Tag Archives: PP-PPT

Flexible jobs for retirees - beach

From Sunsets to Skillsets: Flexible Jobs for Retirees (Even the Early Ones!) 

Flexible jobs for retirees - beach

Picture this: You’re 55, retired early, and the sun-drenched beaches just aren’t cutting it anymore. The daily sudoku routine feels more like a mental nap, and that quietude that was once blissful is now deafening. The fire of your ambition still flickers, but the traditional workforce seems like a distant galaxy.

But hold on, there’s a new starburst of opportunity blazing on the horizon. Forget boring board games and endless reruns – ISE Education offers a launchpad for reinvention, fueling your passions with flexible jobs for retirees like you.

Think of it as trading in your hammock for a training module, guiding the next generation of bakers, beauticians, and fashion designers. Imagine the thrill of knowledge transfer, the pride in watching your trainees flourish, and the satisfaction of leaving a lasting legacy on Malaysia’s skilled workforce.

The numbers speak for themselves: Malaysia’s skills training sector is booming, with over 100,000 individuals enrolling in programs in 2022 (Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) Annual Report 2022). This demand translates to a gaping need for qualified trainers and assessors, a gap that retirees/early retirees like you are perfectly positioned to fill.

And the beauty? You don’t need decades of corporate grind to join the party. ISE welcomes experienced professionals of all ages, whether you’re a seasoned accountant or a manager in the hospitality industry who has retired@early retirement.

Here’s how ISE ignites your second act:

No SPM certificate - Register for TVET Course
Certify Yourself With A Nationally Recognised TTT certificate
  • Assess and Verify with Confidence: Become a PP-PPT* (Pegawai Penilai-Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu) and assess experienced candidate’s portfolio (of evidence) or a PPL* (Pegawai Pengesah Luaran) and verify the quality of training programs or student’s final assessments. Both roles offer flexible hours and the satisfaction of ensuring Malaysia’s skills development stays top-notch.

* Appointment of PP-PPT & PPL is subject to additional requirements such as:

  1. Minimum 10 years experience in the program to be assessed/verified
  2. Minimum SKM3
  3. PP-PPT induction cert
  4. PPL induction cert (+PP-PPD-PPB induction cert for PPL-SLaPB or + SLDN induction cert for PPL-SLDN)
No SPM certificate - Register for TVET Course
Qualify Yourself To Become An Assessor/Verifier for Department of Skills Development (DSD/JPK)

Remember, retirement/early retirement isn’t a dead end – it’s a detour to a hidden oasis. Embrace the flexible work arrangements, say goodbye to rigid office hours, and rediscover the joy of work without the stress.

So, dust off your resume, sharpen your skills, and chart your course. This isn’t just about a job – it’s about igniting your passions, contributing to your nation, and proving that retirement is just the beginning of the most exciting chapter.

Jobs for retirees - Ignite Your Passion
Act NOW towards flexible jobs for retirees like yourself

Kursus Induksi PP-PPT November 2023 (TERAKHIR untuk 2023)

Kursus Induksi PP-PPT November 2023

Kursus Induksi PP-PPT

Kursus induksi PP-PPT November 2023 – Siapa yang patut hadir kursus ni? / Who should attend this induction course?

1) Berminat dilantik sebagai PP-PPT (syarat lantikan lain adalah pengalaman kerja >10 thn bidang yang dimohon & SKM)
Interested to be appointed as PP-PPT (additional appointment criteria is to have >10 years of working experience in the field applied for & SKM)

2) PB yang ingin mohon menjadi PB-PPT atau PPA-PPT (perlu ada penyelaras PPT yang lulus kursus induksi PP-PPT)
Accredited centre that wishes to be PB-PPT atau PPA-PPT (practical assessment centre-PPT) (need a PPT coordinator that has passed the PP-PPT induction course)

3) Berminat mohon SKM secara PPT (prosedur, syarat dan kaedah penilaian persijilan melalui kaedah PPT)
Interested to apply SKM via PPT (working experience) (procedures, criterias & assessment method for SKM via PPT certification)

Jadual Kursus Induksi PP-PPT 

Kursus Induksi PP-PPT - Jadual Hari Pertama

Kursus Induksi PP-PPT - Jadual Hari Kedua

Berminat? Dah bersedia?



Kursus Induksi PP-PPT

Kursus Induksi PP-PPT Oktober 2023

Kursus Induksi PP-PPT Oktober 2023

Kursus Induksi PP-PPT

Kursus induksi PP-PPT Oktober 2023 – Siapa yang patut hadir kursus ni? / Who should attend this induction course?

1) Berminat dilantik sebagai PP-PPT (syarat lantikan lain adalah pengalaman kerja >10 thn bidang yang dimohon & SKM)
Interested to be appointed as PP-PPT (additional appointment criteria is to have >10 years of working experience in the field applied for & SKM)

2) PB yang ingin mohon menjadi PB-PPT atau PPA-PPT (perlu ada penyelaras PPT yang lulus kursus induksi PP-PPT)
Accredited centre that wishes to be PB-PPT atau PPA-PPT (practical assessment centre-PPT) (need a PPT coordinator that has passed the PP-PPT induction course)

3) Berminat mohon SKM secara PPT (prosedur, syarat dan kaedah penilaian persijilan melalui kaedah PPT)
Interested to apply SKM via PPT (working experience) (procedures, criterias & assessment method for SKM via PPT certification)

Jadual Kursus Induksi PP-PPT Oktober 2023

Kursus Induksi PP-PPT - Jadual Hari Pertama

Kursus Induksi PP-PPT - Jadual Hari Kedua

Berminat? Dah bersedia?



Kualiti & kuantiti perhubungan yang rendah

5 Perkara Yang Anda Perlu Hentikan Untuk Menjamin Kejayaan Dalam Hidup Anda

Kejayaan Dalam Hidup

Kejayaan dalam hidup tidak datang dengan bergolek tanpa pengorbanan yang tinggi. Banyak artikel yang telah ditulis tentang langkah yang perlu diambil untuk mencapai kejayaan dalam hidup.

Sempena dengan Tahun Baru 2023, di sini min ingin kongsi 7 tabiat yang harus dihentikan untuk mencapai kejayaan dalam hidup.

