalam trend industri dan amalan terbaik serta kecekapan dalam menunjukkan kualiti latihan yang berprestasi tinggi
untuk dunia pekerjaan. Dalam konteks Malaysia, pengajar kemahiran adala seorang yang bertanggungjawab untuk latihan kemahiran dengan membimbing, menyelia dan menilai keupayaan pelatih untuk mengasimilasikan aspek teori dan praktikal latihan (The Commissioner of Law Revision Malaysia, 2006).

Secara ringkasnya, pengajar TVET adalah kunci pemboleh (key enabler) yang menentukan kemahiran tenaga kerja masa depan (UNESCO-UNEVOC, 2020).

Secara amnya, pengajar TVET Malaysia ditetapkan untuk melatih secara formal dan tidak formal pembelajaran di institusi berasaskan latihan@Pusat Bertauliah JPK untuk beberapa kementerian persekutuan yang memiliki, membiayai dan mengendalikan sektor awam TVET, termasuk, tetapi tidak terhad kepada:

a) Kementerian Sumber Manusia: Institut Latihan Perindustrian (ILP), Lanjutan Pusat Latihan Teknologi Tinggi (ADTEC), Institut Teknikal Jepun-Malaysia (JMTI) dan Pusat Latihan Pengajar dan Kemahiran Lanjutan (CIAST);
b) Kementerian Belia dan Sukan: Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara (IKBN), Institut Kemahiran Tinggi Belia Negara IKTBN, Akademi Kemahiran Belia Golf (AKBG);
c) Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Makanan: Institut Pertanian, Institut
Perikanan dan Institut Veterinar;
d) Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah: Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi Mara (KKTM), Institut Kemahiran Mara (IKM), MARA-Japan Industrial Institut
e) Kementerian Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan: Institut Latihan Pelancongan;
f) Kementerian Kerja- Akademi Binaan Malaysia dan
g) Kementerian Pertahanan: Institut Perhebat.

Selain itu, agensi awam lain seperti Bahagian Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknikal Vokasional (BPLTV), Kementerian Pendidikan; Politeknik dan Komuniti
Kolej, Rangkaian Universiti Teknikal Malaysia (MTUN); Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi dan juga institut latihan swasta turut menyumbang persediaan sedemikian untuk TVET dan pembangunan modal insan untuk mempercepatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Memandangkan TVET memainkan peranan penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi negara, Kerangka Kelayakan Malaysia (MQF) dibangunkan untuk menyelaras dan memantau kemajuan TVET  untuk memenuhi permintaan industri dan membantu peranan dan fungsi pengajar TVET di negara ini.

Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK), Kementerian Sumber Manusia dan Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) adalah agensi/kementerian yang mengharmonikan dan mengukuhkan tadbir urus dan institusi mekanisma untuk pelaksanaan TVET dalam berkaitan akreditasi dan jaminan kualiti dalam tiga tonggak utama laluan TVET seperti yang digambarkan dalam rajah di bawah.

MQF 2.0
Kerangka Kelayakan Malaysia / Malaysian Qualification Framework 2.0 (Malaysian Qualification Agency, 2020)

Rasional Pembangunan NOSS TVETi

Ini adalah semakan NOSS untuk Operasi Latihan Vokasional Tahap 3 (I-031-
3:2014) dan Pelaksanaan Pendidikan & Latihan Vokasional Tahap 4 (I-031-
4:2014) atau Eksekutif Latihan Vokasional Tahap 4 (I-031-4).

Rasional untuk pembangunan NOSS Pengajaran TVET adalah berdasarkan amalan sebenar daripada maklum balas pemain industri yang mendapati NOSS VTO sedia ada harus mempertimbangkan intervensi terkini dalam pelaksanaan latihan. Dengan cadangan Keusangan Operasi Latihan Vokasional (VTO) Tahap 3, JPK mempertimbangkan untuk menaik taraf kepada TVETi – Pengajaran TVET Tahap 4 berdasarkan garis panduan sedia ada. panduan sedia ada.

NOSS ini dibangunkan sebagai pelengkap kepada NOSS sedia ada untuk melengkapkan personel dengan kaedah dan teknik pengajaran. Dengan permintaan semasa yang luas dalam pelbagai aktiviti kerja teknikal dan profesional yang kompleks seperti platform eLearning, pekerjaan semasa memerlukan pelbagai konteks dengan tanggungjawab peribadi dan autonomi yang besar. 

Oleh itu, NOSS TVETi yang dicadangkan adalah untuk meningkatkan kecekapan semasa sehingga standard yang lebih tinggi dan panel pembangunan NOSS telah sebulat suara bersetuju untuk menetapkan TVETi di Peringkat Diploma dan memerlukan internship di Pusat Bertauliah JPK.

Apa kaitan TVETi dengan Anda?

Kelayakan sebagai Pegawai Penilai (PP)* – Mengajar dan Menilai di Pusat Bertauliah JPK, awam ataupun swasta.

* Anda juga perlu sijil induksi PP-PPD-PPB dan Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) dalam program berkaitan

Ruang PP, No. 5: DKM TVETi menggantikan VTO (namun, yang ada sijil VTO masih boleh dilantik sebagai PP buat masa ini)

Bagaimana Nak Ambil Kursus TVETi? (Sepenuh Masa)

Tempoh pelaksanaan kursus ini adalah selama 9 bulan menggunapakai NOSS Pengajaran TVET (P853-002-4:2021) sebagai garis panduan asas. Pelaksanaan kursus adalah 3 bulan teori (Metodologi) di CIAST dan 6 bulan latihan internship di Institut Latihan Kemahiran Awam atau Swasta. Pelajar yang tamat pengajian dengan jayanya akan dianugerahkan DIPLOMA PENGAJARAN TVET (TVET I) TAHAP 4  daripada Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK).