1. Hentikan penolakan terus

Kejayaan Dalam Hidup - Hentikan Penolakan Terus

Anda sentiasa diberi cadangan serta idea baru dari orang di keliling anda. Jangan tolak terus cadangan yang diberi, siasat dan buat kajian dulu sebelum menolak idea tersebut.

Contohnya, anda dicadangkan untuk baca buku mengenai teknik pemasaran media sosial, penggunaan Tiktok untuk memasarkan produk/perkhidmatan anda,  sebuah projek pelaburan hartanah, strategi pemasaran fizikal (seperti pameran di ekspo). 

Anda mungkin pernah dengar/melakukan apa yang dicadangkan tetapi mendapat maklumbalas yang negatif ataupun pernah gagal sebelum ini. Ini tidak seharusnya menghalang anda dari menyiasat dulu apa yg dicadangkan kerana ia mungkin sesuatu yang berlainan daripada apa yang anda pernah cuba. 

Manalah tahu strategi pemasaran menggunakan Tiktok ataupun pameran di ekspo mungkin membawa banyak jualan. Tak cuba takkan tahu kan? Cuba dan ukur strategi tersebut, ia mungkin sangat memanfaatkan perniagaan anda ataupun kerjaya anda.

Ini kerana banyak benda berubah dengan cepat, mungkin ada perkembangan terbaru yang anda mungkin belum tahu. Jadi, anda harus ada minda yang terbuka.

Tidak wajib untuk melakukan semua idea yang dibentangkan kepada anda tetapi sekurang-kurangnya kaji dan kenalpasti samada ia sesuai untuk anda ke tidak

Di sini, min juga ingin mencadangkan anda melabur dalam diri anda. 

Ikutilah kursus yang dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuan/kemahiran atau persijilan anda supaya berpeluang untuk menjana pendapatan tambahan ataupun mencari kerja dengan lebih senang.

Dalam bulan Januari 2023 sahaja sudah ada 4 jenis kursus yang anda boleh pertimbangkan, sekiranya anda ingin terlibat dalam Sistem Persiijilan Kemahiran Malaysia.

1. Kursus Induksi SLDN & NDTS Coach Training Programme

SLDN - Induksi
Klik di atas untuk Daftar Sekarang
Klik di atas untuk Daftar Sekarang
1️⃣ Induksi SLDN:
📆 23-27 Nov 2023 (elearning)
i) Pengurus,
ii) Penyelaras,
iii) Pengajar SLDN (Mengajar di Pusat Latihan SLDN) &
iv) Coach SLDN (Jurulatih di Syarikat SLDN) 
2️⃣ NDTS Coach:
a) 📆 10-13 Okt 2023 
ISE Education, Kepong Metro Prima, KL
Untuk Coach SLDN shj (boleh baca Faedah Coaching & Mentoring) 

Kursus TVET-i Top Up

Jika anda dah ada sijil VTO (Tahap 3) dan ingin naik tahap ke TVET-i (Tahap 4), pastikan anda ada pengetahuan & pengalaman serta bukti ketrampilan untuk 2 CU tambahan (rujuk gambarajah di bawah, dah dihighlight dalam warna merah). Baru layak mohon TVET-i secara PPT Khas.
Atau jika masih tidak yakin dengan pengetahuan/kemahiran anda tu untuk 2CU tersebut, bolehlah ikuti:

Kursus top-up TVET-i
Tarikh: Dis 23* (tertakhluk kpd perubahan)
Masa: 10-5pm
Tempat: I Smart Educare, Kepong, KL

1️⃣ Induksi PP-PPD-PPB:
📆 21-22 Okt 2023 (online)

a) Calon Personel Pusat Bertauliah Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) / Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran:
i) Pegawai Penilai (PP) / Assessor
ii) Pegawai Pengesah Dalaman (PPD) / Internal Verifier
iii) Pengurus Pusat Bertauliah (PPB) / Centre Manager
iv) Tenaga Pengajar (TP) / Trainer

Sila lawat Jadual Kursus JPK (induksi, NDTS) yang terkini di sini

b) Individu yang terlibat dengan pengurusan Pusat Bertauliah 

c) Calon Pegawai Pengesah Luaran (PPL) (kena lulus kursus induksi PP-PPD-PPB sebelum ikuti induksi PPL)

d) Individu yang berminat dalam Sistem Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia (SPKM) / Individual that is interested with the Malaysia Skills Certification System 

2. Berhenti Menyalahkan Pihak Lain

Anda (ataupun selalu dengar ada sesetengah orang) kerap menyalahkan kerajaan, ekonomi tidak baik, ibu bapa tidak kaya … kucingnya dll!

Adakah dengan menyalahkan pihak lain, anda akan mencapai kejayaan dalam hidup?


Anda bertanggungjawab terhadap situasi hidup anda, tiada siapa pun yang hutang dengan anda.

Untuk mencapai kejayaan dalam kehidupan anda, adalah lebih baik anda mencari jalan penyelesaian kepada masalah anda daripada menyalahkan pihak lain.

Contohnya, jika produk/perkhidmatan anda tidak laris di pasaran, cari apa sebabnya. Cari cara untuk memasarkannya dengan lebih kreatif, tetapkan harga yang kompetitif, beri tambah nilai yang jauh melebihi nilai produk/perkhidmatan anda, dan bukannya hanya salahkan keadaan ekonomi yang tak baik.

3. Hentikan mewajarkan sesuatu @ justifying

Andainya, anda tidak aktif melakukan sesuatu (inactivity) dan anda buat banyak kajian atau cari alasan untuk mewajarkannya,

Anda sepatutnya lakukan apa sahaja yang boleh anda lakukan dan bukan buat yang terbaik sahaja.

Contohnya, anda adalah seorang pengajar sesuatu bidang kemahiran dan anda rasa selain mengajar di tempat kerja sedia ada, anda rasa tidak sesuai untuk melakukan perkara lain, selain mengajar dengan yang terbaik sahaja. Ini adalah tidak benar sama sekali.

Anda boleh pertimbangkan untuk melakukan aktiviti mengambil pelajar untuk pusat latihan/kolej anda supaya kelas anda lebih ramai pelajar dan majikan juga boleh bayar gaji yang lebih tinggi (ataupun komisen) kepada anda kerana kemahiran tambahan anda.

Ataupun sekiranya ada pengalaman >10 tahun dalam bidang kemahiran anda, boleh juga pertimbangkan untuk jadi Pegawai Penilai kaedah PPT (PP-PPT) ATAU Pegawai Pengesah Luaran (PPL) supaya anda dapat menjana pendapatan tambahan (perlu dapatkan kebenaran dari majikan terdahulu).

4. Tindakan yang tidak mencukupi

Mengapa ada yang sangat berjaya, ada yang kurang berjaya? Salah satu faktonya adalah kerana aktiviti/tindakan yang kurang menyebabkan hasil/produktiviti pun kurang.

Sekiranya anda cuma melakukan aktiviti pemasaran 2 kali seminggu (secara fizikal sahaja), berbanding dengan 10 kali seminggu, 5 kali online dan 5 kali fizikal (anggapan bahawa anda lakukannya dengan betul), anda rasa tindakan manakah yang mendatangkan hasil yang lebih besar?

Contohnya, Michael Phelps, perenang yang paling berjaya dengan rekod pingat emas sukan renang Olimpik sebanyak 23! Beliau berlatih sebanyak 6-7 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu selama 6 tahun, berbanding kebanyakan perenang lain rehat sehari seminggu!

5. Kualiti & kuantiti perhubungan yang rendah

Siapa dan berapa ramai yang anda berkawan/berhubungan boleh menentukan kejayaan dalam hidup anda.

Kualiti kenalan anda amat penting, jangan sekadar berhubungan sebarangan.
Pilih mereka yang juga mempunyai visi serta cita-cita yang tinggi (lebih baik jika lebih tinggi dari anda) supaya boleh memberi motivasi sesama sendiri ataupun memberi bantuan bila diperlukan.

Anda rasa Salt Bae dapat turun ke padang bola sepak FIFA 2022 jika bukan kerana perhubungan baiknya dengan Presiden FIFA sekarang? 😛

Juga, jangan hanya terhadkan perhubungan anda dengan rakan sekerja tertentu sahaja. Jangan terhadkan hanya berkawan dengan seorang dua. 

Sekiranya ada 20 semuanya, kalau boleh, berkawan dengan semua, kalau tidak pun, lebih ramai lebih bagus.

Sama juga jika anda berniaga, kan adalah lebih baik sekiranya anda ada lebih ramai kenalan yang mungkin membeli barangan/perkhidmatan anda berbanding dengan beberapa sahaja?

Nota: Artikel ini diolah dari podcast BFM bersama Jeevan Sahadevan, pengasas Leverage Lab

Kursus integriti dan antirasuah untuk pelajar TVET

Pendidikan antirasuah

Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) telah melaksanakan pendidikan antirasuah menggunakan Modul Kursus Integriti dan Antirasuah (KIAR) untuk pelajar Pendidikan dan Latihan Vokasional (TVET) di  Institusi Latihan dan Kemahiran Belia dan Sukan (ILKBS) di seluruh negara. Ia adalah kerjasama antara Kementerian Belia dan Sukan (KBS) dan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM).

Menteri Belia dan Sukan, Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu, berkata modul KIAR itu  ditawarkan di semua 22 ILKBS, dalam usaha melahirkan modal insan yang bukan sahaja berkemahiran, malah menolak perlakuan rasuah.

“KBS sentiasa komited dalam usaha memerangi rasuah dan ini termasuk menanamkan semangat antirasuah serta memupuk prinsip tidak bertoleransi terhadap perlakuan rasuah di segenap peringkat,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, KBS bukan hanya mahu melahirkan belia yang berkemahiran untuk memenuhi pasaran pekerjaan, namun turut membina insan.

Sebelum ini, modul berkenaan ditawarkan sebagai subjek elektif peringkat sijil, diploma dan sarjana muda di semua institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) mulai tahun ini dan seterusnya, ditawarkan sebagai satu kursus mata pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) mulai 2023. 

Pengarah Bahagian Pendidikan Masyarakat SPRM, Datuk Razim Mohd Noor berkata, proses penambahbaikan dan pengubahsuaian modul KIAR perlu diolah daripada subjek sama di institut pengajian tinggi (IPT) kerana cara permarkahan serta penilaian untuk pelajar yang mengikuti kursus TVET adalah tidak sama dengan mahasiswa IPT.

Selain penerapan antirasuah melalui modul, Razim berkata, pihaknya juga akan membawa bekas pesalah rasuah ke institusi TVET untuk berkongsi pengalaman dan hukuman yang diterima akibat jenayah tersebut.

Katanya, inisiatif itu bertujuan memberi kesedaran kepada golongan muda supaya tidak terlibat dengan rasuah yang boleh merosakkan masyarakat serta negara.

“Setakat ini dah ada bekas pesalah yang bersetuju dan rela hati untuk tampil ke hadapan berkongsi pengalaman dan kesan buruk rasuah kepada karier, keluarga dan masa depan mereka.

“Kita harap pendedahan sebegini dapat menyentuh lebih dalam ke hati golongan muda supaya tidak terjerumus dan melakukan kesilapan sama,” katanya.

Sumber: Diolah dari BERNAMA 


Pengenalan pendidikan antirasuah ini adalah satu usaha yang baik dari pihak SPRM dan diharapkan ia tidak dilaksanakan secara hangat-hangat tahi ayam sahaja seperti mata pelajaran Pendidikan Moral di sekolah rendah. 

Lebih penting lagi adalah pemimpin negara perlu ada keinginan politik untuk membanteras rasuah. Sekiranya tidak (lebih teruk lagi dilihat sebagai tidak takut langsung kerana hukuman yang dikenakan dianggap sangat ringan dan tidak setimpal dengan jenayah rasuah yang dilakukan), budaya rasuah akan kekal berleluasa.

Jadi, amat penting untuk anda sebagai rakyat Malaysia untuk membuat pilihan calon PRU 15 nanti! Pilihlah pemimpin yang bukan sahaja dilihat sebagai tidak korup tetapi juga betul-betul dapat memimpin rakyat ke arah Malaysia yang lebih makmur tanpa diskrimnasi agama, bangsa dan kaum.