Boleh mohon di laman Web CIAST (www.ciast.gov.my) ; atau https://permohonan.ciast.gov.my/calon/application.jsp

Sebarang pertanyaan sila email ke pengambilan@ciast.gov.my atau hubungi Unit Pengambilan Pelajar di talian 03-55438225/8226/8295

Jika anda di Sarawak, boleh mohon di sini

Syarat Permohonan

  • Warganegara Malaysia berumur 20 – 35 tahun pada tahun semasa
  • Lulus dalam SPM atau SPMV dengan lulus matapelajaran Bahasa Malaysia dan Sejarah (bagi calon SPM Tahun 2013 dan ke atas)
  • Mempunyai sekurang- kurangnya Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM Tahap 3); atau Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM); atau Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM) dalam bidang NOSS yang berkaitan

TVETi Melalui PPT (Pengalaman Mengajar)

Sekiranya anda:

1. Berumur 20 tahun ke atas; 
2. Ada pengalaman mengajar bidang kemahiran >5 tahun;

Anda boleh ikuti kursus INTENSIF TVETi 5 hari di CIAST sahaja (RM600).
Namun, masih perlu bangunkan portfolio dan mohon melalui www.myspike.my dengan bayaran yuran permohonan kepada JPK sebanyak RM500 sahaja.

TVETi - Bengkel Pembangunan Portfolio

Dah ada Sijil VTO - Macam Mana Nak Mohon?

Ralat: 2c. CU4 Digital Training Implementation (Rujuk Work Activities TVETi di bawah)

Sekiranya anda sudah lama tidak membangunkan WIM, pengetahuan/kemahiran untuk C02 (WA3&4) dan/atau C04 (Digital Training Implementation) tidak kukuh, anda digalakkan untuk ikuti kursus TVETi Top Up yang mengajar anda 2 C0 tersebut supaya anda lebih bersedia untuk menghadapi Penilaian Amali TVETi nanti.

TVETi Top Up Class
Apprenticeship Degree - Hari Akademia 2023

Apprenticeship Degree without attending classes?

Apprenticeship Degree or Degree Apprenticeship?

Apprenticeship Degree, as announced by Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, the Higher Education Minister, aims to encourage individuals to continue their educational journey or re-enter the world of studying. This innovative program allows people to obtain a degree as long as they possess the necessary experience and knowledge, all without the requirement of physically attending classes.

Whereas Degree apprenticeships, launched in UK in 2015, serves as a new route to gain a traditional degree, whilst working on the job in a role with training. These programmes are highly sought-after and available in various sectors and career paths where academic attainment is important. There are two different options for school leavers to consider. The first is a Level 6 qualification. This qualification provides a full bachelor’s degree. The second is a Level 7 qualification leading to a master’s degree.

The training path is unique as it blends higher academic learning with practical work and career development. Students attend university on a part-time basis, usually on set days once a week or on certain blocks of days every month. The apprenticeship usually takes three to six years, depending on the level and pathway that you choose.

Apprenticeship Degree Guidebook

Apprenticeship Degree - Hari Akademia 2023

Minister Khaled made this revelation during the launch of the Apprenticeship Degree Guidebook in Putrajaya on October 4 during Hari Akademia 2023. He emphasized that this program is a groundbreaking initiative by the Ministry, designed to promote unconventional learning methods that cater to the industry’s demands through a collaborative effort with various companies. What sets the Apprenticeship Degree apart from the Ministry’s Accredited Prior Experiential Learning (Apel) programs is that it evaluates participants based on their practical work experience.

Companies that meet specific criteria can partner with the Ministry’s Higher Education Department or polytechnics to facilitate their employees’ participation in this program. The core idea behind this initiative is to establish a capable and readily available workforce for the future, with academia and industry sharing the responsibility, as stated in a Ministry press release on the same day.

The newly introduced guidebook chronicles the shift from traditional classroom-based learning to work-based learning. The immersive learning experiences in the industry are expected to enhance students’ competencies and help them achieve their job-related goals

This announcement coincided with the National Academia Day and Academia Month 2023 celebrations, where Minister Mohamed Khaled emphasized academia’s role in reinventing education to make it more engaging and exciting. He stressed the need to move away from conventional teaching methods and lecture halls, emphasizing that education should encompass more than classroom learning.

To meet these objectives, he revealed the Ministry’s plan to implement the Translational Research Programme 2023. This research initiative is designed to take the knowledge, experience, and expertise from the higher education sector and apply it to benefit the community and the country as a whole. An allocation of RM10 million has been set aside for this program, which is expected to drive innovation and contribute to various fields, including food security, advanced technical and vocational education and training (TVET), and Malaysia Madani.

Recognition of Prior Achievement (RPA)

In the TVET sector or more specifically Malaysian Skills Certification System, there is also something similar where you can obtain the Malaysian Skills Certificate without attending formal classes.

RPA, or better known as PPT (Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu) in Malay, is a method of recognizing your skills who can demonstrate the skills outlined in the National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) based on your prior experience and achievements. You can refer to the PANDUAN PELAKSANAAN PENSIJILAN KEMAHIRAN MALAYSIA MELALUI KAEDAH PENGIKTIRAFAN PENCAPAIAN TERDAHULU (PPT) for more information.