Pendidikan antirasuah-TVET-kursus-induksi: Apa kaitannya?

Macam biasa lihat warna dalam  kotak tu tak? 😛 

Apa kaitannya artikel pendidikan antirasuah untuk pelajar TVET dengan kursus induksi? Sebenarnya takda pun sangat, cuma sekadar hiburan😉  

Tak tahu kursus induksi mana anda patut pilih/ikuti? Baca lebih lanjut di Kursus Induksi JPK

Tak tahu parti/calon penganjur mana nak pilih? Mestilah ISE Education, rekod penganjuran yang cemerlang sejak 2001. Telah menghasilkan lebih 10,000 PP, PPD, PPB, PP-PPT, PPL sejak 2001 dan amat benci rasuah@antirasuah!

* Seperti PRU, ISE Education juga bekerjasama dengan penganjur lain untuk penganjuran kursus induksi PP-PPT kali ini

Pendidikan antirasuah dan pemilihan penganjur

7 Freelance jobs ideas for skill /TVET practitioners

Freelance Jobs (for skill/TVET practitioners) to Generate Side Income

Freelance jobs for skills practitioners

Am sure you (including most Malaysians) want to know how to generate side income (in BM)  considering the depreciating value of the Malaysian Ringgit, rise in inflation and the economic turmoil that has hit as a result of the COVID pandemic since 2020 and Russia-Ukraine war.

Are you aware that you may be able to buy 20 items in 2010 with RM100 but now (2022), you might only be able to buy 10 of the same items. This is what inflation means.

So, to overcome this, you need to increase your ability to earn more income, via freelance jobs or otherwise.

Cara Menjana Pendapatan Sampingan - Kesan Inflasi

Actually, there are many options and freelance jobs that you can do to generate side income, be it on part-time, contract or short-term basis.

Performing freelance jobs while having a regular job is not wrong. Most important is flexibility; where the freelance job does not interfere with the productivity of your regular job.

Also make sure you get your employer’s permission first should the freelance job happens during your regular working hours.

The format of permission letter will be provided for you if you need to apply as PP-PPT (Assessor for PPT method) or PPL later.

Keep your mind open, think about what you can do, don’t be  bound by previous work experience. You may be able to develop your hobby further, do something you like and not because you have to.

You can consider the following freelance jobs to generate side income.

1. Skills/TVET trainer

Become a skills/TVET trainer at any Department of Skills Development (DSD) accredited training centre, SLaPB or SLDN Training Center.

More and more JPK Accredited centers are offering modular@micro-credential programs that may be implemented part-time or there are certain modules where existing Assessors do not have the in-depth knowledge to teach effectively.

Armed with industry experience, trainers like you are the most needed because you don’t just teach according to the curriculum but can relate and give many examples that happen in the actual working environment.

The qualifications to become a skills/TVET trainer* or Assessor (teaching & assessing candidates) are:

Or you can conduct online classes part-time . For example, sewing, baking, cooking classes, how to use Microsoft Excel, Word, canva etc. through platforms such as YouTube, Google Classroom or other Learning Management System (LMS).

Freelance jobs - skills trainer
Assessor (PP) & Internal Verifier (PPD) for VTO program at I Smart Educare are freelance personnels that has other fixed job as the VTO program at I Smart Educare is only conduced part time on weekend only.

2. As an Assessor for PPT method (PP-PPT)

If you have a Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) and more than 10 years of experience in your SKM field, you are also eligible to be appointed as an Assessor – Recognition of Prior Achievement (PP-PPT). 

The working time is very flexible because the counseling & assessment time is set between you as PP-PPT and also the applicant.

The qualifications for the appointment of PP-PPT are:

a. Malaysian
b. > 10 years of experience in your SKM field (appointment may also be done even if < 10 years in a critical field – not enough/less PP-PPT in that field).
c. Possess – Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM 3)/(DKM)/(DLKM)
d. Pass the PP-PP-PPT induction course

Allowance for counseling and portfolio assessment for ​​each level is RM 100/level/program.

Other allowances are travel/accommodation/meal/daily allowance.

3. As an External Verifier (Pegawai Pengesah Luaran - PPL)​

The conditions for the appointment of PPL are:

a. Malaysian
b. > 10 years of experience in your SKM field (appointment may also be done even if < 10 years in a critical field – not enough/less PPL in that field).
c. Possess Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM 3)/(DKM)/(DLKM)
d. Pass the PP-PPD-PPB induction course
e. Pass the PPL induction course

Verification fee at a PB SLaPB/SLDN Centre/Company for a day is RM320/8 hours OR RM 40.00/hour.

Other allowances are travel/accommodation/meal/daily allowance.

For more information about PPL, you can read more here.

Freelance jobs - PPL

4. NOSS Development Panel

You are definitely an expert in your field with your extensive industrial experience. 

The Department  of Skills Development (DSD) may need your expertise and time be part of the development committee as panel to develop the National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS).

You just need to attend KURSUS PEMBANGUNAN NOSS (DESCUM) that is conducted FREE by CIAST. Accomodation and meals are provided as well.

Bengkel Pembangunan NOSS
NOSS Development Workshop (Image credit: BH Online)

5. NOSS Facilitator

Just like the NOSS development panel, qualified facilitators with in-depth experience in the field are also needed.

After attending the KURSUS PEMBANGUNAN NOSS (DESCUM), you can continue with the NOSS FACILITATOR (DESCUM) / WIM / QUESTIONS course which is also organized for FREE. Accommodation and meals are provided.

Image credit: CIAST

6. As freelancer

There are also other freelance jobs that you can do independently, offering services that suits your skills and experience.

For example, if you are an auto mechanic, you can offer to service other people’s car at your house (those that doesn’t need heavy/expensive equipment) or become a  salesperson (if you have the skills to sell as well) because you have knowledge and skills about cars (engines etc).

Platforms like Kaodim.com (for local services), Fiverr.com and Freelancer.com (for online services) are among the websites you can visit to offer your services.

7. Writing blogs/creating video tutorial

Earning a side income online can be as simple as writing about things you are passionate and knowledgeable about.

Regardless of the field (automotive, photography, beauty, fashion or any other skills) that you are good at/interested in, you should be diligent in publishing high quality articles to attract readers’ interest. Side income may be in terms of advertising (Google ads), affiliate marketing or you promote a specific company’s product/service.

It’s the same for videos (Youtube, TikTok). It doesn’t matter whether it’s a tutorial video, information or entertainment type, the main objective is to produce quality content that can attract viewers. The source of income is almost the same as writing a blog mentioned above.

So which freelance jobs idea best suits you?

As long as you have the will, you can definitely find a way to generate side income that suits your schedule and qualifications.

However, the most important thing is to take action. Knowing but doing nothing will not change your current situation.


PP-SLaPB (技术学院考官) VS PP-PPT (技职考官) – 你必须 知道的6大分别



1. 角色和职责



PP-SLaPB - Peranan & Tanggungjawab

2. 要求资格

  1. 18-65岁的马来西亚公民或永久居民

  2. PP-PPD-PPB 证书

  3. 职业培训操作证书 (VTO) @ 教学技术证书
  4. 拥有该指定领域的马来西亚技能证书 (SKM) 3 级证书

  5. 若无第四项的SKM 3证书,则该领域必须是Jadual 1里所指定的,拥有该资格和 3 年相关工作经验。
  1. 马来西亚公民,通常30岁及以上

  2. PP-PPT 证书

  3. 若想要被 JPK委任,则至少要在该指定SKM领域里拥有 10 年或以上的工作经验。而如果在 JPK学院里任职 PP,则只少需要 5 年工作经验。

  4. 拥有该指定领域的马来西亚技能证书 (SKM) 3 级证书ijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM)
Perakuan PP (kelayakan kemahiran lain)

3. 工作地点


可在任何JPK 认可的技能培训机(PP-SLaPB)工作。。

政府技术培训中心 – 工业培训学院 (ILP)、国家青年技能学院 (IKBN)、国家青年高技能学院、Giatmara、职业学院和 ADTEC(中心代码以字母 K 开头)

行内技术培训中心 – Perodua Technical Training
Sime Darby Industrial AcademyNaza Academy 等(中心代码以字母 I 开头)

私人技术培训中心中央代码以字母 L 开头

  1. 经由JPK直接委派,对申请技术文凭的有工作经验的申请者进行评估。评估地点可以是申请者的工作地址或在申请者与PP-PPT约定的地点进行辅导和评估

  2. 经由PPT认证中心委任,于该中心工作。.

4. 值班时间



通常,该课程是全日制的,每天最多 8 小时。 所以,一般是周一至周五/周日至周四晚上 8.30-5 点。

JPK委任的PP-PPT:时间灵活,可以随时约申请者,只要合适就行。 例如,晚上 9 点或周末也是可能的。

5. 如何申请




您所受聘的JPK技术培训中心将会为您在线申请 PP 证书。



6. 费用/津贴



PP 通常是JPK技术培训中心的全职员工。 平均薪水介于 RM1,500-2,500 之间,取决于您的工作经验、领域和位置。

顾问咨询和评估津贴为 RM100/级别/课程

PP-PPT 旅行津贴 (T&T)

在咨询/评估和验证过程中,只允许提出两 (2) 次津贴。

Kursus Induksi PP-PPD-PPB - Kursus Online
Kursus Induksi PP-PPT - Kursus Online

PP-SLaPB vs PP-PPT – 6 Perbezaan Anda Perlu Tahu


1. Peranan & Tanggungjawab



PP-SLaPB vs PP-PPT - Peranan & Tanggungjawab PP
Klik gambar untuk Panduan Terperinci

2. Syarat Kelayakan


  1. Warganegara Malaysia atau penduduk tetap, berumur 18-65 tahun
  2. Sijil Induksi PP-PPD-PPB 
  3. Sijil Vocational Training Operation (VTO) @ Sijil TVET-i
  4. Minimum Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) Tahap 3 program berkaitan atau 
  5. Kemahiran lain & 3 tahun pengalaman bidang berkaitan. Rujuk Jadual 1
  1. Warganegara Malaysia, biasanya 30 tahun ke atas
  2. Sijil Induksi PP-PPT
  3. Pengalaman minima 10 tahun dalam bidang kemahiran/SKM yang dimiliki jika lantikan JPK atau 5 tahun jika PP-SLaPB di PB-PPT (Pusat Bertauliah-PPT) 
  4. Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) Tahap 3 

3. Tempat Bertugas


PP-SLaPB bertugas di mana-mana institut latihan kemahiran yang ditauliahkan oleh JPK.

Cth PB Awam – Institut Latihan Perindustrian (ILP), Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara (IKBN), Institut Kemahiran Tinggi Belia Negara, Giatmara, Kolej Vokasional & ADTEC (Kod Pusat bermula dengan huruf K)

Cth PB Industri – Pusat Latihan Teknikal Perodua, Sime Darby Industrial Academy, Naza Academy dll (Kod Pusat bermula dengan huruf I)

PB Swasta – Kod Pusat bermula dengan huruf L

Kaedah pensijilan adalah melalui kaedah Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu

  1. PP-PPT dilantik oleh JPK untuk menilai calon berpengalaman kerja yang mohon SKM secara PPT – tempat bertugas, iaitu kaunseling dan penilaian mengikut alamat calon ataupun di tempat yang dipersetujui oleh calon dan PP-PPT
  2. PP-PPT yang dilantik oleh PB-PPT pula bertugas di PB-PPT.

4. Masa Bertugas



Lazimnya, kursus adalah dijalankan secara sepenuh masa, maksimum 8 jam sehari. Jadi, secara amnya dari 8.30-5pm, Isnin-Jumaat/Ahad-Khamis.

PP-PPT lantikan JPK: Masa adalah fleksibel, anda boleh buat temujanji dengan calon bila-bila masa, asalkan sesuai. Contohnya malam 9pm atau hujung minggu pun boleh.

5. Cara Memohon



Anda perlu dilantik dan terima lantikan oleh mana-mana Pusat Bertauliah JPK (PB), sekiranya memenuhi syarat kelayakan.