Should you need more information in English about this RPA or PPT, you may contact the admin at this no

Belanjawan 2024: RM6.8 Bilion untuk TVET dan Asah Bakat Baharu

Belanjawan 2024: Peruntukan RM6.8 Bilion untuk TVET

Belanjawan 2024

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, telah mendedahkan Belanjawan 2024 yang mempunyai peruntukan sebanyak RM6.8 bilion untuk memajukan pendidikan teknikal dan vokasional (TVET). Matlamat utama Belanjawan 2024 ini adalah memperkukuhkan bakat tempatan dengan kemahiran tinggi yang mampu bersaing di peringkat global. Kerajaan komited untuk memajukan pendidikan TVET dan menyediakan pelbagai peluang bagi graduan TVET.

Pensijilan Profesional

Dalam Belanjawan 2024, sejumlah RM6.8 bilion telah diperuntukkan bagi memajukan pendidikan TVET di Malaysia. Ini adalah langkah progresif yang menunjukkan komitmen kerajaan untuk menyokong pembangunan bakat tempatan.

Belanjawan MADANI Pertama telah memulakan secara rintis usaha merombak pendidikan TVET negara melalui kerjasama dengan syarikat GLC dan swasta.
Setakat 5 Oktober lalu, 17 GLC dan 44 syarikat swasta telah terlibat dalam pemeteraian 61 memorandum persefahaman mencakup kerjasama melalui pembangunan kurikulum serta sumbangan peralatan dan kepakaran.

Salah satu titik utama Belanjawan ini adalah penyediaan RM100 juta untuk pensijilan profesional yang diiktiraf industri kepada graduan TVET, dimulai tahun depan. Langkah ini penting untuk memastikan bahawa graduan TVET mempunyai kemahiran yang diiktiraf dan relevan dengan keperluan industri.

Penyediaan Latihan Melalui HRD Corp

Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (HRD Corp) akan memanfaatkan dana sebanyak RM1.6 bilion untuk menyediakan 1.7 juta tawaran latihan. HRD Corp akan turut menyediakan semula dana khas menggunakan 15% daripada jumlah kutipan levi untuk melaksanakan Program Latihan Madani kepada usahawan mikro, kecil, dan sederhana (PMKS) serta golongan rentan seperti bekas banduan, orang kelainan upaya, warga emas, dan pesara. Ini merupakan usaha yang bersepadu untuk memastikan pelbagai lapisan masyarakat mempunyai akses kepada peluang latihan TVET yang berkualiti.

Bagi menangani kekurangan bakat tempatan, Program Academy in Industry akan dilaksanakan dengan peruntukan sebanyak RM70 juta. Program ini memberi peluang kepada individu untuk memperoleh kemahiran sambil bekerja dalam tempoh sehingga 18 bulan. Ia akan membantu graduan TVET mendapatkan pengalaman praktikal dan memastikan bahawa mereka bersedia untuk menangani cabaran dalam industri. Kaedah ini sebenarnya adalah Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional atau National Dual Training System dalam Bahasa English.

Belanjawan 2024 - PTPK

Perbadanan Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran (PTPK) dengan Dana Latihan TVET berjumlah RM180 juta akan menyediakan pinjaman pendidikan kepada 12 ribu pelatih yang mengikuti Program Persijilan Kemahiran. Ini akan membantu pelatih membiayai pendidikan mereka dan meningkatkan akses kepada program TVET.

Sokongan kepada Bidang Maritim, Kesenian, dan Aeroangkasa

Sejumlah RM20 juta akan digunakan untuk manfaat pelatih yang mengikuti bidang maritim, kesenian di ASWARA, dan penyelenggaraan, pembaikan, dan baik pulih (MRO) bagi sektor aeroangkasa. Ini akan memajukan bidang-bidang ini yang memiliki potensi untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berterusan.

Program Tahfiz TVET

RM17 juta disediakan untuk melaksanakan Program Tahfiz TVET yang memberi peluang kepada pelajar tahfiz untuk mempelbagaikan kemahiran mereka. Ini adalah langkah untuk memberi sokongan kepada pelajar tahfiz untuk memperluaskan horizon mereka dan membuka peluang untuk kerjaya yang lebih luas.

Program PEKA (Peluang Kedua Anda)

Program PEKA (Peluang Kedua Anda) oleh Jabatan Penjara telah berjaya menyediakan peluang pekerjaan kepada para pesalah yang mengakhiri tempoh hukuman. Tahun hadapan, selain meneruskan kerjasama dengan syarikat untuk menjayakan program PEKA, sebanyak 10 juta ringgit turut disediakan bagi melaksanakan Program PEKA TVET untuk menyediakan latihan kompetensi yang diakreditasi oleh CIDB kepada para pesalah.

Pelepasan Cukai

Pelepasan cukai sehingga RM2,000 ringgit bagi yuran kursus peningkatan kemahiran atau kemajuan diri dilanjutkan sehingga tahun taksiran 2026.

Skop akan diluaskan bagi pelepasan gaya hidup
meliputi yuran untuk menyertai kursus kemajuan kendiri seperti kursus
bahasa, fotografi, menjahit dan sebagainya.


Belanjawan 2024 menunjukkan kejelasan visi kerajaan Malaysia dalam memajukan pendidikan TVET dan asah bakat baharu yang berkemahiran tinggi. Dengan peruntukan sebanyak RM6.8 bilion, pelbagai program dan inisiatif akan memanfaatkan graduan TVET serta memastikan kelestarian kemajuan ekonomi negara. Langkah ini adalah penting dalam memastikan Malaysia terus bersaing dalam arena global dengan bakat tempatan yang berkualiti.