PB akan mohon untuk dapatkan perakuan sebagai PP bagi pihak anda, dalam talian.

Anda perlu mohon untuk jawatan PP-PPT dalam talian, setelah memenuhi syarat lantikan.

Boleh rujuk sini untuk mengetahui langkah-langkah serta dokumen yang perlu dimuat naik semasa permohonan.

6. Bayaran/elaun



PP biasanya adalah pekerja sepenuh masa di Pusat Bertauliah JPK. Gaji purata adalah antara RM1,700-2,500, bergantung kepada pengalaman, kelayakan, bidang dan tempat Pusat Bertauliah tersebut.

A Elaun kaunseling dan penilaian portfolio adalah RM100/tahap/program

B Elaun tuntutan perjalanan PP-PPT (T&T)

Tuntutan hanya dibenarkan sebanyak dua (2) kali sepanjang proses kaunseling/penilaian dan verifikasi

Kursus induksi PP-PPD-PPB
Klik untuk Mohon
Kursus Induksi PP-PPT
Klik untuk Mohon

8 Online Courses and Workshops to Enhance Your Skills Certifications

Kursus Online

Finally, after 16 days into MCO 3.0, Malaysian government announced a Total Lockdown from 1-14 June amid COVID-19 surge (country logged an all-time record of 8,290 Covid-19 cases). Personally, I forsee that it would be extended till end of June 2021, what do you think?

Will not go into the details of the total lockdown as you can read it in many news portals.

Let’s explore on what types of online course(s) and workshop(s) within the Malaysian Skills Certification System that you can consider during this one month period. Upskill yourself, equip yourself with more relevant certifications that will definitley help you in your career or business.

The online course(s) are mainly for one to three days, with some  up to a year. Those that take longer period is due to the nature of the program, need interval in between and the final outcome is a Malaysian Skills Certificate or Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM), a nationally & internationally recognised skills certificate.

1. NDTS/SLDN Induction (Online Course)

Date: 8 July 2021 (FULL)
          29 July 2021 (FULL)*
Time: 8.30-5pm
Mode: Online course with facilitators from CIAST
Fees: RM350/pax RM200/pax

*Kindly refer to 2021 schedule here

Kursus Online - SLDN
Induksi SLDN Khas ISE Education -Dalam Talian

Once passed, you will obtain the SLDN Induction Course Certificate and can apply as an accredited personnel in NDTS/SLDN Training Centre or NDTS/SLDN Company, either as:

1. Centre Manager (PPB-SLDN)
2. Coordinator
3. NDTS/SLDN trainer
4. NDTS/SLDN coach

Want to Become a SLDN Trainer or Coach?

The NDTS/SLDN Induction Course is a requirement for ALL NDTS/SLDN personnels who are to be appointed either as centre manager, coordinators, coaches or trainers of accredited NDTS/SLDN centers and companies, before conducting the NDTS/SLDN training program.

You will be given a comprehensive explanation on the concepts and implementation of NDTS/SLDN.

Other courses that you may need to attend (depending on your position) after this is:

1. NDTS Trainer Traning Programmme if you are going to be appointed as a Trainer in NDTS/SLDN Training Centre.

2. NDTS Coach Training Programme if you are going to be a Coach at NDTS/SLDN Training Company.

Refer the chart below for full explanation (in BM).

NOTE: Many MNCs adopt this training approach as it’s one of the best ways to attract, train & retain workforce. Among successful stories are 7-Eleven.

Majlis Konvokesyen SLDN 7-11
Syarat Lantikan Personel - Tenaga Pengajar Kemahiran Pusat SLDN

Advantages of Having NDTS/SLDN Induction Certificate

Eligible to:
– Setup a NDTS/SLDN Training Center/Company
– Place NDTS/SLDN trainees in your company
– Be appointed as NDTS/SLDN:

i) Center Manager cum/or Coordinator
ii) Training Center’s Instructor
iii) Company’s Coach
iv) PPL-SLDN (External Verifier)

If interested, kindly download the Application Form. After filling up, email back to ismarteducare@gmail.com with the payment slip to confirm your place.

All payment (RM200/pax) to be made to Maybank 514589385943, ISE Education Sdn Bhd.

2. PP-PPT Induction (Online Course)

1) 19-20 June 2021 (FULL)
2) 17-18 July (FULL)
3) 24-25 July (FULL)
4) 7-8 Aug 

Time: 8.30-5pm
Mode: Online course with facilitators from Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK)
Fees: RM350/pax

Kursus Induksi PP-PPT Julai 21

Who Should Attend?

1) Interested in being appointed as PP-PPT (other appointment criterias are working experience> 10 years in the field of your SKM)

2) Interested in applying for SKM via PPT (procedures, criterias and assessment certification methods via PPT method)

3) JPK Accredited Centre (PB) that want to apply to become PB-PPT (PPT coordinator & PP of the program MUST attend PP-PPT induction course)

If interested, kindly download the Application Form. After filling up, email back to ismarteducare@gmail.com with the payment slip to confirm your place.

ll payment (RM350/pax) to be made to Maybank 514589385943, ISE Education Sdn Bhd.

3. PP-PPD-PPB Induction (Online Course)

1) 26-27 June (FULL)
2) 10-11 July (FULL)
3) 31 July – 1 Aug (FULL)
4) 21-22 Aug (FULL)
5) 11-12 Sept 
Time: 8.30-5pm
Mode: Online course with facilitators from JPK & CIAST

Fees: RM350/pax

Who Should Attend?

1. Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) Accredited Centre Personnels:
i) Assessor (PP)
ii) Internal Verifier (PPD)
iii) Centre Manager (PPB)
iv) Trainer/Teaching Staff (TP)

2. Individuals that’s involved with managing the JPK Accredited Centre 

3. External Verifer candidate (need to pass PP-PPD-PPB induction course first

4. Individual that is interested with the Malaysia Skills Certification System

Other qualifications that you may need to have (depending on your position):

Assessor (PP)
SKM (in the program to be assessed)
VTO @ teaching technique cert
– Other relevant certs if it involves certain enforcement agncies

Internal Verifier (PP)
SKM (in the sub-sector of the program to be assessed)

Refer the chart below for full explanation (in BM).

If interested, kindly download the Application Form. After filling up, email back to ismarteducare@gmail.com with the payment slip to confirm your place.

All payment (RM350/pax) to be made to Maybank 514589385943, ISE Education Sdn Bhd.

4. PPL Induction (Online Course)

Date: 3-4 July (FULL)
Date: 14-15 August (FULL)
Date: 2-3 Okt
Time: 8.30-5pm
Mode: Online course with facilitators from JPK

Fees: RM350/pax

Kindly ignore the date, this is the previous session

Who Can Attend?

Malaysian citizen or PR AND above 18 years old;
Passed PP-PPD-PPB induction course.

Criteris for appointment (in addition to the above conditions):

1. > 10 years of working experience (if the field is critical, less than 10 years can be considered) in your area of ​​skills/SKM.

2. Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) / Malaysian Skills Diploma (DKM) / Malaysian Advanced Skills Diploma (DLKM)

PPL Induction Course Objectives

– Provide an understanding of the Malaysian Skills Certification System

– Provide an understanding of the role and responsibilities as a PPL

– Fulfill the conditions for appointment as PPL for programs at Accredited Centers & SLDN Centres.

Opportunities for PPL

There are many opportunities, you may be able to earn a comfortable income if you actively accept jobs/assignments given.
Or you may just do it casually as a post retirement task 🙂 

If interested, kindly download the Application Form. After filling up, email back to ismarteducare@gmail.com with the payment slip to confirm your place.

All payment (RM350/pax) to be made to Maybank 514589385943, ISE Education Sdn Bhd.

5. Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) workshop - portfolio development

Frequency:  6 weekly sessions
Time: 2-4 hours/session*
Mode: Online workshop with experienced facilitators that has DKM & DLKM  
Fees: From RM1,300/pax (group)

Who Should Attend?

If you have working experience but no recognized skills certificates* (specifically Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia-SKM), this is your opportunity to obtain a MQA recognized SKM via this method without attending full time at any of the TVET/JPK skills centres.
Cheaper & faster!
Certify yourself today, don’t let a piece of paper become a hindrance to your career or business.

This workshop is optional if you have the time to read through all the Panduan Permohonan which you can download from here, understand thoroughly and clearly.
However, most of the time, if you’re new to this, you would be better off investing your time & money attending the worksop to save all the unnecssary headache & possibly ending up  costing you more opportunity cost.
* It is open to any fields/programs listed in the National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) directory 

General Requirements-SKM-PPT
SKM-PPT- Contoh Sijil

6. Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) / Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM) workshop - portfolio development

Frequency:  10 weekly sessions
Time: 2-4 hours/session*
Mode: Online workshop with experienced facilitators that has DKM & DLKM  
Fees: From RM2,300 (Group)

Just like SKM workshop, this is your opportunity to obtain a MQA recognized skills diploma/advance diploma (DKM /DLKM) via this method without attending full time class at any of the TVET/JPK skills centres.
Cheaper & faster!
Get your DKM/DLKM today, don’t let a piece of paper become a hindrance to your career or business.

Kindly refer to the above SKM workshop image for Min Years of Working Experience to qualify to apply for DKM or DLKM.

* Bear in mind that although you may qualify to apply for DKM or DLKM based on your working experience (with evidences), you still need to apply for the lower level first that’s available for your particular program (need to refer to NOSS directory)

7. Vocational Training Operation (VTO) workshop - portfolio & WIM development

Frequency:  10 weekly sessions
Time: 2-4 hours/session*
Mode: Online workshop with experienced facilitators that has VTO, DKM & DLKM  
Fees: From RM2,300 (Group)

Bengkel online - VTO
Introduction to Written Instruction Material (WIM) - part of VTO workshop

If you have >4 years teaching skills programs and wish to be teaching SKM related programs or setting up your JPK Accredited Training centre,  then this is your opportunity to obtain a VTO@vocational training cert without attending full/part time class for 3/6 mths and perform 6 months internship.
Much faster! But make sure you have that kind of teaching experience, teaching academic program like tuition or teaching in school can’t be considered.
Be a certified vocational/skills trainer TODAY

Who Should Have VTO cert?

1. If you are interested in becoming an assessor (COMPULSORY)/teaching staff/teacher/trainer in private and government skills training centers that offers Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) and Malaysian Skills Diploma (DKM) certifications.

2. Even if you don’t intend to be an assessor in any of the abovementioned training centres, it can also value add to your profile as a skills trainer.

Is it COMPULSORY to have VTO cert?

1. Yes, if you are going to be an assessor / Pegawai Penilai in any JPK Accredited Training Centres offering SKM/DKM or plan to set up your JPK Accredited Training Centre.

2. No, if you’re teaching any skills program but just offering your own academy cert or other non-SKM certs. Good to have though.

3. No, if you’re just teaching non-skills @ soft skills  program. You probably just need a HRDCorp-TTT cert if you do train corporate staffs.

WARNING! – There has been reports where trainers, epsecially from the cosmetology industry (beauty, hair, make-up, nail art), TCM practitioners, fitness & yoga instructors, pre-school and kindy teachers being MISLED to get it. These CON-sultants use FOMO & SCARE TACTICS to make you sign up expensive workshops/courses with them!

Always get second opinion, you may either call up the Department of Skills Development’s / JPK’s office at 03-88865589 to verify or if you can’t get them or having language barrier communicating with them, can always contact us for an obligation free consultation.
Email: ismarteducare@gmail.com
HP: 012-3123430

ISE Education VTO Portfolio Development Workshop

8. Vocational Training Operation (VTO) Course - Part Time/(Online Course) + Face to Face

Frequency:  Weekend sessions for up to 6 months (360 hours) 
Time: 10-5 pm
Mode: 6 months  (360 hours) Online  course + face to face (after MCO)
Internship: 6 months (720 hours) at any JPK Accredited training centres offering the SKM that you have

Fees: RM3,400 (lump sum) – RM3,600 (installment) 
Bank: Maybank 514589385943, ISE Education Sdn Bhd

This classroom (part time, wekend) + internship training is for those who also wants to be Assessor / Pegawai Penilai (PP) in JPK Accredited Training Centres but DO NOT have (or <4years) technical teaching experience.