Minat belajar kursus TVET di ILKA?

Pusat Bertauliah JPK Awam
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Minat Ditauliahkan sebagai Pusat Latihan Kemahiran Bertauliah@TVET bawah Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran?

Belanjawan 2024 - Rahsia Permohonan Pusat Bertauliah JPK
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Boosting TVET Drive: Academy in Industry Trainees to Get RM4,000 Monthly

Academy in Industry

Academy in Industry - Introduction

  • The Academy in Industry (AiI) Program is a work-study initiative under the supervision of the Malaysian Productivity Corporation (MPC), established through innovative collaboration between the Government, industries, and academia to address challenges in developing local talents.
  • The AiI program modules encompass general subjects and specific modules related to the operations of the involved companies.
  • AiI trainees will receive a full minimum salary and other allowances provided by the company.

For further information, download the AiI Brochure or refer to the Official AiI Website.

Academy in Industry - Process Flow

Academy in Industry - Qualifications

  1. Malaysian Citizen
  2. Aged between 18 – 40 years
  3. Possess writing, reading, and arithmetic skills (3M)
  4. Pass the AiF screening test

Academy in Industry - Steps to Join

Step 1: Register as an AiI trainee candidate on the AiI Registration Website.
Step 2: Attend an interview (in person or online).
Step 3: Take the AiI screening test (reading, writing, arithmetic skills).
Step 4: Receive the acceptance status offer via email or phone call.
Step 5: Receive the AiI certificate & SKM upon completing the work period.

News on Academy in Industry (AiL)

KUALA LUMPUR, AUGUST 1 — The Malaysian government is backing the Academy in Industry (AiL) pilot project with a generous RM4,000 monthly incentive for trainees, aiming to boost the appeal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) as an attractive alternative to traditional tertiary education.

Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli revealed that the government has allocated RM40 million to support the initial batch of the AiL programme and plans to attract up to 10,000 trainees by year-end.

The 18-month AiL programme offers trainees a total incentive of RM4,000, making it an appealing option for those seeking early earnings and technical certifications. Participants will receive RM2,000 per month during the program, along with relocation allowances, cash incentives for job retention for nine months, and a final cash bonus upon certification.

The incentive structure is strategically designed to encourage trainees to complete their training and stay committed to their jobs, ensuring financial support for their career development.

Rafizi emphasized that the programme addresses the financial burden that previously deterred many school leavers from joining the manufacturing and technical sectors, as it offers assistance with relocation expenses and financial support for house rentals and essential needs.

Rafizi emphasized that the programme addresses the financial burden that previously deterred many school leavers from joining the manufacturing and technical sectors, as it offers assistance with relocation expenses and financial support for house rentals and essential needs.

The AiL initiative aims to significantly contribute to the productivity growth target outlined in the 12th Malaysia Plan, with an expected annual growth rate of 3.6% and a 40% increase in workers’ compensation by 2025.

As part of the scheme’s goals, up to 1,000 companies will be accredited for workforce skill improvement, with a focus on reskilling and upskilling efforts.

During the launch, Rafizi announced that around 200 international manufacturing companies have already joined the programme, which aims to implement labor market reforms and provide opportunities for youths to be trained as highly skilled workers.

Highlighting the significance of obtaining technical certifications through TVET, Rafizi mentioned that graduates of the 18-month programme will be certified in their skills by the age of 19, setting them apart from peers pursuing traditional university education.

The pilot project’s success will dictate funding adjustments in subsequent years, with the potential to accommodate more participants and expand the initiative.

“We can also hope that many more workers will join, and we will adjust the funding accordingly starting next year,” Rafizi added, expressing optimism for the programme’s growth and positive impact on the workforce.

Kerajaan Berhasrat Mengiktiraf SKM Setaraf SPM

SKM Setaraf SPM?

Putrajaya: Kerajaan bercadang untuk mengiktiraf Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) supaya setaraf dengan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) (SKM setaraf SPM) untuk meningkatkan peluang pekerjaan bagi pemegang sijil tersebut.

SKM setaraf SPM atau lebih tinggi - MQF

Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, menyatakan bahawa kertas dasar tersebut akan dibawa ke mesyuarat Jemaah Menteri dalam masa terdekat.

“Kerana kami mempunyai sijil yang akan dikeluarkan iaitu SKM, dasar ini akan dibawa ke Kabinet untuk menentukan bahawa sijil ini akan diiktiraf sebagai sijil yang setaraf (SKM setaraf SPM) atau lebih tinggi daripada SPM”.

“Dalam tempoh dua minggu akan datang (kertas dasar akan dibawa ke Kabinet untuk dibincangkan),” katanya dalam satu sidang media selepas menghadiri Majlis Pelancaran Portal Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional (TVET) dan Pertukaran Memorandum Kerjasama di sini, hari ini.

Turut hadir dalam majlis tersebut adalah Menteri Sumber Manusia, V Sivakumar; Menteri Kerja Raya, Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi; dan Menteri Belia dan Sukan, Hannah Yeoh.

Selain SKM, Ahmad Zahid yang juga Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Majlis TVET Negara, menyatakan bahawa beberapa perubahan dasar dirancang untuk memperkukuhkan sektor TVET di negara ini.

Beliau menyatakan bahawa adalah penting untuk menyelaraskan bidang-bidang tertentu agar semua pihak tidak lagi berfikir secara terasing, tetapi bekerjasama dengan lebih baik.

“Tujuan ini bukan hanya mengurangkan kadar pengangguran, tetapi juga untuk mengurangkan jurang pengangguran yang ketara dan masalah ketidaksiapan dalam bidang pekerjaan dan kursus yang diikuti,” katanya.

Menanggapi penubuhan Suruhanjaya Ekonomi Gig Malaysia (SEGiM), beliau menyatakan bahawa kerajaan komited untuk menyediakan peluang yang sesuai dengan umur pekerja dalam sektor tersebut.

“Kita sedar bahawa industri gig ini berkembang sebanyak 23 peratus setiap tahun dan melibatkan nilai RM52.4 bilion pada tahun 2021. Kementerian Sumber Manusia (KSM) dan kementerian-kementerian lain amat prihatin terhadap nasib pekerja dalam sektor ini dan kami akan menyediakan kertas dasar Kabinet untuk menubuhkan suruhanjaya tersebut..

“Namun, saya telah mengadakan perbincangan tidak rasmi dengan Perdana Menteri, dan pada asasnya, kajian terhadap kertas dasar tersebut perlu dilakukan,” katanya.

Salt Bae Malaysia – 10 Fun Facts for Aspiring Chefs

Salt Bae Malaysia - Profile Pic

Salt Bae Malaysia

Salt Bae Malaysia? Is there really a Salt Bae restaurant in Malaysia? Or you may be wondering, who’s this Salt Bae?

Let’s get to know the 10 fun facts about Salt Bae.

10 Fun Facts About Salt Bae

1. Salt Bae’s real name is Nusret Gökçe

2. Yes, he’s not a Malaysian but a Turkish butcher, celebrity chef, food entertainer and restaurateur

3. Salt Bae owns Nusr-Et, a chain of luxury steak houses. Unfortunately, not in Malaysia yet. Hence there’s NO Salt Bae Malaysia ya 🙂 

As of 2021, he has Nusr-Et branches in Turkey, Greece, the United States, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia . The name of his restaurant chain comes from his own name and “Et”, which means “meat” in Turkish.

Salt Bae Malaysia - restaurant in London

4. He is a son of a miner, without much formal education. He was forced to leave school in the sixth grade (aged 11–12) to work as a butcher’s apprentice in the Kadıköy district of Istanbul.

5. Between 2007 and 2010, Gökçe visited several countries including US &  Argentina. He worked in local restaurants for free, in order to gain experience as a cook and a restaurateur. 

Gökçe finally opened his first restaurant in Istanbul in 2010 at the age of 27, after years of seeking experience  overseas.

6. In January 2017 he shot to fame overnight when a video of him flamboyantly seasoning a piece of steak went viral online. He was dubbed “Salt Bae” due to his peculiar way of sprinkling salt: dropping it from his fingertips to his forearm, and then onto the dish. 

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_Bae (with adaptation)

7. Salt Bae now owns a chain of 22 steakhouses around the world  (no Salt Bae Malaysia yeah, in case you’re wondering again) called Nusr-Et, where you can purchase a 24 karat gold–wrapped tomahawk for about RM5,140!

24 karat gold–wrapped tomahawk

8. From a early school dropout due to family’s financial woes to a whopping total net worth of around $75 Million, Salt Bae is another great rags to riches story. Learn more from the video below.

9.  Salt Bae maybe very rich but ….

his famous London steakhouse, Nusr-Et, is looking for Chef de Partie, offering the station chef role just $16 to $18 (RM71to RM80) an hour, plus tips, for their service. That wage is equivalent to a side of mashed potatoes or sweet corn at the trendy eatery, according to the Daily Mail.

10. Last but not least, the latest sensational controversy he created was the World Cup 2022.

Salt Bae was shown holding, kissing and pretending to sprinkle salt on the World Cup trophy, and interrupting Argentina players’ celebrations after their penalty shootout victory over France. And Lionel Messi and team definitely not happy about it!

Do You Think You can Open the next 'Salt Bae Malaysia'?

Next Salt Bae Malaysia? Nah, forget about it. Be creative, am sure we Malaysians can be better. Why need to be another Gordon Ramsay or Salt Bae?

We have our own De.Wan 1958 by Chef Wan, Suka Sucre Bistro by Chef Dato’ Fazley Yaakob and few more.

So, how do you start with that? Work for free in some restaurants?

Unlike those days, you now have a proper pathway towards becoming a culinary chef (or even celebrity chef later if you’re creative enough and have great personality).

1. Apprentice @ National Dual Training System (NDTS)

Just like Salt Bae where he started being an apprentice, you too can take this pathway. You are luckier as our Malaysian government has been generously dishing out special incentives for all parties involved (apprentice, training provider and workplace/industry), at least for the past 2 years with a RM1,000/mth allowance.

You will also be awarded with Malaysian Skills Certificate @ SKM that is nationally & internationally recognised.

Will there be a continuity to that in 2023? Very likely as it’s been budgeted by the previous government and TVET agenda is one of the priority of our country towards a skilled workforce. A skilled workforce is an asset and helps in ensuring enhanced productivity, adoption of new technology, global competitiveness, increased income and reduction of poverty.

So how does NDTS works? Perhaps have a quick look at the chart below (focus on the green column). If you want a lengthy explanation of it, you may read more here about NDTS (or more well known as SLDN in BM)

3 ways to Obtain Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia
Youths Graduated from MCDONALD'S VOCATIONAL ACADEMY Apprenticeship Programme @ NDTS in Food Preparation

2. Accredited Programme Training System @ Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB

Again, kindly refer to the chart below (red column) to have an idea of the system. In short, it’s like a college but unlike the conventional academic programmes, TVET accredited programs by Department of Skills Development focuses much more on the theoretical side and does not require an SPM to enrol for the programme.

3 ways to Obtain Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia

Want to get your skills program accredited by Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran?

Before you contact us for more questions, good that you read more about the system itself first.

  1. National Dual Training System (NDTS) 
  2. Pusat Bertauliah SLaPB @JPK

7 Freelance jobs ideas for skill /TVET practitioners

Freelance Jobs (for skill/TVET practitioners) to Generate Side Income

Freelance jobs for skills practitioners

Am sure you (including most Malaysians) want to know how to generate side income (in BM)  considering the depreciating value of the Malaysian Ringgit, rise in inflation and the economic turmoil that has hit as a result of the COVID pandemic since 2020 and Russia-Ukraine war.

Are you aware that you may be able to buy 20 items in 2010 with RM100 but now (2022), you might only be able to buy 10 of the same items. This is what inflation means.

So, to overcome this, you need to increase your ability to earn more income, via freelance jobs or otherwise.

Cara Menjana Pendapatan Sampingan - Kesan Inflasi

Actually, there are many options and freelance jobs that you can do to generate side income, be it on part-time, contract or short-term basis.

Performing freelance jobs while having a regular job is not wrong. Most important is flexibility; where the freelance job does not interfere with the productivity of your regular job.

Also make sure you get your employer’s permission first should the freelance job happens during your regular working hours.

The format of permission letter will be provided for you if you need to apply as PP-PPT (Assessor for PPT method) or PPL later.

Keep your mind open, think about what you can do, don’t be  bound by previous work experience. You may be able to develop your hobby further, do something you like and not because you have to.

You can consider the following freelance jobs to generate side income.

1. Skills/TVET trainer

Become a skills/TVET trainer at any Department of Skills Development (DSD) accredited training centre, SLaPB or SLDN Training Center.

More and more JPK Accredited centers are offering modular@micro-credential programs that may be implemented part-time or there are certain modules where existing Assessors do not have the in-depth knowledge to teach effectively.

Armed with industry experience, trainers like you are the most needed because you don’t just teach according to the curriculum but can relate and give many examples that happen in the actual working environment.

The qualifications to become a skills/TVET trainer* or Assessor (teaching & assessing candidates) are:

Or you can conduct online classes part-time . For example, sewing, baking, cooking classes, how to use Microsoft Excel, Word, canva etc. through platforms such as YouTube, Google Classroom or other Learning Management System (LMS).

Freelance jobs - skills trainer
Assessor (PP) & Internal Verifier (PPD) for VTO program at I Smart Educare are freelance personnels that has other fixed job as the VTO program at I Smart Educare is only conduced part time on weekend only.

2. As an Assessor for PPT method (PP-PPT)

If you have a Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) and more than 10 years of experience in your SKM field, you are also eligible to be appointed as an Assessor – Recognition of Prior Achievement (PP-PPT). 

The working time is very flexible because the counseling & assessment time is set between you as PP-PPT and also the applicant.

The qualifications for the appointment of PP-PPT are:

a. Malaysian
b. > 10 years of experience in your SKM field (appointment may also be done even if < 10 years in a critical field – not enough/less PP-PPT in that field).
c. Possess – Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM 3)/(DKM)/(DLKM)
d. Pass the PP-PP-PPT induction course

Allowance for counseling and portfolio assessment for ​​each level is RM 100/level/program.

Other allowances are travel/accommodation/meal/daily allowance.

3. As an External Verifier (Pegawai Pengesah Luaran - PPL)​

The conditions for the appointment of PPL are:

a. Malaysian
b. > 10 years of experience in your SKM field (appointment may also be done even if < 10 years in a critical field – not enough/less PPL in that field).
c. Possess Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM 3)/(DKM)/(DLKM)
d. Pass the PP-PPD-PPB induction course
e. Pass the PPL induction course

Verification fee at a PB SLaPB/SLDN Centre/Company for a day is RM320/8 hours OR RM 40.00/hour.

Other allowances are travel/accommodation/meal/daily allowance.

For more information about PPL, you can read more here.

Freelance jobs - PPL

4. NOSS Development Panel

You are definitely an expert in your field with your extensive industrial experience. 

The Department  of Skills Development (DSD) may need your expertise and time be part of the development committee as panel to develop the National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS).

You just need to attend KURSUS PEMBANGUNAN NOSS (DESCUM) that is conducted FREE by CIAST. Accomodation and meals are provided as well.

Bengkel Pembangunan NOSS
NOSS Development Workshop (Image credit: BH Online)

5. NOSS Facilitator

Just like the NOSS development panel, qualified facilitators with in-depth experience in the field are also needed.

After attending the KURSUS PEMBANGUNAN NOSS (DESCUM), you can continue with the NOSS FACILITATOR (DESCUM) / WIM / QUESTIONS course which is also organized for FREE. Accommodation and meals are provided.

Image credit: CIAST

6. As freelancer

There are also other freelance jobs that you can do independently, offering services that suits your skills and experience.

For example, if you are an auto mechanic, you can offer to service other people’s car at your house (those that doesn’t need heavy/expensive equipment) or become a  salesperson (if you have the skills to sell as well) because you have knowledge and skills about cars (engines etc).

Platforms like Kaodim.com (for local services), Fiverr.com and Freelancer.com (for online services) are among the websites you can visit to offer your services.

7. Writing blogs/creating video tutorial

Earning a side income online can be as simple as writing about things you are passionate and knowledgeable about.

Regardless of the field (automotive, photography, beauty, fashion or any other skills) that you are good at/interested in, you should be diligent in publishing high quality articles to attract readers’ interest. Side income may be in terms of advertising (Google ads), affiliate marketing or you promote a specific company’s product/service.

It’s the same for videos (Youtube, TikTok). It doesn’t matter whether it’s a tutorial video, information or entertainment type, the main objective is to produce quality content that can attract viewers. The source of income is almost the same as writing a blog mentioned above.

So which freelance jobs idea best suits you?

As long as you have the will, you can definitely find a way to generate side income that suits your schedule and qualifications.

However, the most important thing is to take action. Knowing but doing nothing will not change your current situation.

Kursus Induksi SLDN – 5 Perkara Asas Anda Perlu Tahu

Kursus Induksi SLDN

Kursus induksi SLDN merupakan kursus asas yang WAJIB dihadiri oleh semua personel SLDN sebelum menjalankan program latihan SLDN di Pusat Bertauliah. Anda akan diberi penerangan secara komprehensif  mengenai konsep dan pelaksanaan SLDN.

1. Siapa Patut Ikuti Kursus Induksi SLDN?

Kursus Induksi JPK - SLDN (BM)
Mohon kursus Induksi SLDN (Berbayar)

Kursus ini merupakan suatu keperluan kepada personel SLDN yang dilantik samada sebagai:

  • pengurus pusat/syarikat SLDN,
  • penyelaras pusat/syarikat SLDN,
  • pengajar pusat latihan SLDN,
  • coach industri SLDN

Syarat Lantikan Personel - Tenaga Pengajar Kemahiran Pusat SLDN

2. Kelebihan Memiliki Sijil Induksi SLDN

Setelah memiliki sijil induksi SLDN ini, anda boleh (tertakhluk kepada kelayakan & syarat lain):

  1. Menubuhkan Pusat Latihan SLDN (tempat belajar teori, perlu Pengajar, Pengurus/Penyelaras) untuk kerjasama dengan Syarikat SLDN atau
  2. Berdaftar sebagai Syarikat SLDN (tempat kerja/praktikal, (perlu Coach, Pengurus/Penyelaras) untuk kerjasama dengan Pusat Latihan SLDN bagi menawarkan program Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia kepada perantis.

3. Menubuhkan syarikat latihan dalaman (SI) di mana pembelajaran di bilik kuliah serta tempat kerja adalah di premis yang sama (tetapi berasingan bilik/bengkel).
Perlu Pengurus/Penyelaras, Pengajar & Coach di dalam premis yang sama.

SLDN - Perlaksanaan

4. Dilantik sebagai Pegawai Pengesah Luaran (PPL) kaedah SLDN @ PPL-SLDN, dengan syarat anda juga memenuhi syarat lantikan PPL*

* Pra-syarat mengikuti kursus induksi PPL (2 hari) adalah telah lulus induksi PP-PPD-PPB (2 hari). Sila rujuk Jadual Induksi JPK yang terkini di sini.


Kursus-kursus lain yang perlu dihadiri oleh personel SLDN yang dilantik selepas kursus ini ialah:

  1. Kursus NDTS Coach Training Programme untuk jurulatih syarikat SLDN dan
  2. Kursus NDTS Trainer Training Programme untuk pengajar pusat latihan SLDN.

Kedua-dua kursus ini dilaksanakan selama 4 hari, bersemuka sahaja. Sila hubungi kami untuk pertanyaan lanjut.

Mohon Kursus NDTS Coach (Berbayar)

3. Jadual & Kandungan Kursus

Kursus Induksi SLDN - Jadual

4. Mod Kursus

Sesi pembelajaran kursus ini akan dijalankan sepenuhnya secara dalam talian*, dengan penceramah dari CIAST. 

* Sekiranya anda ada sekumpulan pekerja/calon yang ingin mengikutinya secara bersemuka, boleh maklumkan kepada kami untuk anjurkannya secara in-house.

5. Sijil Kursus

Setiap calon yang berjaya mengikuti kursus induksi SLDN sehari ini akan dianugerahkan e-sijil dari Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (boleh cetak dari akaun myspike anda kalau perlu).

NDTS Induction course cert - sample
Kursus Induksi JPK - Permohonan kursus
Tunggu apa lagi? Daftar Cepat!

VTO 证书 没 有 了 吗?

近 来 一 直 有 很 多 “谣言” 说 VTO 证 书 已 经 没有 了 !!!VTO 证书 没 有 了 吗 ?什 么 时 候 没 有 的 ?其 实 很 多 行 内 人 都 不 清 楚 到 底 是 怎 么 一 回 事 ?

今 天 我 们 来 谈 一 谈 关 于 VTO 课 程 / 认 证 的 课 题(由于 NOSS 的 废 除,真的不 能 再 申 请 VTO 了 吗?!

首 先 我 们 来 说 一 下,VTO 代表Vocational Training Operation-职 业 培 训 操 作,这 是 所 有  SKM / DKM (TVET) 考 官 必 须 获 得 的 教 学 认 证。

有 了 VTO 证书,你 就 可以 用 它 来 换 取 HRDCorp-TTT 的 证书。同 时,拥 有VTO 证书 的 话 你 也 可 以 执行 和 NCS-TTT 证书 一 样 的认 证 范 围,也 就 是 说 拥 有 VTO 证书 你 就 可 以 和NCS-TTT  证书 持 有 者 一 样担 任 某 些 特 定 module (科目) 的 PP 考 官;但 其 实 VTO 证书 比 NCS-TTT 的 证书更 优 越,因 为 拥 有 VTO 证书 你 不 单 单 只 可 以 担 任 某 些 特 定 module (科 目) 的 PP 考 官,你 甚 至 可 以 成 为 该 科 目 的 总 考 官。


那为什么近来有谣言说VTO这个证书课程已经没有了呢?是政府不再开放这个科目了吗?其实非也!根据2021 年 6 月 23 日 的最新推出的NOSS名册,VTO 的 NOSS(国家职业技能标准)已被废除。但是!凡事都有这个但是!VTO的NOSS 已被 TVET-i(4 级)取代,虽然已被取代,但这个取代要等到 2022 年 6 月才会正式实行。也就是说直至2022 年 6 月前,您还是可以在此时间段通过 PPT 申请 VTO证书(阅读有关 PPT 的更多信息)(如果你有超过 4 年的技术教学经验)。

VTO 证 书

您还可以在任何有开放VTO 课程的 JPK 认证中心,报名参加全日制或非全日制的VTO 课程。但这里请注意,在您报名的时候请确保/询问该中心的负责人,确保他们的执照是否已过期,因为有很大部分认证中心的执照可能已经过期并无法更新了。

不过您放心!我们的中心 I Smart Educare 的认证中心执照仅在 2024 年的 2 月才会到期 🙂 所以如果您要报名,非常欢迎来联系我们哦! I Smart Educare是一家从事技职认证课程超过20年的公司!我们是行业里的领头羊,成功帮助过无数技术导师获取过他们的证书,无论您是要上全日制的考官课程还是想要利用自己多年的教学经验通过PPT的方式申请VTO 证书,我们都绝对可以帮助到您!

最后,大家最有兴趣的问题应该是 “收费”多少钱?您放心,只要您愿意 pm 联系我们,我们保证将会给您最公道的收费(超低价哦)! 

VTO 证 书

以下是我们在全国范围内的 VTO课程的招生表,快来看看哪个时间段适合您吧!

课程报名条件:Min SKM3 (Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Level 3)

A) 非全日制课程:
吉隆坡甲洞:2023 年 5 月(仅限周末)

B) 全日制课程:
砂拉越,古晋:2023 年 7/8 月 
槟城,北赖:2023 年 7 月
沙巴,哥打京那巴鲁:2023 年 7 月

如果您有超过4年的技术教学经验,您将有资格通过PPT申请您的 VTO 证书(无需就读3-6个月的课程和另外实行6个月的实习)

VTO Dijumudkan

VTO Dijumudkan? Tak boleh mohon VTO-PPT/kursus VTO lagi?

VTO Dijumudkan?

Sebelum kita bincang pasal VTO dijumudkan, anda mungkin tertanya-tanya apa itu VTO.
Berikut adalah penerangan ringaks tentang VTO serta kelebihannya.

1) Apakah itu VTO?

VTO – Vocational Training Operation (nama baru – kod I-031-3:2014) / Operasi Latihan Vokasional

Sijil VTO merupakan satu sijil yang wajib bagi lantikan jawatan Pegawai Penilai (PP), bukan setakat tenaga pengajar kemahiran Malaysia di institut kemahiran kerajaan & swasta yang ditauliahkan oleh JPK.

2) Kelebihan sijil VTO@sijil pengajar vokasional ?

a. Untuk melayakkan anda, lepasan SKM3/DKM/DLKM untuk menjadi Pegawai Penilai (PP) di Pusat Bertauliah JPK (Awam atau swasta), bukan setakat Tenaga Pengajar (TP)

b. Layak diberi pengecualian untuk sijil TTT HRDCorp (PSMB TTT)
Jika anda mempunyai sijil VTO, anda hanya perlu membayar RM300 (Jimat RM2,200-2,500) bagi mendapat pengecualian dari Sijil TTT dari PSMB / HRDCorp. Kaedah biasa mendapatkan Sijil HRDCorp TTT adalah dengan mengikuti latihan 5 hari (RM2,500-2,800) 

NOSS VTO memang telah dijumudkan (maklumat lanjut di bawah nanti) sejak Daftar NOSS 24 Jun 2021 yang lalu telah diluluskan.
Bengkel Pembangunan Portfolio & WIM VTO - Bengkel & Kursus Online
Boleh mohon TVET-i secara PPT mulai 1 Julai 2022

Namun, anda masih boleh ambil kursus VTO secara separa masa / sepenuh masa di Pusat Bertauliah swasta yang ditauliahkan untuk program VTO.

Namun, pra-syarat untuk ikuti kursus VTO adalah Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Tahap 3 (SKM3)

Pengambilan kursus VTO (yang tiada pengalaman mengajar bidang kemahiran/tak cukup 5 tahun):

A) Kursus VTO separa masa di I Smart Educare:

Kepong, KL: Mei 2023
Jadual: 360jam (hujung minggu) + 720jam internship di Pusat Bertauliah JPK atau Pusat Latihan SLDN. 

B) Kursus VTO sepenuh masa di:

Prai, Penang: Julai 2023
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah: April 2023
Kuantan, Pahang: Julai 2023
Daftar Kursus TVET

Maklumat mengenai VTO yang dijumudkan

Dimaklumkan bahawa NOSS Program Vocational Training Operation (VTO), Vocational Education and Training Implementation(VTE) dan Vocational Education and Training Management ( VTM) telah dijumudkan dan digantikan dengan NOSS TVET Instruction (TVET I)/ P-853-002-4:2021 dan TVET Management (TVET M)/P-853-002-4:2021.

Muat turun makluman (PDF)