However, unlike No 7 (those with >4 years technical teaching experience), pre-requisite to attend this course is min Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia 3 (SKM3) in any field.

Benefits of VTO certificate

1. According to Act 652, VTO Certificate is compulsory for any individual who wants to be an Assessor (teaching staff / teacher / lecturer) in private and government skills training centers that offers the Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) and Malaysian Skills Diploma (DKM).

2. Qualified to be Assessor (PP) for JPK’s Modular programs or NCS (National Competency Standard), replacing NCS TTT certificate (NCS-004: 2017). So you do NOT NEED to waste another RM2,500-2,800 for the NCS TTT certificate.

3. Eligible for exemption of HRDCorp-TTT (Train The Trainer) certificate (formerly known as HRDF-TTT).

It is required to train short term/corporate courses under the HRDCorp scheme.

The course Fee is around RM2,500-2,800.

If you have VTO Certificate, you can get an exemption, just need to convert to HRDCorp-TTT cert by paying RM300 ONLY(save RM2,200-2,500).


4. Higher employment opportunity as a skills trainer/instructor. Trainer/Instructor is NOT REQUIRED to have a VTO certificate but with VTO certificate, it enhances your chances of being employed as a full or part time trainer/instructor in government and private skills training centres. The teaching techniques’ knowledge and skills acquired also help you to become a more established & confident trainer/instructor.

Testimonials from Candidates / JPK Accredited Training Centre

Obviously, there are many CON-sultants out there and I had a terrible time with one previously. By God's Grace, I stumbled upon you and started with VTO certifications for all my team member in 2012. There isn't any turning back since then, I'm very happy with your professional service and my team has grown by leaps & bounds, thanks to your initial guidance. Looking forward to many more collaborations in the future.
Testimonial Dato' Sri Ganes
Dato' Sri Ganes
Founder, Chairman & Chief Executve - SG Education Group, KL
Melvin is the go to person for any induction course under JPK. I've sent my staffs, trainers & even recommended other FEMAC members to attend his induction courses. You name it, he has it. PP-PPD-PPB, PP-PPT, PPL, SLDN induction course, all also he organises. Most importantly, very consistent & frequent since we established our college since 2002.
Mdm Selvi Rajendran
Executive Director - CQ-Tec TVET College, Puchong
Thank you bro, our management is very happy with your service. Your PP & PPD have done a great job and once again, this 2nd VTO batch all passed .... Our next VTO batch will be yours as well.
Chua Min Fui
Dean - Institut Teknlogi Riam, Miri
Thank you Melvin in helping my trainers to get the VTO cert all these years, from current & past academies that I've been attached to.
Evie Lai
Deputy Principal - Adonis Beauty Academy
Freelance jobs - skills trainer
VTO Batch IX
VTO Batch XI
VTO Batch XI

June/July 2021 INTAKE NOW

Part Time: June – KL

Full Time: June – Penang/Terengganu/Kedah/Sarawak

Register Your Interest NOW

Adakah perlu ikuti kursus induksi JPK setiap 3 tahun sekali?

Perakuan Personel

perakuan personel - VTO (I Smart Educare)

Tahukah anda bahawa sijil induksi JPK ni ada tempoh sah laku? Ya, cuma 3 tahun sahaja, lepas tu dah tamat tempoh dan perlu ikuti kursus semula, tak kira induksi PP-PPD-PPB, PP-PPT atau PPL. Namun, ia hanya sekiranya anda TIADA PERAKUAN PERSONEL @ TIDAK PERNAH DIERAKUKAN.

Sijil kursus Induksi PP-PPD-PPB yang telah melebihi tempoh tiga (3) tahun tidak sah digunakan hanya bagi personel lantikan baharu iaitu tidak pernah mendapat perakuan sebagai PP/PPD/PPB atau Personel Penilaian Verifikasi (PPV).

Jika anda pernah diperaku tetapi perakuan telah tamat tempoh bagi jawatan PP/PPD/PPB atau PP-PPT/PPLsijil Induksi PP-PPD-PPB tersebut masih sah digunakan bagi tujuan pembaharuan perakuan personel.


Bengkel Penilaian Pembaharuan PPV

1. Tujuan Penilaian

Penilaian Pembaharuan Personel Penilaian Dan Verifikasi (PPV) adalah untuk memastikan pengetahuan dan kefahaman PPV dari segi panduan, peraturan, penugasan dan pelaksanaan adalah terkini sebelum memperbaharui lantikan.

2. Personel yang Layak Menduduki Penilaian

PPV  yang  telah tamat atau akan tamat tempoh lantikan dan  ingin membuat pembaharuan adalah layak memohon untuk menduduki penilaian ini.  Personel Penilaian Dan Verifikasi yang terlibat adalah terdiri daripada Empat (4) jawatan lantikan iaitu;

i. PPL-SLaPB : Pegawai Pengesah Luaran Sistem Latihan Program Bertauliah;

ii. PPL-SLDN : Pegawai Pengesah Luaran Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional;

iii. PP-PPT : Pegawai Penilai Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu;

iv. PPL-PPT : Pegawai Pengesah Luaran Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu;

3. Tempoh Layak Memohon

Sekurang-kurangnya enam (6) bulan sebelum tamat tempoh lantikan atau telah tamat tempoh.

4. Tatacara Membuat Permohonan

PPV yang berkelayakan perlu membuat permohonan secara atas talian www.myspike.my dengan merujuk kepada pautan:

Pengguna>Permohonan Pengguna>Klik Kursus Induksi>Mohon Kursus Induksi>Pilih “Penilaian Pembaharuan PPV’>Papar Senarai Kursus>  dengan memilih siri penilaian mengikut zon wilayah yang hampir dengan tempat tinggal PPV.

5. Tawaran dan Pengesahan Kehadiran

PPV yang berjaya akan dimaklumkan melalui MySPIKE dan emel. PPV perlu membaca dan memahami setiap kandungan dan lampiran yang disertakan dengan teliti. PPV juga dikehendaki membuat pengesahan kehadiran seperti dinyatakan bersama surat tawaran.

Untuk makluman lanjut mengenai sesi penilaian, sila baca: